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-. ÑO.21 7400 WAÏJ}(EGAN RD, NILES, IL 60714 . THUR VOL. 42.

Area schools 60 MPH wjnls result in downed treesand power outages . Fròm:thé LIBRARY receiVe annual USE Left Nues firehouseroof ONLY . Hand, the new year hove beendistrihnt- byudBessr ;:u:::::;::pa0:blows off inwindstorm In 1985 the school reform also received their annoolreport byRosemaryTirin bilIwas eioled hy the state card with the psbltcatton of the legislature which compelled results of lIsO Illinois Goal As- We were lucky again,' saisi We were able to get it [repair number of trees, three or fenr of the education- community to sessmeflt Program (IGAP) con- Jun Noriega Ñiles Director of work] started the same day, No- them on pnbltc right of way, .report to taxpayers studeet dacted every year since 1985 as Public Works, escept forthe fire riego said. The damage was ex- wrre downed by the storm. No- achievement We arepub1ish- on accooetnbitity repon to tax- station. pected to he completely repaired nega credited the tree tnmming ing below the annual scores payers onstudent achievement. - After the debris settled and an by Tuesday or Wednesday ofthis program wtstchhelps the wind to of Maine and Nues Township Under the stutn-mandoted assessment was taken, the only week, according tuNoriega. go nght through the trees rather : districts which include sto- IGAP program, 10th-grade sta- maier damuee darme last week's Other than the fire statieg, u Cnntinurd on Page 46 -dent fromEast Maine. Niles dents ae tested tu reading, esatta StOiut was theroofnlFire Station and Morton Grove. and writing, while 1 tth-graders . dt Jarvis Street and Oak Park In-theèlemèntary districts, take teats in science and social Avedne, almost half of which Woman struck by car Pork Ridge District 64 had studies. Some seniors also takn west sailing dnring the recordI much bighhrscores than its Continued On Page4h winds that lashed the area Nov. ñëghbors. Similàrly, in the crossing Dempster highscttoots districts, ?aek Nues Park budget 10Wehad to take care ofit right byEosemary Tirio Ridg&sMaine Sooth had higiser scores than the othnc to reduce fund, wchcrntha$4JOO SylviaDowning,66,was the path of an easthoand soto highschnnts in the two town- expand prógrarns price tag and inctusted replacing stnick by a car aroagd 6ri15 p.m. driven by a 72year-old Morton ships; The Park Ridge Nov. 6 as shetriedtocrossDemp- Groveman. The vehicle was tray- schnotshad obout 1% of its Despite plans tu add nix new elisguboat.15-mph aedpreparing - were dislodged by ihnhigh sterStreetin the7600bluck. Rodents whose families were programs tu tIte Ndes Park Ott- The victim Was leaving the te toen left from the taming lane . wiadw A vent was patted off, and elossified-as low income. The tniot, officials ara confiduct that. the apper rooflaiided en the tow- hume nfher sun Robert Downing accerdingtothe police report. 63 next year's expenditares will re- Eost Moine District er roof und caased tome-damage located across the Street from her The victims walking stick was . schools und the DesPlaines main relativuly the same as this toit,Noriegusaid.Aimdsthutfof home. - thrown into the air by the impact

District 62 schnots had 13% - . year. - - . thewholérsofwasdamaged,No- Mrs. Downing was nat in a of the crash and struck the wind- tu 20% of its students coming In fact, Park District Casoars- -. crosswalk when she was strack, shield oía second car which was - riegaadded. - from low income households. tiuonh are planning io include according to Nues Police Publio also-thavelingeastbonndea In Nitta Township, Niles Dis- The fire station was still rible to significantredactions nfespendi- òerate. Noridga said, especially Information Officer Roger Wil- DemsterStreet, Wilson said. uict 71 schools had 20.3% o tores io the Operations Fund, bat son. Downing, who was con- its stndents coming from low becanse there wasnu rain, which both Execative Director Joe Lo- gbthave hampered department The victim apparently walked soious and talking after the ocal- Conlinned on Page 46 Verde and Finance Director Tom operations m welt asthc repair tsouthboand across Dempster into - Còattisaed an Page 46 Cnntinaed on P,ge.46 work. w' Tyi.±i&--Ni].es To'wnhiDSSchòols Report Card COST Ph LOW Eleméntary - READING - MATIS - WRITING SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES - 4TH 7TH PER PUPIL INCOME School District3RD 8TH 3RO- 8TH 3Rf 8TH 4TH 7TH MAINE TWP. Oes Plaines 62 255 288 307 314 19.8 26.7 272 278 280 277 . $8,411 21.6% - East Mainé 63262 256 295 304 20.1 25.5 269 - 270 280 266 $6,405 13.8% Pk.Ridge64 315 280 348 368 20.7 25.7 316 309 350 340 $7,833 0.9% NILES TWP. - Golf 67 300265 384323 20.327.4 - 293309 3i1310 $10,202 8.9% Thanksgiving Mort. Grv. 70270272 299318 299281 315298 $7,242 - 5.2% $10,664 20.3 % Nues 71 290268 331349 19.426.6 277292 307303 i I icii i 1 READING MATH WRiTINGSCIENCEuoc. sTun ACT % - COST % LOW High 11TH TESTEDPERPUPIL INCOME Pagel2 School 10TH - 10TH -10TH I ITFI SCORE MAINE TWP.

Women DIST. 207 - 27.4 291 246 - 21.9 60.0% $12,726 16.5% Page 6 .Maine East 252 289 Maine South 298 330 28.6 325 305 23.4 85.3%s 8,411 1.2% - Thanksgiving Maine West 249 286 283 299 269 22.1 63.7%$13,042 13.4% Services Page 18 JLES TWP. - P1ST. 219 Home Style Nues North - 261 321 28.2 297 287 233 72.3% $8,381 83% Page 35 Nues West 252 321 28.0 289 278: 22.4 86.2% $13,668 7.4% d - TIIEBUGLE, THeR5DA'g, NOVEMBER 59, t998 PAGE 3 PAGEZ THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1998 , Nues Park takes part Regency to hostHoliday Bazaar Garden Club of Bank of Lincoinwood- a Tony Bennett sings, signs Regency Heallheare aud Reha- cookies, ofhond-made gifts'and delicions tradition of community bankingMorton Grove in Fire Safety Days bililalion Centre will be hasting a Traditionally, Rrgency's I-hilt-.foods. 'The Good Life' Holiday Bazaar for the commani- day Bazaar has drawn hundreds Regency Healthcme and Reha- In a world whera bank after bank in being merged with bigger fi- meeting ty on Salurday, December 5 from of family und community mcm- bilitation Centre is bested at mincial institutions, Bank ofLmncnlnwood is committed to maintain- Lo am. to 3 p.m. This event will bers who ace interested in'fiudiog 6631 N. Milwaskee Avenue in The Garden Clnb of Morton ing itselfas a true Community bank. Part ofthat commitment isre- featere a wide variety nf arts and unique and beautifully-crafted Niles, between Devon and Touhy ulected in our name which is based on oor first location. Ournwnees Grove will hold its monthlymeet- crafts items, baked goods, white gifts for the holiday season. We Avenues. For more ïnformatron and managers live in Lincoinwood and oilier suburban commonities. tog at Auntie Paek Field House, elephant tables, used clothing, enpert that our seccess wtil con- on tItis special meni, contact Ac- 8336 Mormora, Morton Grove, We actisefy participate in and financially sopport local organizations and a great raffle. tinue this year, as many individu- tivity Director Pasto Togliere ai on Taenday, November24 at 7:30 elves(thereni- als will enjoy perusing our tabirs (847) 647-7444. and service clebs in one area. Mesi importantly, we always endeavòr p.m. Regency's to offer bank prodocts and neevices that meet die persona! and bitni- dents) hove sprnt several weeks ness financial needs nfnurloeal cnstomern. One program "Holiday Deco- prepating nome beautiful holidayMorton Grove PublicHearing The commitment to being a tue community bank also gravides ratseg" will be given by Sarau gifts for this sprnial event. On well known Floral Designer. She tangible differences from arge, out-of-town financial urganizations: sale wïll be Chrintntan wreathrs, The Village Beard of Trustees FliekingerMunicipalCenter, will be giving u tands oo demon- Because of oar siee we can easily get yea to the bankeryou need curds, ornaments, and other halt- has scheduled a formal public 6101 Capulina Avesse, Morton Oreven bringthat bnokerto you; stration, The public is invited. day crafts. In addition, the resi- hearing for 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Grove, to review 1kb 1999 Cales- Because of Our size we can help you avoid having to deal with Admission in free. Refreshments drnts have baked some delicious November23, 1998, in Ike Coon- darYrae Budget. willbeserved. - layers audlayers ofapprovuln in transacting your business; baked goeds including cokes and cil Chambers of Ike Richmd T.

