Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2015) 12:1867–1874 DOI 10.1007/s13762-014-0540-0


Bacterial community change through drinking water treatment processes

X. Liao • C. Chen • Z. Wang • C.-H. Chang • X. Zhang • S. Xie

Received: 28 August 2012 / Revised: 30 September 2013 / Accepted: 5 March 2014 / Published online: 18 March 2014 Ó Islamic Azad University (IAU) 2014

Abstract The microbiological quality of drinking water Introduction has aroused increasing attention due to potential public health risks. Knowledge of the bacterial ecology in the The microbiological quality of drinking water has aroused effluents of drinking water treatment units will be of practical increasing attention due to potential public health risks. importance. However, the bacterial community in the The conventional treatment process, composed of coagu- effluents of drinking water filters remains poorly understood. lation–flocculation, sedimentation, rapid sand filtration, The changes of the density of viable heterotrophic and disinfection, is still widely used by drinking water and bacterial populations through a pilot-scale drinking producers to remove turbidity and pathogens. The con- water treatment process were investigated using heterotro- ventional treatment process is not efficient in removal of phic plate counts and clone library analysis, respectively. biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) that is The pilot-scale treatment process was composed of preozo- mainly responsible for the microbial regrowth in drinking nation, rapid mixing, flocculation, sedimentation, sand fil- water distribution systems (DWDS). Biological activated tration postozonation, and biological activated carbon carbon (BAC) filtration can perform well in reduction of (BAC) filtration. The results indicated that heterotrophic organic pollutants after the attachment of the indigenous plate counts decreased dramatically through the drinking microbiota attached to the porous surface of granular water treatment processes. Clone library analysis indicated activated carbon (GAC). BAC filters are important for their the significant change of bacterial community structure capacity to biodegrade undesirable compounds. In addi- through the water treatment processes. Betaproteobacteria tion, the combination of ozonation with BAC filtration has was dominant in raw water, the sand filter effluent and the proven to be an efficient method in reduction in BDOC BAC filter effluent. This work could provide some new (Yapsakli and Cecen 2010). However, biomass developed insights on drinking water microbial ecology. in biofilters might be a source of bacterial contamination in DWDS (Niemi et al. 2009; Liao et al. 2012). Therefore, Keywords Biological activated carbon Drinking water concerns regarding the microorganisms in the effluents of treatment system Sand filter Microbial community filters have been raised (Norton and LeChevallier 2000; Poitelon et al. 2010). Pathogenic or opportunistic micro- organisms from may enter DWDS as a result of improper Xiaobin Liao and Chao Chen have contributed equally to this study. management (Villarreal et al. 2010). The heterotrophic plate count (HPC), as a culture- X. Liao C. Chen X. Zhang dependent method, has been widely used to estimate the School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China density of viable heterotrophic bacteria in drinking water and is still considered very useful for assessing the general Z. Wang C.-H. Chang S. Xie (&) microbial water quality (Sartory et al. 2008). However, only College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, The Key a small fraction of the viable bacterial cells present in Laboratory of Water and Sediment Sciences (Ministry of Education), Peking University, Beijing 100871, China drinking water could be identified using the traditional cul- e-mail: [email protected] ture-dependent methods (Eichler et al. 2006; Sartory et al. 123 1868 Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2015) 12:1867–1874

