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HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES James A ·80 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 6 . Henry E. Hudson to be postmaster at Whitwell, Tenn., in WISCONSIN place of E. S. Childers. Incumbent's co~ion expired Carroll R. Eaton to be postmaster at Adams, Wis., in place February 25, 1935. of B. A. McBride. Incumbent's commission expired Feb­ TEXAS ruary 28, 1935. Amos D. Rawlinson to be postmaster at Anahuac, Tex. Marie Freeman to be postmaster at Bayfield, Wis., in place Office became Presidential July 1, 1935. of H. J. S. Hanson. Incumbent's commission expired Feb­ Emery Beaumont to be postmaster at Humble, Tex., in ruary 25, 1935. place pf W. S. Street, removed. William E. Drossart to be postmaster at Casco, Wis., in - Milledge A. Hart, Jr., to be postmaster at New Boston, place of J. A. Mathys. Incumbent's commission expired Tex., in place of L. R. Atkins, removed. January 22, 1935. John W. Ledbetter to be postmaster at Round Rock, Tex., Frank G. Dillon to be postmaster at Veterans' Administra­ ·in place of J. W. Ledbetter. Incumbent's commission ex­ tion, Wis., in place of J. F. Coulter. Incumbent's commission pires January 8, 1936. expired November 20, 1933. Volney F. Norris to be postmaster at Thorndale, Tex., in WYOMING place of S. S. Boles. Incumbent's commission expired Feb­ DaO:.el C. Carson to be postmaster at Pinedale, Wyo., in ruary 4, 1935. place of D. C. Carson. Incumbent's commission expires Philip E. Luker to be postmaster at Throckmorton, Tex:, January 9, 1936. in place of H. W. Scott, removed. Frank Herlington to be postmaster at Powell, Wyo., in John B. Hardin to be postmaster at Vernon, Tex., in place of L. R. Ness, resigned. place of C. J. Farrell. Incumbent's commission expired May Claude W. Anthony to be postmaster at Yellowstone Park, 16, 1934. Wyo., in place of C. A. Lindsley, retired. Leopold Morris to be postmaster at Victoria, Tex., in place of George Ireland. Incumbent's commission expired Feb­ ruary 20, 1935. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES James A. McFadden to be postmaster at Yoakum, Tex., in place of Perry Wendtland. Incumbent's commission ex­ MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 1936 ·pired February 25, 1935. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. UTAH The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., Melvin Lind to be postmaster at Midvale, Utah, in place offered the following prayer: of C. I. Goff. Incumbent's commission expired February 14, Our Father in Heaven, we rejoice that the divine love is as 1935. enduring as the throne of the Infinite God. As Thou art the Elaine S. Peterson to be postmaster at Moab, Utah, in God of the whole earth, we humble ourselves before Thee and place of F. M. Shafer. Incumbent's commission expired gratefully acknowledge Thy merc~ul providences. We pray April 22, 1934. that our affections and loyalties may swing unstintedly to VIRGINIA Thee and lead us through cares, responsibilities, and perplexi­ Lewis N. Glover to be postmaster at Berryville, Va., in ties to heights unsealed and depths unplumbed. Let trium­ place of R. E. Potts, resigned. phant faith run through the arteries of our national life and Anthony G. Simmons to be postmaster at Fincastle, Va., work with Thee for the coming of a more complete vision of in place of G. T. Slusser, removed. righteousness, holiness, and peace. Thus we shall fulfill the · Ross V. Martindale to be postmaster at Sweet Briar, Va., highest hopes for civilization and become the teacher of all in place of P. H. Edwards, resigned. nations in free and Christian institutions. These blessings we ask through Christ, our Redeemer. Amen. Edward G. Newell to be postmaster at Veterans' Adminis­ tration Home, Va., in place of F. M. Brown, deceased. The Journal of the proceedings of Friday, January 3, was WASHINGTON read and approved. Harold W. Lewis to be postmaster at Bingen, Wash. Office MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT became Presidential July 1, 1935. A message in writing from the President of the United Roy E. Carey to be postmaster at Hartline, Wash. Office States was communicated to the House by Mr. Latta, one of became Presidential July 1, 1935. his secretaries. Earl DeCamp to be postmaster at Nespelem, Wash. Office MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE became Presidential July 1, 1935. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Home, its enrolling Willal'd A. Grube to be postmaster at Oroville, Wash., in clerk, announced that the Senate had passed the following place of · J. F. Samson. Incumbent's commission expired resolutions: Senate Resolution 205 February 25, 1935. Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and Jennie A. Smith to be postmaster at Peshastin, Wash., in deep regret the announcement of the death of Hon. HuEY P. place of J. A. Smith. Incumbent's commission expires Jan­ LONG, late a Senator from the State of Louisiana. