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Star Wars Bingo! Myfreebingocards.Com Star Wars Bingo! Safety First! Before you print all your bingo cards, please print a test page to check they come out the right size and color. Your bingo cards start on Page 3 of this PDF. If your bingo cards have words then please check the spelling carefully. If you need to make any changes go to Play Once you've checked they are printing correctly, print off your bingo cards and start playing! On the next page you will find the "Bingo Caller's Card" - this is used to call the bingo and keep track of which words have been called. Your bingo cards start on Page 3. Virtual Bingo Please do not try to split this PDF into individual bingo cards to send out to players. We have tools on our site to send out links to individual bingo cards. For help go to Help If you're having trouble printing your bingo cards or using the bingo card generator then please go to where you will find solutions to most common problems. Share Pin these bingo cards on Pinterest, share on Facebook, or post this link: Edit and Create To add more words or make changes to this set of bingo cards go to Go to to create a new set of bingo cards. Legal The terms of use for these printable bingo cards can be found at Have Fun! If you have any feedback or suggestions, drop us an email on [email protected]. Bingo Caller's Card Use your Bingo Caller's Card to call the bingo and keep track of which words you have already called. Print two copies of the caller's card. Cut one copy up, fold the squares in half, and put them in a hat. To call the bingo, pull a square out of the hat, unfold it and read it out. When you have called a word/number, tick it off on the second copy of the caller's card. You can use the second copy of the caller's card to check if a player has a winning card during a game. Obi- Darth Kylo Princess Palpatine Won Yoda Leia Vader Ren Rey Kenobi Luke Boba Darth Han Padme Ahsoka Chewbecca Skywalker Fett Maul Solo Amidala Tano Jabba Supreme Jar Jar Leader General R2- C- the Grievous BB-8 Hutt Binks Snoke D2 3PO Qui Count Jango Mace Lando Poe Gonn Calrissian Dameron Dooku Fett Windu Jinn Finn Captain General Kanan Ezra Clone Jyn Maz Phasma Hux Jarrus Bridger Trooper Erso Kanata Rose Admiral Tico Ackbar Bingo Card ID 001 Bingo Card ID 002 SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! Obi- Jabba Qui Jar Jar BB- Princess Jyn Maz Won General the Gonn Leia Finn Grievous Binks Kenobi 8 Erso Kanata Hutt Jinn Captain Han Padme Darth General Jar Jar Count Darth Padme Chewbecca Phasma Solo Amidala Vader Hux Binks Dooku Vader Amidala Jabba Jyn Poe C- Kanan Rose Jango Kanan the Captain Dameron Phasma Erso Hutt 3PO Jarrus Tico Fett Rey Jarrus Obi- Ahsoka Lando Count Luke Poe R2- Boba Chewbecca Palpatine Calrissian Skywalker Dameron Won Tano Dooku Kenobi D2 Fett Supreme Qui Luke Rose Darth Ahsoka Ezra BB- Leader Gonn Palpatine Skywalker Bridger Snoke Jinn Rey Tico Maul Tano 8 Bingo Card ID 003 Bingo Card ID 004 SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! Jyn Jango General Poe Lando R2- Palpatine Palpatine Erso Fett Hux Dameron Yoda