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Geological Survey Canada GEOLOGICAL PAPER 73-32 SURVEY OF CANADA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY. MINES AND RESOURCES STRATIGRAPHY AND PALEOMAGNETISM OF MOUNT EDZIZA VOLCANIC COMPLEX, NORTHWESTERN BRITISH COLUMBIA (Report, 17 figures and 3 plates) J. G. Souther and D. T. A. Symons GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA CANADA PAPER 73-32 STRATIGRAPHY AND PALEOMAGNETISM OF MOUNT EDZIZA VOLCANIC COMPLEX, NORTHWESTERN BRITISH COLUMBIA J. G. Souther and D. T. A. Symons DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, MINES AND RESOURCES ©Crown Copyrights reserved Available by mail from Information Canada, Ottawa from the Geological Survey of Canada 601 Booth St., Ottawa and Information Canada bookshops in HALIFAX - 1683 Barrington Street MONTREAL - 640 St. Catherine Street W. OTTAWA - 171 Slater Street TORONTO - 221 Yonge Street WINNIPEG - 393 Portage Avenue VANCOUVER - 800 Granville Street or through your bookseller A deposit copy of this publication is also available for reference in public libraries across Canada Price: $2 . 50 Catalogue No. M44- 73-32 Price subject to change without notice Information Canada Ottawa 1974 CONTENTS Page Abstract ... .... .. ..... ... ......... ... ... ... .. .. Introdu ction ... .. ....... ..... .. ... .............. ..... Tectonic setting .. ........ ...... .. ... ................ ... 3 Geology and physiography . ... ... ... .................. ... 3 Petrograph y . ...... .. .. ....... ...... .. .. .. .. ...... 4 Basalt •........ ........ ....... .. ........ ........ 6 Trachybasalt ......... ....................... ...... 7 Trachyte . .. .. .. ......... .. .. .. .. ..... ..... .... 7 Sadie rhyolite •... ... ....... ......... .......... .. 7 Chemistry .. .. .. ........ ... ...... .. .......... ...... ... 8 Stratigraphy ....... ... ... ....... ......... ........ ... ~ . 10 Phase 1 ..... ......... .. ....... ... .... .. .. ........ 11 2 •• • •...•••.••••• •• ••••••••••••••...•••••••••••• 12 3 •... ......... ........ ... .. ...............• 13 4 14 5 .. ... ...... .. ... .. ..... ............. ... .. 14 6 14 7 ••...•. ••....••. • •.• . ••• .. •.. ...•.•..•.. • • •. .. 15 8 15 9 15 10 .• ..... .. ... .. .. ... ................ ....... 16 Radiometric dating ... .... ............... .. ............ .. 16 Paleomagnetism ..................... .. .. ... .. .......... 17 Sampling and laboratory procedure ...................... 18 Data selection .... ..... ...... ... .. ... .. ............. 18 Correl ati on 1 9 Discussion 22 Appendix I Description of stratigraphic sections .. ... ..•. 26 Appendix II Part 1. Petrographic data on lavas from stratigraphic sections A, B, and C ... ........ .... .. .. ..... • 42 Part 2, Modes of lavas from the central cone of Mount Edziza 44 Appendix III Part 1. Paleomagneti c data ...... ........... .... 45 Part 2. Mean remanence direction statistics ............. 48 Illustrations Figure 1. Index map •.. ...................•. ... •. • · · · • • · · 2. Generalized geol ogi cal map of Mount Edziza volcanic complex ••.................•. ... ...........••. 2 3. Average modes of basaltic rocks from sections A , B , and C ............................... .. .. 4 4. Triangular plots of modal feldspar , clinopyroxene, and oli vine for basaltic r ocks e rupted during the ten phas es of Edziza activity ...................• 6 5. Chemical composition of Mount Edziza lavas •.••••. 8 Page Figure 6. Alkali-silica diagram for Edziza lavas . • . • • . • . 9 7 . Correlation chart showing relationship of the ten phases sampled to the generalized succession for the Edziza compl ex as a whole • . • 9 8. Correlation chart showing stratigraphic columns, lithology and magnetic polarity profiles of three sections of Edziza lavas. • . • . • . • • . • . 11 9. Correlation of paleomagnetic data between sections. • 20 10. Projection of northern h emisph ere above latitude 50 o N . • . • . • • • 21 Plate I. Photomicrographs................................ 5 A. Ophitic basalt • . 5 B . Inter granular basalt • . • • • 5 C. Trachybasalt... 5 D. Trachyte . 5 E . Porphyritic comendit e . • . 5 F. Welded ashflow............................... 5 II. Photograph of escarpment on the west side of Mount Edziza .................... ... .. .. .........•••.. 10 III. Eve Cone and blocky, phase 102 lava flows on the northwestern flank of Mount Edziza .............•. 