Amount Issue Date Payee $150.00 11/2/2016 Aaron

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Amount Issue Date Payee $150.00 11/2/2016 Aaron NOVEMBER 2016 AMOUNT ISSUE DATE PAYEE $150.00 11/2/2016 AARON BRITTON DANIEL $5,028.12 11/2/2016 ABC HOME & COMMERCIAL SERVICES $105.00 11/2/2016 ABDUL DUNN $421.20 11/2/2016 ACCO BRANDS USA LLC $81.95 11/2/2016 ACCURATE LABEL DESIGNS, INC. $105.00 11/2/2016 ACE AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS $74.11 11/2/2016 ACE MART RESTAURANT SUPPLY $49.45 11/2/2016 ACTION FLAG COMPANY $400.00 11/2/2016 ADAM JEFFERY BOYD $2,070.90 11/2/2016 ADVANCE BATTERY CO $11,569.33 11/2/2016 ADVANCED FILTRATION SYSTEMS $252.00 11/2/2016 AEROWAVE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. $6,449.60 11/2/2016 AIRBRUSH IMAGES INC $1,600.00 11/2/2016 AIRROSTI REHAB CENTERS, L.L.C $675.00 11/2/2016 AKINS HS BOYS SOCCER $75.00 11/2/2016 ALAN TRAN $1,816.24 11/2/2016 ALERT SERVICES, INC. $75.00 11/2/2016 ALEXANDER MUTAMMARA $156.00 11/2/2016 ALL STATES EQUIPMENT, L.P. $975.00 11/2/2016 ALLDATA $50.00 11/2/2016 ALLEN MICHELSON $129.77 11/2/2016 ALL-TEX SUPPLY, INC. $1,015.08 11/2/2016 ALTEX ELECTRONICS LTD $207.34 11/2/2016 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTORS $77.56 11/2/2016 AMY DENISE HALL $816.66 11/2/2016 ANCHOR VENTANA GLASS & DOORS $750.00 11/2/2016 ANDREW PETRIE $67.10 11/2/2016 ANNA HODGE $125.00 11/2/2016 ANTHONY D ENGLISH $25.00 11/2/2016 ANTHONY DEFRANCISIS $115.00 11/2/2016 ANTHONY QUINCY ERVIN $275.00 11/2/2016 APD ALARM ADMINISTRATION $7,855.00 11/2/2016 APPLE COMPUTER INC $855.00 11/2/2016 ARMADILLO CLAY AND SUPPLIES $115.00 11/2/2016 ARTHUR JAMES ADKINS $50.00 11/2/2016 ASHLEY TREAT $514.00 11/2/2016 ATHLETIC SUPPLY, INC $5.00 11/2/2016 AUSTIN AMERICAN STATESMAN $140.00 11/2/2016 AUSTIN CHILDREN'S MUSEUM $205.00 11/2/2016 AUSTIN FOOTBALL OFFICIALS $440.00 11/2/2016 AUSTIN THEATRE ALLIANCE $5,917.79 11/2/2016 B & H PHOTO VIDEO PRO AUDIO $161.00 11/2/2016 BALLARD & TIGHE PUBLISHERS NOVEMBER 2016 AMOUNT ISSUE DATE PAYEE $208.00 11/2/2016 BARCELONA SPORTING GOODS $558.37 11/2/2016 BARNES & NOBLE, INC $265.73 11/2/2016 BATTERIES PLUS $1,181.45 11/2/2016 BEARCOM $250.00 11/2/2016 BELTON HS SOCCER $750.00 11/2/2016 BENJAMIN CRAIG CARROLL $105.00 11/2/2016 BENNIE RAY KIRK, III $115.00 11/2/2016 BENNY LUERA $1,120.00 11/2/2016 BETTY PIERCE $50.00 11/2/2016 BEVERLY MICHELSON $1,569.72 11/2/2016 BIG GAME SPORT, INC $780.00 11/2/2016 BIG TS ENTERPRISE $70.00 11/2/2016 BILL C GALLEGOS $1,000.00 11/2/2016 BLANTON MUSEUM OF ART $2,437.00 11/2/2016 BLICK ART MATERIALS $100.00 11/2/2016 BLUELINE RENTAL LLC $715.00 11/2/2016 BOB BULLOCK $70.00 11/2/2016 BOBBY WHITE $500.00 11/2/2016 BOOSEY & HAWKES INC $125.00 11/2/2016 BOSTON L. GATES $261.30 11/2/2016 BOUND TO STAY BOUND BOOKS INC $295.00 11/2/2016 BRAD ALAN PATTERSON $75.00 11/2/2016 BRAD BALLEE $30.25 11/2/2016 BRANDI CASH $105.00 11/2/2016 BRANDON MCCRADIC $140.00 11/2/2016 BRANDON RICH $100.00 11/2/2016 BRETTE HAYWARD $580.00 11/2/2016 BRIAN ERCOLINE $100.00 11/2/2016 BRIAN MAI $86.07 11/2/2016 BRIANNA QUINLAN $216.00 11/2/2016 BRIDGEFARMER'S INC. $2,500.00 11/2/2016 BRITT RICE CONSTRUCTION CO $99.16 11/2/2016 BRUNO ACCOMANDO $111.74 11/2/2016 BRYAN W BUDAK $250.00 11/2/2016 BRYAN-CS CONVENTION AND $960.14 11/2/2016 BSN SPORTS LLC $550.00 11/2/2016 BUCKEYE CLEANING CENTERS $30.00 11/2/2016 BUTCH FELKNER $30.00 11/2/2016 C.J. KING $100.00 