An informational, literary, educational, and training magazine of Muslim Community, USA

The Ahmadiyya February 2009


Majlis USA, National Ijtema 2008 ‘I confer upon thee a sign of My mercy according to thy entreaties and have honored thy prayers with acceptance through My mercy and have blessed this thy journey...

Behold, a light cometh, a light anointed by God with perfume of His pleasure...

His fame will spread to the ends of the earh and people will be blessed through him...’

Green Announcement-2/20/1886 February 2009 1 Ahmadiyya Gazette

An educational and spiritual monthly publication Ahmadiyya Gazette USA


Patron Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar Ameer Jama’at USA Editor-in-Chief Dr. Naseer Ahmad Table of Contents Editor Dr. Karimullah Zirvi 2 Al-Qur’an 3 Al- Editorial Advisor Muhammad Zafrullah as Hanjra 4 Sayings of the Promised Messiah :The Great Prophecy of Musleh Mau’ood Cover: Latif Ahmed Photos: Kalim Bhatti 6 Hadhrat Musleh Mau’oodra: The Second Successor to the Promised Messiahas Ahmadiyya Gazette USA 14 Mentoring is Not a One Conversation Event: Dr. Faizan Abdullah Masjid Baitur Rehman 15 Synopsis of the Friday Sermon of Hadhrat Khalifatul 15000 Good Hope Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905 Masih Vaba Delivered on November 7, 2008

Phone: 301-879-0110 Fax: 301-879-0115 ra 18 Musleh Mau’ood ,The Promised Son: A Bright Sign to Editor: [email protected] Prove the Truth of the Masih Mau’oodas: Tel. and Fax: 201-794-8122 Dr. Muhammad Sharif Khan ra 21 The Prophecy of the Musleh Mau’ood in the Light of Its Determinants: Lutfur Rahman Mahmood

Acronyms for salutations used in this publication 29 Islam and Chastity: Nasir Mahmood Malik

saw: sallallahu alaihi wasallam 35 Poem: Fazl-e-Umar: Sayyarah Hikmat (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) as: alaihissalam 36 Khilafat Centenary Ijtema 2008: (Peace be upon him) Majlis Ansarullah, USA ra: radhi allahu ‘anhu (May Allah be pleased with him/her) 44 The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead: Opinion: Syed Sajid Ahmad rh: rahimahullahu ta’ala (May Allah shower mercy on him/her) 46 Regional Coordination Secretaries for Rishta Nata: aba: ayyada hullah ta’ala binasrihil aziz National Secretary Rishta Nata (May Allah strengthen him with His mighty help) swt: subhana wa ta’ala 47 2009 USA Jama’at Local, Regional and National (Holy and Exalted) Activities Calendar

The Ahmadiyya Gazette USA is published by the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Inc., at the local address:

The World Processing Lab P.O. Box 226, Chauncey, OH 45719

Periodicals Postage Paid at Chauncey, Ohio Postmaster: Send address changes to The Ahmadiyya Gazette P.O. Box 226, Chauncey, OH 45719-0226 February 2009 2 Ahmadiyya Gazette, USA ======


þ Õ AÌz°ÃAæ í ä æ Üä K¼´»Aê æ ä æ ä¥Î¼« æ ê ä ¥¯ä OÄ·ä æ å Ì»æ ä Ëä ô ‘æ È»å ä OÄ»ä æê ɼ»Aê äÅ¿ éê ÒÀYiî ä æ ä BÀJ¯ ä ê ä ä AgB¯ä ê ä ô j¿ÜAê æ æ Ó¯ê æ‘‘ ÇiËBqå æ ê ä Ëä æ È»j°¬NmAËå ä æ ê æ ä æ ä ‘æ Èħå æ ä ±§B¯å æ ä ¹»ÌYä ê æ ä æÅ¿ ê Õ Õ , äÅμ·ÌNÀ»A æ ê êé ä ä å æ KZÍí ê å ɼ»Aä ÆAì ê È É¼»Aê Ó¼§ä ä æ½·ÌN¯ ì ä ä ä O¿l§ä æ ä ä

And it is by the great Mercy of Allah that you are kind towards them, and if you had been rough and hard-hearted, they would surely have dispersed from around you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them, and consult them in matters of administration; and when thou are resolved, then put thy trust in Allah. Surely, Allah loves those who put their trust in Him. (3:160)


Besides other things Islam is unique in this respect that it has included the institution of Mushawarah (consultation) in its basic principles. It has made it binding upon the Head of the Muslim State that he should consult Muslims in all important affairs of the State. The Holy Prophet used to consult his followers in all important matters, as he did before the battles of Badr, Uhud, and Ahzab, and also when a false accusation was brought against his noble wife,` A'ishah. Abu Hurairah says: “The Holy Prophet was most solicitous in consulting others in all matters of importance” (Manthur ii. 90) Umar, the Second Successor of the Holy Prophet, is reported to have said: “There is no Khilafat without consultation” (Izalat al-Khifa' 'an Khilafat al-Khulafa' ). Thus the holding of consultation in important matters is a basic injunction of Islam and is binding on both spiritual and temporal Muslim Chiefs. The Khalifah or the Head of the Muslim State must seek the advice of representative Muslims though the final decision may rest with him. The Islamic Shura or Mushawarah is not a parliament in the sense in which the word is understood in the West. The Head of the Muslim State enjoys a certain discretion in rejecting the advice tendered to him. But he should not lightly use this discretion and should respect the advice of the majority. February 2009 3 Ahmadiyya Gazette, USA ======Al-Hadith

ä ì ä Õ ì Õ ¾B³ä äÁ¼mË ä ä Éμ§ê æ ä ɼ»Aå Ó¼uä ÏJÄ»Aêé ê ì êŧ ä Éħå æ ä ɼ»Aå Ïyiä ê ä ÑjÍjÇä ä æ ä å ÏIAç ê ä æŧ ä ä æ ä æ ä PAhIê ê j°£Aæ å ( BÈÄÍf»Ëä ê æ ê ê ä BÈ»BÀV»Ëä ê ä ä ê ä BÈJnZ»Ëä ê ä ä ê ä BÈ»BÀ»ä ê ä ê ë©IiÜ ä æ ê ÑAjÀ»Aå ä æ ä \¸ÄMå æå _ ºAfÍä ä ä OIjMæ ä ê ä êÅÍf»A æ êé ÅÍf»A ϯ ÕB°·âA LBI `B¸Ä»A LBN· ÐiBbI

ra saW Hadhrat Abu Hurairah relates that the Holy Prophet said: "A woman is sought in marriage on account of four things: her wealth, her family, her beauty and her Faith. Seek to marry one for the sake of her religion, otherwise your hands will be covered with dust (you will be a loser)."

(Bukhari kitabunnikah± bab al-ikfa' fiddin)

Õ Õ Õ Õ êÉμ§ æ ä ä ɼ»Aå Ó¼uì ä ɼ»Aê ¾Ìmiä æ å ä ÆAì ä Éħå æ ä ɼ»Aå Ïyiä ê ä ËjÀ§ë æ ä êÅI æ ɼ»Aê fJ§ê æ ä æŧ ä å Ñ ä Ñ ä ä ì äÅ¿ ê ½z¯Aä æä Õ Ïqæ ä BÎÃf»Aäæ í êªBN¿ ä ä æÅ¿ ê äoÎ»Ë æ ä ªBN¿ä ä BÎÃf»Aäæ í BÀÃAä éê :¾B³ä Á¼mËä ä ä _ ÒZ»Bv»Aê ä ê ì ÑAjÀ»Aê ä æ ä æ ÕBnÄ»A ½z¯C LBI `B¸Ä»A LAÌIC ÉUB¿ ÅIA

ra saw Hadhrat Abdullah bin Amr relates that the Holy Prophet said: "The world is but a provision; the best provision of the world is a virtuous woman."

(Ibni Majah abwabunnikah± bab afzalunnisa’)

February 2009 4 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

The Great Prophecy of Musleh Mau’ood

Following is the prophecy given by God Almighty to the Promised Messiahas commonly known as the Prophecy of Musleh Mau’ood, regarding an illustrious son with many wonderful qualities which were fulfilled in the person of Hadhrat Mirza Bashirud Din Mahmood Ahmadra, who later became the second Khalifah of the Jama’at Ahmadiyya. (English translation by Chaudhary Muhammad Zafrulla Khanra)

In the announcement of February 20, 1886, the Promised Messiahas says:

―God the Merciful, the Noble, the High, the Exalted, Who has power to do all that He wills (Glory be to Him and exalted be His name), has vouchsafed to me the following revelation:

I confer upon thee a Sign of My Mercy according to thy suppli- cations. I have heard thy entreaties and have honored thy prayers with My Acceptance through My Mercy and have blessed this thy journey (of Hoshiarpur and Ludhiana). A sign of power, mercy, and nearness to Me is bestowed on thee. A Sign of grace and beneficence is awarded to thee and thou art granted the key of success and victory. Peace on thee, O Victorious one. Thus does God speak so that those who desire life may be rescued from the grip of death and those who are buried in the graves may emerge there from and so that the superi- ority of Islam and the dignity of God‘s word may become manifest unto the people and so that they may arrive with all its blessings and falsehood may depart with all its ills, and so that people may under- stand that I am the Lord of Power, I do whatever I will, and so that they may believe that I am with thee, and so that those who do not be- lieve in God and deny and reject His religion and His Book and His Holy Messenger Muhammad, the chosen onesaw may be confronted with a clear sign and the way of the guilty ones may become manifest.

February 2009 5 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Rejoice, therefore, that a handsome and pure boy will be bestowed on thee. Thou will receive a bright youth who will be of thy seed and will be of thy progeny. A handsome and pure boy will come as your guest. His name is Emanuel and Bashir. He has been invested with a Holy Spirit and he will be free from all impurity. He is the light of Allah. Blessed is he who comes from heaven. He will be accompanied by grace which shall arrive with him. He will be characterized with gran- deur, greatness and wealth. He will come into the world and will heal many of their disorders through his Messianic qualities and through the blessings of the Holy Spirit. He is the Word of Allah for Allah‘s Mercy and Honor have equipped him with the Word of Majesty.

He will be extremely intelligent and understanding and will be meek of heart and will be filled with secular and spiritual knowledge. He will convert three into four (of this the meaning is not clear). It is Monday, a blessed Monday. Son, delight of heart,

high ranking, noble; a manifestation of the First and the Last, a mani- festation of the True and the High; as if Allah has descended from heaven. His advent will be greatly blessed and will be a source of manifestation of Divine Majesty. Behold, a light cometh, a light anointed by God with the perfume of His Pleasure. We shall pour Our spirit into him and he will be sheltered under the Shadow of God. He will grow rapidly in stature and will be the means of procuring the re- lease of those held in bondage. His fame will spread to the ends of the earth and peoples will be blessed through him. He will then be raised to his spiritual station in heaven. This is a matter decreed.‖



Hadhrat Mirza Bashirud earth and through whom This is proved by his achie- Din Mahmood Ahmadra, the slave nations will receive vements, by his books and second successor of the their freedom. This proph- his public addresses, above Promised Messiahas, was ecy ‗had been published by all by the quality of his lead- born on ‗Saturday, January the Promised Messiahas on ership and by the quality of 12 1889 at . He was February 20 1886. character he imparted to the the eldest of the Promised- Jama’at. It is proved also by as Hadhrat Mirza Bashir- Messiah‘s surviving sons ra his own career and the career from his second wife, ud Din Mahmood Ahmad , of the Community he led, the second successor of the Hadhrat Ummul Momineen, as through crisis after crisis. All Syeda Nusrat Jahan Begumra. Promised Messiah was the this is history and history In him was fulfilled the son promised in the proph- well-known to those who prophecy made by the Holy ecy. For 52 years he led the came close to him. Prophetsaw that the Messiah community ‗from strength on his second coming would to strength until it achieved He was endowed with a marry and be blessed with its present status in the strong passion for serving children. It signified that his world of religion. Islam. During the lifetime of the Promised Messiahas,. children would follow in his He was born in 1889 footsteps and serve the cause when he was yet in his teens and in the same year the he prepared himself actively of Islam. The prophecy was Promised Messiahas took repeated by the Promised for pushing forward the Is- as the first Bai’at. So the birth lamic cause. He organized a Messiah himself and was of the Ahmadiyya Move- fulfilled in the person of literary association of his ment in Islam synchronizes friends with the name of Hadhrat Mirza Bashirud Din with the birth of the Mes- Mahmood Ahmadra. In this ―Tashhizul Azhan‖ for prac- siah‘s promised son. ticing the art of public speak- prophecy God had promised a son to the Promised Mes- When he grew up he ing. He also started a maga- siah, who would manifest the was admitted to the local zine of the same name for glory of the Holy Qur‘an, school. But owing to bad practicing the art of writing. with ‗whose coming will health he could not concen- The speeches he made and come truth with all its bless- trate on his. studies and the articles he wrote were all ings, and ‗falsehood will van- ended up by failing in his directed to a clear, original ish with all its evils, who will Matriculation examination. and living exposition of Is- be accompanied by grace and lam. lead the cause of Islam to He did not enter any other school. Attending a. Similarly, at a very victory and ‗success ; whose early period of his life he advent will be the manifesta- University was out of ques- tion. But as the Promised took deep interest in the tion of divine power, who as study of the Holy Qur‘an. He will advance with leaps and Messiah . had foretold, he yet became educated and would become absorbed in it bounds and whose name will and dig into its hidden mean- spread to the ends of the informed both in secular and in spiritual sciences. ing bringing something fresh

February 2009 7 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA and meaningful for the mod- of Al-Fazl, which in course ud Din Mahmood Ahmadra ern mind. Hadhrat Khalifatul of time became a daily. told them to face the situation Masih Ira, great lover of the During this period, he also. boldly. He exhorted them to Holy Qur‘an was his guide in toured the country making keep steadfast in pursuing the this study. He taught him the speeches in places. Promised Messiah‘sas Mis- Holy Qur‘an and some books sion and to be wary about the on the traditions of the Holy At this very time when machinations of its—witting Prophetsaw. In fact his asso- he was only a youth he was or unwitting — ill-wishers. ciation with Hadhrat Khali- able to perceive that some fatul Masih Ira forms a most vocal members of the com- The next day he con- interesting chapter in the his- munity were out to disrupt tacted the leaders of the dis- tory of the Ahmadiyya Mo- it and to deflect it from the senting group and assured vement and personal history right course. They were dis- them that if the majority of the two first Khalifahs. senting from the institution would elect one of their of Khilafat and wanted to group as Khalifah he would On May 26, 1908 when undo it. He warned the Ja- be first to pledge his fealty to the Promised Messiahas ma’at accordingly and him. He was only trying to passed away, he was 19 years faced the dissenters with keep them attached to the old. On that solemn occasion courage and determination. Khilafat. But they refused. he stood by the Messiah‘sas The dissenters failed to cor- They were bent upon de- body and solemnly pledged rupt the Jama’at. Leaders stroying the institution. to Almighty Allah that even of this faction were power- if all his followers forsook ful members of the Sadar Maulvi , the Messiah‘sas Mission, he Anjuman Ahmadiyya. They chief spokesman of the dis- would stand by him for ever called him a ―child‖. But senters, had published a pam- and work for it single- this ―chi1d‖ saved the Ja- phlet while Hadhrat Khali- handed, if necessary. He ma’at. fatul Masih Ira was yet alive. lived for 52 years after this It was circulated to the Ja- undertaking and every mo- Election as Khalifah ma’at centers expeditiously. ment throughout this period In the pamphlet he had of time is witness to the fact The first Successor of pressed for the dissolution of as that he stood by his pledge in the Promised Messiah the Khilafat and exhorted the letter and in spirit. died on March 13 1914 in Jama’at to support the dis- the afternoon. It was a very senters. In 1911, with the per- critical moment for the Ja- mission of Hadhrat Khali- ma’at. On the one hand it After the afternoon Pra- ra fatul Masih I he set up an was overwhelmed by grief yer service some 2,000 peo- association with the name of at its great loss and on the ple coming from various cen- Majlis Ansarullah, (Associ- other the fear of disruption ters of the community gath- ation of the Helpers of Allah) looked large in the horizon. ered in the court of the Nur which did very useful work The Jama’at was praying Mosque. The purpose was to in spreading education in the tearfully to Almighty Allah elect the new Khalifah. First community and in the up- for saving it from discord of all Hadhrat Nawwab Mu- ra bringing of its youth. In 1912 while the factionist minor- hammad Ali Khan read out he performed Hajj and vis- ity were out to spread dis- the will of Hadhrat Khalifatul ra ited the holy cities of Mecca sensions. Addressing the Masih I in which he had and Medina. In. 1913 he Jama’at at this critical junc- expressly wanted the Jama’at started a weekly by the name ture, Hadhrat Mirza Bashir- to elect a new successor.

