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The Anchor, Volume 33.34: June 15, 1921

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Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 33.34: June 15, 1921" (1921). The Anchor: 1921. Paper 21. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1921/21 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 33, Issue 33, June 15, 1921. Copyright © 1921 Hope College, Holland, Michigan.

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Volume XXXIII HOPE COLLEGE, Holltnd, Michigan, June IS, 1921 Y. W. C. A. SUNSET MEETING HOPE'S FIFTY-SIXTH AT MACATAWA CLASS OF *96 pONATES FLAG ALUMNI CONVOCATION POLE; TO HOPE BACCALAIHIEATE BY ~ COMMENCEMENT The "Y'' girls held their last week- TWO.HUNDRED GUESTS PRES ly meeting for the year on the yellow Surely the alumni of Hope are ENT REV. JOHN A. INGHAM EXERCISES BRING MANY sartda of Mac at a Wa beach. With tiie loyal to their Ahna Mater. Tuesday goldien sun slowly sinking into the FRIENDS TO THE CITY afternoon at 4:30 o'clock the class SECRETARY OF PROGRESS CAM- amlber tinted waters of Lake Michi- Dr. Van Da Vries Is tka Principal of '96 presented an steel flag- PAIGN GIVES .TIMELY gan, 80 girts, with EW^beth Zwe- EUven , States \and Two Foreign Spaalcer pole to our college. Dr. Dimnent MESSAGE Countries Represented In Class mer as aongi leader, joined in sing- and Dr. Van de Vries were the only of 1921 in|g old liavorite hyimns, and listened On Wednesday evening, the 56th two memibers of the class present. The 5&tih Annual Baccalaureate to Prances Thorns and Jeanette Van annual Alumni Banquet was held in Dr. Diirtnent presided, while Dr. service was held! last Sunday even- The fifty-ftflth Cotfnmencelmeint ex- der Ploeg, as tlhey spoke with mucfti Voorhees Hall, as has been the cus- Van de Vries gave a short address. ing at tlhe Third Church, in spite Micisea of Hope College were held imjpressiveness of the joy and inspir- tom for the last few years. At 6:30 His speech was to the point and was of the warm weather, the auditoriom .Wednesday evening in Carnegie ation and practical benefit that the the guests assemlWed, the associa- an inspiration which aroused an ap- and the gallery were filled fifteen Gynuiasium. There were a host 01 Y. W. C. A. haid given them during tion being larger by flfity-one grad- preciation of the big things of Hope. minutes Ibefore time. The usual Hop® friends and relatives present to wit- their four years at Hope, and of how uates. A bounteous repast was The flag-pole was erected in honor Collegie Processional, ^The Son of ness the conferring of the degree of tihese influence should serve to make served under the direction of the of their deceased class-mate Harr> God Goes Forth to War," was song Bachelor of Arts upon the ftftiy^one- tlhe girls who graduate, stronger and College Y. W. C. A. J. Wierarum, who was one of the by the graduating class as they memlbere of the graduating class. nofcler and finer women. Arfter the dinner the retiring Hope Messengers to Araibia. marched into the building. They The procession marched into the It was a meeting, which mingled president. Rev. C. P. Dame of Trin- The President of the Student remained sOanding in the pefws while audiftorium singing one of our Pro- sweet memories of past fellowship ity church of this city, took chaige. Council made a few remarks. He Dr. Dimnent pronounced the invo- cesfiionaJfl. The one used was writ- and friendships with present regret The program was arranged on the said that Hope College was not only dation. MIns. Reuben Maurlts of ten several years ago by Mrs. Mar- at severing these friendships. To decade plan, a speaker from every for the denomination, but also for Grand Rapids sang "Song of the Seniors who are leaving us, we garet B. Sangsiter after paying a class haviing the numeral one. The the country. Speaking for the stu- ThaniflBgiving'> by AlUrton. Then wlho remain, extend our dearest wish- visit to Hope College. The words first speaker was the Rev. John Hoff- dent body, he thaniked the class of Dr. Vermema, President Emeritus of are sung to the tune of (4The Son es for tiheir success and true happi- man, Class of 71, of Holland, Michi- '96 for the gift. Hope College, read the Scripture, of God Goes Forth to War.'