Requ CLT I CIH I ITH 0139900022 Le 3 1 MARS 2017

No ...... 0 (6.3 ......

Approved by the order No. 218 of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Republic on 28.04.2010, with updates dated 25.08.2011, 28.03.2012, 18.10.2012, 15.05.2013, 03.02.2014, 27.01.2015, 17.02.2016, 12.05.2016

Name of grand Type of the Section, sub-section N!! Title of the element sector element (1 ). Tea destgah i-J OLIDA."t:S tJ RITUALS AND CEREMONIES X:ERe:MtaNte·s social (2). Hamam tradition practices, (3). Sunnet, ritual circumcision rituals and festivities (4). Yas mourning ritual

(5). Traditional quackery knowledge and practices I• concerning nature and the universe

(6). Qurban FOLK HOLIDA VS oral traditions (7). Novruz and expressions (8). Orujluq

(9). Cultural space of Nij knowledge CULTURAL TRADIHONAL KNOWLEDGE OF and practices CULTURAL SPACES iraAces concerning nature and the (1 0). Cultural space of Qirmizi universe, Qasaba traditional craftsmanship (11 ). Ashuq Art r£)11. .· OR£ MUSIC (12). Mug ham performing (13). Meykhana arts DANCES (14). Yalli (Kochari) (15). Uzundere oral traditions ORAL TRADITIONS (16). Dede Qorqud Epos and (17). Koroglu Epos expressions Altunqabaq GAMES, Horse riding games (18). PERFORMANCES (19). , Horse wrestling >GAMES (20). Baharbend

(21). Papakh game

(22). Chovqan

(23). Aylanish Darvishs' traditional social game (24). D6vran practices, rituals and (25). Benovshe Children's games festivities (26). Jizigtopu

(27). GOieshme Zorkhana games (28). Pehlevanllq {29). Kosa-gefin GAMES, Joke performances PERFORMANCES (30). Shirvan Qazisi > (31). Ayioynatma PERFORMANCES Square performances (32). Khoruz doyOshdOrme

(33). Chomchegelin Puppet social performances (34). Dezgah Shahselimi practices, rituals and (35). Erusek festivities (36). Eza Shebih performances (37). Qetl (38). Mezhek-Shebih (39). ~~~no~ TRADITIONAL DECORATIVE ART Azerbaijani carpet weaving .c ns (40). Sericulture (41). Shebeke making (42). Kelaghayi art (43). Doldurma embroidery EMBROIDERY (44). GOiebetin embroidery (45). Munjuqlu embroidery (46). Pilek embroidery (47). Tekelduz embroidery (48). TratfitionaT sculpture FOLK FINE ARTS (49). Azerbaijani Traditional calligraphy traditional (50). Graphics craftsmanship (51). Miniature making (52). Azerbaijani folk painting (53). Traditional woodwork APPLIED ARTS (54). Traditional pottery (55). Artistic metalwork (56). Traditional Azeri ornamentation (57). Blacksmith's art

(58). Jeweller's art (59). Traditional copper craftsmanship of Lahij (60). Glass art '---- (61). Culture of flatbread making rc;U fi:Y PREPARATION SKILLS OF TRADITONAL social p~ v Cf BREAD (lavash, yukha, yayma, saj practices, choreyi, girde, dash choreyi, rituals and fetir) festivities (62). Skills of preparation of tandir and kovrek bread (63). Dolma making and sharing KNOWLEDGE OF TRADITIONAL FOODWAYS (64). Traditional skills of preparing bozbash (65). Aghiz qopuzu . ~ HP IDIOPHONE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 1!1 PalR'llR\11 NG (66). Kaman ~~.. . t tlf ATJ 'M- ,MI;!SI~L (67). Chan lN~'lliUM C c s· (68). Hovser (69). Kerenay WIND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS traditional (70). Mizmar craftsmanship, (71). Musiqar performing arts (72). Performing arts related to Nay (73). Balaban [I C railsmanship and STRINGED·MUS{CAL INSTRUMENTS (74:). performance with the Tar traditional 11 (75). Craftsmanship and craftsmanship, performance with the Saz performing arts (76). Kamancha crafting and performing art (77). Crafting and playing with PERCUSSION MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Def (78). DOmbek (79). Qaval 0139900021 Re<;u CLT I CIH ; ITH r L e~ ! 1 7 : ~ CV . 2017 L______Translation ofthe inventory document into English Ne ......


