Redermit-5Il Ffis.G Bev COX,B.C

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Redermit-5Il Ffis.G Bev COX,B.C RESULTS.OF THE CANADIAN INDOOR TMCK AND FIELD CHAMPIONSHIPS Held at the Universityof Laval, QuebecCity, on 9th and lOth l'larch1974 I.,OI{ENSI EVENTS 50 Metres (l0thHarch) Heat I Heat 2 [fr-RFt-loND,ontario 6.6 ffi7ie BAtLEY,B.c. 6.6 KarenBEATCH, B.C. 6.9 Jean SPARLING,B.C. 5.8 Janet DICK, SeawayValley 6.9 Clai re l'lASSlCOTTE, Citadel les 6.8 Louise DUllONT,U.S.A.M. 7.3 MoniquePl0N, P.A.T. Jets 7.5 Lucie BLAIS, St. Jean 0.C. 7.3 Heat 3 Heat 4 Cathy ATTARD,0ntario 6.9 frTlf?Tine RACETTE, P. A.T. Jets 6.8 Sandy GUMMES0N,Ottawa K.H. 7.0 Michelle WlLKI E, Lancoursant 6.8 Jill PILGRIM,Hamilton 0.C. 7.O Tinker ROBlNSON,B.C. 5.9 Diedre DOMTY, Riversdale TC 7.1 Lourie THUR,Hamilton 0C 7.0 Debbie ADKINS,St. Jean 0C 7.5 Kathy L0CKE,Hamilton 0C 7.3 FTNAL# I SEMIFINAL # 2 FINAL EEIIF-6.1 mETN-STif-----6.7 frffir i-sA I LEY 6.\ KELLON D 6.3 RACEfiE 5.8 Lyn KELL0ND 6.6 SPARLI NG 6.7 WILKIE 6.8 Jean SPARLfNG 6.7 MASSI C0TTE 5.8 ATTARD 6.9 Tinker ROBINS0N 6.7 BEATCH 6.9 PILGRIM 6.9 Michelle WILKIE 6.8 DICK 7.0 GUMMESON 6.9 Michel i ne RACETTE 6.9 400 METRES(9th March) TimedHeat # I TimedHeat # 2 FFarrcffiffiN5-noN, u. s. A.M. 58.I M5ureen-TTD'SOF,Wi nn i peg Razorbacks 59.2 Janet DlCK, SeawayVal ley 58.5 LynneCLARK, Riversdale TC 60.8 Vera LOI^/E,Vikings 63.9 Timed Heat # 3 TimedHeat # 4 Pam l''IEDLAND,B. C. 57.V' Marg MacGOWAN,0ntario 57.2 Sandra BOHUM,Riversdale TC 59.5 Ci ndy R0BERGE, B.C. 58.3 Michele BONMATI,Lasalle TC 60.8 MaureenMcDERM0TT, Hamilton 0C 58.3 Sandra TRAYN0R,Vikings 62.2 Timed Heat # 5 Brenda WALSH,Edmonton 0C 56.5 TI}IEDFINAL # I TIMEDFINAL # 2 Joan EDDY,0ntario 57.9 rEDERmiT-5il ffis.g Bev COX,B.C. 58.0 c0x 58.0 WALSH 56.2 Carol ine VANDE POLL, 58.6 GENDRON 58.0 MEDLAND 57.3 ROBERGE 59.0 EDDY 57.5 8oomrtnrs (to marcrr) Section I Section 2 Fope sf$"oP, Edmonton oC 2. t7.5 ffi'ND, B.c. 2.14.7 Holly PALYNCHUK,Regina Lions 2.r9.0 Francine GENDRON,U. S.A.t"l. 2.15.9 Sue H0FFART,U of Alberta 2.23.3 Linda JAMES,Galaxy TC 2.15.6 Michele BONMATI,Lasalle TC 2.2\.8 Lynne CLARK,Riversdale TC 2.r8.0 Carole KINGSLEY,P.A.T. Jets 2.24.9 Janet AMES,Sherbrooke 2. t9.7 Vera LOI,/E,Vikings 2.33.6 RESIJLTSPREPARED AND DISTRIBUTED BY THE Box 612, Station F, T0R0NT0,0ntario I ; Section 4 -l DebbieItITCHELL, Ontario 2.t3.7 ffiEdFuRtl, ontario 2.06.0 Caroline VANDE POLL, B.C. 2.r4.I GlendaRElSER,0ntario 2.06.9 DonnaVALAITIS, 0ntario 2.14.3 MaureenCROWLEY, B.C. 2.08.0 l'laureenHUDSON, Winn ipeg Razorbacks2.t4.g