. . For farther information call Because of 0er stzn we can monitar our performance andassure yen ofthe necority and pnrfonmunccofyour funds; 966-4264. - And because of env size we can be a bank that is cammittedto its ewe commnnities and to theireconomic and financial well being. Historical In spite nfall the economic changes; in spite ufull themergers and The Niles Pmk Dislricl puetici- familiar with what a flee fighter t; acqaisitian in the financial induitry, Bank ofLincnlitwuod hassuc- Society to pated in Fire Safety Days with looks like, and not be neared of .I'at4WLlIiÀY cessfully competed in this changing marketplace whilenever losing dediéate plaque visits from the Fire Department his appearance. sightoftho fact that um acnnstnnuoity bunk. Photoby Bruce Plasnmeyer Duty Chief Mueller visiled Miss The children then had the np- ..-...p. We invite Onr neighbors from the communities around Lineale- On Snrtday, Nov. 29 al 1:30 Singerandauthor TooyBenneit, 72, appearedatBarnea and Lanrie's Bright Beginnings Pre- portunity te icy nome of the gear SÎAL wood ta consider beceming nn of oar customers. We wnnld wet- school class. An Ihr children saw on ihemselves. Then the real les- p.m., the Morion Grave fiston- NobleBoakntore in the OldOrchardshnpping CenlerNavember - couse the oppernunity su show you what our commitment ta being a cal Satiety wfil place ucomtnem- 9 taaign copies ofhinautobiography, 'The GandLffe."Hesjgned the bright red engine parked oat- son of "the life of a fire figkter" commnnity bank means. - side Ihe Howaed Leisure Center, orolivr pinqne nl tIte former silo over2,000 topieainaboullwohoura. came about as Duly Chief MerlI- of the Fred Sonne Airfield ut eyes widened ap and owes were er was called 10 a real life rescue. Luke St. mid Mende Ave. itt Mor- heard. Amazement had overcome As he returned, he was able to Thanksgiving holiday too Grove. Abniefdedicution cer- Nominating petitions for the children. skate the experienre of whol had emn,ty will pay tribute te the um- The children were shown thejust happened. The children were hours at Nilçs Library field which was Incatesl fiere Okton Board of Trustees different compartments oftite fire ncr), attentive and all have a bet- n4s from 1919 ta 1932. Foltawittg the eogine as well as gol the chance ter understanding of what il is like u>r Thanksgiving holiday heurs atp.m. Cenemnoy, everyone is inviled Lo Nominating petitions far the 31, 1999. Two positions une open to sil in the driver's neat ofthe fire tobe a One fighter, the Niles Public Library wilt beSaturday, November28: 9 am. ta office ofTeustee ofOakton Cnm. for six-yew terms. Interested engine. After euploring Ike Latch, tIte Motttstt Grove Ilistonical Mo- per. Pirefighien/Paramedic Leibach 5p.m. . manity Coltege District No. 535 sans cae pick np petitions Man- the elms went inside In talk wtth Wednesday, Nuvember 25:9 Statu, wltielt in located in fanner and Diaz visited other Preschool am. 105p.m. Snnday, November 29: I p.m. to l5ark, ftintiglttrefreslsmeets. ace being accepted throngk Jan. day - Fniday, from 8:30 am.- 5 Chief Mueller. They were shewn AT Thursday, November26: Closed. 5p.m. p.m., in the Business and Finance the transilion of lookiog tike aclasses. The children, teachers, Forinformatino cull 665-1234. Office, Roam 1750 at Oakton's normal perser, to becoming afine and parents woald all like ta give Friday, November 27: 9 n.m. to 5 ont a gecat Ihanks to teaching ese DesPlaitses rumpus, 1600 E. Golf fighter with all his gear Orn. This C: Susie's Family Hair Care Road. The election will be hetd allou'ed the children te bresuso yonlb very important lessons. NORTHWEST ONE STOP SHOPPING FOR YOUR FAVORITE PADDLEB April5, 999. Mother According ta the Illinois Pub- lic Community College Act, each Make your Centennial Dinner COIDHJMTY and candidate most be a U.S. Citizen, 18 years ofagn orolderanda resi- Dance reservations now Daughter dent atibe state and Gakton'u dis- Village ofNiles 1999 Centen- Por further information, eon- CREDIT LiMON Duo tnirtat least one yew immediately nial Commencement Diener and tact the Niles Chambee of Com- Deanna preceding the election, Dance sponsored by ihr Nilesmerce and Indastey al 847-966- Chicagoland Canoe Base, Inc. $500 Nominating petitions must be 7606, . Fuji Body : Chamber of Commerce & Indus- 4019 N. Narragansett Ave. OFF All signed by at least 50 qaalified try to be held Friday, January 29, Waxing Chemical Services MEN'S Voters residing in the district. A 19999. BlochTir optional. Jerusalem ' lneluden Highlighting - Chicago, Illinois 60634 . Facials statement of candidacy should Chateau Ritz, 9100 Milwaokee . Penna - Celer HAIRCUTS accompany petitions. A utdte- Lutheran -: e-AOI --. - .-,. 773777.1489 . Manicure Avenen, Nues. Pealunng Prone .. 0400 «iid4OtO,ii,) oient of economic interest must /O.A.PY. ------' . Pedicure lU7c OFFANY Benleler Orchestra. Special Cee- '%iP'iV.V ever 200 mndnls ofnannes and kayaks $ be filed with Iho Cook County tennial keepsake for all attendees, Church Services . Highlighting Waxing Services Clerk. everything the paddler needs to gel nu the water i silent unction, special hislorical Jerusalem Lutheran Church in- . Perms tstTimeCmtemnrnthily Any questions regarding nomi- program and mare! 550 per yet- vues the community to attend its 850 beak litIna . Bntnndnry WaterMapn Canoe Rentals tfflatx eating pracedoees or the npcnm- I 3Month Share Certificate CONSULTATIOIHS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS son. special Thanksgiving services, lnfnr,nattnn osare n eaterwaynbring itria ad in ror nt5n na tertrm i benhtnt teg election may be refereed to held Wednesday, Novrmber 25, 10% otT on vnnr Ist snrchase nf $59flQ* nr mnre 9229 Waukegnn Rd, Morton Grovr, IL David Hilquisi, vice president fer at 7 p.m. and Thursday, Novem- *Poetndtne seals Hours; Mon-Pci 9-7; Sal, 9-6; Closed Sunday (847) 663.0123 busioesu and finance, (847) 635- Morton Grove is ber 26, at IO am. Jerusalem Lu- 1876 orby fax lfl47) 635L764. looking for you! titrean is located at 6218 Capali- (Rate Applies to new Money Only-$10,000 Minimum) Village ,. ,_, e na, two blocks ivest ofthe of management "Your family The Acline Committee is seek- Hull, in Morton Grove. V,vttors Limited Time Offer ends at the discretion depends on you for "Where Every Day is Special" ing registered noires of Martas are also welcome at Sunday ser- ¿Ji rl i ' inlerested in being vices, held at 8 and 10:30 am., I U I - I Deo'tforgrt iaor' Grove protection l'ou can (847) 967-9393 screened foc selection os ont cao- and itt ourAdveni services on De- 7633N, Mil,oa,,ken iteror,,ti depend on me for didates forVillage Trastees to ihr cember 2, 9, and l6, at 7 pot. Por $200.00 Minimum Savings Account meetsmembership requirement Apeil 1999 Municipal Eleclion. wore infnrmatioo, pleasecall - Maine or NUes Township. -- e A K E RY for thoRe who live or work in sound advice." If you wish to cantionr good, Pasior Kleist at 965-7340. . A FULL 5EttVtCE nAKrtny 5PnCtAt,tZtrAC iN FINE PA5TIetE5 AND CAKEs FOR ALL OCCAsiONs. honrst goverotnent and have an TRAOtTtONAL9"BARfiO Pins$5,95EA. interest io renning for office or Maine Township Slate Farm Agent: t'oeiphie, Appir, Dutch Apple, Cherry, & Otnebrrry helpingintitecampaign, sve Annual Christmas STATE FARM Our Dr'líniasts SpecialtyBread woald like tomeetyos. Pairsphi,,W/C or Mirna Mirer Fian $7.50 Please send yene erseme and Call Today (847) 647-O30 Bill Schmidt Pumpkin tOcad Seat$3.95 Cranberry Nat Leal$9.95 (3;; than Party Appte Ci nouer on Loae$5.50Dato Nut Leaf$3.95 leiter of interest No Later .. 