A short extract from the Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Azerbaijan, regarding "Dede Qorqud Epos"

The Register was approved by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan Republic by Order No. 218, dated 28.04.2010 (File approved on 12.05.2016; updated on 18.07.2017)

1. Name ofthe element Dede Qorqud Epos Section Folklore

Sub-section Oral traditions 2. Category of the element K oral traditions and expressions, including language as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage X performing arts K social practices, rituals and festive events _knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe _traditional craftsmanship _ cultural spaces other 3. Geographic scope of the element Dede Qorqud Epos as intangible heritage element is present, practised and transmitted from generation to generation in all regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, including the capital , as well as in Absheron, Sheki, Zagatala, Shirvan, Ganja, Garabagh, , , , , Gubadli, , , Gabala, Guba, , Saatli, Oghuz, Neftchala, Salyan, and others. The Dede Qorqud epos is taught as part of curriculum at the secondary schools in many regions and cities of the country.

4. Identification of community Dede Qorqud's Epos is transmitted from generation to generation by amateur and professional narrators, epos tellers, performers, as well as especially within families. In urban settings, teachers in children's secondary schools teach Dede Qorqud Epos to pupils. Dede Qorqud Epos community members and active promoters of the Epos are also members of some non-governmental organizations and associations, such as "Writers Union" NGO, Simurg NGO and Creative Initiatives/Y aradici Teshebbusler. Experts: Samat Alizade, Tofiq Hajiyev, Kamil Veliyev, Elmira Hasanova.

Data on community involvement: Meetings held: 8 meetings in Baku (14.03 .2012, 19.03 .2012, 28.03.2012, 04 .04.2012, 11.09.2012, 09.10.2012, 23 .10.2012, 12.11.2012, epos tellers, secondary schools, NGOs); 2 meetings in Guba (10.04.2012, 24.04.2012, NGOs, secondary schools); 2 meetings in Surngayit (29.03 .2012, 03.04.2012, epos tellers); 2 meetings in Ganja (10.05 .2012, 17.05 .2012, epos tellers, secondary schools, performers, NGOs); 1 meeting in Sheki (17.04.2012, Simurg NGO, school); 2 meetings in Nakhchivan (09.04.2012, 25.04.2012, epos tellers); 1 meeting in Gazakh (17.10.2012, epos tellers, second.ry schools).