Thelmat./RIGHT, B.C. 2.09.7 Chris McKlNNON,Miss issauga TC 2.t5.9 Anne-MarieDAVI S, WinnipegRazorbacks 2.10 .6 Bev C0X,B.C. 2.t7 .7 1500HETRES (9 March) Secti on I Section 2 filffi'es, Galaxy TC 4.39.7 6i eniG' R-E-lsER, on tar io 4.rg. r Katby PROSSER,Seaway Val ley 4.45.6 ThelmaWRIGHT,, B.C. \.21.9 Sue HOFFART,U of Alberta \.47.4 Anne Marie DAVIS,Winnipeg Razorbacks\.26.9 Carole KINGSLEY,P.A.T. Jets 5.08.5 Debbie l,tITCHELL, 0ntar io \.32.8 Hope BlSHOP,Edoonton 0.C. 4.40.4 SusanSPENCE, 0ntario 4.$3.9 t0. r5.0 Sally BEACH,0ntario \. \7 .7 DonnaPANTON, Vikings 10.52.\ Holly PALYNCHUK,Regina Lions 4.48. 7 Sigrid NAD0N,CA Sherbrooke r0. 58.0 Helen R0CHEFORT,C.AllU. L. il. t5.2 Huguette DUSSAULT,Antelopes 11.23.4 50 METRESHURDLES (9 MaTch) Heat I Heat 2 fi7DTt"tl,tAtt,on rar io 7.5 5uE-ETFot-EY,ontario 7.6 Karen BEATCH,B.C. 7.8 Diane JONES,U of Saskatchewan 7.6 Chris SAULL,W. lsland TC 7.8 Moi ra 0'NEI LL, Unattached 7.7 Helene LEPINAY,C.A.U. L. 8.3 Alyse PLAMONDON,Tardivel 8.r Virginia FISHER,[i.of Saskatchewan8.4 Heat 3 FINAL Jean SPARLING,B.C. 7.6 FDIFiI4AN 7.\ Moyra McDlLL, 0ttawa K.H. 7.9 Sue BRADLEY 7.\ BLAIS, Stade Hullois 8.1 Louise Diane JONES 7.5 Jean SPARLING 7.6 Moira 0'NEI LL 7.8 4 x 4OOMETRES ETiffiTIfrS-ia 3.52.\ U of Saskatchewan 3.55.6 British Columbia 3.59.8 HIGHJUMP (10 March) I .55 I .60 | .65 r .70 | .73 | .76 1.79 Ann FlLl0N, Diablos P o xooxo o XXX Brigitte BITTNER,0ntario P P xooo XX9 XXX Harie-Josee TURC0TTE,Montreal Int' I P P oxoxo xxx Karen HLADKI,0ntario P o x9 XXX Sylvie B0UCHARD,Montreal lnt'l P o xg xxx Lyse LAFONTAINE, Montreal I ntr I P o x9 xxx Holly PALYNCHUK,Regina Lions XO o XXX Loretta AMER0NGEN,Edmonton 0C o xg XXX Virginia FISHER,U. of Saskatchewan x9 xxx LONGJUMP (9 march) Diane J0NES,U of Saskatchewan F 5.07 F 5.09 5.93 5.95 Ann BRYAN,Ontario 5.59 5.28 5.27 TE 5.40 5.46 Sandy GUMMES0N,Ottawa K. Harriers 5.22 5.31 ,F 5.26 5.08 5.22 Kate REED,U of Alberta 5.01 ffi 5.t2 5.00 5.16 4.91 Marjolaine GERMAIN,C.A.U.Q.T. R. 4.86 E5'i- F P PP Page 2 SH0TPUT (10 lta,rchl Jane HAlSTrOntarlo I 5.31 1,5.41 l 4.89 15.32 15.53 15.00 Diane JONES,U of Saskatchewan r3.50 13.51 F r4.01 irr4g' t\.42 Lucette il0REAU, l,lontrea I I nt ' I 13.01 13.97 FF t2.70 12.54 DoreenJONES, U of Alberta 12.02 F | 2.00 n.72 ll'74 F PamSCOTHORU, Ontario ffi I t.14 r0.41 1t.20 1r.55 I r.3l iloniquePl0N, P.A.T. Jets F 9.77 t0.59 10.25 10.24 F ONTARIOSPLITS - TMCK EVENTS 8oomEtnEs at 200m at 400m at 500rn Hoffman 33 64 .35 Reiser 33 65 .3( Mitchel I 32 65 .39 Valaitis 32 66 .40 McKinnon 32 66 .40 I 5OOMETRES -rat 400m at 800m at 1200 Reiser 6v 2. t7 3.27 Mitchel I 67 2.20 3 '36 Spance 6l 2.25 3.46 Beach 68 2,22 3.44 Prosse r 7l 2.28 3.45 We apologize to Kim Stairs, winner of the 1000 metres, for not taking her splits. N.B: Teammembers competing in the 50 metres and 50 metres hurdles should not feel disillusioned with the published times, which although being the official times of the Championships,are probably slorr^rerthan the times actual ly achieved. The timing device used by the Meet Committeestarts automatically with the firing of the pistol, but is stopped manually by a team of 3 timekeepers, each holding a timing'plunger'. Tests have concluded that it take.s about 20/lOOth of a second for a skilled timekeeper to push the plunger following the finish of the race he is timing. As a result, a sprinter who records, say 5.7 secondson an ordinaty watch, is shown as recording 5.7 plus 20/l00th, for an announcedofficial time of 5.90, later converted to an inaccurate 5.9 Following the 1973 Championships,the 0TFCbrought this matter to the attention of the F.A.Q. and the C.T.F.A. No action was taken. Another protest will be filed this month. Page l I'IENS' EVENTS 5o NEtnEs(lo ltarctr) Heat I Heat 2 CiT;a6' MoNMtNY, c.A.e.T. R. 5.t ffio'oolNG, Queensuniversi ty 5.1 Ted NEPTUNE,Hamilton 0C 6.r DaveMILGMH, Scarboro OPt imists 5.1 Asquith WILLIAMS,East York TC 6.\ ClaudeC0RRIVEAU, C.A.U.l'1. 6.5 WinstonWALC0TT, East York TC 6.5 Heat 3 Heat 4 Paul TURC0T,W. lsland TC 6.1 FGn-rnnsER,ontario 6.0 Jean-MarcDUGUAY, C.A.U.M. 6.t Barry B0YD,U of Alberta 6.2 Charles FRANCIS,0ntario 6.3 DominiqueST. JEAN, St. Jean 0C 6.2 Floyd CARTER,East York TC 6.\ NormandPONTON, P.A.T. Jets 6.6 Charles DESBIENS'Marievi I le 6.7 Heat 6 Brian FRYER,U of Alberta 6.2 IffiTALKeR, Scarboro Optimi sts 6.1 Hurray DELORME,0ntario 6.3 RomainGUTTER, U of Alberta 6.3 Don GAUTHIER,Diablos 5.3 GiI les RHEAULT,Pied 6.4 Gi lles GRENIER,C.A.U.L. 6.3 HermanCARTER, U of W. Ontario 6.5 Gord STEWART,B.C. 6.5 Gilles FRENETTE,Tardivel 5.7 Victor MARCHIEL,U of Alberta 6.5 SEMIFINAT # I SEMI FINAL# 2 FINAL fr-dffirNY- 5.9 FRASER 5 .9 mffiT'O-NrMtNY 5.9 WALKER 6.1 NEPTUN E 6.1 Hugh FRASER 5.0 GOODING 6.1 TURCOT 5. I Ted NEPTUNE 6. BOYD 6.2 MI LGRAM 6.2 Merv WALKER 6. DE LORME 5.2 FRYER 6.2 Vic G00DlNG 6. DUGUAY 5.2 GUTTER 6.2 Paul TURC0T 6.2 loo METRES(9 March) Timed Heat # I Timed Heat # 2 ioiffiTTF-, u or w. ontario 51.2 6ill-EIUET';Tof Sas lcat chewan 50.0 Bruce BAUER,U of Saskatchewan 52.I WayneGHANS, U of W.
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