7745 N. Milwaukee Avenue Tltartksgivirsg Day HumentBread Mayor Nicholav B. Blase and Cl mcc errad$4.95 ti cenca Not Loaf$3.95 November 30,998 to: J.W. $3.50Mutti Colan',t Orvri,te,l eiittmwninr Orr,i,f theMaine Township regular Niles, Illinois tfotiday Pmit Cake$5.95lb. O'Brien, 6314 Lincoln Avrnoe, 7400 Waukegan I NsO RAN C E Morton Geove, IL. 60053, AlIn: drmaeratic organization's annual e (847) 967-5545 Br-eat/n arid Di,t,,er Rolls Our Fontests Strstilcls $5.50en, Christmas Panty for the children, $2.25 A Action Recome. Nues, IL 60714 tiN 0 re,,, tunonvrtr, t it ricer Cottn$1.95 Apptr, Clrrmj, Watrini er Pripyneeit Sii'iiitcln will be held Saturday, December !RTS Ofi The Action Commitier he- Oiirrnrenier e eii, t91.55Cockt,iit ttyi' Elite cii. 5, at the Merlan Grove Theater, State Farm Understands Life. 051 ! F,rtenta, Potente Rotta & Potnrl stkko aire ru. Large Iced CookiesfiSt en. lieves in 05e mOlto, "Proud nf Dur Past and Pacnsed en Yone 7300 West Dempsler, from 9:30 Stata Farm Life Insurarne Cnmpany . Howe Office: woominutun flEnnte Puturel" am. to neon. L'AGE 4 TIlE SIGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1198 TIlE BUGLETHURSDAY, NOVEMBER t9, t9W PAGE 5 Knights of Columbus 'Taste the World' i!:Milwaukee Avenue,Nlles nnr SUB SANDWICHES Christmas Party &news festivitiesunderway , - Mon thrD Sai. 0:30 - 6:00 RM. RESH MEA- Sunday 8 30 2 00 PM PARTY TRAYS Looking for a way to get hito the party is limited io the Erst 150 now has 1.6 million members The Morton Grove Foandation than $20,000 which was dnnutnd s, the Christmas Spirit? Join PGK people only. Contact Ed at 847- worldwide? That many Catholic han announced its beneficiaries te various net-far-pròfit groups. --"- Ed Zalesny of the North Amen- 968-6765 or Ken Lee at 847-967- gentlemen has foand a reason to fer 1999. Annnatly, the Foanda- Complete details and tickets for -SALE ENDS WED., NOV. 25 can MartyrsCouncil4338, 6234. belong te this great organization. tian funds organizations dedicnt- the event are available by calling Knights of Columbus, at Ihean- The Entertainment Books for How 'boat yoa?I Find ont the ed to promoing the well being of the First National Bank nf Mer- : DELISÄNDWICHES nani coanril adult Christmas par- 1999 arestillavailable.This many advantagen of being a Ihn Morton Grove Community tonGrove al (847) 965-44110, eut. ty, to be held on Saturday, De- year's book is the biggest deal Brother Knight. Call John Weber and snrroaading orean. The par- - FRESH MEATS FRESH MEATS - cember 12,in Flanagan flaIl, ever, as tho north & nw pIns add- for more information - 847-342- posa of the Fonndation is to pre- 830t N. Harlem Ave., Nitos. This ed downtown spots have been 1405, Join the Knightiife! vide renonrres to benefit the wel- FRESH BONELESS SKINLESS year's party promises ta be very combined into one adition. Other fare, education, environment and Legion Auxiliary FRESH HO-KA LEAN BONELESS ROLLED special, as chairman Ed has or- metropolitan arras are also avail- safety ofarea residents. This year Christmas CHI ranged for a fantantic meat, great able. The canant is providing Ihr Foundation will be fnnding PORK ROAST entertainment (4 piece orchestra) When friends ask fur a secnnd TURKEY'S them far $35. Contact Ken Lea- seven groaps in anticipation of Lunch Party and many snrprizes (prizes) with 847-967-6234. (Local delivery cup they are npen tu ennversa raìsingover$l5,000at the annual ORDER TODAY BREAST the tickets at only $15 per person. available.) "Taste the World" event. Tha fol- The Morton drove Ameridan s 98 Reservations in advance a must- Did yna know that the K nf C --Gail Piairiit lowingorganizationswillbe LegianAnuiliaryUnit #134 69 ¡f LB. funded: The Association of Hon- thinks it's beginning to lunk a lot LB. $189 zon, Inc.; High Five Center; Mar- like Christmas, and invites the cnmmnnity to their yearly hli- cien Place, Inc.; Maryville Acad- HONEY SUCKLE BUCK MINELLI'S HOMEMADE amy; Maine-NilesAssur. uf dayparty. Special Recreation; Orchard Vil- The luncheon und card party ITALIAN SAUSAGE 4DiMaria Builders will he hold al Ihn Lngion Memo- YOUNG lage and Turning FumI. HOT The Morton Grove Foundation rial Huma, 6140 Dempster,un TURKEY PORKSAUSAGE $1 OR and the First National Bank of Saturday, Der. 5. Cucktuils will WHILE QUANTITIES LASTS 69.GREAT FOR STUFFING MILD $198LB. Cold weather Morton Grove wilt co-sponsor be available at t t n.m. and a ca- is just around the thn Taste the World" Festival- teredmeal will be served at noun. LEAN GROUND Mardi Gras style - un Thursday, Advancn tickets are encoun- LEAN . corner, replace your windows NOW! Fnbruary t t, 1999, from 5:30-9 aged; however, therewill be $998 3LBS. $ 89 p.m. The 'Taste' will be held at same available at the duor. Duna- MORE Ihn Chateau Ritz Banquet Facili- lion is $6.30. SIRLOIN PATrIES CHUC L LB. ty, 9100 Milwaukee, Niles. The The meal is to be catered by the Rite und local restaurants donate Lane Tren Manor and will in- BUTtERBALL thnir food and services fur this cIada park loin, perogi, salad, po- WISCONSIN BRICK OR MUENSTER PAYHALFNOW fundruiser. tutors, dessertand beverage. ÂMLITE lt is from ticket sales, raffles, Chairpernuns are Patti Jordan 1V2LBTLMKEY BEAST and the silent auction that a ma- 847-967-5812; and Nancy Momi- inCHEESE$1 PAY BALANCE OFF IN1999 Jonity of fands ara raised and do- sou 965-3973. Ticket info from nated ta charities. Last year the Ann. President Jahr Karsten, "Taste" was able to raisemore 847-966-4744. DiMaria Buildersoffers the Finest in Replacement Options; OURMETUI MRS. SMITH'S NEW YORK STYLE RbIicVinyl Wood SWEET CHEESECAKE ------CELERY PUMKIN PIE Features: Features: Pa1 SC1-LEQL'S TATOES d4 . Tempered virgin vinyl . Sash can be stained or painted to mutch existing 4:: BABY flJRANO . Easy.tilt featured on all double-hungs 4:: HOMEMADE HOMEMAD trim or decor 13i41OEi)' rnoRAVlOLIFOCACCIA . 7/8" insulated glass PEELED CHEESEd+ LASAGNAET . High performance glazing option offers excellent EACH LB. 49BREAD , 'Fin Seal" weather stripping keeps out air CARROTS 2T 3 DZ. s995LB and moisture energy efficiency. 99c FRESH BIRDS EYE CENTRELLA . Multi-chamber construction enhances Sash Center. pivot for easy interior washing The Bornschlegl Family RED SEEDLESS OCEAN SPRAY 59 ON ThECOB REG. 1.99 JELLED CRANBERRY thermal performance . Exterior cladding reduces maintenance Wishesyou a Happy Thañksgiving i LB.: SAUCE . Metal reinforced for superior strength . Shading optional roomside pleated shadesare BAG G 6 And Holiday Season CRANBERRIES IBOZ.CAN . Triple-seal meeting rails inter-lock when -available in a variety of colors & fabric choices 4:: CICCONE EXTRA VIRGI DAVINCI the window is cissed . Mince Meat & Asst. Pies, Torts EGG NOODLES & Cakes OLIVE OIL 120Z . Beveled frames accentuate glass area (Whipped Cream & Butter Cream) 120Z. $4.99 0 L BAG LB. . Both Will Save You MONEY on Your NICOR Bills. . Holiday Fävorites Stollen with Marzipan Pqpiiyseedor . We also offer SIDING SOFFIT, FASCIA, and GUIIERS by Rolle; Alside, & olher quality our Butter Stollen Leebjeuchen Fruit BUDWEISER 99 Cold weather isjust around the comer, replace your windows now. MILLER manufacturers Cakes Astorted Danish BreadRolls CANADIAN BPLANCEMUSTBEPAlD1-15.99 R O L 1. D X & Our FamousSoft Pretzelu °PECUAL EXPORT BOLLA 12PKG 12 OZ, BOULES Coloro WINE : 'I CLUB mu ML. i ABSOLUT - I : . I I' I.. t- VODKA $99 STROH'S 750 ML I 30 PKG 12 OZ, CANS I i ii II ,$1 99 SMIRNOFF 99 s. .i s I - .11 Hours: M-F6-6, Sat. 6-S Closed Sunday VODKA COCA-COLA ..I. A .. I... 3915 Touhy Ave. Lincoinwood, IL 60645 .- PUCCINI ALL FLAVORS 1.75 LITER CHIANTI $99 2 LITER BOULES 69 (847) 568-1750Fax: (847) 568-1751 'VIIEBÜGLn;tilUinbDAY;ÑoVEMtigti FlussI PAGE7 PAGE 6 TIlE BUGLE, TI11flSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1998

i. a w» m I%I w Ketura Hadassah North Glen Business and Women' s Business Swanson-Gaerlan 'Miss Tall Chicago' to take tour Professional Women's Club Development Center Pageant & Dance 729-03311. The cost for dinner is Or. Irving Cotter mitt rondad Barbara G. Fox, weilness con- Pox cooctucts workshops cohanc- :tg certified with bath gaseo- High- ing self-esteem, commnnicating $21 for membees and $26 for Learn ehe advantages of be- Annaal 'Miss Tall Chicago dab tor Taller than average peo-a anar ofHistoric Chicago: sultanI and personal coach, will tiental bodies and the private lights and Landmarks sponsored be the guest speaker at tise No-effectively, learning to live with non-members. coming certified as a minority or 1999' Pageant & Dance, Sas., pie. Meo must be 62" or taller The Basioets and Professional o wotnea's basioess enterprise. sectorthraaghtheWomen's and women most be 510" orby Ketara Hadassah on Taesday, vember 24 meeting of the Northmistakes and a variety of other BnsinessEnterpriseioiliotive Nov. 21. The doors wilt open al poesonal issoes. Al the North Women's Orgaaizalinn isthe The workshop will be held on: 7 p.m. and the Pageant wilt start taller. All members masa be overDecomber t, from 9 am. lo 4:30 Glen Business and Professional and other cortifying agencies. p.m. A bas wilt banc fromFrocs- The Glen meeting, she will dtscass oldest aod largest groap io theToesday, November 24,1998 at 7:30 p.m. Il will be held al the 21years orolder. The clnb Women'sOrganieatiOn. Registration fee is $30.00 and el