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The Professional Two-Monthly Magazine Of Rail Transport Worldwide Volume 12 No. 4/12 € 10.00 Railvolution No. 4/12

RegioJet Activities Warszawa’s Inspiro HKX Service Starts Up The Next Generation Train EP20: An In-Depth Examination Lay R 412 tisk 4 p75-98_Lay R 408 22.8.12 23:52 Page 76

On 3 July 2012 state ope- More Talgo Stock Enters Service In rator Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ) inaugurated a new passenger service traversing the country from north to south, and radically reducing journey times.

Trains 151 and 152 link -2 in the south with Petropavl near the Russian border (260 km west of ), taking just under 19 hours for the 1,884 km run. Hitherto the fastest jour- ney time on this route was 30 hours. Northbound the train takes 18 h 45, southbound, 18 h 54, averaging a speed of 97.5 km/h. Departures from Almaty-2, which is at the end of a 9 km branch running south from Almaty-1, at 18.14 are on odd-numbered days of the month, reaching Petropavl at 10.59 the follow- ing day. Southbound the trains leave Petropavl at 14.45, on even-numbered Photo: Mikhail Utkin days of the month, reaching Almaty-2 at 11.39 the following day. The trains are composed of 19 Talgo and (2,695 km). Journey times cars - 15 with Tourist class seating, on the Astana to Atyrau run will be Photo: KTZ a cafeteria car, restaurant car, and two reduced from 34 to 19 hours. In 2014 service cars. In all 256 seats are pro- will follow Astana - and - vided. The service is branded „Zhetysu“, Almaty services, and in 2015 new trains a historic name used for southeastern will enter service between Astana and Kazakhstan, meaning „Seven Rivers“, Zaschita and Almaty and Zaschita. these being the rivers which enter Lake Substantial journey time reductions from the southeast. Nowadays will be possible, thanks to new rolling Zhetysu is part of Almaty province. stock, and new motive power. On elec- The upper photo, taken on 7 July trified lines Class KZ4AS locomotives 2012 between Aksengir and Boral- will be used, and on non-electrified day on the Turksib line (linking routes haulage will be provided by with ) in Almaty Kolomna-build Class TEP70 BS diesels. province, shows the southbound Infrastructure improvements include „Zhetysu“ train 152 from Petropavl upgrading the following routes for to Almaty-2, hauled by KZ4AS- 200 km/h running: Astana - Aktobe 0008 (see R 6/10, p. 24). During (1,411 km), Astana - Atyrau (1,839 km), July 2012 KTZ’s first 200 km/h Talgo Astana - Kyzylorda (1,931 km), Astana - services „Zhetysu“ carried 10,188 pas- Zaschita (1,284 km), Almaty - Atyrau sengers, 28.8 % more than anticipated, (2,695 km), Almaty - Zaschita (1,081 km) The first new Talgo cars left the On 13 July 2012 Talgo announced with a train occupancy level of 92.4 %. and Almaty - Aktobe (2,258 km). works in Astana on 1 July 2012 and that it had signed a 989 million EUR, By August 2012 older Talgo stock, While some Talgo cars for KTZ are they are currently used on the Almaty - ten-year maintenance contract built in Spain, was also in use on Almaty - still being built at the Talgo works at Petropavl service. By 2014 the Astana with KTZ. This involves the servicing Astana and Almaty - services. Rivabellosa, near Miranda de Ebro in works will have outshopped 140 cars, and maintenance of 1,044 carriages. So far no cars have been delivered from Spain (the lower left-hand photo, and by 2015 it will be running at its full In November 2010 KTZ and Talgo sig- the new Tulpar-Talgo works in Astana. taken on 14 April 2012, shows KTZ design capacity - 150 cars per annum, ned a contract under which the Spanish But by the end of 2012 an accelerated carriages awaiting export from and will have created 366 new jobs. By manufacturer would progressively re- service using new Talgo stock is to there), the bulk of the production has then 56 % of the components incor- place the operator’s 3,000 carriages, be provided between Astana, the capi- now shifted to the Tulpar-Talgo works porated in the new carriages will be and the fruits of this are now being tal, and Aktobe via the line passing in Astana, inaugurated in December supplied by domestic manufacturers. seen, with the first vehicles of the initial through , , Tobol 2011 by President Nursultan Nazar- The Astana works is now, outside batch of 420 now entering service on and . Then in 2013 express bayev. Tulpar in Kazakhstan mythology Spain, the largest Talgo carriage accelerated schedules. services will be introduced between As- is a winged horse (the equivalent of production establishment in the tana and Atyrau and Almaty (1,839 km) the Greek Pegasus). world. It is shown in the lower right- Mike Bent hand photo. using KTZ sources Photo: Enrique Dopico Photo: Talgo