* Con- ness in the future. As they have gan. Rev. Hoffman is the only liv- Miss Jennie Euigh and Henrieitta after which Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pen- stituting the processioni were the guided and helped us • while they ing memlber of the class of 50 years Keizer sang "America, the Beauti- ton of Grand Rapids sang very beau- were with us, so shall our memory of members of the A Class, the Seniors, ago. The class numbered seven,— ful. " The raising of the flag was in tifully from Mendedesohn's "Hytnn , the Faculty, and the Council of the them be an inspiration to us in all men. charge of Wells Thome, Aas't Scout of Praise." Dr. Saimiei M. Zwemer CoUege. After all had taken their striving toward the goal of the Blue The class of '81 was represented Master of the Holland Boy Scouts. wtoo has just recently returned from seats Rev. A. Oatarhof of Thayer, Triangle. by Dr. G. J. Diekema of Holland. Because of the rope« and taoldee, he %)ypt and the Near East, offered Indiana, pronounced the invocation! He gave an interesting speech in his had some difficulty in raising the prayer. .The offering for the even- . The commencement program was Mail Hope High School pledge to usual happy srtyle and paid a very flag. A1 Kingana came to the rewue ing was g*ven for Hope College. A very much like the program of Garret De Jong, Orange City, Iowa. fine compliment to Mr. Riemerema, Dr. Dimnent expressed his hope qwlartet consisting of Mr. and Mrs. other years. There were addresses principal of the Holland High school, that the claas of '96 expected to be Femton, Miss Mjyrtle Beach and WiU given by memlbers of the class. Sev- with us at least another 25 years. Hs Dieketma sang "The Still Small FRATERNALS ENJOY ANNUAL whose father was a chassmate of Dr. eral moisical numlbeirs were also ren- DieJcema. Voice," by Hamfclem, whale the offer- dered. They were: A vocal Trio, BANQUET HOPE PREPARATORY SCHOOL Rev. John Van der Meulen of ing was received. At this time the Misses Olive Boland, Margaret and Louisville, Ky., was to have spoken HOLD CLASS DAY EXER. audience was given an oportunity to Grace Peet; Piano Haven there are easentiaHy two chapters. stated that the preachers are not SENIOiR S conditions of the times, tracing the and Professor W. Wichers r^onded The first chapter is fte pre-human keeping in close enough touch with cause for the unrest to the heart, with toasts that enriched the life of chapter. ft is the story of Ood'i the world outside of the church. The and offering ^TOlution. which by its each one present with a wealth of process of meUdng the magnificient association was fortunate in having Pronxptliy at 8:30 A. ikL. Tuesday very n^Uife can 'heal all our dis- laughter and albo with true messages, background ready for the final ap- Dr. Van de Vries present. morning tlhe Seniors might be seen eased In bidding a last farewell to deep^elt from the heart. Prater De pearance of his greatest creature, /Besides the speeches, beautiful wendin gjtheir way to Voorhees Dor- citizens of Holland, the Council Wolf acted as toastmaster with hap- music was rendered. Miss Helene mitory. After congregating in the jnan. Notice a few of the outstand- of the College, and the faouty and py introductions and keen, repartee, ing facts concerning this great back- Van Raalte and Afr. Prins reception room and exchanging students, he spoke very thantafully while Praters D. Van Putt en, R. ground whfich God prepared for hu- sang a charming diuet, and Miss greetings with one another, the com- of the influences which their asso- Blocker, and T. Yntema, on the part pany moved to the dining room, There is His great power, of the active memjbershap, played the EHzaJbeth Zwettver gave a violin solo. ciations had hiad upon them as indi- where M]% Durfee had arranged to seen, for example, in the imensity of viduals. It was a very fitting close to wit and orator with equal facility. Mlnil Hope High School pledge to entertain them with a sunnptuous me sun. In round figures, the sun the program. Praters Bloemendahl and Teunis Garret De Jong, Orange {City, Iowa. spread. After full justice had been gives forth two thousand million Prins rendered vocal siolos that it After coniferring the degrees of done to the breakfast, the hostes times as much as the earth can possi- Was sheer enjoyment to hear. Finally Bachelor of Aits upon the graduat- arose and gave a short talk in which bly catch. The workfc upon world# the new Praters' Song