Transcript of Rachel Anne Ketton’s Diary

MS/109 1863

July - December 1868 July Wednesday 1st July Had the billiard room carpet put down having been kept in its box 2 years. After dinner Duncan made a complaint of Vincent and Cable. Vincent came in and they had it out together. Waited till 9 for supper but they did not come home.

Thursday 2nd July The five from came home to lunch. Margaret and Minnie went to a working party at Colne House.

Friday 3rd July A very cold gloomy day, had a garden party; 28 with ourselves. Showers of sleet all the evening, but they played bowls in spite of the rain – it went off very well considering the discordant elements of which it was composed.

Saturday 4th July A cold gloomy day with slight showers but not enough to lay the dust. No-one called or went out.

Sunday 5th July Letter from Bobbie who stands better than he expected in the examinations. Afternoon at Felbrigge; Mr Ward left off in the middle of his sermon.

Monday 6th July A very fine day; paid all the servants and tried to get things strait after Duncan’s outbreak, who still continues in a very bad temper. Went to with Anna to settle Rust’s book and do some shopping.

Tuesday 7th July Holt Horticultural Show – very hot. Went with Margaret and Ellen; very little to be seen. PT there very glad to get home. Invitation from Anna Mary for the three eldest girls to go to Darsbury? to a Bazaar which was declined. John went to Norwich by the omnibus to stay the rest of the week. A very hot day.

Wednesday 8th July An intensely hot day; Ellen and Minnie went to bathe. No one called.

Thursday 9th July (different handwriting) A very warm day; Prissie and the three eldest girls went to the Horticultural Show. Rather thinly attended. P T there. Mr Upcher made a moderate speech (much admired by the poor bodies) about the ‘Queen of Beauty’. Left it undecided whether he meant Mrs Seasman or somebody else.

Friday 10th July Went to Norwich with Minnie to bring John back. Day very hot. Thought I should have been baked alive on the hot pavements. John in a queer temper. The girls had a small party down at the water consisting of the Upchers, Rogers, Pigotts and P T, Bella was unable to come as she had gone to Cromer after ‘those troublesome Jones’s’ as PT remarked. Hope none of the children were ill after it but think it very likely they were. Evening very cold. Henry, Berners and Digby came after the cricket match at Gunton.

Saturday 11th July Miriam Howes went away. Glad of it. A filthy thing! Anna, Ellen and Gertie went to Cromer to bathe. Bathing very bad, Cromer getting very full. James Anderson called to see John but did not come in on finding John out. Duncan [we all] (written above) went out, came home at night.

Sunday 12th July (different handwriting) Letter from Georgie Pellew announcing her engagement with the Baron Max Kiebeck, an Austrian Roman Catholic. Wish she may be happy! Mr Ward gave a disgusting sermon – John wrote to Wilkinson declining to take any actual part in the coming election on account of his health.

Monday 13th July John went ‘justicing’. Priscilla, Anna and Margaret went to 5 o’clock tea at . 2 of the young Blake Humfrey’s there. John had just settled with IBC; very bad night.

Tuesday 14th July Very uncomfortable day. Mr Anderson sent a letter to John about Coak’s expenses. Very thick sea fog in the evening.

Wednesday 15th July Letter from Lady H Harvey postponing the kitchen maid’s coming home, as her cook was ill. Intensely hot day. John in very bad spirits. Duncan came home.

Thursday 16th July A thunderstorm today at 4 o’clock which prevented three of our party going to a garden party at Aldborough. John went to Norwich by the omnibus. The men finished the Orange House, all but the boiler and had some beer and a dance.

Friday 17th July A cloudy day with ½ an hour’s rain. Went to call at Baconsthorpe; no one at home. Mr and Mrs Beauchamp and Miss Wedd came to tea and Mr Spurgin brought a dog which he thought belonged to us. Mr Beauchamp said it was Mrs G???s

Saturday 18th July Went to call at , found the two dowagers in close consultation, Edmund Gurney there and a large party of children. Found Mr and Mrs Mills and Mrs Norgate and a child when I came home. Two slight showers today.

Sunday 19th July in the morning. Did not go all day. Mr Ward came in after church. Four of them went to Northrepps in the evening to see two of the Abyssinian captives. The Rosen??? John still out.

Monday 20th July An intensely hot day. No one went out except two of the girls who called upon Mrs Bosworth and found her at home.

Tuesday 21st July An intensely hot day; no one able to go out. An invitation to the Anderson’s school feast.

Wednesday 22nd July An intensely hot glaring day; thermometer 93 in the shade. John came home by coach. At eight o’clock Mrs Pigott and Digby called just as we were going to supper. John of course angry as they did not go till 8.30. Anna and Margaret went to the Metton school.

Thursday 23rd July Thick sea fog; wind north. Went with Anna to Cromer to call on some people named Sely who were out. Called at the vicarage; found Miss Filch at home.

Friday 24th July Wind still north. Very bad toothache all day. Three of the girls went to Cromer.

Saturday 25th July Very hot glaring day. Mr and Mrs Sely and Mr and Mrs Barham called and stayed to 5 o’clock tea. E Sistern called.

Sunday 26th July Mr Ward preached his last sermon as the two services a day are too much for him. Walked with John in the evening; the ground so burnt it is wonderful how anything can live off it.

Monday 27th July A very hot day; John went ‘justicing’ and 3 of the girls spent the morning on the beach and dined with the Edmund Gurneys as John was late.

Tuesday 28th July Invitation to hear Miss Jary at eight. 4 of the girls went to Cromer on the sea with the E Gurneys. Thunder and lightning all the evening but no rain; a little in the night.

