Arxiv:2004.14050V1 [Astro-Ph.SR] 29 Apr 2020

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Arxiv:2004.14050V1 [Astro-Ph.SR] 29 Apr 2020 Draft version April 30, 2020 Typeset using LATEX twocolumn style in AASTeX63 A detailed analysis on the cloud structure and dynamics in Aquila Rift Tomomi Shimoikura,1 Kazuhito Dobashi,2 Yoshiko Hatano,2 and Fumitaka Nakamura3, 4 1Otsuma Women's University ` Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo, 102-8357, Japan 2Tokyo Gakugei University Koganei, 184-8501, Tokyo 3National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan 4Department of Astronomical Science, School of Physical Science, SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan (Accepted April 23, 2020) Submitted to APJ ABSTRACT We present maps in several molecular emission lines of a 1 square-degree region covering the W40 and Serpens South molecular clouds belonging to the Aquila Rift complex. The observations were made with the 45 m telescope at the Nobeyama Radio Observatory. We found that the 12CO and 13CO emission lines consist of several velocity components with different spatial distributions. The component that forms the main cloud of W40 and Serpens South, which we call the \main component", −1 −1 has a velocity of VLSR ' 7 km s . There is another significant component at VLSR ' 40 km s , which we call the \40 km s−1 component". The latter component is mainly distributed around two young clusters: W40 and Serpens South. Moreover, the two components look spatially anti-correlated. Such spatial configuration suggests that the star formation in W40 and Serpens South was induced by the collision of the two components. We also discuss a possibility that the 40 km s−1 component consists of gas swept up by superbubbles created by SNRs and stellar winds from the Scorpius-Centaurus Association. Keywords: ISM: molecules{ISM:clouds{stars: formation, cluster-forming clump 1. INTRODUCTION confirmed (e.g., Nakamura et al. 2011; Shimoikura et al. W40 and Serpens South belong to the Aquila Rift 2015). W40 and Serpens South are one of the most complex, located at ` ' 28:8◦ and b ' 3:5◦. Hun- active star-forming regions in the Galaxy. Figure1(a) dreds of young stellar objects (YSOs) have been iden- shows an overview of the structure of the W40 and Ser- 18 tified in both regions (e.g., Kuhn et al. 2010; Maury pens South regions, along with the distributions of C O et al. 2011; K¨onyves et al. 2015). In a ∼ 11 square emission revealed by our previous studies (Shimoikura degrees field around the regions, K¨onyves et al.(2015) et al. 2018). W40 is an H ii region, also known as Sh-2 64 (Sharp- arXiv:2004.14050v1 [astro-ph.SR] 29 Apr 2020 identified 651 starless cores most of which are gravita- tionally bound prestellar cores through the Herschel ob- less 1959). There are high mass infrared sources in the servations. They also identified more than 400 prestellar central region (i.e., IRS 1A South, IRS 2B, IRS 3A, and cores and estimated the star formation efficiency within IRS 5) that illuminate the H ii region (Smith et al. 1985; an individual prestellar core to be ∼ 40%. The presence Shuping et al. 2012). A dense dark cloud with a diame- 0 of many molecular outflows in both regions also has been ter of about 20 surrounds the H ii region (Vallee 1987; Dobashi et al. 2005; Dobashi 2011). The ages of the YSOs forming in the cloud are estimated to be ∼ 1 Myr Corresponding author: Tomomi Shimoikura (e.g., Kuhn et al. 2010). [email protected] An infrared dark cloud designated Serpens South lies just west of W40. Serpens South is accompanied by 2 T.S. et al. an extremely young cluster (∼ 0:5 Myr old, Gutermuth over ∼ 10 pc, which they called \arcs". They concluded et al. 2008). It is composed of several filaments of gas that the arcs might be created by bubbles converging and dust. toward W40 and Serpens South. They also speculated Nakamura et al.(2014) identified six dense ridges that the interaction of the molecular clouds with the in the filaments that appear to be colliding to form bubbles may have triggered star formation in W40 and the young cluster. Near-infrared polarization observa- Serpens South. However, the relationship between star tions have revealed that the filaments are penetrated by formation in W40 and Serpens South with the surround- globally-ordered magnetic fields. The global magnetic ing gas is still incompletely understood. field is perpendicular to one of the filaments contain- In this paper, we present maps of the 12CO and 13CO ing the young cluster, suggesting that the magnetic field emission lines covering an area of 1 square degree around plays a crucial role in the cloud evolution (Sugitani et al. W40 and Serpens South with an effective beam size of 2010; Kusune et al. 2019). ∼ 2000. In a previous