Papel do empreendedor na criação de empresas inovadereas na FRANCA 1. INTRODUCTION What is innovative entrepreneurship?

• The entrepreneurial approach requires: • a break with the past (innovation) • a portion of irrationality (entrepreneur is thus opposed to homoeconomicus of neoclassical theory) • and thus ...... a risk-taking • the meeting between a project (business) based on innovation and a man (the entrepreneur) • a culture (entrepreneurship) What are entrepreneurs for?


Innovation Market

They ensure and manage innovations and enable finance and further development in order to bring them to the market. This involves creative new business models as well as identifying market opportunities. The most obvious kind of entrepreneurship is founding a new business. The origin of entrepreneurship : in

? Its functions ? its place ? its qualities and responsibilities ? its environment "ecosystem“. the “grip of the state free from the shackles of regulation relieve weight bureaucracies protect from taxes Jean-Baptiste SAY (1767-1832) Typology of entrepreneurs

Necessity Adaptation Opportunity Vocation • Creators by • Creators by • Creators by Creators by "necessity“, which "adaptation“, "opportunity“, "vocation“, which are mostly which, because of and often before have a very high formerly their low level of choosing to start level of education unemployed education, are their own and the pursuit of seeking to create looking for job business in order the profession their own jobs opportunities or to improve their often through self- income; situation employees; employment (if professional). A pragmatic definition of entrepreneurship

« L’esprit d’entreprendre consiste non seulement en la capacité à avoir des idées nouvelles et à prendre des risques pour les mettre en oeuvre, mais également en la capacité à manager et à mener à bien un projet » .

Bertrand Collomb – Président d’honneur du groupe LAFARGE Main values that define startup entrepreneurs 2. ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN FRANCE Stimulate entreneurial culture in France

Comparison between a "Darwinian“ culture conducive to entrepreneurship and innovation and a "Lamarckian" culture more conducive to major planned projects:

• Darwinian culture • Continental Europe • Hierarchy of schools • "I did Polytechnique" " • Uniformity of elite • Large enterprises • Model Engineering • Led innovation • CAC 40

• Lamarckian culture • USA • Diversity Excellence • "I created a business" • Diversity of Elite • Small Business Act • Model Researcher • Entrepreneurial innovation • NASDAQ Focus on the number of creation and desire to create in FRANCE Panorama of entrepreneurship in FRANCE The JEI program: “Jeunes Entreprises Innovantes” Who are the JEI in FRANCE? (1)

• 3/4 have implemented an innovation project • 1/4 has at least one patent • 3/10 are Microenterprise less than 3yo, half of are newly created • 4/10 are SMEs over three years, half of which has more10 years of existence Who are the JEI in FRANCE? (2) Who are the JEI in FRANCE? (1) 3. FRENCH INNOVATIVE ENTREPRENEURS: PLURAL OR A SINGULAR PROFILE? Do you know this SUPERman ? It’s a French innovative entrepreneur Innovative entrepreneurs see themselves in these appellations

The innovative company, as a practical, to: o an ambitious undertaking o with a high growth o able to take risks and constantly reinvent itself emancipating codes and traditional ways of working o erecting the welfare and the comfortable environment of work and uninhibited as a rule o in which their employees adhere to and all share a value system around the joint project of innovation 3 different profiles for starturpers in FRANCE

The new Galilée The ambitious The builders conquerors The new Galilée

A foremost inventor profile

They have often an old and very personal idea dear to their heart. It is accompanied by a strong desire to achieve and a belief (almost mystical) its merits

The new Galilée are: o passionate, envious of transmitting and sharing o dynamic and creative individuals who love to shake and stir o they are utopians with a mode of empirical The ambitious conquerors

Entrepreneurs primarily

They got the idea shortly before the creation of their business and have been influenced by success story, startups and figures (Zuckerberg, Jobs)

The ambitious conquerors: o describe themselves as visionary, ambitious, business-man, avant-garde o say they are charismatic and difficult to follow

Starturpers generally older, more experienced The builders

A desire to become entrepreneurs primarily and develop sustainable companies and jobs

A more pragmatic and realistic approach to adventure startup

Their strengths : o analysis, strategy, preparation

The builders are: o more structured management of their innovative company o oriented coordination talent profiles, organizing teams around a common goal Recognation of French innovators

• These young innovators by MIT French rewarded as the most talented in the World (April 2014) • A virus that treats blindness, a drug against the effects of radiation, mini-satellites ... Here are the best inventions dreamed up by French under 35yo 4. How we stimulate innovation in France? Define a policy and governance of innovation

• 7 components for innovation policy: • Inspiration « setting ambitious goals » « 7 i » • Intention « making innovation-based competitiveness a national priority » • Insight « improving understanding of innovation performance » • Incentives « encouraging innovation, production and jobs », • Institutional innovation • Investment « increased public funding for innovation » • Information technology. How an innovative startup can grow in FRANCE?