Calrissian D2 Finn Darth Padme Princess Ezra Kanan C- Padme General Ahsoka Maul Amidala Leia Bridger Yoda Jarrus 3PO Amidala Grievous Tano Obi- Qui Maz Kylo General Maz Han Luke Won Captain Gonn Phasma Hux Skywalker Kenobi Rey Kanata Ren Kanata Jinn Solo General Mace BB- Lando Mace Rose Jar Jar Jyn Chewbecca Grievous Windu 8 Calrissian Rey Windu Tico Binks Erso Jabba Supreme Obi- Jar Jar Ahsoka Clone Kanan Jango Poe the Chewbecca Leader Won Trooper Dameron Binks Tano Hutt Jarrus Fett Snoke Kenobi Bingo Card ID 005 Bingo Card ID 006 SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! Supreme Lando C- Padme Rose BB- Jar Jar Leader Palpatine Finn Calrissian Amidala Finn 3PO Tico Snoke 8 Binks Supreme Qui Admiral Poe Count Boba Captain Princess Mace Chewbecca Leader Gonn Ackbar Dameron Phasma Leia Snoke Dooku Jinn Fett Windu Jabba Jabba Jyn Kylo Ahsoka BB- Poe General Jyn Chewbecca the the Dameron Grievous Erso Ren Tano Hutt 8 Hutt Erso Mace Ezra Darth Luke R2- General Admiral Jango Ezra Windu Bridger Vader Skywalker D2 Hux Ackbar Rey Fett Bridger Boba Captain General Darth Padme Han Maz Count R2- Palpatine Fett Phasma Hux Maul Amidala Solo Kanata Dooku D2 Bingo Card ID 007 Bingo Card ID 008 SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! Luke Boba Han Kanan Mace Jar Jar Luke Count Princess Darth Skywalker Fett Solo Jarrus Windu Binks Skywalker Dooku Leia Vader Supreme Poe Clone Admiral Leader R2- Boba Ahsoka Palpatine Dameron Yoda Snoke D2 Trooper Rey Ackbar Fett Tano Jabba Obi- Qui Jyn Princess Lando Maz the Won Padme Gonn Leia Calrissian Amidala Finn Rey Erso Hutt Kenobi Jinn Kanata Captain Ezra Jango Ahsoka C- Supreme Jango Jyn Yoda Leader Palpatine Phasma Bridger Fett Tano 3PO Snoke Fett Erso Obi- Darth Maz General General Mace Kylo Chewbecca Won Chewbecca Hux Finn Hux Vader Kanata Kenobi Windu Ren Bingo Card ID 009 Bingo Card ID 010 SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! Qui Supreme Count Kanan Lando Maz Rose Leader Rose Han BB- Gonn Calrissian Dooku Jinn Kanata Tico Snoke Jarrus Tico Solo 8 Jabba Darth General Princess Ahsoka Padme Boba Maz Palpatine the Grievous Leia Amidala Maul Tano Fett Rey Hutt Kanata Kanan C- Captain Ezra Clone Padme Ahsoka General Chewbecca Jarrus Finn 3PO Phasma Bridger Trooper Amidala Tano Grievous Obi- Jar Jar Jango General R2- Admiral Mace Jar Jar Darth Won Hux Ackbar Rey Binks Fett D2 Kenobi Windu Binks Maul Obi- Jabba Supreme Luke Poe Jyn Luke Ezra Won Chewbecca the Leader Skywalker Dameron Skywalker Finn Bridger Kenobi Hutt Erso Snoke Bingo Card ID 011 Bingo Card ID 012 SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! Qui Jabba BB- Kylo Princess Rose General Clone Darth BB- Gonn the Leia Hux Trooper 8 Jinn Ren Tico Hutt Maul 8 Jar Jar Ahsoka Captain General General Padme Darth Chewbecca Binks Tano Phasma Hux Rey Grievous Amidala Vader Yoda Supreme Count General Jyn Princess Ezra Captain Kylo Palpatine Leader Finn Grievous Leia Phasma Dooku Erso Snoke Bridger Ren Qui Clone Poe Ezra Han Luke Ahsoka Jyn Mace Luke Gonn Trooper Dameron Bridger Skywalker Skywalker Solo Tano Erso Windu Jinn Mace Jabba Jango Kanan Boba R2- Rose the Palpatine Finn