Reference code ofthe file: 0116972 Ministry Order: N~ 00581

5. Information about of the element The oral heritage of the Dede Qorqud Epos is based on twelve heroic legends and fairy tales and is transmitted from generation to generation in different communities of Azerbaijan for centuries. Dede Qorqud is one of the oldest intangible heritage elements in Azerbaijan. The Epos reflects the history of the Azerbaijani people, patriotism, heroism, wisdom, outlook of Oghuz Turks, their moral values and diversity of traditions. Dede Qorqud is of great importance in learning the language, literature, epos creativity and culture in general. Reflecting the history of Oghuz Turks and transmitted from generation to generation, Dede Qorqud Epos is now by right considered a part of intangible spiritual wealth of the concerned communities, a 'carrier' of high human ideals and values, and has played a special role in the development of cultural identities. The Epos is nowadays narrated by amateur and professional narrators, epos tellers, performers, as well as especially from older family members to younger ones in many communities in Azerbaijan, whether they identify themselves as of Oghuz origin or not. The narrator usually chooses one of the stories of the Epos and uses different language techniques to tell the story. Several ancient manuscripts of Dede Qorqud Epos have preserved up to date and are widely used by narrators in original or simplified forms. The Epos is of great importance for understanding, by the communities concerned, of the cultural values and traditions, moral principles and lifestyle of their imcestors. Dede Qorqud Epos consists of 12 different stories, each of which has its own plot: 1) Boghach Khan Son of Dirse Khan; 2) How Salur Qazan's House was Pillaged; 3) Son ofBayburan- Bamsi Beyrek; 4) How Uruz Bey Son ofQazan Bey was Taken Prisoner; 5) Wild Durnrul Son of Dukha Qoja; 6) Kanturali - Son of Qanli Qoja; 7) Yeynek - Son of Qazliq Qoja; 8) How Basat Killed Tapagoz; 9) Imran - Son of Bakil; 10) Segrek - Son of U shun Qoja; 11) How Salur Kazan was Taken Prisoner and How His Son Uruz Freed Him; 12) How the Outer Oghuz Rebelled against the Inner Oghuz and How Beyrek Died. The stories are, directly or indirectly, related to the general content and ideas of the Epos. In the Epos, Oghuz tribes consist of Inner Oghuz and Outer Oghuz tribes. In the beginning of the Epos, one can see the unity of the Oghuz in the past. One sees, however, this union broken, as the twelve stories are narrated. The tales in the Epos are narrated through the character ofDede Qorqud. Each of the tales ends with the blessings of Dede Qorqud. Qorqud Ata or Dede Qorqud is a well-known character in Turkic, Altai and Oghuz legends, tales and folk stories, an 'ozan-perfomer' and storyteller. Dede Qorqud belongs to the Oghuzes and is a wise man and elder. While holding the musical instrument (qopuz) in his hands, Dede Qorqud speaks of the heroism of Oghuz brave men and takes every effort to make Oghuzes remember their history. The Oghuzes listen to Qorqud father's advice and consider him as a holy elder. Qorqud is considered the spiritual leader among Oghuzes, his instrument is regarded sacred. Communities use to mark for a blessed day by quoting the words of Qorqud. On difficult days, communities would listed to advice of Qorqud father. When a dispute arose between the Oghuz communities, they would call for the help of an elder and wise man just like Qorqud father. Dede Qorqud's profound and wise sayings became proverbs that are still used by the communities. Dede Qorqud is believed to have lived during the time of Prophet Muhammad, when the Oghuz governor Inal Syr Yavkuy sent him with ambassador mission to the Prophet. Qorqud accepted himself the Islam religion, and converted the great khan of Oguzes into Islam. The Dede Qorqud Epos is of great importance for languages of many communities living in Azerbaijan, epos creativity, as well as for understanding history of culture of the concerned communities. The characters, plots, motifs and ideas of the Epos have strongly influenced folk art, artistic expressions in Azerbaijan, poetry, literature and drama. A huge number of poems, scientific researches, investigations and works were created in relation to the Epos rich content.

6. Information on transmission of the element Historically, passing from generation to generation, practice, transmission and teaching of Dede Qorqud Epos continued in non-formal way (within families, from parents to children), as well as at the state level as a crucial part of school curriculum - irJ children's schools, colleges, secondary education institutions and universities. The old manuscripts have played an important role in both informal and formal transmission. The Dede Qorqud Epos was many times published in various formats and simplified versions for children. In families, parents and grandparents transmit to children and grandchildren the content of the Epos tales-stories as a means to teach about social and cultural values transmitted over the centuries. Today, in hundreds of schools in Azerbaijan and its regions, teachers teach this Epos as a part of curriculum to students and thus contribute to the transmission of the element to future generations.