2008). Molecular methods have been widely used to char- preozonation, rapid mixing, flocculation, sedimentation, acterize the microbial community dynamics in drinking sand filtration postozonation, and BAC filtration (Fig. 1). waters in DWDS (Berry et al. 2006; Revetta et al. 2010), and In this study, the BAC filter was operated in downflow drinking water biofilters (Kasuga et al. 2007; Feng et al. mode. Before this study, the pilot-scale drinking treatment 2012; Liao et al. 2012). Since the presence of certain bacteria system had been operated for approximately ten months may lead to water quality problems in the downstream allowing for biofilm maturation. The operating parameters DWDS, knowledge of the bacterial ecology in the effluents of the pilot-scale system were shown in Table 1. of drinking water treatment units will be of practical Water samples in three replicates were collected from importance. Unfortunately, only very few works have raw water, the sand filter effluent, and the BAC filter investigated the microbial communities in the effluents of effluent, referred to as Samples A, B, and C, respectively. drinking water treatment units (Eichler et al. 2006; Poitelon The three samples were collected in the order of Sample et al. 2010). Therefore, the bacterial community in the C, B and A. The replicate water samples at each location effluents of drinking water filters remains poorly understood. were collected at an interval of a week. HPCs were It is generally accepted that chlorination can result in a measured using R2A medium according to the standard dramatic shift in the composition of the bacterial community methods (APHA, Awwa, WEF 1995). Temperature was (Norton and LeChevallier 2000; Eichler et al. 2006; Kormas measured using a JPBJ-608 DO meter (Shanghai, China), et al. 2010; Poitelon et al. 2010), yet little information is while pH was measured using a PHSJ3F pH meter available on the bacterial community change through other (Shanghai, China). Turbidity was measured according to drinking water treatment units. Pinto et al. (2012) found that the standard methods described by China Environmental filtration by dual media rapid sand filters in a drinking water Protection Agency (2002). Samples for dissolved organic plant played a primary role in shaping the bacterial com- carbon (DOC) concentration were filtered through 0.45- munity in DWDS. The main aim of the current study was to lm-pore-size Whatman GF/F filters and analyzed with a assess bacterial community change through drinking water SHIMADZU Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (Shimadzu, treatment processes. The bacterial populations in raw water, Japan). the sand filter effluent, and the BAC filter effluent were compared. For each water sample, genomic DNA was Clone library analysis extracted followed by construction of 16S rRNA gene clone library. Water samples were collected from a combined The triplicate water samples (1 L) from each sampling pilot-scale drinking water treatment system treating lake location were pooled. The pooled water samples were fil- water operated in Jiangsu Province (China) in June 2012. tered through 0.22-lm-pore-size membranes (diameter Molecular analysis was carried out between June and August 50 mm; Millipore). The membrane filter was cut into in 2012 at College of Environmental Sciences and Engi- quarters with a sterile scalpel, and each quarter was stored neering, Peking University, China. at -20 °C for further molecular analysis (Huang et al. 2011). DNA for water sample was extracted using the E.Z.N.A.Ò Water DNA kit (Omega, USA) according to the Materials and methods manufacturer’s protocol. 16S rRNA genes were amplified using bacterial primers 27F (50-GAGTTTGATCMTGGC Water samples TCAG-30) and 1492R (50-GGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT- 30) according to the literatures (Zhang et al. 2012; Wang A pilot-scale drinking treatment system was constructed to et al. 2012). The PCR products were cloned into pMD19-T treat surface water retrieved from a small lake, in Jiangsu vector (Takara Corp, Japan) with ampicillin selection and Province. The whole treatment process was composed of blue/white screening. The clones containing correct size

Fig. 1 Schematic of the pilot- scale drinking treatment system. Sample A, B, and C represent raw water, the sand filter effluent, and the biological activated carbon (BAC) filter effluent, respectively

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Table 1 Operating parameters of the pilot-scale drinking treatment Table 3 Operational taxonomic units (OTUs)-based richness and system Shannon index (calculated at 0.03 difference level) of three clone libraries Process Parameters Designed or nominal values Library Number of Number of Chao1 Shannon Pre-O3 Contact time 7.5 min clones OTUs index Ozone dose 0.5 mg L-1 Sample 52 33 79 3.26 Flocculation Paddle type Three stages A Retention 18.66 min Sample 55 25 46 2.86 time B Coagulant 50 mg L-1 (as 10 % liquid Sample 55 18 36 2.13 dose aluminum) C Sedimentation Inclined tube 7.97 min type Sample A, B, and C represent raw water, the sand filter effluent, and the BAC filter effluent respectively. These data represent the com- Retention posite results from three samples time Sand filter Bed depth 1,150 mm Grain size 0.8 mm Results and discussion Filtration 8mh-1 velocity Water quality

Post-O3I Contact time 7.5 min Ozone dose 0.5 mg L-1 Table 2 showed the bacteriological and physicochemical

Post-O3II Contact time 7.5 min analyses of raw water, the sand filter effluent, and the BAC Ozone dose 0.5 mg L-1 filter effluent. The results indicated that turbidity, DOC, BAC filtration Bed depth 1,000 mm and HPCs decreased dramatically through the treatment columns Filtration 8mh-1 processes. The HPCs in the sand filter effluent and the BAC velocity filter effluent were relatively low, compared with the Size A 400 mm 9 2,210 mm worldwide recommend drinking water HPC limits (100–500 cfu mL-1) (Pavlov et al. 2004).

