History of Watertown Arsenal
WATERTOWN FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 4868 00080 2132 /*-r A 2 v History of Watertown Arsenal, Watertown, Massachusetts, Prepared.in 1928, C U ^ u L ^ r J i ry CT A K~i / 2} i / \ -w t H ist o r ic a l S o c ie t y •~W fflW T ii liliiiiii mu mi a i WATERTOWN HIST 355.709 ARS 1928 — - History of Watertown Arsenal, Watertown, Massachusetts. Prepared In 1928* The President of the United States in 1800 established, under Section I of the Act of Congress approved April 2, 1794, at Charlestown, Mass., a United States Arsenal to supply ordnance to the army and organized militia in the Hew England States. The purchase of the site by the United States was author ized by an Act of the Legislature of the Conaaonwealth of Massachusetts approved June 17, 1800# This act gave the consent of the common wealth for the United States "to purchase a tract of land situated in the northeasterly part of the town of Charlestown, in the county of Middlesex, adjoining and bounded on two sides by Charles and Mystic Rivers not exceeding sixty-five acres, exclusive of flats, for the purpose of a Havy or Dock yard or both of them, and erecting maga zines, arsenals, and other needful buildings * * * * ”. 35 acres of land were purchased in 1800 from Dr. Aaron Putnam for $37,356.00. Small arms, small arms ammunition, field and siege guns and carriages, powder and projectiles, personal and horse equipments, implements, accessories, cleaning and preserving materials and spare parts were kept in store and Issued.
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