7. Cultural and social functions of the element The Epos has numerous social and cultural functions. The importance of family, the role of women in the society, culture of sharing, solidarity, hospitality, justice, honesty and respect to other communities are main principles of the Epos. The Epos teaches about the past and outlook of the related communities, especially the Oghuz Turks, about patriotism, heroism, wisdom, moral values and traditions. From the characters of Dede Qorqud tales, young people learn about love for the Homeland, native environment, the role of father and mother in a family. Dede Qorqud gives an essential role to women, which is evident from the descriptions of female characters. The woman is regarded as giving huge support to her husband, a symbol of beauty. The image of mother in the Epos is particularly striking. She is associated with symbols of homeland; her words are as respected as the words of the God. As an integral part of formal education, the element strengthens cultural and social ties among Turkic speaking communities, their heritage, knowledge and understanding of relationship between humans and nature, as well as promotes environment protection. Events and festivities directly or indirectly related to the element are held in many cities of Azerbaijan. These activities bring together people of different origin, regardless of age and gender, social characteristics. It strengthens social ties among them and creates opportunity for communities to participate in cultural life.

8. Level of viability of the element X Excellent Good _Average Weak _ Veryweak

9. Need to urgent safeguarding (if any) Yes K No

10. Names of concerned departments of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

• City and regional departments ofthe Ministry of Culture and Tourism • Education and Science Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism AZ9RBAYCAN QEYRi-MADDi M9D9Ni iRS NUMUNaLaRiNiN DOVLaT REYESTRi

Azarbaycan Respublikast Madaniyyat va Turizm Nazirliyinin 218 saylt 28.04.2010 tarixfi Bmri ita tasdiq edilmi§dir, 25.08.2011, 28.03.2012, 18.10.2012, 15.05.2013, 03.02.2014, 27.01.2015, 17.02.2016, 12.05.2016 tarixli alavalarta

Elementlarin Bolmanin ad1 Seksiya, sub-seksiya N!! Elementin ad1 novlari (1 ). <;ay destgah1 MVHA~, A YIN va M9RASIMLaR MallAS M AYIN (2). Hamam medeniyyeti sosial faaliyyat, ayinlar va bayram (3). SOnnet tadbirlari (4). Yas

(5). TOrke<;:ara tabiat va kainata aid biliklar va faaliyyat (6). Qurban XALQ BA YRAMLARI ~ifahi ananalar va (7). Novruz ifadalar (8). Orucluq 1- (9). Nicin madani makam QC; NL XUSUSI MaDaNI MaKANLARIN ananavi M'EiiHii A aNaNaVI BILIKLaRI sanatkarllq, tabiat va kainata aid (10). QfrmfZI Qasabanin madeni biliklar va faaliyyat mekam

(11 ). sanati FOLKLOR MUSIQI A~1q (12). Mugam sanati

(13). Meyxana ifa incasanati

(14). Yalh (Ko<;:ari) R9QSLaR (15). Uzundara (16). Dada Qorqud dastam ~IFAHI aNaNaLaR ~ifahi ananalar va (17). Koroglu dastan1 ifadalar

(18). Altunqabaq OYUN- AtilstO oyunlar TAMA~A > (19). Atosto gOie~ OYUNLAR (20). Baharband

(21). Papaq oyunu

(22). <;ovqan (23). Darvi§ oyunlan Aylan1~ (24). Dovran (25). U§aq oyunlan Banov~a sosial faaliyyat, (26). C1z1gtopu ayinlar va bayram tadbirlari (27). Zorxana oyunlan GOia~ma (28). Pahlavanhq