Wednesday 29th July Miss Jary and Isabel Johnston called Mr E Gurney and 7 children came to high tea at the water and did not leave till eight. Bobbie came home at night.

Thursday 30th July Went with Anna and Margaret to to a garden party. The Birds, Napiers, Bishops etc. very slow; one game of croquet lasted 2 hours. Mr Bin a bad temper and abusing his man all supper. John very unhappy about the drought which puts all things in a muddle.

Friday 31st July Four of the girls went to Cromer after lunch and saw a great many people there. The ‘Rosenthals’ were ‘on show’ at Colne House but they did not go. Mr and Mrs Beauchamp came to 5 o’clock tea and did not leave till 7.30. August Saturday 1st August Four of the girls bathed, Aunt ‘Cat’ came uninvited and ‘uncalled upon’ to 5 o’clock tea. A most blazing day.

Sunday 2nd August An intensely hot day. Mr G Fisher at Felbrigge; Mr and Mrs Napier walked to church and came to 5 o’clock tea afterwards. All the Andersons also came.

Monday 3rd August John, Priscilla and Bobbie went to Norwich in the evening. Anna and Margaret went to ‘high tea’ at Northrepps and Mr and Mrs P Law who have been married a fortnight, Mr and Mrs Cutting etc; it was very slow.

Tuesday 4th August Four of the girls went to bathe. After lunch at about 4 o’clock Mr Heaviside called, it being 4 years since we had seen him. He laid on the grass smoking some of 5000 cigars he had smuggled from India. The E Gurneys came to tea and left at six. Mr H left at 6.15 as he was going to stay at Gunton.

Wednesday 5th August Expecting Mrs Feilden who did not come. A very hot day. H Upcher came in the evening to ask Bobbie to play cricket at Gunton; everybody else having been asked last week.

Thursday 6th August Went to Cromer with Anna to the opening of the organ. A musical service. Mr Fitch read the service, Mr Feilden and Patterson the lessons and Dr Stevenson the sermon. Went to lunch at Colne House afterwards. A great crowd and very handsome luncheon. Very glad when it was over. The Orange House finished yesterday and Mr Elsey asked for a cheque on account as they had several large contracts. A thunderstorm in the evening and rain great part of the night. Expecting them home all the evening but they did not come.

Friday 7th August The party from Norwich came home about 12. John much the worse for the smell of the river which was fearful. Priscilla and three of the girls went to Cromer Regatta and had tea with the E Gurneys.

Saturday 8th August Went with Anna to call at Sheringham; saw Mr and Mrs Upcher and Miss Powell. Went to the Pigotts and saw Mr and Mrs Randolph and their children.

Sunday 9th August Felbrigge church in the morning. Mr Fisher made two mistakes. Sacrament. Mr Mills gave notice he should begin a Sunday School next week.

Monday 10th August John went ‘justicing’. Bobbie went to a cricket match at Colne House. Priscilla and the two girls went to the cricket match and got home at 7. Anniversary of W M K death.

Tuesday 11th August A thunder storm in the morning. Anna and Gertie went to a working party at Colne House. Margaret and I went to call on the E Gurneys and Miss Stanley all were at home. 4 hours rain at night.

Wednesday 12th August Priscilla, Anna, Margaret and Bobbie went at 11.30 to a fishing picnic at Hempstead and got home at 7. Mr Upcher and Mr A Upcher called in the afternoon. Flowers were put in the Orange House today.

Thursday 13th August The Orange House gave a housewarming; seven of the E Gurneys came. It rained hard; the first hour, but they all played bowls under the cedar. The rain prevented the Buxtons coming, but Mr and Mrs Feilden and Captain Somerset came to arrange about the Bazaar. A balloon popped over while we were at tea.

Friday 14th August Minnie and Bobbie rode to Wickmere and did not get home till 2 pm. Went with Anna and Margaret to a gathering at Mrs Mortimer’s; tea ‘al-fresco’ and an address by an aged minister from Tonbridge named Langston. The Upchers and Pigotts in great force.

Saturday 15th August Five went to Cromer to bathe. John was going to but it got out so hot he was obliged to give it up – no one called.

Sunday 16th August Wind north east, invitation to a’déjeuné tea at Crown Point to meet the British Association. It rained the whole day. All but two went to church in water-proofs. In the afternoon no one went to Aylmerton. Mr Fisher preached a sermon for the IPG.

Monday 17th August Bobbie and three of the girls went to Cromer to go on the sea with the Gurneys, but the sea was too rough so they walked to . John went to Kelling. In the evening went to a music party at Colne House from 8 to 10. G Buxton was the principal performer – rather heavy.

Tuesday 18th August Mr Blakelock came with Mr Anderson to look at the church. Mr and Mrs Anderson called afterwards. Went with Margaret to call on Mrs J Hoare and to Northrepps. Met Mr Grocock coming to Felbrigge; took 5 o’clock tea at Northrepps and found him just going away when I got home.

Wednesday 19th August Remonstrated with Mrs Stanup for coming to work at 7.20. Had the Orange House cleaned. Minnie rode ‘Vivien’ which kicked the saddle also turned round. Pris and Anna took the dowager some figs. Walked with John in the woods. Found some mushrooms. Davey going away.

Thursday 20th August Chimney swept in the kitchen. Anna and Minnie rode Vivien and Confidence. It rained all night and all the forenoon did not go out on account of the damp.

Friday 21st August A fine but cool day – had high tea in the Orange House. The Fishers, Mills and Fitches came. Mr Upcher and Gerald went past. Mr and Mrs R Pigott and 2 girls called in the Pigott ‘set out’.

