Tut 149s1 @ SC2017

Application Porting & Optimization on GPU-accelerated POWER Architectures

Best practices for porting scientific applications

Christoph Hagleitner, [email protected]

IBM Research - Zurich Lab Evaluation


Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 2 Agenda

§ (open)POWER for HPC: differentiating features

§ Porting a complex application: CPMD

§ Large-scale AI / Machine Learning

§ Dense Storage

§ Conclusion

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 3 S822LC: IBM POWER8+ for HPC

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 4 OpenPOWER Core Technology Roadmap

Connect-IB ConnectX-4 ConnectX-6 Mellanox FDR Infiniband EDR Infiniband HDR Infiniband Interconnect PCIe Gen3 CAPI over PCIe Gen3 Enhanced CAPI over PCIe Gen4

Kepler Pascal Volta GPUs PCIe Gen3 NVLink Enhanced NVLink

POWER8 POWER8’ POWER9 IBM CPUs PCIe Gen3 & NVLink & CAPI Enhanced NVLink, CAPI Interface OpenCAPI & PCIe Gen4

NVLINK 25G Accelerator Link PCIe Gen3 5x 7-10x Accelerator GPU GPU GPU Links 1x FPGA 4x FPGA FPGA PCIe Gen4 2015 2016 2017

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 5 OpenCAPI v3.0 and NVLINK 2.0 with POWER9


2 CAPI v2 Proxy Cores PCIe Accelerator Card P9 P9 CAPP CAPP PHB Core Core PCIe FPGA

Gen4 SNAP Action0 Memory PSL OpenCAPI and NPU Action1 NVLink processing unit 25G

Memory Device or Network OpenCAPI NVIDIANVIDIA PascalNVIDIA GPU AcceleratorOpenCAPI Pascal GPU - Streaming Layer for CAPI v1.0+ OpenCAPICardOpenCAPI Pascal GPU AcceleratorAccelerator - Simplifies accelerator StorageAcceleratorCard Class development and use MemoryCardCard - Supports High-Level-Synthesis PCIe Gen 4 x 48 lanes – 192 GB/s duplex bandwidth CAPI SNAP SNAP (HLS) for FPGA development 25G Link x 48 lanes – 300 GB/s duplex bandwidth - Available as open source Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 6 Looking Ahead: POWER9 Accelerator Interfaces Extreme Accelerator Bandwidth and Reduced Latency – PCIe Gen 4 x 48 lanes – 192 GB/s peak bandwidth (duplex) – IBM BlueLink 25Gb/s x 48 lanes – 300 GB/s peak bandwidth (duplex) Coherent Memory and Virtual Addressing Capability for all Accelerators – CAPI 2.0 - 4x bandwidth of POWER8 using openCAPI PCIe Gen 4 – NVLink 2.0 – Next generation of GPU/CPU openCAPI bandwidth and integration using BlueLink – OpenCAPI – High bandwidth, low latency and open interface using BlueLink

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 7 Porting a Complex HPC Application to POWER + GPUs § Heterogeneous systems (eg, CPU/GPU) are key to reach exascale

§ OpenPOWER systems combining CPUs and GPUs address key issues on the road to scalable acceleration – Compute density – Data density/BW – Coherent memory space

§ Thus there is a need to port computational science codes to heterogeneous systems. This requires algorithm rethinking and code reengineering in order to fully exploit next generation of heterogeneous architectures.

§ Today's showcase: electronic structure code CPMD

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 8 OpenPOWER EcoSystem

§ POWER-optimized libraries & compilers – Advanced toolchain https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/wikis/home?lang=en#!/wiki/W51a7ffcf4dfd_4b40_9d82_446ebc23c550/page/IBM%20Advance%20Toolchain%2 0for%20PowerLinux%20Documentation – XL-compilers https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/groups/community/xlpower/ – ESSL https://www-03.ibm.com/systems/power/software/essl/

§ GPU optimization – CUDA – CUDNN – openGL

§ PowerAI

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 9 Agenda

§ (open)POWER for HPC: differentiating features

§ Porting a complex application: CPMD

§ AI / Machine Learning

§ Dense Storage

§ Conclusion

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 10 Car–Parrinello Molecular Dynamics: CPMD § Shown to scale to very large systems § Numerous showcases, eg, Li-Air batteries

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 11 Introduction: Kohn–Sham equations Observation: § Each iteration step require at least N x 3D FFT (inverse/forward)

We focused on: § Construction of the electronic density

§ Applying the potential to the wavefunctions

§ Orthogonalization of the wavefunctions

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 12 Parallelization: Distributed Memory and 3D FFT

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 13 Limited Scalability in Standard 3D FFT

Each processor takes a number of whole planes …

… very good scheme for small – medium sized computational platforms

… but observe that scalability is limited by the number of planes across the Z-direction!

