CONTENTS Page Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/2062) . , . , ...... , . , . . . . . , ...... , . , . . 1 Adoption of the agenda ...... , ...... , ...... I . . 1 Question concerning the situation in Southern : Letter dated 1 March 1978 from the Charge d’Affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of the Upper Volta to the United Nations addressed.to the President of the Security Council (S/l 2578) , , . . . . . , . . , ...... , ...... , . . 1 m-.----m- f=-- *


Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. Documents of the Security Council (symbol S/. . .) are normally published in quarterly Supplements of the Official Records of the Security Council. The date of the document indicates the supplement in which it appears or in which information about it is given. The resolutions of the Security Council, numbered in accordance with a system adopted in 1964, are published in yearly volumes of Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council. The new system, which has been applied retroactively to resolutions adopted before 1 January 1965, became fully operative on that date. 2062nd MEETING

I-I&I in New York on Tuesday, 7 March 1978, at 3.30 p.m.

President: Mr. 3. In view of the limited number of pIaces at the Council (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). table, I invite the representative of Kenya to take the place reserved for him at the side of the Council chamber on the Present: The representatives of the following States: ususl understanding that he will be invited to take a place Bolivia, Canada, China, Czechoslovakia, France, Gabon, at the Council table whenever he wishes to speak. Germany, Federal Republic of, India, Kuwait, Mauritius, Nigeria, Union bf Soviet Socialist Republics, United King- At the invitation of the President, Mr. Maina (Ken,va) dom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States took the place reserved for him at the side of the Council of America, Venezuela. chamber.

Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/2062) 4. The PRESIDENT: I wish to inform members of the Council that I have received a letter dated 7 March from the 1. Adoption of the agenda representatives of Gabon, Mauritius and Nigeria, This letter has been distributed as document S/12585 and reads as 2. Question concerning the situation in Southern Rhode- follows: sia: Letter dated 1 March 1978 from the ChargC d’Af- ‘&We, the undersigced members of the Security Council, faires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of the Upper kave the honour to request that, during its meetings Volta to the United Nations addressed to the devoted to consideration of the ‘Question concerning the President of the Security Council (S/12578) situation in ’, the Council extend invitations under rule 39 of its provisional rules of l%e meeting was culled to order ut 4.1.5 p.m. procedure to Mr. Robert G. Mugabe and Mr. Joshua M. Nkomo, Co-leaders of the Patriotic Front of .” Adoption of the agenda 5. As there is no objection to the request, I intend, at the The agenda was adopted. appropriate moment, to invite Mr. Mugabe and Mr. Nkomo to make their statements. Question concerning the situation in Southern Rhodesia: Letter dated 1 March 1978 from the Chargh d’llffaires a.i. It was so decided. of the Permanent Mission of the Upper Volta to the United Nations addressed to the President of the 6. The PRESIDENT: Members of the Council have before Security Council (S/12578) them the text of a letter dated 6 March from the ChargB 1. The PRESIDENT: In accordance with the decision d’Affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Algeria to the taken by the Council at its 2061st meeting, I invite the United Nations [S/12-783] transmitting the text of a letter from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Algeria. representatives of Angola, Benin, , the United Republic of Tanzania, the Upper Volta and to participate in the debate without the right to vote. 7. The first speaker is the representative of Mozambique. I invite him to take a place at the Council table and to make At the invitation of the President, Mr. de Figueiredo his statement. (Angola), Mr, Houngavou (Benin), Mr. Lobo (Mozam- bique), Mr. Salim (United Republic of Tanzania), 8. Mr. LOB0 (Mozambique): Mr. President, on speaking I%&.Bamba (Upper Volta) and Miss Konie (Zambia) took for the first time at this series of meetings of the Council, I the places reserved for them at the side of the Council should like first of all to pay my tribute to you personally chamber. and, through you, to all the members of the Council and the people they represent. To you, I want to reaffirm the 2. The PRESIDENT: I should like to inform members of total support of the People’s Republic of Mozambique in the Council that a letter has been received from the your search for a just settlement of the particular issue in representative of Kenya in which he requests to be invited question, namely, a settlement in Southern Rhodesia, to participate in the discussion. In accordance with the which for a long time now has been a concern of the usual practice, I propose, with the consent of the Council, international community. to invite that representative to participate in the discussion without the right to vote, in accordance with Article 3 1 of 9. Once more we find ourselves debating in the Council the Charter and rule 37 of the provisional rules of the question of the British colony of Southern Rhodesia, procedure. where the illegal racist regime still defies the opinion and will of the international community and has for the last two Territories within South ’s sphere of influence- decade systematically ignored the resolutions of this august inasmuch as South Africa would support them eco- body. nomically, politically and materially-would be enabled to proceed with its policy of bantustanization of South Africa, 10. Ever since Ian Smith illegally occupied that Territory, and henceforth would be supported by the puppet govem- every attempt to reach a peaceful solution of the problem ments of independent Zimbabwe and Namibia, to the has not only failed but has been received by the minority detriment of Africa. and the illegal regime at Salisbury with a clearcut answer of total challenge, expressed in various ways ranging from 16. Once again, the international community should not simple disregard of the public opinion expressed by the remain indifferent to this further affront and challenge United Nations to acts of aggression and violations of the from the illegal regime at Salisbury. It must stop this action territory of neighbouring sovereign States, where Smith has because, if it fails to adopt proper measures to block the been committing some of the most barbaric massacres ever so-called , such failure will put the entire known to mankind. And now he has assumed the dual role United Nations in a position of contradiction, since the of rebel slAbordinate and administering Power, unilaterally Organization has designated Lieutenant-General Prem exercising the prerogatives rightfully belonging to the Chand as its representative in Rhodesia during the transi. colonial Power. Or should we assume that this carries the tional period. blessing of that same colonial Power? 17. My country considers that the Anglo-American pro- 11. Only today, a fresh report of another aggressive raid posals provide some basic elements for the negotiations ta hy Smith’s racist forces has come over the foreign news be carried out with the Patriotic Front, the legitimate wires. reported that Rhodesian security forces had representative of the people of Zimbabwe, with a view to’ struck into neighbouring Zambia killing at least 38 Zim. finding a negotiable solution to the problem, as was said by babweans and many Zambians and causing new and costly my President, Mr. Samora MoisCs Machel, in his statement damage to property. before the General Assembly on 3 October 1977.1

