The Stygian Owl <I>(Asio Stygius Noctipetens)</I> in the Dominican
RARE SPECIES STATUS The Stygian Owl Asio st#ius noctipetens) In the Dominican Republic A very rare, difficult-to-findendemic race is, for a varietyof reasons,a vulnerablebird Annabelle Stockton Dod HESTYGIAN OWL was known on the from an adultmale securedby Dr. W. L. islandof Quisqueyalong beforeCo- Abbott near Constanza at an elevation of lumbus discovered the New World. A about 1200 meters, Sept. 23, 1916. carvedwooden figure of a bird with ear Kaempfercollected a secondbird from tufts found in a cave (Fig. 1), and an the swampyforests at the mouth of the Indian drawing on a cave wall (Fig. 2), Rio Juna, which Hartert said is an adult indicatethat it couldhave been an impor- female, taken Nov. 18, 1922. Ciferre se- tantpart of an ancientreligious ritual or curedskins at MocaJan. 1, 1927and July thatit wasa familiarfigure in the cavesin 6, 1929." (Ibid.) which the Indianssought refuge. It is the author'sopinion that the status Apparentlythis bird was known to of the StygianOwl hasnot changedsince Vieillot who did some scientific studies the bulletinwas issued.I know of only 3 in Haiti in 1807 (Bull. 155 Smithsonian jos, nearPuerto Escondido in April, 1976 Institution,1931 pp. 245-247). He used (pers.comm.). And as a resultof public- the name "Bubo clamator" and said that ity providedby the author, a specimen, the inhabitants knew of an owl that was badlymounted and with no data whatso- called the "Houhou." everwas broughtto the Museo Nacional Asio stygius is about 44 cm (15-17 de HistoriaNatural during the last week inches)in length. It is a very dark brown of April, 1977.The specimenhad recent- "1ong-eared" owl, with a dark facial ly beentaken in an old, abandonedcacao disk, the upperpartsmottled with buffy, plantationclose to the mouthof the Rio heavilystreaked and barredwith black or Juna.
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