2-3 December 2019 UNESCO Bangkok Building, Kingdom of Thailand

Environmental Status and Needs Environment in

1. Bae PHEAXAY. Vice Dean, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, NUoL 2. Keopaseuth INTHISONE, DEQP, MONRE Content

1. Lao PDR & Current Environmental Status 2. Challenges and opportunity 3. Needs for , technology and Cooperation Lao PDR in ASEAN

https://jclao.com/laos-to-eliminate-asean-import-tariffs-by-2018/ ’s Democratic Republic Current Environmental Status

Rich of Biodiversity Current Environmental Status

isionV towards 2030

trategyS towards 2025

Five earsY ctionA lanP “Making Lao PDR Green, 2016 2020 Clean and Beautiful, based “Ensure and implement an on Green Economic effective and efficient Growth, to ensure natural resources Sustainable Resilient management system to Development and Climate support the national Change Adaptation” “Ensure an effective and economic development in efficient natural resources the direction of green management system to growth to achieve support the national sustainable development” economic development in the direction of green growth to achieve sustainable development” Policies and Legislation

• The 8th National Socio-Economy Development Plan (2016-2020) • National Green Growth Strategy. • Environment Protection Law (Revised Version). • The National strategy on education and environmental awareness and climate change (2018-2025) • The Guideline of Green, Clean and Beautiful Laos • Etc. Challenges (SDG)

SDG of Lao PDR

The United Nation in Laos, 2017 Challenges (Dangerous waste)

- >2,000,000 tons explosive ordnance were dropped on Laos - >1.3 Million UXO items destroyed since 2010 - >30,000 ha successful cleared

https://www.la.undp.org/content/dam/laopdr/docs/Project%20Br iefs_Fact%20Sheets/UXO/UNXO%20Lao%20brochure.pdf Challenges (Climate change)

Mekong at August 2018 at Parkse August 2018 Total effected 13 provinces, 55 districts Total economic lose 371,5 million USD Vientiane Time, 2018 Challenges (Climate change)…

Drought in North & central part of country in 60 years round

National Geoghaphic, July, 2019

- >5,000 ha paddy rice can not planted - > 30,000 Million

Lao Kip NamNgum, Aug. 2019 Challenges (Waste)

Sources of Solid waste

Domestic Agriculture Mining- Chemical

Industrial Commercial

• Total Avg. 0.65 kg/ps/day Or 4,550 tones/day • Vientiane, 0.70 kg/ps/day Or 500 tones /day. • Plastic (12%) 78 tones/day VUDAA, 2017 Import & Export of Plastic Products in South East Asia

Source: Plastic Institute of Thailand, 2014. Trend of solid wastes by VTE Waste Collection Service

Source: VCOM (2018). Types of solid wastes

Source: Naofumi et al. (2018) Solid waste management process

2018 Challenges (Pop.-Waste)

Population growth

https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/laos-population/t Challenges (Air-Water)

- 2013 have 1,577,184 vehicles - 2015 have 1,717,504 vehicles,

- 1,326,868 motorcycles - 337,449 cars and - 53,187 trucks


https://laotiantimes.com/2016/10/06/pesticide-use-popular-among-farmers/ Assume

E-learning program - Inadequate technology as well VUDAA, 2014 as edu. & public participation Social Environmental Education and Development (SEED)

ພວກເຮົ າແມ່ ນຄອບຄົ ວ ຊີ ດ We are SEED Family https://www.facebook.com/Zero-Waste-Laos-101953477839177/?tn-str=k*F Needs for Environmental Education, Technology and Cooperation

• Strategy and Roadmap for EV-Edu-Tech. • Formal Education in EV-Edu. (BSc-EE program) • Informal Education (Campaign, Waste Edu.Center…) • Research on best option for EV-Edu-Tech. Especially SMART Solid waste, waste water treatment in urban… • Mobile-Capacity Building for Commune-EV-Edu. • Regional, International cooperation for Lesson learnt & technology transfer. Thank you

Lao tourism organization