Imperial Cars
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THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE- - MAY 31, 1914. 15 A AMUSEMENTS AT FORD Inspected and explalntd. The trip will was In excess of T0 pounds, this New PLANT be well worth while to visitors Interested York performance hlch comes within In In one-tent- h Chicago -- seeing a mammoth plant action. of a mite of the record, . -- proves Chandler guarantee of 16 Nobby V Guide Sells of Hia runny 'J&perl-- that the miles to gallon Is, to say the least, Sfll13 ences the with Visitors. Cartercar Without extremely conservative. -- Reg. U.S.PL Office ? Not "to X outdone by New' Tork and tCnX AMATEURS GET IN THE WAY Clutch or Gears is Chicago. A. Trust Tochtmann. head of tho Toehlmann Automobile Co., Haiti, sTN jLnt to Tonch RrerythlnK Thcr See Car for the Women more, Md., took a stock Chandler and find Thna Hinder "Workmen made 21 miles to tho gallon without dis- engaging his clutch In cither ascending Foolish Qumtlona A.ked The bugbear of driving n motor car ns far as women aro concerned Is the shift- or descending the Baltimore hilts. Poeht by 31 a nr. ing of gears, according to Harry R. Had-for- d, mann writes that ho Is convinced that If vice president and general manager he had coasted down the hills the Chand-h- e DETROIT. Mich., May Sb.-'-- Yss" and of the Cartercar company, lontlac, Mich., could easily have made 24 miles to the James, & EUlda nt tho Jord plant, no who avers that If It were not for thin un- gallon. ljava spme amuslnc experiences. People pleasant annoying Save and feature bt miny I no Idea .of tho extent of the plant of the earn there would be a great many PRICE OF GOODYEAR BLOCK ueiora tnejr taKo a trip through It and more women drivers. many of them have bH little Idea of "Tho gcarless transmission of tho Car- TRUCK TIRES IS REDUCED what they have seen after they havo tercar eliminates the clutch and rears gone through. and for that reason wo feel perfectly safe The .Goodyear Tiro and Itubber com comparisons y "And the they make aro a In saying that tho Cartercar Is ssn-tlall- pany has Just announced a reduction of big laugh. They are always trying to a woman's car," says Mr. ltadfrd. Approximately 5 per cent In the price of size Up something by tho alio of Nino "It Is operated as easily as an electric Goodyear Individual Block Motor Truck thing they aro familiar with. vehicle, yet it has tho of any gaso- tires. "A big- farmer .was going through one-da- line car. Any woman or child cm oper- According to advice received from the and when he passed tho gear cuttlnn ate a Cartercar In a few minutes after factory at Akron, O., this was made pos machines with tho streams of soft soap they have' sat under tho steering wheel." sible by the constantly Increasing d playing on the metnl to cool It, ho said: "Mrs, James J, Starror, tho wlfo of mand for this typo of tire by motor 'Gee, them look like a. bunch of cream the well known financier of Hoston, Is truck operators. Raising the production separators.' the owner of two Cartcrcais as well as volume lowered the cost to an extent suf. "Then they get funny Ideas of what several other types of automobiles that tlctent to warrant a 6 per cent decrease they aro going to see. I was taking' a require gear shifting. She finds tho Car- In selling prlco which put the Block tire party of women through one day and tercar Ideal for her use and gets the ease on the same basis with the Endless tire. one asKea mo .wnero mo Bi&ugmer nous of operating and rango that she would In other words, a truck owner can now was. That' was a new one and I stuttered, not get with an electric vehicle. Although buy a Block tire at the same prlcq hi I guess, asking her what she meant. she has five automobiles, she may bo would have to pay for a demountable or " 'Why,' says she, 'I read a piece in seen almost any day driving along tho Prcs8ed-o- n tire. the paper about thousands of cows that roads around Lincoln and Boston In fair ore killed every year to furnish the weather or bad weather In her Cartercar AMERICAN CAR COMMENDED leatflfT for the upholstery and I wanted coupe, xfor she likes that best of alt. to see tho slaughter houses.' BY EXPERTS IN ENGLAND Much Thicker Tires "One of he funniest was a bunch of Englishmen that was hero. n telling Chandler Oar Adds That there Is merit In American cars all about tho enormous 'quantities of has nt last come to be