... which is in the order of a few hundred

Thus: not appropriate for a massively parallel system

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 14 3D FFTs Using Task Groups

§ Loop across the number of electrons. Each iteration requires 1 3D FFT. § Hierarchical parallelism*: Assign to each Task Group a number of iterations

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 15 3D FFTs Using Task Groups § task groups of processors will work on different eigenstates concurrently § number of processors per group: Ideally the one that achieves the best scalability for the original parallel 3D FFT scheme

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 16 GPU Porting: Construction of the electronic density

§ The reverse Fourier transform of the N states φ(G) is distributed over the NS streams that work concurrently. § Each stream is assigned to a CPU thread. § Each stream transforms a state φ(G) to the corresponding density (1D FFT – all2all – 2D FFT)

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 17 GPU Porting: Applying the potential to the wavefunctions

§ The reverse and forward Fourier transforms as well as the application of the potential V to the N states are distributed over NS streams that work concurrently. § Each stream is assigned to a CPU thread. § Each stream transforms a state φ(G) to φ(r) (1D FFT – all2all – 2D FFT). The potential is applied and the result back transformed (2D FFT – all2all – 1D FFT).

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 18 GPU Porting: Orthogonalization via block Gram-Schmidt

§ we seek the orthogonalized coefficient matrix

§ the coefficients of the expansion of φ(G) on the plane-wave basis is block-partitioned column- wise into n blocks of size b. § the block Gram–Schmidt scheme loops over the n blocks Ci and orthogonalizes them one after the other

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 19 GPU Porting: Orthogonalization via block Gram-Schmidt

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 20 GPU Porting: Orthogonalization via block Gram-Schmidt

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 21 GPU Porting: Orthogonalization via block Gram-Schmidt

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 22 Data Transfer (Initialization) § 2 socket Power8 (Minsky and Firestone) – PCIe attached K80 GPU on Firestone – NVlink attached P100 GPU on Minsky § Data transfer volume ~100 GB (HtoD & DtoH) § Overall results – Data transfer overhead too high on Firestone (slower than CPU) – Crossover on Minsky (faster than CPU)

Firestone Minsky.

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 23 Benchmark w/ Minsky § Minsky (20-cores / P100) § 128 water box, 100Ry, GTH § 20 MPI / 1 Threads

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 24 Agenda

§ (open)POWER for HPC: differentiating features

§ Porting a complex application: CPMD

§ AI / Machine Learning

§ Dense Storage

§ Conclusion

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 25 Deep Learning on openPOWER: PowerAI

Package of Pre-Compiled Easy to install & get started Optimized for Performance Major Deep Learning with Deep Learning with To Take Advantage of Frameworks Enterprise-Class Support NVLink

Enabled by High Performance Computing Infrastructure

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 26 PowerAI Deep Learning Software Distribution

Caffe NVCaffe IBMCaffe Torch Deep Learning Frameworks Distributed TensorFlow TensorFlow Theano Chainer

Supporting OpenBLAS Bazel Distributed NCCL DIGITS Libraries Communications

Cluster of NVLink Spectrum Scale: Scale to Servers High-Speed Parallel Cloud Accelerated File System Servers and Infrastructure for Scaling

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 27 Distributed Deep Learning

[P. Goldsborough] Gradient/weight (10MB-1GB)


Data parallelism : Parm-Server Model parallelism (complex partitioning)

Data parallelism : Allreduce

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 28 Multinode Scaling: Theano-MPI

§ multi-node, multi-GPU training § relies on CUDA-aware MPI (fast inter- GPU memory exchanges) § Half precision parameter transfers support to further reduce parameters overhead, while summing them at full precision

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 29 Multinode Scaling: Tensorflow

§ two types of jobs: ps & worker § each worker owns a network replica and performs inference and backpropagation § each ps stores part of the graph, updates local parameters, and sends updated parameters to workers § used TensorFlow 1.2.1 for experiments

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 30 Tensorflow Multinode Performance for ResNet and Inception § Multi node performance – ResNet-50 (upper) – InceptionV3 (lower) § trained with different cluster configurations. § Every line connects three experiments. § All three experiments are run with the same number of workers (1, 2, 4 or 8), each worker having 1, 2 or 4 GPUs. § In multi-worker experiments, each worker is hosted on a different node. § Dashed lines show ideal scalability.