Table 2 Water quality parameters at the time of sampling Bacterial community structures Parameter Sample A Sample B Sample C In this study, the triplicate water samples from each sam- Temperature (°C) 12.2 ± 0.3 12.2 ± 0.3 12.2 ± 0.3 pling location were pooled. pH 7.78 ± 0.01 7.35 ± 0.02 7.31 ± 0.01 16S rRNA gene clone library was constructed for each Turbidity (NTU) 1.05 ± 0.02 0.57 ± 0.03 0.21 ± 0.02 pooled sample, and 162 total chimera-free sequences were DOC (mg L-1) 4.25 ± 0.1 3.35 ± 0.07 2.35 ± 0.05 obtained in this study. Sequences with C97 % similarity HPCs (CFU mL-1) 380 ± 20 43 ± 710± 2 were grouped into OTUs, and the richness and diversity indices were calculated (Table 3). The results indicated 33, Sample A, B, and C represent raw water, the sand filter effluent, and the BAC filter effluent, respectively 25, and 18 distinct OTUs in Sample A, B, and C, respec- tively. Richness (Chao1) and diversity indices (Shannon were sequenced. Chimera-free sequences with B3 % dif- index) decreased dramatically through the treatment pro- ference were clustered into operational taxonomic units cesses. Some types of bacterial could be removed (OTUs) using DOTUR program as well as the OTU-based during the treatment process, so bacterial diversity can be richness and diversity indices were calculated (Schloss and expected to decrease. However, rarefaction curve for each Handelsman 2005). The Ribosomal Database Project ana- bacterial library failed to level off completely, suggesting lysis tool ‘classifier’ ( that further sequencing would have resulted in more OTUs classifier.jsp) was utilized to classify the taxonomic iden- (Fig. 2). tities of the obtained bacterial sequences (Wang et al. Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Actinobacte- 2007). Phylogenetic trees were constructed using MEGA ria, and Bacteroidetes were shared among all the three software version 4.0 (Tamura et al. 2007). The sequences samples (Fig. 3). Alphaproteobacteria was abundant in obtained in this study were submitted to GenBank under Sample A (15.4 %) and Sample C (16.4 %), but signifi- accession numbers JX464674-JX464708, and JX472014- cantly decreased in Sample B (3.6 %). Betaproteobacteria JX472030 for Sample A, JX464709-JX464763 for sample was also abundant in Sample A (17.3 %) and obtained a B, and JX464764-JX464818 for Sample C, respectively. significant increase in Sample B (32.7 %) and Sample C

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60 (52.7 %). Gammaproteobacteria was the largest bacterial

50 group in Sample A (34.6 %), but significantly decreased in Sample B (25.5 %) and was not detected in Sample C. 40 was a minor component in Sample A 30 (5.8 %), but became one of the major groups in the other samples (23.6 or 14.5 %). Therefore, the major bacterial 20 groups and their relative abundance changed greatly Number of OTUs of Number 10 through the treatment processes.

0 Bacterial community change through the drinking water 1 3 5 7 9 1113151719212325272931333537394143454749515355 treatment units has still been poorly characterized. Eichler Number of clones et al. (2006) found that no major changes of bacterial Fig. 2 Rarefaction curves indicating bacterial 16S rRNA gene community structures occurred after flocculation and sand richness within the three clone libraries. Sample A, B, and C filtration. In contrast, Pinto et al. (2012) found that filtra- represent raw water, the sand filter effluent, and the BAC filter tion by dual media rapid sand filters could shape the bac- effluent, respectively. The reference line represents 1:1, indicating terial community in waters. Based on the significant infinite diversity difference between bacterial communities in raw water and on BAC, Soonglerdsongpha et al. (2011) suggested that 60 Sample A bacterial community structure changed along the BAC 50 Sample B filtration process. Previous studies showed the shift of Sample C 40 bacterial community structure inside BAC systems (Liao 30 et al. 2012, 2013) and granular activated carbon–sand dual 20 media filter (Feng et al. 2013a). However, an earlier work 10 using culture-dependent method indicated that BAC fil- tration did not change the nature of the bacterial popula- Relative abundance (%) 0 tions associated with drinking water (Burlingame et al. 1986). Preozonation can usually effectively remove bac- teria in water, while Burlingame et al. (1986) showed that preozonation of the water before BAC filtration had no Fig. 3 Changes of the bacterial groups through the treatment noticeable effect on the bacterial genera found as compared processes. Sample A, B, and C represent raw water, the sand filter with BAC filtration unit having no preozonation. Further effluent, and the BAC filter effluent, respectively efforts will be necessary in order to elucidate the bacterial