February 2009 8 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

When the assembly heard the The formula of Bai’at was of Islam and Ahmadiyyat are will they exclaimed ‗Hadh- then repeated by them immeasurable. It is not possi- rat Mian Sahib‖, meaning while they were all hoarse ble even to touch upon them that they voted for Hadhrat with emotion. The Bai’at in a booklet like ours. Giving Mirza Bashirud Din Mah- taking over, the assembly details is out of question. mood Ahmadra. prayed for a long time for Only salient features are God‘s blessing upon the listed below. An old companion of as Jama’at under its new lead- the Promised Messiah , ership. Missionary Hadhrat Maulavi Syed Mu- ra System hammed Ahsan of Amroha Mirza Bashirud Din then came at the rostrum Mahmood Ahmadra, now Very early in his Caliph- and stressing the impor- Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih ate (or better Khilafat) tance of the institution of II, then stood up and said Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IIra Khilafat formally proposed that though he was a very attended to the primary ob- the name of Hadhrat Mirza weak mortal, yet he was ject of the Jama’at, i.e., tak- Bashirud Din Mahmood fully confident that God ing Islam to all climes and Ahmadra. ―We second it‖, will give him the power to countries. He started prepar- ―We second it‖ came the fulfill his responsibilities. ing missionaries for estab- resounding cry from the He called upon the Jama’at lishing overseas missions and assembly. They insisted that to rally round the Khilafat producing suitable literature Bai’at should be taken for the uplift of Islam and for distribution. To keep this forthwith. Ahmadiyyat. twofold work going he as- sembled the necessary Maulvi Muhammad Ali Maulvi Muhammad Ali means. In 1934 he created a Sahib, chief of the dissenting and his associates felt completely new organization group, rose to say something, dismayed and left the as- under the name of Tahrik-e- but the assembly stopped sembly. After a few days Jadid, to which he entrusted him. He was against the very they left Qadian itself and everything connected with institution — why should established a separate Anju- missions outside the Indo - they listen to him ? man at . In the be- Pakistan sub-continent.

ginning they claimed that Then practically all pre- the majority of the Jama’at The first Ahmadiyya Mis- sent rose and gathered round was still with them, but sion overseas was founded in Hadhrat Mirza Bashirud Din ra with the passage of time Europe. Pioneer missionary Mahmood Ahmad entreat- they realized that it was not Choudhry Fateh Muhammad ing him to take their Bai’at so. Sayal, reached London in there and then. He was reluc- 1913. In April 1914 under in- tant but when the assembly Principal Events structions from Hadhrat persisted, he agreed, and took Khalifatul Masih IIra. Ch. the Bai’at (formal declaration The blessed period of Fateh Muhammad Sayal set of loyalty to the Khalifah). Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih up a mission in London. He ra The people sitting near him II is stretched over a pe- purchased a plot of land at got hold of his hand, those riod of 51 years seven Putney, Southfields, on behind them put their hands months and twenty six days which are now situated the on the backs of those who from March 14 1914 to No- Mission House and the Fazl were grasping his hand. All vember 8 1965. His Mosque (commonly known the back rows did the same. achievements in the cause

February 2009 9 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA as the London Mosque). Translation in French is in above 40). Khuddamul Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih the press and translations in Ahmadiyya (for youth above IIra visited the mission in other languages are await- 15), Atfalul Ahmadiyya (for 1924. He had then gone there ing publication or are in the boys up to the age of 14). He to participate in the Confer- course of preparation. gave them. constitutions and ence on Living Religions, objectives to help them con- organized by the sponsors of Moral Education. tribute to their self- the Wembley Exhibition. His improvement as well as to Hadhrat Khalifatul Ma- paper on Islam, prepared by the overall progress of the sih IIra felt much concerned himself, a resume of his lar- Jama’at. Similarly he organ- about the moral education ger work, Ahmadiyyat or the ized the womenfolk into La- of the community. For True Islam was read in this jna Imai!lah (Ladies above years on until he grew weak Conference by Chaudhri Mu- 15), Nasiratul Ahmadiyya by illness he lectured on the hammad Zafrulla Khanra. (girls up to the age of 15) and Holy Qur‘an to men and gave them similar constitu- women separately. These During his stay in Lon- tions and objectives to keep lectures, called Dars, were don, be laid the foundation them always on the move for later published in book stone of the Fazl Mosque, moral, spiritual, and commu- form, his famous Tafsir-e- Putney, Southfields on Octo- nal advancement. ber 19, 1924. It was com- Kabir. Tafsir-e-Kabir is his pleted in 1926 and formally larger commentary spread All these organizations opened in October of the over 6,000 pages. Tafsir-e- have gone a long way in tak- same year by Sir Abdul Saghir is a 853 page vol- ing the Jama’at forward in Qadir, well-known leader ume of flowing Urdu trans- pursuit of their moral and and jurist of the Pakistan- lation and a shorter com- worldly goals. India subcontinent. mentary in Urdu. These two works contained his exege- Minaratul Masih Starting from scratch sis of the Holy Qur‘an. he spread out a world-wide Much exegetical material The foundation stone of network of missions. These exists in published Friday, the Minaratul Masih had missions have preached Is- been laid by the Promised ‘Id and Nikah sermons and as lam in its pristine purity and in Jalsa addresses. Transla- Messiah in March 1903. so cleared the way for man- tions of these writings or The project had to be de- kind to come into its fold. ferred for the lack of funds. parts thereof have since ra They have also carried the been published in many Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II name of Hadhrat Khaljfatul languages. re-started work on its con- Masjh IIra to the ends of the struction in 1914 and it was earth, fulfilling the prophecy His Friday sermons and completed in 1916. It was of the Promised Messiahas speeches delivered on vari- built to fulfill the prophecy about his promised son. ous occasions including the contained in a tradition of the Annual Gatherings have Holy Prophetsaw that the In the time of Hadhrat contributed largely to the Promised Messiahas will ra Khatifatul Masih II the moral transformation of the ―descend near a white mina- translations of the Holy Jama’at. They contain ret. Qur‘an were produced in dif- guidance for the Jama’at in ferent languages. Transla- personal as welt as social Majlis-e-Shura tions have been published in problems. English, Dutch, German, In 1922, be set up an as- Danish, Esperanto, Indone- He set up Associations sembly of the Jama’at (Maj- sian, Swahili, and Urdu. of Ansarallah (for men Iis Mushawarat) which, at

February 2009 10 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA the instance of the Khalifah, Malkana Muslims, he took Chaudhri Muhammad Za- meets at least once a year and immediate steps to stop it. frulla Khanra. The book was more than once if required. It Upon his call hundreds of published later entitles, considers the annual budget Ahmadis offered them- ―Ahmadiyyat or the True Is- and sundry proposals placed selves to work in the terri- lam.‖ During his stay in Lon- before it for the advancement tory at their own expense. don he laid a corner stone of of the Jama’at and submits An office was created to the first Ahmadiyya Mosque its recommendations to the arrange their trips and to in the Western World. It was Khalifah, who presides over guide them in their activi- completed and inaugurated in its deliberations. The assem- ties. Everyone of them had 1926. After a stay of about bly consists of delegates (a to spend at least three four months he returned to total now of 500 but steadily months among the Mal- Qadian. The tour proved very increasing) of local commu- kanas. In this period they fruitful in introducing Islam nities, central officials and made them firm in their Is- and Ahmadiyyat to the West. some nominees of the Khali- lamic faith and resistant to fah. The Khalifah is present anti-Islamic influences. As In 1955, largely for rea- sons of health, Hadhrat in person. The proceedings a consequence, the Arya ra begin and end in a commu- Samaj drive ended in Khalifatul Masih II visited nity prayer. Delegates (and smoke. This work of Europe for a second time and observers) have the opportu- Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih sanctioned a number of mis- nity to listen to the Khalifah IIra was especially com- sions in the continent. again and again. mended by non-Ahmadi

Exodus from Qadian Muslims and their press. Malkana Apostacy On the creation of Paki- Journey to England stan, riots broke out through- In the United Provinces out ‗the country. Muslims in of India, Muslim Rajputs call In 1924 during the the Indian part of the Punjab themselves Malkanas. Origi- Wembley Exhibition in were driven out from their nally coming from Hindus London a Commonwealth homes and forced to leave for they followed many Hindu Conference of Living Re- Pakistan. Non-Muslims left customs. Some of them even ligions was also held. Pro- in Pakistan were forced to practiced idol-worship. In tagonists of different relig- leave for India. Frenzied ma- 1922-23, the Arya Samaj, ions participated. Hadhrat ra rauders pounced upon mi- Hindu Militant sect, started a Khalifatul Masih II was grating refugees, abducted campaign to win them over also invited. After con- their women, plundered their to Hinduism. They perceived sulting the Jama’at, he de- valuables and cut their men that the task was easy. These cided to participate. to pieces. Against the plead- Muslims were still regulated With a party of 12 com- ings and arguments of the by Hindu customs offensive panions he embarked on his Ahmadiyya Community, part to the monotheism of Islam. journey via Bombay on of the District of Gurdaspur Many Malkana Muslims ac- July 12, 1924. He stopped in which Qadian was situated tually fell a prey to the Arya in Egypt, Syria and the then was awarded to Bharat. Qad- Samaj drive. Palestine. In London his ian was surrounded by Sikh

paper, an abridgement of villages. In view of the bands When Hadhrat Khalifatul his larger work, was read in of Sikh bandits who lay in Masih IIra came to know of the Conference by Hadhrat ambush on all roads to Paki- this apostatizing drive among stan, the safe evacuation of

February 2009 11 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Ahmadis to Pakistan was a was (deceased: 2007) set- IIra, the Jama’at was sub- big problem. More than 70 tled there. The affairs of the jected to spurts of persecu- miles of dangerous route in- Ahmadiyya Community in tion. Every time it seemed as tervened. Bharat are managed by the if the Jama’at would be no Sadar Anjuman Ahmadiyya, more. But he faced .every Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih ra Bharat, with headquarters at situation with faith and cour- II had realized very early Qadian. Annual Gatherings age and proclaimed that far that without providing trans- of the Bharat Ahmadiyya from suffering any loss, the port and efficient military Community also take place. Jama’at would only go for- guard safe conduct to Lahore A contingent of Ahmadis ward and gain new ground, would not be possible. It so from Pakistan participates as a result of persecution. By happened that before rioting in these gatherings if per- the Grace of Almighty Allah had assumed menacing di- mission is forthcoming. each time it came to pass ex- mensions he left Qadian and actly as he had foretold. The reached Lahore. There could Jama’at was only stronger be and there was a meeting than before. with Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru The establishment of who had come to Lahore for Rabwah in Pakistan as the We have described how a high-level conference. The new Headquarters of the some dissentients wanted to meeting resulted in nothing. Movement is a grand do away with Khilafat. Their The inevitable took place. It achievement. The Jama’at efforts went in vain. Khilafat became evident that Hadhrat had come to Pakistan empty prospers in the community. Khalifatul Masih IIra had -handed. Whatever they had In 1927, a group raised an come to Pakistan ‗to stay. in undivided India had been uproar against Hadhrat But here he worked day and looted. Ahmadis ousted Khalifatul Masih IIra. They night for the evacuation of from Qadian became scat- spread filthy imputations Qadian. Finally he was able tered. Hadhrat Khalifatuf against him, but could not ra to arrange for vehicles and Masih II arranged for their harm him or the Jama’at. military guard. From Qadian re-habilitation at Rabwah. Ahmadi men, women and He laid the foundation of Sheikh Abdul Rehman children were transported to the new center on Septem- Misri rose with similar de- Lahore, with a minimum of ber 20 1948 and within signs in 1937. He had been loss. about 20 years a new little for some time Headmaster of town sprang up. The land Madrassa Ahmadiyya at Qadian being sacred for on which Rabwah has been Qadian. He claimed great in- us, we could not leave it un- built had lain waste, God fluence in the Jama’at and guarded. So 313 Ahmadis knows for how long, with opened his campaign with stayed behind to take care of not a blade of grass on it. threats of all kinds. But the the sanctuaries. This number Now it is the headquarters Jama’at survived stronger later increased as Ahmadi of Missionary Islam, and than before. families from parts of Bharat the headquarters of support- came to settle at Qadian. At ing institutions and associa- In 1956 another group present more than 1000 tions. raised its banner of rebellion Ahmadis live there. A week- accompanied by vicious ly paper Badar is also issued Opposition propaganda. But nothing from Qadian. Sahibzada happened. The Jama’at re- Mirza Wasim Ahmad, son of During the time of tained its cohesion and its Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IIra Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih faith in Khilafat. This group

