Consensus and Polarization in Competing Complex Contagion Processes

Flávio L. Pinheiro,1, 2, ∗ Vítor V. Vasconcelos,3, ∗ and Simon A. Levin3 1Nova Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal 2The MIT Media Lab – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (MA), USA 3Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Princeton (NJ), USA (Dated: November 22, 2018) In many situations, the rate of adoption of new information depends on reinforcement from mul- tiple sources in a way that cannot be described by simple contagion processes. In such cases, contagion is said to be complex. This has been found in the diffusion of human behaviors, inno- vations, and knowledge. Based on that evidence, we propose a new model considering multiple, potentially asymmetric, and competing contagion processes and analyze its respective population- wide complex contagion dynamics. We show that the model spans a dynamical space in which the population exhibits patterns of polarization, consensus, and dominance, a richer dynamical environ- ment that contrasts with single simple contagion processes. We find that these patterns are present for different population structures. We show that structured interactions increase the range of the dominance regime by reducing that of polarization. Finally, we show that external agents designing seeding strategies, to optimize social influence, can dramatically change the coordination threshold for opinion dominance, while being rather ineffective in the remaining dynamical regions.

PACS numbers: 87.23.-n 87.23.Kg 89.75.Fb Keywords: Opinion Dynamics, Contagion Processes, Complex Networks, Population Dynamics

The study of how information – opinions, diseases, in- is reinforced by multiple contact sources [6]. Hence, an Y novations, norms, attitudes, habits, or behaviors – spread individual i with opinion X and ni contacts with opinion throughout social systems has occupied the physical and Y 6= X changes to opinion Y with probability social sciences for decades [1–7]. In that context, the  Y αXY propagation of information has traditionally been as- X→Y ni pi = , (1) sumed to happen through simple-contagion – a contact zi process in which information spreads through pairwise where X and Y can take the values A or B. Equation 1 interactions [8–18]. However, recent empirical evidence allows us to interpolate between scenarios where opinions suggests that different types of information spread differ- require few to many reinforcement sources to propagate ently [19–24]. In particular, the acquisition of informa- (notice that with αXY = 1 the probability of changing tion that is either risky, controversial, or costly seems to strategy is that of a voter model). We say that αXY ac- require reinforcement from multiple contact sources [6]. counts for the complexity of opinion Y when learned by Contrary to simple-contagion, these processes result in an individual that holds opinion X. Simpler opinions re- propagation impediments to, and through, isolated re- quire less reinforcement from peers, while complex ones gions of social networks [25] and were coined as complex require more reinforcement. When αXY 6= αYX , we say contagion. Although widely studied in the context of cas- the population evolves under asymmetric complexities. cading phenomena [26], complex contagion has received, It is noteworthy that our approach contrasts with the to the best of our knowledge, little attention in the lit- fractional thresholds models, common in the literature erature of population dynamics [27], a scenario involving of complex contagion [28, 29]. A fractional threshold im- the competition between opposing information elements. plies that there is a well-defined threshold of neighbors Here, we provide a characterization of the spread of com- above which new information is adopted by an individual peting information under complex contagion, exploring and below which it is not. Dynamically, such a definition the implications for the design of social interventions that results in a deterministic process that either percolates or are aimed at, for instance, optimizing the spread of social

arXiv:1811.08525v1 [.soc-ph] 20 Nov 2018 that becomes contained to a few elements of the system influence. [30–33]. Let us start by considering a finite population of Z in- Our model contains the key elements to study com- dividuals who hold alternatively one of two opinions, say plex contagion of competing non-overlapping processes, A or B. Thus, at each moment, there are k individuals though alternative forms could be used[27]. We provide with opinion A and Z − k with opinion B. The num- a more general approach in the Supplemental Material ber of contacts an individual i has defines its degree, zi. [34]. A limiting case happens when we consider well- Individuals revise their opinion by taking into considera- mixed populations (zi = Z − 1), where all possible con- tion the opinion composition in their neighborhood. We figurations of the system can be defined by k, the num- assume that such events are unilateral and that the like- ber of individuals with opinion A, and the dynamics are lihood of individuals successfully updating their opinion fully described by assessing the transition probabilities 2 a) b) c) (i) A Dominance (ii) Consensus 2