82 C12 (2) Sphingomonas 89 Sphingomonas sp. AKB-2008-TA2A (AM989062.1) C52 (1) 63 Novosphingobium 100 Novosphingobium aromaticivorans (JF459973.1) B3 (1) Sphingobium 100 Sphingobium sp. IK1 35 (AB461016.1) 100 A19 (1) Porphyrobacter Porphyrobacter sp. KK351 (AB033326.1)

64 C33 (1) Sphingopyxis 100 Sphingopyxis sp. M2R2 (EU188914.1)

Bradyrhizobiaceae bacterium (DQ490364.1) Bradyrhizobium 100 C31 (1)


Fig. 4 Phylogenetic tree of representative 16S rRNA gene sequences effluent, respectively. The bold number in parentheses represents the assigned with putative genus within Alphaproteobacteria and refer- numbers of the sequences in the same genus. Numbers at the nodes ence sequences from GenBank. The obtained sequences beginning indicate the levels of bootstrap support based on neighbor-joining with ‘A,’ ‘B,’ and ‘C’ were referred to sequences recovered from analysis of 1,000 resampled datasets. Bootstrap values \50 are not Sample A, Sample B, and Sample C, respectively. Sample A, B, and shown. The bar represents 0.5 % sequence divergence C represent raw water, the sand filter effluent, and the BAC filter

123 Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2015) 12:1867–1874 1871 community change through the drinking water treatment bacterioplankton communities is dependent on a wide units. In this study, the preozonation followed by floccu- variety of factors. In this study, most of the bacterial lation and sand filtration greatly altered the bacterial sequences in each sample were affiliated with these groups. community in water. BAC filtration could further play an Moreover, substantial knowledge on microbial ecology and important role in shaping the aquatic bacterial community. bacteria in real and model DWDs has been obtained (Berry The phylogenetic composition of freshwater bacterial et al. 2006; Lu et al. 2013). Alphaproteobacteria, Beta- community has been well documented. Freshwater bacteria proteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria have usually commonly belong to Cyanobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Al- been found to be the major groups in chlorinated drinking phaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, and Gammaprote- water (Domingo et al. 2003; Williams et al. 2004; Eichler obacteria, Actinobacteria and Verrucomicrobia (Zwart et al. 2006). However, Cyanobacteria were found to be one et al. 2002; Huang et al. 2011). The structure of the of major groups in chlorinated drinking water in a real

A26 (1) 44 100 B17 (1) Variovorax

62 Variovorax paradoxus strain XB3 (HQ845986.1) A35 (1) Curvibacter 94 100 Uncultured Curvibacter sp. (HQ008595.1) B23 (1)

100 A25 (3) Limnohabitans 100 94 Uncultured Limnohabitans sp. (HE979807.1) A12 (1) 91 Acidovorax delafieldii strain THWCSN52 (GQ284424.1) 100 Acidovorax delafieldii strain strain (GQ284420.1) 64 Acidovorax Acidovorax delafieldii strain TSWCSN24 (GQ284420.1) 63 B19 (9) 68 C1 (25) C18 (1) 100 Vogesella 67 Vogesella sp. AKB-2008-TE17 (AM989120.1) C25 (1) Limnobacter 100 Limnobacter sp.F3 (EU697075.1) A53 (2) 99 Uncultured Methylophilaceae (HE648207.1) 100 Methylotenera B25 (1) 98 Uncultured beta proteobacterium (JN656776.1) B36 (3) 51 100 Uncultured Polynucleobacter sp. (HQ008557.1) A49 (1) 100 100 Polynucleobacter necessarius subsp. (NR_074710.1) Polynucleobacter