February 2009 12 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA more or less slipped into the dis— turned against the Ah- endure such persecutions in Lahore party. Some of them rar. The miracle continues. the future. He launched a just disappeared out of no- Ahrar have not been able to new scheme for this purpose tice. raise their head again. They with. the name of Tehrik-e- retain their name and live Jadid. it consisted of 19 In 1934, Ahrar roused the with unabated unpopularity. clauses, things to do for the whole country against the community. Every Ahmadi Jama’at. They spread hatred In 1953, anti-Ahmadiyya was asked to respond, so that and provocative misunder- hostility flared up again. The the Jama’at may remain set standings. Some high offi- Jama’at had to face a situa- on its positive and construc- cials of the then Punjab Gov- tion, even more serious than tive projects. Some of the ernment were also at their in. 1934. Country-wide meet- clauses. are as follows: back. The then British Gov- ings were held and the fire of ernor blessed them. This in- hatred kindled against the 1. Young men to volunteer flated their pride so much community. The result was their lives for the mis- that they thought they could that the mob took to rioting sionary programs and community services. humble the Jama’at. The and arson. Many Ahmadi high-ups assisted them from houses were looted and 2. The whole Jama’at to behind the scenes. They held burnt. Some Ahmadis were subscribe to the Tehrik-e- a conference — with official killed. The then Punjab Gov- Jadid Fund which was connivance — in Qadian it- ernment sided with the mis- opened by Hadhrat self. The mischief was met creants. The rioting spread in Khalifatul Masih IIra for by disciplined endurance. the whole of the province,. establishing and main- Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IIra Hadhrrat Khalifatul Masih taining over-seas mis- struck a prophetic note, obvi- IIra was not deterred. In one sions. ously receiving hints from of his sermons,. he said: 3. All Ahmadis to practice Almighty Allah. In a Friday ―Ahmadiyyat has been simple living, eat only sermon he declared that one dish, wear cheap planted by God Himself. ..If: ―The earth is slipping these people win, we are li- clothes, abstain from go- from under the feet of the ars. But if we are true,. then ing to movies and do enemy, their doom is draw- these people shall be the los- some gainful work in ing near.‖ (Al-Fazl May 30, ers‖ (Al-Fazl, February. 15 their spare time and 1935) 1953). things of that sort.

Immediately after this The mischief-mongers The drive proved very p r o c l a m a t i o n e v e n t s were themselves abased and~ successful. Many new mis- miraculously changed their humiliated. God helped the sions were opened in various course. An old dispute over a Jama’at miraculously and parts of the world. Thousands mosque— called the Shahid- those who had come out to of people embraced Ahmadi- gunj mosque— somehow destroy were themselves des- yyat and joined the world became suddenly live. The troyed. effort for the propagation of mosque was in Sikh posses- Islam. Translations of the sion. Muslims claimed it. The Tehrik-e-Jadid Holy Qur‘an were published The Ahrar party blundered in important languages of the The mischief perpetrated and sided with the Sikhs. world. The Jama’at learnt to by the Ahrar in 1934 inspired Muslim masses—whom they make more and more sacri- Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IIra had roused against Ahma- fices. Many young men re- to discipline the Jama’at fur- signed their earlier occupa- tions and devoted their lives

February 2009 13 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA to community service. The the Rabwah Mubarak there for the risk to his life Tehrik-e-Jadid Fund became Mosque. He received a was too serious in case of an a permanent institution. In its deep knife gash in the neck, operation. They hoped that first year, only a paltry sum which would have proved the pressure on the vein and of Rs. 23,500 was asked for fatal, had it gone only a lit- the nervous system would from the Jama’at but now tle deeper. The assassin was lessen by the passage of time Lakhs and Lakhs of rupees overpowered and handed and he would be able to do are contributed annually to- over to police. some mild work. They were wards this fund. The Jama’at strictly against his resuming Hadhrat Khalifatul Ma- subscribes to it as to an insti- ra his activities on his former tution which has come to stay sih II was given immedi- tempo. and keeps growing. ate medical treatment, and he recovered for the time It was, however, very dif- Khilafat Jubilee being. But the wound had a ficult for him to change the serious effect on his nerv- pattern of his life. While in Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih ous system. Even after it England he held a conference ra II assumed the office of had apparently healed, he of Ahmadi missionaries from Khilafat in 1914. By 1939, did not feel at home and all over the world. Plans 25 years had passed since his could not bring himself to were considered for expand- blessed and successful ca- work hard as it was his ing missionary work. He also liphate began. Chaudhri Mu- wont to do. The surgeons visited some missions in ra hammad Zafrulla Khan ap- could not find out the cause Europe and gave them on the pealed to the Jama’at to col- of his persistent feeling of spot advice. He returned to lect .a sum of three Lakhs of discomfort. He decided in Rabwah on September 25. rupees and present it to him 1956, as counseled by his 1955. Back in Rabwah he on the occasion of his jubilee medical attendants and the embarked upon some major for disposal as he liked. This Jama’at, to proceed to projects of Qur‘an exegesis. was to serve as a token of Europe and seek expert their gratitude to God Al- medical and surgical help. Tafsir-e-Kabir and mighty for showering His Tafsir-e-Saghir grace on them during his glo- So on March 23, 1955, rious caliphate. So his Silver accompanied by his family A great achievement of ra Jubilee was celebrated on the and some companions he Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II occasion of the Annual Gath- flew to Europe. Chaudhri is his commentary of the ra ering held in December 1939. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan Holy Qur‘an. Tafsir-e-Kabir A purse of two Lakhs seventy kept him company during is the longer commentary and thousand rupees was pre- this journey. He was mi- Tafsir-e-Saghir is the shorter sented to him on this occa- nutely examined by top commentary. The longer sion. An address was read by class physicians and sur- commentary discusses ques- Chaudhri Sahibra on behalf of geons in Switzerland, Ger- tions of textual meaning, of the Jama’at. many and London, who relation between verse and having recourse also to his verse, and Surah and Surah Attempt on life X-ray photos gave as their and answers questions raised considered opinion that the by western scholars. The In March 1954, an assas- point of the knife had bro- shorter commentary has sin attacked Hadhrat Khali- ra ken at the jugular vein and notes here and there and an fatul Masih II when he was had got stuck in it. They interpretative and free- conducting the Asr Prayers in advised that it had to be left flowing Urdu translation.

February 2009 14 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Subtleties are explained, in- terpolations in the translation Mentoring is not a one are shown within brackets. An English translation of the conversation event Holy Qur‘an with a commen- tary based mostly on his commentaries has made the So you are kindly invited to join the Holy Book accessible to the monthly conversation with English reader. This volume edited by Malik Ghulam members of the Farid has about 1500 pages. Ahmadiyya Muslim Medical The General Introduction composed in Urdu by Association Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IIra and translated into English Then it is highly recommended that they hear important by Qazi Muhammad Aslam advice and recent information being provided by the Ahmadi- and Chaudhri Muhammad yya Muslim Medical Association (AMMA) in its conference Zafrulla Khanra has been is- call series dedicated to premedical and medical students. sued as a separate volume. Monthly calls which occur on the first Monday night of every month are typically attended by numerous premedical and Waqf-e-Jadid medical students as well as full time practicing physicians from a variety of specialties. These physicians and medical students In 1958, Hadhrat Khali- share their experiences with more junior students and grade fatul Masih IIra set up Waqf-e school students which is followed by an open question and an- -Jadid Organization for Is- swer session. Students and Professionals of all ages are encour- lamic work in Pakistan vil- aged to participate. So many need this advice but are not re- lages and for the moral and ceiving it—please help us spread the word. religious education of the rural population. He called Jazakamullah and please remember this effort in your upon Ahmadi youth to dedi- prayers. cate their lives for this pur- pose. Many young men came (309) 946-5000 forward and after receiving access code 362867 (D-O-C-T-O-R) some training were stationed in various villages. A small Upcoming Dates – all with the same call in number area consisting of a number above: of villages is placed under the care of each worker. Mar 2, 2009 Apr 6, 2009 They have to teach and guide May 4, 2009 June 1, 2009 generally and look after the village populations. Fizan Abdullah, M.D., Ph.D. Ahmadi Muslims, Assistant Professor of Surgery Historical Outline, Nurud Din Munir, Division of Pediatric Surgery A Lajna Publication, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Rabwah, Pakistan, 1983.

February 2009 15 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA Synopsis of Friday Sermon Delivered by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba at Baitul Mahdi Mosque, Bradford, UK on November 7, 2008

Shermeen Butt

Hazooraba delivered today‘s Friday Sermon from Bradford, England at the occasion of the inauguration of a new mosque Baitul Mahdi. Hazooraba cited verses 29 to 32 of Surah Ibrahim (14:29-32) at the beginning of the sermon.

Hazooraba praised the beautiful mosque and its beautiful elevated location that gives a panoramic view of the city of Bradford. Hazooraba said this was only with the Grace of God. Hazooraba said that he would be inaugurating another mosque in the city of Sheffield tomor- row. In addition two new centers have been purchased in the region Hazooraba is currently visiting.

Hazooraba gave some facts and figures about the new Bradford mosque and remarked on the hard work people had put in its completion.

Hazooraba specifically mentioned the contribution of the UK Lajna towards the building of this mosque. He said the UK Jama’at is also waking up to the need to have purpose-built mosques, may Allah enable them to achieve their target of twenty five soon.

Hazooraba said recently there has been an inclination among young people specifically in Europe to turn to Islam. It is our responsibility to take care of this leaning and draw people to the true Islam that Ahmadiyyat represents.

Hazooraba said merely the construction of a beautiful mosque is not sufficient. It is im- perative to fulfill the objectives of a mosque. That is, turn to Allah with pure intent with a heart that is replete with the desire to seek His pleasure as well as fulfill the rights of fellow mankind.

Hazooraba said he expected each member of the Community of the Promised Messiah to have this fervor, otherwise Allah commanded a certain type of mosque to be razed to the ground. Hazooraba cited verses 107 to 109 of Surah Tauba to expound this point.

Hazooraba said it cannot be expected from the Community of the Promised Messiahas who was sent in the latter-days so that people may recognize Allah, so that creation may honor creation, that their mosques will be a cause of pain, or God forgive us, be a source of spreading disbelief or that they will give refuge to hypocrites. Therefore we have to spread the message of the Promised Messiahas in our surroundings and let the world know that the Mahdi who was to come in subservience of the Holy Prophetsaw to remove the troubles of the world has indeed come.

February 2009 16 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

The second commandment is to give in the cause of God. The foundations of the Har- tlepool mosque and this mosque in Bradford were laid on the same day. However, the Har- tlepool mosque, being smaller, was completed two years ago. What Hazooraba wished to mention was that at the inauguration of the Hartlepool mosque Hazooraba had announced the commencement of the new Tehrik-e-Jadid year. It was the first time Hazooraba had an- nounced the new Tehrik-e-Jadid year outside London. By chance, today once again it was the occasion to announce the new year for Tehrik-e-Jadid.

The scheme of Tehrik-e-Jadid was initiated by Hadhrat Musleh Mau‘oodra when the enmity of the opponents was at its peak. However, with the launch of this scheme the Tabligh of Ahmadiyyat increased dramatically and today the mosques and the centers that we are making are in fact the fruits of this Tehrik. Giving in the way of Allah facilitates pub- lication of literature, construction of mosques, training of missionaries.

Previously we had just two Jami’as. Now, with the growing need for missionaries many Jami’as have been opened in the world. Britain is among the fortunate countries to have a Jami’a.

Just as regular Salat is needed, similarly constant giving is required. A one-off giving does not fulfill one‘s obligations. Now Allah has opened new ways and means of Tabligh, like MTA. Today the world is listening to this Friday Sermon live through MTA. We now have to take our message to each city, each town, each street of the world and for this finan- cial giving is needed. Indeed, we also affirm giving in our pledge.

It is the blessing of Allah that He Himself puts the passion of giving in the members of the Community. In these times of global economic crisis Allah assures believers that their worship and their giving will protect them from the bad effects of this crisis. This is because a believer has his/her sight on the final objective for which, i.e. for seeking the pleasure of Allah worship and financial giving is of avail. It is Allah‘s grace that Ahmadis comprehend this matter. At times one feels that maybe the financial commitments are a lot but Ahmadis continue to spend in the way of Allah.

Many await the announcement of the commencement of the Tehrik-e-Jadid year with their saved up contributions. They do not keep their account with Allah in debit. Some have to be reminded by Hazooraba that their families also have a right, to which they respond that this is why they are ‗making a deal with Allah.‘

The giving of Ahmadi women is greater than those of men. UK Lajna has participated in the construction of this mosque as well as the Berlin mosque. A wave of giving seems to have taken course in Britain and UK Lajna has a part in it.

Hazooraba said the registers/accounts of those belonging to Dafter Awwal of Tehrik-e- Jadid (the original contributors of the first 19 years) have been restored, some by their fami- lies, others by the Central Jama’at.

In Pakistan the first three big contributors are the Jama’ats of Lahore, Rabwah and Ka- rachi.

February 2009 17 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

In the UK, among the large Majalis the positions are as follows: London Mosque, Worcester Park, West Hill, Tooting, Sutton, Bradford, Manchester, Gillingham and Inner Park. The smaller Majalis stand as follows: Scunthorpe, Wolverhampton, Bristol, Spen Val- ley, Leamington Spa, Bournemouth, North Wales, Woking, Keighley and Devon and Cornwell.

In USA the first four Jama’ats are; Silicon Valley, Chicago West, North Virginia and Detroit.

At the end of the 74th financial year for Tehrik-e-Jadid the contributions made stand at £ 4,102,792.00. This amount, despite the global economic crisis, is £500,000 more than last year.

This year once again Pakistan stands first in making the biggest contribution, second is USA, then the UK, Germany, Canada, Indonesia, India, Belgium and Australia in joint eight position, Switzerland, and the joint tenth position goes to Nigeria and Mauritius. Hazooraba said USA has secured the second position but their total contribution is less than last year‘s while the exchange rate of US dollar has been better this year. The contribution of UK is £74,000.00 more than last year.

Nigeria has made a significant improvement and has joined the first ten Jama’ats thus being the first Africa country to join the rank of the first ten.

The total number of contributors to Tehrik-e-Jadid is 500,000 which Hazooraba deems is still insufficient.

