Tier 1 Site Assessment & BEF Supplemental Attachments US Highway 79 CSJ: 0204-01-063

Attachment 1  Project Description  Project Location Map – Aerial

Attachment 2  USFWS Official Species List  TPWD Annotated County List of Rare Species (August 2018 List)  Species Impact Table  TPWD Annotated County List of Rare Species (April 2019 List)

Attachment 3  TXNDD Element of Occurrence (EO) Map  and Species Map

Attachment 4  EMST Vegetation Map  EMST Report

Attachment 5  Observed Vegetation Map  Observed EMST Vegetation Table

Attachment 6  Project Area Soil - Report and Map

Attachment 7  Project Area Photographs

Attachment 1

Project Description Project Location Map (Aerial)

Project Description US Highway 79 From Interstate Highway 35 to East of Farm-to-Market Road 1460 CSJ 0204-01-063

Introduction The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Austin District is proposing improvements to United States Highway 79 (US 79) between Interstate 35 (I-35) to east of Farm-to-Market Rd 1460 (FM 1460) within the city of Round Rock in Williamson County, Texas.

Existing Facility Within the project limits, US 79 consists of four 12-foot main lanes (two in each direction) with 10-foot outside shoulders. Some locations along the corridor have a central turn lane measuring 14 feet. The existing US 79 right-of-way (ROW) varies from 150 to 300 feet wide.

Proposed Facility Proposed improvements include widening the existing US 79 roadway to add a third travel lane in each direction and installing a raised median for safety. Improvements to intersections would include overpasses at US 79/Mays Street and US 79/FM 1460 and altering the US 79/I-35 Intersection. Driveways and access points would be modified to improve safety and traffic flow. The proposed improvements also include installing shared-use paths on both sides of US 79 to improve pedestrian and bicycle accommodations. The proposed project occurs on 79.1 acres of existing right-of-way, 0.18 acres of existing easement, and would require approximately 10.32 acres of new right-of-way for a total project footprint of 89.53 acres.


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0 2,000 Feet Project Location Project Location I 0 500 Meters (Aerial Base) Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 2,000 feet Scale: 1:24,000 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Aerial Source: DigitalGlobe (2018) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/7/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_Location_Aerial_20191030.mxd

Attachment 2

USFWS Official Species List TPWD Annotated County List of Rare Species (August 2018 List) Species Impact Table TPWD Annotated County List of Rare Species (April 2019 List)

United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Austin Ecological Services Field Office 10711 Burnet Road, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78758-4460 Phone: (512) 490-0057 Fax: (512) 490-0974 http://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/AustinTexas/ http://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/EndangeredSpecies/lists/

In Reply Refer To: October 11, 2019 Consultation Code: 02ETAU00-2017-SLI-1309 Event Code: 02ETAU00-2020-E-00185 Project Name: U.S. Highway 79

Subject: Updated list of threatened and endangered species that may occur in your proposed project location, and/or may be affected by your proposed project

To Whom It May Concern:

The enclosed species list identifies threatened, endangered, proposed and candidate species, as as proposed and final designated critical habitat, that may occur within the county of your proposed project and/or may be affected by your proposed project. The species list fulfills the requirements of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) under section 7(c) of the Endangered Species Act (Act) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).

Please note that new information based on updated surveys, changes in the abundance and distribution of species, changed habitat conditions, or other factors could change this list. Feel free to contact us if you need more current information or assistance regarding the potential impacts to federally proposed, listed, and candidate species and federally designated and proposed critical habitat. Also note that under 50 CFR 402.12(e) of the regulations implementing section 7 of the Act, the accuracy of this species list should be verified after 90 days. This verification can be completed formally or informally as desired. The Service recommends that verification be completed by visiting the ECOS-IPaC website at regular intervals during project planning and implementation for updates to species lists and information. An updated list may be requested through the ECOS-IPaC system by completing the same process used to receive the enclosed list.

The purpose of the Act is to provide a means whereby threatened and endangered species and the ecosystems upon which they depend may be conserved. Under sections 7(a)(1) and 7(a)(2) of the Act and its implementing regulations (50 CFR 402 et seq.), Federal agencies are required to utilize their authorities to carry out programs for the conservation of federally listed as threatened 10/11/2019 Event Code: 02ETAU00-2020-E-00185 2 or endangered species and to determine whether projects may affect these species and/or designated critical habitat.

A Biological Assessment is required for construction projects (or other undertakings having similar physical impacts) that are major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment as defined in the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4332(2) (c)). For projects other than major construction activities, the Service suggests that a biological evaluation similar to a Biological Assessment be prepared to determine whether the project may affect listed or proposed species and/or designated or proposed critical habitat. Recommended contents of a Biological Assessment are described at 50 CFR 402.12.

While a Federal agency may designate a non-Federal representative to conduct informal consultation or prepare a biological assessment, the Federal Agency must notify the Service in writing of any such designation. The Federal agency shall also independently review and evaluate the scope and content of a biological assessment prepared by their designated non- Federal representative before that document is submitted to the Service.

If a Federal agency determines, based on the Biological Assessment or biological evaluation, that listed species and/or designated critical habitat may be affected by a federally funded, permitted or authorized activity, the agency is required to consult with the Service pursuant to 50 CFR 402. The following definitions are provided to assist you in reaching a determination:

▪ No effect - the proposed action will not affect federally listed species or critical habitat. A “no effect” determination does not require section 7 consultation and no coordination or contact with the Service is necessary. However, if the project changes or additional information on the distribution of listed or proposed species becomes available, the project should be reanalyzed for effects not previously considered. ▪ May affect, but is not likely to adversely affect - the project may affect listed species and/or critical habitat; however, the effects are expected to be discountable, insignificant, or completely beneficial. Certain avoidance and minimization measures may need to be implemented in order to reach this level of effect. The Federal agency or the designated non-Federal representative should consult with the Service to seek written concurrence that adverse effects are not likely. Be sure to include all of the information and documentation used to reach your decision with your request for concurrence. The Service must have this documentation before issuing a concurrence. ▪ Is likely to adversely affect - adverse effects to listed species may occur as a direct or indirect result of the proposed action. For this determination, the effect of the action is neither discountable nor insignificant. If the overall effect of the proposed action is beneficial to the listed species but the action is also likely to cause some adverse effects to individuals of that species, then the proposed action “is likely to adversely affect” the listed species. The analysis should consider all interrelated and interdependent actions. An “is likely to adversely affect” determination requires the Federal action agency to initiate formal section 7 consultation with our office.

10/11/2019 Event Code: 02ETAU00-2020-E-00185 3

Regardless of the determination, the Service recommends that the Federal agency maintain a complete record of the evaluation, including steps leading to the determination of effect, the qualified personnel conducting the evaluation, habitat conditions, site photographs, and any other related information. More information on the regulations and procedures for section 7 consultation, including the role of permit or license applicants, can be found in the "Endangered Species Consultation Handbook" at: http://www.fws.gov/endangered/esa-library/pdf/TOC- GLOS.PDF.

Migratory Birds

For projects that may affect migratory birds, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) implements various treaties and conventions for the protection of these species. Under the MBTA, taking, killing, or possessing migratory birds is unlawful. Migratory birds may nest in trees, brushy areas, or other areas of suitable habitat. The Service recommends activities requiring vegetation removal or disturbance avoid the peak nesting period of March through August to avoid destruction of individuals, nests, or eggs. If project activities must be conducted during this time, we recommend surveying for nests prior to conducting work. If a nest is found, and if possible, the Service recommends a buffer of vegetation remain around the nest until the young have fledged or the nest is abandoned.

For additional information concerning the MBTA and recommendations to reduce impacts to migratory birds please contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Migratory Birds Office, 500 Gold Ave. SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102. A list of migratory birds may be viewed at https:// www.fws.gov/birds/management/managed-species/migratory-bird-treaty-act-protected- species.php. Guidance for minimizing impacts to migratory birds for projects including communications towers can be found at: https://www.fws.gov/birds/management/project- assessment-tools-and-guidance/guidance-documents/communication-towers.php. Additionally, wind energy projects should follow the wind energy guidelines https://www.fws.gov/birds/management/project-assessment-tools-and-guidance/guidance- documents/wind-energy.php ) for minimizing impacts to migratory birds and bats.

Finally, please be aware that bald and golden eagles are protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 668 et seq.), and projects affecting these species may require development of an eagle conservation plan https://www.fws.gov/birds/management/project- assessment-tools-and-guidance/guidance-documents/eagles.php.

We appreciate your concern for threatened and endangered species. The Service encourages Federal agencies to include conservation of threatened and endangered species into their project planning to further the purposes of the Act. Please include the Consultation Tracking Number in the header of this letter with any request for consultation or correspondence about your project that you submit to our office.


▪ Official Species List

10/11/2019 Event Code: 02ETAU00-2020-E-00185 1

Official Species List This list is provided pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, and fulfills the requirement for Federal agencies to "request of the Secretary of the Interior information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed may be present in the area of a proposed action".

This species list is provided by:

Austin Ecological Services Field Office 10711 Burnet Road, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78758-4460 (512) 490-0057

10/11/2019 Event Code: 02ETAU00-2020-E-00185 2

Project Summary Consultation Code: 02ETAU00-2017-SLI-1309

Event Code: 02ETAU00-2020-E-00185

Project Name: U.S. Highway 79


Project Description: Widening of the existing US 79 roadway.

Project Location: Approximate location of the project can be viewed in Google Maps: https:// www.google.com/maps/place/30.51774767810808N97.68344413689898W

Counties: Williamson, TX

10/11/2019 Event Code: 02ETAU00-2020-E-00185 3

Endangered Species Act Species There is a total of 15 threatened, endangered, or candidate species on this species list.

Species on this list should be considered in an effects analysis for your project and could include species that exist in another geographic area. For example, certain fish may appear on the species list because a project could affect downstream species. Note that 3 of these species should be considered only under certain conditions.

IPaC does not display listed species or critical habitats under the sole jurisdiction of NOAA Fisheries1, as USFWS does not have the authority to speak on behalf of NOAA and the Department of Commerce.

See the "Critical habitats" section below for those critical habitats that lie wholly or partially within your project area under this office's jurisdiction. Please contact the designated FWS office if you have questions.

1. NOAA Fisheries, also known as the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), is an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce.