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 31 Agenda

§ (open)POWER for HPC: differentiating features

§ Porting a complex application: CPMD

§ AI / Machine Learning

§ Dense Storage

§ Conclusion

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 32 Storage

Delay in microseconds

20 0.1 3


30 30 1 20000

NVM access NVRAM access HDD seek Block IO NVM access Block IO User Level IO user mapped HW

• HD: Block IO stack efficient • NVM: Block IO stack becomes bottleneck • NVRAM etc: User mapped hardware, lib integration + …byte granular access

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 33 DSS: High Performance Distributed Shared Storage Stack

§ Cover all types of SCM with one industry standard interface (OpenFabrics Verbs) and enable global sharing.

§ Integrate Storage Class Memory access with industry standard RDMA communication stack.

§ Use RDMA for global sharing

§ to be open sourced

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 34 DSS Host Software Layering



Linux kernel SAL DSS SAL SAL-SPL-IF kIF BDEV ByteDEV . . . OFA OFA SPL Storage IF’s

Local Storage Devices RDMA NIC

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 35 DSS Host Software Stack: Details

§ OFA RDMA interface DSSD

File buffer Application Registered § Local NVMe attachment buffer OpenFabrics Lib – Generic device driver DSA Lib – Also works for any block dev User device mapped endpoint 0copy – Byte granular access management resources: QP/CQ I/O operation • Read-Modify-Write for block dev OS § Global sharing Linux FS OFA Core DSA block – Global access space driver DSA

– IB/RDMA integration Storage Abstraction Layer/Global Sharing – Flexibly configurable RDMA NVMe/block driver – User level dssd process Interface

– dsssh command shell Kernel IO

I/O SSD Flash card RDMA NW card SSD registered NVM

OpenFabrics DSS RDMA network link

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 36 Example DSS Resource Configuration

shared host host shared local DSS host GS1 shared local DSS GS0

host local shared host shared • Mix of local and shared DM resources • Multiple shared DM partitions possible • Partitions may overlap

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 37 RPC Protocol for distributed Access

client/server 0 server 1 server 2 read

RPC request RPC request NVMe IO NVMe IO NVMe IO


RPC reply RPC reply complete

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 38 IOPs and BW on 16 Nodes: 16 Clients

9 50 8 45 7 40

35 /s 6 30 5

25 GByte 4 20 Million IOPs 3 15 2 10 1 5 0 0 32 512 2048 8192 65536 Bytes

random read sequential read random write sequential write mixed 50 % read/write (IOPs)

16 clients, 16 servers, queue depth 1024, average from 2 x 10 seconds runs

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 39 Core-Neuron benchmark: RepLib mini-app ported to DSS §Bandwidth using distributed DSS vs standard I/O §Significant bandwidth gains!

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 40 FPGA Technology: Parallel, pipelined l Highly parallel designs

l e.g. >100 AES or image scaling cores l Deep pipeline

l FPGA advantage comes from instruction complexity * parallelism * pipeline stages

l Often >> 10x, makes up for lower frequency (~250MHz vs. ~3GHz)

l Limit: available FPGA resources l Control data flow dynamically, e.g. select min of 4 values

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 41 CAPI SNAP Framework : the whole picture

Application Action

Process C Slave ContextProcess B PSL/AXI bridge (simplified) Slave Context DRAM Process A Host DMA on-card Slave Context SNAP Job Action 3 libraryQueue SNAP Job Control libraryQueue “Go” SNAP Job HDK: Action 1 libcxl library Queue Job Manager CAPI CAPI AXI NVMe libcxl “VHDL” AXI cxl PSL Job Action 2 libcxl cxl Queue “C/C++” cxl MMIO Network (TBD)

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 42 Summary § 300+ members working on open innovation (… many for HPC)

Implementation, HPC & Research


System Integration

I/O, Storage & Acceleration

Boards & Systems

Chips & SoCs

Monday, November 13, 2017 IBM Zurich Research Lab 43 But be willing take incremental steps when you can!

IBM Zurich Research Lab 44