******* Evils of Associating Partners with God

I regret that I have not found words in which I should set out the evils of leaning towards anyone except God. People go to others and flatter them and supplicate them which excites the jealousy of God Almighty. This is the Prayer of these people from which God withdraws and which He casts aside. I set out the matter in a crude way, though it is not its true reality and yet it is easy to fol- low. A self-respecting man's jealousy would not tolerate another person estab- lishing a relationship with his wife, as in such a case, he would consider his wretched wife worthy of being killed and very often that is what happens in fact. Similar is the jealousy of the Divine. Servitude and prayer are reserved for His Being. He does not approve that anyone else should be worshipped or should be called on in supplication. So remember well that to lean towards any beside Al- lah is to cut asunder from Him. Prayer and Unity--for Prayer is the name of the proclamation of Unity in practice--are without blessing and vain when they are empty of humility and nothingness and are not pursued with a single-minded heart !!! [Malfoozat, Vol. I, pp. 167-168]

February 2009 18 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA MUSLEH MAU’OODra, THE PROMISED SON A Bright Sign, to Prove the Truth of Masih Mau’oodas

Dr. Muhammad Sharif Khan, Philadelphia

Background History thing specific in the mar- from his second wife. as riage of Promised Messiah Hadhrat Mirza Bashirud- Hundreds of years to which this tradition of ra ago the Holy Prophet Mu- the Holy Prophetsaw and din Mahmood Ahmad hammadsaw, foretold that other prophesies refer. joined Primary School Promised Messiahas will Qadian and Talimul Islam When opponents of High School, Qadian for marry and have progeny: as Masih Mau‘ood demanded early academic education. Yatazavvajohu wa Hazoor to show some mira- However, as a student, he Yooladu lahu cle to prove the truth of his was never interested in rou- claim, the Promised Mes- tine knowledge rather he had ―He shall marry and have siah Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam a natural inclination to reli- children, ‖ Ahmad Qadianias visited gious studies. It was not

Similarly in Talmud, Hoshiarpur to pray in seclu- merely coincidental, but a the authentic book of Jewish sion. There he confined great miracle of Divine Des- diction, carries news of the himself in a room and tiny, his knowledge not ac- promised son of the Prom- prayed for four days undis- quired from books proved ised Messiahas. Moreover, a turbed. He asked from Al- that Allah Almighty Himself prominent Muslim Saint lah the Almighty to grant wanted to be his teacher. Nematullah Shah Wali, him a vivid sign to prove Soon world witnessed that prophesied in the 6th century the truthfulness of his claim he, who could not complete of Hijra that after 1200 years as Masih Mau‘ood and Ma- his formal education, mas- hdi. In response he had a tered not only intrinsic and elapsing wondrous signs will th appear, indicating the advent great revelation on 20 spiritual knowledge but his of the Messiah. Shah Wali February, 1886. Allah Al- insight into basic wisdom Ullah Muhaddith Dehlvi mighty gave him glad tid- was so vast and deep that a (12th century Hijri) said that ings of the birth of an illus- learned scholar armed with he was told by God that the trious son, of unusually whatever worldly knowledge, Day of Judgment was nigh high status, qualities of when he questioned Islamic and the advent of the Mes- character and actions. It principals before Mirza was prophesized to resur- Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahm- siah was near. Nawwab Nur ra ul Hassan quoted Imam Jaf- rect falling Islamic values ad , invariably proved a fer (1st century Hijri) that and pull Muslims out of mere academic novice, when decline and depression. The answered in depth by Ha- Imam Mahdi shall rise in the ra 12th century Hijri. prophecies were fulfilled on zoor . th 12 January, 1889 in the Hadhrat Mirza Bashirud- Birth of children to a birth of Hadhrat Mirza ra married couple is a day to Bashiruddin Mahmood din Mahmood Ahmad deli- day natural phenomenon. Ahmadra, the eldest son of vered countless speeches and Apparently there is some the Promised Messiahas wrote several books expoun- ding the beauties of Islamic

February 2009 19 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA teachings and inculcating the explicit and intrinsic knowl- higher and higher results. love of knowledge in Mus- edge."  Remember! You are not lims. His philosophy about only responsible for the acquisition of knowledge Reading through these yourself; rather you are was that merely the usual simple and straight-forward responsible to keep up advises to new graduates worldly knowledge is not ra the good name of this sufficient to make one a per- Hazoor in a unique way, institution, where you fect human being unless it is reminded us our duties, ob- have been educated. You accompanied by religious ligations, and sets our are responsible for your knowledge. Hazoor‘sra ad- course towards progress family that supported you dresses were full of wisdom and dignity, leading to the with money. You are re- and knowledge, infusing glory and love of Allah Al- sponsible for your coun- awareness and love of mighty. We need to read try that, directly or indi- knowledge in the Jama’at. these few lines again and rectly, provided you with again to set our clocks ra the means to get higher Hazoor took a per- right. May Allah help us! education. Also, your re- sonal interest in reopening Amen. sponsibility is towards Talimul Islam College on 4th Salient Points of the your religion, because it June, 1944, and took a keen guided and encouraged interest in college affairs. Convocation Address you to acquire knowl- Under his able guidance the ra edge. college within a few years Hazoor pointing to  Your alma mater expects stood among the well-known the outgoing graduates said: that you will use your institutions in the subconti-  Don‘t think that you knowledge in a better nent. Its good performance have finished your edu- way. It should not be drew students from all over cation; rather you have your only motive to get the subcontinents. Again af- started it now. Con- university level educa- ter the partition of India into tinue increasing your tion, rather consider it the two states, he reestablished knowledge by further first step to achieve your the college in Lahore, Paki- study. You see there is goal in life. The degree stan. Hazoorra presided over nothing at rest in nature, that the university has the first convocation of the so never be at rest. awarded you, is in itself college on 2nd April 1950, in From now on you of no value, rather you the college hall in Lahore. should ready yourself make it valuable by your Hazoor‘sra convoca- for a continuous and subsequent deeds and tion address carries lasting constant struggle, as the actions. advice to the outgoing gradu- Holy Qur‘an teaches us.  The degree that you have ates. As one reads through Continue trying to step been awarded is just an these wisdom-filled salient forward and forward. estimation of you‘re the points of the address, one  Always keep seeking university‘s estimation cannot help wondering how the help of Allah Al- that you have acquired truly the prophecy of a prom- mighty, to enable you to that much knowledge ised son filled with knowl- do correct deeds at the which your degree indi- edge is fulfilled in his person, correct time by using cates. It does not mean as has been predicted: ―He the correct means, lead- that actually you have will be filled with wisdom of ing to correct and that much knowledge,

February 2009 20 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

unless you prove in your your habits, understand- ancestors and go on pro- future life, that you have ing and consciousness. gressing. You are to keep more knowledge than the You would have to in view your coming gen- university estimated. It work hard to establish erations, while establish- will establish the credibil- the credibility and honor ing a bright legacy of ity and stature of your of your country in the your own. university. If a degree world.  It is a tough but magnifi- holder falls short of the  You are the introduction cent task entrusted to estimated value of the of your country, and are you. If you will sacrifice degree, naturally people to establish its honor your self, only then will will think that the univer- among the rest of the you be successful to es- sity erred in estimation of countries. It is really a tablish Pakistan on a the degree of your knowl- hard work and to estab- sound base. You will be edge. lish honor is even remembered with love  Remember universities do harder, for which nature and honor that nobody in not shape students; rather has designed you. the future will share with students establish the  You are the first genera- you. credibility of their univer- tion of a newly estab-  In short I say to you: sities and shape them. In lished country. Your ―March towards your new other words degrees do responsibilities are goal with determination, not make a student credit- greater than the citizens perseverance, and cour- able. You should keep of already established age. Always keep in mind increasing your knowl- countries. They have that for courageous young edge; never think that inherited well - men there is a first goal, your college education is established morals and also a second goal and a the last fruit of your stu- legacies from their an- third goal, but no last dentship. Rather you cestors. Your condition goal! When their life ends should consider it a seed is different; you are to and they return to their for the furtherance of establish your country Creator successful and your education. Employ as well as your tradi- honored, they receive ac- all of your energies to tions, which will be re- knowledgement only make your education as fined by future genera- from Him. He is the only fruitful as possible, so tions, making your na- one to justly reward for that the credibility of the tion more and more ma- one‘s services. degrees that you are re- jestic and honorable.  Hence, O you the Allah‘s ceiving today is in-  People of established chosen young men! Cou- creased, and your nation countries are descen- rageous solders of Islam! takes pride in you. dents of already well O you the pivots of your  You are citizens of a established nations, country‘s expectations! O newly created country. comparing to them, you dutiful sons of your na- She is rather a small are the father of the gen- tion! March forward, your country among the big erations to come. Peo- Allah, your religion, your countries of the world. ples of established country, and your nation Your country is not rich; countries trace the foot are all looking at your rather it is a poor country. steps of their ancestors future with love and ex- You are in the habit of and go on progressing. pectations!‖

living in peace and tran- You are to keep in view (Translated from a report quility under foreign rule. your coming genera- published in Al-Fazl, Now you are to change tions, while establishing 15th March 1950)


Lutfur Rahman Mahmood

Background of the rused in the first volume of prophecy the Promised Mes- as Prophecy the Majmooa-e-Ishtiharaat, siah made it clear that the pages 92-94. The Promised prophecy was a divine an- as The prophecy of the Messiah accepted that re- swer to his supplications Musleh Mau‘oodra is one of quest and conveyed to them spread over forty days and the prominent prophecies an- his approval (see page 95- nights. A month later he reit- nounced by the Promised 96 of the same collection). erated the same theme in an- Messiahas After forty days of It appears that the Arya other pronouncement pub- nd seclusion for prayers, in Ho- Samajists originally were lished on March 22 , 1886. shiarpur, the prophecy was genuine seekers after truth published on 20th February, but later on Pundit Lekh Contents of the 1886. The Promised Messia- Ram, a pungent Arya Prophecy has has referred to this proph- preacher, poked his nose in The birth of a son to a ecy in some of his books, the matter and polluted the married couple in itself is not pamphlets, and other pro- existing peaceful atmos- an outstanding development nouncements. It may be phere. Although the Arya however, some points are noted that this prophecy was Samajists failed to benefit particularly noteworthy. At announced a few years prior from the faith inspiring that time the Promised Mes- to his claim to be the awaited prophecy, the group can be siahas was in his fifties. The Mahdi, and the Promised credited for being instru- average age at that time in Messiah. Even at that time he mental to its pronounce- rural India was roughly forty- was recognized by the Mus- ment. five. The Promised Messiahas lim elite and masses as a suc- had two sons from the first cessful champion of Islam. The prophecy an- marriage who were in their With reference to Hazoor‘sas nounced that a son would twenties. There was no issue well published invitation to be born, within nine years th from the second marriage, show signs in support of the starting from February 20 , which was contracted in truthfulness of Islam, the 1886. According to the 1884. Long before that time Holy Qur‘an, and the mission prophecy the illustrious son he had been blessed with the of the Holy Prophetsaw ten would be equipped with gift of communication with representatives of the Arya about fifty extraordinary God. Already he had written Samaj Movement in Qadian, characteristics including four volumes of his first book presented a written petition long life, leadership quali- Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya. It is to Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam ties, worldly success, depth obvious that he wished to Ahmadas to show them a of secular and religious have pious children who similar sign within a year knowledge and spiritual should continue his services starting from September nearness to God. At the in defense of Islam. The criti- 1885. That letter can be pe- very outset of the text of the cal analysis of the prophecy

February 2009 22 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA reveals about fifty character- and wealth interpretation are of pivotal istics. Some of them are (4) Sign of grace and be- importance. These pointers given below: neficence serve as decisive determi- (5) High ranking nants. Physical as Characteristics International a. Hazoor wrote Siraj-e- Characteristics Munir in 1897, two years (1) Remarkable and rapid after the end of the dead- growth (1) Means for the freedom line for the birth of the (2) Sheltered under shadow of those in bondage Promised Son. He re- of Allah (2) Nations will be blessed corded the following re- (3) Would be the likeness of through him marks: the Promised Messiah in (3) His fame will spread to charm and grace the ends of the earth ―I had announced a (4) Long life prophecy regarding the The great variety of birth of my eldest son, Intellectual the above characteristics Mahmood. That prophecy Characteristics and their literal fulfillment, was published on green spread over eight decades leaflets (some of them are (1) Highly talented and and manifesting even after- still available) and were gifted wards, establishes that the circulated among thou- (2) Extremely intelligent prophecy was indeed the sands of people. That son (3) Exceptionally brilliant Word of God and not a was born within the limits (4) Saturated with secular mere biological calculation. highlighted in the proph- and spiritual knowledge It is difficult to pack all ecy. He is now nine years (5) Sharp in understanding these attributes in a single old.‖ (Siraj-e-Munir,

Spiritual individual. It can happen Roohani Khazain Vol. 12 only with the will of God. If p. 36) Characteristics the prophecy is the result of

biological calculation then It may be noted that the (1) Invested with the Holy Promised Son was born Spirit other people should come forward and announce a on January 12, 1889, six (2) Free from all impurity years prior to the dead- (3) Word of Allah similar prophecy prior to the birth of a son who is line. (4) Light of Allah (5) Anointed with the per- assured to be equipped with b. Taryaqul Quloob is an- fume of Allah‘s pleasure these attributes. other important book of as (6) Helper of Allah‘s religion The Promised the Promised Messiah (7) Blessed with Messianic as which was compiled in breath Messiah’s Decisive 1889, but was published a Writings couple of years later. Ha- Temporal zooras has cataloged im- Hadhrat Mirza Ghu- Characteristics portant signs in support lam Ahmadas was the re- of his claim. He refers to cipient of this prophecy. (1) Sign of power the prophecy of the Illus- His understanding of the (2) Key to victory trious Son under sign (3) Man of nobility, grandeur prophetic revelation and its

February 2009 23 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

number 22: Mau‘oodra is mentioned ised Messiahas elabo- under number 49. rated: ―My son, by Allah‘s Grace, is alive and his ―Allah the Almighty ―He was born in January name is Mahmood. I re- conveyed to me the 1889 according to the ceived in a Kashf (vision) good news concerning prophecy mentioned in glad tidings about his the birth of a son. This Sabz Ishtihar (Green birth and saw his name, prophecy was given a Leaflets). He was named Mahmood, written on the wide publicity. Thereaf- Mahmood Ahmad. He is wall of a mosque. There- ter the Promised Son alive and is 17 years old.‖ after I published that was born, who was prophecy on December named Mahmood Ahm- (Haqiqatul Wahyee, Roo- 1st, 1888.‖ (Taryaqul Qu- ad, in accordance with hani Khazain, Vol. 22, p. loob, Roohani Khazain, that vision. He is the 374)