12. To this moment, Smith has exhibited all this arrogance 18. To ignore the Patriotic Front and not to proceed with apparently towards the United Kingdom, the administering the negotiations on the basis of the Anglo-American Power of the Southern Rhodesian colony, and towards the proposals will not contribute in any way to a peaceful international community. One is tempted to ask where all solution of the Rhodcsian problem, because the people 0.f this force exhibited by Smith comes from, Who is behind Zimbabwe and Africa are as one in not tolerating that him, causing him to behave in such a bold way from 11 situation. The people of Zimbabwe, under the legitimate to this latest manoeuvre of the so-called leadership of the Patriotic Front, will continue to intensify internal settlement? It is evident that, without the support the armed struggle and the People’s Republic of Mozam- which Smith gets from his Western allies, the racist and bique, together with other front-line States, will redouble illegal Smith r4&rne would not have survived all the their support in every way they can until the people of measures adopted by the United Nations, although those Zimbabwe win dignified, complete and total independence. measures unfortunately have not been honoured by some Not to consider the Patriotic Front a valid interlocutor is to of the Members which have not complied with the action ignore the realities of Zimbabwe. initiated by the international community. 19. The present situation demands that we should face our 13. We know that all these ideas and plans could not be responsibilities. By assuming them we do not imply that the master-minded entirely by Smith himself and his direct international community should serve as a substitute for collaborators, Plans of this nature arc part of the imperialist the Zimbabwean people in their national liberation struggle, global strategy to prevent the creation of progressive but that we must firmly and decisively support them in rCgimes which are contrary to the interests of imperialism, their effort to reach a just settlement which can guarantee in Africa in general and particularly in that area. peace in the country.

14. We know too that the plan which has been conceived 20. We must isolate and completely liquidate Ian Smith, and which is now being implemented by Smith and those together with his settlement and his puppets who, in order who support him, overtly or covertly, was meant to create a to satisfy their own personal interests, have revealed the.ir group of puppets for the prevention of the solution to the true character as traitors to Africa in the Iine of Moi’se problem which might be reached through the dialogue TshornbB, Ojuko, Holden Roberto and Savimbi, who taking place between the Patriotic Front and the Anglo- shamelessly betrayed their own people and the people of American group, and that the purpose was to protect Africa as a whole. Africa is ashamed of those who have certain interests in the area. We are afraid, however, that betrayed Zimbabweans who gave their lives in action, of once again the wrong approach has been adopted by Smith those who betrayed all the refugees who were murdered jn and his friends. cowardly and merciless fashion in Chimoio, Nyazonia and the Smith prisons. Africa is ashamed of those betraying a.11 IS. It should be clear that the establishment of a puppet the young Zimbabweans who have had to give up all government in Zimbabwe would encourage South Africa to prospect of a normal life in order to risk their lives for a go ahead with its plans to install a similar system in Namibia. Those two objectives would serve the intentions 1 See official Records of the General Assembly, Thirtwecof~d of the Vorster regime which, by strategically setting up the Session, Plenary Meerings, 17th meeting. meaningful freedom for their motherland. Those detestable community should be concerned with the latest Smith characters have not only betrayed both dead and living manoeuvres in order to avoid a fait accompli on this Zimbabweans, but have gone to the extent of betraying n!!astidn. The Salisbury rkgime, conspiringwith the puppet even those not yet born. By the time the future generation JOUPS of Muzorewa, Sithole and Chirau, is stagingthe comes into this world, those poor innocent children will macabre manoeuvre of a so-calledinternal solution, with find themselves in a world of discrimination where each will the end in view of setting up a neo-colonialistregime which be either a black Zimbabwean, or a white Zimbabwean with will wait for the action of the racist regimein South Africa dual citizenship-in other words, a colonialist but never just to increasethe already existing tension in the area. a Zimbabwean who happens to be white. 25. The People’s Republic of Mozambique vigorously 21. We ask: is the Security Council going to permit the condemnsthe Smith manoeuvre.The immediate removalof legalization of discrimination and the perpetuation of the Ian Smith, the leader of the racist minority rebel Govern state of tension in Zimbabwe? How will Africa explain to ment, is the first condition that is required for any effort to the young Zimbabwean some”years from now the whole solve this problem to be successfuland to be implemented political tragedy and frustration with which he will find in the right manner. Ian Smith has been the author of all himtelf surrounded, and how will that young Zimbabwean the drama of Rhodesia,and it is still the sameIan Smith react? The idea that he will not mind or that he will who has actedas the main protagonist, causingthe failure tolerate such a fate can only occur to someone who either of every legitimate attempt at negotiation to resolve the is not serious and realistic or is somehow suffering from a Rhodesianproblem throughout the 13 years of his racist racist complex, perhaps even without being aware of it. rebellion.