10/11/2019 Event Code: 02ETAU00-2020-E-00185 4

Birds NAME STATUS Golden-cheeked Warbler (=wood) Dendroica chrysoparia Endangered No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/33

Least Tern Sterna antillarum Endangered Population: interior pop. No critical habitat has been designated for this species. This species only needs to be considered under the following conditions: ▪ Wind Energy Projects Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/8505

Piping Plover Charadrius melodus Threatened Population: [Atlantic Coast and Northern Great Plains populations] - Wherever found, except those areas where listed as endangered. There is final critical habitat for this species. Your location is outside the critical habitat. This species only needs to be considered under the following conditions: ▪ Wind Energy Projects Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/6039

Red Knot Calidris canutus rufa Threatened No critical habitat has been designated for this species. This species only needs to be considered under the following conditions: ▪ Wind Energy Projects Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/1864

Whooping Crane Grus americana Endangered Population: Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population There is final critical habitat for this species. Your location is outside the critical habitat. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/758

Amphibians NAME STATUS Georgetown Salamander Eurycea naufragia Threatened There is proposed critical habitat for this species. Your location is outside the critical habitat. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/7278

Jollyville Plateau Salamander Eurycea tonkawae Threatened There is final critical habitat for this species. Your location overlaps the critical habitat. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/3116

Salado Salamander Eurycea chisholmensis Threatened There is proposed critical habitat for this species. Your location is outside the critical habitat. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/3411

10/11/2019 Event Code: 02ETAU00-2020-E-00185 5

Clams NAME STATUS Texas Fawnsfoot Truncilla macrodon Candidate No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/8965

Texas Pimpleback Quadrula petrina Candidate No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/8966

Insects NAME STATUS Coffin Mold Beetle Batrisodes texanus Endangered No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/6234

Tooth Cave Ground Beetle Rhadine persephone Endangered No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/5625

Arachnids NAME STATUS Bone Cave Harvestman Texella reyesi Endangered No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/5306

Tooth Cave Spider Neoleptoneta myopica Endangered No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/2360

Flowering Plants NAME STATUS Bracted Twistflower Streptanthus bracteatus Candidate No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/2856

Critical habitats There is 1 critical habitat wholly or partially within your project area under this office's jurisdiction.

10/11/2019 Event Code: 02ETAU00-2020-E-00185 6

NAME STATUS Jollyville Plateau Salamander Eurycea tonkawae Final https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/3116#crithab

Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. Page 1 of 5 Annotated County Lists of Rare Species Last Revision: 8/8/2018 6:04:00 PM

WILLIAMSON COUNTY AMPHIBIANS Federal Status State Status Georgetown salamander Eurycea naufragia LT endemic; known from springs and waters in and around town of Georgetown in Williamson County Jollyville Plateau salamander Eurycea tonkawae LT known from springs and waters of some north of the Colorado River Salado Springs salamander Eurycea chisholmensis LT endemic; surface springs and subterranean waters of the Salado Springs system along Salado Creek Southern Crawfish Frog Lithobates areolatus areolatus The Southern Crawfish Frog can be found in abandoned crawfish holes and small mammal . This species inhabits moist meadows, pasturelands, pine scrub, and river flood plains. This species spends nearly all of its time in burrows and only leaves the area to breed. Although this species can be difficult to detect due to its reclusive nature, the call of breeding males can be heard over great distances. Eggs are laid and larvae develop in temporary water such as flooded fields, ditches, farm ponds and small lakes. Habitat: Shallow water, Herbaceous Wetland, Riparian, Temporary Pool, Cropland/hedgerow, Grassland/herbaceous, Suburban/orchard, Woodland ±Conifer.

ARACHNIDS Federal Status State Status Bandit Cave spider Cicurina bandida very small, subterrestrial, subterranean obligate Bone Cave harvestman Texella reyesi LE small, blind, cave-adapted harvestman endemic to several caves in Travis and Williamson counties; weakly differentiated from Texella reddelli

BIRDS Federal Status State Status American Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus anatum DL T year-round resident and local breeder in west Texas, nests in tall cliff eyries; also, migrant across state from more northern breeding areas in US and Canada, winters along coast and farther south; occupies wide range of habitats during migration, including urban, concentrations along coast and barrier islands; low-altitude migrant, stopovers at leading landscape edges such as lake shores, coastlines, and barrier islands. Arctic Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus tundrius DL migrant throughout state from subspecies¶far northern breeding range, winters along coast and farther south; occupies wide range of habitats during migration, including urban, concentrations along coast and barrier islands; low-altitude migrant, stopovers at leading landscape edges such as lake shores, coastlines, and barrier islands. Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus DL T found primarily near rivers and large lakes; nests in tall trees or on cliffs near water; communally roosts, especially in winter; hunts live prey, scavenges, and pirates food from other birds Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. Page 2 of 5 Annotated County Lists of Rare Species WILLIAMSON COUNTY BIRDS Federal Status State Status Black-capped Vireo Vireo atricapilla DL E oak-juniper woodlands with distinctive patchy, two-layered aspect; shrub and tree layer with open, grassy spaces; requires foliage reaching to ground level for nesting cover; return to same territory, or one nearby, year after year; deciduous and broad-leaved shrubs and trees provide insects for feeding; species composition less important than presence of adequate broad-leaved shrubs, foliage to ground level, and required structure; nesting season March-late summer Golden-cheeked Warbler Setophaga chrysoparia LE E juniper-oak woodlands; dependent on Ashe juniper (also known as cedar) for long fine bark strips, only available from mature trees, used in nest construction; nests are placed in various trees other than Ashe juniper; only a few mature junipers or nearby cedar brakes can provide the necessary nest material; forage for insects in broad-leaved trees and shrubs; nesting late March-early summer Mountain Plover Charadrius montanus breeding: nests on high plains or shortgrass prairie, on ground in shallow depression; nonbreeding: shortgrass plains and bare, dirt (plowed) fields; primarily insectivorous Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus DL T both subspecies migrate across the state from more northern breeding areas in US and Canada to winter along coast and farther south; subspecies (F. p. anatum) is also a resident breeder in west Texas; the two subspecies¶listing statuses differ, F.p. tundrius is no longer listed in Texas; but because the subspecies are not easily distinguishable at a distance, reference is generally made only to the species level; see subspecies for habitat. Red Knot Calidris canutus rufa LT Red knots migrate long distances in flocks northward through the contiguous United States mainly April- June, southward July-October. A small plump-bodied, short-necked shorebird that in breeding plumage, typically held from May through August, is a distinctive and unique pottery orange color. Its bill is dark, straight and, relative to other shorebirds, short-to-medium in length. After molting in late summer, this species is in a drab gray-and-white non-breeding plumage, typically held from September through April. In the non-breeding plumage, the knot might be confused with the omnipresent Sanderling. During this plumage, look for the knot¶s prominent pale eyebrow and whitish flanks with dark barring. The Red Knot prefers the shoreline of coast and bays and also uses mudflats during rare inland encounters. Primary prey items include coquina clam (Donax spp.) on beaches and dwarf surf clam (Mulinia lateralis) in bays, at least in the Laguna Madre. Wintering Range includes- Aransas, Brazoria, Calhoun, Cameron, Chambers, Galveston, Jefferson, Kennedy, Kleberg, Matagorda, Nueces, San Patricio, and Willacy. Habitat: Primarily seacoasts on tidal flats and beaches, herbaceous wetland, and Tidal flat/shore. Sprague's Pipit Anthus spragueii only in Texas during migration and winter, mid September to early April; short to medium distance, diurnal migrant; strongly tied to native upland prairie, can be locally common in coastal grasslands, uncommon to rare further west; sensitive to patch size and avoids edges. Western Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia hypugaea open grasslands, especially prairie, plains, and savanna, sometimes in open areas such as vacant lots near human habitation or airports; nests and roosts in abandoned burrows Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. Page 3 of 5 Annotated County Lists of Rare Species WILLIAMSON COUNTY BIRDS Federal Status State Status Whooping Crane Grus americana LE E potential migrant via plains throughout most of state to coast; winters in coastal marshes of Aransas, Calhoun, and Refugio counties

CRUSTACEANS Federal Status State Status An amphipod Stygobromus russelli subterranean waters, usually in caves and limestone ; resident of numerous caves in ca. 10 counties of the Edwards Plateau Bifurcated cave amphipod Stygobromus bifurcatus found in cave pools Ezell's cave amphipod Stygobromus flagellatus known only from artesian

FISHES Federal Status State Status Guadalupe bass Micropterus treculii endemic to perennial streams of the Edward's Plateau region; introduced in Nueces River system Sharpnose shiner Notropis oxyrhynchus LE endemic to Brazos River drainage; also, apparently introduced into adjacent Colorado River drainage; large turbid river, with bottom a combination of sand, gravel, and clay-mud Smalleye shiner Notropis buccula LE endemic to upper Brazos River system and its tributaries (Clear Fork and Bosque); apparently introduced into adjacent Colorado River drainage; medium to large prairie streams with sandy substrate and turbid to clear warm water; presumably eats small aquatic invertebrates

INSECTS Federal Status State Status A mayfly Pseudocentroptiloides morihari mayflies distinguished by aquatic larval stage; adult stage generally found in shoreline vegetation Coffin Cave mold beetle Batrisodes texanus LE resident, small, cave-adapted beetle found in small Edwards Limestone caves in Travis and Williamson counties Tooth Cave ground beetle Rhadine persephone LE resident, small, cave-adapted beetle found in small Edwards Limestone caves in Travis and Williamson counties Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. Page 4 of 5 Annotated County Lists of Rare Species WILLIAMSON COUNTY MAMMALS Federal Status State Status Cave myotis Myotis velifer colonial and cave-dwelling; also roosts in rock crevices, old buildings, carports, under bridges, and even in abandoned Cliff Swallow (Hirundo pyrrhonota) nests; roosts in clusters of up to thousands of individuals; hibernates in limestone caves of Edwards Plateau and gypsum cave of Panhandle during winter; opportunistic insectivore Plains spotted skunk Spilogale putorius interrupta catholic; open fields, prairies, croplands, fence rows, farmyards, forest edges, and woodlands; prefers wooded, brushy areas and tallgrass prairie Red wolf Canis rufus LE E extirpated; formerly known throughout eastern half of Texas in brushy and forested areas, as well as coastal prairies

MOLLUSKS Federal Status State Status False spike mussel Fusconaia mitchelli T possibly extirpated in Texas; probably medium to large rivers; substrates varying from mud through mixtures of sand, gravel and cobble; one study indicated water lilies were present at the site; Rio Grande, Brazos, Colorado, and Guadalupe (historic) river basins Smooth pimpleback Quadrula houstonensis C T small to moderate streams and rivers as well as moderate size reservoirs; mixed mud, sand, and fine gravel, tolerates very slow to moderate flow rates, appears not to tolerate dramatic water level fluctuations, scoured bedrock substrates, or shifting sand bottoms, lower Trinity (questionable), Brazos, and Colorado River basins Texas fawnsfoot Truncilla macrodon C T little known; possibly rivers and larger streams, and intolerant of impoundment; flowing rice irrigation canals, possibly sand, gravel, and perhaps sandy-mud bottoms in moderate flows; Brazos and Colorado River basins