17 ABSTRACT M ount Edziza is the large st and most complex in a group of Late T e rtiary and Quate rnary volcanoes that lie along a north-south zone of nor ­ mal faults along the e aste rn s.ide of the Coast Geanticline in northwe ste rn British Colum bia. It is a composite shie ld and dome in whi c h flat-lying lavas and pyroclastic rocks rest unconformably on tilte d lavas and e l asti c s edi­ ments of t h e Early T e rtiary Slok o and Sustut g r oups. The produc ts o f Mount Edziza b e l ong e ntire l y to the alkali rock s e rie s and v ary in composition from alkali o livin e basalt through trachybasalt to p e ralkaline trac hyte and sodic rhyolite. At l east four princ ipal magmatic cycles or stage s are recognized. Each stage began with eruption of a pri­ mary basalt and culminate d with eruption of a mor e acid phase. Rocks belongin g to the e arliest stages have been deeply dissected wh ereas the youngest flows and p y r oclasti c con e s show little or no evide nce of eros i on. D etail ed paleomagnetic p o larity pro file s of three strati g raphic s ec­ tions indicate that six r eversals in the earth's magne tic fie l d occurre d during the life of th e volcano. Corre l ation of the p o l ar ity events with radiome tric a ges and gl acial stratigraphy indicates that volcanic activity began about 6 m . y . B. P ., during magnetozone 14, and continued inte rmitte ntly through out P l e is tocene and into Rec e nt t ime. During this l ong interval, successive cen tres of e ruption we r e confine d to a zone within a f ew mile s of the present cra ter of Mount Edziza. Moreover, there is no evide nce of progr e ssive c h ange in the c haracter of the primary a lkali o liv ine basalt, or its p er alkaline fractionation products , that issued dur ing the four successive stages of activ ity. Thus the volcanicity of Mount Edziza appears to r e flect a consiste nt t ectonic e nvironment that h a s p e rsisted throughout Late T ertia ry and Quate rnary time. The p e ralkaline nature of the Edziza lavas and the ir a ssoc iation with north-s outh normal faults su ggests a zone of crustal rifting. RESUME L e m o nt Edziza est l e p lus grand et l e p lus compl exe d'un groupe de vol cans , datant de la fin de l ' ere t e rtiaire et de l'ere quaternaire , qui s' ecnel onnent tout au l ong d ' une zone n o rd-sud de faille s n o rmale s s' e t e ndant l e l ong du versant or i e ntal du geantic lina l coti e r, clans l e n ord- ouest d e l a Col ombie - Britannique. C 1 e st un bouclier et un dome compos ite , clans lequel de l a lave et des roches pyroclastiques disposees e n cou c h e s pla n e s reposent suivant une d is co rdance a n gul a ire sur d e l a lave et d es s edime nts clastiques d e s g roupes Sloko et Sustut, datant d u de but de 11 ~re te rtiaire . Les produits du mont Edz i za appartiennent e ntieremen t a la ser ie d e s r och e s alcaline s et l e ur composition varie du basalte d' o liv ine alcalin au trachyte peralcal in et a la rhyolite sodique , e n pas:Jant par l e trachy­ basalte . On r econnalt au m o ins quatre princ ipaux cycles ou etap e s magma­ t iques . Chaque etap e a comm ence par l' e ruption d 'un basalte primaire et a attein t s on point c ulminant avec l' e ruption d'une p h ase plus acide. L e s r och es appartenant aux e tape s l e s plus anc i enn e s ont ete profondement mor ­ cel ees tandis que l e s coul ees et l es cones pyroclastiques l es plus r ecents ne m o ntre nt que p eu ou pas d ' evide n ce d ' e r o sion . L es profils de polarite paleomagnetique detailles de trois sections s t ratigraphiques indiquent que six inversions de sens du c h amp magnetique de la terre se sont produites au cours de la vie du volcan. La correlation des resultats se rapportant a la pol arite avec l es ages radiometriques et la stratigraphie gl aciaire indique que l ' activite volcanique a commence il y a six millions d ' annees B . P ., a u cours de la m agnetozone 14, et s ' est pour­ suivie par intermittence pendant tout l e P l e istocene jusqu' au debut de l'ere r ecente . Au cours de ce long intervalle , l es centres successifs d'eruption ont ete restreints a une zone situee clans un rayon de quelques milles de l' actuel crate re du mont Edziza. En outre, il n'existe aucune evidence d'un changement gradu e l clans la nature du bas a lte d ' o livine alcalin primaire ou clans les produits de fractionnement peralcalins qui ont ete emis par le volcan au cours de s es quatre etapes successives d ' activite. Le volcanisme du mont Edziza s emble done indiquer un environne ­ ment tectonique constant qui a persiste pendant toute la fin du Tertiaire et au Quaternair e . La nature peralcal ine d e la lave Edziza et son association a vec d es failles normales affectant la direction n ord - sud fait supposer une zone d e fissur es de l a croute . STRATIGRAPHY AND PALEOMAGNETISM OF MOUNT EDZI ZA VOLCANIC COMPLEX, NORTHWES TER N BRI TISH COLUMBIA INTRODUCTION Upper Tertiary and Quate r nary volcanic rocks are w i despread in northwestern British Columbia but few of them have been dated precisel y and lit tle is known about the correl ation of events between adjacen t erupt ive centres. Many post- glacial pyroclastic cones h ave a l inear d i stribution, suggesting th at th ey are spatially related to fundamental fractures . However , th e temporal rel ationsh ips, so impor tant to con cepts of regi on a l and global tectonics , have yet to be worked out.
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