22. Smith should not be given another opportunity to 26. We believe that the effectiveness of the proposals degrade humanity. The Security Council should stop him. submitted depends to a large extent upon the determi- The dignity of Africa must be preserved and we cannot nation and sincerity shownby your Government, Mr. Presi- preserve it by allowing the kind of settlement that is signed dent, by the Government of the United States and by the by men who are traitors to and renegades of the liberation international community in general. cause of an entire people, men who have opted for an alliance with a racist and Fascist regime in order to 27. We have come to the Security Council to pledgeanew perpetuate the racial discrimination, humiliation and ex- our faith in its proven capability and strength to meet head ploitation that haye so long been endured by the people of on even greaterthreats to international peaceand security. Zimbabwe. The people of Zimbabwe have suffered more It is with this sameconviction that we rally the Council to than enough. The fact is that the newly concocted plan of take its turn and act effectively to cope with the worsening deceit and deprivation will add further strength to their danger to the peace-lovingmembers of the international united desire to continue fighting for their just cause. The community who have jointly expressedtheir condemnation denial of their representation by the Patriotic Front will and rejection of the attempts to deceive Zimbabwe and its inevitably invite their most militant opposition and will people and the rest of the world. intensify the armed struggle. It is extremely regrettable that a few turncoats who have chosen to satisfy selfish ambi- 28. My country, the People’sRepublic of Mozambique, tions at the expense of swallowing self-respect and dignity, born out of the sacrifices of the best sons of the including love for their country and compatriots, have Mozambican people, will continue to fulfil its responsi- further sparked and aggravated violent repercussions. bilities in supportingthe people of Zimbabwe, through the Patriotic Front, until they achieve their final victory: a 23. While our desire is to achieve peace and not to dignified, total and completeindependence. internationalize the conflict, an end to the current clashes can be attained only through the honest and truthful 29. The PRESIDENT: The next speakeris the represen- resolution of the conflict. The kind of settlement mali- tative of Angola. I invite him to take a placeat the Council table and to make his statement. ciously arranged under the terms reported in the press will never work out. We must assurea genuinetransfer of power 30. Mr. de FIGUEIREDO (Angola): Mr. President,in view from the minority rBgime to majority rule. The interna- of the agreementestablishing diplomatic relationsbetween tional community must channel all the necessaryefforts to our two countriesthat we signedhere in New York not too ensurereal independencefor Zimbabwe. long ago, allow me to convey to you and to your Government the best wishesof my Government and myself 24. We wish in particular to addressan appeal to the and our hope for ties of friendshipand co-operationto our representativesof the United Kingdom and the United mutual benefit. States, who took as their responsibility the elaboration of proposalswhichhave beenthe basisof negotiationswith the 31. Furthermore, it is fitting indeed that the present Patriotic Front. The time has come to back up their Security Council debate should take pIace under the proposals.We should also like to addressan appealto all presidency of the United Kingdom, which, first as a the WesternPowers that are in one way or another seriously colonial Power and later as the administeringPower, has involved in the question of Zimbabwe. We shouldlike to been more intricately involved in the affairs of Zimbabwe see them make an earnest effort and, if necessary,take than any other country in the world. energetic steps to persuadeand influence Ian Smith to desistfrom going aheadwith his macabreplans, which can 32. For its part, the People’s Republic of Angola is a only lead to regrettable consequences.The international front&e State which has alwaysbeen deeply committed to

3 the liberation of , to the eradication of sionsare to be remittableoutside the country, enabling the racism, apartheid, minority rule and the denial of funda- former racist colonialiststo continue to be subsidizedby mental freedoms to the majority inhabitants of any and exploit Zimbabwean labour, people and products; country. We are participating in the debate today for the citizens who are at present entitled to dual citizenship are purpose of restating our position, reiterating our support to retain that privilege, and so people will be subsidised for the Patriotic Front in its struggle to liberate Zimbabwe who may have no stakeat all in the future of Zimbabwe. from the stranglehold of a racist minority regime and to renew our pledge to all the freedom fighters of southern 37. Other details of the agreementreveal that the Smith Africa to establish majority rule and a just and equitable clique will maintain the status quo for 10 years, plus the society. transitional period. After the transitional period, the “parliament” will be ableto enact “ordinary” legislationby 33. We in southern Africa are tired of war. For generations a simplemajority, but the administrationof that legislation we have been battling all over Africa to achieve indepcn- and the governingof the country will remain in the hands dence. Much blood has been shed. The lives of countless of the existing civil service;the police force and judiciary generations have been sacrificed so that we might win and the armed forcessupporting the Government will retain freedom. But if southern Africa requiresof us further and their present composition.Are we being askedto accept even greater sacrifices, we are willing to serve, so that that as “freedom” for the Zimbabweanpeople? ultimately our oppressedbrethren in that areawill achieve OUT common destiny and our common dream: freedom and 38. At this very moment the Fascist, racist troops Or complete independence. Smith and those who signedthe so-calledinternal settle- ment are attacking the independentnation of Zambia. 