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to uary 8, 1936. the House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the Jolm M. Eager to be postmaster at Raymond, Wash., in family of the deceased. place of J. 0. Fresk, deceased. Resolved, That, as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, the Senate at the conclusion of its proceedings today Ralph C. Cochran to be postmaster at Snohomish, Wash., adjourn until Monday next. in place of Edward Hinkley, transferred. Charles 0. Snapp to be postmaster at Springdale, Wash. Senate Resolution 206 Office became Presidential July 1, 1935. Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and Hazel H. Howe to be postmaster at Tenino, Wash., in place deep regret the announcement of the death of Hon. THOMAS D. of Wilson Howe, deceased. ScHALL, late a Senator from the State of Minnesota. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to WEST VIRGINIA the House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased. Levi Gay to be postmaster at Eccles, W. Va., in place of Resolved, That, as a further mark of respect to the memory of Levi Gay. Incumbent's commission expires January 7, 1936. the deceased, the Senate at the conclusion of its proceedings George A. Brooks to be postmaster at Pineville, W.Va., in today adjourn until Monday next. place of G. A. Brooks. Incumbent's commission expires Jan­ The message also announced that the Vice President had , uary 7, 1936. appointed Mr. BARKLEY and Mr. NORBECK members of the Ottis F. Swiger to be postmaster at Salem, W. Va~, in place joint select· committee on the part of the Senate, as pro­ ' of Claude Pepper, removed. vided for in the act of February 16, 1889, as amended by the 193'6 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 81 act of March 2, 1895, entitled· "An act to authorize and pro­ Mr. ZIONCHECK. Mr. Speaker, I withdraw the request · vide for the disposition of useless papers in the executive to address the House for 2 minutes. departments", for the disposition of useless papers in the The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the National Archives. gentleman from Washington? THE BUDGET (H. DOC. NO. 382) Mr. TABER. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object, The SPEAKER laid before the House a message from the may I inquire how long it will take to read this letter? President of the United States, which was read, and, with Mr. ZIONCHECK. Mr. Speaker, it took me 5 m,inutes to the accompanying documents, referred to the Committee on dictate the letter. Appropriations and ordered printed. Mr. TABER. Why not have it printed in the REcoRD <For Budget message see Senate proceedings of this day, instead of having it read nere? The main purpose will be served. · p. 51.) · Mr. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, why should the gentleman CALENDAR WEDNESDAY make an objection to this request? Mr. BANKHEAD. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent Mr. BANKHEAD demanded the regular order. that the business on Calendar ·Wednesday of this week may The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the be dispensed With. gentleman from Washington·? The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the There was no objection. gentleman from Alabama? The Clerk read as follows: There was no objection. DEcEMBER 31, 1935. PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE . Dr. F. E. TOWNS~, Mr. ZIONCHECK. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent President Old Age Revolving Pensions, Ltd., Southern Building, Washington, D. C. to have the Clerk read a letter which I have written to Dr. MY DEAR DR. TowNSEND: I received your questionnaire dated De­ Townsend, together with a resolution, and also to make a cember 3, and was waiting for Congressman ZroNCHECK to return remark or two thereafter for not over 2 minutes. to Washington, D. C., so that he might answer it personally. Is to However, he has not yet returned, hence I am_writing this letter The SPEAKER. there objection the request of the so that it may reach you before January 1, for I feel sure that he gentleman from Washington? would wish me to do so in his absence. Mr. SNELL. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object, I I hesitate to express his views in this matter, although he has should like to know what the policy of the majority is going discussed them quite frankly with me and others. To the best of my recollection they are as follows: {Before starting on this to be with reference to Members addressing the House today allow me to say that Mr. ZroNCHECK was one of the 57 Representa­ and tomorrow. There are several Members on this side of tives who voted for the McGroarty bill.) the aisle who would like to make a few general remarks on In the first place, Congressman ZioNCHECK keenly feels that the If present Social Security Act is miserly and inadequate and that the state of the Union.
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