Park in Liricotnwood near the meeting will be held- at tIte All-ways of parsning positive think- wvrlddedicatedloworking from I lo 3 p.m. at the Women's DoubleTree Saites, 1400 Mit- meets every second Monday of inclades all materials. - tennis courts On Morse Avenar. goner Fieoside Restaoeanl in the women. All working women, ce- Basiaess Development COaler, 8 waakee Ave., Gtenview. Cost the month at All Stars Bar & All working womeo are inviI- gardIens of where they lire or Soath Micttigan, Saite 400, Chi- Grill, 675 W. North Ave., comerCost is $40 including loech. For lliltoo, 2855 N. Milwaukee Ava., For farther information or to $15 with a DJ. and Cash Bar. isformation, call (847)1174-4608. Northbrook. ed to attend the program. Roser- work, are eligible lo join. Local cago. register, call the Womes's Boni'. Foc more information, call (312) of North Ave. & Etmhursl Rd. The evening will begtn wtthvalions, which most be made by chapters sponsor leadership This workshop is designed for nest Development Ceter at (312) 853-0183 X 3. Faramoaet Tall (Rs. 83), Elmharst. networking at 6 p.m., dinner al 7noon November 20, are available woekshops, conferences and a established small business own- 853-3477. Clab of Clsicago is a singles by calling Connie Cooway, (847) wide variety of other activiltes. ers who want to sell their prod- p.m., followed by the pregram. ncls or services ta corporations Registration and prepayment sr governmentalentities,and are recommended lo gnarautee Join the Veterans T&J NAILS covers the intricacies of become- space in the workshop, PtOFlttItNtt NlItClttFOl 191111 1 GlIllIltIlt Ladies Auxiliary IN DEFIlER P1008 8111 II. Impales me,81111,11 A Wordabout Are yoa umile, danglttec or sis- Tel: (847) 297-5888 ter nf an Macrican veteran? HOIRI: Mat-laI: 118958 - StndayllPM'59M BreastCancer Waald pon like to joïn nu atoar . Walk Inn Welcome monthly Ladies Ansiliary meet- Nearly 180,000 women in the not tender or swollen. Women . No Appointment Neeennary United Staten will be diagnosed who don't have regalar periods logs? are advised to do a BSE an the Veleeatts Day, Nov. Il, we vis- . Specializing In Gel & Curee Nails with breast cancer this year. Thr iled 4 Gleaview ttnesitrg homes good news is, breast cancer is of- sameday every month. - We Accept: Personal Checks The average tamor foand and presented tite veteran resi- ten curable, especially when de- GeorgnSwanoon ofNilna are pinaand to an- dents mida remembrance gifts. lerled early. Here's what to keep on a regalar maasmogram is 12 Mr. nod Mro. nounce the engagementeftheirdaaghler, Emily Suzanne Io Mr. Oar nnanalClariskeasparty = mmmd: times tmallerahan the averagri la- .nnl Ctnittsalea avaitsale5th WrapFibortlaaneelAir Blatt Intim mar fonnd by chance. Arthur Vnldriz t5anrlan afMorton Grove. ,drthuris Ihn son of Ihn manId be a great opptictnaily ta I. Gnidelines differ on when meetvetcrans and Uncir wives. Antat Party Stil Spostai Accordingtoarecent latejuanito andRe/ate CecEo GoncEo. to have breast cancer screenings. Sls'oteyl'lasweas- stady, mammograms done daring from Bradley Univeraily inMay 1998 andin Please call General recommendation: breast Emily graduated 5110e, (847) 729-8962. Veterans IAC{ÌLLSIMANICURE PEDICURE self-exams (BSEs) month- Ihn first two weeks ofa woman's employed by Novopharm USA, -Inc.Arthur also graduatedin interested in jtrinittg the Ameni- meostroat cycle are less likely lo ly...beeast osare by a health pro- May 1998from Bradleyand inemployedbySnaro,Roebuck S caraLcgissta? Pleasecrdl Bill Back- 9°2.tra.i - miss breast lomers than those i fessional every three years be- - i Co. A tall0999 wedding iapinnned. ley, (547) 803-8299. tw000 ages 20-39, yearly afterdone duringthe second two L 2iihi'&2i9G0005L L. l2o9_ ..nWIIC5O5tO,OOI999 J age 40...mammograms as oftenweeks -- when breast tissun tends W- as paar doctor advisns befare age tobe denser. Dr. Seuss See n Seyn . -Mikan 50...and yearly mammograms at- Most lamps are not cas- Barbie® Cosmetic Counter . Rhyme Makertm by Mefte ter 50. cer, bot yan oecd a physician's Roal MoglI M&tmUp "Peppermn* Red" Ekd,n.kTlldttg leok 2.Most breost lamps ara help to make a diagnosis. tmpar etlffl PthoS)T' Cundle Heider I BoltItill IfldtIdIII BoaoIul Redft Bnn by woman thomselves dar-tant: See a doctor promptly if pon Managing my diabetes gave me a I Rel&l Mce $24' Rw,i! P,ke!O ing regalarRSEs. eoIiCo sew lamps or arl'ylhing . 3.The best time far a BSS is else unusual, sach as tiqaid cam- jump start on life." 55g from etther nrpple or scaly, abont oso week after a woman's "Mer being diagnmrd with diabetes, t saar alraid olbosa it might altert my tilo. I period ends. when the breasts nro puckering ordimpliog skin. am osnosnight, had high blood promote md high rhotrultrol. Inerdad help, to my doctor sentencIo the SIahtrLises' DiabetesPaogram at Holy Pamity Medical

Crater. I'm glad she did. - Ransom CWC Sty certified diabelm noose educator, Vera, ineladed my soife in the soorkshops offered there. lIssas a greal idra becaoar my nitra sopport added to my torrent. Christmas Party Vera rrasaorrd55both and told me I saasn't alone. She raid millions olAmerimas hase diabetes and it is controllable. Oar Lady of Ransom Parish eyOne is welcotne lajssits no t'or an Working closetystith my doctor, and the StobleLiors" slallaor nottinrd the ntrpr I Catitolic Wotnen's Cmb will Itald evening of frieadsltip aad enter- needed to krIse to improue my stsalily nllilr. Soon my wile and t sIero plmning i.rn....- itsaonaalChrisanasParty taittmettt. Tickets are $12. Fsrr in- wettsy menas together, walking eocrstuy, and enioying oar healthier tilmtyle. 24" Fiber Optic Easy Store "While Citrisltnas" On Tnesday fttrteutissn call: Mittiso'y Cealerat Christm.s Tree . evenittg, Der, I at 8300 Orcen- (847) 823-2550, For tickets call: ThreE to the SlableLisos" Pinholes Program, t latte helter carl olmysell. I hase Elegent Resin Nativity Scene Shuffiebourd lost iseight, my diabetes is ondee control, and my blood prensare md eholmlerol wood, Nitro, begitttrittg nl 5 p.m., kath Tsstsk'ovic at (847)119g- 5Calolth9e8fmkrnllth lndø.XIO.atdßAl1.mol are back to normal. Now, when Vero calls lo learn how Fmmanaging my diabetes, IighIing Effnd rmll with dinner seroed al 7 p.m. lOve- 2435. Rote1 Ptho32" reinil ,il7" RelliI Ptko 21 t tell bee I Irrt greak" Merchcind,se Arrives Daily The SlahleLtoes" Diabetes Program at BoIp Family f4edieal Center is New Brand Name Preparation is key for eattifand by the slanentnan Diabetet Association, Truck Loads of Holidny Toys ArrivingDaily Shop early for the bestselection! . Cnmpnaninnnte diabetes program stall healthy pregnancy . Connected to pon and your lamily Wheeling Broadviow . Cnmmitted to yoar qnalily el tile Mt. Prospect The desire fora hralthy baby is Center, tOO N. River Road in Oes every pregnant wowon's dream. Plaines, and sviti begin al 7 p.m. For more information call: (847)297-1800, get. 1110 Bnl allen, wornee oro not awaoo Dr. Yuhang Shek,0e Obstetri- ofahe steps they can lake tO mako cran and Gynrcologìst, will er- A%ba7'dbraa.dIn rt/aQii sore this dream comes mr before In Is ¡/aifra rai laceeS view how ntstritioo, the environ- f_____\ Holy Family iooN, Rivet Road they become pregnant. ment, . andsocialand family Des Plaines, IL 60016 AM4ZING AM4ZING AM4ZING AF44ZING In ordcr to casato women have history cas impactpeeg005cp. In Medical Center -SAVINGSn SAvINGS SAVINGS the healthiest pregnancy possi- addttion, Dr. Shek will also offer t5 SA VINGS bIo, Holy Family Medical Ceo- CompassIonate Connected CommlttLd 8l IImlsm end Dsepdn lIchnId md Stades 17*1. .ná Cetmsk MCmeick st Iloccin Ano. pro-active advicé na how a warn- (773) 539.48A0 tcr's New Beginnings so Materni- os can prepare for pregnancy and 080 1541) 965.2929 (t47J $37-17GO 17051 343-8050 11010 Pamilo ytrArolCaoto' pre,5 ola., ,rl,ol 'ucaollado, misda,dlepinl llancaS, euolilo ay Program will present, childbirth. /,arlu,o vds/cIro Vet'alnaco,,pass-io,, cte caro, "Preconcoplion:Helping Von leali0 corri'ces, orncale:Ito oar Christian TheNew Beginnings sa Mater- oärOie,ti,,ideISdiositO. o,,dceaArr'lo oc,'eo,avo,'s'ty. Ecolended Halide She InHeard Prepare for Pregnancy Before trIp Program at Holy Family Open Mon ay. atar uy am. pmun ay am-6pm Yan Become Pregnant," The Medical Center provides a halls- presentation will beheld an Mon- ltc approach for the care of tIte day, December 7 at the Medical mother, citild and family. PAGE 8 E BVGLE.TUURSDAY,NOVEMBER19, 1998 'estE BUGLE, TOIIJRaDAYl NOVEMBER 19, 19! a