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KTZ’s Performance In 2012 developing its activities in producing On 1 August 2012 a meeting was metal castings for freight wagons, and held at the KTZ head offices to present new production equipment is being and discuss the operator’s performance installed at the works in summer 2012, during the first half of 2012 and to in readiness for a start-up of manufac- establish goals for the remainder of the turing in December 2012. The factory year. The meeting was chaired by KTZ has a design capacity of producing President Askar Mamin, and was atten- castings sets for 4,000 wagons per ded by the heads of the various KTZ annum. In 2013 two more factories are regional operating divisions, the main scheduled to start producing metal network, and subsidiary organisations. castings for freight wagons, the Format In his speech, Askar Mamin said that Mach Company of and Sim- the tasks set by the Head of State, pleksmash of . Prommash- Nursultan Nazarbayev, primarily on the komplekt of started manu- development of Kazakhstan’s logistics facturing of forged wheels and point- potential, necessitated a new level of work components in July 2012. This company development, and a funda- factory has an annual production capa- mental change in business philosophy city of 72,000 wheels and 6,000 sets and ideology. KTZ is now working sys- of points. tematically on the implementation of Readers should look closely at these commitments. the huge picture at the back of the In the first half of 2012 freight turn- room, behind the KTZ board mem- over was 116.1 billion tonne-kms, up bers. This train with the KTZ logo by 12 % on the same period of 2011. on the front is similar in design 143.5 million tonnes of freight were to the double deck EMUs which moved, up by 6.8 %. 7.4 billion passen- Transmashholding is planning to ger-km were generated, up by 13.1 % build for RZD (see R 4/11, p. 72), on the first half of 2011. In other words, albeit with single deck carriages. KTZ there was a steady increase in both currently remains silent on this project, freight and passenger traffic, exceeding but it is quite probable that at least the planned results by 1.4 % and 127 million power cars of this new EMU design will tonnes of freight. On average 7,587 be built at the new Alstom/TMH joint freight wagons were unloaded each day venture works in Astana. This is where in the first half of 2012, up by 6.7 % on the Class KZ8A and KZ4A electric the first half of 2011. locomotives are to be built soon (see KTZ is also developing its involve- R 3/12, p. 14). ment in the markets for spare parts, new rolling stock, and exports. Vostok- KTZ, Jaromír Pernička mashzavod of Ust’ Kamenogorsk is Photo: KTZ Schaltbau GmbH 81829 Munich · Germany

Metro Trains (And Trams) art metro trains and trams. ’s Pri- [email protected] From Bombardier And me Minister, Dmitry Medvedev, took part Uralvagonzavod in the signing ceremony in Yekaterin- On 12 July 2012 Bombardier burg. Oleg Sienko, the CEO of UVZ and Transportation signed co-operation ag- Andre Navarri, the President and COO of reements with Russian rail manufacturer Bombardier Transportation, signed the Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) of Nizhny Tagil agreement on behalf of the two firms. (about 150 km north of Yekaterinburg) Bombardier and UVZ will jointly to jointly develop and sell state-of-the- develop and market metro trains spe- cifically designed for the requirements producer of self-powered artillery of Moskva Metro and other cities in weapons, but over the past decade the Russia and the CIS. Bombardier is has been developing and producing also to provide UVZ with a licence to trams, the latest model being the manufacture and sell in Russia low- 71-409, a 100 % low-floor vehicle, floor trams incorporating Bombardier the prototype of which was pre- technology. The licensed product will sented on 18 October 2011 as be a variant of the FLEXITY platform, shown in the photo. Construction of and it is planned to manufacture in the first Russian tram based on the Russia up to 50 % of the components FLEXITY design will depend on when used in production. the first order is received from a client. One of the production bases will be the Uraltransmash factory in Yekate- rinburg, one of the oldest companies Bombardier, in the Urals and in Russia. Uraltransmash Jaromír Pernička is mostly known as the only Russian Photo: Evgeni Kuznetsov