J ANUARY 2 017, VOL .18 , N O . 4 ANCHORAGE, EAGLE RIVER, FAIRBANKS, GIRDWOOD, HOMER, JUNEAU, KENAI, MAT-SU, SALCHA, SEWARD, SOLDOTNA, TALKEETNA AND VALDEZ GOOD TIMES, COOL TREES AT NSAA’S FIRST SOLSTICE TOUR OF TREES. PHOTOS BY SCOTT BROADWELL AND SARA MILLER Anchorage ............. 2 ANCHORAGE STATEWIDE GIRDWOOD Eagle River ............ 11 Solstice Tour of Trees UAA coach thanks New energy, ideas Fairbanks ............. 13 a new winter tradition supportive community could lead to new trails Girdwood ............. 12 Kachemak ............. 6 Mat-Su. 10 8 9 12 Statewide ............. 9 2 JANUARY 2017 203 W. 15th Ave., #204 Anchorage, Alaska, 99501 Phone — 276-7609 Fax — 258-7609 Anchorage Nordic Skier Hotline — 248-6667
[email protected] Newsletter Of The Nordic Skiing Association Of Anchorage, Inc. BOARD MEMBERS NSAA’s impact, and story, continues to grow PRESIDENT Joey Caterinichio VICE PRESIDENT Sara Miller Message from the NSAA President / Joey Caterinichio SECRETARY Josh Niva Greetings NSAA Members and Anchorage community. have generated less revenue. In order to help in this area, TREASURER It is my pleasure to introduce myself as the new NSAA funds must continue to be raised through personal dona- Karl Garber MEMBERS President. I follow in the great footsteps of many amazing tions and corporate donations. To enhance this effort, Elizabeth Arnold past presidents and board members. Our board members NSAA began working with fundraising consultants. Mike Miller Dustin Shannon along with all of our volunteers make this organization Thank you to the Alaska Community Foundation’s Molly Brown what it is today. Thank you especially to Jeff Scott who led Strengthening Organization Grant, a grant that funded Alex Grumman this board for the past years.