Saturday 22nd August The Sheringham and Holt cricket match; a dreadful day. Bobbie went to Sheringham at 10.30 but found the match was postponed till Monday. It rained all day, except 2 hours. A most awful railway accident yesterday; Lord and Lady Farnham and 25 other persons burnt to death owing to a collision with a luggage van laden with petroleum. The Déjeuné at Crown Point postponed till Monday.

Sunday 23rd August Very cold and windy; went to Felbrigge church in the morning. Mr Mills preached a sermon for the benefit of the hospital.

Monday 24th August The Sheringham cricket match. John went ‘justicing’. Went to high tea at Northrepps with Ellen and Margaret; Priscilla and Anna went to Sheringham and brought Bobbie home who played in the match – but only got duck eggs.

Tuesday 25th August A large blackberrying and mushrooming party today consisting of Gurneys, Buxtons, Wilsons, Birkbeck etc. they had a good game of trap after tea in the orange house and appeared to enjoy themselves very much. Mrs B Upcher had a daughter born.

Wednesday 26th August Anna and Minnie rode; Mrs E Gurney came to take leave as they go on Friday and brought Mrs H Frey with her and H Gurney and S & J Hoare to shoot rabbit with Bobbie. Priscilla and Anna took some grapes to the Andersons and found Mr Anderson’s father and brother there. It rained heavily and prevented the rabbit shooting.

Thursday 27th August The British ‘Asses’ came to Cromer and lunched at Colne House. John not well enough to go. Priscilla and the 3 eldest went to Northrepps and were much edified by the paper on parrots read by C Buxton. Junior came tonight.

Friday 28th August Went to Norwich with Ellen and Bobbie and junior. Spent the afternoon shopping; a very cold day, dusty and horrid. Went to Bracondale.

Saturday 29th August Spent the morning at Bridgemans. Left Norwich at 3.

Sunday 30th August Very cold. Went to Felbrigge in the afternoon.

Two notes pinned to diary which read as follows

1) E Sistern came July 25th 9 weeks 3 days

2) Wanted at Michaelmas – a middle aged man and his wife without encumbrance. The man as working Bailiff. The woman to take a dairy of 12 cows. Both must be able to milk and have good characters – Wages 22/- a week with farm house and farming address H B News Office.

Monday 31st August Minnie, Gertie and Bobbie went to lunch at Holt. Anna rode ‘Confidence’ round by Cromer.

September Tuesday 1st September A shooting party. Three Upchers and 2 Rogers . a very fine day. Bobbie shot six partridges and his father would not let him shoot after lunch. Mrs Feilden called on her way to lunch with the Fitches and said she was worn to fiddlestrings with the bazaar.

Wednesday 2nd September The kitchen made gave warning as she could not do the work. Gave Earle warning for laziness etc. Priscilla and two of the girls went to Baconsthorpe to see how the stall cover was to be made. Mr G Fisher called. John went to Kelling. Minnie rode ‘Confidence’

Thursday 3rd September Mr H Barclay, F Buxton and M E Bunsen shot with Bobbie; 31 brace and a half. Mr and Mrs J Hoare and Mr and Mrs H Holloway called. Asked a party for tomorrow and all had accepted but some called off as a lifeboat was to be launched at Cromer.

Friday 4th September The new Cromer Life Boat was launched and christened the ‘Benjamin Bond Cabbell’ by Anna Buxton. Priscilla and two of the girls went to Cromer to see it. Sir E Lacon and The Hon. H Walpole came to lunch and went to canvass Cromer. Kettledrum at 5 under the cedar tree consisting of Mr Mills (whose wife was ill) and Mrs Martin and party.

Saturday 5th September A Kettledrum consisting of the two Lady Buxtons, Runners, Barclays etc, Mrs Anderson and Mary came uninvited as soon as we had done tea and the former asked John to give Edward some shooting as he had taken out a licence.

Sunday 6th September An intensely hot day; went to Felbrigge in the morning and part drove to Aylmerton in the afternoon.

Monday 7th September An intensely hot day. Went with Anna and Ellen to the last working party for Ceylon. Mr MacArthur read a psalm and Miss Webb addressed the meeting for 2 hours; much wearied; got home at 6.

Tuesday 8th September All busy about the bazaar. Saw Bobbie’s things packed – he left us at four by the omnibus. Mr, Miss and Master Connell came to tea – a very gloomy windy, bitterly cold day.

Wednesday 9th September Everyone busy about the bazaar, packing fruit etc. Priscilla, Anna and Margaret went to Sheringham and assisted in decorating the flower show and Priscilla, Anna and Ellen went to a harp entertainment at Cromer. North east wind and very cold.

Thursday 10th September A cloudless sky, disappointing everyone’s expectation of a wet day. Priscilla and all the girls up at six. Went in the large carriage in the afternoon with the rest of the family. An immense number of people at Sheringham; £25 taken at the gates - £24 taken at our stall. Mrs Feilden – disappointed at only taking £30 at her stall.

Friday 11th September Everybody very tired. Anna and Minnie took home the trifle that remained to Mrs Anderson and Miss Custance. Mr E Hoare and 2 of his girls called.

Saturday 12th September A very cold dull day – some of the girls went to Cromer and called upon ‘Cat’ who was out. E & M Anderson at Cromer.

Sunday 13th September The same cold wind – went to Felbrigge in the afternoon. Priscilla and two of the girls walked with the Andersons and Mr Fisher across the lawn.

Monday 14th September Mon. E de Bunsen gave a concert at Colne House – 250 people there; £20 taken to put Cromer church out of debt. Priscilla and 3 of the girls there. They went at 8 to Northrepps and had music jingles and charades. Went with John to the farm to see a heifer from Lord Sonder.