REPTILES Federal Status State Status Spot-tailed earless lizard Holbrookia lacerata central and southern Texas and adjacent Mexico; moderately open prairie-brushland; fairly flat areas free of vegetation or other obstructions, including disturbed areas; eats small invertebrates; eggs laid underground Texas garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis annectens wet or moist microhabitats are conducive to the species occurrence, but is not necessarily restricted to them; hibernates underground or in or under surface cover; breeds March-August Texas horned lizard Phrynosoma cornutum T open, arid and semi-arid regions with sparse vegetation, including grass, cactus, scattered brush or scrubby trees; soil may vary in texture from sandy to rocky; burrows into soil, enters rodent burrows, or hides under rock when inactive; breeds March-September Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. Page 5 of 5 Annotated County Lists of Rare Species WILLIAMSON COUNTY REPTILES Federal Status State Status Timber rattlesnake Crotalus horridus T swamps, floodplains, upland pine and deciduous woodlands, riparian zones, abandoned farmland; limestone bluffs, sandy soil or black clay; prefers dense ground cover, i.e. grapevines or palmetto

PLANTS Federal Status State Status Elmendorf's onion Allium elmendorfii Texas endemic; grassland openings in oak woodlands on deep, loose, well-drained sands; in Coastal Bend, on Pleistocene barrier island ridges and Holocene Sand Sheet that support live oak woodlands; to the north it occurs in post oak-black hickory-live oak woodlands over Queen City and similar Eocene formations; one anomalous specimen found on Llano Uplift in wet pockets of granitic loam; Perennial; Flowering March- April, May Gravelbar brickellbush Brickellia dentata GLOBAL RANK: G3; Essentially restricted to frequently-scoured gravelly alluvial beds in creek and river bottoms; Perennial; Flowering June-Nov; Fruiting June-Oct Plateau loosestrife Lythrum ovalifolium GLOBAL RANK: G4; Banks and gravelly beds of perennial (or strong intermittent) streams on the Edwards Plateau, Llano Uplift and Lampasas Cutplain; Perennial; Flowering/Fruiting April-Nov Plateau milkvine Matelea edwardsensis GLOBAL RANK: G3 ; Occurs in various types of juniper-oak and oak-juniper woodlands; Perennial; Flowering March-Oct; Fruiting May-June Texas almond Prunus minutiflora GLOBAL RANK: G3; Wide-ranging but scarce, in a variety of grassland and shrubland situations, mostly on calcareous soils underlain by limestone but occasionally in sandier neutral soils underlain by granite; Perennial; Flowering Feb-May & Oct; Fruiting Feb-Sept In April 2019, TPWD revised the Williamson County species list to include additional protected species. Environmental scoping for the proposed project was already complete at this time. Per the TxDOT and TPWD MOU, changes to TPWD county lists are not required to be considered in cases in which environmental scoping has already occurred prior to the revision of the lists. In addition, SGCNs are not afforded regulatory protection under state or federal law; therefore, potential impacts to recently added SGCN species are not evaluated in the table below. The additional state-listed threatened or endangered species have been included.

Threatened and Endangered Species and Species of Greatest Conservation Need of Potential Occurrence in Williamson County, Texas

Habitat Present Species Federal State Species Habitat Description in Effect/ Pertinent Project Information Status Status Project Impact Area?


Texas endemic; shallow, well-drained gravelly clays and clay loams over limestone in oak juniper woodlands and associated openings, on steep to moderate slopes and in canyon bottoms; Bracted twistflower No oak-juniper woodlands on steep slopes several known soils include Tarrant, Streptanthus C SGCN No No Effect or canyon bottoms occur within the project Brackett, or Speck over Edwards, Glen bracteatus area. Rose, and Walnut geologic formations; populations fluctuate widely from year to year, depending on winter rainfall; flowering mid-April-late May, fruit matures and foliage withers by early summer Texas endemic; grassland openings in oak woodlands on deep, loose, well-drained sands; in Coastal Bend, on Pleistocene barrier island ridges and Holocene Sand No post oak-black hickory-live oak Sheet that support live oak woodlands; to Elmendorf’s onion No woodlands occur within the project area. NL SGCN the north it occurs in post oak-black No Allium elmendorfii Impact Project is not located over the Queen City hickory-live oak woodlands over Queen City formation. and similar Eocene formations; one anomalous specimen found on Llano Uplift in wet pockets of granitic loam; flowering March-April, May Habitat Present Species Federal State Species Habitat Description in Effect/ Pertinent Project Information Status Status Project Impact Area?

Essentially restricted to frequently-scoured Gravelbar brickellbush gravelly alluvial beds in creek and river May Species may occur in creek bottoms within NL SGCN Yes Brickellia dentata bottoms; Perennial; Flowering June-Nov; Impact the proposed project area. Fruiting June-Oct Banks and gravelly beds of perennial (or strong intermittent) streams on the Plateau loosestrife No No perennial streams or creeks occur NL SGCN Edwards Plateau, Llano Uplift and No Lythrum ovalifolium Impact within the proposed project area. Lampasas Cutplain; Perennial; Flowering/Fruiting April-Nov Plateau milkvine Occurs in various types of juniper-oak and No No oak-juniper woodlands occur in the Matelea edwardsensis NL SGCN oak-juniper woodlands; Perennial; No Impact project area. Flowering March-Oct; Fruiting May-June Wide-ranging but scarce, in a variety of grassland and shrubland situations, mostly Texas almond on calcareous soils underlain by limestone May Unmaintained grasslands over calcareous NL SGCN Yes Prunis minutiflora but occasionally in sandier neutral soils Impact soils occur in the project area. underlain by granite; Perennial; Flowering Feb-May & Oct; Fruiting Feb-Sept

Mollusks This species is native to the Brazos, Colorado, and Guadalupe basins of Central No perennial streams or rivers occur within Texas. This species had been presumed False spike mussel No the proposed project area. Stormwater NL T extinct, but surveys conducted in recent No Fusconia (=Quadrula) Impact BMPs would be implemented to protect years have confirmed the presence of live mitchelli water quality in receiving waters. false spike at several locations throughout its historic range, including the lower Guadalupe River near Gonzales, TX. Habitat Present Species Federal State Species Habitat Description in Effect/ Pertinent Project Information Status Status Project Impact Area?

Possibly rivers and larger streams, and No streams or rivers features occur within intolerant of impoundment; flowing rice the proposed project area. Stormwater Texas fawnsfoot C T irrigation canals, possibly sand, gravel, and No No Effect BMPs would be implemented to protect Truncilla macrodon perhaps sandy-mud bottoms in moderate water quality in receiving waters. flows

No streams or rivers occur within the Texas pimpleback Mud, gravel and sand substrates, generally proposed project area. Stormwater BMPs C T No No Effect Cyclonias (Quadrula) in areas with slow flow rates would be implemented to protect water petrina quality in receiving waters.

Crustaceans The proposed project is located over the Subterranean waters, usually in caves and Transition Zone and Recharge Zones of the An amphipod May NL SGCN limestone aquifers; resident of numerous Yes Edwards Aquifer. Stormwater BMPs would Stygobromus russelli Impact caves; 10 counties of the Edwards Plateau be implemented to protect water quality in receiving waters. The proposed project is located over the Bifurcated cave Transition Zone and Recharge Zone of the amphipod May NL SGCN Found in cave pools Yes Edwards Aquifer. Stormwater BMPs would Stygobromus Impact be implemented to protect water quality in bifurcatus receiving waters. The proposed project is located over the Ezell’s Cave amphipod Transition Zone and Recharge Zone of the Subaquatic, subterranean obligate May Stygobromus NL SGCN Yes Edwards Aquifer. Stormwater BMPs would amphipod Impact flagellatus be implemented to protect water quality in receiving waters. Habitat Present Species Federal State Species Habitat Description in Effect/ Pertinent Project Information Status Status Project Impact Area?

Insects A mayfly Mayflies distinguished by aquatic larval May Species may occur in shoreline vegetation Pseudocentroptiloides NL SGCN stage; adult stage generally found in Yes Impact within the project area. morihari shoreline vegetation Project area occurs outside the species accepted range. The closest known Coffin Cave mold Resident, small, cave-adapted beetle occurrence is approximately 6.0 miles from beetle LE SGCN found in small Edwards Limestone caves in No No Effect the proposed project area (Williamson Batrisodes texanus Travis and Williamson counties County Regional Habitat Conservation Plan, 2008). Project area occurs outside the species accepted range. The closest known Tooth Cave ground Resident, small, cave-adapted beetle occurrence is approximately 7.0 miles from beetle LE SGCN found in small Edwards Limestone caves in No No Effect the proposed project area (Williamson Rhadine persephone Travis and Williamson Counties County Regional Habitat Conservation Plan, 2008). Habitat Present Species Federal State Species Habitat Description in Effect/ Pertinent Project Information Status Status Project Impact Area?

Arachnids Project area occurs within Karst Zones, 1,3 and 4 (areas known to contain endangered cave fauna, areas that probably do not contain cave fauna, and areas which do not contain endangered cave fauna, respectively). The project area is within the range of this species. No suitable habitat Bandit Cave spider Very small, subterrestrial, subterranean May NL SGCN Yes was identified within the project area as Cicurina bandida obligate Impact verified by a qualified karst geologist. However, voids encountered during construction could provide suitable habitat for the species. Communications with the USFWS did not result in the identification of occupied features within a reasonable distance of the project area. Project area occurs within Karst Zones, 1,3 and 4 (areas known to contain endangered cave fauna, areas that probably do not contain cave fauna, and areas which do not contain endangered cave fauna, May respectively). The project area is within the affect, Bone Cave Small, blind, cave-adapted; endemic to a range of this species. No suitable habitat and is not harvestman LE SGCN few caves in Travis and Williamson Yes was identified within the project area as likely to Texella reyesi Counties verified by a qualified karst geologist. adversely However, voids encountered during affect construction could provide suitable habitat for the species. Communications with the USFWS did not result in the identification of occupied features within a reasonable distance of the project area. Habitat Present Species Federal State Species Habitat Description in Effect/ Pertinent Project Information Status Status Project Impact Area?

Project occurs outside the known range of Small, blind, cave-adapted harvestman **Reddell harvestman this species. The USFWS does not LE† SGCN endemic to a few caves in Travis and No No Effect Texella reddelli recognize this species as occurring within Williamson counties Williamson County.

Tooth Cave ground Resident, small, cave-adapted beetle Project occurs outside the known range of beetle LE SGCN found in small Edwards Limestone caves in No No Effect this species. Rhadine persephone Travis and Williamson counties

Fishes Known only from the San Marcos and The San Marcos and Comal Rivers are not Comal rivers; springs and spring-fed **Fountain darter located within the proposed project area. LE† E streams in dense beds of aquatic plants No No Effect Etheostoma fonticola Project is outside of the species’ known growing close to bottom, which is normally range. mucky No perennial streams occur within the Endemic to perennial streams of the Guadalupe bass No proposed project area. Stormwater BMPs NL SGCN Edwards’s Plateaus region; introduced to No Micropterus treculii Impact would be implemented to protect water the Nueces River system quality in receiving waters. Endemic to Brazos River drainage; also, No perennial streams or rivers occur within apparently introduced into adjacent Sharpnose shiner the proposed project area. Stormwater LE* SGCN Colorado River drainage; large turbid river, No No Effect Notropis oxyrhynchus BMPs would be implemented to protect with bottom a combination of sand, gravel, water quality in receiving waters. and clay-mud Habitat Present Species Federal State Species Habitat Description in Effect/ Pertinent Project Information Status Status Project Impact Area?

