2021 February 24 WIPO Research Member List

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2021 February 24 WIPO Research Member List WIPO Re:Search Members Sponsor Members Eisai Co., Ltd. - P MSD** - P GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) - P Novar�s AG - P Johnson & Johnson (J&J) - P, U Pfizer Inc. - P Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany* - P Takeda Pharmaceu�cal Company Limited - P, U Members in Africa AddisWIPO Ababa Re:Sea Universityrch (AAU) - P, U Medical Research Ins�tute - Alexandria University - P, U Africa Figh�ng Malaria (AFM) - S Na�onal Ins�tute for Medical Research (NIMR) - P, U African Ins�tute of Biomedical Science Nigerian Ins�tute of Medical Research (NIMR) - P, U and Technology (AiBST) - P, U Noguchi Memorial Ins�tute for Medical Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) - P, U Research (NMIMR) - P, U Armauer Hansen Research Ins�tute (AHRI) - P, U Public Health Ins�tute (PHI) - S Bibliotheca Alexandrina - S South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) - P, S, U Centre for Plant Medicine Research (CPMR) - P, U Theodor Bilharz Research Ins�tute (TBRI) - P, S, U Centre Pasteur du Cameroun (CPC) - P, U Umaru Musa Yar’adua University (UMYU) - P, U Congolese Founda�on for Medical Research (FCRM) - P, U University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar (UCAD) - P, U Health Sciences Research Ins�tute (IRSS) - P, U University of Bamako - P, U Ins�tut Pasteur de Madagascar - P, U University of Bamenda - P, U Ins�tut Pasteur de Tunis - P, U University of Buea - P, U Jomo Kenya�a University of Agriculture and Technology University of Cape Coast - P, U (JKUAT) - P, U University of Dschang - P, U Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research University of Ghana - P, U Organisa�on (KALRO) - P, U University of Ibadan - P, U Kenya Medical Research Ins�tute (KEMRI) - P, S, U University of Lagos - P, U Kumasi Centre for Collabora�ve Research University of Mauri�us - U in Tropical Medicine (KCCR) - P, U University of Yaoundé I - P, U Makerere University - P, U University of Zambia - P, U Members in the Americas Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (UDUS) - P, U Associa�on of University Technology Managers (AUTM) - S Massachuse�s Ins�tute of Technology (MIT) - P Biomedical Center of the Central University of McGill University - P, U Quito-Ecuador - P, U McMaster University - P, U Biomedical Research Ins�tute (BRI) - P, U Na�onal Ins�tute of Industrial Property (INPI) - S Biotechnology Innova�on Organiza�on (BIO) - S Na�onal Ins�tutes of Health (NIH) - P Brazilian Biosciences Na�onal Laboratory (LNBio) - P, U Northeastern University - P, U California Ins�tute of Technology (Caltech) - P Oswaldo Cruz Founda�on (Fiocruz) - P, S, U Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) - P, U PATH - P, U Emory University - P, U Public Health Research Ins�tute (PHRI) - U Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre Public Interest Intellectual Property Advisors (PIIPA) - S (UFCSPA) - P, U Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust - P, U Global Healthcare Innova�on Alliance Accelerator (GHIAA) - S Sabin Vaccine Ins�tute - U Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) - P, U Sea�le Children's Research Ins�tute (SCRI) - P, U Infec�ous Disease Research Ins�tute (IDRI) - P, U Social Medicine Ins�tute, Rio de Janeiro State Ins�tut Pasteur de Montevideo - P, U University (IMS/UERJ) - P, U Ins�tute of Molecular and Cellular Stanford University - P, U Biology of Rosario (IBR) - P, U Structural Genomics Consor�um (SGC) - P, U Licensing Execu�ves Society Interna�onal (LESI) - S Texas Children's Hospital Center for Vaccine Massachuse�s General Hospital (MGH) - P, U Development (Texas Children's CVD) - P, U P: Provider Member S: Supporter Member U: User Member * The businesses of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operates as EMD Serono in healthcare, MilliporeSigma in life science, and EMD Performance Materials in performance materials in the U.S. and Canada ** MSD is a trademark of Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA WIPO Re:Search Members Members in the Americas con�nued The George Washington University (GW) - U University of Kansas (KU) - P, U Tulane University - P, U University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) - P, U United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) - S University of Puerto Rico (UPR) - P, U University of An�oquia - P, U University of São Paulo (USP) - P, U University of Bri�sh Columbia (UBC) - P, U University of South Carolina - P, U University of Calgary - U University of South Florida (USF) - P, U University of California, Berkeley (UCB) - P, U University of Texas (UT) Southwestern Medical Center - U University of California (UC), San Diego - U University of Toronto (U of T) - P, U University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) - U University of Vermont (UVM) - U University of Campinas (Unicamp) - P, U University of Washington (UW) - P, U University of Florida (UF) - P, U Walter Reed Army Ins�tute of Research (WRAIR) - P, S, U University of Georgia (UGA) - P, U Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL) - P, U Members in the Asia-Pacific Bandung Ins�tute of Technology (ITB) - P, U Na�onal Center for Gene�c Engineering and Burnet Ins�tute - P, U Biotechnology (BIOTEC) - P, U Center for Molecular Dynamics Nepal (CMDN) - P, U Na�onal Ins�tute of Immunology (NII) - P, U Eijkman Ins�tute for Molecular Biology (EIMB) - P, U Na�onal Ins�tute of Parasi�c Diseases (NIPD), Chinese Founda�on for Neglected Disease Research (FNDR) - P, U Center for Disease Control and Preven�on - P, U Griffith Ins�tute for Drug Discovery (GRIDD) - P, U Na�onal University of Singapore (NUS) - P, U Guangzhou Ins�tutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), Opera�on ASHA - S Chinese Academy of Sciences - P, U Papua New Guinea Ins�tute of Medical Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) - S Research (PNGIMR) - P, U Ins�tut Pasteur Korea - P, U Research Ins�tute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) - P, U Interna�onal Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, University of Melbourne - P, U Bangladesh (icddr,b) - P, U University of New South Wales (UNSW) - P, U Interna�onal Vaccine Ins�tute (IVI) - P, S, U University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) School of Medicine James Cook University (JCU) - P, U and Health Sciences - P, U Mahidol University - S University of Tokyo - P, U Monash University - P, U Walter and Eliza Hall Ins�tute of Medical Murdoch Children's Research Ins�tute (MCRI) - P, U Research (WEHI) - P, U Members in Europe Aberystwyth University - P, U Interna�onal Hospital Federa�on (IHF) - S Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED) - S LifeArc - P, U Developing World Health - S Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) - P, U Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) - P, U London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) - P, U European Commission - S Malaria Consor�um - P, U Founda�on for Innova�ve New Diagnos�cs (FIND) - P, U Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) - P, U GALVmed - U Salvensis - P, U Ins�tut Pasteur - P, U Swiss Tropical and Public Health Ins�tute (Swiss TPH) - P Interna�onal Centre for Gene�c Engineering and Tech Transfer Summit Ltd. (TTS) - S Biotechnology (ICGEB) - P, U Université Paris-Sud - P, U Interna�onal Federa�on of Intellectual University of Dundee - P, U Property A�orneys (FICPI) - S University of Edinburgh - P, U Interna�onal Federa�on of Pharmaceu�cal Manufacturers & Associa�ons (IFPMA) - S P: Provider Member S: Supporter Member U: User Member February 24, 2021.
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