Tuesday 15th September The Holt show. Priscilla and Anna, M & G went – it was held at Mr Barkers who gave tea, ices etc. it was very dull and only enlivened by Mr Cozens Hardy having a row with Mr Girdlestone and the judges about partiality.

Wednesday 16th September Laundress gave warning as she wished to live where there are two. Miss Stanley called. Anna and Minnie rode. Mr Gedge wrote a complaint of Mrs Farrer who refused to let his party through the lodge without they paid her. John gave her notice to leave in a month – it appears upon enquiry to be usual thing with her.

Thursday 17th September (different handwriting) Weather very gloomy. John had an attack of indigestion. Very cross in consequence. Had eaten too much at breakfast I expect. Mr and Mrs Feilden came to tea and brought Major and Mrs Feilden with them. Suppose they wanted to amuse them though Mrs Feilden said she came to thank us for our help at her bazaar. How truly clerical! Mrs Feilden kept up her character of wasp as far as the fruit was concerned.

Friday 18th September Weather gloomy. Went to Norwich to get some servants. The plague they are! It seems as if we never were to be settled! The Upchers, Rogers and Edward Anderson came shooting. Hope there will not be an accident! Think it very dangerous as Edward can’t know anything about shooting. Prissie and the girls went to Cromer to call on Mrs Wilson. Did not find her at home. 57 brace and a half shot. Did not go to the lantern picnic.

Saturday 19th September Day gloomy. Rain hard in the night. F Buxton brought a party to shoot, but it came down in such torrents they were obliged to leave off. Spent the day in register offices – it rained all the way home.

Sunday 20th September (different handwriting) Mr and Mrs Anderson at and Mary at Barningham, so Anna had to play – Mr Mills very angry with the men for sitting on the church wall instead of coming in.

Monday 21st September Anna rode with her father to Cromer justicing. H Upcher came home to lunch with John, he was going to Gunton till Friday. Went to with Priscilla to look at some garden pots. When I returned Mr Mott brought the two Mr Meiss’s to see the house. Began late dinners.

Tuesday 22nd September Priscilla, Anna and Ellen went to Cromer to the Colne House reading – Anna walked on the Beacon, Minnie rode. It rained all the evening; wind north east.

Wednesday 23rd September A very cold day – Anna rode in the afternoon, spent the afternoon in the kitchen garden; dull day.

Thursday 24th September Anna and Minnie rode. A shooting party; Mr Upcher. F Buxton, Leathman and Digby – 88 head shot. Mr and Mrs J Hoare and Mr C Buxton called but I was not at home.

Friday 25th September George very ill, obliged to send for Cooper. Anna and Margaret went to dinner at Sheringham. Duncan obliged to go with them. They met Miss Duncan and heard her sing. Anna went into dinner with ‘PT’. Mr John looked in, in the evening.

Saturday 26th September Priscilla and two of the girls went to call on Miss Custance who was not at home and met the Beauchamps and Miss Pearson and rode part of the way home with them. Anna rode with Mr Upcher and Laura, the first time for 18 months. George rather better.

Sunday 27th September It rained very hard as we went to Felbrigge church. John very angry.

Monday 28th September John went justicing, a bye day. Mr and Mrs Wilson called to take leave. Priscilla, Anna and Gertie went to Cromer to see a cricket match but it was only in the Baker’s field so they did not go to it.

Tuesday 29th September Went with Anna to pay a series of clan calls – only Mrs G Barclay at home who had the toothache and complained of the price of bacon, lemons and apples – called on Northrepps to enquire for the Dowager who has an attack of bronchitis. Mrs R Hoare and a Mrs Douglas called and saw Priscilla – 2 invitations to dinner which I was obliged to accept.

Wednesday 30th September Incessant sheets of rain all day with thunder and lightening. No one able to go out. H Earl and E Sistern left.

October Thursday 1st October Shooting party. Mr Upcher, Berners, Mr Mott, Mr Cremer, Mr Rogers – it rained part of the day. John very cross. Priscilla, Anna and Margaret went to a party at Mrs G Hoares.

Friday 2nd October Wrote invitations for a dinner party. Mrs Mortimer and Canon and Mrs Robinson called. Mr Mills came about some rumour he had heard of the Bishop’s relenting – Mr and Mrs C Buxton called and asked the children to a picnic tomorrow. Went with John and Margaret to dinner at Barningham and meet a haunch. ‘Cat’ there – not so base as usual – saw the baby, 5 weeks old.

Saturday 3rd October A very cold rainy morning – picnic impossible – it held up about 12 when C Buxton called and asked Anna to ride with them from Ronnie’s cover at 4 which she agreed to do but was very glad when it began to rain heavily at 2.

Sunday 4th October to Thursday 8th October No entries

Looks as though the pages have been torn out of the diary…

Friday 9th October (different handwriting) Day fine, went to Norwich. Took the Canon some game. Anna rode with Charles Buxton and old Fowell and a few more of the clan. Lady Victoria, Mrs F Hoare, Mrs G Hoare, Mrs S and a few more of them called. Glad I was out! Am sick of seeing them come every year as if the whole place belonged to them.

Saturday 10th October A very fine day. Prissie, Anna and Minnie went to Cromer. Mrs Kennell called and the goon and the Gurney Barclays. Came home at night.

Sunday 11th October (different handwriting) Church in the afternoon ‘Anser’ and his cousin there and went into the kitchen garden and ate raw tomatoes.

Monday 12th October Col. Bourchier and Mr Beauchamp came to fish and caught two small pike. Went to Cromer with Anna and Margaret and called on sundry people.

Tuesday 13th October Dinner party today – dinner served very badly owing to Duncan’s stupidity. Very much annoyed at it, but the party went off very well; the company being well assorted.