. Leadership provided for, Rainbow Hospice's Lìtfle City Foundation Good Mourning Program. uOse Yra Hanis of Lincoinwood meaningful, p-oduetive, and dig- includeiedividaal homed and In the United States, one not munity-based programs that help HEARIT will serve as a member of the nified lives. apartments as well asemploy- of tre children ander the age of people living and working in the board of a&9sors for Little City Little City Feundotiots offers a ment oppnrtaeitirS in Palatine oighteett lives without a parent community," says Christine THANKSGIVING Foundation for the 199899 year. variety of living arrongerneets andothertownsthrooghont because ofdealh, and one oat of Walsh, The Penray Companies, Foonded in j 959, the foundation and programs for children and Cook, DaFage, Kane, McHenry every sis fonrilies will experi-loe. "We fellthat the ' Good DINNER provides progressive coinmum- adults.Options for children in- osdLakecOaniteS. ence the death of a child. Mourning program deserved this ty-based services and service co- dade homes atLittleCity in Pala- The Good Moarnisg Pro- yeat's honor becauseithelps SAVINGS! ordination to hetp chi!dren -and tine, Foster Care, Families One, gram, no-sponsored by Rainbow children,". adults with meutat retardotion or and an adoption program which Maine Center Hospice, Inc. and Lutheran Gen- The Good Mourning Program other developmentat, emotional operated throughont metropoli- for Mental ' eralChitdrrs's Hospital,pro- helps childreu to find weeds for and behaviorat chaltenges to trod tas Chicago. Optiens for adalls vides aappoet groop and servie- their feelings and provides a safe Health os tachildren,teens,and way und a sage place for chit- families who hove lost a loved tIren to enpress their feelings. WHOLE BO 'LESS H The upcoming Park Ridgeone through death. The pro- 'Perhaps oruro importantly, our & Water Pmdunt, random weight SHEEPSKIN FACTORY Christmas tIossewalk, sponserndgrams cnmmitment is lo supportprogram is a place' where chit- by the Maine Center for Mentalbereaved children and their fam- drenandfamiliesexperience' CUSTOM SEAT COVERS SLIPPERSTOYS Health Aasiliany, now in its 22nd ihrethroaghontthegrieving that -theyaren't alone inthis year, has wised funds te benefitprocess. loas," says Vicki Scaloitti, Intake + MEDICAL BABYLAMBSKIN tise clients of the Maier Center Rocaum of an employee's os- Coordinatorfor the Good ' ferMentaI Health, which is beat- punionce,the Good Mourning BUY FACTORY DIRECT & SAVE Moaming Program. "As they re- BUTTERBALL° ed in Forkffidgeond Services res-Frogram was selected by thecrine Support from each other, coòK's WHOLE TURKEY idcnts of Maine Tawnship. FivePeseayCompanies, bee. of families Good Mnarning re- 12 lb, net mt. lovely Park Ridge homes will beWheeling, Illinois as' this year's create Iheir own sense of fami- SPIRAL SLiCED eyes for tour this year. Io addi-beerficiaty for their payroll de- HALF HAM lien, the Briekton Gallery and Artdondon program. Contribations Adds Sratzitd, "The Good Bib g lekt perib per Ib. Center will also be open daringmade by the employees of the Muoraing Frogeom is unique in $099d, each the Housewalk event and will beFeorayCemponieswillbe that 'ithas provided over ten "Cnite5e len' r:,,,. featntiago new small worksmatched by the company. years of uninterrupted service to ttoltd UGG. show. Christine Walsh, human re-bereaved families. Over' a third Valle Olew' The Hoasewalk witt be held en anarco The arollaped or administrator,at ef.aur naw referrals are made by AuGratie potatoes BEAUMONFn (847) 6639900 Friday, December 4 and the boa- Penray Compsnies heard aboet Gond Mourning families." 59e: PREMIUM COFFEE Printud Nupkins www.nhoopskiflfactOty.00m tique will be held on Thursday,The Good Muaraing Frogeam The progmm in available free CuepO Harnett' December 3 and Friday, Decem-when an ernplaye recoronsended nf charge to everyane inthe Asparagus Oats 1629 N.MILWAUKEE AVE.,NnEs, li. Ctrnkno nIese Enu' ber 4 from 1 L30 am. to 9 p.m. atit for consideeatiea. When thecommunity.. tt is supported by Whale Oytteru $129 theForkRidgeFresbyterian employee's wife died two years private contributions and memo- , -. Minet' noi Lerado' Church. We encnarage all thoseage, he and his two young chit-riaIs, foandationst and corporate Poam Ptunes, $119 en o. attending the Housewalk to bring dren startedattending soppoetemployee matching gifts--just as' C: Happy HarenG' Hut 'N Gond' NORWOOD CLINIC son-perishable food items to dengrups and the Annsat Familythe Fenroy Companies, Inc. is nrnwn"N 89e boutique. The food will be douar- Camp. The Oued Mourning Pro-providing. Cantarela aleas sers, Rolls 39e Venetublee, k.-.;., Friendly Farms' MASSAGE THERAPY ed to the Moine Township food gram also effers a Holiday Oath- Fur farther information about amonan Cam, Cat ' Ecapnreted Milk LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST pantry. ering and'Rnmembrmce ServiceThe Good Mouraing Program, Cam er Peen 'Admission tn Ike Housewalkis sa families cas gather togethercontact the Rainbuw Hospice °'49e Wo,Offer a Full Body Massage Clinic $15 through Doc. 3 and $20 ne to celebrate and to rnanru. , Bereavement Centeral(547) 79C For Relaxation Improvement ot Dee.4. "We try to select smaller rom- 699-3605. p tonellar Musclelone & Strength. Meadow Gold' Cut Yawn sweetened BtJ'I'T' Swedish, Sports (Shiatsu) Retlexology Breathing strips probably Cned,nned Milk Happy Ferret'Fttrndly Farms' and Therapeutic massage. SOon 49e auner Sour Cmum Enjoy the benetits ot increasedcirculation won't help snorers 99e 59e natos in the lowerairway und they Sinmede' ntaned 99C. Featuring the Most potienls who tarn topress down on the bridge of the 8 Fresh Hf er's' Lite Maezaniltu 011uen nose and pall the nostrils open, have absolutely nu effect on this FurO Cnnkteil Quantronic Reaanance System breathing strips as O core for soar- urea," says Sheldon Seidman, Baked Pies t .,t ing me doing little bot wastingwithont decongestonts nr anlihis- - pumekin,appt, 4fi: Greet Oherkien' Health and vitality without any side effects. dentist who . f money, say most dentists andtamices. Packaged in tO-strip and DDS, ageneral rrcOe,,o. Knnhnr 5pears, Imperial' 30-strip packs, they sell for about works in downtown Chicago. 9C Baby Dill nr Whole Vegetable SIDE EFFECTS physicians who work with sleep r. sweet Pirklus ELECTROMAGNETIC BODY FIELDS WITHOUT apnea and its relateddisorders. SOconisnuch. "The strips du nut address the vi- Oil Spread brations that occur from coccus piltsbuty' Pin Crust qunnern, rl on, Phone For Appt. (773)763-4081 Made popular by professional ,"Breathing strips may opon the 60646 srhtetea, three adhesive stripsupper airways, bol soodog nrigi- tissue in the upper throat." tse, 5900 N. Milwaukee Ave ChC9O CNS of Bloomington, Mino., 99c! .,,.'', ", sold SSS million uf the strips is pie Rite' healthy, 1906, bot flat U.S. sates ard in- CeneedPae,pkie Do you want to eat ventnryproblemsinforeigu IndIan Rlvee' to cook? countries drprnssed revenue to 49C Red Grapafralt Yellow Ontnnn but don't have time $67 million in 1997. The U.S. asut,teat,elee us et, u lb. flau Seattle Sutton's StealthyEating Food & Grog Admiaistration is just what you ire lookingfor! first approved CNS tu market the 79e , II.: product fur general improvomeet ' Red Onllninns RIPE BANANAS 21 Complete Freshly Prepared Introductory Offer in nasal breathing. Luter the ad- Ouradu oes ministration approved Ihn prod- Grist Mill' Grabare nniJOru 89C Healthy Meats per Week act for relief from snoring, nasal Clinker Pie Crust nec au Nothing frecen or dried $5.00 off congestion, and deviated septum, a problem in Ihn nose cartilage 79C '99C No Gimmicks and Your First Order! hatean obstruct breathing. we menu, the Ogni to limit nuaollseo, We weteome nash and teed ntumps only, No ohecks please, Nro Oper talatday mlii 7PMI No Contracts to Sigo ... "Most people snore because nf Quality guaranteed vihratiun 'of tissue in the titrual, Delivery Available .Mro,3,r' E,00ns. palate and ovula -- dut due tu __...--..... Sntu,doyo Fwnlnht ,aI e on,uOa t,o,, to Home or Office .Most flou,noce' I problems in the nose," nays Dr. .OMO's, PPDO, POS . .t'toosecotJo. Seidman. "The oust majorily uf 7428 Waukegan 4833 Qakton St For More Information patients who try them come back lathe ufftce nod say they had Skokie Call(847) 635-0644 Nues miotmal effect on theirunurieg." ,. ALDI HOURS: MonThUrS9AM-7PM; Fri 9AM»8PM; Sat 9AM-7PM; ClosedSunday The Sloek-lip Slore PAGE 10 TIlE BUGLE; TI1UI010AY,NOVEM11IR 19 1998 T011O BUGLE, TrnJRSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1990 PAGE II