The entrepreneur needs a fertile field and different tools to fuel growth The French dynamic of innovation

• FRANCE action to promote innovation and entrepreneurship:

1 Secrétariat d'Etat à la Recherche 1 Haut Conseil de la Science et de la Technologie 1 Agence d’évaluation de la Recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur 1 Agence Nationale de la Recherche 1 Commissariat général aux investissements (ex-Grand Emprunt) 1 Dispositif de soutien à l’innovation des PME : BPIFrance 8 Instituts de recherche technologique 9 Instituts pour la transition énergétique 9 Centres ou réseaux thématiques de recherche et de soins 13 Réseaux thématiques de recherche avancée 15 Pôles de recherche et d’enseignement supérieur, les PRES : ils regroupent plusieurs universités et/ou grandes écoles sous un même chapeau. 16 Organismes de recherche : CNRS, CEA, CNES, INRIA en tête 18 Centres techniques sectoriels : dont le Cetim, le CSTB… 27 Incubateurs pour jeunes pousses 33 Instituts Carnot 54 Technopoles 70 Centres régionaux pour l’innovation et le transfert de technologie (CRITT) 71 Pôles de compétitivité Status of auto-entrepreneurship in FRANCE French competitiveness clusters

A competitiveness cluster is a local cluster for businesses, research centers and training organisations working in partnership under a common development strategy aimed at fostering synergies for innovative projects carried out jointly and aimed at specific markets. Priorities to support innovation in all its forms A bank dedicated to supporting innovation A new deal for innovation in FRANCE

• This "new deal for Innovation", 7 areas of major based on 40 cross, complete innovations which France has potential: steps and reinforces the sectoral > The energy storage. approach of the 34 shots of New > The recycling of materials: rare metals Industrial France and 7 ambitions > The development of commission "Innovation 2030". marine resources: metals and desalination of seawater > Vegetable proteins and plant chemistry? > The individualized medicine? > The Silver Economy, Innovation for longevity? > Valuation massive data (Big data) A new deal for innovation in FRANCE (1)

“Innovation by all” : to mobilize all forms of innovation, all the talents of the company French, by acting on the cultural barriers and equal opportunities, encouraging initiative, creativity, project work, the taste of the industry and entrepreneurship in all stages of education and in society. A new deal for innovation in FRANCE (2)

“Open Innovation” : supporting ecosystem dynamics, knowledge transfer and technology between research and business, and the meeting between major groups and SMEs in our territories. A new deal for innovation in FRANCE (3)

“Innovation for Growth” : boosting innovative companies and provide environmental favorable to their growth to become the champions of tomorrow. A new deal for innovation in FRANCE (4)

“Public innovation” : lead a coherent public policy of coordinated innovation and efficient, and open to public policy innovation at the service of citizens. 5. INNOVATION FOR SOCIAL BUSINESS IN FRANCE What role for social entrepreneurship in FRANCE

• Social Entrepreneurship, which aims to combine economic efficiency and social impact, is experiencing significant growth.

• Conducive to innovation, they meet little or no social needs covered by the public sector or market. Social Economy in FRANCE

• In FRANCE, the Social Economy includes cooperatives, mutual societies, associations and foundations.

• It now employs 2.3 million employees in 215,000 structures and manages including 90% of institutions for the disabled, 45% of nursing homes and more than 60% of personal services. The co-creation

• corresponds to the activity of conducting a process of developing a product or service, often innovative, involving the end user.

expanding digital potential to better integrate into society Social entrepreneurship in the service of social innovation: French examples

SOS has diversified and now operates in many areas (health, social, medical and social, education, integration, fair trade). Social entrepreneurship • The Association for the Right in the service of to Economic Initiative (ADIE) social innovation: finance microentrepreneurs unbanked through microcredit French examples inspired by Muhammad Yunus . • Since its inception in 1989, 93000 microloans were granted for a total of EUR 255 million, for helping 71910 companies and 92694 jobs created until 2010. Social entrepreneurship in the service of social innovation: French examples

• Founded by 2 former sport teachers

• Siel Bleu service preventive public health through appropriate physical activity for both the employee at the company dependent elderly person in an institution

• According to the McKinsey study, generalizing activities blue Siel to all French and focusing only on two conditions (falls and type II diabetes) a savings of €15 billion was obtained in three years, and €59 billion between 2012 and 2020 Locate and expand promising initiatives

• The "Fabrique initiatives" conducted by AVISE for 2 years through an experiment in 5 territories, works as an "entrepreneurs detector" that identifies the needs of a territory, confirms the market opportunity, the carrier determines relevant and generates the creation of social enterprise. 6. EDUCATION Developing a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship: from small school .. to university Creativity and innovation in French school

• Innovation is primarily a matter of individuals, state of mind and ambition for the company and for themselves.

• Cultural diffusion of innovation and entrepreneurship is vital.