Vol. 15, p. 214) eldest son.‖ The writings of the

(Nazoolul Masih, Roo- Promised Messiahas confirm This is a very powerful hani Khazain Vol. 18 p. Kashf. ‗Mosque‘ in the that Sahibzada Mirza Mah- 570) mood Ahmadra is the prom- spiritual science of inter- ised son. It is noteworthy that pretation of dreams, al- d. Haqiqatul Wahee is the ways signifies the ‗Jam- Promised Messiah‘sas he has been mentioned in the a’at‘ (Muslim Commu- famous book which was Promised Messiah‘s folders nity). Writing of the name penned in 1907. Mau- and tracts before and after his on its wall clearly fore- lavi Abdur Rahman of birth, in 1886, 1888, and tells the leadership role Lakhookay, a bitter en- 1889 and in his books for that person i.e. in this emy of Ahmadiyya Ja- (written in 1897, 1889, 1902, case, role as Khalifah of ma’at, published his and 1907) as one of the sup- the Promised Messiah‘sas revelation: ―Inna shane- porting sign of the truth of Jama’at. That Kashf was oka howal abtar‖ and his claim as the Mahdi and literally fulfilled in March deduced from it that the Messiah. His name, age 1914, twenty-eight years and original pronouncement after the publication of would die without prog- on green colored pamphlets the original prophecy, and eny or descendants. have been repeatedly men- continued to manifest its (The original letter in tioned, in addition to the dec- fulfillment for fifty-one the handwriting of the laration of being the eldest years. Allah be praised said Abdur Rahman can son among the living sons for His all-encompassing be seen on page 430 & from the second marriage. Knowledge. 431 of Haqiqatul Wa- What else is needed to iden- hee). The Promised tify him? as c. The Promised Messiah Messiahas, in his rejoin- wrote another book titled der, under sign number Claimant’s Repeated Nazoolul Masih in 1902, 160, commented on the Declaration and enlisted 123 prophe- so called Lakhookay cies which have been ful- revelation. Referring to Another important filled up to that time. The the prophecy of the il- determinant is the person prophecy of the Musleh lustrious son the Prom- about whom the prophecy is

February 2009 24 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA made, the claimant himself has who claimed to be the difficult situations was not i.e., the very son of the Prom- Musleh Mau‘ood. possible without the sacri- ised Messiahas, Hadhrat fices and unflinching coop- Mirza Mahmood Ahmad. He Followers Dedication eration of the followers. Even was nineteen years old at the and Devotion a highly talented general, time of the Promised Messia- without the zeal and sacrifice h‘sas sad demise. He was Theoretically the of the rank and file, cannot twenty-five when he was claimant of the Musleh be successful. This determi- elected as Khalifatul Masih II Mau‘ood prophecy can be nant, which cannot be ig- in March 1914. Many com- either true and genuine or nored, proves that the claim- panions of the Promised false and an imposter. The ant was true in his declara- Messiahas, including Hadh- true and genuine Musleh tion. rat Khalifatul Masih Ira, con- Mau‘oodra being God‘s sidered Sahibzada Mahmood chosen one would certainly Other Claimants Ahmad as the fulfillment of be supported by Him as a that prophecy but Hadhrat proof of Divine protection Hadhrat Sahibzada Khalifatul Masih IIra re- and help. Hadhrat Khali- Mahmood Ahmad was the mained quiet about the fatul Masih IIra launched only claimant from the prog- eny of the Promised Messia- prophecy until January 1944. many schemes, introduced as new departments in the Ja- h However, some individu- After a spiritual vi- ma’at administration and als came forward with the sion, coupled with a revela- guided the Jama’at to claim to be the Musleh tion vouchsafed to him on higher heights in the field Mau‘ood, on account of men- January 7/8, 1944, he made a of moral and intellectual tal predilection, constitu- declaration about this proph- tional makeup leading to per- th growth, preaching and ex- ecy. On January 28 , 1944, pansion in foreign coun- haps an honest mistake, or in the Friday sermon in tries. The opponents threw lack of spiritual nearness to Qadian, he announced that great challenges in the form God resulting in building of the prophecy of Musleh the castles of wishful think- ra of formidable opposition Mau‘ood had been fulfilled but Hazooras succeeded in ing which is a common dis- in his person. He made simi- leading the Jama’at to ease of traditional imposters. lar declarations in Hoshiarpur th safety and victory. Hun- (20 February, 1944), Lahore dreds of thousands of fol- Yar Muhammad Ho- (12th March, 1944), Ludhiana shiarpuri, Muhammad Sid- rd lowers loved him dearly (23 March, 1944), and and believed in him as the dique Bihari, Sheikh Ghulam Delhi (16th April, 1944). It is Muhammad constitute the list as fulfillment of the prophecy noteworthy that Hazoor of Musleh Mau‘ood, before of pseudo-claimants. Non made these declarations in and after his claim. The Ja- Ahmadi critics have referred public on oath in Allah‘s to these claimants in order to as ma’at’s love, devotion, and mighty name. Hazoor even readiness to make great sac- discredit the belief of the invited any opponent or dou- rifices on his call can be Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at bter to come forward and accepted as the secret of in revelations and other contest with him on the subj- success of those schemes, forms of divine communica- ect, in the form of Mobahala projects and repeated defeat tion. Nobody took these (prayer duel). He is the only of the opponents. The Ja- claimants seriously and they son of the Promised Messia- ma’at survival in extremely died without generating an

February 2009 25 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA impact. Their story is the ―He would be from attributes in his writings and story of a one man army. your seed and progeny‖ pronouncements. A volumi- They are alive only in the nous book is needed to do The Promised Mes- literature of the opponents of as justice to the fulfillment of the Promised Messiah‘s Ja- siah has given the Arabic these aspects. The following ma’at. We do not find in the version of the same proph- five characteristics are being prophecy words like this: ecy in his book Aaina Ka- selected to serve as an exam- malat-e-Islam: ple:

―That he would serve as the tool of the enemies of ―His fame and a. His fame will spread to Ahmadiyyat.‖ blessings would reach to the ends of the earth the ends of the earth. Na- b. Saturation of secular and The existence of im- tions would be blessed by religious knowledge posters is a common phe- this courageous and glori- c. Manifestation of the dig- nomenon. Many people have ous Imam.‖ (Aina Kamalat- nity of the Word of God claimed to be the awaited e-Islam, Roohani Khazain, d. Emancipation of captives Messiah among the Jews. We Vol. 5, p. 578) e. Rapid growth and stature have at least two or more fake Mahdis in every century Mr. Jamba has writ- His Fame will Spread ten a book in Urdu titled of the Islamic calendar. Like- to the Ends of the wise we have many impos- Musleh Mau‘ood. He la- ments that no nation has Earth ters among the Christians. benefited from the blessings False claimants only confirm The prophecy fore- of Khalifatul Masih IIra be- the existence of the true and tells that the name and fame cause Ahmadis do not have genuine claimant. I cannot of the Musleh Mau‘oodra a state of their own (Musleh say much about the above would reach to the farthest Mau‘ood, p.12). This criti- mentioned pseudo-claimants ends of the earth. A man be- cal stance does not auger of this prophecy. I have been comes famous in the world well with Mr. Jamba who told about one living claim- for earning global fame in the himself is living as a refu- ant, Mr. Abdul Ghaffar field of politics, film, art, gee or an asylum seeker or Jamba, a Pakistani living in learning, invention, or recog- perhaps as a naturalized Germany who claimed to be nition as a Nobel Laureate. citizen in Germany. He has the ‗Zaki Ghulam’ (purified The Promised Son did not a golden opportunity to ex- son) another attribute of the belong to any of these sectors ra tend his ‗blessings‘ at least Musleh Mau‘ood mentioned yet his fame spread to the to Germany and the Ger- in the pronouncement of Feb- farthest corners as a spiritual man nation in support of his ruary 1886. leader of a preaching com- claim as Zaki Ghulam. munity. Mission houses, May Allah grant Mr. mosques and other institu- Jamba correct understanding Fulfillment of the tions were built by his mis- of the prophecy of Musleh Prophecy ra sionaries, representatives and Mau‘ood . Addressing the followers who conveyed the Promised Messiah, God Al- The prophecy men- message Islam wherever they mighty has added the follow- tions about fifty characteris- went. He led the Jama’at for ing words to the term Zaki tics of the unborn Illustri- fifty-one years and left an Ghulam: ous Son. The Promised indelible mark on the minds Messiahas added a few more and souls of people. After

February 2009 26 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA examining the world map in r a t i n g t h e M u s l e h livered a speech in Jalsa the light of Jama’at installa- Mau‘oodra with secular and Salana. Maulvi Muhammad tions in the shape of spiritual knowledge. His Ali Sahib (who later on mosques, clinics and schools, younger brother, Hadhrat headed the Lahore Jama’at) one is convinced his name Mirza Bashir Ahmadra did paid glowing tributes to the and fame indeed has reached his masters, but the elder young speaker and even re- to the ends of the earth. Any brother passed the Entrance ferred to his eloquence and book, note, or an article on Examination (school leav- depth of knowledge as a sign Ahmadiyyat in the Encyclo- ing certificate) only par- of the truthfulness of the pedic series essentially refers tially. It was Divine wis- Promised Messiah‘sas mis- to Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih dom so that the God-given sion. IIra with reference to the knowledge could not be growth, work, and impact of attributed to university de- Manifestation of the the Jama’at. grees. God empowered him Dignity of the Word of to write many books and God Saturation of Secular deliver thousands of ser- and Spiritual mons and speeches. More The Word of God Knowledge than 250 books and pam- here refers to the Holy phlets have been published Qur‘an. The prophecy fore- God is an inexhaustible and others will be made tells that the Promised Son, source of knowledge Who available. Hadhrat Khali- unborn at the time of proph- bestows it upon His chosen fatul Masih IIra led a very ecy, would render great ser- ones and the best example is busy schedule yet he was vices to the Holy Qur‘an. By recorded in the Holy Qur‘an. able to produce that much word, deed, and by personal God Almighty has referred to published, written and spo- spiritual example, he would saw the Holy Prophet as an ken material. A prolific au- propagate the message of the Ummi i.e., an unlettered thor can write scores of Holy Qur‘an. This part of the prophet who was blessed novels and books in his par- prophecy has been fulfilled with extraordinary knowl- ticular field. The variety of to the hilt. The following edge and wisdom. In our subjects and topics which points are particularly note- time, we have an astonishing Hazooras has dealt with is worthy: example in the person of the astounding. He writes with as Promised Messiah as an a masterly command on the i. Contribution in the extension of the blessings of Holy Qur‘an, Hadith, his- form of Tafseer the Holy Prophet Muham- tory, politics, economics, saw Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih mad . The Promised Mes- metaphysics, Sufism, com- IIra compiled Tafseer-e- siah was given the knowl- parative study of religion, Saghir, which is the edge of forty thousand roots current affairs, and many translation of the Holy of the Arabic language in a other fields. single night in 1893 (Hayat-e Qur‘an with important -Tayyiba, by Abdul Qadir He had a great apti- explanatory notes. Taf- Saudagar Mal, p.135). He tude for journalism. He ed- seer-e-Kabir is spread authored twenty books in ited a magazine known as over 7000 pages and is Arabic some containing long Tasheezul Azhan when he the detailed commentary poems which can be consid- was in his teens. He of the Holy Qur‘an. It has ered as the fine specimens of launched the weekly Al- been translated into Eng- Arabic poetry. The same God Fazl in 1913. Once, in his lish and work is in pro- honored His promise of satu- early youthful days, he de- gress to render it into Arabic. Hazoorra has de-

February 2009 27 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

defense of Islamic phi- of Kashmir. That was a very losophy, honor and inno- Emancipation of successful campaign result- cence of the prophets, and Captives ing in promulgation of new refutation of the criti- rules and regulations which cisms of the Orientalists. The prophetic words recognized the rights of the of the prophecy are multi- down trodden masses. ii. Translation of the faceted in their application. Holy Qur’an in Eur- Essentially this emancipa- The other aspect is of opean Languages tion is of souls from the international import. This bondage of sin, doubt about aspect can be understood in Hazoorra launched and the existence of God, disbe- the light of the following supervised the project of lief regarding Islam and the prophecy: ‗Nations will be translating the Holy Qur‘anic teachings and blessed through him‖. The Qur‘an into widely spo- their wisdom and blessings. many nations of Asia and ken languages of Europe Winning of a soul for Islam Africa were under the yoke so that the message of and enriching him with a of colonial powers. The Islam could be delivered living faith is tantamount to prophecy refers that such na- the people in their own the freeing of a condemned tions as a result of his Messi- tongues. His zeal for this prisoner from his death cell. anic Spirit and fervent project continues to in- This refers to preaching of prayers would attain status of spire the succeeding Ca- Islam in near and distant independence from their co- liphs. The Jama’at is very lands. Large numbers of lonial masters. Ninety per- close to its target of pre- people have embraced Is- cent of these nations won senting the Word of God lam during his caliphate. their independence during the in at least one hundred The writer of this article period of 1944 to 1965. This languages. It is a noble personally knows two sons manifestation is spread over legacy of Hadhrat Musleh of European Christian mis- twenty-two years, two conti- Mau‘oodra. sionaries who joined the nents and an area covering fold of Ahmadiyyat and hundreds of thousands of iii. Introduction to the died as dedicated mission- miles. We can not brush it Holy Qur’an aries of Islam (Bashir away as mere coincidence. If Ahmad Archard and Abdus it is a coincidence then it has Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Salam Madison, may Allah been orchestrated by God ra II wrote this book to elevate their ranks in para- Almighty to substantiate his serve as a preface or in- dise). This emancipation is work. troduction to the Holy a true example of the resur- Qur‘an. The book con- rection of the spiritually Rapid Growth and tains valuable information dead! Stature on the revelation, preser- vation, and compilation The prophecy was The prophecy an- of the Holy Qur‘an, life manifested in 1930‘s when nounces that the Musleh ra of the Holy Prophet Mu- Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Mau‘ood would grow rap- ra hammadsaw and the com- II headed and supervised idly under God‘s shadow, parative study of relig- the movement for the civil which means Divine protec- ions. This useful book has rights of the Kashmiri peo- tion. These words apply to been translated into Eng- ple, who were maltreated his person as well as the Ja- lish and other languages. by the autocratic Maharaja ma’at under his leadership. It