34. There are many forms of imperialism and colonialism today. Peace will not come to the area as long as any 39. I wonder how many of us in this chamberreally know settlement achieved by the illegal racist Smith rigime the full extent of the racism,oppression, exploitation and continues to ignore the genuine liberation movement: the inequality that engulf the lives of native black Zim- Patriotic Front. The negotiations that have been taking babweans. The strict censorshipimposed by the Smith place between Smith and certain elements within Zim- re’gimehas effectively shut off from the world the abysscrf babwe and the agreementthat has recently beensigned are horror and deprivation in which black Zimbabweanslive, all a farce, a mockery of justice, a deception of the greatest while white Rhodesiansare free to migrate. For exam:ple, magnitude. We view it with horror becauseit will merely Smith’s troops have orders to shoot any Zimbabwean prolong the state of war that exists in Zimbabwe today and children who wander outside their “protected” villages. that will continue unabated as long as the people,led by That news was revealed in the course of parliamentary their vanguard movement the Patriotic Front, do not get debates at Salisbury and escapedcensorship because of a their full rights, We also view with sorrow the fact that loophole permitting the reporting of statementsmade by certain elementsin Zimbabwe have allowed Smith to pull legislators. Those “protected” villages are fenced and the wool over their eyes and are unwittingly, or delib- patrolled hamlets-almost concentration camps-in wllietl erately, carrying out the designsof imperialist Powers. blacks have been forcibly regrouped, and they Were IFirst introduced in 1973. There are at present over 200 sucll 35. That so-calledinternal settlement can only damage protected villages, mainly in the north-east and south-east chancesfor a just solution to the conflict; it can delay true of the country, with new onesbeing establisheddaily in the liberation, but it cannot prevent it. The revolutionary north-west as well. militants of the People’sRepublic of Angola throw their fit11weight behind the efforts of the Patriotic Front; and we state baldly and clearly that, unlessthat internal settlement 40. There are over 580,000 blacks who have been cum- is rejected and condemnedand unlessnegotiations with the pulsorily removed to thosevillages, which are overcrowded. Patriotic Front are againeffectively put in motion, the only lack sanitary facilities, clean water and sufficient food; a11d course left open to the people of Zimbabwe will be armed the blacks who have been forced to move into them have struggle. not been compensatedfor the property they were forced trl abandon when they were transported into thosecamps. ‘I*<) force them to move, their black settlements were btn:nu

4 42. The administering Power, for various reasons, has thought that the racist apurthcid rdgime at will be made no attempt to denounce the settlement, although encouraged to duplicate the processin Namibia and that Mr. Owen stated at the thirty-second session of the General southern Africa will remainat war for many Inore years. Assembly,2 not too long ago, that only negotiated settle- ments which were internationally acceptable and which had 48. Smith and his allies, both inside and outside Zim- the full support of the United Nations would end the babwe-both inside and outside Africa-are hoping to violence and achieve stable majority rule. Now we hear perpetuate their rule. Setting up a form of token majority cautiously worded statements coming out of London, as rule is sheer camouflage to prevent the genuine forces of well as Washington, implying acceptance of Smith’s farcical liberation from taking over and dealing a death.! !,)lv to settlement. And then the Western world wonders at our imperialism and neo-colonialism.Parallel to this, v&it the “phobia” of imperialism and neo-colonialism and finds our struggle continues, as it surely will, Smith and his cohorts alliances with our genuine friends inexplicable and “dan- will cry “genocide” and charge the supporters of the gerous”. Patriotic Front with hostility to a black Government in Zimbabwe. 43. We reiterate our stand that any settlement of the Zimbabwe question has to include the Patriotic Front and 49. It is not only power that grows out of the barrel of a that power has to be handed eves to the legitimate gun: it can also be freedom, peaceand genuine indepen- representatives of the people of Zimbabwe. We have every dence. To that end all progressiveforces in southern Africa reason to doubt Smith’s motives; we are fully justified in have committed themselves.Until final victory the struggle harbouring deep suspicions about his nefarious plans. continues. Consider some of the following facts. SO. The PRESIDENT: The next speakeris the represen- 44. There was a 300 per cent increase in the defence tative of Benin, whom I invite to take a place at the Council budget of the Smith r6gimc between 1972 and 1976, with a table and to makehis statement. 26 per cent increase predicted for 1977-1978. Between March 1976 and 1977, there were 143 attacks by the Smith 51. Mr. NOUNGAVOU [Benin) (inferprcYation ,fiom forces against Mozambique alone. Zimbabwe has a popula- Fresh): Sir, my delegation thanks you most sincerely for tion of 6.3 million, of which the white minority forms only allowing us to participate in this important debate on the 250,000. Yet there are 85,406 registered white voters while question of Southern Rhodesia. I congratulate you pcr- only about 10,000 blacks so far have the franchise -less sonally on your accessionto the presidencyof the Council than two-hundredths of one per cent. Military spending is at this historic time. We know you are a very experienced taking up 27 per cent of the budget, or almost $1 million and skilled diplomat. At this time you are assumingan per day. awesome responsibility for the proper conduct of ihe present debate. As President, you are master of the 45. A very pertinent question at this point-one that is CounciI’sprocedure, and procedure, aswe all know, can be linked to this so-called settlement, and to the efforts now usedfor all ends,good or bad. I do not doubt your personal being made to win recognition for the settlement-is how honesty; I wish you courageand success. the Smith r6gime could have lasted all these years if it were not for the direct and indirect help afforded to the racist 52. My delegationwishes to avail itself of this opportunity regime from