PELYNT PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Minutes of meeting of Pelynt Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Thursday 31st October 2019 MINUTES Action PRESENT Cllr K Wakeham Cllr C Beall Cllr J R Philp Cllr W E R Philp Cllr E Gibbs Cllr C Puckey Cllr P Evans Cllr S Smith Cllr A Taylor Cllr R Pugh

Nine members of the public were also in attendance.

Cllr K Wakeham thanked Cllr J R Philp for chairing the September meeting in his absence.

1) 23726 APOLOGIES Cllr J Nyman, PCSO S Cocks.


3) 23728 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 26th September 2019 were signed off as a true record. Proposed Cllr E Gibbs. Seconded Cllr C Puckey. All agreed.

4) 23729 MATTERS ARISING a) Overgrown vegetation opposite Beacon Park – The clerk confirmed that the problem has been reported and will enquire from Highways when the work is Clerk scheduled for completion. b) Yellow Lining adjacent to Spar Shop – Highways had received the request from the clerk and stated that additional bollards for this area will be considered after budgets had been reviewed for the remainder of the year. c) Pelynt Academy and Play Area Equipment – The school will take part in suggesting play equipment for the new area. d) Blocked drain – Standing water by the Trelay turning had been reported to Highways. e) Parking on Summerlane Park by vehicles from Trelawny Parc – this has now stopped as tarmaccing on the estate has been finished.

5) 23730 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The Police report received was read stating that three crimes had been committed in the Parish during the month of September, numerous patrols had been conducted. An enquiry relating to the replacement halo for the Oxford Cross milestone was made, Cllr Wakeham apologised that he had been unable to take measurements of the post but confirmed that details will be given to the clerk before the next Clerk meeting. Complaints were received regarding a car parked on Summerlane with a For Sale sign attached. Cllr W E R Philp arrived at the meeting 8.37pm. Complaints were made about the cost of bridge repairs at Woolwashing and residents felt that this cost should be met by the landowner and not the tax payer.

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6) 23731 COUNCILLOR Cllr Pugh stated that has been offered an additional four dwellings on the Trelawny Parc development as affordable housing units. Cllr Pugh has arranged a meeting with the affordable housing manager at Cornwall Council to discuss the proposal and raise concerns from the Parish Council. Members were Clerk asked to attend the meeting, to be held on the 12th November in the Village Hall, if at all possible to ensure their views are taken into account about the increased number of affordable units being proposed for the Parish. Further input from Cllr Pugh will be made under relevant agenda items.

7) 23732 SENTRY MEADOW A diagram of the proposed position of speed limit signs was shown to members, it was noted that technical approval is still being awaited.

8) 23733 BUDLEY WATER The email from Highways stated that the pipes will be sealed and the area returned to a ford. Concerns were raised relating to adjacent land being flooded and force of Clerk water destroying the bridge if this work is undertaken. It was resolved to write to Highways requesting that the area is reinstated to its original form as the ford was not destroyed by storms as Highways suggested but heavy traffic using the area. Proposed Cllr K Wakeham. Seconded Cllr P Evans. All agreed.

9) 23734 RICHMOND ROAD DRAIN Cllr Pugh stated that work on the drain is scheduled for December.

10) 23735 LUFFMAN CLOSE Cornwall Council proposed that a licence for the work to create parking spaces at Luffman Close could be issued rather than transferring the land to the Parish to avoid transfer fees and that Cormac, if required, would quote for the work with the Parish financing the alterations. Cllr Pugh will enquire if there are any restrictions Clerk on the type of surfacing to be used, the clerk will check the estimate received previously from F J Ede and Sons before any decision is made.

11) 23736 MEASURES TO COMBAT GLOBAL WARMING Suggestions to plant trees and encourage recycling were raised with funding possibly applied for from various organisations. It was decided to leave purchasing Clerk trees until nearer the year end to confirm budget availability, the clerk will source recycling posters for the notice boards.

12) 23737 VILLAGE ISSUES Clerk The clerk confirmed that weed treatment had taken place on the 28th October, this item will be included on the next agenda.

13) 23738 GRANT FUNDING APPLICATIONS None received.

14) 23739 ACCOUNTS a) Parish Council accounts for October 2019 for payment - Cheques to the amount of £4330.45 were passed for payment. A bank reconciliation for

September was given to members and made available to the public. Proposed Cllr J R Philp. Seconded Cllr C Beall. All agreed. b) Village Hall accounts for October 2019 for payment – Cheques to the amount

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of £189.05 were passed for payment. Proposed Cllr J R Philp. Seconded Cllr C Beall. All agreed.

15) 23740 CORRESPONDENCE Clerk a) Item a email Concerns with speeding traffic through Pelynt – It was resolved to reply to the letter explaining that the Parish Council has been aware of residents concerns over many years and also suggesting that volunteers are required for the proposed Speed Watch scheme. Proposed Cllr K Wakeham. Seconded Cllr P Evans. All agreed.

16) 23741 PLANNING APPLICATIONS a) PA19/05679 Change of use of land and retrospective resurfacing of an access track and siting of a car park and buildings in association with a proposed forestry school. Land next to Longcoombe Lane, Pelynt/. Withdrawn. It was resolved to write to Enforcement to complain about the situation at the Polcoombe/Woolwashing site stating that the owner has removed buildings, the access lane is unsuitable and that the problem will remain as the owner is now proposing a new application which is allowing them to continue with events provided they do not exceed twenty eight events annually. It was also agreed that Clerk the Enforcement investigation should be reinstated. The clerk will ask for permission from two residents to send emails received registering complaints relating to the issues raised. Proposed Cllr J R Philp. Seconded Cllr K Wakeham. All agreed.

17) 23742 PLANNING RESULTS a) PA19/05878 Conversion and extension of redundant barn into two bed

holiday cottage and manager's facility. Cardwen Farm, Pelynt,

PL13 2LU. Approved.

b) PA19/06852 Removal of Section 52 agreement dated 22 September 1987

relating to Trelaske Country Hotel, Pelynt. Trelaske Country Hotel, Polperro

Road, Pelynt. Withdrawn.

18) 23743 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION An enquiry into the position at Greystone Pool was raised and it was noted that the

nine month period to comply with Enforcement requirements was imminent, it was

confirmed that Enforcement will take action to ensure the resident fulfils the order.

A resident stated that road refuges do slow traffic down at both ends of the Village, Clerk it was also noted that the road requires widening to install these refuges. The clerk will contact PCSO Cocks to enquire if there are any Speed Watches planned.

19) 23744 MATTERS FOR REPORT AND NEXT AGENDA Items for the next agenda will include the ford at Polperro/Watergate and Greystone Pool. The clerk was given permission to decide if any additional grass cut was required on the Greens and Wilton Terrace.

The main meeting closed at 8.46pm.

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