rang out with ing classi, Dr. Dimnent announced The large attendance of alumni, sflie reviewed briefly the history of ****> inhabit infinitude are aH ex- the good, vigorous enthusiasm that that the Council of Hope College their generous contributions and the class, and wished them Godspeed examiples of His great power. There aDways chanacterizes the 0. K. E. was pleased to conier the following their enthusiasm, the 'Vast-master" on "their way. Thereupon all ad- is also the varsatiKty of God's intel- Some sought the lap of Morpheus honorary degrees: Ma«ter of Arts, wit and deper current of service at journed to the entrance of the build- lecfcial life. Wh*t a variety in na- at once, while others lingered to pay James Stegeman, John Klaaren, the bamquet—bill characterize this ing where Paul Coster was waiting hire! When we lay hold of God, the their vows at the shrine of Venus be^ John Mulder, James Burggraaff, A. reunion as one of the worth-while to form a lasting impression of the wprty of variety is iHtmdtaUe. And fore a last "Good night," . # (Continued on Page S) experiences of a college course. class of 1921. «h«n, think of His wooderful sense of (Oontlnufd on P«ft 8) —


PAGE TWO THE HOLLAND CITY NEWS is the address, given by the valedic- beamed to aMweciate and love, and I/V ME MORI AM TW"^ US and our soul's happineBa. toriaro. Perhaps tlie reaeon for this will dherish long in mieinory. Ufi- (For He of Death the Victor is. ®bp Antlfor foiige)tfiuln.ess is legitimate. lit seems dombtedly they will come back again — if the average valedictorian is not to visiit those ckssroomB and hallh, a8 Dark is the veil of gltoom now drawn ^nd of Deaths death the dirge doth Piblithtd 6f#ry Wednodty during tb# Col- conE|ciou8 0f ^ ^ whiich hlas been hut the old perplexing student-pro- i»gt ym by .tudenU of Hope Ooliegs. ^ ^ of hi8 fe6eor have vanished. drum. O'er all our hearts, so laitely glad— BOARD OF EDITORS arahdp. In mlany cases it is an a/t- They willl have become ''of the temipit to overwhellm the audience in- world ", and srtudente days will have And those who knew him, now are j know he lives, he is not dead, •« .JfUpMBSS DEPARTMENT to foumble sulbanissiveneas by a flow become a part of the pia»t. sad, . . John of words and phirases which, while It is to the Senior that .the Ancihor For, lo, the lighlt of life hiath gone. fMy faith can see beyond the grave Ttnnt;.. .. r.a.. 11.60 p« ftar in v\w they may savor of acholarshiip as tar extendb its most meaningCul "au re- Singlt ^OpfUi.-- • Otnto M To wihere the soul-«aved victoa^*,. ' • • •• as rhetoric is comcerned, yet are voir. It hopes to see you again. It , i, l, Wave ptortd,edMtorn|tB B.S'on il08, Art fearfully ladking in plain eommon- will be under a new relationship, it Gone is the gmilte that lately shone. The vector's wreath placed on their S Wi 1»17 .'.tborlMd October 1«, sense supported by a deep heart- is true, but thds new reilationshj|P can- head. —Winfield Boirggraaff l9^8* feeKnsr. not obliterate the oM comradeshiip of Gone is the greeting, kind and clear

,f^.. , the days that are gone. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION T1>e valedictory spoken for the A ^ the oth<.r day iGone is (the helping hand, e 'er near, PLEASES LARGE AUDIENCE. The need of the hour is not more ela9S of '21 t0 our ",'in<1- 8 ve,ry dcmarked that "it w^s sftiU the same Hope Students Can Still- Speak factories or materials, not more rail- example of « vakdjc- ^ an(j e^erything-wasn't Gone is a friend—I'm all alone. Dutch 11 18 not 90 luch roads or ateamBhips, not more armies " ^ beautiful .t,,, He ^ it with a amile| ,but it or,more na^i®, hut rather more edu- ph™«.n® and good vocabuJary tha ^ a ^ dei^Wtfu! .mile. On Monday night the Ulifilas So- Gone is a man who walked with God; ca^ion .based on the plain teaching Mpre^ed us, as .the ,t was 0M could rea<1 on fcu face ciety gave its annual program be- th€ of Jeaus. The profiperity of our ex/prereion of a burdened SOT . that ^ .lg3me olld singing" wts fore an audience that filled Carne- The Who often in a lonely hour courttry (kipeowfa on the motives and because he ha a re(min(igcmt of hajwy Chapel hours gie Gytmnasium to more than ca- ^ peoipOe. These mo- me^ge. He M not have a message of years gon€ by ^ us g)lad; pacity. Each year, except last, the Talked with a heart-reviving power tives and purposes are directed