Wednesday 14th October Scalded Duncan for not bringing any of the entrees into the room who immediately gave warning. Eighteen to dinner today which was better conducted than yesterday. Mr Kennedy came to call and joined them chestnutting in the park and put me in a fidget because he stayed so late.

Thursday 15th October A very windy day – the Kennedy’s left Cromer. We had a chestnutting party – 32 with ourselves. Lady V Buxton and Victor amongst them. Sir F Buxton sent an annoying letter to the effect that he had ridden over the young trees braking and the fence which excited John very much.

Friday 16th October Letter from Mr E Kennedy requesting an interview – obliged to answer it. Very unhappy all day. John answered Sir F. Baud gave him notice to resign Larry’s cottage and the shooting – had the ‘Cad’ party at night, which was well managed but very heavy – heartily glad when it was over.

Saturday 17th October Found Mrs James had been robbing in a wholesale way. A Caston the laundress left after a year here, in which she had given every satisfaction and we have not heard of another. Anna was to have ridden with the Clan but received a note at 3.20 to say they did not ride, so went out alone. Priscilla, Ellen and Minnie went to lunch at Wickmere and see Miss Pearson who returns to Malvern next week. They had some of the champagne Mr Beauchamp has imported. Letter from Sir F Buxton proposing to refer the matter of the footpath to a ‘mutual friend’ or have an amicable lawsuit, but not wishing to give up the cottages or shooting or disturb the amicable relations existing between our families – very trying and exhausting week. Thankful it is over. Letter from Mr Anderson to say there would be no service.

Sunday 18th October No service at Felbrigge. Went to Aylmerton and heard Mr Mills for the first time; text ‘Doest thou well to be angry with the gourd’. John had not been in the church since August the 10th’ 67, the day we received the telegram of WMK’s death.

Monday 19th October Three of the girls went with John justicing to Cromer – John consulted Cooch about the amicable law suit; but when Sir F Buxton came he said he was informed by Mr Johnson whom he had consulted that he was quite wrong about the right of way – which was a great relief to us to find he could not annoy us any more. Mrs G Hoare sent Greta, May and Alice Patteson and Mrs R Wigram with a note to ask if they might gather chestnuts in the park. After lunch Mr Reynolds came to say Mrs Duncan was gone mad and he immediately went off after her. Mr and Mrs Carsbie called while I was calling on Mrs Stamp who has been in bed with rheumatism in the legs since last Thursday.

Tuesday 20th October Letter from C Buxton asking Anna to ride at 12 from Northrepps; she dressed but it rained heavily till 12.15. she went after lunch to Northrepps and saw Pris Johnstone who said they had intended to have lunch at Trimmingham but only C Buxton had been able to go on account of the rain. Invitation from the Dolphins which we were obliged to refuse as John will be out.

Wednesday 21st October Priscilla and Gertie went to Miss Colson’s for a drawing lesson. At three had an interview with E B K which lasted 1 hour and 40 minutes and was the most perplexing thing I ever underwent.

Thursday 22nd October Wrote a letter to E B K. all the girls miserable – very so myself. Went with John, Margaret and Ellen to dine at Gurney Hoare’s. All clan except Mr and Mrs R Wyram and ourselves – not so dull as usual. While we were out Mrs Duncan escaped from Mrs Reynold’s custody who sent her husband to say so - Duncan, Meerings and several others started in pursuit but she had only gone to her cottage in a rational way. Chancellor Evans killed today.

Friday 23rd October John, Priscilla and Margaret went to Norwich. Duncan went away for a week to place his wife with her friends. Mrs F Buxton and her two daughters called – had Massingham into the hall to supper and sleep in George’s room, who took Duncan’s - the first time since we have lived here that the house was so thinly garrisoned.. Very wet day – extremely dull.

Saturday 24th October Letter from Mr Anderson to say there would be no service tomorrow. Pouring rain the whole day. Priscilla, Margaret and young John came back in the evening.

Sunday 25th October Came down intending to go to Aylmerton church but opened a letter of young John’s by mistake which so upset me that I could not go. Letter from EBK thanking us for past kindness and saying he has been too hasty and bidding us farewell.

Monday 26th October Letter from senior to junior mentioning that a lawyer would have to settle the business – at 12.30 Mr and Mrs Beauchamp brought Captain and Mrs Atkins and asked us to dinner. Went into the woods chestnutting; came in at 5.3. Policeman waiting to see me who had caught 5 men who had lighted a fire in the old cottage in the wood and cut a rope to pieces. They went to Mr Upcher who refuses to commit them to Holt lock up. The policeman then came back and was asked to supper and he finished the leg of mutton we had for dinner on Sunday. Pigotts called; no one at home.

Tuesday 27th October A very fine day. Minnie rode. Anna took John into the woods. Mills and his wife called and saw no one. Lectured Junior but apparently made no impression on him.

Wednesday 28th October John went back by the 11 o’clock coach. Mrs Beauchamp and Captain Atkins came to fish but did not catch anything. Mrs Carsbie, Miss O’Malley and Mary Hardcastle called and directly after, Mary Anderson who called to take leave, as she was going to London tomorrow. Went with Anna and Ellen to dine at Wickmere – Mr Bernard and the Atkins the only addition to the party; Captain Atkins sang comic songs and the evening passed off very well. Heavy gales and rain coming though the ceiling all night.

Thursday 29th October Went with Anna and Margaret to lunch at Beeston and go to the opening of the church. A very large party there and handsome luncheon - £60 collected. John came home at night and made me very unhappy by his accounts of junior. What a weary world this is!

Friday 30th October Went with John, Anna and Margaret to dine at Sheringham – dancing afterwards. May Roper’s first dinner party. Mr and Mrs J Mott, Mr and Mrs Hervey, the two Cremers, Emma Pigott Fowler Gerves and Henry and F Buxton, dancing after, awfully slow.