abroad, most noticeably, of course, from to express its gratitude to Comrade AmbassadorTroya- Pretoria, with the connivance of the imperialist Powers. The novsky of the Soviet Union for the skill and the senseof reports of the Committee on Sanctions,3 of the Committee responsibility with which he guided the Council’swork last of 244 and of other United Nations organs show quite montl1. clearly that Smith could afford to ignore United Nations decisions because of the overt and covert support which he 53. The unswerving support of my country, the People’s has been receiving from his allies. Who are Smith’s allies? Republic of Benin, for the cause of the liberation of peoples from foreign domination and exploitation, impe- 46. We are not debating the issue of sanctions; yet the rialism, colonialism, neo-colonialismand racism is part of issue of vital supplies, such as petroleum, is fundamental to our national political programme. The PeopIc’sRepublic of the existence of the Smith r&ime. Even by the most Benin, a revolutionary country, its vanguard party, the conservative estimates, the r6gime has 5,000 armed soldiers, Party of the People’s Revolution of Benin, and its valiant 1,200 air force men, 80 combat aircraft and 4,,000 reservists I‘eople arc well aware that the only guarantee of their and 6,400 paramilitary men with 28,500 reservists, as well freedom, peaceand security residesin the total liberation as innumerable armed white civilians. Where does Smith get of African -that is to say, principally, the systematic arms and fuel for his forces? elimination of the illegal, minority racist rCgimesof Pretoria and Salisbury. 47. Another aspect of the internal settlement causes us trcmcnduus concern: we are legitimately outraged at the 54. That iswhy, in order to give concrete expressionto our total commitment to the cause of peoples struggling to recover their human dignity and win self-determinationand 3 Sccurity Council Conuni ttcc catablishcd in pursuance 0T rcsolu- independence,and to commemoratethe first anniversary of don 253 (1968) concerning the question of Soutlrcrn Rhodesia. the defeat, by the people of Benin. of the armedimperialist 4 Special Cornmittco on the Sitmtion with regard lo the Imple- nmhtion of tlic Dcclmftior~ on the :;untin~; of Indcpcndcncc to aggressionof 16 January 1977, a Week of Solidarity with Colonial Countries and 1%20plc~. Peoplesand Countries Struggling for their National Libera-

5 tion and an International Conference on Mercenaries were so doing, the imperialists think that they can call in organized at Cotonou from 9 to 16 January 1978 on the question the authority of SWAP0 . . .; they are seeking to initiative of our party. Those events, the results of which destroy the unity of the Patriotic Front of Zimba.bwe in have been published in document S/I2557 of 13 February order to despoil the people of Zimbabwe of the fruits of 1978, brought together delegations from more than 40 their struggle and sacrifices . . .“. democratic countries, parties and organizations throughout the world, and the results of those events, particularly the 55. These are the fundamental characteristics of the historic Declaration of Cotonou, carry considerable con- strategy and tactics of the imperialist Powers in southern viction. I shall read out a few passages of that Declaration Africa, as was so well emphasized in the historic &Clara. concerning precisely the tactics and strategy of the impe- tion of Cotonou. Given these tactics and strategy, moti- rialist Powers in Africa at this time: vated by bloodthirsty violence, the only response for us is armed struggle and recourse to the historical right of “The great defeat suffered by American imperialism in self-defence. South-East , the collapse of the colonial system under the hammer blows of the peoples of Africa and the 56. The people of Benin has never believed in the so-callctl intensification of the struggles waged by the constantly peaceful settlement plans dreamed up in imperialist offices. expanding non-aligned movement caused international Even before they began, our country denounced the imperialism, seriously shaken, to redirect its strategy of talks on Southern Rhodesia as a crude delaying domination and exploitation and to focus its aggressive- tactic. The lamentable results they produced and the ness and most of its designs on Africa, , . . continued abdication of responsibility by the British colonial Power, which has constantly refused to pu.t down “The new imperialist strategy of domination and the rebellion of that rogue, Ian Smith, are proof that wc exploitation is developing in two main directions, one were right and that we shall always be ri&t in our based primarily on policies of intimidation and force and rigorously objective analysis of the situation in southern the other on methods that are more pernicious but no less Africa. Our scepticism with regard to these Western plans, harmful and dangerous. whether British or Anglo-American, for the peaceful settlc- ment of the problems of southern Africa-Namibia and “This strategy is clearly part of a carefully elaborated Zimbabwe-is more than justified. global plan, carried out in a climate of disorder and calculated confusion in an attempt to disorient and 57. There is one plan, and only one, for the peaceful outwit the progressive forces and to create artificial rifts, settlement without bloodshed of the Rhodesian question. the better to accomplish their work of undermining and The framework and the broad lines of that plan have demolition. already been laid down in resolutions of the United Nations and OAU. That plan has two basic objectives: the peaceful “These roles of the various imperialist Powers are surrender of Smith and the transfer of power to the distributed and made to overlap in such a way that it is authentic representatives of the people of Zimbabqfe under not easy to reveal their complicity in the criminal the banner of the Patriotic Front. Any plan that sidesteps activities, This tactic reflects the concern of the impe- these two clearly defined objectives is nothing but a vile rialists to avoid appearing openly behind one and the imperialist and neo-colonialist machination and plot. TIE same mask, so as not to be perceived as a single bloc, countries and peoples of Africa and all the peoples of tl~ which would lead to their undoing and their total world that love peace and justice are determined vigorously isolation. Duplicity, like amalgamation and diversion, has to counter such plots and to work for their failure. always formed part of the arsenal of imperialism. 