AB ) ) x x g( g( = 훼 1.00 BA 훼 (i) 0.75 AB fraction of A (x) fraction of A (x) AB AB 1 0.50 훼 = 훼 BA (ii) 훼 훼 s Polarization B Dominance (iv) (iii) 0.25 1.0 ) s ) x

x 0.00 g( (iii) g( P P (iv) A) Position of Internal Fixed Points (fraction 0.0 0.0 1.0 0 fraction of A (x) fraction of A (x) 0 1 2 BA 훼 훼BA d) 5 e) 10 1.00 훼AB = 0.50 훼AB = 0.50 AB AB = 0.75 훼 = 0.75 0.80 훼 훼AB = 1.00 훼AB = 1.00 AB = 1.25 AB = 1.25 104 훼 0.60 훼 훼AB = 1.50 훼AB = 1.50 0.40

average time average 103 0.20 to reach consensus reach to

average final fraction of A final fraction average 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.00 0.20 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 훼BA 훼BA

Figure 1. Opinion dynamics under complex contagion in well-mixed populations. a) the four different dynamical regions mapping into the parameter space (αAB , αBA). b) the four possible dynamical patterns (i.e., shapes of g(x)) obtained, which correspond to Dominance of B (i) or A (iii), Polarization (iv), and Consensus (ii). c) Location of the internal fixed point in regions ii and iv. d) average fixation times to reach consensus, when starting from a configuration with equal prevalence of both opinions. e) average fraction of As in the equilibrium. In d) and e) vertical dashed lines indicate αAB = αBA. Other parameters: Z = 100. between configurations. Assuming the probability that can be inspected by solving the transcendental equation two changes of opinions occur in a small time interval, τ, γ to be O(τ β), with β > 1, we can reduce the problem to a 1 − x = x , (4) one-step process [35] and simply compute the probabil- ities of increasing or decreasing k by one (0 ≤ k ≤ Z), where γ = (αBA −1)/(αAB −1). A detailed derivation of respectively, Eq. 3 and Eq. 4 can be found in [34]. Equation 3 holds a similar form to the Replicator Equation from Evolution- + Z − k B→A − k A→B ary Game Theory [39], where xαBA−1 and (1 − x)αAB −1 Tk = p and Tk = p . (2) Z Z play the roles of the fitness of individuals with opinion A The rate of change in the average abundance of individ- and B, respectively. Indeed, the dynamical patterns of uals with opinion A is given by the so-called gradient of opinion Dominance, Polarization, and Consensus derived selection g(x) [36, 37], where x ≡ k/Z. The gradient of from Eq. 3 are identical to the Prisoner’s Dilemma, Stag selection is equivalent to the drift term in the Fokker- Hunt, and Snowdrift Game [40, 41] so often studied in Planck equation describing stochastic processes [35] and that literature. This result provides another interpreta- thus can be used to accurately characterize properties tion of competitive complex contagion processes: while of finite population distributions [38]. In the limit of here individuals change opinions unilaterally, this process very large populations, Z → ∞, the dynamics can be de- is equivalent to a fitness-driven contact process. scribed by a non-linear differential equation of the form Figure 1a shows how the different dynamical patterns map into the αAB ×αBA domain, while Fig. 1b illustrates the different shapes of g(x) that characterize the dynam- x˙ ≡ g(x) = x(1 − x)(xαBA−1 − (1 − x)αAB −1), (3) ics in each region. In region (ii), g(x) is characterized by which, for αXY 6= 1, has two trivial solutions – at x = 0 an unstable internal fixed point leading to a coordination- and x = 1 – and an additional internal fixed point that like dynamics towards a consensus, which depends only 3 on the initial abundance of opinions. In region (iv), g(x) a) Consensus A Dominance Polarization B Dominance [region (ii)] [region (i)] [region (iv)] [region (iii)] has an internal stable fixed point that results in polariza- 106 tion of opinions, which is characterized by the sustained prevalence of both opinions. In both cases the specific lo- cation of the internal fixed point depends only on the re- lationship between the complexities of both opinions (see 105 Fig. 1c). In regions (i) and (iii), g(x) does not have any internal fixed point and the population will invariably be dominated by one of the two opinions. Two special points time average to reach consensus reach to are also represented, S and P . In S, αAB = αBA = 1, every possible configuration of the system corresponds to 104 0.0 π / 2 π 3π / 2 2π [ = 1.5, = 1.0] [ = 1.0, = 1.5] [ = 0.5, = 1.0] [ = 1.0, = 0.5] [ = 1.5, = 1.0] a fixed point, and finite populations evolve under neutral 훼BA 훼AB 훼BA 훼AB 훼BA 훼AB 훼BA 훼AB 훼BA 훼AB r drift. For P , αAB = αBA = 0, the dynamics on finite 휃, = 0.5 populations reduces to an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, b) Consensus A Dominance Polarization B Dominance with linear drift and constant diffusion. [region (ii)] [region (i)] [region (iv)] [region (iii)] 1.0