11/2/2016 CALVIN YAT-WAI WONG $105.00 11/2/2016 CALVIN ZANDERS $100.00 11/2/2016 CAMERON SHANE PITSCH $3,471.15 11/2/2016 CAPSTONE PRESS INC. NOVEMBER 2016 AMOUNT ISSUE DATE PAYEE $180.00 11/2/2016 CARL PADILLA $23.14 11/2/2016 CARLOS CANIZALEZ $2,465.33 11/2/2016 CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUP CO $505.59 11/2/2016 CAROLINA SCIENCE & MATH $3,112.80 11/2/2016 CASCIO-INTERSTATE MUSIC CO INC $95.00 11/2/2016 CAST 2016 REGISTRATIONS $427.04 11/2/2016 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. $750.00 11/2/2016 CEDAR CREEK ATHLETIC DEPT $600.00 11/2/2016 CEDAR PARK CC BOOSTER $354.11 11/2/2016 CENGAGE LEARNING INC $25.65 11/2/2016 CHARESTA POPE $200.00 11/2/2016 CHARLES KEVIN ROWLEY $115.00 11/2/2016 CHARLES NATIONS JR $140.00 11/2/2016 CHARLES W. CUPP $138.86 11/2/2016 CHICK-FIL-A $90.00 11/2/2016 CHRIS CARBY $113.44 11/2/2016 CHRIS G. KNIGHT $100.00 11/2/2016 CHRISTOPHER HAYSE PICKENS $113.64 11/2/2016 CHRISTOPHER M ESPARZA $105.00 11/2/2016 CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL CARROLL $105.00 11/2/2016 CHRISTOPHER T. MALLORY $18,033.55 11/2/2016 CITY OF AUSTIN UTILITIES $13,200.47 11/2/2016 CITY OF PFLUGERVILLE $215.00 11/2/2016 CLARENCE SIMS $200.00 11/2/2016 CLAYTON T HARRIS $120.00 11/2/2016 COLIN SACKSTEDER $168.00 11/2/2016 COMFORT SUITES $4,185.92 11/2/2016 COMMERCIAL KITCHEN REPAIR CO. $11,240.00 11/2/2016 COMPASS PROF HEALTH SERVICES $855.00 11/2/2016 CONVERGENCE CABLING INC. $8,915.96 11/2/2016 CONVERGINT TECHNOLOGIES LLC $300.00 11/2/2016 COREY AUSTIN NEWTON $300.00 11/2/2016 COREY DAN SHAUM $192.34 11/2/2016 CORNELIUS WILLIAMS $1,280.00 11/2/2016 COUNCIL OF EDUC FOR STUDENTS $151.08 11/2/2016 COURTYARD MARRIOTT $159.55 11/2/2016 COURTYARD MARRIOTT $150.20 11/2/2016 COURTYARD MARRIOTT $151.15 11/2/2016 COURTYARD MARRIOTT $221.83 11/2/2016 COURTYARD MARRIOTT $1,707.13 11/2/2016 CRAWFORD ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. $415.31 11/2/2016 CROCKETT HOTEL $375.00 11/2/2016 CROWE'S NEST FARM, INC. NOVEMBER 2016 AMOUNT ISSUE DATE PAYEE $564.00 11/2/2016 CROWE'S NEST FARM, INC. $1,007.10 11/2/2016 CROWN TROPHY $178.08 11/2/2016 CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES INC. $42,243.00 11/2/2016 D & H DISTRIBUTING COMPANY $10,900.00 11/2/2016 DAKTRONICS, INC. $50.00 11/2/2016 DALE WARNKEN $46.45 11/2/2016 DAMON LIEKE $105.00 11/2/2016 DANA D. HOPKINS $100.00 11/2/2016 DANA HAVLIN $5,635.00 11/2/2016 DANCE SOPHISTICATES $150.00 11/2/2016 DANE BURCH $110.00 11/2/2016 DANIEL E SCOTT $100.00 11/2/2016 DANIEL TROIANO $37.75 11/2/2016 DAPHNI HAMILTON $105.00 11/2/2016 DARRELL D. MCCANT $115.00 11/2/2016 DAVID BRANCH $103.00 11/2/2016 DAVID C SCHRECK $104.86 11/2/2016 DAVID E MARTIN $105.00 11/2/2016 DAVID L. HAWKINS JR $95.00 11/2/2016 DAVID LEE PIERCE $124.20 11/2/2016 DAVID WHITE $105.00 11/2/2016 DAVID WRIGHT $80.70 11/2/2016 DAVIS VISION INC $583.66 11/2/2016 DECKER INC. $20,449.60 11/2/2016 DELL MARKETING LP $429.78 11/2/2016 DELTA DENTAL INSURANCE CO. $3,453.41 11/2/2016 DEMCO, INC. $2.00 11/2/2016 DEPT OF FAMILY PROTECTIVE SERVICES $2.00 11/2/2016 DEPT OF FAMILY PROTECTIVE SERVICES $623.39 11/2/2016 DEPT OF INFORMATION RESOURCES $210.00 11/2/2016 DEREK SPEARS $181.00 11/2/2016 DERRICK NAGAO $500.00 11/2/2016 DESMOND L RATTLER $34.50 11/2/2016 DIANNE GATLIN $25.00 11/2/2016 DIJANA HARRIS $100.00 11/2/2016 DIXIE MCCOLLOUGH $100.00 11/2/2016 DOMENIQUE HESTER $200.00 