February 2009 28 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA has been mentioned that he that after every threat, the signs which should serve as edited a magazine when he Jama’at emerged stronger proofs for the existence of a was in his teens, and laun- and always leapt forward. living God. The prophecy ched a newspaper a couple of Musleh Mau‘ood is such of years later, and toured Significance of the a faith inspiring sign. The India in 1912 to observe the Prophecy appreciation of the proph- curricula and instruction ecy requires that we should methods in Islamic insti- We read and hear thank God Almighty for tutes. In 1913 he performed with consuming amazement showing us a great sign in Hajj. At the age of twenty- the stories of earlier proph- support of Islam and the five the Jama’at elected ets who were given mira- Holy Qur‘an. The prophecy him as Khalifatul Masih, cles and signs in the past. should strengthen our faith Father of the prophets, Ab- the highest office in the Ja- as in the acceptance of ma’at. Thereafter he led the raham (Hadhrat Ibrahim) , prayers. Supplications are Jama’at for half a century. was given the glad tidings granted by God Almighty, of the birth of Ishmael and His period of Khilafat as who may even convey their (March 1914 – November Isaac which were literally acceptance in advance. 1965) is the period of the fulfilled. About two thou- Thousands of Ahmadis Jama’at growth in every sand years later, God re- have experienced it. respect. Increase of num- peated the same miracle in bers, development of organ- the House of Zachariah The prophecy also izational setup, financial when he was given the demands that as Ahmadis, prophecy about the birth of and budgetary expansion, as we should play our humble opening of missions, con- John (Hadhrat Yahya) An- role in the realization of the struction of mosques, pub- other close relative of real purpose of the proph- Zachariah, Mary (Hadhrat lishing of newspapers, peri- ra ecy i.e. ―superiority of Is- odicals and literature, and Maryam) was conveyed lam and the dignity of the the news about the birth of translations of the Holy as Word of God may become Qur‘an. The schemes of Jesus (Hadhrat Isa ). In all manifest‖ in the world. Our Tehrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e- the above signs miraculous love for the Hadhrat Jadid are milestones of the elements enhance our faith. Musleh Mau‘oodra requires rapid growth of the Ja- An identical miracle por- that we should benefit from ma’at. The other aspect is traying the power and the literature produced by equally interesting and faith knowledge of God Al- him, not forgetting the inspiring. It appears that at mighty has been shown to pieces of advice he has every dangerous juncture, us in the prophecy of the given the Jama’at from when the very existence of Musleh Mau‘ood. The sign time to time, in addition to the Jama’at was challenged given to the earlier prophets participating in all the by internal and external op- has been repeated which schemes and organizations ponents the Mighty Hand of certainly strengthens our launched by him for the God miraculously protected faith. progress of the Jama’at. the Jama’at. The Jama’at That is the best homage we We are unfortu- witnessed these miracles in can pay to his blessed soul. nately living in an era of 1914, 1927, 1934, 1947, Atheism, Satanism, and dis- and 1953. It is noteworthy belief. We need powerful *******

February 2009 29 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA


Nasir Mahmood Malik, National Tarbiyyat Secretary

(Speech delivered at the Dear brothers and sis- to control. However, ac- USA West Coast Jalsa ters, the topic of my speech cording to this report, for Salana, Milpitas, CA on is Islam & Chastity. We many, the urge for sex is an 11/28/08, Editor) live in a promiscuous soci- addiction. A growing num- ety where we need to con- ber of medical experts say Islam is based on the tinually remind ourselves that compulsive sexual be- laws of nature. Allah has about the pivotal role chas- havior is a real disorder that not only created our uni- tity plays in our daily lives an estimated 16 million verse but has also provided and how at risk we are if we Americans, both men and Islam as guidance for us to are not diligent in guarding women, or about 5% of the properly and maximally our chastity. US population, are fighting. benefit from His creation According to this re- without getting hurt. Islam We routinely observe port, such addicts don‘t get provides us a system of how dangerous it is to drink that way in one day. They norms and values, a code of and drive. Yet, when peo- begin on this path with easy conduct, to not only live a ple are warned about its access to risky material like healthy, productive and dangers, they just laugh it ‗soft porn‘ in magazines, peaceful life in this world off thinking that they can movies, and internet, etc. but also earn the forgive- handle it or that nothing bad Unrestrained, they develop ness, mercy and pleasure of can happen to them. One of the natural urge to act out Allah along the way. the effective ways to get what they see and thus the their attention is to show visuals progressively be- In our secular and them the mangled bodies come practical experiences. emancipated society, people and vehicles after fatal acci- Over time, those experi- seem to have difficulty in dents. ences become addictions. seeing the significance and Similarly, it is ironic Those people lose their relevance of various Islamic that, living in this society, peace of mind, their jobs, norms and values, like people routinely see the in- their families, and their dig- chastity and modesty. Is- evitable devastating conse- nity. They suffer from dis- lamic mores seem anti- quences of unchaste behav- eases, shame and guilt. quated and impractical. ior, yet most of them don‘t They become frightened This is partly due to a lack take chastity seriously. and many even become sui- of understanding of specific cidal. Islamic teachings, but Let me share with you mostly it is due to the lack one NBC report about the Even if you consider of proper comprehension of aftermath of careless behav- such an addiction as an the overall objective and ior. Sex is a biological ne- anomaly, we commonly the philosophy of Islamic cessity that humans are sup- observe how unchaste be- teachings. posed to desire but be able havior results in life alter-

February 2009 30 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA ing consequences like un- To accomplish this chaste mind and chaste be- wanted pregnancies, infan- purpose, Islam teaches us a havior. ticide in the form of abor- set of dos and don‘ts and tion or abandoned babies, our obligations to Allah and The philosophy of Is- premature marriages of the Mankind. Both of these lamic teachings is continu- unwilling and the unpre- obligations arise out of ous self-improvement pared, broken families, Love. A cursory reflection through self-restraint and shortened careers, shattered on the manifestations of discipline. Allah has en- dreams, personal shame, Allah‘s Grace and Mercy dowed us with wonderful embarrassment for the fam- evokes a natural Love of faculties. However, it is the ily and the friends and so Allah. This Love is called proper use of these facul- on. All this is happening Taqwa. This Love natu- ties, in the right measure around us to the religious as rally evolves into the Love and at the right time, that well as the secular, to the of His Creation, Mankind, makes us better For exam- rich and the poor, to the or- because when you truly ple, sexual urges are natural dinary and the powerful, love someone, you begin to and by themselves are nei- and to the simple and the love everything about that ther good nor bad, but celebrities, alike. person. Our success lies in proper response to these winning the pleasure of Al- urges is meritorious and No wonder Islam puts lah through the adequate separates us from animals. a high emphasis and special discharge of these obliga- The Promised Messiahas premium on chastity. Islam tions. However, the proper has succinctly explained wants to protect us from discharge of both these ob- that Islam wants us to pro- any such nightmares by ad- ligations requires piety of gressively move from our monishing us to not even mind and purity of nature, natural state, to the moral have unchaste thoughts. that is, chaste mind and state, and ultimately to the chaste behavior. spiritual state. It is this pro- In general, the objec- gression wherein lie our tive of Islamic teachings is We commonly ob- success, peace of mind and to guide and enable man- serve that when people the ultimate mercy and kind to lead a purposeful meet their beloved, they pleasure of Allah. life, the ultimate purpose prepare themselves physi- being to recognize, serve cally – they wash up, don If we look at various and worship our Creator. good clothes, wear good Islamic teachings through Allah says in the Holy fragrance and put on a this prism of lifelong physi- Qur‘an: smile. In short, they do cal, moral and spiritual pro- everything they can to ac- gress, all Islamic teachings Ma khalaqtul jinna wal insa centuate their physical ap- and expectations become illa li ya’bodoon pearance and attraction. significant and relevant. Similarly, to fulfill our obli- Let us study the fundamen- I have not created the gations to Allah and Man- tal Islamic expectation of Jinn and the men but that kind, we need to enhance chastity through this prism. they worship Me. (Al- not only our physical but Dhariyat, 51:57) moral and spiritual attrac- Arabic words like iffa, tion, in part by nurturing isma and ihsan collectively

February 2009 31 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA describe the Islamic con- place in the code of Islamic In this verse, Allah cept of chastity. The Prom- laws that govern relation has grouped the distinctive ised Messiahas explains between sexes. This Surah features of those men and chastity as ihsuan (with a has laid down comprehen- women whom He is pre- suad) and writes: sive commandments to pared to forgive and re- safeguard and protect it. ward. They are submissive, This expression con- Islam views even the slight- truthful, steadfast, humble, notes the virtue that is re- est breach of these laws sacrificing and fasting be- lated to the faculty of pro- with extreme disapproba- lievers who actively guard creation of men and tion. their chastity and continu- women. Those men and ously remember Allah. women would be called Given the lure of un- Here actively guarding chaste who refrain alto- chaste behavior and the hu- chastity would imply being gether from illicit sex and man propensity to fall for it, proactive and diligent in all approaches to it, the Allah has repeatedly ad- following Islamic teachings consequences of not doing monished both men and about chastity and modesty so are disgrace and humilia- women to guard their chas- like separation of genders, tion for both parties in this tity. For example, Allah men restraining their eyes world and chastisement in says in the Holy Qur‘an: and women covering their the hereafter, and dishonor physical attractiveness, etc. and grave harm for those Surely, men who sub- related to them. mit themselves to God and If chastity is a healthy women who submit them- virtue, then unchaste behav- Various other scholars selves to Him, and believ- ior is a cancerous vice. have also translated the ing men and believing And, this disease is better Qur‘anic phrase forooj women, and truthful men prevented than cured. The (private parts) as chastity. and truthful women, and Islamic principle of pre- Thus, that person would be steadfast men and steadfast venting unchaste behavior deemed chaste who has a women, and humble men is to avoid the activities and clean mind and body, high and humble women, and the company that may lead integrity and self respect, men who give alms and to unchaste tendencies. Ad- modest appearance and women who give alms, and monishing us to avoid any composure, unquestionable men who fast and women path that may lead us behavior, legitimate sexual who fast, and men who astray, Allah says: relationship, and nothing to guard their chastity and hide. women who guard their La tattabe’oo khotowaatish chastity, and men who re- -shaitaan Explaining the signifi- member Allah much and cance and critical nature of women who remember Him Follow not the foot- chastity in his Commentary – Allah has prepared for all steps of Satan. (Al-Baqar- on Surah Al-Noor, Hadhrat of them forgiveness and a ra ah, 2:209) Khalifatul Masih II writes: great reward. (Al-Ahzab, 33:36) Here, the footsteps of Chastity as a moral virtue holds a very high Satan (khotowaatish-hai-

February 2009 32 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA taan) are all those activities worship not for partying Similarly, the Holy and temptations that may and indulging in illicit rela- Prophetsaw said: A man take us away from Allah. tions. shall never be alone with a As Satan beckons us to fol- When we study the woman except that the third low him, he does not ex- Hadith of Holy Prophetsaw, party between them is Sa- pose the ultimate destruc- we find profound guidance tan. (Tirmidhi) tion he is leading to; rather to avoid the khotowatish- he entices us to only take shaitaan and cultivate a This Hadith warns one baby step at a time. chaste culture. For exam- against the risky behavior These baby steps seem so ple, the Holy Prophetsaw ad- and satanic inclinations if benign and inconsequential monished: Beware! Avoid and when you visit the op- that we take them mind- sitting by the road sides. posite sex in seclusion, lessly without much con- The people said, O Messen- whether it is on phone, in cern. Once we take a few gersaw of Allah! We cannot chat rooms, or in person for steps on that slippery slope, avoid sitting there as we any purpose. Even if you Satan‘s job is done and we have talks there. The Proph- want to do one-to-one keep sliding towards the etsaw said, If you insist on Tabligh, do it to your own abyss on our own. So, we sitting there, then give the gender. The keyword in have to be watchful to not roads their rights. The peo- this Hadith is ‗alone‘ and take even the first step. ple asked, What are the does not preclude any le- Thus, it is necessary to be rights of the road? He said, gitimate interaction for deliberate in our lifestyle Lowering your gaze, re- study or work in public. and keep a keen eye on the fraining from harming oth- long term consequences of ers, returning greetings, and Addressing the pi- our choices rather than be enjoining what is good and ous wives of the Holy dazzled by their instant forbidding what is evil. Prophetsaw, Allah says: You pleasure or be swayed by (Bukhari) are not like any other the vain trends around us. women if you are righteous. So, Ahmadi Muslim So, be not soft in speech, Loneliness and idle- boys and men should inter- lest he in whose heart is a ness are the two states of nalize this Hadith. In to- disease should feel tempted; hearts and minds that ren- day‘s speak, it admonishes and speak a decent speech. der people vulnerable to against hanging out, (Al-Ahzab, 33:33) unchaste tendencies. Simi- whether it is physically larly, the veil of darkness hanging out on a street cor- So, Ahmadi Muslim and seclusion from the pub- ner, gossiping on the phone, girls and women should lic eye tend to incite risky or chatting on the internet recognize their identity. If behavior in people. There- because that is when you they are righteous, they can fore, we should keep our- are at risk of indiscretion. not be like other women. selves occupied with good When you connect with They should be modest and pursuits, conduct our affairs each other, connect for decent in their appearance, in broad daylight in the good purposes, not for gos- conduct and demeanor. open, and avoid going out siping about girls or other They should not behave after sunset. Allah has vain talks. like other women in the use made the night for rest and of cell phones, chat rooms,

February 2009 33 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA web-cams, FaceBook, and necessary steps, we must lead to self-purification. MySpace. also take sufficient steps. So, we need to replace So, while avoiding the sa- our mundane and superfi- Modern society and tanic footsteps is necessary cial pass-time activities technology offer many con- to be chaste, it is not suffi- with something more sub- veniences but they also en- cient to be successful in this lime and substantive. If no tice the weak and the vul- endeavor. Allah says: such alternatives are readily nerable to easily fall for bad available then we need to company and risky tempta- Qad aflaha mun tazakkaa be creative and lead others tions. They can inconspicu- in developing healthier ac- ously pull the careless to Verily, he truly pros- tivities. The preferred op- uncharted waters. There- pers who purifies himself. tion should be to promote fore, to guard our chastity, (Al-A’la, 87:15) and enable engaging activi- we need to evaluate these ties in and around the conveniences carefully, Thus we need to ex- mosque. avail them responsibly, and plore the path that leads to protect our youth from their self-purification. This Here the mosque does risks. means we need to follow not necessarily have to be a the footsteps of the Holy brick and mortar building. Chastity also compre- Prophetsaw. Today, those In this age, it could even be hends a semblance of truth- purifying footsteps are a virtual mosque. The no- fulness and trustworthiness. shown to us by the Prom- tion is that we should come Reflect upon your obliga- ised Messiahas and his Khu- together for the remem- tions to fellow human be- lafa. As Ahmadi Muslims, brance of Allah and the ser- vice of mankind. The Holy ings. The first and fore- it is incumbent upon us to saw most in this category is pay heed to the guidance Prophet said that believ- your spouse, present spouse provided by Hadhrat Khali- ers away from the mosque if you are married or future fatul Masihaba. should feel like fish out of spouse if you are single. water.

