MINUTES OF THE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING (Physical Assembly With Electronic Participation Under State of Emergency) Saturday, February 6, 2021 Generated by B Simpson on Monday, February 8, 2021

Due to the emergency created by the COVID-19 pandemic, one or more members of the School Board may participate through electronic communications means under the authority provided by Amendment 29 to HB 29 on April 22, 2020.


Members present Babur B Lateef, Jackson, Lillie Jessie, Diane Raulston, Jennifer Wall, Justin Wilk, Loree Williams, Lisa A Zargarpur


Division Counsel, Mary McGowan; Clerk, Assistant Division Counsel, Carol Marchant; Clerk, B Simpson

Meeting called to order at 9:59 AM

1. Closed Meeting

Procedural: 1.01 Call to Order - Chairman, At-Large, Babur B. Lateef, M.D.

Information: 1.02 Purpose of Meeting (Lateef)

This meeting of the William County School Board is being conducted electronically under the authority granted by the General Assembly on April 22, 2020, through Amendment 28 to House Bill 29, which permits member of the School Board to meet electronically during the pendency of the current State of Emergency for the purpose of transacting such business as is statutorily required or necessary to continue operations of the Prince William County Public Schools and the discharge of its lawful purposes, duties, and responsibilities.

Action: 1.03 Approval of Closed Session Agenda

That the Prince William County School Board approve the Closed Session agenda as recommended. Meeting Called to Order Approval of Closed Session Agenda Motion to Enter Closed Session Legal/Personnel Superintendent's Search Candidates Closed Session Certification Adjourn

Motion by Lisa A Zargarpur, second by Loree Williams. Final Resolution: Motion Passed Yes: Babur B Lateef, Adele Jackson, Lillie Jessie, Diane Raulston, Jennifer Wall, Justin Wilk, Loree Williams, Lisa A Zargarpur

2. Motion to Enter Closed Session

Action: 2.01 Closed Session Motion

That, pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.2-3711, the Prince William County School Board enter Closed Session for the following reasons: (1) To discuss and receive a presentation from BWP & Associates on the Superintendent Search candidates and receive legal advice on the same as needed for purposed of identifying initial interview candidates for the position of Division Superintendent under Virginia Code § 2.2-3711 (A) (1); and (2) To dispense with the attendance of the Superintendent under Va. Code § 22.1-69 as needed.

Motion by Lisa A Zargarpur, second by Loree Williams. Final Resolution: Motion Passed Yes: Babur B Lateef, Adele Jackson, Lillie Jessie, Diane Raulston, Jennifer Wall, Justin Wilk, Loree Williams, Lisa A Zargarpur

The Prince William County School Board entered Closed Session at 10:01 a.m. and returned to Open Session at 1:50 p.m.

4. Reconvene Open Session

5. Closed Session Certification

Action: 4.01 Closed Session Certification

That, pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.2-3712, the Closed Session of the Prince William County School Board meeting of February 6, 2021 be certified by adopting the following resolution: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Prince William County School Board hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge, (1) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (2) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard and discussed or considered by the School Board.

Motion by Lisa A Zargarpur, second by Loree Williams. Final Resolution: Motion Passed Yes: Babur B Lateef, Adele Jackson, Lillie Jessie, Diane Raulston, Jennifer Wall, Justin Wilk, Loree Williams, Lisa A Zargarpur

6. Closed Session Action Items

Action: 5.01 Selection of Initial Interview Candidates for Superintendent Search

That the Prince William County School Board approve the selection of candidates A, B, C, D and E for an initial interview in the Superintendent Search process, and each Board member further certifies that they will strictly maintain the confidentiality of the candidates and the Superintendent's Search process.

Motion by Lisa A Zargarpur, second by Loree Williams. Final Resolution: Motion Passed Yes: Babur B Lateef, Adele Jackson, Lillie Jessie, Diane Raulston, Jennifer Wall, Justin Wilk, Loree Williams, Lisa A Zargarpur

7. Adjourn

There being nothing further to come before this Board, Chairman Lateef declared the meeting adjourned at 1:52 p.m.

______Dr. Babur B. Lateef, Chairman At-Large

______B Simpson, Clerk of the School Board