97 C51 (1)

100 Uncultured bacterium (HE856904.1)


Fig. 5 Phylogenetic tree of representative 16S rRNA gene sequences effluent, respectively. The bold number in parentheses represents the assigned with putative genus within Betaproteobacteria and reference numbers of the sequences in the same genus. Numbers at the nodes sequences from GenBank. The obtained sequences beginning with indicate the levels of bootstrap support based on neighbor-joining ‘A,’ ‘B,’ and ‘C’ were referred to sequences recovered from Sample analysis of 1,000 resampled datasets. Bootstrap values \50 are not A, Sample B, and Sample C, respectively. Sample A, B, and C shown. The bar represents 1 % sequence divergence represent raw water, the sand filter effluent, and the BAC filter

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DWDs (Lu et al. 2013). Moreover, the composition of the was the most abundant bacterial group both in bench-scale bacterial community in chlorinated (or chloraminated) and pilot-scale BAC reactors. Alphaproteobacteria, Gam- water might be much different from that in non-chlorinated maproteobacteria, and Acidobacteria were the major bac- (or non-chloraminated) water (Norton and LeChevallier terial groups in a pilot-scale up-flow BAC filtration system 2000; Berry et al. 2006; Eichler et al. 2006; Kormas et al. (Liao et al. 2012). 2010; Poitelon et al. 2010). Unfortunately, very few A recent study indicated Alphaproteobacteria and Aci- research works have provided the phylogenetic description dobacteria were the largest two bacterial groups inside a of bacterial community in the sand filter effluent and the downflow BAC filtration system (Liao et al. 2013). More- BAC filter effluent. Using culture-dependent technique, over, in the last GAC sampling point before leaving the Norton and LeChevallier (2000) found that Pseudomonas BAC system, Betaproteobacteria and Actinobacteria were (affiliated with Gammaproteobacteria) and Sphingomonas not detected or detected in very low abundance (Liao et al. (affiliated with Alphaproteobacteria) were the predominant 2013). The BAC filtration system was the same as that used isolates in the BAC filter effluent. A recent study using in this study. However, in the BAC filter effluent, Acido- clone library analysis indicated that Alphaproteobacteria bacteria was not detected, while Betaproteobacteria and and Betaproteobacteria were predominant in the BAC fil- Actinobacteria were the dominant groups. Therefore, no ter effluent (Poitelon et al. 2010). In this study, Alpha- direct link was found between the composition of microbial proteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, and Actinobacteria community in the BAC filter and that in its effluent. were found to be major bacterial groups in the BAC filter Less than half of sequences recovered from Sample A effluent. could be classified to the genus level, but most of sequences Feng et al. (2013b) found that Nitrospirae and Alpha- recovered from Sample B and C could be affiliated with the proteobacteria were the dominant bacterial groups in a putative bacterial genera. The putative genera were affili- full-scale drinking water biosand filter. Nitrospirae, Al- ated with Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gam- phaproteobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Betaproteobacteria maproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Armatimonadetes, were the dominant groups in a granular activated carbon– Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, and Planctomycetes sand dual media filter for drinking water treatment (Feng (Figs. 4, 5, 6, 7). The distribution of identified bacterial et al. 2013a). Li et al. (2010) found that Betaproteobacteria genera is much different from one previous study (Norton

100 A11 (3) Thermomonas 75 Thermomonas strain: S47 (AB355702.1) A5 (1) Lysobacter 100 100 Uncultured Lysobacter sp. (JQ278795.1) A29 (1) Pseudoxanthomonas 100 Pseudoxanthomonas mexicana strain (JX860406.1) Acinetobacter sp. TPR15 (EU373427.1) 100 Acinetobacter B14 (3) A2 (2) 100 100 Pseudomonas sp. KBOS 17 (AY653222.1) Pseudomonas 100 B42(10)

