U. N. Air Attacks Shatter Red Supply Lines Miaa Kibba and Miaa Ethel Robb, Nurses
'^D N E SD AT, SEPTEMBER 18, 1950 •. \ i. Average Didly Net Preea Ran The Weather rofeeaat e< 0. a. Waethae Bwcaa Chapman Court, Ordar at A v a r* Included in tha list o f Connac- For the Meath of Angust, ItSO anth, will m«at Friday aaaning at ticut students who will matriculate Today, eleudy, aoeaeleael Hgkt About Town eight o'clock in tha Maaonle Tam- at Middlebury OoUaga, i Middle- pie. It will ba viaitlng matrons and bury, ’Vermont, this fall are: Nor 9,653 lela end ooel; high near 10; te- « r juiM it f .m n.w su jl . ; A-. ' . '.dlWiAA.vC-. OOBBla Kojr patrons' night. Tba viaitlng ottl- man O. Kittel, son of Mr. and Mrs. nlght, pertly eloady end eoel; low Adolph R. Kittel, 18 Bissell street, Mcmher of the Audit ibM t Md HIM asriMT* Ifdbcrt cars- will confer tha dagraa. A and Richard T. Owens, son of Mr. Bureeo of Clrooletloas near 5*; Friday, pertly eleody. 3r T ta a «r a tN «t mtcrad trmininx social hour will follow with ra- M ancheuter^A City of Village Charm and Mrs. Ray M. Owens. 80 Tan M oM ar at tha HM dl«M z School freahmenta served by Mrs. Olive Fashion Touchdown! Muratac in Mid<lletovni. Tta* in- ner street. • 2 Recave and Mrs. Catherine Urqu- ^ b Ii« fnriiaw n ware welcomed W tba dlreetoc faculty and upper- hart, co-chairmen and their oom- A^ a meeting of tha committee VOL. LXIX, NO. 298 (Cleselflad AdvartWag oa Page 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14.
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