How can you be truthful Let us apply these Individually, we shou- and trustworthy to your steps of self purification to ld spend more time reading, spouse if you are not preserving chastity. First, exercising, playing sports, chaste? Your chastity is the let us be honest with our- and volunteering for the best gift you can give to selves and take stock of our auxiliary or the Jama’at your spouse. lifestyles. Literally, make a work or for various secular list of how we spend our organizations. It is better to Now, take this mind- lives. Are our careers, our stay occupied than remain set further and apply it to friends, our pass-time ac- idle because, as they say, an your obligations to Allah. tivities conducive to pre- idle mind is a devil‘s work- How can you be truthful serving our chastity? If not, shop. Islam teaches us to be and trustworthy to Allah if then we not only need to in the company of the right- you are not truthful and stop following the khoto- eous, even if it is a virtual trustworthy to your spouse? waatiss-shaitan (the satanic company like studying the How can you be pure and footsteps) but replace such life of the Holy Prophetsaw, sincere in your worship and activities with those that the Promised Messiahas and

February 2009 34 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA other godly people, or understand the importance watching MTA. of chastity in light of the AHADITH overall objective and phi- ra In short, any healthy losophy of Islamic teach- Hadhrat Abu Hurairah and constructive effort that ings and be proactive in relates that the Holy saw can replace some risky and guarding our chastity by Prophet said: "He who is wasteful activity will go a avoiding the khotowatish- not grateful to the mankind long way to guard our chas- shaitaan and adopting the is not grateful to God tity. Sure it will not be easy ways of the righteous. Re- Almighty." and it will not happen over- meber, that person would (Tirmadhi bab ma ja’ night. It will be like trying be deemed chaste who has a fishshukr liman ahsana ilaika) a new food and then devel- clean mind and body, high oping a taste for it. How- integrity and self respect, Hadhrat Abu Hurairahra ever, if we do so to win the modest appearance and relates that the Holy pleasure of Allah, then Al- composure, unquestionable Prophetsaw said: "While lah assures us that: behavior, legitimate sexual walking on a pathway, a relationship, and nothing to man came across a thorny Allazeena jahadoo fina hide. Knowing the grave branch and removed it. lanahdeyannahum sobolana consequences of unchaste Allah appreciated it and behavior, let us shun all forgave him." Those who strive in risky temptations like poi- Our path – We will surely son and win the pleasure of (Tirmadhi bab ma ja’ imatatul adha ‘anittariq, guide them in Our ways. Allah by purifying our- Bukhari kitabul muzali bab (Al-Ankabut, 29:70) selves. May Allah enable akhadhal ghusn wa ma us to recognize and fulfill yudhinnas fittariq farami bih) So, we all must strive our role as the followers of hard and trust that Allah the Promised Messiahas, the Hadhrat Abu Hurairahra will show us the way. Savior of this Age. Ameen. relates that the Holy While believing men and Prophetsaw said: "Every believing women are ******** important matter, which is equally responsible for commenced without the guarding their chastity, ac- HELP praise (of Allah) is devoid cording to the Qur‘anic in- of blessings and is junction – ar-rijalo qawwa- imperfect." THE POOR moona alan-nisae, that is, men are guardians over According to another women (Al-Nisa, 4:35), AND tradition: "Every convers- men have the added respon- ation that does not begin sibility to be guardians over THE NEEDY with the praise of Allah is their family‘s chastity. devoid of blessings and is They need to lead by exam- ineffective." THROUGH ple and set the tone for (Ibni Majah abwabun nikah chaste and virtuous behav- bab khitbatun nika•h, Abu ior in their families. HUMANITY Dawud kitabul adab babul FIRST huda filkalam) In summary, we must

February 2009 35 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA


Sayyarah Hikmat

He was a manifestation of Divine Light!

A Lion in spirits, he was meek of heart!

For his people, he was a prop of affection

He believed in the ‗Holiness of the Heart‘s affection‘!

He stood on the highest pedestal of spiritual glory!

Friends and foes were all drawn by his magnetic personality!

He extended the bonds of unity and love of humanity!

He smashed the icons of infidelity and hypocrisy!

He shone in splendor in the dark sky!

Bright, pure, steadfast and patient!

An embodiment of courage, wisdom and strength!

Intoxicated by the Love of God!

He marched onward with the Clarion Call!

Awake, Arise, Strive and Struggle!

Be in constant motion like the waves of the Sea!

A paragon of piety, virtue and grace!

A symbol of resilience, a versatile genius!

A lover of the Qur‘an, a devotee of the Mahdi!

He committed his life to the cause of Islam!

He preached the Message of God to the Corners of the World!

His mission was high, he wanted to reach the Stars!

He was a token of the Messiah‘s supplication and prayers!

He was scented with God‘s Will and Consent!

Fearless, free ….. Soldier of Islam!

He walked on His path majestic and bold!

Facing bravely all challenges and hostile odds!

Disturbed to see the disorder in the world!

He strove hard against all wrongs and injustice!

Believing that the pen is mightier than the sword!

A Treasure-house of Guidance and Knowledge!

A champion of rationality and truth!

Blessed by revelation, he was the salt of earth!

February 2009 36 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA KHILAFAT CENTENARY IJTEMA 2008 Majlis Ansarullah USA

Munawar Ahmad Saqib (Qa’id Umumi) and Syed Fazal Ahmad (Za’im Philadelphia)

The 27th National An- Aslam Chaudehry arranged also advised members to nual Ijtema (Khilafat Centen- transportation so that guests spend time in remembrance ary Ijtema) of Majlis Ansa- could be taken to residences of Almighty Allah and pray rullah USA was held at Bai- at the end of each day and for the success of the Ijtema. tur Rahman Mosque in Silver brought back to the mosque Spring, MD from Friday, Oc- the following morning. He Imam Daud Ahmad tober 17th to Sunday, October also coordinated other lo- Hanif spoke about Ansar as a 19th, 2008. Approximately gistic arrangements along role model for the rest of the 400 Ansar from 55 Majalis with Shahid Malik. Jama’at. He said that desired attended. Three guests from progress is possible with hard abroad also participated in Opening Session: work, love, and compassion the Ijtema. for others. Tabligh should be Imam Daud Ahmad our main focus, and ulti- Volunteers and guests Hanif (Na’ib Ameer and mately the Jama’at shall started arriving on the after- Missionary in Charge USA) achieve its objective. The noon of Thursday. Those presided over the opening session ended with silent who traveled by air came to session which was held prayer. shortly after Friday prayer. BWI Airport which is about th 20-25 minutes from Baitur The session started with 16 Majlis-e-Shura of Rahman. Members of trans- recitation from the Holy Majlis Ansarullah, USA portation team at the airport Qur‘an by M. Dawood Mu- received guests. Basharat nir. Dr. Wajeeh Bajwa Delegates of the Majlis- Wadan and Muhammad Nas- (Sadr Majlis Ansarullah e-Shura met for a total of rullah, who worked tirelessly USA) led the participants in about 8 hours to review im- around the clock to bring reciting the Ansar pledge. plementation of last year‘s every guest safely and effi- Dr. Khaled Ata (Na’ib Sadr recommendations and to de- ciently to the mosque, led I) presented an overview of liberate on four new propos- this team. the Ijtema program high- als. One hundred and thirty- lighting differences from five delegates participated. The most senior volun- previous years, and intro- The first Shura session was teer of this Ijtema, Mushtaq duced some of the volun- presided over by Dr. Wajeeh Ahmad Chaudhary (77), teers who helped bring the Bajwa, Sadr Majlis. It began made sure that every guest program to fruition. with recitation from the Holy had a comfortable place to Qur‘an by Syed Sajid stay, in spite of his ailing Sadr Majlis thanked Ahmad. The Sadr reminded health. Most of the guests attendees for coming to- members of their unique re- preferred to sleep in the gether and participating in sponsibility as Shura dele- (aba) mosque, but the elderly and the Ijtema. He asked every- gates. He said that Huzur , infirm were accommodated one to be punctual and help in his Friday Sermon of in nearby homes. Perwaiz keep all areas clean. He March 24, 2006, quoted

February 2009 37 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Hadhrat Alira who said that The Sadr asked dele- for implementation. These ―counsel should be sought gates to remember Ha- proposals and recommenda- from those who are sensible zoor‘saba instructions and tions will be published and and those who worship God‖. ―come up with simple, use- provided to all delegates in Hazooraba said that represen- ful and practical recommen- January 2009. tatives for the Shura are ap- dations which may benefit pointed on the basis of com- Ansar of USA for all times Sports Competitions pliance to the Nizam-e- to come.‖ He then invited In previous years, Jama’at (system of Jama’at), Qa’id Umumi, Munawar sports competitions were financial sacrifices and wor- Saqib, to present the imple- held in the field behind Bai- ship of God. This puts a great mentation report of last tur Rahman Mosque. This responsibility on the mem- year‘s recommendations. year, due to ongoing con- bers of the Community to Following this, Qa’id struction of the Ansarullah appoint representative for Umumi presented new pro- Hall (part of mosque expan- Shura on the basis of Taqwa posals received from Ma- sion and Khilafat Centenary (righteousness) rather than jalis this year along with Celebration) this field was personal friendship or rela- reasons why some propos- not available. All sports com- tions. als were not selected for petitions therefore took place discussion at Shura. Ha- aba in the area between the park- Hazoor said that dur- zooraba had approved four ing lot and the Ansar trailer. ing the Shura discussions one proposals for deliberation. Bashiruddin Khalil Ahmad, should not be swayed by any- Qa’id Finance, Kalim and Shafquat Wahla con- one‘s oratory etc. but should Ahmad Rana presented in- ducted Arm Wrestling and reflect over all its aspects be- come and expense budgets Hot Potato competitions on fore giving suggestions. for 2009. Once the decision of the Friday evening. Winners Khalifah of the time is made Three subcommittees were: on a Shura proposal, whether deliberated on four propos- Abdul Rahman Minhas in its original form or with als related to: (Willingboro), Naseerul changes, its implementation Haque (New York), Abdul should be pursued. 1. Establishing a mobile Tabligh trailer, Hameed Mirza (Laurel) and Hazooraba reminded 2. Survey to measure im- Tariq Wahla (Laurel). members that ―When a Shura plementation of Ha- Winners of first positions in proposal is approved by the zoor'saba instructions, other competitions include: Khalifah of the time and is 3. Improving Ijtema Pro- introduced in the Community gram, and Morning Walk: then it is the duty of the rep- 4. Budget for 2009. resentatives to see if it is be- Baba Trawalley (Research ing properly implemented or Recommendations of Traingle) and Halim not. If they fail to keep an sub-committees were pre- Chaudhry (Baltimore), eye on this they are not ful- sented to the full Shura Horseshoe toss: filling their obligation and body on Saturday, and ac- cepted with minor changes. even if they get away with it Mujahid Mahmood (Dallas) These recommendations in this world by making ex- and Zafar Iqbal (Syracuse), cuses, Allah shall definitely have been approved by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Table Tennis: hold them to be account- aba able.‖ V and sent to Qa’ideen Nasir Bukhari (Detroit) and

February 2009 38 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Rafi Ahmed (Brooklyn). and Mubarik Ahmad. for Tabligh. Monas Chau- The team from Headquarter dhry moderated this Talqeen- Region won the Tug-of-war Over 200 participants e Amal Session. It addressed competition. competed in the ―Observ- five methods of initiating ation & Recall‖ competi- Tabligh activity: Scholastic tion. Using a projector, pic- Competitions tures of 30 objects were dis-  Tabligh Trailer - Tahir played for 9 seconds each. Abdullah / Syed Fazal During the Ijtema re- Afterwards competitors Ahmad (Philadelphia) gional winners competed in were asked to write a list of  Bookstall - Imran Jattala six scholastic competitions. these objects from memory. (LA East) Winners were: Only two participants,  Radio Program - Ijaz

Naveed Malik of Syracuse Sheikh (Houston) Holy Qur’an and Mansoor Qureshi of  Visits to Small Towns - Athar Alam Farooq Detroit, were able to recall Suhail Kausar (Dallas) (Cypress-Houston), the name of every object.  Book Fairs - Bashir Ro-

Presentations hella (Detroit) Darsul Hadith

Mahmood Ahmad As usual interactive Dr. Rizwan Dar‘s pres- (Atlanta), presentations called Talq- entation on ―Hypertension‖ een-e-Amal (exhortation to enlightened Ansar about high Prepared Speech: act) were very popular this blood pressure, its causes, year. They inspired mem- and how to prevent this dis- Mohammed Antwi bers to learn from others‘ ease through diet and exer- (Dallas), cise. experience and get answers

Impromptu Speech: to specific questions. This year there were four such Dr. Zia Shah‘s presen- Anwer Mahmood Khan presentations: tation compared the concept (LA East), of God and our origin with Habeeb M. Shafeek Jr. reference to scientific theory, English Poem: spoke about ―Integration of Biblical quotes, Christian New Converts.‖ The central beliefs, and verses from the Bilal Abdus Salam theme of his talk was Ha- Holy Qur‘an. (Philadelphia) aba zoor‘s expectations from Urdu Poem: Ansar. He exhorted mem- Rafiuddin Malik and bers to develop Taqwa Nasir Mahmood Malik led Tasweer Rehman (righteousness), suppress the workshop on ―Impor- (Cypress-Houston) one‘s ego, have righteous tance of following instruc- intention, and act consis- tions of the Khalifah of the A fierce competition in tently. time‖ and answered ques- General Knowledge was held tions. between nineteen 4-member Several success stories teams. First position was in Tabligh were presented Special session achieved by the regional in a workshop entitled team from Southwest led by ―Motivation Through Inspi- During a special session Anis Shaikh. Other members ration‖. These were brief on Saturday evening, Dr. Ah- of the team were Abdul Ahad presentations on methods sanullah Zafar Sahib, Ameer Chowdhury, Asim Ansari used by different Majalis Jama’at USA, spoke to

February 2009 39 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA members about the impor- tion was titled ―From Son Hospitality tance of marital harmony and to Father‖, and was based encouraged parents of mar- on input from Atfal and One of the most impor- riage-age children to use all Khuddam. These included: tant responsibilities of the resources at their disposal to Ijtema was to feed more than help find righteous matches  When I come to the 400 participants 3 times a for their children. He also mosque, my father‘s gen- day. Iqbal Khan and his team announced the appointment eration ignores us. (from of Silver Spring and Laurel of Dr. Farooq Padder (of 7-15 year old) Ansar handled this responsi- Willingboro) as Assistant  We do not have a rela- bility very well. Regional National Secretary Rishta tionship where I can dis- ziafat teams helped with Nata (Matrimony). Mirza cuss issues such as mar- cooking on Friday and Satur- Maghfoor Ahmad spoke riage, choice of spouse, day. These teams were led by briefly about the Jama’at pornography. (from 15- Saadat Abdullah (Philade- Qaza (Judicial) department. 30 year old) lphia), Rizwan Qadir  You blame more…and (Detroit), Tahir Chaudhary From Father to Son appreciate less (all ages) (North Virginia), Abdul  You control more…and Salam Jamil (Houston), M. At the Khuddam Ijte- explain less (all ages) Ahmad Chaudhry (New ma in August this year, Nasir  You come across as not York), and Fazalur Rehman M. Malik, representing Dr. open to negotiation re- Qureshi (Orlando). Wajeeh Bajwa, Sadr Majlis, garding issues such as had presented how some par- attending parties, wear- Prize Distribution ents felt about their chil- ing a bracelet, listening dren‘s generation in a work- One hundred and sev- to music, or choosing a shop titled ―From Father to enty-eight awards consisting certain career (all ages). of certificates, plaques, med- Son‖ in which he addressed three things from children Program als, trophies, and prizes were that hurt parents. These were: awarded since this would On Saturday and Sun- have taken too long in one  Attitude of ‗know it all‘ day mornings, congrega- session, four mini award as if parents‘ advice does tional Tahajjud prayer was ceremonies were conducted not matter. followed by Fajr prayer which were spread over two  Lack of appreciation for and Darsul Hadith. The days. Naseem Waseem parents‘ effort to fulfill 6:30-8:00 AM time slot was worked tirelessly to coordi- material and emotional reserved for sports competi- nate the distribution of all needs. tions, followed by break- prizes. Names of all prize  More interest in elec- fast, with the first session of winners appear at the end of tronic gadgets as com- the day starting at 9 AM. this report. pared to family members. Morning sessions included

scholastic competitions and Special Tabligh At Ansar Ijtema, Sadr Session Majlis Khuddamul Ahmad- various presentations. Zuhr and Asr prayers were of- iyya USA, Dr. Faheem Just before the start of fered at 1:30 PM. Sports Younus Qureshi, was invited the concluding session, competitions continued in to share Atfal and Khuddam’s Daniel Brock, a new convert late afternoons, and Shura perspective of those actions from Austin Majlis, de- committees met after Ish‘a by parents that hurt chil- scribed how he became and deliberated late into the dren‘s feelings. His presenta- Ahmadi. He mentioned that night.

