iris 2 an Giblean 2012

Cuir air Bhog Launch Welcome Fàilte Well, here it is folks, the official Tachartasan Heritage launch of what has come to be Lochabair Organisations of Welcome known as Howling Events, which Buidhnean West will incorporate both parts of what Còmhairleachan (HOWL)

we are doing here in west Lochaber Duachalsach The Newsletter for Genealogy and Heritage in to welcome the cousins home! We A variety of organisations with West Lochaber in 2014 and beyond sure hope to see you in 2014 interests in the heritage parts of

(though you don't have to wait!). the area. This coalition of groups Launch 1 Apologies to those of you who runs the two strands below. thought the wait would never be An Tilleadh 2014 The Return An Tilleadh 2 over (I was beginning to feel the This is a series of events aimed at same way), but I think you'll find Events 3 helping those who visit the area to the wait worthwhile because we see what it's all about in terms of An Diasporran 4 have some really exciting events the current culture as well as the and activities planned for the next A View 5 heritage that we all share to some

Homecoming, as well as plenty of extent or other. Getting Here in 2014 6 opportunities to meet people and An Diasporran untranslatable! visit places which are important to Who Are We? 7 your heart. A sporran of resources, to help the

Fàilte diaspora, or anybody else, trace Those of you new to us … read on family histories in west Lochaber. and see what's planned and how it This aims to be a rich database 'Can you imagine how I felt being the first of the works. Those of you in the know … which will be the single authority on descendants in over 200 years to stand among the well, same advice, really! 1 stones of their homes where they lived?' our family histories. Bernie Chisholm

An Tilleadh 2014 The Homecoming in Lochaber 2014 iris 2 an Giblean 2012

Dè mu dheidhinn? lives, and why they left. And it's about Glasgow at that time. So we have

What is it all about? the small places, little stone houses, programmed our events leading up to and remote communities, many Games on 30th July. A year or so ago a diaspora cousin, Val Cameron Smith, gave us a real sense of uninhabited now. It's about personal The simple idea is that this is a good stories, real lives, and discovering from the difficulty families whose ancestors span of time to arrive just before people who know a specific area now. lived here have in finding information Stirling, attend the Gathering, then get about their families. Tracing is tricky, In short: out of the Central Belt of time consuming, and expensive. We where accommodation and travel etc should help, she said! are going to be pretty tight and get into

The Homecoming insightful not in clichè

homeland Highlands to see and do. Fair enough. You will see a little more information not interpretation

on that precise topic in the pages below in situ not in theory There is a draft programme of events on An Diasporran. overleaf which gives an idea of what we

are thinking of right now. But it's only However, for the sake of making a Bi Subhach Celebrate! an idea. There will be other stuff, and if 2014 Homecoming visit worth your People left in the clearances and were while, and to be able show you what is you tell us what you would like to see, hard done by, to be sure. But many left then we can certainly try to work that on offer, as well as what is more hidden of their own volition. Whichever it was, in somehow (no promises by the way!). by its 'abandoned' nature, we thought it was a long time ago, and we are all we'd hold a series of events. That way But this will be your holiday, so we'd the result, and that's not so bad, is it? you'll be able to discover more about like to make it as enjoyable as possible. An Tilleadh west Lochaber, more enjoyably. Sruighlea 2014 Stirling 2014

Of course, it is not just about 'this There was a large Gathering event in castle' and 'that monument'. It's about Edinburgh in 2009. Well, in 2014 it will Cuir fios gu 2 the places and the ways our shared be in Stirling on 11-13 July. Many of Contact ancestors lived, the themes of their you will be coming to the Stirling celebrations. And it will undoubtedly be If you want to know more or make a suggestion, get in touch with a thrill (I live half a mile from the Chas Mac Donald at: field!). However, the Commonwealth [email protected] Games will also be gearing up in An Tilleadh 2014 The Homecoming in Lochaber 2014 iris 2 an Giblean 2012