Saturday 31st October Very ill all day and in dreadful spirits. Went into the village in the afternoon to look at the clothing club things. Duncan came back at night and Anna Lambert. The death of CK in the paper at New Zealand, the 31st of August.

November Sunday 1st November A Mr Roberts of Holt did duty in the morning at Felbrigge. Mr Mills much disgusted at the way H Jones did the service at Beeston.

Monday 2nd November John went justicing. The men who set fire to the faggots were only fined 1.11.6 each (one pound eleven shillings and sixpence). Went to the farm and gave the Davy’s warning at John’s request as the things are dying off so fast. John took some game to Mr Maturin and found him in a car? at the door shrieking dreadfully and Mrs Maturin came and gave us a long account of her distresses.

Tuesday 3rd November The small rent audit. Priscilla and 3 of the girls went to lunch at the yard. Miss Norgate and 2 Miss Partridges there. P T and J gone to Norwich to attend Mr Herring’s funeral – Mrs G Barclay, Mrs R Barclay, Mrs Leatham and Laura Buxton called. John talked to A and had a bad night in consequence

Wednesday 4th November John went to Norwich by the 10.30 coach; very rainy day. Went with Ellen to dine at the Gays – met the Beauchamps. Sir H Robinson and some parsons – no so heavy as some dinner parties and the best dinner we have had this winter.

Thursday 5th November Anna rode in the morning and met the Upcher’s returning from a two days visit at the P???? Went with Margaret to call at the Fishers and leave them £5 for repairs of church but did not find them at home. Went to the Mills, who were out. Called at the Fullers and saw Mrs Anthony.

Friday 6th November Letter from John saying he had an attack of ericipalas (erysipelas) in one eye. Anna and Margaret went to lunch at Northrepps, all the Fowell Buxtons and Mary Pigott there. They called on Mrs Carsbie and M Hardcastle as they came home. Priscilla and 2 of the girls called on Mrs Fisher to give £5 for Sustead church – she did not thank them for it. Hail and rain all day, snow at Norwich.

Saturday 7th November Went to Cromer with Anna and Margaret shopping and the Bank for wages; Minnie rode. In the afternoon Mrs Page sent a note to say that her husband was ill in bed with rheumatic fever. John rather better; would not allow me to come to him in Norwich.

Sunday 8th November Very miserable day writing letters all the morning. Mr Bosworth at Felbrigge in the afternoon. Constant storms of hail and rain.

Monday 9th November A very wet day. Mrs R and Mrs G Hoare called to bid us good bye.

Tuesday 10th November Went to Norwich; left Vincent at her home till the next day. Found John better. Went to Bracondale in the evening. It rained heavily all the afternoon.

Wednesday 11th November Out shopping again in the rain. Went to Boulgers who kept me on thorns 2 hours, as I thought I should not get home in time. Sir H Stracey called at the IT. Went home with John in the evening. Very unhappy at what Cook told me about Junior.

Thursday 12th November All went for a walk in the morning; in the afternoon Mrs Hall came to see the Orange House. Martins aggrieved because Spencer and Co had shot over his land. John sent him a hare and grapes. Captain Windham died yesterday. Mr Upcher sent a card by West asking Anna to ride tomorrow.

Friday 13th November The heifer which John bought of Lord Sondes was found this morning in the north park standing by her calf. Robinetta died yesterday. John went down and told Mr Davy and that Mr Wells aught not to have recommended such an incompetent man. Mr F Micklethorpe wrote to know if he could hire the shooting. Anna and Minnie rode with Mr Upcher. Margaret and I went to call on the Dolphins who were out. Very rainy but not cold.

Saturday 14th November Raining hard all day which prevented us going to Kelling and Anna and Minnie riding with Mr Upcher. We all went into the Orange house to spend the afternoon. The two Dowagers called and stayed some time.

Sunday 15th November Mr Laurence read himself in, Anna played the harmonium; a very cold day. John did not go to Aylmerton.

Monday 16th November John went justicing to hear the Everett case – for making a disturbance in Cromer and assaulting a policeman. They were remanded till the quarter sessions. John did not get home till 4.30 – ate his dinner and started for Norwich at 5. Mr and Mrs Fisher called. Anna rode by herself. The prizes were given away for the N E Association by Mr Upcher – Lord Suffield being at Sandringham – none of us there. F N Micklethorpe’s letter answered.

Tuesday 17th November Gertrude went to Miss Colson for a lesson. Anna rode with The Upchers. Election day at Norwich. Duncan out all day till 10 at night clearing his house. Pat Gray turned out of the town cottage by the parish as the houses were unsafe. Priscilla went to the farm and found the Davy’s packing up as John had told them to go as soon as they could.

Wednesday 18th November Sir H Stracey elected for Norwich at the head of the poll. Mrs Carsbie and Mary Hardcastle came to lunch and stayed till 5. Minnie and Gertie went to Metton and heard that Page was no better.

Thursday 19th November Anna and Minnie rode with Mr Upcher to Northrepps and heard that Isabel Johnston was engaged to a Dr Walker and was ill in bed with Mary Pigott nursing her. Went to the farm to see if Mrs Davy was going on Saturday, found that she did not know about it. John came home from Norwich by coach. A Captain Buckley killed at the cover shooting at Gunton yesterday – Sir F Buxton turned out at Lynn to the great disgust of all his family. J and R Hoare both lost their election.

Friday 20th November Minnie rode alone. Anna went into Aylmerton village to give notice that we should have a clothing club this year. Oliver put up some wire before the Billiard room windows. Went with Margaret to take Mr Maturin some grapes – found him better. The girls expected M Hardcastle to practice a little but she did not come.