Endemic to upper Brazos River system and its tributaries (Clear Fork and Bosque); No perennial streams or rivers occur within Smalleye shiner apparently introduced into adjacent the proposed project area. Stormwater Notropis buccula LE* SGCN Colorado River drainage; medium to large No No Effect BMPs would be implemented to protect prairie streams with sandy substrate and water quality in receiving waters. turbid to clear warm water; presumably eats small aquatic invertebrates

Amphibians Dependent upon water flow/quality from the Barton Springs pool of the Edwards **Barton Springs Aquifer; known from the outlets of Barton The proposed project is outside of the salamander LE† E Springs and subterranean water-filled No No Effect species’ known range. Eurycea sosorum caverns; found under rocks, in gravel, or among aquatic vascular plants and algae, as available; feeds primarily on amphipods The proposed project is outside of the Georgetown Endemic; known from springs and waters currently accepted species range. The salamander LT SGCN in and around town of Georgetown in No No Effect species range does not extend south and Eurycea naufragia Williamson County east of the Balcones Fault (Hillis et al. 2015). Primary habitat is sandy soil which supports populations of Pinus taeda, water in pools, ephemeral pools, stock tanks; breeds in spring especially after rains; Houston toad No sandy soil in Pinus taeda habitat occurs LE* E burrows in soil of adjacent uplands when No No Effect Anaxyrus houstonensis in the project area. inactive; breeds February-June; associated with soils of the Sparta, Carrizo, Goliad, Queen City, Recklaw, Weches, and Willis geologic formations. Habitat Present Species Federal State Species Habitat Description in Effect/ Pertinent Project Information Status Status Project Impact Area?

The proposed project intersects a known May occurrence and critical habitat unit for this Jollyville Plateau Affect, species. Construction and post- Known from springs and waters of some salamander LE SGCN Yes Likely to construction BMPs would be implemented caves north of the Colorado River Eurycea tonkawae Adversely to protect water quality at the site. The Affect project may affect this species. Formal consultation with the USFWS is underway. Salado Springs Endemic; surface springs and The project area is located outside the salamander LT SGCN subterranean waters of the Salado Springs No No Effect known occupied range of this species. Eurycea chisholmensis system along Salado Creek The Southern Crawfish Frog can be found in abandoned crawfish holes and small mammal burrows. This species inhabits moist meadows, pasturelands, pine scrub, and river flood plains. This species spends nearly all of its time in burrows and only leaves the burrow area to breed. Although this species can be difficult to detect due Southern crawfish frog to its reclusive nature, the call of breeding May Riparian vegetation occurs within the Lithobates areolatus NL SCGN Yes males can be heard over great distances. Impact project area. areolatus Eggs are laid and larvae develop in temporary water such as flooded fields, ditches, farm ponds and small lakes. Habitat: shallow water, herbaceous wetland, riparian, temporary pool, cropland/hedgerow, grassland/herbaceous, suburban/orchard, woodland, and conifer. Habitat Present Species Federal State Species Habitat Description in Effect/ Pertinent Project Information Status Status Project Impact Area?

Reptiles Central and southern Texas and adjacent Mexico; moderately open prairie- Spot-tailed earless brushland; fairly flat areas free of No No prairie-brushland or flat, vegetation-free lizard NL SGCN No vegetation or other obstructions, including Impact areas occur in the project area. Holbrookia lacerata disturbed areas; eats small invertebrates; eggs laid underground Wet or moist microhabitats are conducive Texas garter snake to the species occurrence, but is not May Riparian vegetation occurs within the Thamnophis sirtalis NL SGCN necessarily restricted to them; hibernates Yes Impact project area. annectens underground or in or under surface cover; breeds March-August Open, arid and semi-arid regions with No sparse vegetation occurs within the sparse vegetation, soil varies in texture Texas horned lizard No project area. No red ants (food source for NL T from sandy to rocky; burrows into soil, No Phrynosoma cornutum Impact the species) were observed during field enters rodent burrows, or hides under rock investigations. when inactive; breeds March-September Swamps, floodplains, upland pine and deciduous woodlands, riparian zones, May Riparian vegetation occurs within the Timber rattlesnake NL T abandoned farmland; limestone bluffs, Yes Impact project area. Crotalus horridus sandy soil or black clay; prefers dense ground cover, i.e. grapevines or palmetto

Birds Resident of west Texas, migrant across the American Peregrine No breeding or wintering habitat is present rest of the state; winters along coast; Falcon No within the project area. The species is a DL T occupies wide range of habitats during No Falco peregrinus Impact potential migrant; any use of the project migration, including urban; stopovers at anatum area would be incidental. leading landscape edges Habitat Present Species Federal State Species Habitat Description in Effect/ Pertinent Project Information Status Status Project Impact Area?

Migrant throughout state from subspecies’ far northern breeding range, winters along coast and farther south; occupies wide No breeding or wintering habitat is present Arctic Peregrine Falcon range of habitats during migration, No within the project area. The species is a Falco peregrinus DL SGCN including urban, concentrations along No Impact potential migrant; any use of the project tundrius coast and barrier islands; low-altitude area would be incidental. migrant, stopovers at leading landscape edges such as lake shores, coastlines, and barrier islands. Bald Eagle Found primarily near rivers and large No No rivers or large lakes occur within the Haliaeetus DL T lakes; nests in tall trees or on cliffs near No Impact proposed project area. leucocephalus water Oak-juniper woodlands with a distinctive, The vegetation community lacks the dense Black-capped Vireo patchy, two-layered aspect; shrub and tree DL E No No Effect understory and mid-story structure Vireo atricapilla layer with open, grassy spaces and foliage required for this species’ habitat. reaching to ground level for nesting cover Golden-cheeked Juniper-oak woodlands; long, fine bark Warbler strips from mature Ashe juniper trees used No mature Ashe juniper-oak woodlands Setophaga LE E in nest construction; nests in trees other No No Effect occur within the project area. (=Dendroica) than Ashe juniper; nests late March-early chrysoparia summer Subspecies is listed only when inland (more than 50 miles from a coastline); nests along sand and gravel bars within This species is only considered by USFWS Interior Least Tern braided streams, rivers; also know to nest in the cases of wind energy projects. No Sterna antillarum LE E† on man-made structures (inland beaches, No No Effect sand and gravel bars within braided athalassos wastewater treatment plants, gravel streams occur within the proposed project mines, etc); eats small fish and area. crustaceans, when breeding forages within a few hundred feet of colony Habitat Present Species Federal State Species Habitat Description in Effect/ Pertinent Project Information Status Status Project Impact Area?

Breeding: nests on high plains or shortgrass prairie, on ground in shallow Mountain Plover No No breeding or nonbreeding habitat is NL SGCN depression; nonbreeding: shortgrass plains No Charadrius montanus Impact known to occur within the project area. and bare, dirt (plowed) fields; primarily insectivorous Both subspecies migrate across the state from more northern breeding areas in US and Canada to winter along coast and farther south; subspecies (F. p. anatum) is No breeding or wintering habitat is present also a resident breeder in west Texas; the Peregrine Falcon No within the project area. The species is a DL T two subspecies’ listing statuses differ, F.p. No Falco peregrinus Impact potential migrant; any use of the project tundrius is no longer listed in Texas; but area would be incidental. because the subspecies are not easily distinguishable at a distance, reference is generally made only to the species level; see subspecies for habitat. This species is only considered by USFWS Wintering migrant along the Texas Gulf Piping Plover in the cases of wind energy projects. No LT T† Coast; beaches and bayside mud or salt No No Effect Charadrius melodus beaches or bayside mud or salt flats occur flats within the proposed project area. Red knots migrate long distances in flocks northward through the contiguous United States mainly April-June, southward July- October. The Red Knot prefers the This species is only considered by USFWS shoreline of coast and bays and also uses in the cases of wind energy projects. No Red Knot mudflats during rare inland encounters. breeding or wintering habitat is present LT* SGCN No No Effect Calidris canutus rufa Primary prey items include clams in salt within the project area. The species is a water or brackish bays. Wintering Range potential rare migrant; any use of the includes- Aransas, Brazoria, Calhoun, project area would be incidental. Cameron, Chambers, Galveston, Jefferson, Kennedy, Kleberg, Matagorda, Nueces, San Patricio, and Willacy Counties. Habitat Present Species Federal State Species Habitat Description in Effect/ Pertinent Project Information Status Status Project Impact Area?

Lowland forested regions, especially swampy areas, ranging into open woodland; marshes, along rivers, lakes, **Swallow-tailed Kite No No swampy areas occur in the proposed NL T and ponds; nests high in tall tree in No Impact project area. Elanoides forficatus clearing or on forest woodland edge, usually in pine, cypress, or various deciduous trees Only in Texas during migration and winter, mid-September to early April; short to No native upland prairie or coastal medium distance, diurnal migrant; strongly Sprague’s Pipit No grasslands occur within the project area. NL SGCN tied to native upland prairie, can be locally No Anthus spragueii Impact Edge habitat is dominant throughout common in coastal grasslands, uncommon project area. to rare further west; sensitive to patch size and avoids edges. Open grasslands, especially prairie, plains, Western Burrowing Owl and savanna, sometimes in open areas Open grassland habitat is present within May Athene cunicularia NL SGCN such as vacant lots near human habitation Yes the project area, however, no burrows were Impact hypugaea or airports; nests and roosts in abandoned observed during field investigations. burrows Prefers freshwater marshes, sloughs, and irrigated rice fields, but will attend brackish **White-faced Ibis No No marshes, sloughs, or irrigated rice NL T and saltwater habitats; nests in marshes, No Impact fields occur in the project area. Plegadis chihi in low trees, on the ground in bulrushes or reeds, or on floating mats No breeding or wintering habitat is present Whooping crane Potential migrant via plains throughout within the project area. The species is a LE E No No Effect Grus americana state to coast; winters in coastal marshes potential migrant; any use of the project area would be incidental. Habitat Present Species Federal State Species Habitat Description in Effect/ Pertinent Project Information Status Status Project Impact Area?