recognized by the You get out of a tire in real wear just what the manufacturer puts material used I told him- that the screws to Its Own Record English. With reticence and their used In .all tho 1S3.W0 cars made this natural prejudice, It Is truo, yet, never into the tire. U It should mark the beginning of year put end to end would stretch by C. A, theless. out Word has Just been received more friendly rivalry' and a better from hero to Cleveland and stick Emlee, sales manager of the Chandler a ceptlon cars abroad, cross-sectio- ns away over Ohio. Motor company, economy of American Actual measurements of of leading " you cwn.'t y'know,' Car of another Ixjndon Times' In an article puh the makes of rough "But do It, said test made by the Automobile club of Tho u recently commends the modern ono tho Britishers. America at New York City, which llshed tread and smooth tires prove " do what?' says I. construction of motor cars "hailing from tread that the tread of "Nobby Tread" Tires 'Pan't credits the with twenty-fou- r " 'Stretch those blooming screws from Chandler the United States," choosing the Oak and three-tenth- s miles to gallon of 'be- 'the cars. is very much thicker than other tires. to Cleveland,' ho answered, 4 land as representative of American Detroit gasqllhe. Is re- you Couldn't together The record considered reality resume of cause attach them view was Tho artlclo 'Is in a they would Interforo "with naviga- markable in of tho fact that it as compared with and made driving through the traffic of American tendencies tion.' , English European designs and that This unusual extra thickness in addition to the 'thick, strong shoe ... Central at an average speed of and extra VCan you beat that? Well, those aro Park the writer was still unwilling to concede twenty-on- o miles on a very oilly samples of what wo get every day. an hour, superiority is evidenced by the windy day, rain threatening and the American underneath means just so much more real tire wear. 'And some of tho people who go heading of tho article which reads "Br! temporaturo registering 38 degrees. traough can't neem to understand things tlsh Influcnco on American Cars." atwlt, Jot fohg ago when It was Coming close on tho heels of the Chi- This is one of the reasons why experts call "Nobby Treads" that we wero making a car a cago .Automobile club's official test, In Ston That Gonxb, was towing a crowd of business which a stock Chandler light-weig- six Dr. King's New Discovery will do it; mliipte I economy rneB through. They wcro evidently here broko the. World's record, get a bottle today a quick, safe, sure forifsome convention. "When wo got 'to showing 24.4 to the gallon while car- cough and cold remedy. 60o and $1.00. All th'Sj assembling floor one of them, a rying four people, whose combined weight druggists. Advertisement. haip-heade- d old chap who acted all the time as though hb was from the heart i . ... oi (Jjllseouri, puiica out..... nis watcn ana if to carefully follow the labors of Bu crew. When the car that Tires Sssembly up was run out on tho asis loVWnsr platform, ho snapped his watch shirk waved his hand and, said disdain Automobile owners everywhere are rapidly learning to buy tires on fully: a " '.I .knew It was., a fake.' , . real business basis, viz: the basis of ultimate economy. " 'What Is a fake?" asked one of his companions. ' " 'This building a car every minute,' And remember this investigations prove that with "Nobby Tread" he answered. 'I havo' timed these men hero and It took eleven minutes to put Tires punctures are 90 less than with the that ca together.' average tire. "They all klhd'of fell for it for a minute md' looked at me reproachfully, as though These are the reasons why "Nobby T had picked their" pockets or something. Tread" Tires are today the " 'But.' says I, 'you don't seem to have largest selling high-grad- e anti-ski- d tires grasped the point. Look at ail the other in the world. crews. who are lining out a car .very eleven, minutes. The Ford company Based upon their remarkable mileage records doesn't say. that tt builds a car every minute. That Is Impossible, of course.' "Tho worst thing we go against, though, is tho amateur .investigators who want Greatest Service at to' put their fingers Into everything. Most of the people who make the trip through, Least Cost! tho plant are content to watch and let H We've built service into every part of Imperial cars.