(29). Kosa-galin OYUN- Qaravalli tama§alan TAMA~A > I (30). :;>irvan Qaz1s1 TAMA$ALAR Ay1oynatma Meydan tama$alan (31). (32). Xoruz doyOr;;dOrma (33). <;:;omc;agalin Oyuq (Kukla) tama$alar1 (34). Dazgah $ahsalimi sosial faaliyyat, (35). erusak ayinlar va bayram tadbirlari $abih tama,alan (36). eza (37). Qat I (38). Mazhak-$abih (39). Azarbaycan xalc;at;1hg1 ~N tiC m,JG aNaNaVI-DEKORATIV SaNaT (40). lpakc;ilik (41). $abekec;ilik (42). Kalagay1 sanati I TiKMa (43). Doldurma (44). GOiabetin (45). Muncuqlu (46). Pilek (47). Tekalduz Heykelterar;;hq XALQ rasviRI saNarl (48). (49). Xettathq ananavi (50). Qrafika sanatkarllq (51). Miniator (52). Rengkarhq '(53). Agacir;;lama XALQ TaTBIQI saNaTI (54). Dulur;;c;uluq (55). Bedii metal (56). Bazedilma Osullan (57). Damirc;ilik (58). 1Zargarlik (59). Lah1c qesebasinin misgarlik sanati (60). $0r;;a seneti (61). Nazik c;oreyin haz1rlanma MaTl3a;X aNaNaVI c;oRaK NUMUNaLaRIN aNa a RI HAZIRLANMASI madaniyyati (lavar;;, yuxa, yayma, sac c;orayi, girde, dar;; c;orayi, fetir)

(62). Tandir va kovrak sosial faaliyyat, c;oraklarinin haz1rlanma ayinlar va bayram biliklari tadbirlari

MaDaNI va SOSIAL FUNKSIYALARI (63). Oolmanm hazlrlanma va DA$1YAN aNaNavl Mareax paylar;;ma madaniyyati NOMUNaLaRI (64). Bozbar;;m haz1rlanma biliklari (65). Ag1z qopuzu MIUJ' MU5 al IDIOFONLU CALGI AL8TL8RiNIN A iJTJ.,.Drd,r:.l HAZIRLANMA va IFACILIQ 58N8TI (66). Kaman H~R · ~MAVa IFA~I LO sa. e:ri (67). Qan (68). Hovsar (69). Karanay N8F85 CALGI AL8TL8RI (70). Mizmar ananavi (71). Musiqar sanatkarllq, ita incasanati (72). Nay ifay1hq sanati (73). Balaban (14). Tar sanatkarhg1va 1fay1hg1 SIMLI CALGI AL9TL9RI (75). Saz sanatkarhg1 va ifay1hg1 (76). Kaman9a sanatkarl@ va ifa91hq sanati ananavi {11). Daf J1 az1rJanma va rfac;:1 l1q Z8RB CALGI AL8TL8RI sanatkarllq, ita sanati incasanati (78). DOmbak (79). Qaval N' .... FOLKLOR > $iFAHi aNaNaLaR

FT010100016 Dada Qorqud dastam

Azarbaycan Respublikasmm Qeyri-Maddi Madani Irs Niimunalarinin Dovlat Reyestrindan « Dada Qorqud dastam »na dair q1sa c;1xar1$

Reyestr Azarbaycan Respubllkas1 Madanlyyat va Turlzm Nazlrliyinin 218 sayh 28.04.2010 tarixli amri ila tasdiq edilmifdir (Fayhn tasdiq edlldlyl tarlxi: 12.05.2016; alavalar: 18.07.2017}

1. Elementin ad1 Dada Qorqud dastam

Reyestrda bolmasi: Folklor Alt bolma: $ifahi ananalar

2. Elementin novu 121 qeyri-maddi madani irsin 121 ifa incasanati 121 sosial faaliyyat, vasitasi kimi !lifahi ananalar va ayinlar va bayram ifadalar, o cumladan dil tadbirlari

D tabiat va kainata aid biliklar va D ananavi sanatkari1q D madani makanlar faaliyyat

D digar(lari)