A particularly interesting measure in finite populations 0.9 is the time (τk0 ) the population takes to reach a consen- 0.8 sus when starting from configuration k0. Although in 0.7 0.6 finite populations the system always reaches a consen- initial condition sus, the time required to do so can be extremely large, in 0.5 0.4 particular for region (iii). Indeed, for that region, even 0.3 for small populations of 100 individuals, the time to con- 0.2 13 sensus is of the order of 10 generations, making it more 0.1 average final fraction of A final fraction average likely to find the population in a polarized state, as we 0.0 0.0 π / 2 π 3π / 2 2π [ = 1.5, = 1.0] [ = 1.0, = 1.5] [ = 0.5, = 1.0] [ = 1.0, = 0.5] [ = 1.5, = 1.0] would expect from the existence of a stable fixed point. 훼BA 훼AB 훼BA 훼AB 훼BA 훼AB 훼BA 훼AB 훼BA 훼AB Figure 1d shows the time required for reaching consensus 휃, r = 0.5 starting from a perfect mix of opinions (50-50) for differ- Legend: Random Homogeneous Random ent combinations of αAB and αBA. Figure 1e shows the Scale Free Barabási Well Mixed evolutionary outcome under the same conditions. Next, we turn our attention to the case in which indi- Figure 2. Opinion dynamic under complex contagion in struc- viduals are only able to interact with a small subset of tured populations. Panel a) shows the fixation times, mea- sured in Monte Carlo steps, for different population struc- the population (zi << Z). We model this by means of a complex network of social interactions, where nodes tures. Panel b) shows the average final fraction of individu- als with opinion A in the population for different population correspond to individuals and links to social interac- structures. Shaded areas indicate the mismatch between well- tions between pairs of individuals. We focus on three mixed and structured populations in the Polarization region classes of networks: Homogeneous Random (HRND) (iv). The complexity parameters have been reparameterized [42]; Erdős–Rényi Random (ER) [43]; and Scale Free as αBA = 1 + r cos(θ) and αAB = 1 + r sin(θ), with r = 1/2. Barabási-Albert (SF) [44]. A detailed description of how Notice that γ = tan(θ), which defines the position of the these networks were generated is in [34]. internal fixed point in Eq.(4), is independent of r. Other pa- 3 Figure 2 compares the results of opinion dynamics un- rameters: Z = 10 and average degree of 4. der complex contagion in different populations structures along the four dynamical regions of interest: Consensus, ics concerns the design of seeding strategies to maximize A Dominance, Polarization, and B Dominance. With the spread of social influence [45, 46]. However, past the exception of the Polarization region, the dynamical works have ignored the possibility of competition among patterns observed in structured populations follow what multiple opinions with different complexities. In such was previously observed in well-mixed populations. How- cases, the problem of interest is not understanding the ever, population structure significantly shortens the do- size of a cascade or the time to consensus, but how seed- main where Polarization is observed (region iv). The ing strategies impact the dynamical properties of opinion mismatch is highlighted in Fig 2b. In [34] we further diffusion. Here, we employ three simple seeding strate- expand this analysis and show that, despite the differ- gies: placing individuals with opinion A along the nodes ences in the Polarization, the dynamical outcomes are of the network either 1) randomly, or preferentially in identical to the ones obtained in well-mixed populations. 2) higher degree nodes or 3) lower degree nodes. Since Moreover, we also point the larger time for fixation in these strategies do not apply to HRND networks, we structured populations in the consensus regime relative will limit our analysis to their impact on SF popula- to well-mixed populations (see Fig 2a). tions in the main text and on ER populations in [34]. An increasingly relevant application of opinion dynam- 4

a) Random Seeding b) High Degree Seeding c) Low Degree Seeding 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 fraction of A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.00 0.50 1.00 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5 0.5 critical initial fraction of A 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.00 0.50 1.00 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 Convergence times initial fraction of A initial fraction initial fraction of A initial fraction 0.1 0.1 of A initial fraction 0.1 100 103 106 0.0 0.0 0.0 a) 0.0 π / 2 π 3π / 2 2π 0.0 π / 2 π 3π / 2 2π 0.0 π / 2 π 3π / 2 2π 휃, r = 0.5 휃, r = 0.5 휃, r = 0.5 Random Seeding High Degree Seeding Low Degree Seeding d) e) f) g) h) i) 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0