. a. . I-.w..-'-* '- . i l:'%9'c:;I. it:I

attend. ANAD groups now hold admission, Tues., Dec. 1,8:30 day Brunch) /2:1 5 p.m. or 5:45 10, 1999, A Wrinkle In Time is regular meetings in numerous p.m. The Dark Star Orchestra perfect for young and old alike I or (847) 520-0699. 6USINESS . 7 p.m. There will be no perfor- S1LES hspter of the United Ostomy J . North Shore communities und "a GrutefalDead Concert Local groups to decorate mancas on Thanksgiving or (recommended for ages 8 and Aon, o support group for all os- up) and Lifeline io o&ring a other sections of greater Chica- Band." For more information Sun.. Nov.22 Fri., Nov. 2O Christmas. Dinner theatre tick- callAlyssa Slay, (773) 528- amates and those anticipating Oto start at $38; show only tick- number of weekday matinees go. For additional information, North Shore Jeo,iahSinglea aus arfomy nungery, meeto on the Ongoing trees at Brookfield Zoo Free Counseling call (847) 831-3436. 3449 or Mora Rubis,(773) ets start at$20. Group, children to accomodate familiea looking 7:30 p.m. Dance $7 at the Ra- elfe Wednenday of each month Families ofmentally ill people Goce again vrgdoizotions from The Des Plaines Chamber of 528-6679 or e-mail usat: dis500 Hotel, 4500 W. Touhy. November 21, and Sunday, No- Commerce & Industry in cori-and aenior discounted tickets for something special to do Tues., Dec. 1 at 8 p.m. in the 10th Floor EastThe Alliance tor the Mentally Ill anosod Chicugotand will be par- during the holidays. Redaced [email protected]. Lincolnwood. Music by Fran, vember22 from t I am. Io 3 p.m. junction with SCORE. (Ser- available. Overnight packages Medical Laboratory Program lining Room 01 Latlieran Gen-- Greater Chicago has nupport ticipating is Bevokfield Zov's vice Corps of Retired Execu-are also available. Parking is price group tickets and a party Mitchells Band. For Info. call e: tral Hospital, 1775 Dempstergroups for familieo, adult chu- Commonity Tree Trim Program. room are also available for hull- Learn about the greatnbc .: sINGLEs then (847) 676-4561 or )847, Local groups Ihat ave parlici- fives Association) will providefree. Askaboutour Smoke-Free I.. .;t., Park Ridge. Refreahmentadran with a mentally ill parent, This year more than 2b5 groups patio0 in this year's Iren Irim are: Performances. For tickets call day gstheringo. To order tick- available in the Medical Labor- 965-4846. tree counseFing on Fri., Nov. 20 atory Technology field at an in- Fri., Nov.20 tt 7:30 p.m. Vinitorn/family mel-brofhers and olofero of a per- will be decorating Irons vo Ihn The Dueball Pamily of Des from 9 am. to noon iv the (830) 584-MEGA (6342) or Tick- ets or for more information, cull come. An ET. narse is aiwaynoon suffering with schizophne- zoo's north, svsth and east malls the Lifeline box office at (773) formation session fromi :30- Aware Singles Dance Plaines; St. Martha Cub Scoot Chambers Conference room,etmaster at (312) 559-1212. For ISUPÓRt'GROUPSI .in hand to otter information,nia, manic depression or da- in prepaeatiOs of Ike spcoming Pack 84 of Morton Grvve; aoci 761-4477. Liteline Theatreis 3:30 p.m. on Dec. 1at DaMon The Aware Singles Group and 1401 Oakton St., Des Plaines.overnight packages or further Wednesday and programs are fus and infor-pression. The groups are Holiday Magic Festival. Groops Cab Scoal Pack 175, St. John informationcall)630) located at 6912 N. Glenwood, Community College. The infor- The Chicagoland Singleo As- SCORE is a national voluntary resort OstomySuppOrt Group mative. There is no charge. For informal and free. Call (312) will be riccoraliog ou Satarday, BrebesfSchovl of Nibs. 584-6300. Chicago. mation session will be held in sociation invite all aingles to a not-for-profit ussociation spov- Room 1 604 ut the Des Plaines Super Dance at 8 p.m. on Fri., 3hicags's North Siiburbun nformation, call (847) 724-7453 042-3338 for mene information. Sored by the U.S. Smell Basi- Tues., Dec. 1 campus, 1600 E. Golf Rd. Dur- Nov. 20, at the Hyatt Regency ness Administration (SBA). To Thurs., Nov.26 Vertel's Turkey Trot Free Percussion Concert ingtimeinformationaesvion, Oak Brook Hotel, 1509 Spring reserve your free counseling participantswilllearnabout Rd., Oak Brook. DJ music will time call the Des Plaines Chain- Thanksgiving Day - Thursday, Roosevelt University inviteo the The Wizard of Oz live Nov. 26, 7:30 am. - Race day public to a free percussion con- jobo available in the Medical be provided. Admission is $6. bar of Commerce & Industry at Laboratory Technologyfield, pickup; 8 cert at the Albert A. Robin Cam- For moreinformation, call (847) 824-4200. reistration/packat admission requirements, finan- stage! Wk a m 8k (4,97) Run & Walk; pas in Schaumburg, 1400 N. Aware at (847) 632-9600. on 10:15 am. - Fox Sporta Junior Roosevelt Blvd., off of McCun- cual aid, application deadlinds dAniq? and program eopectationn. For Fri., Nov. 20 Kary M. Walker, Eoecative musical joneney that is vare te Ask about ose Special Kids ENÏERTA(NMENT« nor Parkway. The concert will . f AI Stars l Mile; 10:45 am. - Awards Cer- Good Time CharteySlagtee Deane Pradacer vf the award-winDing ttoeill every child and geandchild - and prices. Location: New be held at 1 p.m. on Tueo., Dec. more information about this Nov. 20 - Jan. 3 emony/Raffle. Medical Laboratory Technolo- Therewill. be a Good Time Marriott Theatre is Lincvtsshirv, os well an the child in yeat °ReceiveacomplimentaI)' Startl 2500 N. Cannon Dr., Chi- i, and refreshmantuwillbe disuer with the purchase efa fall Cabaret Christmas gy information session ut Oak- Chanley Super Singles Dance is pruad lu present The Wiaar$ Performance . Schectale: cago ( north of Fullerton, southserved afterwards. Additional Wvdoesdays a12 p.m. aod 7 p.m.; price theatre ticket for Thursday mow Crab Spice up the holiday season information is available by call- ton,contact ChrisFeighery, at 8 p.m. on Fri., Nov, 20 at eføz. Preview perfarmaoces be- TOP PRODUCER of Divarsay and across from counselor Health, The Sabre Complex Grand gis December 3 and the praduc msrsdays ut g p.m. (encluding evening perfvrmaoces. The with a festive celebration of mu- the Nature Maseum(. Informa- ing Carol Hively, Director of Lo- in Allied sic and dance featuring tradi- ternal Relations, at (847) 619- (847) 635-1833. Bsllroom, 8900 W. 95th St., tïvo COOS through Janaary 24, 12/24); Fridays st 7:30 p.m.; Sut- Thnrnday Night Complimentary rinaPara tiOn: (773) 248-7400 (Vertel'o( Hickory Hills. Door Prize - 3 ardays at 2 p.m. & 7 p.m.: aodDinoer has a limited availability, tissai holiday favorites with aor (312) 944-6667 (The Even- 8285. 1999. Over l5Yrs. Professional Service newtwiot. Make this holiday one HOLIDAY watches. All singles are invited. The best loved movie of all Saodays ut2 p.m. asdb p.m. is 501 applicable with any other to remember. Showing Nov. 20 tora). Wed., Dec. 2 Admission is $5. For more in- limo - The Wioard nf Dz - has Tickel Prices: Ticket prices discount oroffer, und is not avail- 7900N. Milwaukee Ave. Cartoon Competition Awards formation, call toll free 1 (877) ruoge from $35 Io $35. Slsdeots able December 3t . Reservationn - Jan. 3, 1909. Dinnerand thea- Through January 10 Nov. 21-Dec. 13 ,been seen by mora people thua Oak Mill Mall, Niles, IL 60714 tre times are ea follows: Thora- Newsweek'sJonathanAlter Holiday Market GTCHARLEY. asy movie, Or 05other fumo of neceive half price thealre tickets with a major credit card can he days, 7 p.m. dinner I 8:1 5 show; A Wrinkle in Time will keynote the annual Fischet- Nov. 20 & 21 entertaismest, is .histvryl Now for all porformasces. Senior civ- made by caltiag the Moeriott's Direct 847-965-3596 LifelineTheatreannounced Evanston Art Center's annual cens receive 55 off Ike regolarLiscelnshiee Thoatre hua riffice Fridays, 7 p.m. (dinner) I 8:15 ti Editorial Cartoon Competition Holiday Market opens its doors st. Peter'sSingles Club sèe ilLive & On Stogol V.M. Pager 847-319-8555 p.m. (performance); Saturdays,that ita extending itshit pro- Awards luncheontobenefit Click your ruby stlppees Io- tickelprice forait porformances. at (847) 634-0200. duction of Madeleine L'Engla'o November 21 ,and runs daily Allsingles or widowed men Theatre Packages Free parkieglWheelchair oc- lindo penden tip O'sn,d & Op,rntedl 4 I 5:15 p.m. or 8:30 /9:45 p.m. Columbia College Chicago through Decembér 13, 198ff. gelber and eetarn wilh as Io the Dioner and Sundays, 12:30 p.m. (Sun- A Wrinkle In Time through Jan. students. Pump und women over 45 are invited available for °oll performances.cessible. journalism Hours are 10 am. to S p.m. to the following St. Peter's Sin- merry old Laud of Dz, as we Room, 1301 N. State Parkway, daily and i p.m. to 5 pm. on bring you a Holiday spectacular Wed., Dec. 2. Roception1 i :30-. gles Club dunces, Fri.,Nov. Sunday. Amisalon is free. A 20,Tivoli Gardens, 3258 N. for Ihr ealiro family. This teme- am. Lunch: noon. Admiasion: North Shore favorite for years, less reossrv, which made Silver A minimum donatipn of $100 io Harlem at 8:45 p.m. and Sat,, ookies .