3. Elementin cografi movqeyi Dada Qorqud dastam Azarbaycan Respublikasm1n butOn regionlannda, xususila paytaxt Bak1da, elaca da Ab~eron, Saki, , Sirvan, Ganca, Qarabag, Zangilan, Agdam, Kalbacar, Lar;m, Qubadh, Cabray1l, Fuzuli, , , Xar;maz, Samkir, Yevlax, Saatll, Oguz, Neftr;ala, Salyan, Naxr;1van va s rayonlannda movcuddur va nasildan nasila otOrulur. Dada Qorqud dastanmm boylan bir r;ox rayonlann va ~aharlarin orta maktablarinda tadris kursunun hissasi kimi tadris edilir. 4. Aidiyyati icmalarm va qruplar1n ad1. Azarbaycanda Dada Qorqud dastam nag11<;1lar, havaskar va professional ifar;1lar tarafindan, va xususila ailalarda nasildan nasila oturulur. Saharlarda Dada Qorqud dastam u~aq orta maktablarinda muallimlar tarafindan ~agirdlara tadris edilir.

Dada Qorqud dastanmm ifar;1lan bazi qeyri-hokumat ta~kilatlannm va birlikalarinin Ozvlaridir. Onlar arasmda "Yaz1t;1lar Biriliyi" QHT, Simurg QHT va "Yarad1c1 Ta~abbuslar" qeyd etmak olar. Expertlar: Samat alizada, Tofiq Hac1yev, Kamil Valiyev, Elmira Hasanova

icmalarm i§tirak1 barada malumat: Goru~lar: Bak1 ~aharinda 8 goru~ {14.03.2012, 19.03.2012, 28.03.2012, 04.04.2012, 11.09.2012, 09.10.2012, 23.10.2012, 12.11.2012, nag•lr;•lar, orta maktablar, QHT); Quba ~aharinda 2 goru~ (10.04.2012, 24.04.2012, QHT, orta maktablar); Sumqay1t ~aharinda 2 goru~ (29.03.2012, 03.04.2012, nag1l<;1lar); Ganca !jaharinda 2 gorO~ (10.05.2012, 17.05.2012, nag1lr;llar, orta maktablar, ifar;1lar, QHT); Saki ~aharinda 1 goru~ (17.04.2012, Simurq QHT, maktab); Nax~Ivan ~aharinda 2 gorO~ (09.04.2012, 25.04.2012, nagii~IIar); Qazax ~aharinda 1 goru~ (17.10.2012, nagii~IIar, orta maktablar).

