The Monstrous Madden Playbook Offense Volume I
The Monstrous Madden Playbook Offense Volume I Matt Heinzen This book and its author have no affiliation with the National Football League, John Madden, or the Madden NFL 2003 or Madden NFL 2004 video games or their publisher, EA Sports. The author has taken care in preparation of this book, but makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, and assumes no responsibility for any errors contained within. No liability is assumed for any damages resulting through direct or indirect use of this book’s contents. Copyright c 2003 by Matt Heinzen All rights pertaining to distribution or duplication for purposes other than per- sonal use are reserved until October 15, 2008. At this time the author voluntarily removes all restrictions regarding distribution and duplication of this book, al- though any modified version must be marked as such while retaining the original author’s name, the original copyright date and this notice. Visit my Madden NFL Playbook web sites at and and my forums at Contents 1 Introduction 1 Offensive Philosophy ........................... 1 Creating New Formations ......................... 3 Creating New Plays ............................ 6 Specialty Plays .............................. 6 Using This Book Effectively ....................... 7 Abbreviations ............................... 8 2 Diamond Wing 9 Delay Sweep ............................... 10 Flurry ................................... 13 Counter Sweep .............................
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