58. The main objective of the various plans, and in . . . particular of the so-called agreement signed on 3 Mar& 1978, is to set up in Southern Rhodesia a servile IICO- “The sudden resurgence of the Western Powers’ interest colonial r&me committed to the defence of the strategic, in Africa , . . is instructive in this connexion. It is not economic and political interests of the Western Powers, tllat reflected solely in the compassion which the Western is to say a r6gime totally devoted to the preservation of Powers, the traditional supporters of the racist rCgimes of interests radically opposed to those of the labouring, southern Africa”-in Salisbury and in Pretoria-“have exploited and oppressed masses of Zimbabwe. That is why suddenly displayed for the oppressed peoples of Namibia, we consider these to be merely machinations, imperialist Zimbabwe and South Africa . . and the poorest African manoeuvres or simply plots. countries. It is reflected above all in interference, in an increasing number of subversive activities, . . . 59. It is in this way that we must describe the so-caltell internal agreement signed on 3 March. It is in fact tfw “In southern Africa, the imperialists, acting through outcome of a carefully prepared process, instigated 31ld Pretoria and Salisbury, are working relentlessly against maintained by the strategists of imperialist and neo-colo- the front-line States, especially Angola and Mozambique _ nialist policies of domination in their London and ‘Washing- At the same time, in groups of five or two, they are ton offices, hatching plans and initiatives clearly designed to render devoid of substance the independence which the inter- GO. The Smith agreement only differs from the other national community is demanding with particular insis- plans, published or not, in the directness of its tertns. Smith tence for the people of Namibia [and of Zimbabwe]. In lacks the diplomatic finesse of the strategists of London

6 and Washington, that subtlety of words and of expressions the bonds that have increasinglybeen choking him. To that intended to distract our vigilance and to launch us on a end, he must at all costsobtain the lifting of the economic suicidal course. Ian Smith, the son of a butcher, does not sanctionswhich afflict the Smith regimeand the disbanding bother himself with all these subtleties, As proof of his of the patriotic forceswhich each day increasethe scopeof nai’vety, his lack of finesse, and his extraordinary clnmsi- their operations and strike devastating blows againstthe nags, I need only quote from a passage from John Burns’ adversary. article, published in The New York Timef of 4 March last, in which the entire Salisbury agreement was also published. 65. This is proof that the Smith plan and the other plans, It reads as follows: both public and secret,have one and the sameobjective, that is, an objective that is totally contrary to the interests “Mr. Smith, and most whites, appear to hope that life of Africa. under a black Government”-that is to say, within the framework of the agreement-“will not be much different 66. Having said this, we may ask who is Smith and who from what it is now. Government officials seemed to be are the so-calledinternal leaders? A handful of agentswho expressing this in symbolic form by arranging to have the have imperialist patents. It is pointless then for us to give portrait of Rhodes, who gave the country his name, too much importanceto thesesorry creatures,for whatever transported specially from Mr. Smith’s, office to the importance we give them they are still only a front for the signing ceremony, where it was the only adornment on sameenemy of African peoples:imperialism. the wall.“5 67. It is for all thesereasons that the African peoplesin The African peoples of the in general and the general, and the people of Zimbabwe in particular, con- Zimbabwe people will pass on from generation to genera- demn and categorically reject this interna agreementand tion the sorry memories and the indelible traces left by call on the Security Council to do likewise,This is a serious , a notorious British settler who made of white moment. The Internal agreementbears within it the seeds domination and supremacy a political doctrine in the of war in all its forms;it aggravatesthe generalinsecurity of British colony of Southern Rhodesia. It is precisely this the region and threatens increased violence against the that Smith’s internal agreement seeks to front-line States. The administeringPower and all Western preserve. States will bear full responsibility for any new bloodshed imposedon a peacefulpeople that wants its freedom. 61. I shall now quote another passage from Mr. Burns’ ar title : 68. Benin, for its part, will continue, aswill all progressive States, to lend its moral, political, diplomatic and material “The transitiona administration will take over at an support to the Patriotic Front, which is the only genuine unspecified point in the coming weeks. . , . Under com- representativeof the people of Zimbabwe. plex arrangements that divide power between whites and blacks, Mr. Smith will retain the title of Prime Minister. 69. The PRESIDENT: The r!ext speakeris the represen- tative of Kenya. I invite him to take a seat at the Council “ ‘We are all equals now’, he said, referring to the four table and to make hisstatement. leaders who signed the agreement, The four will make up the Executive Council, the controlling body in the 70. Mr, MAINA (Kenya): Mr. President, I thank you and transitional administration, with each of the leaders the other membersfor making it possiblefor me to address acting as chairman for unspecified periods in rotation. the Council on the question of Southern Rhodesia. I am The Council will operate by consensus, giving Mr. Smith particularly pleasedto see you presiding over these meet- the power to block decisions”5 ings because your country, more than any other, is concerned with the problem of Southern Rhodesia. YOU 62. Here Mr. Smith, who is responsible for the present have personally been involved in one of the many efforts situation, is invested.with a right of veto! Thus that same that your country has undertaken to solve this problem, white supremacy taken to extremes during the transition and