Forages in prairie ponds, flooded pastures Foraging habitat occurs within the project or fields, ditches and other shallow water, **Wood Stork May area within water features in the project NL T including saltwater; roosts communally in Yes Mycteria americana Impact area. No nesting or roosting habitat was tall snags in active heronries; breeds in observed. Mexico Arid open country, including open deciduous or pine-oak woodland, mesa or mountain country, often near watercourses, and wooded canyons and **Zone-tailed Hawk tree-lined rivers along middle-slopes of No No suitable deciduous woodland occurs NL T No Buteo albonotatus desert mountains; nests in various Impact within the project area. habitats and sites, ranging from small trees in lower desert, giant cottonwoods in riparian areas, to mature conifers in high mountain regions

Mammals Colonial and cave-dwelling; also roosts in rock crevices, old buildings, carports, under bridges, and even in abandoned Cliff Swallow (Hirundo pyrrhonota) nests; roosts Cave myotis bat May Suitable roosting habitat occurs in the NL SGCN in clusters of up to thousands of Yes Myotis velifer Impact project area at bridges and culverts. individuals; hibernates in limestone caves of Edwards Plateau and gypsum cave of Panhandle during winter; opportunistic insectivore Catholic; open fields, prairies, croplands, Plains spotted skunk fence rows, farmyards, forest edges, and May Tallgrass prairie and forest edges occur Spilogale putorius NL SGCN Yes woodlands; prefers wooded, brushy areas Impact within the proposed project area. interrupta and tallgrass prairie Habitat Present Species Federal State Species Habitat Description in Effect/ Pertinent Project Information Status Status Project Impact Area?

This species is extirpated and would not be Red wolf Extirpated; formerly known throughout LE* E No No Effect reasonably expected to occur in Williamson Canis rufus eastern half of Texas County.

Status Codes: LE = Federally-Listed Endangered SGCN = Species of Greatest Conservation Need LT = Federally-Listed Threatened NL = Not listed E = State-Listed Endangered DL = Delisted T = State-Listed Threatened C = Candidate for listing * = Species not recognized by the USFWS as occurring within the project area but designated by TPWD as potentially occurring within the County

† = Species not recognized by TPWD as occurring within the project area but designated by USFWS as potentially occurring within the County

**= State-listed threatened species added to the county lists subsequent to field visits have been assessed based on a desktop analysis of suitable habitat.

Sources: Hillis, David M., D.C. Cannatella, T.J. Devitt, and A.M. Wright. 2015. Genomic Assessment of Taxonomic Status of Central Texas Eurycea Salamanders. Section Six Grant Number 443022. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). Annotated County Lists of Rare Species: Williamson County (last revision 5/16/2016 and 7/17/19). http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/gis/ris/es/, accessed August 15, 2017 and 10/11/19. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Official Species List for project area. http://ecos.fws.gov/ipac/, accessed October 11, 2019. Veni, G., and C. Martinez. 2007. Revision of Karst Species Zones for the Austin, Texas, Area Final report. George Veni and Associates, prepared for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Williamson County Regional Habitat Conservation Plan, 2008

Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. Page 1 of 14 Annotated County Lists of Rare Species

Last Update: 7/17/2019 WILLIAMSON COUNTY

AMPHIBIANS Barton Springs salamander Eurycea sosorum Dependent upon water flow/quality from the Barton Springs pool of the Edwards Aquifer; known from the outlets of Barton Springs and subterranean water-filled caverns; found under rocks, in gravel, or among aquatic vascular plants and algae, as available; feeds primarily on amphipods Federal Status: LE State Status: E SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G1 State Rank: S1

Georgetown salamander Eurycea naufragia Known from springs and waters in and around town of Georgetown in Williamson County Federal Status: LT State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G1 State Rank: S1

Houston toad Anaxyrus houstonensis Primary habitat is sandy soil which supports populations of Pinus taeda, water in pools, ephemeral pools, stock tanks; breeds in spring especially after rains; burrows in soil of adjacent uplands when inactive; breeds February-June; associated with soils of the Sparta, Carrizo, Goliad, Queen City, Recklaw, Weches, and Willis geologic formations. Federal Status: LE State Status: E SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G1 State Rank: S1

Jollyville Plateau salamander Eurycea tonkawae Known from springs and waters of some caves north of the Colorado River Federal Status: LT State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G1 State Rank: S2

Salado Springs salamander Eurycea chisholmensis Surface springs and subterranean waters of the Salado Springs system along Salado Creek Federal Status: LT State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G1 State Rank: S1 southern crawfish frog Lithobates areolatus areolatus The Southern Crawfish Frog can be found in abandoned crawfish holes and small mammal burrows. This species inhabits moist meadows, pasturelands, pine scrub, and river flood plains. This species spends nearly all of its time in burrows and only leaves the burrow area to breed. Although this species can be difficult to detect due to its reclusive nature, the call of breeding males can be heard over great distances. Eggs are laid and larvae develop in temporary water such as flooded fields, ditches, farm ponds and small lakes. Habitat: Shallow water, Herbaceous Wetland, Riparian, Temporary Pool, Cropland/hedgerow, Grassland/herbaceous, Suburban/orchard, Woodland– Conifer. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G4T4 State Rank: S3

DISCLAIMER The information on this web application is provided “as is” without warranty as to the currentness, completeness, or accuracy of any specific data. The data provided are for planning, assessment, and informational purposes. Refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the application website for further information. Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. Page 2 of 14 Annotated County Lists of Rare Species WILLIAMSON COUNTY

AMPHIBIANS Strecker's chorus frog Pseudacris streckeri Wooded floodplains and flats, prairies, cultivated fields and marshes. Likes sandy substrates. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S3

Texas salamander Eurycea neotenes Troglobitic; springs, seeps, cave streams, and creek headwaters; often hides under rocks and leaves in water; restricted to Helotes and Leon Creek drainages Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G1 State Rank: S1S2

Woodhouse's toad Anaxyrus woodhousii Extremely catholic up to 5000 feet, does very well (except for traffic) in association with man. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: SU

ARACHNIDS Bone Cave harvestman Texella reyesi Small, blind, cave-adapted harvestman endemic to several caves in Travis and Williamson counties; weakly differentiated from Texella reddelli Federal Status: LE State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G2G3 State Rank: S2

No accepted common name Cicurina vibora Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G1G2 State Rank: S1

No accepted common name Cicurina travisae Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G1G2Q State Rank: S1

No accepted common name Tartarocreagris infernalis Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G2G3 State Rank: S2?

DISCLAIMER The information on this web application is provided “as is” without warranty as to the currentness, completeness, or accuracy of any specific data. The data provided are for planning, assessment, and informational purposes. Refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the application website for further information. Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. Page 3 of 14 Annotated County Lists of Rare Species WILLIAMSON COUNTY

ARACHNIDS No accepted common name Cicurina browni Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G1G2 State Rank: S1

No accepted common name Eidmannella reclusa Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G1G2 State Rank: S1

Reddell harvestman Texella reddelli Small, blind, cave-adapted harvestman endemic to a few caves in Travis and Williamson counties Federal Status: LE State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G2G3 State Rank: S2

BIRDS bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Found primarily near rivers and large lakes; nests in tall trees or on cliffs near water; communally roosts, especially in winter; hunts live prey, scavenges, and pirates food from other birds Federal Status: State Status: T SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S3B,S3N black rail Laterallus jamaicensis Salt, brackish, and freshwater marshes, pond borders, wet meadows, and grassy swamps; nests in or along edge of marsh, sometimes on damp ground, but usually on mat of previous years dead grasses; nest usually hidden in marsh grass or at base of Salicornia Federal Status: PT State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G3G4 State Rank: S2 black-capped vireo Vireo atricapilla Oak-juniper woodlands with distinctive patchy, two-layered aspect; shrub and tree layer with open, grassy spaces; requires foliage reaching to ground level for nesting cover; return to same territory, or one nearby, year after year; deciduous and broad-leaved shrubs and trees provide insects for feeding; species composition less important than presence of adequate broad-leaved shrubs, foliage to ground level, and required structure; nesting season March-late summer Federal Status: State Status: E SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G3 State Rank: S2B

DISCLAIMER The information on this web application is provided “as is” without warranty as to the currentness, completeness, or accuracy of any specific data. The data provided are for planning, assessment, and informational purposes. Refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the application website for further information. Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. Page 4 of 14 Annotated County Lists of Rare Species WILLIAMSON COUNTY

BIRDS Franklin's gull Leucophaeus pipixcan Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G4G5 State Rank: S2N golden-cheeked warbler Setophaga chrysoparia Ashe juniper in mixed stands with various oaks (Quercus spp.). Edges of cedar brakes. Dependent on Ashe juniper (also known as cedar) for long fine bark strips, only available from mature trees, used in nest construction; nests are placed in various trees other than Ashe juniper; only a few mature junipers or nearby cedar brakes can provide the necessary nest material; forage for insects in broad-leaved trees and shrubs; nesting late March-early summer. Federal Status: LE State Status: E SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G2 State Rank: S2B interior least tern Sternula antillarum athalassos Sand beaches, flats, bays, inlets, lagoons, islands. Subspecies is listed only when inland (more than 50 miles from a coastline); nests along sand and gravel bars within braided streams, rivers; also know to nest on man-made structures (inland beaches, wastewater treatment plants, gravel mines, etc); eats small fish and crustaceans, when breeding forages within a few hundred feet of colony Federal Status: LE State Status: E SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G4T2Q State Rank: S1B mountain plover Charadrius montanus Breeding: nests on high plains or shortgrass prairie, on ground in shallow depression; nonbreeding: shortgrass plains and bare, dirt (plowed) fields; primarily insectivorous Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G3 State Rank: S2 piping plover Charadrius melodus Beaches, sandflats, and dunes along Gulf Coast beaches and adjacent offshore islands. Also spoil islands in the Intracoastal Waterway. Based on the November 30, 1992 Section 6 Job No. 9.1, Piping Plover and Snowy Plover Winter Habitat Status Survey, algal flats appear to be the highest quality habitat. Some of the most important aspects of algal flats are their relative inaccessibility and their continuous availability throughout all tidal conditions. Sand flats often appear to be preferred over algal flats when both are available, but large portions of sand flats along the Texas coast are available only during low-very low tides and are often completely unavailable during extreme high tides or strong north winds. Beaches appear to serve as a secondary habitat to the flats associated with the primary bays, lagoons, and inter-island passes. Beaches are rarely used on the southern Texas coast, where bayside habitat is always available, and are abandoned as bayside habitats become available on the central and northern coast. However, beaches are probably a vital habitat along the central and northern coast (i.e. north of Padre Island) during periods of extreme high tides that cover the flats. Optimal site characteristics appear to be large in area, sparsely vegetated, continuously available or in close proximity to secondary habitat, and with limited human disturbance. Federal Status: LT State Status: T SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G3 State Rank: S2N red knot Calidris canutus rufa