Key July Schedule Na Bataichean 's na h-Eilthirich Air Falbh 's Air Adhart, Music & drama about the 11 Air Falbh 's Air Adhart, Stirling The Boats and the Emigrants leaving of the land. 14 Diaspora Tapestry, Fort William, Roots Days Informal area feature days to see, 15 Cruinneadhadh / Gathering, FW Events 16 Roots Day 1 Drumsallie, Arisaig / , , Alexander Jane feel, and understand family roots with guides. Bardic Festival Readings, learnings, seminars, and 17 Roots Day 2 Kilmallie & Achnacarry, & Allison Lovely Nelly music of the main bards associated with or , , Ailort & Roshven British King Lucy 18 Specific Clan Gathering, FW area descended from the area. Possible tie in with a British Queen Marco Polo book festival. Bardic Festival Air Falbh 's Air Adhart, An Taghadh 1 2 light seminar / conferences Clifton Marmion 19 Roots Day 3 Kinlochmoidart & Dalilea, Ardnish, Loch where you can make a case for your favoured Derry Castle Nora Morar & Tarbet leader as most outstanding of their times of Bardic Festival Dove Sarah 1200 – 1700 (1) and 1700-1900 (2). An Taghadh 1 Fort William Dunkeld St. Lawrence Diaspora Tapestry, A tapestry for 2014 involving 20 Clear day Scottish and diaspora communities. 21 Ness and Culloden, , Inverness, and Friends Tamerlaine Culloden Hector Utopia Turas nan Saighdear A trip around the war and 22 Air Falbh 's Air Adhart, Fort William martial history of the area. 23 Clear day Helen William Tell Sealladh on Bhraighe Aonach Mòr for a sort of 24 Air Falbh 's Air Adhart, Acharacle James Fernie convention and view over Cameron country. Sail trip, Glenfinnan, Glenalladale, Eilean and their passengers' descendants Uist Daytrip, A day trip from Mallaig to Uist Fhionnain, Acharacle Arisaig Highland Games Arisaig Roots Day 4 Eige, , Glenalladale, Arkaig 25 Roots Day 5 Strontian, Acharacle, Muc and Canna Ceò 's ceòl Music and whatever in Armadale, An Taghadh 2 Fort William The theme for 2014 centres around Skye 26 Diaspora Tapestry, Arisaig the passenger / emigrant ships. Tachartasan Turas nan Saighdear 1 – Spean This listing is indicative only. Some events Sealladh on Bhraighe 1 Fort William We will feature events on this, most are operated by, or use venues in the Taigh an Strì, Achnacarry likely at The Gathering on July 15. control of, other organisations and may not 27 Clear day be available. But for the most part, what is 28 Turas nan Saighdear 2

3 here is possible. Sealladh on Bhraighe 2 29 Uist Daytrip, Sea trip Arisaig Games Barbeque Arisaig

30 Arisaig Games Village Parade Beachdan Èile? Arisaig Highland Games Arisaig Other Ideas? Specific Clan Gathering Arisaig Games 31 Feature event Arisaig Tell us 01 Ceò 's ceòl Skye and Armadale [email protected] An Diasporran The Homecoming in Lochaber 2014 iris 2 an Giblean 2012

Dè mu dheidhinn? Saor Obraiche Volunteer

What is it all about? Can you help? Can you enter data onto the database? Valerie's most important suggestion A Bheil Stòr Data Agaibh? was centralising family history info in Do you have a database? This is not for the faint hearted! And one place, so researchers can search, there will only be a very few people … or even a family tree that you have confidenct that they are likely to get allowed to do it, and then only with the built up? Would you be willing to access to most of what is available. proper training. But if you think you

THE Resource donate it to An Diasporran? can do it, if you have some time to Well, it's a big ask! However, that is If so, please get in touch, but please give, please get in touch. what we are going to try to do. We

don't send anything to us at this time. have two big databases committed at We're terrified of the amount of data present to construct the core. we are going to have to wade through But other databases exist, and we'd like as it is! to incorporate them too. The more we We are quite aware that some will can put into this effort, the easier it will have only paper records, some will be be for others to find their antecedents. entirely electronic, some will be in Clearly there are a whole array of proprietary genealogy software. considerations that go into such a That's how it goes! But if you can tell generous donation. So we are building us roughly how much you have, which

An Diasporran a series of protocols for how An clans, septs, branches, families it Diasporran will be used, what concerns, and how many individuals information it will hold, who will get are on it (approximately), we can

access to it, and where. In short, all of start to prioritise the work. 4 the processes expected of a database Some of you have already been in of sensitive information.

touch regarding your databases. don't worry, we haven't forgotten, and will get back to you! An Tilleadh 2014 iris 2 an Giblean 2012 The Homecoming in Lochaber 2014

How might it look? it How might

An Sealladh?