100 Pseudomonas sp. AKB-2008-JO33 (AM989292.1) B13 (2) Delftia 100 Delftia tsuruhatensis strain ARB-1 (KC572558.1)


Fig. 6 Phylogenetic tree of representative 16S rRNA gene sequences effluent, respectively. The bold number in parentheses represents the assigned with putative genus within Gammaproteobacteria and numbers of the sequences in the same genus. Numbers at the nodes reference sequences from GenBank. The obtained sequences begin- indicate the levels of bootstrap support based on neighbor-joining ning with ‘A,’ ‘B,’ and ‘C’ were referred to sequences recovered from analysis of 1,000 resampled datasets. Bootstrap values \50 are not Sample A, Sample B, and Sample C, respectively. Sample A, B, and shown. The bar represents 1 % sequence divergence C represent raw water, the sand filter effluent, and the BAC filter

123 Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2015) 12:1867–1874 1873

69 B12 (3) 56 Uncultured Ilumatobacter sp. (HM346318.1) 100 C3 (1) Ilumatobacter [Actinobacteria] 100 Uncultured actinobacterium (JN656811.1) A31 (2) 92 100 Uncultured actinobacterium (DQ316364.1) A45 (4) Armatimonas/Armatimonadetes_gp1 [Armatimonadetes ] 69 100 Uncultured bacterium (HQ436958.1)

99 B28 (1) Uncultured cyanobacterium (HM153623.1) GpIIa [Cyanobacteria] 100 C2 (5) 95 Cyanobacterium IHB-347 (JF966680.1) A8 (1) Gemmata [Planctomycetes ] 100 Uncultured bacterium (JN860407.1)

100 B55 (1) Stenotrophomonas [Actinobacteria] Stenotrophomonas sp. (HQ327153.1)

100 C21 (1) 92 Terrimonas [Bacteroidetes ] Uncultured bacterium (JX402553.1)

91 B2 (6) 100 Flavobacterium sp. PB002 (GQ339900.1) Flavobacterium 100 C26(3) 94 Flavobacterium sp. AKB-2008-JO31 (AM988916.1) [Bacteroidetes ]


Fig. 7 Phylogenetic tree of representative 16S rRNA gene sequences represent raw water, the sand filter effluent, and the BAC filter assigned with putative genus within Actinobacteria, Armatimonade- effluent, respectively. The bold number in parentheses represents the tes, Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, and Planctomycetes, and reference numbers of the sequences in the same genus. Numbers at the nodes sequences from GenBank. The obtained sequences beginning with indicate the levels of bootstrap support based on neighbor-joining ‘A,’ ‘B,’ and ‘C’ were referred to sequences recovered from Sample analysis of 1,000 resampled datasets. Bootstrap values \50 are not A, Sample B, and Sample C, respectively. Sample A, B, and C shown. The bar represents 5 % sequence divergence and LeChevallier 2000). The genus compositions of the Conclusion three samples were much different, and only Acidovorax, Polynucleobacter, and Ilumatobacter were shared among Treatment processes resulted in the change of HPCs. the three samples. Armatimonas/Armatimonadetes_gp1, Molecular analysis indicated bacterial population diversity Limnohabitans, and Thermomonas were the three largest dramatically changed through the treatment processes, genus groups in Sample A. Pseudomonas, Acidovorax, and while Betaproteobacteria was dominant in raw water, the Flavobacterium were dominant in sample B. However, sand filter effluent, and the BAC filter effluent. Acidovorax was predominant in Sample C. In this study, HPCs decreased dramatically through the Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by the treatment processes, and the HPCs in the sand filter Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control effluent and the BAC filter effluent complied with the and Treatment in China (No. 2009ZX07423-003). international quality standards (Pavlov et al. 2004). However, this might not necessarily ensure good micro- References biological quality of drinking water. In the sand filter effluent and the BAC filter effluent, microorganisms from APHA, Awwa, WEF (1995) Standard methods for the examination of several bacterial genera (Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, water and wastewater, 19th edn. American Public Health Sphingomonas, and Novosphingobium) associated with Association, Washington, DC opportunistic infections were found (Figs. 4, 6). There- Berry D, Xi CW, Raskin L (2006) Microbial ecology of drinking water distribution systems. Curr Opin Biotechnol 17(3):297–302 fore, intense monitoring of the bacterial community Burlingame GA, Suffet IH, Pipes WO (1986) Predominant bacterial changes through drinking water treatment processes will genera in granular activated carbon water treatment systems. Can be necessary. J Microbiol 32(3):226–230

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