study (Nakamura et al. 2019; Shi- Previous observations using various molecular lines moikura et al. 2018), in addition to the velocity compo- −1 have shown that the two clouds have complex velocity nent at VLSR ∼ 7 km s that contains the W40 and structures (Zhu et al. 2006; Pirogov et al. 2013; Naka- Serpens South clouds, we pointed out the existence of mura et al. 2014; Shimoikura et al. 2015; Shimoikura multiple independent spatial and velocity components. et al. 2018), and they have the same velocity at VLSR ' 7 However, no investigation has been conducted on the km s−1. In our previous paper (Shimoikura et al. 2018), relationship between those components and W40 and we examined the spatial distributions of the clouds. Re- Serpens South. We here investigate the relationship be- sults obtained using the C18O molecular emission line tween the gas dynamics around W40 and Serpens South show that the spatial and velocity structures are dis- and star formation there. tributed continuously across the W40 and Serpens South Estimates of the distance to W40 and Serpens South regions and that they are physically connected (Shi- vary from 250 to 600 pc (e.g., Rodney & Reipurth 2008). moikura et al. 2018). We also found that two elliptical Recently, Ortiz-Le´onet al.(2018) obtained consistent structures centered on the H ii region in the position- results between Gaia DR2 data and the VLBA mea- velocity diagram, indicating that they can be explained surements for the mean parallax in the regions, and they as parts of two expanding shells: one is an inner shell concluded that W40 and Serpens South are located at of ∼ 0:5 pc in diameter centered on the H ii region, and a distance of 436 ± 9 pc. We adopt the distance 436 the other is an outer shell of ∼ 2:5 pc in diameter that pc obtained by Ortiz-Le´onet al.(2018) for the observed corresponds to a boundary of the H ii region. The dense area, which we also used in Shimoikura et al.(2018). gas associated with the young cluster in Serpens South This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we is likely to be located in the outer shell, suggesting that present the observational procedures. The results of the the expansion of the shell induced the cluster formation gas distributions around the observed region are pre- there (Shimoikura et al. 2018). In Figure1(b), we show sented in Section 3; we found several velocity compo- the schematic illustration of the clouds, the filaments, nents and estimated their masses. In Section 4, we dis- and the two shells in the W40 and Serpens South re- cuss the relationship between W40 and Serpens South. gions constructed from the previous results. Finally, we summarize our results in Section 5. It has been suggested that the stellar winds due to the star formation in the Scorpius-Centaurus Associa- 2. OBSERVATIONS tion (Sco OB2) caused sequential star formation and The observations reported in this paper were con- that their influence may also affect the entire Aquila ducted using the 45 m telescope at the Nobeyama Ra- Rift, to which W40 and Serpens South belong (de Geus dio Observatory (NRO) as part of \the Star Formation 1992; Frisch 1995; Preibisch & Mamajek 2008). Star for- legacy project" (Nakamura et al. 2019). We carried mation in Sco OB2 created several large-scale interstel- out mapping observations toward the W40 and Serpens lar H i shells that provide the basis for linking nearby South regions covering an area of 1◦×1◦ using 500 spacing bubble-like structures such as Loop I (e.g., Frisch & and 0.05 km s−1 velocity resolution in the five emission Dwarkadas 2018). From large-scale CO mapping obser- lines, i.e., 12CO (115.271204 GHz), 13CO (110.201354 vations of about 10 square degrees around W40 and Ser- GHz), C18O (109.782176 GHz), CCS (93.870098 GHz), pens South, Nakamura et al.(2017) found that the sur- and N H+ (93.1737637 GHz). The Half Power Beam roundings of W40 and Serpens South also show complex 2 Width (HPBW) of the telescope is ∼ 1500 at 115 GHz. spatial and velocity structures, and they identified mul- We used the FOur-beam-REceiver System on the 45 m tiple large-scale velocity-coherent structures extending Telescope (`FOREST' ; Minamidani et al. 2016) as the W40 and Serpens 3 frontend and the digital spectrometer `SAM45' as the in C18O in panel 3 of spectrum though the emission is backend. Typical system temperatures were ∼ 300 K weak (Tmb ' 1 K). for the 12CO line and ∼ 250 K for the 13CO line. To We compare the distributions of the main and 40 km check the telescope pointing, we observed the SiO maser s−1 components traced in 12CO in Figure5(a). The source V1111-Oph every 1.5 hr and found that the ac- 40 km s−1 component is distributed mainly around the curacy was within ∼ 500.
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