in the because he had to f|peak on thlS OC' we thought that some day we wanted Holland speaking students of the right course only through religion. casIon- . ... to come toadk, as he had, to hear tfilat 9 college prepare an all^Dutch pro- And kept me true to his owm God. -Lecialatiion bounties or force, are of There are a few expreaaons which oW ^n^ing" al?ain. We know gram for the benefit, and in honor no avladl in detaining man's atti- h«ve with us- 9peaker that yo«, the CJass of '21, will want of the older Holland people of this id the community. In years past, women tude toward life. Harmony at home ** of the race ay toi too. The sun/beams glitter thru the trees, in with "the world will only the Potency oftihe ideal which the were denied the privilege of partici- and peace An revoir. race had set for itself. If that ideal pation in this program, but this year be determined in the same way The birds on wirtg are ibKthe and gay. is imipotenit, it naturally follows that President Dimnent asserted that he iReQigion, life, everyt|ung else of ^ uplift is not felt. The condition could see no reason why they should Y. M. C. A. While June^ sweet flowers both Value, must fbe taught. It is pos- 0£ wo^(j today is so sad because he excluded, especially when they Although examinations wer3 pend- night and dfey siihle to get more religion in indu- people are finding out the im{potency could make the program more at- . , - ing, and, in spite of the fact that Force every human to his knees. try and buauiess only through the of their ideals. old gods, and the there waa ^ of w(>nk. ^ ^ donei a tractive. Educational Secretary dewelopmant of Christian education aljtare( a,nd ghrines are falling away, , n(urn|be(r of came to Raap, formerly Professor of Dutch * • and leadership. With the forces of ^ that the world has nowhere to lay the ^ m6eting of the 9chool year. And so I kneel, for kneel I must: language and Literature, had charge evil backed by men and money, ays- the burdens which are bending it ^ was a Sen5or mwting ^ le<1 It seems there must be some One of the program. During his absence tematically organized to destroy, we low. it is a time of despair. by ^ Sen.or Henry Mol( there however. Prof. Welmers, and Dr. must back toymen and ononey a cam- M ^ (po,int the shaker jpre- Ever(m Flikkemt and Ted Yntema. "V^ho speaks through all this nature Hospers took charge of the training. paigms for On-i^tian Education. gented his ap(pea,) wWclh we wou,ld us ^ pla.n wor

We are wilhng to gave our prop- t0 God .might be heard by the whole w,here they ^ misse(i and where And bidls me kneel—me, common audience singing P&alm 68, v. 10. erty and wen our lives when our worlld It is an a(ppeal of whioh part ^ ^ ^ the.r dust. The Rev. Mr. Nettinga of the local country calb in tune of war. Ved of ohriatian ministry seems to course M1 0(f the good influ. seminary then offered prayer. . In

^call of Christian education is to- ^ shamed. If they are not aslhamed eniCe ^ the Y mid its meet,ing8. All My heart would fain commune with his opening remarks, Prof. Baap~ ' day of even^eater jportance than of it> why do we n<)t hear it rnoro underela^men to attend the God, gave a resume of the Dutch activi- wad ever the call of the army or QHd gods and altars have Of life the genesis and end. ties upon the camipusj and of the at- Y meetings regularly and take pari "toy. I say this because we shall falllen away. The ideals wre found ^ one ma.n titude of the college in general to- i one main nerer live, to see America attacked to be insufflciertt. Why not return ., all wiahed to And yet, my proud heart will not wards the Holland Language. He which express was from without, but we may at any to the eveus, Samenspraak—"Kort van Memorie" : 1-V- i...x *iu U grow and spread its influence suramce companieis, but the same save the world- That at the time God took, God Personen:— not only upon the staidemtsi here but amount of money invested in Chris- gave. Van Dinlgen—iRentenier upon the world at large. In closing tian education would give far great- AU REVOIR But still my heart rehelious saith: Justin Hoffman the President, Winfleld Burg'graaff, er results. Besides, Christian educa- Dora—Zijn Dochter Nellie Kole tion can insure what mo corporation We suppose sophisticated old Solo- tanked the Seniors for their testi- Mijnheer Ziwam Richard Blocker m)0 WThere i9 a