1.9 0.9 1.9 0.9 1.9 0.9

1.8 0.8 1.8 0.8 1.8 0.8

1.7 0.7 1.7 0.7 1.7 0.7

1.6 AB 0.6 AB AB

1.6 AB 0.6 1.6 AB 0.6 AB

= = AB AB 1.5 훼 0.5 훼 AB 1.5 = AB 0.5 = 훼 = = 훼 AB 1.5 훼 AB 0.5 훼 BA BA BA BA BA BA 훼 훼 훼 훼 훼 훼 훼 훼 훼 1.4 0.4 1.4 훼 0.4 1.4 훼 0.4 훼

1.3 0.3 1.3 0.3 1.3 0.3

1.2 0.2 1.2 0.2 1.2 0.2

1.1 0.1 1.1 0.1 1.1 0.1 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 훼BA 훼BA 훼BA 훼BA 훼BA 훼BA

Figure 3. The impact of seeding strategies – Random (a, d, and e), High Degree (b, f, and g), and Low Degree (c, h, and i) – in Scale Free Networks. Panels a–c show how the different seeding strategies impact the dominance of opinions for different initial fractions of seeded As along the four dynamical regions. Arrows in panels b) and c) point to the deviations from the random seeding strategy. Panels d, f, and h show the critical initial fraction of seeded As needed to obtain a dominance of As in the consensus region in more than 50% of the simulations. Panels e, g, and i show the average time of convergence towards the polarized state starting from a configuration with 20% As in the population in the polarization region. Averages taken over 2500 independent simulations and 2.4 million steps. Other parameters: Z = 103 and average degree of 4.

Figures 3a–c show how the different seeding strategies depending only on the relative complexity of the diffusing impact the dominance of opinion A for different initial information. These patterns are in many ways equivalent fractions of seeded As along the four dynamical regions. to the ones obtained in other contexts, namely in Evo- Interestingly, while seeding strategies have an impact in lutionary Game Theory, which deals with problems as the consensus region (i), they do not alter the dynam- diverse as the spin-flips [48], selection of gut biome [49], ical properties of the remaining regions. These results management of common and public goods [50, 51], and suggest that seeding strategies operate by changing the socioecological resilience [52]. Our work raises important coordination threshold between opinions, being ineffec- questions in terms of feasibility of assessing empirically tive in regions where such coordination is absent. which mechanisms are at play. Are empirical patterns Figures 3d,f,h show the critical initial fraction of seeded the result of game-theoretical reasoning of agents that As that are necessary, according to each strategy, to pro- influence strategy adoption or the result of the spreading mote an A Dominance regime [47]. Note that, follow- of information with different levels of complexity? This ing the findings on Fig. 3a–c, we limit our analysis to equivalence, however, occurs when considering the pro- the consensus region (ii). We find that seeding prefer- cesses are dependent on the fraction of the neighboring entially towards higher degree nodes has a major effect types, as structured populations are otherwise known to in increasing the effectiveness of seeding, in the sense change the macroscopic of the evolutionary dy- that it is possible to achieve the full dominance of As by namics [53]. seeding a rather small number of individuals, widening Social planners or other network intervenients who aim the range of scenarios where A is dominant to regions at understanding the macroscopic behavior of the popula- where it is more complex than B. Conversely, seeding tion can derive important conclusions from our work. In low degree nodes is shown to be an ineffective strategy. fact, we show that polarization results from low acquisi- In Fig. 3e,g,i, we restrict our analysis to the polariza- tion complexity and, in that case, targeting of individuals tion region (iv) and compare the first passage time in might have a small impact on the final outcome. Con- the equilibrium for the different seeding strategies. Fi- versely, interventions based in seeding strategies are only nally, seeding preferentially towards higher degree nodes effective in domains characterized by a coordination-like speeds up the convergence times towards equilibrium in dynamics (consensus), where both propagating processes the polarization regime. Similar qualitative results are have rather high levels of complexity. Alternatively, plan- obtained in ER networks [34]. ners can act in the system by modifying the complexity In this letter we presented a new model of competi- of what is being spread to improve the chances of getting tive complex contagion dynamics that contains dynami- a dominant behavior. This, however, can lead to an arms cal patterns of Dominance, Polarization, and Consensus, race and drive the system to a polarization trap. 5

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