11/2/2016 DON T HAYNES JR $125.00 11/2/2016 DONNIE DIPPEL $6,440.00 11/2/2016 DORIAN BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC $295.00 11/2/2016 DOUBLETREE HOTEL $125.00 11/2/2016 DOUGLAS GATES $16.40 11/2/2016 DOW SAR KEE NOVEMBER 2016 AMOUNT ISSUE DATE PAYEE $70.65 11/2/2016 DR. DONS BUTTONS $208.67 11/2/2016 DRAMATIC PUBLISHING $75.00 11/2/2016 DURELL HOSKINS $2,190.60 11/2/2016 EAI EDUCATION $2,015.28 11/2/2016 ECOLAB INC $200.00 11/2/2016 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER REGION 20 $1,126.99 11/2/2016 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER XIII $57.90 11/2/2016 EDUCATIONAL INNOVATIONS INC. $300.00 11/2/2016 EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICE $703.10 11/2/2016 EL RINCON $50.00 11/2/2016 ELGIN CHRISTMAS TREE FARM $47,595.00 11/2/2016 ELIGIBILITY TRACKING CALCULATORS LLC $55.00 11/2/2016 ELIZABETH A LANDFRIED $125.00 11/2/2016 ELIZABETH MARTINEZ $1,401.03 11/2/2016 ELLIOTT ELECTRIC SUPPLY $493.92 11/2/2016 ELYSE DEBRA VEST $954.35 11/2/2016 ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR $124.96 11/2/2016 EPS LITERACY & INTERVENTION $35.00 11/2/2016 ERIC RUIZ $105.00 11/2/2016 ERIC STEEN $4,509.40 11/2/2016 ESTRELLITA INC $254.30 11/2/2016 ETA HAND2MIND $254.75 11/2/2016 EVELYN JONES $150.00 11/2/2016 EVOLUTION DANCE CENTER $1,801.32 11/2/2016 FACILITY SOLUTIONS GROUP $565.75 11/2/2016 FAIRFIELD INN BY MARRIOTT $32.00 11/2/2016 FASTENAL CO.
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    Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Austin, Texas Permit No. 01949 TPA TEXAS PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION This paper can be recycled Vol. 40 No. 2 Phone: 512-476-0082 Email: [email protected] May 25, 2012 Huston-Tillotson University Concert INSIDE Choir Releases Its First CD 2012 Graduate See SWAN SONG RAPPIN’ Page 2 Tommy Wyatt Confusion Is Finally Over! With Tuesday’s election, some of the confusion will finally Education Mentors be over for many voters. Be- See SIMS ELEMENTARY cause of the redistricting battles Page 3 that have been going on for them last few months, the local city elections and the Primary elec- tion were pushed closer together than ever before. In past years, the council elections were held in March and the Primary elec- 18 Straight Wins tions were held in May. How- See SPURS SWEEP Page 5 ever, this year, the two elections Huston-Tillotson University’s 2011-2012 Concert Choir were held just three weeks apart. Tuesday, May 29 will be the last (AUSTIN, Texas) — Lewis, Yolanda Adams, tor. events. Quinlan, who joined of these election (unless there are The Huston-Tillotson Uni- Duke Ellington, and other Throughout the years, the faculty in 1998, has runoffs) until November. versity Concert Choir, under artists, produced the record- the concert choir has per- guided HT choir members It is important for everyone the direction of Dr. Gloria ing. The CD collection in- formed many different genres through national auditions to vote. It is not a good excuse Quinlan, recently released a cludes Negro spirituals such of music worldwide, includ- and selections for the Histori- cally Black College and Uni- Agressive Tactics to say that you are confused and recording of popular selec- as “We Shall Walk Through ing art songs of America, See PRECINCT 2 RACE do not know who to vote for.
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