

Abogado advocate; attorney at law. Acemilero royal muleteer in charge of pack-horses and mules. Actas proceedings established in the Cortes between city represen- tatives and royal authorities. Adelantamientos Muslim taifa jurisdictions that were conquered by Christian monarchs and distributed into four appellate jurisdictions: (1) de Castilla (which included the of ); (2) de León, Asturias y Galicia; (3) de Murcia, and (4) de la frontera (the jurisdictions contested between Aragon and Castile). royal appellate judges of the adelantamientos; by the sixteenth century these offi ces had become hereditary and elements of royal merced. Alabarderos de pie halberdiers of the royal guard and royal defense depart- ment. Alcabala royal sales tax set by the Cortes, regularized at 3.5 percent by the 1523 Cortes. Constituted between eighty to ninety percent of the king’s revenue. Alcaide military commander of royal fortifi cation. judge. Alcalde de casa y corte judge of the royal household (casa y corte), having jurisdiction within fi ve leagues of the itinerant royal court. Alcalde de crimen judge serving in an audiencia or chancillería and who handled cases of criminal justice. Alcalde hijosdalgo judge of the chancillerías of Valladolid and Granada who handled hidalguía litigation and cases regarding servicio tax exemption. Alcalde mayor seigniorial or royal town appellate judge appointed by the town lord. mayores lawyers trained in civil and criminal law who assisted the (e.g., ). Alcaldes mayores de Galicia threesome of jurists handling appeals in the . judge appointed by municipal council. Alcalde pedáneo annual judge in aldea elected annually by citizens of the munici- pality. Alcaldía mayor jurisdiction of the alcalde mayor determined by the boundaries of the . Aldea municipality without a functioning municipal council. Alferecía disease affl icting infants causing convulsions. Alfoz jurisdiction of municipality determined by its territorial boundary. Alguacil municipal police offi cer. Alguaziles de casa y corte deputies at arms in the royal court. Aposentador surveyor of royal needs related to habitation and residence. Arrendamiento tax-farming contract. Artillero head gunner in charge of the king’s artillery. 304 glossary of castilian terms

Asiento appointment with salary compensation; business contract. Asiento de costa y de ración per diem benefi ts for royal servants. Audiencia royal appellate court above the and alcaldía mayor. Ayuda de costa per diem benefi ts that were allotted triennially. municipal council and its platform of local citizen participation. Ballesteros archers of the royal guard and defense depart- ment. Ballesteros de marca crossbowmen of the royal guard. Bastarda con lanzas (a la estradiota) royal armored horsemen of the defense department. Bordados dorados sedas silk luxury items. Buenas letras qualifi cation of a royal judge based on education and experience. Cacique Mesoamerican whose lordship over municipal juris- dictions predated the conquest of Mexico. Caballero knight and vassal of the monarch. Caballeriza royal stables. Caballerizo mayor master of the horse who supervised royal transporta- tion needs, vehicles, packing cases, horses, and supply of fodder. municipal voting bloc within the municipal council; each bloc distinguished by memberships in local guilds, local associations, and/or neighborhoods. Cabildo eclesiástico canons of the cathedral. Cámara de Castilla sub-division of the consejo de Castilla that managed the king’s distribution of extra-legal services related to merced and privileges from titles of nobility to tax exemptions. Camarera mayor grand chamberlain of the royal court. Camareras chamberlains of the royal court. Camarero royal court servant and steward. Capellán chaplain. Capellán mayor grand chaplain. Capilla chapel. Capitán de la guarda española captain of the royal bodyguard of the royal defense department. Capítulos petitions formulated by the procuradores of the Cortes. Carta puebla charter or local constitution negotiated between the municipal council and the king. Casa de contratación House of Trade; accounting fi rm in Seville that handled transatlantic trade and commerce. Casa y corte itinerant royal household and court. Catedrático university professor having achieved the highest academic promotion. Cavallerizo mayor grand master of the royal stable. Cazador mayor grand master of falconry. Cédula royal order or confi rmation. Censo municipal-based annuity usually based on alcabala revenue. Chancillería regional royal appellate courts; the court in Valladolid held jurisdiction north of the Tajo River; the court in Granada held jurisdiction south of the Tajo.