time for meeting, Jjiad uPon (>ur lives and expressed a August—-Kantooilbediende an,d a time for def&re whlch ' 'But hush!'' God said, " list now to paSjes are spending large sums on and a time was suggested a few t -..Bert Brower for agf) me: doetore, scientific .inve^tiigators, and meeting again." We doubt, how- - ^ was tliis,''Uet every Y The quartet was composed of Win- ever man iln taking him, I gave to thee di^trictt nurees to improve the health ' whether he would have added for the other Y men every field Burggraaff, Francis Ihrman, his of the nation, so we business men "Vanity, vanity, all is saiv Tuesday night during the summef/ Richard Blocker and John Flikkema. A Beacon light to yonder throne." should spend huge sums to develop ity•" Surely he would not have said 0 cards P^'n'ted at tihat time read They rendered some very fine and tlhoSe fundamental . religious qnali- ^at of college frien^hips. They as fol|lows: unique selections. ties of integrity, industry, faith, and *** t00 TeA*> 100 3Ur!e'» f

f , —Roger W. Balbon. again," but for others—and they are Whose love, immeasurable as the of the stupidity of has victim he fin- those to whom the partingi seems the help Me God. sun. ally succeeds and in addition wins THE .VALEDICTORY saddest—the wau revoir" has a deep- Y me« lei us remeber this pledge Cam overwhelm, and make all glad. Van Dingen to his side. Dorus, the There is one number upon every er significance. It means a last ^(>r the swmtner months and let us servant of Van Dingen, comes In Comlmencetnent-program, to which "adiei" to the halte and classrooms come back in the Fall strengthened with many a laugh by his strange every one looks forward, and of that, in spite of a pretended amd in our flaith because of the orther feJ- Sing out, nor let Death's veil e'er cap rs and in his attampts to find wfcEch the leJast is rememibered. It lighft-heaxted' dislike, they have loW3 prayers and our own. come what an " hoedanigheid" is. THB ANCHOR PAOI nun THE B 'CLASS *******' vh0' ^ is rumiored, has be- Jonge of Zeehind; Rev. Wiliard D, LOSES .LIFE WHILE AT AN- come mi heir to a very large floitune. Brown-, New York City; Rev. Jacob NUAL'•BUST", , . Two r^porteirs of New Yoric newnpa- Vander Meulen, HoUand; Rev. J. YOUR SHOES REPAIRED OR REBUILT ! • ' pers etigjaged themselves to the man- Carleton Peferim, Frankifort, Ky. Expert Workmen Employed lit is with extreme regret that the igement of the neweipaper In this Bachelor of Divinity—John R. Wa High Gfade Slock UtJd the right way Amidhor re^rts the death of Charles country town, promising that Ha Mulder, Ailba J. Dunnewold, Gerrit THE BEST OF EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING THE BEST. Loonuane, a member of the "B'? bamnem would inicrease. Glaring J. Tiinimer. class. Whtile attemdlng the annual hemlines on the front page of tne The following prizes were given- ELECTRIC SHOE HOSPITAL, ; Meliphone Buat at Saug^tucOc kst Sat- Evemng) Dbily, tell of the flortune to The Geoi^e Birkhof Jr., EngJdsh urdlay he tried to learn to swim, and which Jenkins has (become heir, and Prize, $25, Richard J. Hager. go(t into water beyond his depth. He imdnednaltely he is idolizied by a/U. His The Geoi^e Birkhof Jr., Dutch down ianniedfiately, and never credit is good everyiwihere, and busi- Prize, |26, John R. Keimpew. i. ag-aiw rose to the surface. His body nesa betfns to .pdok up. About a iMrs. Samuel Sloan Foreign Mis- The Leland Tearoom wias fbund withSmg ten minutes, and week Jater it is ditfcovered that it sion Prize, ?25, Jessie Henunes. wortceid over for two hours, but to no vm aM a flake and that Jenkins had The Van Zwalenbui^ Domestic avail. iHe was brought to Holland not fallen heir to a fortune. This is The Adelaide Prize in Oratory, Will Open May 30 to the Public w'here Mr. Dyitefcra took care of the a big diaappoinitonent to Jenkins, but $25, Maxine McBride. corpse. Aittar a shont service Sun- Mr. Ohlarles Oilehaan, the preaddent of Mission Prize, $2i5, Winifred Zwe- S Arrangements for reserving Tearoom for par- day evening: at 10^30 o'clock, the re- tlie U. S. Plow Co. comes to hds as- mer. | ties, banquets, etc., can be made after mlaina were shipped to his parents at sjstonice and promises to suplport him The Raven Prize in Oratory: 1st May 15th by corresponding or Wisconsin Rapidb, Wiaconsin. Josh- in his businese venture.. place, $30, Winfield