-JV- goodies: the Holiday Market transformo Nov. 21, Grand Terrahe, 6010 Screen magic is 1939, is as co- This Thanksgiving, reap a harvest J/;CC lnformation/ 5=5 suggested. the Art Center's historic lake- chanting and delightful now an it s.sr.tOlO,50p.m. Resaivations: (312) 663-1124. W. Grand at 8:45 p.m. Cat $7. i! "s, 7brift, 811'nc. frontlocationintsafestive Live bands. Coat and tie re- was when L. Fraak Basm Worte ,A- shopping venue featuring u va- quired. the story io 1900. Yonr whola of ompliments. F:; '.ENLOGY : niety 01 uniqueand hand- family witt thrill to Ihr ovfaegot- ama Salerno BUY ONE Sat., Nov.21 table loses like "We're Offto Sec OYSTER MINT CREME GET ONE crafted gift items in every price 8 Sun., Nov. 22 range from more than 200 art- T.G.l.S. Singles the Wizard," "tf I only fiori o !PosLEo$:::: FREE t tbsp CRACi WITh AD PATTIES Jewish Geneafogical society istsnationwide. The historic T.G.I.S.Singleuwill have a Bruis," and the immortal "Over Send the FIG' Thsnksgivisg Hareest' RESTAURANT 3aop WIT1IAD 5 Cuigino - Piero The Jewish Geoedogical Soci- mansion housing the Art Cen- Grand Opening Singles Dunce the Rainbow." So follow the Yet- Bosquet far Thanhsgining, Thursday, Italian Salerno BUY ONE GET ely of Illinois will present, onter ia made available by the at 8 p.m. on Sat., Nov. 21 at low BrickNoad wiihDorothy und Salerno Nsvembon 26, PIZZA - DELUXE SANDWICHES - SOUP & ROYAL ONEFREE sSan., Nov. 52, Ma. Davide Han- City of Evanston and is located The Elks Hall, 3580 W. 61sf her mismatched band of fastasli- SALTINES WITHAD dler who will speak on "Special Oomeiimns, a sreat nwant potato APPETIZERS . DINNERS - ALA CARTE ENTREES s 5 ut 2603 Sheridan Road. Limit- Ave., Hobart, IN. Door prizes - cal friends. Aod tokn a mogicat, pie rncipn laut iss't envush. Pkn WITH AD GRAMM Interest Groupa - A Look At The ed, free parking is available. 1 Color TV with remote: Ladies speriials Gaad Thru 02-2-98 - With This td sot this alogenI tell nenterpisos WINE & BEER In Dining Room Litvas Sig." The program begins For more information or pbs- in free before 8:30 p.m. All sin- will add lost the right tnovh 10% OFF SENIORS EVERY WEDNESDAY at 2 p.m. The meeting will take tos, please call 847-475-5300. glas are invited, Admission io to rev Thenksaivins tabla. WeWill Be ClosedThanksgiving Day I place in the Library of the Mar- $5. Formore information! Glenview Square . 9210 Waukegan Road, shall Learning Center, Building directions, call toll free 1(877) A (the former New Trier Weot OPENHOU$EI Dance Club IWe Specialize in Catering (Private Party RssmAvailable) Msrton Grove . 847-583-n752 s GTCHARLEY. lOoms Mon. to goL 9 am - 6 pm. Cloord ava. High School), 2nd Floor, 7 Happ Wed.,Nov.24 Rd., Northfield. Enter through Sun., Nov.22 Dancing the tnt, 3rd and 51h WE ConY A Vnanrnv sr t(050Eo P0000cm NPH Open House ibroagh b Building D which faces the road. Good Time ChaNcy siegten Decae Fridays, Sepinmber ---I ESPOSITO!S_._ . Square Genealogical reference maten- An Open House and Social Good Time Charley Singles will May. TheOlesview DISCOUNT COUPON WITh AD als will be available from 1 p.m. Hourwill beheld atfkd Nomwood Dance Club will hold a dance os Park Home, 6016-20 N. Ninasponsor a Free Admission Sin- lo'Off any Lunch or Dinnen This program, us are all our pro- gles Dance with Free Buffet at November 20, at Lyres School. 1/2 PIUCE grams, is open to the public at Ave., Chicago, 2-4 p.m., on Lyocts School is located in Glen- Wed,, Nov. 24. Find out how 8 p..m. on Sun.,. Nov. 22, at BG of no charge. All are walcome. For Pellows, 5055 W. 111th St., Al- view, on Ike sonth east canter more information, call Belle Hoi- Norwood Park Home can- meet Lake and Wankegsn.The theme LUNCH OR DINNER TWIN DRAGON your criteria for a retirementsip. All singlas are invited. For man at (847) 679-1595 or (312) more information, call toll fine oflhe daoce will be Turkey Trot. Chinese Restaurant 666-0100. home. Take a personalized Roasd dancing wilt begio al 8 Lgz toar, view ita Idyllic rural settingat 1 (877) GTCHARLEV. With This Coupon When A Second NOW SERVING p.m.. and caed byGil aod Judy HEALTh: and receive a free blood pneu- Sun., Nov. 22 Monis. Sqaure dancing will be- Lunch or Dinner of Equal or Greater 595 surescreening.Meet new LUNCH BUFFET Thanksgiving Dance gin at 9:30 p.m.. and Ihecaller friends, socialize with residents .1score[life'sR,sI Value is Purchased. The Spares Sunday Evening will he Chris Roomy. Addill000l MON.-FlU. 11:00 A.M. - 2:30 P.M. Tues., Nov. 24 and enjoy coffee and brownies Club for Widowed, Divorced information can be oblained by JIrevuit," Cevo' 177) Dining Room Only ANAD with them. For more Informa- and Single Adults are having a SAT, & SUN. BRUNCH lion, call (773)631-486. calling Puland Jim Glass at (847) Not Valid With Other Otters National Association of Anorev- special Dance toutart your 998-9845. . AUTHENTIC MANDADIN COOKING Expires 12-18-98 la Nervosa and Associated Dio- ... REUNION Thanksgiving week. Come join . TASTV HEALThY F000 . ELEGAIIT ATMOSPHERE ordars -- ANAD willhold a us and bring a friend. Our mu- MIKE'S FLOWERSHOP,k8ic. L . BEER, WINE. COCKTAILS MAJOS ceenir caRso AcCCPnrs Danqunt moult0 AnOIbOP,OvRno,n -Upto6a group meeting for anoreulca, aic will be by The Melodairs on USE CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60631 GOLF GLEN MART balimica, parenfu, and tamules Tues., Dec. 1 Sun,, Nov. 22 at Morton Grove 6500-06 N. MILWAUKEE. 9224 Waukegan Rd. Morton Grove 9046 Golf Rd. NUes. IL at 8 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 24, at Camp Chi Alumni AmericanLegionHall, 6140 1773) 631O04O . (773f631.0077 . 1841f 823-2124 Highland Park Hospital, 718 Dempster, Morton Grove, IL THE CREDIT CARDS o (847) 8O3.677 . Camp Chi Alumni 60's, 70's, WE ACCEPTeALL MAJOR (847) 965-3330 . o GleovlewAvenue, Highland 7:30 fo 10:30 p.m. Membera HOURSe MDN.-5AT. 8e30 A.M,-4e35 P.M. (847) 803-6778 OF 80's Reunion at Martyr's, 3855 . Dine.In . Carry-Out .Delive'y 8FF . Mnjnn'Crnait Cood A000pted Park. The meeting io FREE. N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago $5$5. Guests $6. Hotllnh I-847- BUGLE Those interestad are invited to 965-5730. THE BUGLE, THUBSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1058 PAGE 13 - PAGE 12 THE BUGLE,THIJRSDAY. NOVEMBER 19 1998 ALWAYS OPEN s o »SPECIAL und dinner. Farther information N{RS{ . is uvaitubleby calling 967-1222. TiltR9TAURAN1 BUSINE LUNCHEON Area Dining Guide Area Dining Guide tsns ftE 74ft4â45d .e4ew4L55u41fs-'f Jonathan's io uvailableby catliug470-t$OO. Esposito's Ja1212T4ahaqi New China Restaurant Se000th o4øt:OO The Me/rose Omega -Restaurant Seven Hills Buffet 9224 Waukegan Rd. in Morton Serving Our Regular Menu Restaurant 8501 Dnmpsler in Nites featneen Ristorante - Come to,Spavone's Seven-HiIIs-'Ristoräríte- Restaurant 5520 GelfEoud in Nilen, is cele- Grove, bus been nerving ils fa- Grand Gpnsing lunch und dinner mous pizza since 1957. The res- Plus Specials! 