5 This is a mockup of what we think the And of course, if you discover that you final database may look like. Clearly have information, or if you spot errors,

not all records are going to have all the you will be able to contact the database information, but we would hope that we editor to make an alert. would have a fair bit for each one. a' Ruigeadh 's a' Faighnich iris 2 an Giblean 2012 Getting Here and Contacting Us

a' Ruigsinn Getting Here a' Bhith an Seo Being Here Fios Bhuainn Contacting Us So, you're so excited to come! It may Many people think of Scotland as the At this point it is dead simple: Click the seem a long way off, but for planning best wee country in the world. And it is big email address and tell us what you it's actually nearer than it might seem. too! But distances are often misleading. want to know! Visitng

To make things easier organising [email protected] group travel may cut costs. An Tilleadh 2014 is happy to OK OK, we know we don't have the Several people have indicated they try to co-ordinate with your group if scale of most of the diaspora! But it can would be willing to help with stuff furth

that would be helpful, although we take four hours from Edinburgh to Fort of Scotland, and that will be very won't be able to do the booking etc. William - four days if you stop to take helpful! We will be in touch soon! every beautiful picture!!! Even within However, in time, we may be able to What we'd really like at this point in arrange contacts and supports with Lochaber it can take an hour and a half time is two little things: to get from one end to the other. You travel companies which may cut costs. Firstly, let us know if you have family may need vehicles, so rental might be If this will help, please get in touch. history you'd donate to An Diasporran. important to you. Again, we will try to For instance, Mary Gallant of the Prince make some connections for you, and Secondly, let us know of events would Edward Island Scottish Settlers again you might be able to organise interest you and others. 2014 should Historical Society is heroically checking some sharing if it suits. address your desires, not just the usual flight charters from Maritime . a' Cùir Cèilidha' Cùir oirnn served on the same old plate. Bear in Mary truly is one of the Clann Tilleadh!! However, the major tours will be mind, though, the schedule is already conducted by bus travel so everybody Linking up with that may make some pretty full, and we want to keep Roots keeps up, no one gets lost, and you can sense for you, even if you are in the NE Days so you can see, feel, and all make connections. We'll keep you 6 USA, perhaps. It could be noisy though understand in more personal terms. up to date on those things as we go … it looks like half her extended family along. And thirdly (!), do you have any stories is coming! etc that might make this newsletter less businesslike and more people oriented. See Bernie Chisholm's quote on the front page, for instance.

Arisaig Highland Games, sponsoring organisation for HOWL, and fast becoming the best Games in the West Highlands

West Word, Local and international media partner, and twice Cò 's Càite? winner of the Community Newspaper Awards

Who are We and Where Do We Cover? Lochaber Archives, part of HighLife Highland. An excellent These opposite formed Howling Events on resource for historians in Lochaber Feb 22nd 2012 as Associate Groups. Please visit the websites for more info on An Comunn Eachdraidh Àrasaig, Arisaig's history society, a them and other resources they offer. source for the real grass roots information on the area

Lochaber and North Family History Group, a rich resource for family history

Mallaig Heritage Centre, An excellent centre for information and knowledge on Mallaig, fishing, railways, crafting, environment, and diverse other things.

Land, Sea, and Islands Centre, Arisaig's excellent small information centre with lots of interpretive material on the village and its history, including SOE, wildlife, and much more.

Prince Edward Island Scottish Settlers Historical Society, To collect and preserve history, genealogy, artifacts, & folklore of the early Scottish Immigrants to P. E. I.

West Highland College, part of the University of the Highlands and Islands 'Can you imagine how I felt being the first of the descendants in over 200 years to stand among the Clan Donald Centre, Armadale, Skye, A rich resource for stones of their homes where they lived?' information about the Mac Donalds. Bernie Chisholm