Faylm kodu: 0116972 Nazirliyin amri (nomrasi): NQ 00581

5. Element haqqmda malumat

Dada Qorqud dastanmm ~ifahi irsi on iki qahramanllq afsanasi va nagiii asasmda qurulmu~dur va Azarbaycanm muxtalif icmalannda asrlar boyu nasildan-nasla otUrulur. Dada Qorqud Azarbaycan an qadim folklor numunalarindan biridir. Dastanda Azarbaycan xalqm1n tarixi ke~mi~i, vatanparvarlik, qahramanllq, mudriklik, oguz tUrklarinin dunyagoru~u, manavi dayarlari, adat-ananalari aks olunub. Dada Qorqud dilimizin, adabiyyatimizm, dastan yaradiCIIIgimizm, umumiyyatla madaniyyatimizin tarixini oyranmakda boyuk ahamiyyata malikdir. Oguz turklarinin tarixini aks etdiran Dada Qorqud dastam yOksak ba~ari ideallar tarannum~usu kimi aidiyyati icmalann manavi sarvatlar xazinasina daxil olmu~ va madani identikliyin inki~afmda xususi rol oynami~dir. indiki zamanda dastan Oguz madaniyyatina aid olub-olmadJgmdan asiii olmayaraq havaskar va professional ravayat~ilar, hekaya~ilar, ifa~IIar, va xusisila ailalarda u~aqlara deyilir va nasildan nasila otUrulur. Hekaya~i dastanm boylanndan birini se~ir va hekaya O~un mOxtalif dil usullanndan istifada edir. Dada Qorqud dastarunm bir s1ra qadim alyazmalan bu guna qadar qorunub saxlamllb va ravayat~ilar onlann orijinal va ya sadala~dirilmi~ versiyalanndan geni~ ~akilda istifada edirlar. Epos Oguz tayfalannm badii zovqunO, adat-ananasini, manavi-ruhi alamini, alp-aranlik hayatm1 oyranmak u~On boyOk ahamiyyata malikdir. "Dada Qorqud" eposu har birinin oz sujet xatti olan muxtalif boylardan ibaratdir: 1) Dirsa xan oglu Bugacm boyu; 2) Salur Qazanm evinin yagmalandigi boy; 3) Bayburanin oglu Bams1 Beyrak boyu; 4) Qazan bayin oglu Uruz bayin dustaq oldugu boy; 5) Duxa Qoca oglu Dali Domrul boyu; 6) Qanii Qoca oglu Qanturah boyu; 7) Qazhq Qoca oglu Yeynayin boyu; 8) Basatm Tapagozu oldurduyO boy; 9) Bakil oglu imranm boyu; 10) U~un Qoca oglu Sagrayin boyu; 11) Salur Qazan dustaq olub va oglu Uruzun onu xilas etdiyi boy; 12) i~ Oguza DJ~ Oguzun donOk ~1xmas1 va Beyrayin olduyu boy. Boylar eposun Omumi mazmunu, ideyalan ila birba~a, ya da dolays1 ila baghdir. Oguz tayfalan i~ Oguzdan va DI~ oguzdan ibaratdir. Eposun avvalki boylarmda oguzun birliyini butovluyOnu goruruk. Lakin on ikinci boyda birlik pozulur. Dastandaki boylar Dada Qorqudun dilindan verilir, har boy Dada Qorqudun xeyir-duasJ ila bitir. Qorqud Ata - turk, altay va oguz afsanalarinda, nag1llarda va xalq hekayalarinda adi ~akilan va Dada Qorqud olaraq tamnan ozand1r. Dada Qorqud qadim oguzlann kamil bilicisi, agsaqqa1Id1r. Dada Qorqud alina qopuz alaraq oguz igidlarinin qahramanllqlanndan dani~Ir, soy soylay1r, boy boylay1r ki, oguzlann tarixi yadda~larda qalsm. Oguzlar Qorqud atanm maslahatlarina qulaq as1r, ona mOqaddas el agsaqqaii kimi bax1rlar. Oguz elinda Qorqud ata bilici, manavi rahbar hesab olunur, qopuz mOqaddas say11Ir. Xalqm ~ad gOnO Qorqud atanm xeyir duas1 ila tamamlanardi. Catin gunlarda Qorqud atanm maslahatlarina qulaq verilirdi. Oguz icmalan arasmda naraziiiq, mObahisa dO~anda, bir el agsaqqaii kimi Qorqud ata ~agnlardi. Dada Qorqudun dediyi darin manaii kalamlar atalar sozlarina ~evrilarak oguzlann gOndalik hayatmda istifada olunurdu.

Dada Qorqud Hazrati Muhammad s.a.s-m dovrOnda ya~am1~, Oguz hokOmdan inal Sir Yavkuy xan zamanmda el~i sifati ila peygambarin yanma gondarilmi~, ozO islamJ qabul etmi~, Oguzun boyuk xanm1 da mOsalman etmi~dir.