Burggraaff; 2nd S telephoning ua Hoogenlboom and Jack Veltonan Conaiderable talent in dramatics place, $20, Maurice Visscher. accompanied the body home. was shown by the dafferenit members The Ackenman Debating Prize, $50, ! Mrs. F. L. WiUiMs, Mgr., SAUGAT0CK, MICH. Ctoaries came to Hope Preparatory 0f thecafilt and with a littfle more de- to the following college debaters:— school in the falll of IS 18. Altho a velopmemt, they should be worthy ol Theodore Yntema, Richard Blocker, little older . the other boys in hds attention by the dramatic club. The Engelsman, Maurice Vis- clasfi, he always enjoyed being one cast follows in order of appearance: scher, Winfield Burggraaff, Dan De of them, and used his added years to ^Larry liangldon, generally useful Graff, Peter De Vries, Jerry De Get Your good advanltage among the younger about the hotel, Theodore Luidens; Vries, William De Ruiter, Jack cl'asamates For two years he was a Mr. Charles Oleham, the president of Prins, Abraham Rynlbrant, Harvey member of the track team, and was the U. S. Plow Co., Jodhua Hogen- ^ Weerd. Cards & Programs always interested in athletics. A boom; Jeremiah Jenkins, the lucky The Henry Bosch English Prizes— A( few months ago he won first place in W11* Raymiond Kuipere; Philip An- lsrt Place,$15, Helen De Bruyn; 2nd the preiparatory oratorical contest, a drews, the blaild-heoded villian, Del- Pla<;e» ?10» Jeanette Veldman. STEKETEE-VAN HUIS PRINTING HOUSE con/test in which he won second place bert Kinney; Alfred S'aunders, re- ^^e Gerrit H. A#bers Gold Medai, 180 Rircr Av«. Cit.. Pkoo. 1»0« last year. He was a member of the PPflter of lihe N. Y. Journal, Elwood Gertrude Pieters. Engraved or Printed Meliphone society, and appeared in a Geegh; Thomas Taylor, reporter of The Mary clay Albers Silver > play given by that society la^it Friday the New York Times, Wells Thoms; Medal» Henrietta Keizer. QUALiry AND SERVICE AT A REASONABLE PRICE night. His plans were to enter the William Elroy, editor of the Even- The 1>an C* Steketee Prize in BI- Goapel ministry after completing ^ Daily, Frank Huff; Peter Bates, We' Theodore Yntema. his course here. mlanager of the Evening Daily, Chas. TKThne pCoopersvill—e Men'A s Adult Bi- iLoomana was a "ery pleasant per- Ijoomans; Enoch Williams, manager We Class Prize in Bible, $25, Jame- son to meet. He had a very remark- o^ the hotel. Pater Vos; James Fair- W. Neckers. EAT MEALS AND LUNCHES The John Plasma Memorial Prize able sense of what wlas right and banks manager of tlhe department at the true, and dared at any time to de- store, Guatave Schroeder; The De- in Bible, Wells Thoms. fend the right either in word or act. tective, with a tin star, Walter Boliks; The Vander Weip Prize in Eng- COLLEGE LUNCH ROOM Those who knew him at all intimate- Henry Richfield, a New York banker, lish, $25, Miss Katherine Schmid. ly, feel ihis absence very deeply. The Cheater Ynltemia; Charles Fams- Adelaide Missions Medals, Ger- QUICK SERVICE trude Pieters, Martin De Wolf. entire college mourns Ms loss, know- worth, a lawyer, Rensa Dykstra; B. T. Miller, 72 East 8th St. ing that one of its most promising Payson Wilson, a stockholder, Nich- Mtuden/ts is gone. The aymipathiy of ojas Brunnix. the entire body and faculty goes out /We wisfli to Congratulate the Meld- (Continued from Page 1) to hds paremte and family. phlones upon their success and hope beauty. Ail mankind is as one per- tbat they will continue to uphold the son expressing the feeling that God GRADUATION GIFTS principle for which their sociejt^y cannot make an ugly thing. He is Nothing more appropriate than a fine Gruen Watch PPREPARATORY SOCIETY DOES dtends. the Maslter Artist. We can also men- /SELF CREDIT tion His great generosity. The vast ^ expanse of sky and Water are weak Mkil Hope High School pledge to ^"Vparisons of the bounty of the The Mediphone Society opened the Garret De Jong, Orange pity, Iowa. Father^ blessdngs. These are all Commencement Festivities by giving factors of the pre-human chapiter in K dependable time piece for a life time. their annual program to a packed the history of things. EMERSONANS HELD JOLLIFICA- house in Oamegjie Gym. Ajfter Dr. iBut there is also jbhe chapter re- GEO, hi, HUIZINGA&CO. TION MEETING H. J. Veldman of Detroit pronounced corded since man came upon the the invocation, the president of tka scene. Hds processes