Saturday 21st November C Buxton elected 400 majority – John went to see Page who was no better. Anna rode with Mr Upcher to call on the Mr Pryor’s who are at J Hoare’s house. Priscilla and 4 of the girls called on old Bartram and were entertained with some of his ‘early recollections’. Mr Laurence called and talked of himself as a young unmarried man and stayed a long time – a very cold day with high wind. Dr Walker at Northrepps – Catton the carter died today.

Sunday 22nd November Letter from Anna Mary telling us she was coming to spend Xmas at the Pigotts. The glass down an inch and a half, pouring rain, no one able to go to Aylmerton in the morning. Some of them went to Felbrigge in the afternoon. Mr Laurence gave a sermon for the Norwich Hospital.

Monday 23rd November The three eldest went to lunch with Mrs Carsbie and hear extracts from her journal kept when she went up the Nile. Priscilla went to the farm to see the last of Mrs Davy who goes tomorrow. Page rather better. Went to Cromer for the girls in the afternoon and saw Mrs Upcher in the Rusco shop.

Tuesday 24th November Minnie rode. Went with Anna to Northrepps – saw the two dowagers. Asked the elder if I might congratulate her upon Isabel’s engagement, she said I might not as I’s health was much too bad to think of marrying. Called on Mrs M Prior who was at home, but all her servants were out. Mr Birch sent a large salmon weighing 20 lbs from Galashiels. Mrs Parsons moved into the farm yesterday.

Wednesday 25th November Ellen had a bad cold. Anna and Margaret ill and in very bad spirits. Went with John to Kelling and on to Holt. Mrs Rogers and May just gone to Thetford. Saw Mr Rogers who was going to join them. After the election Kelling much improved in appearance – 2 Conservatives in for .

Thursday 26th November election – breakfast early. John went to vote at 8.45. a dull rainy day. We sent down to hear several times to Cromer and at 9.30 heard to our great surprise that Walpole and Lacon were in with 399 majority.

Friday 27th November Went with John and Minnie to Norwich. A very bad day. Took Minnie to Bracondale and left her there. Obliged to return myself and spend the evening lecturing Junior – letter from Soanes about a partner.

Saturday 28th November A very bad day went with Minnie to Bridgemans at 10 and shopping till two. Mrs Douglas and Amy called and said GH had jungle fever and Cadge was attending him – came home at eight. Saw Betts at the register office.

Sunday 29th November Sacrament and only 9 people there. Mrs Mills home again, having spent 3 weeks in Norwich.

Monday 30th November Justicing – John brought Mr Upcher at 12.30 as there was nothing to do – he did not stay to lunch. Minnie rode and saw PT and told him of having tampered with Cooper who however did not vote the way they wished. December Tuesday 1st December The invalids rather better. Anna rode with the Upchers. Went with Priscilla to call on the Beauchamps and Gays – both were out. Came home very cold and found a note from Mrs Mott asking me to bring the girls at 8.30 the next night as she had some young men staying there and they could have some dancing.

Wednesday 2nd December Minnie rode over with a refusal as they had such bad colds. Anna very ill all day with her old complaint. Went to the farm in the afternoon and saw Mrs Parsons for the first time since she had been there. Very dull dark day which turned to rain in the afternoon. Priscilla and 3 of the girls went to Metton – invited the Beauchamps to dinner next week but they were going out all the week.

Thursday 3rd December Rain, fog and gloom all day, got out for an hour in the dusk. ball tonight. John rather gloomy as he could not get out or see to read or write.

Friday 4th December Mrs P Massingham came to ask for mourning as her father in law died in the Union yesterday having only left his wretched cottage a fortnight. Went with Margaret and Minnie to lunch at the Beauchamps – met the Rogers and Feildens and saw the Chrysanthemums – Priscilla, Anna and Ellen went to call on the Mills, found them at home. John very depressed and miserable about various things. Mr Spencer had a shooting party and shot 161 head of game.

Saturday 5th December Massingham went to Cromer for the wages and came back without any money as the bank was closed on account of Mr Bush’s sudden illness. Went to the new cottages to see when Fox could move to Metton – saw Mr Laurence – Mrs Carsbie called with M Hardcastle to bid us adieu as they leave next week. They saw the 3 youngest – Anna and Margaret called on the Pigotts and saw them all; Mrs Pigott complained of the little the large houses did to amuse young people – came home quite wet.

Sunday 6th December Pouring rain all day; could not get to church. No clerk at Felbrigge as old Cawston had resigned.

Monday 7th December Letter from Ellen to say that Mrs Aldridge was dead. Old Cawston who voted the wrong way sent a tissue of falsehood about the matter but John sent Smith to Cromer to make enquiries. A very miserable day. Went with Anna in an open carriage to call on Mrs Mortimer who was out.

Tuesday 8th December A very sunny morning. Anna set off to ride with the Upchers at two but came back directly as the rain came suddenly in torrents. Dressed to call at Barningham but could not go on account of the rain. Mr Upcher, Gerald and Mary Pigott came and brought a note from Mrs Upcher asking Anna and one of her sisters to dine next week. We told him John would not allow then to go alone and he hesitated a great deal and said he should be very happy to see Miss Blake. He said at the door ‘So I hear you have let your shooting, well we shall miss the cheesecakes’.

Wednesday 9th December Anna rode with Mr Upcher in the morning; in the afternoon went Barningham with Ellen, saw no-one. Priscilla, Anna, Margaret went to see Mrs Meering who is very ill – she told Anna how ill she was looking and was very indignant at the shooting being given to the farmers. John in bad spirits all day. Very cold wind north.