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BIRDS Red knots migrate long distances in flocks northward through the contiguous United States mainly April-June, southward July-October. A small plump-bodied, short-necked shorebird that in breeding plumage, typically held from May through August, is a distinctive and unique pottery orange color. Its bill is dark, straight and, relative to other shorebirds, short-to-medium in length. After molting in late summer, this species is in a drab gray-and-white non-breeding plumage, typically held from September through April. In the non-breeding plumage, the knot might be confused with the omnipresent Sanderling. During this plumage, look for the knot’s prominent pale eyebrow and whitish flanks with dark barring. The Red Knot prefers the shoreline of coast and bays and also uses mudflats during rare inland encounters. Primary prey items include coquina clam (Donax spp.) on beaches and dwarf surf clam (Mulinia lateralis) in bays, at least in the Laguna Madre. Wintering Range includes- Aransas, Brazoria, Calhoun, Cameron, Chambers, Galveston, Jefferson, Kennedy, Kleberg, Matagorda, Nueces, San Patricio, and Willacy. Habitat: Primarily seacoasts on tidal flats and beaches, herbaceous wetland, and Tidal flat/shore. Federal Status: LT State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G4T2 State Rank: SNRN swallow-tailed kite Elanoides forficatus Lowland forested regions, especially swampy areas, ranging into open woodland; marshes, along rivers, lakes, and ponds; nests high in tall tree in clearing or on forest woodland edge, usually in pine, cypress, or various deciduous trees Federal Status: State Status: T SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S2B western burrowing owl Athene cunicularia hypugaea Open grasslands, especially prairie, plains, and savanna, sometimes in open areas such as vacant lots near human habitation or airports; nests and roosts in abandoned burrows Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G4T4 State Rank: S2 white-faced ibis Plegadis chihi Prefers freshwater marshes, sloughs, and irrigated rice fields, but will attend brackish and saltwater habitats; currently confined to near-coastal rookeries in so-called hog-wallow prairies. Nests in marshes, in low trees, on the ground in bulrushes or reeds, or on floating mats. Federal Status: State Status: T SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S4B whooping crane Grus americana Small ponds, marshes, and flooded grain fields for both roosting and foraging. Potential migrant via plains throughout most of state to coast; winters in coastal marshes of Aransas, Calhoun, and Refugio counties. Federal Status: LE State Status: E SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G1 State Rank: S1N

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BIRDS wood stork Mycteria americana Prefers to nest in large tracts of baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) or red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle); forages in prairie ponds, flooded pastures or fields, ditches, and other shallow standing water, including salt-water; usually roosts communally in tall snags, sometimes in association with other wading birds (i.e. active heronries); breeds in Mexico and birds move into Gulf States in search of mud flats and other wetlands, even those associated with forested areas; formerly nested in Texas, but no breeding records since 1960 Federal Status: State Status: T SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G4 State Rank: SHB,S2N zone-tailed hawk Buteo albonotatus Arid open country, including open deciduous or pine-oak woodland, mesa or mountain county, often near watercourses, and wooded canyons and tree-lined rivers along middle-slopes of desert mountains; nests in various habitats and sites, ranging from small trees in lower desert, giant cottonwoods in riparian areas, to mature conifers in high mountain regions Federal Status: State Status: T SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G4 State Rank: S3B

FISH Guadalupe bass Micropterus treculii Endemic to the streams of the northern and eastern Edwards Plateau including portions of the Brazos, Colorado, Guadalupe, and San Antonio basins; species also found outside of the Edwards Plateau streams in decreased abundance, primarily in the lower Colorado River; two introduced populations have been established in the Nueces River system. A pure population was re-established in a portion of the Blanco River in 2014. Species prefers lentic environments but commonly taken in flowing water; numerous smaller fish occur in rapids, many times near eddies; large individuals found mainly in riffle tail races; usually found in spring-fed streams having clear water and relatively consistent temperatures. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G3 State Rank: S3

Texas shiner Notropis amabilis In Texas, it is found primarily in Edwards Plateau streams from the San Gabriel River in the east to the Pecos River in the west. Typical habitat includes rocky or sandy runs, as well as pools. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G4 State Rank: S4

INSECTS a mayfly Procloeon distinctum Mayflies distinguished by aquatic larval stage; adult stage generally found in shoreline vegetation Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G1G3Q State Rank: S2?

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INSECTS a mayfly Pseudocentroptiloides morihari Mayflies distinguished by aquatic larval stage; adult stage generally found in shoreline vegetation Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G2G3 State Rank: S2?

American bumblebee Bombus pensylvanicus Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Global Rank: G3G4 State Rank: SNR

Coffin Cave mold beetle Batrisodes texanus Resident, small, cave-adapted beetle found in small Edwards Limestone caves in Travis and Williamson counties Federal Status: LE State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G1G2 State Rank: S1

Coffin Cave mold beetle Batrisodes cryptotexanus Resident, small, cave-adapted beetle found in small Edwards Limestone caves in Travis and Williamson counties. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Global Rank: G2 State Rank: SNR

Kretschmarr Cave mold beetle Texamaurops reddelli Small, cave-adapted beetle found under rocks buried in silt; small, Edwards Limestone caves in of the Jollyville Plateau, a division of the Edwards Plateau Federal Status: LE State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G1G2 State Rank: S1

No accepted common name Bombus variabilis Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Global Rank: GU State Rank: SNR

No accepted common name Lymantes nadineae Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Global Rank: GNR State Rank: SNR

No accepted common name Oncopodura fenestra Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y

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INSECTS Endemic: Y Global Rank: G2G3 State Rank: S2?

No accepted common name Rhadine noctivaga Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G1G2 State Rank: S1

No accepted common name Rhadine russelli Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G1G2 State Rank: S1

No accepted common name Rhadine subterranea Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G2 State Rank: S2

Tooth Cave ground beetle Rhadine persephone Resident, small, cave-adapted beetle found in small Edwards Limestone caves in Travis and Williamson counties Federal Status: LE State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G1G2 State Rank: S1

MAMMALS American badger Taxidea taxus Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S5 big brown bat Eptesicus fuscus Any wooded areas or woodlands except south Texas. Riparian areas in west Texas. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S5

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MAMMALS big free-tailed bat Nyctinomops macrotis Habitat data sparse but records indicate that species prefers to roost in crevices and cracks in high canyon walls, but will use buildings, as well; reproduction data sparse, gives birth to single offspring late June-early July; females gather in nursery colonies; winter habits undetermined, but may hibernate in the Trans-Pecos; opportunistic insectivore Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S3 cave myotis bat Myotis velifer Colonial and cave-dwelling; also roosts in rock crevices, old buildings, carports, under bridges, and even in abandoned Cliff Swallow (Hirundo pyrrhonota) nests; roosts in clusters of up to thousands of individuals; hibernates in limestone caves of Edwards Plateau and gypsum cave of Panhandle during winter; opportunistic insectivore. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G4G5 State Rank: S4 eastern red bat Lasiurus borealis Found in a variety of habitats in Texas. Usually associated with wooded areas. Found in towns especially during migration. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G3G4 State Rank: S4 eastern spotted skunk Spilogale putorius Catholic; open fields prairies, croplands, fence rows, farmyards, forest edges & woodlands. Prefer wooded, brushy areas & tallgrass prairies. S.p. ssp. interrupta found in wooded areas and tallgrass prairies, preferring rocky canyons and outcrops when such sites are available. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G4 State Rank: S1S3 hoary bat Lasiurus cinereus Known from montane and riparian woodland in Trans-Pecos, forests and woods in east and central Texas. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G3G4 State Rank: S4 long-tailed weasel Mustela frenata Includes brushlands, fence rows, upland woods and bottomland hardwoods, forest edges & rocky desert scrub. Usually live close to water. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S5

Mexican free-tailed bat Tadarida brasiliensis Roosts in buildings in east Texas. Largest maternity roosts are in limestone caves on the Edwards Plateau. Found in all habitats, forest to desert. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S5

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MAMMALS mink Neovison vison Intimately associated with water; coastal swamps & marshes, wooded riparian zones, edges of lakes. Prefer floodplains. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S4 mountain lion Puma concolor Rugged mountains & riparian zones. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S2S3 plains spotted skunk Spilogale putorius interrupta Catholic; open fields, prairies, croplands, fence rows, farmyards, forest edges, and woodlands; prefers wooded, brushy areas and tallgrass prairie Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: N Endemic: N Global Rank: G4T4 State Rank: S1S3 southern short-tailed shrew Blarina carolinensis Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S4 swamp rabbit Sylvilagus aquaticus Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S5 thirteen-lined ground squirrel Ictidomys tridecemlineatus Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S5 tricolored bat Perimyotis subflavus Forest, woodland and riparian areas are important. Caves are very important to this species. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G2G3 State Rank: S3S4

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MAMMALS western hog-nosed skunk Conepatus leuconotus Habitats include woodlands, grasslands & deserts, to 7200 feet, most common in rugged, rocky canyon country; little is known about the habitat of the ssp. telmalestes Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G4 State Rank: S4 woodland vole Microtus pinetorum Include grassy marshes, swamp edges, old-field/pine woodland ecotones, tallgrass fields; generally sandy soils. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S3

MOLLUSKS false spike mussel Fusconaia mitchelli Possibly extirpated in Texas; probably medium to large rivers; substrates varying from mud through mixtures of sand, gravel and cobble; one study indicated water lilies were present at the site; Rio Grande, Brazos, Colorado, and Guadalupe (historic) river basins Federal Status: State Status: T SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G1 State Rank: S1 smooth pimpleback Quadrula houstonensis Small to moderate streams and rivers as well as moderate size reservoirs; mixed mud, sand, and fine gravel, tolerates very slow to moderate flow rates, appears not to tolerate dramatic water level fluctuations, scoured bedrock substrates, or shifting sand bottoms, lower Trinity (questionable), Brazos, and Colorado River basins Federal Status: C State Status: T SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G2 State Rank: S1S2

Texas fawnsfoot Truncilla macrodon Little known; possibly rivers and larger streams, and intolerant of impoundment; flowing rice irrigation canals, possibly sand, gravel, and perhaps sandy-mud bottoms in moderate flows; Brazos and Colorado River basins Federal Status: C State Status: T SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G2Q State Rank: S1

REPTILES American alligator Alligator mississippiensis Coastal marshes; inland natural rivers, swamps and marshes; manmade impoundments. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: N Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S4