Windu Hutt Fett Jarrus Fett D2 Rey Tico Bingo Card ID 013 Bingo Card ID 014 SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! Jyn C- Count Darth Darth C- Mace Ezra Palpatine Erso Yoda 3PO Dooku Maul Maul 3PO Windu Bridger Supreme Qui Mace General Boba Captain Boba Jyn General Rose Leader Gonn Grievous Phasma Grievous Windu Snoke Fett Fett Jinn Erso Tico Qui Princess Maz Luke General General Jango Darth Gonn Chewbecca Leia Skywalker Hux Hux Kanata Jinn Fett Vader Rey Jabba Obi- Jabba Kanan Jar Jar Clone Kylo Admiral the Chewbecca Won the Trooper Ackbar Yoda Jarrus Binks Hutt Kenobi Ren Hutt R2- Admiral Han Ahsoka Han Ahsoka Lando Kanan D2 Ackbar Solo Tano Rey Finn Solo Tano Calrissian Jarrus Bingo Card ID 015 Bingo Card ID 016 SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! Jabba Clone Count General Ezra Ahsoka the Chewbecca Trooper Finn Hux Bridger Yoda Rey Dooku Hutt Tano Jango BB- Lando General Captain Luke Maz Lando Rose Kylo Fett 8 Calrissian Grievous Phasma Skywalker Kanata Calrissian Tico Ren Obi- Ahsoka General R2- C- Poe Jyn Mace Palpatine Palpatine Won Hux Dameron Tano D2 3PO Erso Kenobi Windu Kanan Padme Jyn Jar Jar Princess R2- General Admiral Jango Han Jarrus Amidala Erso Binks Leia D2 Grievous Ackbar Fett Solo Jabba Supreme Darth Mace Poe Luke Jar Jar Darth Chewbecca the Leader Dameron Skywalker Finn Vader Windu Hutt Snoke Binks Maul Bingo Card ID 017 Bingo Card ID 018 SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! Supreme General Luke Ezra Admiral Rose R2- BB- Leader Jyn Hux Finn Skywalker Ackbar Tico D2 Bridger 8 Snoke Erso Princess Mace C- Captain General C- Jar Jar General Leia Windu 3PO Phasma Yoda Grievous Yoda 3PO Binks Hux Qui Qui Kanan Clone BB- Darth Han Jango Lando Gonn Gonn Trooper Calrissian Jinn Jarrus 8 Maul Jinn Solo Fett Rey Count Admiral General Darth Darth Kanan R2- Count Palpatine Dooku Ackbar Grievous Vader Finn Maul Jarrus D2 Dooku Jabba Obi- Obi- Ezra Boba Maz Darth Maz Princess the Won Chewbecca Won Bridger Leia Hutt Fett Kanata Kenobi Vader Kanata Kenobi Bingo Card ID 019 Bingo Card ID 020 SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! Maz Darth Boba Mace Poe Kanan General General Chewbecca Chewbecca Kanata Vader Fett Windu Dameron Jarrus Grievous Hux Jabba Darth Ezra Count C- Admiral Padme Clone Han Palpatine the Bridger Ackbar Amidala Trooper Maul Dooku 3PO Hutt Solo R2- Han Qui Rose BB- Mace General Gonn Grievous Finn Yoda D2 Solo Jinn Tico 8 Windu Rey Obi- Obi- Supreme Luke Kanan Princess Jango Jar Jar Kylo Leader Darth Skywalker Won Won Leia Fett Binks Kenobi Jarrus Kenobi Ren Snoke Vader Jabba Qui Ahsoka Jyn Princess Count Ezra Jyn Lando the Captain Gonn Phasma Leia Bridger Calrissian Hutt Tano Erso Dooku Erso Jinn Bingo Card ID 021 Bingo Card ID 022 SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! SSttaarr WWaarrss BBiinnggoo!! Kanan Han General Clone Ezra Supreme R2- Admiral C- Palpatine Leader Jarrus Solo Hux Trooper Bridger Snoke D2 Ackbar 3PO Jabba R2- Jango Jar Jar Lando Darth Han BB- the Yoda Calrissian Finn D2 Fett Binks Maul Solo Hutt 8 Obi- Rose Ahsoka Maz Luke Count
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