did not stop at The Emersonian society held its Society, HElwooi xw u uud \Geeghj , ^lavgavec cai ofMlishort Ay the creation of man, but rather wen; address of welcome. Then, according rfe»u'ar Jollification, meeting, and r on with ever-increrasing greatness. eleClt,0n of 0 n to the time-ihonored cuatom of the ^ Thursday after- And the high water mark of His %noon. Instead of going tto the so- Meliphonians, a budget was given process is reached in the full and ciety hall the fellows iboiarded the 3 to the Graduates and a pleasant and the ears of the audience were comiplete disclosure of Jesus Christ, vacation to all. sttrained to hear what kind of a joke oTdock car for Macatjawa. Street His Son. He 1i8s trUthe climacnmaxx 0o1f ouour r would be told about their sons, dothes were changed for swimming * . , ' " L paraphernalia and soon a ki«e num- cumculum•. He ^ end of nephews, grandsons or friends. Staiv- the educational process of the world. ley Huyser had the pleasure of giv- ber were taking their semi-annual m O, J, Du Saai Jesus Christ, the Eternal Word man- the-cool waters of Lake Michigan. ing this ibudgelt and he showed very ifest in the flesh, is Himself the Mas- keen wit in his jokes. A program Skxme, beginning to Shiver, started an indoor UaadbaU game to warm up. ter Teacher, and is Himself the cur- Holland Photo Shop without music wuld have been lige a Ajflter a short time the social com- ricuton, and is also the ideal, the without music would have been like a mittee arrived with a flivver full of goal, ithe end of it allL If you have dore Luidens feifl the task of giiving eats. The life siavers then ferried ever come face to face with the Mas- a vocal solo. He sang a very beau- everybody across the channel. At ^ Teac"er» as 1 trust you Wave, you tiful selection, entitled 'Rtose O' My ttawa Beach a bas&all game was ^ ,mreiy seen 1116 8'lory and ^ace Heart, with a violin obligfcto by John aTWi t fch whlich radiate8 from H Kuyipers. It was pAeasing. playeid hertween the Sophs-Seniors ™ ™. STUDENTS OF HOPE. and' Frosto-Juniors. Owing to the His glory is in His character, and A farce comeldly—•' 'What they did poor umpiring of Jack Soheipel the His work, ami His sacrifice. And His We thank you tor your patronage and wish you for Jankens/V consisting of three undierclassmen came out ahead. The grace. His winsomeneas,—I bid you the most enjoyable of vaoftions. ac(s was thtne fimaHnnau numbenuimoerr oonn thinee prproo - .. , , AIIV remeirnhpr fhnf QeoV aio« ^ ^ i. 7 , . , - ' others took out their grudfees on Jack re,me,ml)€rememberr t*that181'. ^Seeeekk alsalsoo foforr ththee gram. If on e cou1(M judge from the , . , , . .. truth which fimria in i. To those of you who return next fall remember ^ u u j. by afterwards electing h m president in Hllm lts be^n- that you are always welcome at attention given it by the audience m, . * * .i_ i ^ i •. Ine elecition was held after the eame ning and end. o«d from its heiarty laugl®, it was a , ^ ^ ^ an,d the folk)Wl In addressing the graduating class, decided success. T^ o MrMr. WirtfieW n« officers were elect- ed: Dr. Ingham stressed the truth that P. S. BOTER & GO. Buiglgraaff must credit be given 15or President—Jacob Schepel. as they graduated, their college was the success of the play as it was un- 'Vice-Pres.—Stanley Sthipper. enjtrrusting to their care the tradi- der his direction that the play was u fiecretiary—Harry Lousma. tions and ideals which were the glory presenlbed. The individual members Teas.r—^Menry J. Harsvoort. of Hope College. The spirit of Hope of the oaat are to be commended for DISEASES OF THE j K. of A.—John W. Elbers. is the spirit of hope not only, but the good wor kit hey did, as this was EYE, EAR, NOSE 'j 6. at A.—Irwin Borgman. also the spirit of love and of faith. the fiiiat time that most of them ever THROAT , , , ' Janitor—Adrian pe Boom. • The message was sjpoken with that apfpeaired before an audience. Lacey's clearness and simjpleneaB which •' 82 Wart 8th Str««t, Afeovt orchestra played some very beauti- (Oontinaed from Page 1) makes it pfleasant to listen to Dr. Franklin WgolwortVi 6 aoj 10 c«nt ful selections between the acts, giv- J. Koliyn, William Westrate; John Inlgham. T hose of us who heard him ing an added delaghlt to the play , ®aer' Leonard Yntema, E. Cath- last wSnrter were pleased to have this Office Hoart— The acene of the action is in a cart, L. Dalman, J. P. Viaacher, E. second privilege of hearing him Policies menB' writing room in the hotel of a Dieipenhorst, A. J. Dunnewold, Otto Arfter the addrew Frank Kleinhek ^ » to 11 A. M. small town, amd undoubtedly, was a Huntley, W. A. Scholten, Gerrit sel sanfe a soJo, "Come ye blessed " Are Registered. See St* 5 P. IL 7 to » F. IL very familiar scene to those who Timmar, Gerrit Van Zyl, Arthur The doxology was sung and the come froin. Iowa. The plot centers Voennan. benediction was pronounced by Dr. DE. A. around Jeretndah Jenlons, Raymiond Doctor of Divinity—|Rev. G. De Ingham, Wm. J. Olive 1101 PAQB TWO ^ THE AKOHOR ~