• Teaching methods need to value risk-taking and initiatives, particularly through initiatives project, alone and in groups, and experimental approaches. Creativity and innovation in French education

• Innovation is primarily a matter of individuals, state of mind and ambition for the company and for themselves. These cultures are closely linked: visionary, • Cultural diffusion of innovation risk-taking, acceptance and entrepreneurship is vital. and learning from failure, capacity for initiative, • Teaching methods need to project culture and desire value risk-taking and initiatives, for achievement are the particularly through initiatives main components. project, alone and in groups, and experimental approaches. Learning computer programming from the primary / secondary

• Scratch: a programming language • "Lifelong Kindergarten" ("Maternal throughout life") at MIT MediaLab. • Scratch allows us to offer a more hands-on learning, based on innovation and forward creativity. • It is based on the appetite of youth for the digital and enhances their interest in the sciences and d technology. Remarkable examples of community initiatives (1)

• Creation of mini-entreprises in primary school and college : « Entreprendre pour Apprendre » • A Mini or Young Enterprise Company is a real business created by high school students for an academic year, and supervised by a teacher and a professional. • The Mini Company works on the model of a public company and developing a product or service for marketing. • The organization of Mini and Junior Achievement Business: more than 12,000 young people involved in 700 mini- enterprises in 2010-2011.

The association “100,000 entrepreneurs" organizes stories of entrepreneurs in institutions school, to transmit the entrepreneurial spirit, the desire to lead ... Remarkable examples of community initiatives (2)

• The "hands-on" is an innovative educational program,introduced in France in 1996 by Georges Charpak, Nobel Prize in physics. • The experimental approach, rather than the transmission of theoretical knowledge is enhanced. • This program also allows students to perform with a real speaking labor: children learn to explain reasoning, using the occasion of sophisticated terms. Promotion of innovation in French universities

• A major program for entrepreneurship learning in higher education • A special effort must be focused on entrepreneurship learning in higher education, whose graduates are naturally the first pool of creators innovative company. Partnership and transfer towards innovation

• Encouraging mobility of researchers between Public and Private

• A CIFRE (Industrial Convention for Research Training) binds a student and the graduate school at a company. • The PhD student can devote his time to his research, he performed in the company and / or its university research laboratory. In return, the company receives a grant from the ANRT (National Association for Technical Research). • The "flow of intelligence" plays a vital role in the innovation economy, particularly in the context of open innovation. In this context, we must encourage the mobility of researchers and entrepreneurs between the public and the private sector through the implementation of an ambitious program. 30 PEPITES in FRANCE Pôles Etudiants pour l’Innovation, le Transfert et l’entrepreneuriat

Funding of € 4.6 million 3 years for training, support and places dedicated (fablabs, coworking, hubhouses). Student-entrepreneur in FRANCE

• Objective of the plan? allow the creation or continuation of 20 000 firms for student from higher university education within 4 years • Creation of degree dedicated to entrepreneurship and innovation • Creation of “Contrat d’Appui au Projet d’Entreprise” CAPE Spirit of training for innovation

Masters Innovation and entrepreneurship in FRANCE are based on key principles:

“Audacity” “Innovation and creativity” “Spirit team” Have the independence of Observe problems from novel Learn to create, communicate spirit to explore new roles, angles and implement creative and share ideas with people of ideas and strategies and be solutions. different thoughts. able to defend his convictions

“Reflection” “Curiosity” Apply its thinking skills critically Loving explore concepts, ideas and creatively to approach and global problems. Through complex problems and make this, acquire extensive and reasoned, ethical decisions. varied knowledge. List of traning in Master in innovation in FRANCE (1)

• Université 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne Master 2 Innovation et Management des Technologies •

• Polytechnique – HEC – MINES Paris Tech – TELECOM Paris – Université Paris-Dauphine Master Projet Innovation Conception •

• EMLYON MS Management de la Technologie et de l'Innovation •

• Toulouse Business School MS Management de l'Innovation Technologique • innovation-technologique List of traning in Master in innovation in FRANCE (2)

• Université Paris-Dauphine – INSTN/CEA – ENS Cachan – MINES ParisTech Master 236 MTI - Management de la Technologie et de l'innovation - M2 mixte PRO et Recherche •

• Grenoble Ecole de Management MS Management Technologique et Innovation •

• • Ecole Centrale de Paris MS Innovation & Transformation •

• Arts et Métiers ParisTech MS Management Stratégique du Changement par l'Innovation • List of traning in Master in innovation in FRANCE (3)

• IAE Aix Graduate School of Management Master of Global Innovation Management • management/

• ESIEE Paris MS Innovation Technologique et Management de Projet •

• IAE Bordeaux Master 2 Innovation Technologique et Gestion Industrielle •

• IAE PARIS Management de projets internationaux et gestion d’innovation • management-de-projets-et-inn List of traning in Master in innovation in FRANCE (4)

• INSEEC PARIS Master Business Innovation et Stratégie entrepreneuriale • innovation-strategie-entrepreneuriale.cfm

• IAE Grenoble Master Management de l’innovation et des Technologies •

• IAE Lille • Master Stratégie d’innovation et dynamiques entrepreuriales • innovation-strategie-entrepreneuriale.cfm

• Université de Reims Master Entrepreneuriat et innovation • entrepreneuriat-et-innovation-(m2) Master in innovation and Technologies Management Université PARIS 1 SORBONNE Cooperation with BRASIL? 7. CONCLUSION Obrigado !