Thursday 10th December John, Anna and Priscilla went to Norwich; heavy gale all day. Spent the morning in putting the library to rights and sorting the books. The other four girls went to call on Miss Custance. Invitation from Mrs Fisher for the children to a Xmas Tree. Anna went to a concert at St Andrew’s Hall.

Friday 11th December A very rainy day. Mrs A Johnston and Pris and Isabel called. I congratulated the latter on her engagement and Pris told me he (Dr Walker) was very poor but Granny was reconciled to it. John returned from Norwich with a bad cold.

Saturday 12th December Letter from Anderson about the Cawston, which had crossed the one John wrote. Some of the girls went to Aylmerton to practice and arrange about church decorations with the Mills. Went to the farm in the afternoon. John better.

Sunday 13th December A letter of rather an annoying character from Mr Anderson in answer to the one John wrote. No clerk to make responses – not very pleasant at first. John went to Aylmerton in the afternoon. East wind very cold.

Monday 14th December South wind and gale. Anna and Ellen called at Northrepps and saw the Johnstons – walked in the woods with John and saw ‘love lane’ the first time since the trees have been cut. A dreadful storm of wind and rain in the evening. E Fitzgerald came tonight.

Tuesday 15th December Minnie rode to with a note – three of the girls went to Metton school – John spent the morning in writing to Anderson 7 pages about the clerkship and was very cross because we advised him not to send such a rambling epistle. Priscilla and the three went to Northrepps to see the villagers feasted in the coach house and a magic lantern afterwards. They came home very tired having only had a cup of tea. Wind south and dreadful gale all night with rain. John did not sleep and would not let me.

Wednesday 16th December John sent a shorter letter to Mr Anderson. Bad headache all day. Priscilla, Anna and Ellen went to a ‘dancing dinner’ at Sheringham and did not get home till past 12. Wire putting over all the billiard room windows..

Thursday 17th December Mr Mills called about giving some flour to the parish of Aylmerton – invited the M Pryor’s to dinner, who declined and then the Mills who accepted. The girls took Miss Custance some grapes. Went with Priscilla to look for holly in the old coach drive – a very mild day with cloudless sky.

Friday 18th December Rain all night, lovely day with clear sky. Went to Metton with 4 of the girls to distribute buns etc to the children; none of the Felbrigge children were there. Called on Mrs Page and told her of 3 geese being missed of the number she charged me for.

Saturday 19th December Found I was wrong about the geese. John went to Kelling, Priscilla and 2 of the girls were just going in the pony carriage to Cromer when the Johnstons came and brought Dr Walker with them who seemed ‘picture mad’. Three of the girls went to Mrs Fishers Xmas gathering in the evening.

Sunday 20th December Ten pages from Mr Anderson. Mr Beauchamp unable to dine with us as his father was worse. (Mr Beauchamp died on the 21st aged 84). A very fine bright day and sharp frost. Priscilla and two of the girls walked to Sustead to see the church after the restoration as there was a collection.

Monday 21st December Another letter to Anderson. Every one busy making wreaths for the church at Aylmerton. A very dark dull day – not light enough to see to sew. Wrote at John’s request a note to Mr Anderson about Cawston’s voting wrong. It rained the whole day so that no one could go out. Dayless men came about the well as we have had only soft water to drink the last fortnight.

Tuesday 22nd December All house busy, about the church and the dinner party. W Powell brought a note of excuse; Mrs Potter came and asked for an increased subscription as there were more people in the houses. Our little dinner of Dolphins, Mills and Fishers was very merry and successful.

Wednesday 23rd December All at Aylmerton church, where they lunched with Mr Mills – John and I alone – toothache all day. Bobbie came home at night.

Thursday 24th December Sent grapes to the Dowager and the Johnstons and most of the farmers. Priscilla and three of the girls lunched at the church again and did not get home till quite dark having been with Mr Mills round the parish to give flour, tea and sugar away. Pouring rain all the afternoon.

Friday 25th December Xmas day. Went to Aylmerton in the morning and the orange house in the afternoon. A very bright day. All the rest went to Felbrigge church - Mr Laurance informed them he was going to dine at the Feildens. The first Xmas John has not been here.

Saturday 26th December Anna rode with Mr Upcher though she felt too ill for the exercise. Priscilla, Margaret and Ellen went to call on the Pigotts and ask Anna Mary to luncheon with the Pigotts and H Upcher. Went in the orange house myself and brushed the orange leaves.

Sunday 27th December A very rainy morning but four of us got to Felbrigge – very mild and windy. Sacrament and only 7 people to take it. Satisfactory letter from T N Mut????

Monday 28th December John went justicing and lunched with the M Pryor’s. Went with Bobbie and three of the girls to Beckham Workhouse to pay my subscription to the dinner and give the children apples and pears. Priscilla, Bobbie and three of the girls went to an evening party – it was all dancing with the F Buxtons and Johnstons and 3 of the Colne House party.

Tuesday 29th December A fine morning which turned to pouring rain. Minnie rode and came home wet through. Priscilla and Anna went to Cromer to pay Page the clothing club and came home in the pouring rain at 12.30 which continued till four.

Wednesday 30th December The first snow. Rent Audit which went off very well. Mr Laurence called at 12.30 and I was obliged to see him in the library without a where he kept me about 20 minutes. He called to wish us a merry X etc., etc. Mrs Rogers accepted our invitation for January 13th so we had to write 13 more.

Thursday 31st December A very wretched day. Mr Upcher, Hammy, A M Buxton, Edith and Mary Pigott and Digby came to fish and some of them went to see the church. Mr Upcher caught one pike – it rained most of the time after lunch – we all went into the orange house.