you are therefore intimately involved and familiar with period will remain substantially unchanged after 3 1 Decem- the issuesunder discussion.No doubt the deep involvement ber 1978, when the so-called black majority institutions of your country and your own personalinvolvement in the will be set up. situation in Southern Rhodesiamay lead to uncomfortable situations for you asPresident of the Council, but, knowing 63. The clauses safeguarding the interests of the white your outstanding qualities as a lawyer, parliamentarianand racist minority are many and they include the right of veto diplomat, I have confidence that you will acquit yourself of the 28 whites in Parliament, which comprises 100 well and guide the discussionof this problem in the Council members. Ultimately, as Ian Smith believes-and here we to a successfulconclusion. agree with him-nothing will change. Life will go on as before, namely, with the exploitation of the Zimbabwean 71. This meeting has been called to review the situation in people. Southern Rhodesiabecause one more in a seriesof many manoeuvres that the illegal regime of Southern Khodesia 64. It is also symptomatic that the objective of the had undertaken since 1965 is creating some confusion and internal agreement prepared by Smith is above all to ~OOSCYY giving an opportunity to the supportersof the illegal regime to mount a campaignfor the recognition of that illegal 5 Quoted in English by the speaker. regime, This manoeuvre is particularly dangerous in the

7 current situation because it is being advertised under a United Nations mandatory sanctions--an action which is beautiful label known as “majority rule”. It is fraudulent, naively taken for granted-and, secondly, bringing to an as any careful observer who has been following the end the armed conflict being waged by the freedom situation will quickly see. It is therefore the duty of the fighters. Ending the armed conflict would becomethe task international community to review the situation and clearly of the so-callednew government, which doesnot include understand the issues and what is at stake in order to avoid either those who are doingthe fighting or their leaders.The being party to the tragedy which is continuing to be third important problem, natnely, the securing of legality enacted in Southern Rhodesia. for the illegal regimefrom the administeringPower, hasnlot been dealt with at all, unlesswe take the setting of a date 72. It is necessary that the Council should address itself to for independenceto imply that the British Government will the issues so that clear thoughts and understanding may confer legal instrumentsfor that supposedindependence on lead to reasonable decisions and actions. The illegal r8gime 3 1 December 1978. The three fundamental issues-the of Southern Rhodesia seized independence illegally in lifting of sanctionsagainst Southern Rhodesia,the termina- 1965. The administering Power-your country, Mr. Presi- tion of armed conflict inside Southern Rhodesiaand the dent-denounced that action of the illegal minority rCgime granting of legal independenceby the administeringPow. and came to the Council to request it to impose mandatory er-have not beendealt with adequately. sanctions against Southern Rhodesia. Despite gross viola- tions of these sanctions, they are still in force, although 75. Is it seriouslybeing proposedthat, becausethe illegal they are producing but a fraction of the intended effects. regime has securedthe co-operation of a new set of blal:k That rBgime has received no official recognition from any faces who may in the past have representedsignificant country. Like those sanctions, the tnany years of patient sectionsof the peoplesof Southern Rhodesia,the face of waiting for peaceful means to change the situation in the illegal rCgimeis now acceptable’?We say, no. Right Southern Rhodesia-meanswhich have included high-level from the beginning, when the racist rdgime illegally negotiations between the British Government and the declaredindependence, there has always been a sufficient leaders of the regime over the years and, more recently, number of Africans who have agreedto give their co-opera- between the leaders of the regime and the British and tion to the racist r&me. Indeed, even though the African United States Governments-have produced no result. people rejected the 15 seatsallocated to thetn in the racist These peaceful approacheshave not achieved the removal parliament, thoseseats have at all times been occupiedby a of the illegal racist minority regimeand the creation in that number of men picked by the racist rdgime. Furthermore, unhappy Territory of a lawful government representingall not so many months ago, the rdgimeset about recruiting a the peoples of Southern Rhodesia. As we all know, the few of thosepeople, who were appointed and giventhe tiltle prolonged frustrations led to the formation of forces of of ministers in an attempt to paint the face of the racist freedom fighters nearly six years ago. The freedom fighters’ rdgime with somecolour representativeof the peoplesOf efforts, together with the sanctions imposed by the Southern Rhodesia.No one has seriously suggestedth.it, Council, are a part of the situation in Southern Rhodesia becauseIan Smith securedthese half dozen men to join his which no one can ignore. The illegal r&ime has therefore ranks, the regimeceased to be either illegal or racist. The addresseditself to the question of how to eliminate these fact that two of the so-calledAfrican leadershave enjoyed a two factors from the situation. position of leadershipin the past is supposedto give them credentials that would make them acceptableto the outside 73. Last year, the British Government, in conjunction world if not inside Rhodesia.The most significant fact with the Government of the United States, put forward which tendsto exposethis fraud is that one of theseleaders proposals.as a basisfor negotiations between the British has in the past insistedon testing the acceptanceby the Government, assistedby the United States Government, African people of suchproposals, while this time there is 110 and the illegal r&&e of Ian Smith, with the participation mention whatsoeverof any move to test the acceptanceby of the peoples of Southern Rhodesia represented by the the peoplesof Southern Rhodesiaof the so-calledinternal freedom fighters. Although there were many reservations settlement proposals.The