February 2009 40 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA he used to be a practicing Empire, LA East Majalis letter every month. Christian but the untimely were recognized for their  Published Annual Dou- demise of his beloved wife outstanding performance, ble-issue of ―Al-Nahl.‖ (at age 43) on June 12, 1999, with Alam-e-In’ami going  Published a book, caused him to search other to Dallas Majlis. ―Approaching the West,‖ religions for answers to ques- by Imam Mubasher Sadr Majlis, Dr. Wa- tions he could not find in Ahmad. jeeh Bajwa, presented the Christianity. His search led  Published 50,000 fliers in annual report of Majlis An- him to Islam and ultimately English and Spanish for sarullah USA. Highlights he accepted Ahmadiyyat in Tabligh. of accomplishments during November of 2006.  Initiated translation of 2008 include: ―Sabīlur-Rishād‖ by a Concluding Session  Held Ansar Leadership team led by Syed Sajid The concluding session Conference (ALC) in Ahmad. of the Ijtema was presided Miami in January.  32 Majalis reported par- over by respected Ameer Ja-  Provided annual plan ticipation in physical ac- ma’at USA, Dr. Ahsanullah (Ansar Handbook 2008) tivities (with 21% of An- Zafar. The session started to each Za‘im. sar exercising regularly) with the recitation of the  Held regional Ijtemas in  Members contributed Holy Qur‘an by Athar Alam all 10 regions. $277,000 in 2008 to- Farooqi.  Made 763 social con- wards Chanda Ansar, tacts with inactive An- Ansar Ijtema and Publi- The most senior partici- sar. cation (88% of budget). pant of the Ijtema, Abdul  Co-ordinated Discipline  Majlis Ansarullah con- Ghaffar Dar, aged 92 years, and Hazri Nigrani tributed $500,000 for the read a Persian poem of the (Organization of Volun- construction of Ansarul- Promised Messiahas from the teers) duties at the US lah Hall which is being book Al-Wassiyat. built as part of Baitur Annual Convention. Dr. Wajeeh Bajwa,  231 Ansar have applied Rahman Mosque exten- Sadr, presented the following for Wasiyyat since Hu- sion. achievement awards: zur‘saba historic appeal  14 members contributed in 2004. $3,500 each for installa- Service to local Majlis  Ansar held 1439 one-on- tion of water wells in Af-

one tabligh meetings. rica. Imtiaz Rajeyki (Philadelphia),  Ansar made 110 visits to The Sadr mentioned Maqbool Ahmad (Austin) small towns for Tabligh. that in 2009 there will be  Awarded 2 Ansar Tahir extra efforts to reach out to Best Nasir (Saf I) Scholarships. all Ansar; facilitate Rishta  Zo’ama and Nazimeen Abu Bakr Ladd (St. Louis) Nata; establish Ta’limul submitted 536 monthly Qur`an classes and salat Best Nasir (Saf II): reports (466 by Zo’ama, (Prayer) center in each Ma- 70 by Nazimeen) jlis; and increase chanda Kusi Ahmad (Hartford)  836 Ansar participated in participation and collection. Social Service spending Fitchburg, Cypress- He ended with request for 2,427 man-hours. Houston, Austin, LA Inland prayers for the five mem-  Published Ansar News- bers (and their families)

February 2009 41 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA who passed away during Audio 2008: Waqar Bhatti (Laural) 2nd LA East (Za‘im: Decoration Rashid Mian Syed)  Dr. Mazhar Haque Muhammed K Owusu 3rd LA Inland Empire (Long Island) (South Virginia)  Nisar Ahmad Arain (Za‘im: Imran Jattala) Projection (Albany) Imran Jattala (LA Inland Outstanding Majlis  Faizur Rehman Faizi Empire) (Small Majalis) (Charlotte) Network st  Chaudhry Abdul Qadir Basit Khan (Baltimore) 1 Austin (Za‘im Malik (North New Jersey) Program Mohammad Altaf)  Zahid Saeed Malik Rafiuddin Malik (Colum- 2nd Cypress-Houston (Potomac) bus) (Za‘im: M. Dawood Salat In his concluding ad- Munir) Mujahid Mahmood (Dallas) dress Dr. Ahsanullah Zafar, Discipline rd Ameer Jama’at USA, rec- 3 Fitchburg (Za‘im: Habeeb Shafeek Jr. ognized the increase in at- Muzaffar Chaudhry) (Orlando) tendance and well-coo- Ziafat Maximum Participation rdinated program with em- Iqbal Khan, Amjad Chaud- in Talim Exam (Large phasis on Khilafat. He hary (Silver Spring) Majalis) urged attendees to increase Photography their contribution for the st Jalal Nooruddin, Kalim 1 Dallas Majlis Ansarullah Hall. Quoting Bhatti & Haroon Rashid- nd the Qur‘anic verse about 2 South Virginia Majlis Bookstall the first Ansarullah (disc- C h a u d h a r y M u s h t a q 3rd Laurel Majlis iples of Prophet Jesus(as)), Ahmad (Laurel) he urged members to con- rd Tajnid 3 Chicago East Majlis tinue to gain knowledge of Munawar Malik (Dallas) the Holy Qur‘an and strive Maximum Participation Minutes in the path of Allah and in Talim Exam (Small Syed Fazal Ahmad seek His pleasure. Majalis) (Philadelphia) st The Ijtema concluded Finance 1 Research Triangle st with Ansarullah pledge led Kalim A. Rana (Houston 1 Charlotte nd by Sadr Majlis at 1:30PM North) 2 Cleveland nd followed by silent prayer 2 Austin rd led by Dr. Ahsanullah Performance Awards 3 Baltimore Zafar, Ameer USA. and Results of Special Recognition: Competitions Indiana Volunteers Outstanding Majlis Best Nasir By the Grace and (Large Majalis) Saf I: Abu Bakr Ladd Mercy of Almighty Allah success of Ijtema was made (St. Louis) 1st Dallas (Za‘im: Mu jahid possible by dedicated work Mahmood) Alamé Saf II: Kusi Ahmad performed by numerous In’ami (Hartford) volunteers:

February 2009 42 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

Service to Local Majlis 3rd Jamil Choudhry Morning Walk (Saf II, 40- (Central Jersey) 55 Years) Imtiyaz Rajeyki (Philadelphia) General Knowledge 1st Baba Trawalley Maqbool Ahmad (Austin) (Team Competition) (Research Triangle) nd st 2 Ahmad Kusi (Hartford) Scholastic Competitions 1 Anis Shaikh, Abdul 3rd Chair-ul-Bahri (Hartford)

Ahad Chowdhury, Recitation from the Holy Asim Ansari, Mubarik Musical Chair "Hot Po- Qur’an Ahmad tato" nd st 2 Abdus Shakoor Malik, 1 Athar Alam Farooqi 1st Tariq Wahla (Laurel) (Cypress-Houston) Mubashir Ahmad nd nd Chaudhry, Chirs 2 Muhammad Zafar Iqbal 2 Munawar Malik (Syracuse) Komari, Atif Chaudhry rd (Cleveland) rd rd 3 Imtiyaz Rajeyki, Abid 3 Awais Sultan (Cleveland) 3 Hafizullah Khan (Silver Spring) Buttar, Salimullah, Horseshoe Toss (Saf I, 55+ Khalil Malik Years)

Prepared Speech Observation & Recall st 1st Mohammad Antawi 1 Zafar Iqbal (Syracuse) 1st Naveed Malik 2nd Iqbal Ahmed (New York) (Dallas) rd nd (Syracuse) 3 Ubaidullah Chaudhry 2 Dr. Mansoor Qure st shi (Detroit 1 Mansoor Qureshi (North New Jersey) rd (Detroit) 3 Maudood Ahmad nd (Milwaukee) 2 Naeem Ahmad Horseshoe Toss (Saf II, 40- (Fitchburg) 55 Years) nd Darsul Hadith 2 Khalil Malik st 1 Mujahid Mahmood st (Philadelphia) 1 Mahmood Ahmad (Dallas) (Atlanta) Impromptu Speech 2nd Mubashir Ahmed (Dallas) nd rd 2 Mubashar Ahmad st 3 Munawar Malik (Dallas) (LA Inland Empire) 1 Anwar Mahmood Khan rd (LA East) Arm Wrestling (Saf I, 55+ 3 Burhan Qaderi nd (Detroit) 2 Kusi Ahmad (Hartford) Years) rd 3 Abdul Shakoor Malik st English Poem (Silicon Valley) 1 Abdul Hameed Mirza Consolation Prize: (Laurel 1st Bilal Abdus Salam 2nd Jamil Chaudhry (Central (Nasir Bukhari (Detroit) (Philadelphia) New Jersey) 2nd Ch. Mubashir Ah Sport Competitions 3rd Imtiyaz Rajeyki med (Brooklyn) (Philadelphia) 3rd Anis Shaikh Morning Walk (Saf I, 56 (Phoenix) & Over) Arm Wrestling (Saf II, 40- 55 Years) Urdu Poem 1st Halim Chaudhry st (Baltimore) 1 Abdul Rahman Minhas st 1 Tasweerur Rehman 2nd Mahmood Ahmed (Willingboro) st (Cypress-Houston) (Georgia-SC) 1 Naseerul Haque (New nd 2 Mazharul Haq 3rd Imtiaz Rajeyki York) nd (LA Inland Empire) (Philadelphia) 2 Mohammad A Chaudhry (New York)

February 2009 43 Ahmadiyya Gazette USA

3rd Sadaqat Mahmood Fazalur Rahman Qureshi Certificate of (Milwaukee) (Orlando) Achievement in Taleem Tahir Ijaz (San Diego) Exam Volleyball (Team Competi- Munir A Malik (Phoenix) tion) Naveed Ashraf (St Paul) Z. A. Malik (Austin)

st Mahmud A Surahman (LA Chaudhry Naseer Ahmad 1 Headquarter Region (Charlotte) 2nd Southwest Region West) rd Arif Mehmood (North New Iftikhar A. Sheikh (Cypress- 3 Philadelphia Majlis Houston) Jersey) Tug-O-War (Team Compe- Monawar A Siddiqui Abdul Latif (Dallas) tition) (Philadelphia) Mujahid Mahmood (Dallas) Syed Hameed U Rahman Bashir Shad (Detroit) 1st Headquarter Region Nisar Ahmad (Houston nd (Cleveland) 2 Northeast Region Abul M.Haniff (Oakland/ North) Mirza Irshad Ali (Houston Table Tennis (Saf I, SF) A.R Fauzi (Baltimore) South) 55+Years) Mahmood Ahmad Bhatti Nisar Ahmad Khan 1st Rafi Ahmed (Brooklyn) (Houston North) (Laurel) 2nd Majeed Malik (Brooklyn) Munawar A. Piracha Chaudhry Mushtaq Ahmad 3rd Imtiaz Chaudhary (Dallas) (Laurel) (Central New Jersey) Ch. Muhammad Ikram Sardar Hifazat Ahmad (Silver Spring) (Laurel) Table Tennis (Saf II, 40-55 Abdul Latif Mahmud Abdul Shakur Malik (Silicon Years) (Cypress -Houston) Valley)

st Munawar A Malik Mohammad Tahir Bhatti 1 Nasir Bukhari (Detroit) (Silver Spring) 2nd Lutafullah Salim (York) (Virginia South) rd M Idris Munir (Silicon Val- Latif Ahmad Bhatti (Silver 3 Fazal Qureshi (Orlando) Spring) ley) Meritorious Service to Ch. Mushtaq Ahmad Iqbal Khan (Silver Spring) Local Majlis in Finance (Laurel) Mokarram A. Khan (Silver Spring) Mazharul Haque (LA Inland Certificate of Perwaiz Aslam Chaudhry Empire) Appreciation in Finance (Silver Spring) Ch. Fazal Ahmad (North Vir- Masood A. Malik (Silver ginia) Naseer U Din (Merced) Spring) Masood A. Khurshid Zia Azam (Research Trian- Nasir A. Raja (Silver Spring) (Georgia –South Carolina gle) Mohammad Zafar Iqbal (GA/SC)) Lutf ur Rahman (Alabama/ (Syracuse) Mirza Basharat Munir TN) Tahir Ahmad (Syracuse) (Athens) Syed Nafees Bukhari Basharat Ahmad Wadan Malik Muhammad Altaf (Potomac) (Washington) (Austin) A.R. Qureshi (Long Island) Khalid Mahmood Wadood Tariq (Milwaukee) Amin Shaikh (Central New (Washington) Muzaffar A. Chaudhry Jersey) Abdul Jabbar Naseer (Fitchburg) Syed Mubarak Ahmad (Las (Washington) Vegas)