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REPTILES common garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis Irrigation canals and riparian-corridor farmlands in west; marshy, flooded pastureland, grassy or brushy borders of permanent bodies of water; coastal salt marshes. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: N Endemic: Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S2 eastern box turtle Terrapene carolina Eastern box turtles inhabit forests, fields, forest-brush, and forest-field ecotones. In some areas they move seasonally from fields in spring to forest in summer. They commonly enters pools of shallow water in summer. For shelter, they burrow into loose soil, debris, mud, old stump holes, or under leaf litter. They can successfully hibernate in sites that may experience subfreezing temperatures. In Maryland bottomland forest, some hibernated in pits or depressions in forest floor (usually about 30 cm deep) usually within summer range; individuals tended to hibernate in same area in different years (Stickel 1989). Also attracted to farms, old fields and cut-over woodlands, as well as creek bottoms and dense woodlands. Egg laying sites often are sandy or loamy soils in open areas; females may move from bottomlands to warmer and drier sites to nest. In Maryland, females used the same nesting area in different years (Stickel 1989). Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S3 slender glass lizard Ophisaurus attenuatus Prefers relatively dry microhabitats, usually associated with grassy areas. Habitats include open grassland, prairie, woodland edge, open woodland, oak savannas, longleaf pine flatwoods, scrubby areas, fallow fields, and areas near streams and ponds, often in habitats with sandy soil. This species often appears on roads in spring. During inactivity, it occurs in underground burrows. In Kansas, slender glass lizards were scarce in heavily grazed pastures, increased as grass increased with removal of grazing, and declined as brush and trees replaced grass (Fitch 1989). Eggs are laid underground, under cover, or under grass clumps (Ashton and Ashton 1985); in cavities beneath flat rocks or in abandoned of small mammals (Scalopus, Microtus) (Fitch 1989). Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S3

Texas garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis annectens Irrigation canals and riparian-corridor farmlands in west; marshy, flooded pastureland, grassy or brushy borders of permanent bodies of water; coastal salt marshes. Wet or moist microhabitats are conducive to the species occurrence, but is not necessarily restricted to them; hibernates underground or in or under surface cover; breeds March-August. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G5T4 State Rank: S1

Texas horned lizard Phrynosoma cornutum Occurs to 6000 feet, but largely limited below the pinyon-juniper zone on mountains in the Big Bend area. Open, arid and semi-arid regions with sparse vegetation, including grass, cactus, scattered brush or scrubby trees; soil may vary in texture from sandy to rocky; burrows into soil, enters rodent burrows, or hides under rock when inactive; breeds March-September. Federal Status: State Status: T SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G4G5 State Rank: S3 timber (canebrake) rattlesnake Crotalus horridus Swamps, floodplains, upland pine and deciduous woodland, riparian zones, abandoned farmland. Limestone bluffs, sandy soil or black clay. Prefers dense ground cover, i.e. grapevines, palmetto.

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REPTILES Federal Status: State Status: T SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G4 State Rank: S4 western box turtle Terrapene ornata Ornate or western box trutles inhabit prairie grassland, pasture, fields, sandhills, and open woodland. They are essentially terrestrial but sometimes enter slow, shallow streams and creek pools. For shelter, they burrow into soil (e.g., under plants such as yucca) (Converse et al. 2002) or enter burrows made by other species; winter burrow depth was 0.5-1.8 meters in Wisconsin (Doroff and Keith 1990), 7-120 cm (average depth 54 cm) in Nebraska (Converse et al. 2002). Eggs are laid in nests dug in soft well-drained soil in open area (Legler 1960, Converse et al. 2002). Very partial to sandy soil. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5 State Rank: S3

PLANTS bigflower cornsalad Valerianella stenocarpa Usually along creekbeds or in vernally moist grassy open areas (Carr 2015). Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G3 State Rank: S3

Elmendorf's onion Allium elmendorfii Grassland openings in oak woodlands on deep, loose, well-drained sands; in Coastal Bend, on Pleistocene barrier island ridges and Holocene Sand Sheet that support live oak woodlands; to the north it occurs in post oak-black hickory-live oak woodlands over Queen City and similar Eocene formations; one anomalous specimen found on Llano Uplift in wet pockets of granitic loam; Perennial; Flowering March-April, May Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G2 State Rank: S2 gravelbar brickellbush Brickellia dentata Essentially restricted to frequently-scoured gravelly alluvial beds in creek and river bottoms; Perennial; Flowering June-Nov; Fruiting June-Oct Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G3G4 State Rank: S3S4

Heller's marbleseed Onosmodium helleri Occurs in loamy calcareous soils in oak-juniper woodlands on rocky limestone slopes, often in more mesic portions of canyons; Perennial; Flowering March-May Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G3 State Rank: S3

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PLANTS Plateau loosestrife Lythrum ovalifolium Banks and gravelly beds of perennial (or strong intermittent) streams on the Edwards Plateau, Llano Uplift and Lampasas Cutplain; Perennial; Flowering/Fruiting April-Nov Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G3G4 State Rank: S3S4 plateau milkvine Matelea edwardsensis Occurs in various types of juniper-oak and oak-juniper woodlands; Perennial; Flowering March-Oct; Fruiting May-June Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G3 State Rank: S3

Texas almond Prunus minutiflora Wide-ranging but scarce, in a variety of grassland and shrubland situations, mostly on calcareous soils underlain by limestone but occasionally in sandier neutral soils underlain by granite; Perennial; Flowering Feb-May and Oct; Fruiting Feb-Sept Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G3G4 State Rank: S3S4

Texas claret-cup cactus Echinocereus coccineus var. paucispinus Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: N Global Rank: G5T3 State Rank: S3

Wright's milkvetch Astragalus wrightii Habitat description is not available at this time. Federal Status: State Status: SGCN: Y Endemic: Y Global Rank: G3 State Rank: S3

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Attachment 3

TXNDD Element of Occurrence (EO) Map Karst and Aquifer Species Map

EO ID: 10554 Texas almond EO ID: 11992 Vertisol Blackland Prairie

EO ID: 7710 Bone Cave harvestman

EO ID: 1937 Invertebrate Cave

EO ID: 7277 Bone Cave EO ID: 3626 harvestman EO ID: 3207 Jollyville Plateau Rookery EO ID: 7276 salamander EO ID: 10728 Bone Cave Texas almond harvestman EO ID: 835 EO ID: 3598 Bone Cave harvestman Little Bluestem-indiangrass Series EO ID: 11993 Vertisol Blackland Prairie

Project Location 1.5-mile Project Location Buffer Bone Cave harvestman Invertebrate Cave Jollyville Plateau salamander Little Bluestem-indiangrass Series EO ID: 3586 Invertebrate Rookery Cave Texas almond Vertisol Blackland Prairie 0 1 Mile TXNDD Elements of Occurrence I 0 1.5 Kilometers Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 1 mile Data Source: TPWD (06/25/2019) Scale: 1:63,500 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Basemap Source: ESRI (2019) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/7/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_TXNDD_20191030.mxd Project Location Jollyville Plateau Salamander Subsurface Critical Habitat Jollyville Plateau Salamander Surface Critical Habitat Karst Zones Zone 1 - Known E.C.S. Zone 3 - Low Probability E.C.S. Zone 4 - No E.C.S. 0 1 Mile Karst Zones and Salamander Critical Habitat I 0 1.5 Kilometers Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 1 mile Data Sources: Veni (2007), USFWS (2013) Scale: 1:63,500 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Aerial Source: ESRI (2019) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/7/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_Karst Zones and Salamander Critical Habitat_20191030.mxd

Attachment 4

EMST Vegetation Map EMST Report


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St el nu ma Em 1 5 et Dr Project Location Suns 2 3 4 6 7 Urban High Intensity Urban Low Intensity EMST Mapped Vegetation Types 0 300 Feet I 0 100 Meters Sheet 1 of 7 Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 300 feet Data Source: TxDOT/TPWD EMST/MoRAP (2013) Scale: 1:3,600 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Aerial Source: DigitalGlobe (2018) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/7/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_EMST_20191030.mxd Oak Dr



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V a y Project Location i s s t Blackland Prairie: Disturbance or Tame Grassland a S 1 5 t A Native Invasive: Mesquite Shrubland v 3 4 6 7 e 2 Urban High Intensity Urban Low Intensity EMST Mapped Vegetation Types 0 300 Feet I 0 100 Meters Sheet 2 of 7 Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 300 feet Data Source: TxDOT/TPWD EMST/MoRAP (2013) Scale: 1:3,600 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Aerial Source: DigitalGlobe (2018) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/7/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_EMST_20191030.mxd




r r

Oak Dr a







A v Lilac Dr e































Pecan Ave L t

e S 5 Project Location w 1 g

i n Native Invasive: Mesquite Shrsubland i r 3 4 6 7 S 2 p Urban High Intensity t S Urban Low Intensity EMST Mapped Vegetation Types 0 300 Feet I 0 100 Meters Sheet 3 of 7 Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 300 feet Data Source: TxDOT/TPWD EMST/MoRAP (2013) Scale: 1:3,600 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Aerial Source: DigitalGlobe (2018) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/7/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_EMST_20191030.mxd Wro xton Way




r W i es s tc ott D e r



d t






o Do r re P e n Ct














Brushy Creek Dr



n 5

Project Location a 1 ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! c

! ! ! ! Edwards Plateau: Post Oak Motte and Woodland e ! ! ! ! 3 6 7

P 2 4 Urban High Intensity ve tin A Urban Low Intensity Aus EMST Mapped Vegetation Types 0 300 Feet I 0 100 Meters Sheet 4 of 7 Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 300 feet Data Source: TxDOT/TPWD EMST/MoRAP (2013) Scale: 1:3,600 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Aerial Source: DigitalGlobe (2018) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/7/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_EMST_20191030.mxd Pla te a u Vista Blvd

r rk Dr

D Mesa Pa








l l W i rox M ton W r ay D










h C


Ln La nce

Project Location ! ! ! ! Rd ! ! ! ! nt ! ! ! ! Edwards Plateau: Post Oak Motte and Woodland e 1 5 ! ! ! ! m le Edwards Plateau: Savanna Grassland tt e 2 3 4 6 7 Urban High Intensity Dr S le d irc l Urban Low Intensity C O EMST Mapped Vegetation Types 0 300 Feet I 0 100 Meters Sheet 5 of 7 Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 300 feet Data Source: TxDOT/TPWD EMST/MoRAP (2013) Scale: 1:3,600 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Aerial Source: DigitalGlobe (2018) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/7/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_EMST_20191030.mxd F





0 v

¤£79 C





a V



















Project Location Barren Blackland Prairie: Disturbance or Tame Grassland Edwards Plateau: Oak / Hardwood Motte and Woodland Edwards Plateau: Savanna Grassland ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Native Invasive: Deciduous Woodland 1 5 ! ! ! ! Row Crops 2 3 4 6 7 Urban High Intensity Urban Low Intensity EMST Mapped Vegetation Types 0 300 Feet I 0 100 Meters Sheet 6 of 7 Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 300 feet Data Source: TxDOT/TPWD EMST/MoRAP (2013) Scale: 1:3,600 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Aerial Source: DigitalGlobe (2018) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/7/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_EMST_20191030.mxd








a V





y W a ow ill W

Project Location Blackland Prairie: Disturbance or Tame Grassland 1 5 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Native Invasive: Deciduous Woodland ! ! ! ! 2 3 4 6 7 Native Invasive: Mesquite Shrubland Urban Low Intensity EMST Mapped Vegetation Types 0 300 Feet I 0 100 Meters Sheet 7 of 7 Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 300 feet Data Source: TxDOT/TPWD EMST/MoRAP (2013) Scale: 1:3,600 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Aerial Source: DigitalGlobe (2018) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/7/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_EMST_20191030.mxd Project EMST Vegetation Types