Dada Qorqud dastam Azarbaycanda ya~ayan ~oxlu icmalann dillarinda, dastan yaradJciiiginda, Omumiyyatla icmalann madaniyyatinin tarixini oyranmakda boyuk ahamiyyata malikdir. Dastanm obraz, sujet, motiv va ideyalan Azarbaycan incasanatina, xalq yaradJciiigma, xalq ifa~IIannm sanatina, poeziyasma, adabiyyatma, drammaturgiyasJna gOciO ~akilda tasir etmi~, dastan haqqmda says1z ~eirlar, elmi tadqiqatlar, ara~d1rmalar va zangin badii mazmuna malik asarlar yaradiimi~dir. 6. Elementin oturi.ilmasina dair malumatlar

Tarixan nasildan nasila ~ifahi yol ila ke~an Dada Qorqud dastanmm praktikasmm davam etdirilmasi, tadrisi va tabligi bu gun qeyri-formal yolla (aila Ozvlari arasmda, valdeyinlardan u~aqlara) va dovlat saviyyasinda tadris kursun aynlmaz hissasi kimi u~aq maktablarinda va kolleclarinda, ali va orta tahsil ocaqlarmda geni~ suratda hayata ke~irilir. Ham qeyri-formal, ham da formal otOrOima proseslarinda qadimdan qalm1~ alyazmalann rolu boyOkdur. Dada Qorqud dastam dafalarla mOxtalif formatlarda va u~aqlar O~On sadala~dirilmi~ versiyalarda c;ap olunmu~dur. Ailalarda valideynlar, nanalar va babalar 6z ovladlanda va navalarina asrlar boyunca otl.irOimus sosial va madani dayarlarin oyradilmasi O~On dastanm mazmununu nag1llar kimi otOrullar. Azarbaycanda va onun regionlarmda bu gun yOzlarla orta maktablarda mOallimlar bu dastam seva seva ganc nasila oyradir va belalikla bu sanati yasadaraq galacak nasila otl.irOr. 7. Elementin madani va sosial funksiyalarl

Dastan ~oxsayll sosial va madani funksiyalar da~1y1r. Ailanin ahamiyyati, camiyyatda qadmlarm rolu, paylasma madaniyyati, hamraylik, qonaqparvarlik, adalatlilik, durustiOk va digar iclamalara hormat dastamn asas prinsiplaridir.

Dastan aidiyyati icmalann, xususila oguz tl.irklarinin ke~mi~i va dunyagorusu, vatanparvarlik, qahramanilq, mOdriklik, manavi dayarlari, adat-ananalari barada canclara biliklar oyradir. Ganclar Vatani, yurdu, atam, anam sevmayi Dada Qorqud obrazlanndan oyranirlar. Dada Qorqud dastam qadma yOksak mOnasibati ila se~ilir. Eposun qahramanllq ruhu qadm obrazlannm davramslarmda da aydm gorOnur. Qadm arinin qulluq~usu va ham~inin qabilanin gozallik ramzi kimi bax1rd1lar. Dastanda ana obraz1 xususila diqqati calb edir. 0, vatan ramzi kimi Omumlasdirilir, ana haqq1 Tann haqq1 kimi qiymatlandirilir. Formal tahsilin tarkib hissasi kimi, element turkdilli iclamann tarixi va madaniyyati, insan va tabiat arasmdak1 qarslf1qh alaqalar barada darin biliklara malik olan sifahi irs kimi madani va sosial alaqalari mohkamlandirir va atraf muhitin qorunmasm1 tablig edir.

Elementla bagll bayram tadbirlari Azarbaycanm bir ~ox saharlarinda ke~irilir. Bu tadbirlar yas va cinsindan, sosial xOsusiyyatlarindan as1h olmayaraq muxtalif insanlan bir-birlarini birlasdirir, onlar arasmda sosial alaqalarini gOclandirir va icmalarm madani hayatmda i~tirak etmak imkanlar yarad1r.

8. Elementin cari praktikasmm saviyyasi

121 ala 0 orta 0 zaif 0 .;ox zaif

9. Elementin tacili qorunmaya ehtiyaci (agar varsa)

0 vard1r 121 yoxdur lO.Madaniyyat va Turizm Nazirliyinin aidiyyati ~oba(lar)nin ad1

Madaniyyat va Turizm Nazirliyinin sahar va rayon ~obalari, Nazirliyin Markazi Aparatmm Tahsil !16basi