Noach 5778


PARSHAH INSIGHTS Of every pure animal take for yourself… (7, 2) ...... which is destined to be pure for Bnai Yisroel. We derive from Noach was a righteous man, perfect in his generations; here that Noach studied . () Noach walked with G-d. (6, 9) A non-Jew who studies Torah is to be punished with the death Why isn’t the lineage of Bnai Yisroel traced back to Noach? penalty. (Sanhedrin 59a) Shouldn’t we consider Noach the first of our Forefathers? If Noach had a halachic status of a ben Noach, how did he permit Furthermore, what is the meaning of “Noach walked with G-d?” himself to study Torah? How does one walk with Hashem? Chazal (Sanhedrin 59a) say that the reason a non-Jew is The Alshich answers that although Noach was a righteous gentile, prohibited to study Torah is because he is taking something that he was not considered righteous within the framework of the does not belong to him, which is a form of stealing. Jewish interpretation. For a non-Jew to be considered righteous, he only needs to listen to the Word of Hashem and adhere to the With this line of reasoning, the Gur Aryeh says that only after the seven mitzvos. Torah was given to Bnai Yisroel can there be a concept of taking something from Bnai Yisroel. However, before the Torah was When Hashem told Noach that He was planning to deliver a flood given to Bnai Yisroel, this prohibition does not apply. upon the world, Noach did not attempt to have the decree rescinded. He worked one hundred twenty years to build an Ark, The question can also be answered in another manner. Stealing however we do not find that he prayed even once to have the only applies when one has acquired in his possession an item that decree eradicated, nor did he try to influence mankind to repent belongs to another person. The acquisition of Torah is only when their ways. Noach was only focused on the wellbeing of his one toils in Torah (Rashi Tehilim 1, 2). family. Upon scrutinizing the words of Rashi, it does not say that Noach On the other hand, a Jew must also care for others and be toiled in the laws of kosher animals; it only says that he studied concerned for their well being. Avrohom and Sora were busy the laws. Only when a person has halachically acquired an item influencing people and trying to raise their spiritual level. In is it considered as if he stole it. Since Noach did not toil in these addition, when Avrohom was told about the imminent destruction laws, he did not acquire them according to halacha and therefore, of Sodom, he began to pray for the annulment of the decree it is not considered as if he stole them. ( 18, 23). TABL E TALK This is the meaning of “Noach walked with G-d.” Noach's only concern was about walking with Hashem and did not involve himself with the problems of others. The standard of Jewish PARSHA DILEMMA righteousness demands that a person should concern himself with the situation of others. Since Noach didn’t, he cannot be (After the flood) “The fountains of the deep and the windows of considered a Forefather of the Jewish Nation. the heaven were closed…” (8, 2)

We can also now understand the posuk, “Only Noach survived” When they were opened (at the onset of the flood) it says, “All the (7, 23). The posuk later recounts all the people that survived in fountains.” Here (after the flood) “all” is not written. Why? the Ark. Why does the posuk write, “Only Noach survived?” (after the flood) Some remained open - those for which the world had a need, such as the hot springs of Tiverya and the like. Rav Pesach Koritzer zt’l answered that the meaning of the posuk (Rashi) is that only the name Noach remained from all the outstanding titles that had been written about him at the beginning of the The flood did not affect Eretz Yisroel. (Zevochim 113a) Parsha. Since Noach hadn't lifted a finger to remove the decree, If the flood did not reach Eretz Yisroel, it means that at the Hashem removed the honorable adjectives that had been ascribed beginning of the flood the fountains were not opened on Eretz to Noach before the world was destroyed. Yisroel. If so, how could the hot springs in Tiverya remain open after the flood?

MAZEL TOV TO AND MRS. NACHUM SOKOL AND FAMILY ON THE BAR ASHER SPONSORED BY THE KOYFMAN AND KRASH FAMILIES participants discussed the question at hand and offered different solutions. WHO AM I?

During the discussion, the Rov of St. Petersburg, Rav Itzel Blazer 1 I am lightly sat silent. After awhile, the Bais HaLevi offered two answers to 2 I am running late the question that he had posed - one was his own and the other in 3 Wait for me then name of his illustrious son, Rav Chaim Soloveitchik. The 4 I stop the wrap Bais HaLevi was puzzled at the uncharacteristic silence of Rav Itzel. Last ’s clues: I am mostly green, I am leafy, I partly smell, Don’t think I have a pit When the Bais HaLevi returned home, he requested that Rav Itzel’s sefer, Pri Yitzchok, be brought to him. Leafing though the Answer: The arba minim sefer, the Bais HaLevi realized that Rav Itzel had asked the question that the Bais HaLevi had posed and answered exactly as the Bais HaLevi had answered. Upon seeing this, the Bais HaLevi Congratulations to: Neil Parks, Efraim Schottenstein exclaimed, “Look at the outstanding modesty of Rav Itzel.”


WHO AM I ? MAZEL TOV 1 Human 2 Animal Rabbi and Mrs. Binyomin Blau on the Bar Mitzva of Ephraim 3 Garbage Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Compton on the Bar Mitzva of Moshe 4 Fish Rabbi and Mrs. Chaim Ellis on the Bar Mitzva of Menachem Last week’s clues: Normally I am four, Sometimes I am three, I may be five, I am not a sucker, rather a…. Mr. and Dr. Danny Jacob on the birth of a daughter

Answer: Suka Rabbi and Mrs. Nochum Sokol on the Bar Mitzva of Asher

Congratulations to: Ronen Lowenthal, Efraim Schottenstein Rabbi and Mrs. Efraim Rothenberg on the birth of a daughter TORAH RIDDLE C O N D O L E N C E S What was the name of Noach’s wife? Rabbi Binyomin Levi on the passing of his father Last week’s riddle and answer: What is one permitted to do with his esrog on Shabbos and not permitted to do on Yom Tov? No Pirchei

Answer: On Shabbos, when an esrog is not used for a mitzva, it can be used as a doorstop. However, on Yom Tov, when it is used for a mitzva, it can not be used for a doorstop. RECEIVE ‘ONEG SHABBOS’ BY EMAIL Congratulations to: Ronen Lowenthal If you would like to receive the Oneg Shabbos each week by email, please subscribe online at, or email [email protected]. Please send “Who Am I” and “Torah Riddle” answers to

\ [email protected] by next Wed. The winner of the If you wish to have an announcement or event posted on the Kollel Bulletin Board or to sponsor an issue, “Snow Cone Machine” call 216-626-KYCM (5926) or email for the months of Elul/Tishrei will be announced next week. [email protected]. The answers will IY”H appear in next week’s issue


The Bais HaLevi once traveled to St. Petersburg to attend a conference of Rabbonim. During a lull in the discussions, the Bais HaLevi posed a difficult Talmudic question. The