••••••• •#•#•••••• tion at interedtyi the Student as he Matt's Musingsarrive s at a strange place. Charles Van Zanten, chairman of the Y. W. I 'There isntt much use in writing a C. A. Publicity Comfcnittee, has t column of bunk this week because al- dmige of the book, FOOT- Nick Dykema most evieaiyibody will be gone any- J i Francis Ihrman hlas been wearing t way. We heard of a good joke on i a Soroeis pin (tfce laat week. We i0««« Frank Huff but we daresnt print it wonder what Prof. Wichere means WEAR for fear hefiU giejt huffy. Guess we'll when be qpeaks of * silent metmbers wmmmn Just gejt out last week's editions of of the firm'. But tihen, congratulia- "Judge" atDd •Life/' copy a few ttaofc. WHEN YOU GET HUNGRY | joloee and hand the stuff in to Pe|te. Our ataff reporter announce*) the Then if he doesn t like it and tree to marriage of James J. Burggraaff to S. Sprietsma & Ssti bawl out, he can fiil the column STOP AT | Miaa Maigol*no: Tired of waiting We Thank you cordially for your » THEN YOU SHOULD SCREAM J>thel Newiland says she learned to WHB in a big hath tub. It must have patronage of the past and we 28 W..I Mk Sir. 4 WAGENAAR & HAMM, been a big one all right. Citi. Phone 1470 welcome you at your return. Milton Kettette;—I pulled a "G" from Dr. Godfrey in chemistry. Can you imagine that?*' WE THANK YOU for your patronage during •"Picky" Roosenraad: Yes I can J. J. RUTGERS CO. the school year, Hope to see you in the Fall. imagine it, but I do«"t beJi«ve it. Dyke: What does W-O-M-A-N 19 Weat 8th St. Holland, Mich. ^pell? Lindeborg's Drug Store "Tut": Trou/ble. 54 EAST EIGHTH STR. Thu Week'. Dormitory Poem Back in the loitichei), a maiden fair, Out of the has#) was picking the hair. •We dtont see why the girls tn The Holland Dry Cleaners the dorm don t have their clothes Notier Van Ark Co. made of banana Ains. They would % / Goods called for and delivered be so easy to slip into in the morn- ing, When they get up at seven aid Serge Bathing Suits Phone 1528 H. Neengs, Prop. 9 E.8th St. try to be down for breakfast ten minutes later, Medium Shoes Underwear Suits '-nc of the giris told us hi if the m For your meals and iuoches while in Holland stop at the wo'ner, only loved the perfect men, Holland, there wouldn It be much love. 27 W. 8th St. Mich — i i.1 IWe heard a peach of a Joke about BOSTON RESTAURANT mucilage; it's a sticker. We heard N. F10FFMAN, Proprietor another about mustard; that's a hot 34 W.8th . st Citizens Phone 1041 Holland, Mich one. We might write a lot of good jokes for you, but what's the use? Holland City State Bank You Id only laugh at them anyway. HOLLAND, MICH Well, guess well quit for this year. THE LACY STUDY Ice Cream, Fruits & Confectionary So long, eveirytoody, see you in the fall. If we dont see you then, weH Capital $100,010.00 Thanks for your patronage BEST SODA FOUNTAIN IN THE CITY se you in Dutch, so we'll get you Suiplua and Profits $85,000.C« for the past year and will be ready to photograph coming ami going. Now for home and _____ A. P. FABIANO, 26 West Eighth Street you upon your return. three month of recuperation" from studies and musing. 4 interest paid on Time —; 1 T>M| 4%Deposit s THE LACEY STUDIO CAMPUS NEWS Liberty Marsh mallows Fot Yout The Y. M. C. A. are preiparing a j BEACH PAR7Y hamfcook for the use of the new stu- : i lb , 1 lb., 2 lbs and 400 to the box denitis next fall. It is a diversion MODEL LAUNDRY DU MSZ BROS. from the usual handbook, in that 97 M E 8tK S. Ci.. Pk IM^> Dry Good*, Coati aa4 there are to be no add, in it, and ^ , C,U- Phon' 1442 Cor. River and 8tli St. Cloaks and no memoranda pages. It is all print- Our Motto MUliaery ed matter, containing socfa Inform*- Quality and Prompt Service HOLLAND MICH.