MOU Habitat Ecosystem Name Common Name Acres Agriculture


Row Crops 0.061 Barren

Barren 0.31 MOU Habitat Sum Acres 0.37

Disturbed Prairie

Native Invasive Shrub and Woodland

Native Invasive: Deciduous Woodland 0.333 Native Invasive: Mesquite Shrubland 0.043 MOU Habitat Sum Acres 0.376

Edwards Plateau Savannah, Woodland, and Shrubland

Edwards Plateau Limestone Savanna and Woodland

Edwards Plateau: Oak / Hardwood 0.262 Motte and Woodland Edwards Plateau: Post Oak Motte and 0.102 Woodland Edwards Plateau: Savanna Grassland 0.808 MOU Habitat Sum Acres 1.172

Tallgrass Prairie, Grassland

Texas Blackland Tallgrass Prairie

Blackland Prairie: Disturbance or 0.604 Tame Grassland MOU Habitat Sum Acres 0.604



Urban High Intensity 11.826 Urban Low Intensity 22.569 MOU Habitat Sum Acres 34.395

Sum Acres 36.917

Page 1 of 1

Attachment 5

Observed Vegetation Map Observed EMST Vegetation Table


Dr el ur La


Dr st we rth No

¤£79 ss Ba m Sa


h i s h o l m

T r a i l


d G

a l ey l ll o r A p e ok S i P n u g m

R m

d i t



St el nu ma Em 1 5 et Dr Suns 2 3 4 6 7 Project Location Urban Low Intensity Observed Vegetation Types 0 300 Feet I 0 100 Meters Sheet 1 of 7 Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 300 feet Data Source: CMEC (2017) Scale: 1:3,600 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Aerial Source: DigitalGlobal (2018) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/7/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_Observed_veg_20191030.mxd Oak Dr



r to c e n n o C

e Av d ste in W

Sunse t Dr M

V a y i s s t Project Location a S 1 5 t A

Edwards Plateau: Live Oak Motte and Woodland v ! ! ! ! 3 4 6 7 e 2 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Native Invasive: Deciduous Woodland ! ! ! ! Urban Low Intensity Observed Vegetation Types 0 300 Feet I 0 100 Meters Sheet 2 of 7 Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 300 feet Data Source: CMEC (2017) Scale: 1:3,600 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Aerial Source: DigitalGlobal (2018) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/7/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_Observed_veg_20191030.mxd




r r

Oak Dr a







A v Lilac Dr e































Pecan Ave

Project Location 1 5 Edwards Plateau: Floodplain Hardwood Forest 2 3 4 6 7 Edwards Plateau: Live Oak Motte and Woodland Urban Low Intensity Observed Vegetation Types 0 300 Feet I 0 100 Meters Sheet 3 of 7 Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 300 feet Data Source: CMEC (2017) Scale: 1:3,600 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Aerial Source: DigitalGlobal (2018) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/7/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_Observed_veg_20191030.mxd Wro xton Way




r W i es s tc ott D e r



d t






o Do r re P e n Ct














Brushy Creek Dr








n 5

a 1 c

Project Location e 3 6 7

P 2 4 Edwards Plateau: Floodplain Hardwood Forest ve tin A Urban Low Intensity Aus Observed Vegetation Types 0 300 Feet I 0 100 Meters Sheet 4 of 7 Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 300 feet Data Source: CMEC (2017) Scale: 1:3,600 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Aerial Source: DigitalGlobal (2018) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/7/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_Observed_veg_20191030.mxd Pla te a u Vista Blvd

r rk Dr

D Mesa Pa








l l W i rox M ton W r ay D










h C


Ln La nce

Project Location Rd nt Edwards Plateau: Floodplain Hardwood Forest me 1 5 le Edwards Plateau: Live Oak Motte and Woodland tt ! ! ! ! e 2 3 4 6 7 ! ! ! ! S ! ! ! ! Native Invasive: Deciduous Woodla nDdr ! ! ! ! le d irc l Urban Low Intensity C O Observed Vegetation Types 0 300 Feet I 0 100 Meters Sheet 5 of 7 Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 300 feet Data Source: CMEC (2017) Scale: 1:3,600 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Aerial Source: DigitalGlobal (2018) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/7/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_Observed_veg_20191030.mxd F





0 v

¤£79 C





a V



















1 5 Project Location 2 3 4 6 7 Edwards Plateau: Live Oak Motte and Woodland Urban Low Intensity Observed Vegetation Types 0 300 Feet I 0 100 Meters Sheet 6 of 7 Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 300 feet Data Source: CMEC (2017) Scale: 1:3,600 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Aerial Source: DigitalGlobal (2018) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/13/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_Observed_veg_20191030.mxd








a V





y W a ow ill W

Project Location Blackland Prairie: Disturbance or Tame Grassland 1 5 Edwards Plateau: Floodplain Hardwood Forest ! ! ! ! 2 3 4 6 7 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Native Invasive: Deciduous Woodland ! ! ! ! Urban Low Intensity Observed Vegetation Types 0 300 Feet I 0 100 Meters Sheet 7 of 7 Prepared for: TxDOT 1 in = 300 feet Data Source: CMEC (2017) Scale: 1:3,600 US 79 from I-35 to East of FM 1460 Aerial Source: DigitalGlobal (2018) CSJ 0204-01-063 Date: 11/7/2019 G:\Projects\TXDOT\US79_I35_FM1460\BEF_Observed_veg_20191030.mxd Observed EMST Vegetation within the Project Area

MOU Habitat Type EMST Vegetation Type Acreage of Threshold Threshold Vegetation Value Exceeded? Edwards Plateau Edwards Plateau: Live Oak Motte and Savanna, Woodland, 1.30 2.0 No Woodland and Shrubland Disturbed Prairie Native Invasive: Deciduous Woodland 1.10 2.5 No

Tallgrass Prairie, Blackland Prairie: Disturbance or Tame No 0.35 1.05 Grassland Grassland Edwards Plateau: Floodplain Hardwood Riparian 0.63 0.1 Yes Forest Urban Urban Low Intensity 33.5 N/A No

Total Acreage: 36.92

Attachment 6

Project Area Soil Report

United States A product of the National Custom Soil Resource Department of Cooperative Soil Survey, Agriculture a joint effort of the United Report for States Department of Agriculture and other Federal agencies, State Williamson Natural agencies including the Resources Agricultural Experiment Conservation Stations, and local County, Texas Service participants

October 17, 2019 Custom Soil Resource Report Soil Map 97° 41' 39'' W 97° 38' 41'' W

625400 625900 626400 626900 627400 627900 628400 628900 629400 629900 30° 31' 52'' N 30° 31' 52'' N 3378400 3377900 3377900 3377400 3377400 3376900 3376900 3376400 3376400 3375900 3375900

30° 30' 13'' N 3375400 30° 30' 13'' N 3375400 625400 625900 626400 626900 627400 627900 628400 628900 629400 629900

Map Scale: 1:21,700 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. Meters

97° 41' 39'' W N 0 300 600 1200 1800 97° 38' 41'' W Feet 0 1000 2000 4000 6000 Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 14N WGS84 9 Custom Soil Resource Report


Area of Interest (AOI) Spoil Area The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at Area of Interest (AOI) 1:20,000. Stony Spot Soils Very Stony Spot Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map Soil Map Unit Polygons measurements. Wet Spot Soil Map Unit Lines Other Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Map Unit Points Web Soil Survey URL: Special Line Features Special Point Features Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Blowout Water Features Streams and Canals Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator Borrow Pit projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts Transportation distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Clay Spot Rails Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more Closed Depression accurate calculations of distance or area are required. Interstate Highways Gravel Pit US Routes This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as Gravelly Spot of the version date(s) listed below. Major Roads Landfill Local Roads Soil Survey Area: Williamson County, Texas Lava Flow Survey Area Data: Version 20, Sep 12, 2019 Background Marsh or swamp Aerial Photography Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales Mine or Quarry 1:50,000 or larger.

Miscellaneous Water Date(s) aerial images were photographed: May 27, 2018—Nov Perennial Water 20, 2018

Rock Outcrop The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were Saline Spot compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor Sandy Spot shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Severely Eroded Spot


Slide or Slip

Sodic Spot

10 Custom Soil Resource Report

Map Unit Legend

Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI

BrA Branyon clay, 0 to 1 percent 2.8 3.2% slopes BrB Branyon clay, 1 to 3 percent 11.1 12.7% slopes CfA Crawford clay, 0 to 1 percent 5.9 6.7% slopes CfB Crawford clay, 1 to 3 percent 3.9 4.4% slopes DoC Doss silty clay, moist, 1 to 5 1.5 1.7% percent slopes ErE Eckrant-Rock outcrop 0.0 0.0% association, 1 to 10 percent slopes FaA Fairlie clay, 0 to 1 percent 27.4 31.3% slopes GsB Georgetown stony clay loam, 1 8.3 9.5% to 3 percent slopes HoC2 Houston Black clay, 3 to 5 5.0 5.7% percent slopes, moderately eroded KrA Krum silty clay, 0 to 1 percent 7.6 8.7% slopes KrB Krum silty clay, 1 to 3 percent 4.0 4.6% slopes OkA Oakalla silty clay loam, 0 to 2 1.3 1.5% percent slopes, frequently flooded OlA Oakalla soils, 0 to 1 percent 0.0 0.0% slopes, channeled, frequently flooded QuC Queeny clay loam, 1 to 5 5.7 6.5% percent slopes SvB Sunev silty clay loam, 1 to 3 3.0 3.4% percent slopes Totals for Area of Interest 87.5 100.0%

Map Unit Descriptions

The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a soil survey represent the soils or miscellaneous areas in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the maps, can be used to determine the composition and properties of a unit. A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more major kinds of soil or miscellaneous areas. A map unit is identified and named


Attachment 7

Project Area Photographs

Photo 1: Western project terminus; facing southeast.

Photo 2: Eastern project terminus; facing west.

Photo 3: Edwards Plateau: Live Oak Motte and Woodland observed throughout the US 79 corridor; facing west.

Photo 4: Native Invasive: Deciduous Woodland observed throughout the US 79 corridor; facing southwest.

Photo 5: Blackland Prairie: Disturbance or Tame Grassland observed near the eastern terminus of the project area; facing north.

Photo 6: Edwards Plateau: Floodplain Hardwood Forest observed along water features of the project area. The dry channel of Onion Branch is visible at the bottom of the photo; facing northwest.

Photo 7: Urban Low Intensity vegetation observed throughout the US 79 project area; facing southeast.

Photo 8: Location of Jollyville plateau salamander occurrences; viewing north.