credentials which theseAfrican regarding those Anglo-American proposals, they were leadersmay have enjoyed in the past are subject to serious accepted in principle as a basis for negotiations. The question now, and their acceptance of the fraudulent Council was persuadedat the time to appoint a United proposals, which will evidently not lead to any genuine Nations representativewho would be in a position to assist majority rule, providesthe best evidenceof that. in a solution of the problem. Those Anglo-American proposalsare still on the table for discussion,as evidenced by the recent meeting held in . The peoples of 76. NO doubt in the next few weeksor months there will Southern Rhodesia, represented by the freedom fighters, be plenty of talk of interference by outside forces in can be said to be still pursuing a path for a negotiated internal affairs of Southern Rhodesia.This is nothing new, settlement with the only authority in a position to convert as the illegal r&ime has maintained that complaint all the illegal rCgime in Southern Rhodesia into the legal along. What is important is to recognize that a peaceful government of that colony. We know, however, that the solution of the problem of Southern Rhodesia is the ilIega1regime has rejected the Anglo-American proposals concern of us all. That problem has been a threat to and planned to stageits own so-calledinternal settlement, international peace and security from the beginning. FOE which can assumethe mantle of legality only if that mantle this threat to be removed, it is important that a genuihc is granted by the British Government, effort should be madeto solve the problem peacefully. AS we have stated, there are three main issuesto be tackled for 74, The so-called internal settlement provisions address a peaceful solution of the problem-natnely, steps to be themselves to resolving two issues: first, the lifting of taken in order to bring an end to armed conflict in

8 Rhodesia, steps to be taken to enable the administering African people. Although that might appearto be so, the Power to grant legal independence to Southern Rhodesia truth is that if peaceis to return to SouthernRhodesia the and steps to be taken to enable the Security Council to lift freedom fighters must be involved in any genuinesettle- mandatory sanctions against Southern Rhodesia. ment proposals.It is for that reasonthat we urge that a conferenceincluding all thoseinvolved in the problem of 77. Ending the armed conflict requires that the illegal Southern Rhodesia, among them the Patriotic Front, regime and the freedom fighters be engaged in discussions should be convenedin order to hammerout proposalsthat so that settlement proposals acceptable to both may be will bring genuinemajority rule in SouthernRhodesia, The agreed upon. Recruiting a group of leaders within Rhodesia so-calledinternal settlement proposals cannot bring genuine who do not represent the freedom fighters-who, as we all non-racistmajority rule in SouthernRhodesia. Since they know, enjoy the full support of the peoples of Southern do not addressthemselves to the basic issuesof the Rhodesia-is engaging in self-deception, That can only lead problem, they cannot provide a solutionand therefore they to continued armed conflict, when armed conflict ought to should be rejected.We call on thoseresponsible for their be ended as soon as possible. For settlement proposals to be formulation to think againand to take the route provided acceptable to the administering Power-and no doubt the by the Anglo-Americanproposals, which form a good basis representatives of the administering Power can best speak for negotiationsfor the settlement of the problem of for it-they must lead to genuine majority rule within SouthernRhodesia. Rhodesia, The proposals put forward at present, we believe, fall far short of the desired goals of majority rule-and this 79. For that reason,we urgethe Council to take a position has been stated by representatives of the administering that will lead to an end to the problem createdby the Power. Indeed, any careful study of those proposals will illegal racist regimein Southern Rhodesia.This position indicate that they provide no settlement at all. They only shouldbe that the United Nationswill continueto enforce make provision for an unlikely or unrealistic form of the existing mandatory sanctions against Southern government in the interim period, leaving the difficult Rhodesiauntil the problemis finally solved.There can be issues facing a majority government to be settled by the no short cut to genuine majority rule which doesnot non-government of the interim period. Those proposals also codify, in a permanentsettlement, the racismand apartheid codify the racism which is the basic cause of the problem of that are evident in the current so-calledinternal settlement Southern Rhodesia. No one would fail to note the racism proposals, We believe that the people of Southern and fraud contained in the electoral roll fraudulently called Rhodesia,freed from the terrorismimposed by the illegal “common”. No one but the blind and deaf would fail to be regimeand given a chanceto choosefreely, would reject struck by the fact that, apart from the so-called leaders of such proposals;indeed, some six years ago, they rejected the African people, the only section of the Rhodesian similarproposals that wereput beforethem. Unfortunately, society that will be consulted is the present white elec- even leaderscan go wrong;but the failure to recognizethe torate, or would fail to note that the body that is supposed obviousfraud containedin the proposalsmust be puzzling to approve the constitutional proposals for majority rule is to many. the sameparliament-a parliament made up of the racists who seizedpower in 196.5.The racist regimeand thoseWh 80. Mr. President, we have full confidence that the have joined handswith that illegal regimemust therefore be Council, under your leadership,will arrive at the correct nayve in the extreme or must assumethat everyone outside readingof the situation so that it may continue to assume their group hasno common sense. its responsibilitywith regard to the problemof Southern Rhodesia, 78. As we have slated, we are likely to hearplenty of talk about the support the outside world is giving the Patriotic Front as opposed to those who claim to be leadersof the The meetingrose at 5.30 p.m.

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