7201 CaIdwell in Nuns. iservsng 9100 GolfRd, iiiNitc, is upen 24 braling ils Grund Opuning. The 222 Greenwood in Glenview, is For All Your Holitlay Dining and Private Parties Thnwkgiving Day Spuciuls, plus hours everyday. Breakfasl, lunch specials daily. All dianne dimes accepting reservalinnu furlaurani will be cloned en Thanks- all you can cal reStauranl fealares - :' Baquets For 10-To 1?0 Persons - Breakfast, Lunch & Qinner its rezular menu specializing in and dinner specials arc served served with soup, salad on juice, Thanksgiving Day. The reSIna- giving Day. Esposilo's serves daily. The renlanrant offers ils 38 main entrees, fonrncapn plan u pEInions, rolls and butter, Juno- muni fealures ils dinner menu be-. pusla, deluse sandwiches, din- pustaued stir fiy dishes. The Mel- frnil und salud bar, The baffel in- lhao's will be serving traditional GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE 72O N. Calciwell,Nues, IL rose Restuurunl offers lunch und complete mena und specials for ginuing ai 1:00p.m. featartug leu- ners andlialian specialties. Cuter- Thanksgiving Day. Omega offers eludes beverage and ice cream. Thanksgiving dinners thai day. ditional Thanksgiving dinners.ing und a party room is available. dinner speciuts everyday. Soups The reslauranl is upen Monday FuDher infurmalion is available (847) 588 1500 iucludu Mutzu.bull, chicken broth u complimenlury pastrymilk all S1,avone's Seven Hilts Risluranle The resiaurani is open for dine in, complele dinners. Further infor- ihrongh Thursday I I 40 n.m. to bycalling 692-2748. offers cusual Ilalian dinïug and carry Oui, Or delivesy. Further in- 3233 N. Broadway, Chicago, IIUnIIS 60657(773)327-2060 und suveet und sourcubbuge. Fur- 222 GREENWOOD GLENVIEW 14er information is available by mation is available by iniling 940 p.m., Friday and Salurduy banqanis in an elegant ambiance.formation is available by calling 5035 6. UnClfl, Chic101,IllinOiS60025 (173) 330-2182 'iii 10:00 p.m. und Sunday I 1:00 Polo Restaurant (847) 967-1 222Since 1962 culling 588-1500. 296-7777. The meslunraut is open for lunch965-3330. (- 030 W.BeimInt,Chicago, IllinliS 60657 (773) 404-7901 um. IO 9 p.m. Thu New China andBar Buffet offers a Senior disrounl und features curry-out und culer- 8801 N. Milwaukee Ave. in Restaurant & Open for Lunch & Dinner Tuesday Thru Sunday ENIOR n'go Nilen,uffeesits Thanksgiving Yewu Lecul Supper 1ub INItIe the unzeN SPECIALS ing. Furiherinfoeniatiunis avuila- SED N ES DAY batteI und family slyle dinners. Pancake House Tti Po1.g1 bic by eatliag (847) 581-1668. Freshest Fssh n, the Northwest Side I1SEDaN9SD% restaurant & bar The buffet ineindes roast luekey We Will Be Open ,4JY,--o -- LIVE MUSIC Festine Thanksgiviun Butfet nr Eneiits SEjte Dinner with oli lite tninomings und many Thanksgiving Dey -j PHONE Fur Rnuarsutinnn 847-470-8822 Arvey's - ether entrees. A complete salad 6 am. tu 6 pm. a- bac, fresh fruit and dessert nrc all ,)4[[fDny...SICf9oñt We Serve 9'òu iThei PESTi! ilkil54il0 From Nov. 5Nov. 25 Complote Dinner Specials - Restaurant Serving a wonderful selection of holiday fare AN purl of the buffel. Further infue- Served from 5 PM lii! Closing flsdades soup nl elId k desirrlbJe) lO4FOaklcn St., in Nues, will uf- AM Specials Such as: Happy (" lUD SóniòrCilizens Dieqnnt,, CumpE.urntwrsj titans uf Wine Muntini nr Menhatten mntiou isavailable by calliag o o Mun, - Fel, 2 PM - 5 PM ,- fer Thunksgiviag Day breakfasl, APRICOT CREPES ( 8811 N. Milwaukee 470-8822. Thanksgiving \ Escepi Hutidayu'. - Qaaltty & lunch add dipneen specials. The .-- Nues, Ii, 80714 Continental and TAFFY APPLE FRENCH TOAST Vnriety $9.95 .5 Buffet Lunch renluaraill is featuring Aeniver- Kappy's Restaurant Thurs., (847) 547-8282 Roust Duck/Pearls Sunco Sul, specials. Dinners include DINNER FARE INCLUDING: 24 HrN A Day Breaded Pork Chops Daily $5.95 snap dejaur, caesar or tussed snl- & Pancake House Roast Turkey With All The Trimmings Nov. 26th 7 DaysA Week FRIDAY FISH FRY Bruised Boul. Putntu Pancakes Sat$6.95 ud and choice ufputalo. Banquet 7200 W. Dempsler in Morton Prime Rib - Duck - Roast Leg of Lamb 9100 Golf Rd. (ALL YOU CAN EAT) 4_ Veal Pnpiibu & Dumplings 5Grand Buffet facilities are available. Book your Grove,isofferingbreakfast, 1300 Ogden Ave. kikuyu Stank Mushmuu & Deine B-B-Q Ribs and Much More!l Nilen n*,i1' Sun. $8.95 wedding, shower, eeheursat din- lunch and dinner specials daily. Ør2 Duwnern Grove Brudeul Tmet Jurdluuire nier. funeral luncheon, christen- Complele nr alu cante dinners are HAVE A HAPPY & SAFE THANKSGIVING! 847.296.7777 $10.95 7_ Our funonuo Pulu Cumbu Ptnfter Parim Served Fustily Stplo 630.963.0300 i;g, biEldo5 and relieement pony available. The meslanrant will be 5900 W. Dempster Morton Grove Cocktails 8801 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles, IL 60714 raw. Fuetherinfnnnalion is avail- closed ou Thanksgiving Day. . DINNER & DANCR 847-663-1900 Complimentary Pantry With All Contplete Dinners 847-470-8822 able by culling 967-979$. Kappy's is open 5:30 am. to mid- uuonaoomoouaooroonzoa070 w SATURDAY NIGHTS night doily. Fumtlser informaSen 168 Chinese 8O1 W DEMPSTER ST. Opern 7 dmyu u meek - Tek No (847) 047-0261 amlN-op.nl Restaurant - JoT H NILES 847-692-2748 CAFÉ BRAVO 89221/2 Genenwand Ave.- in Nues, announces its First Year ,r$aurQnL_GRAND OPENING 6701 Went Thllhy FumiLv Rentuuuumant Year Heats irw China Buffet SPECIALS! Nileu, Illinois 60714 -' Gus eiedJies Anniversuly. The resinurant nf- fern u vaniely of lunch und dinner All You Can Eat Buffet LUNCH DINNER café BravoBRE4KFAST SPECIALS specials prepared fresh by their 3.95 (5:30 u.m. - 1100 um., Munday - Friday) mastnrchcf. 168 Chinese Restan- OPEN 7 DAYS s SPECIALS SPECIALS nanI is upen 7 days at I 1:00 0m. u A.M. to 4 P.M. Mon-Fri 4 P.M. Co 11 P.1st Mon-Fri EVERYDAY SPECIAL Slaaduy - Freier Onirl Dine-in, conrv-out nr delisery is Include Drinks and Ice Cream Monday Thursday: i i :00 am - 9:00 pm Two Eans5uySts1n uithfluuhBmavsspututuun lbustnudJelty._ $155 available. The resluuluut is in the Friday & Saturday: 11:00 am - 10:00 pm CKEESE BURGER A1HlN1AN STYLE Ballard Greenwood Plaza went io - Sunday: i i :00 am - 9:00 pm uithtrruwhfaieu CHICKEN $5.95 .itb olee brune öi)lA 5f4 3pccùsLn, $3.55 cuscA Damituicks FinerFood 5mm. Far- PLZZA BURGER greet pùiaioru .SEOMIAY WEDNESDAY iher infoemation is available by .P.sxcsns ist . PANCAISES.SNDI5ÌCH calling (847) 795-0868. uithfrruth 1r54 . csPsvslaLLrr 3 GRECIAN r Nibs, IL 1047) 501-1668 $6.95 .POPEkk5ED4IT.AaNueusn.-kN.u,. New China BatteI ImpunI PORK LOIN ANDWICHPORK CHOPS theeuwavmr.u.i,n Il NenE China 0.01stCnuponfl uìthflnuch 91818 with owe. brent vkmainisw.avusu IITlI1l uunioelvn1mits.6eeT FesE .0_sul OSIEI.Eflt .colrsEo'irLcrrE esca cansu Suo iDINNER BUFFET LUNCH BUFFET BBQ. PULLED PORK CHOPPED STEAK THURSDAY eithfrnarbf18ls&ukw - TUESDAY . PlGS-tNsnLsNIiEr 3:30 cc CLO1E Mou. . 00100f siEh $5.95 .SptxcH TOAST . aRaVO StaUEr tul. s SUN. ILL f AO ll:OiAn.-O:olP.n. 114 GRECIAN CHICKENee,iows S . tlOEOSSEte.LE9, numuuu.hSuu u/greek ulula breen pe990 msiu vn Enesca .1v,18 BABYBEEFLIVER dn .conNEn nreirostssn-rt 8520 Golf Road :6 9DlMI-lN .., nithgiiflsiosisesh ;3.y .Drr.-vEE OslFJ.ErnE Advertise Your' in,' . tRIll MOSTACCIOLI OSA Oe4le Ea80 ,.l .-Adult0011 uta, 5- - Adult -musli n'Restaurant Nues, IL 60714 't isSu WIs sonni 55v MEATLOAF FRIDAY .CX!N9 In (Golf Milwaukee Plaza) Suo kelnon St ICI En, IE os rosis,, HOT MEATLOAF ujIb burdluise unte $5.95 .VEGE9ISIZOMEI.Eflt 01010.185411 Esu.l ln I;aae ui, Sl eal ewuu of EN ieoOiCiOs,I IO! S1 01511uASin01 eN. SANDWICH S unubrd peStles The Bugle Dining Guide Every Day 4 Soups, 38 Main Entrees 54th mashed p0118018 cafe Brtivo SPECIALS DINNERS $5.95 Tel: (847) 581-1668 Neu China nnlrntCnnpues1NrouCllina, nntret Cnupönn SKIRT STEAK (847) 588-1900 AnuMiluauinn Plaza Plus Fruit-and Salad Bar WMD WMD siS thrill uf poia5 $8.95 SA18u.dNSu18uSSAa.SA.lS.0 i..diwuSASuul.s,l \ \ . GRECIAN SALAD LUNCH BUFFET DINNER BUFFET Iulualu, Irlo thrs8uI1ChO1018 BROILED WilliE FISH BARB-QL'E CRSCIOEN PAN-fl1IED BESS' SEEF StEli DINE-IN CARRY OUT eon. . 501000 S_at IO fLOta nithhilukehellr5Nuete c1O fl USIOPPEII SIRLOIN STESE FRIED akt.F GlOcKEN 11:00 00. ' S OU P.S. too. ç OUS.ULL 000 TUNA SALAD uslrhsiteufputuls QOUEEN BREAST CHICKEN TF.NI)tftlS SPIN.kc1i PIE BAKED tESSI rI CATERING SANDWICH - Doll Ruad 0.9 UHOGEEN PIE E5P0tESS SPAGHEITI 9i - lith fanerb 51w 1i2 SLAB REQ. RIBS Sr SIOSlAGC.l1)t1 . tolsi nithrbdteofposalu $795 ROASTTOMTIJRItET VEAL PAEMKSAN .[G11p :° .6'9IIHE-IH GRILLED CHEESE ROAST UQ-N uukeieo BEES' Ii,AVII)t.le "AduIt Adult uI,o au Oy Uno usr Dine i, or curry Oct B.ERES MESTEOAF cHICKEN PAI1SIESAYl $1.00 SENIOR DISCOUNT ,tvaralseialino,ilo, I AND HAM slaotveseozakl 1,5e OStlOalailia, sIsmo tsi,aCtiOtOnSO,i011 01199er Itemt Include BRESDED PORETENDERLOEN 21 SIlfflMP.INf1.i8A5llt.'t' Oempntel So°"' 0,00111 ranomiuletl, I OuoitlOfiIloisltresSlioluis with PrenrA flies BRENDEn VEAL C1,TDIT PRIEn PEI1GI t I Soup or Edad Not Valid With Any Qlher Offer orn II-loo I Senti-Ii-R \\ L. 0000flIROOIGHNOV.35 Irla PAGE 14 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1998 TatE BUGLE, TInjuninAy, NOVEMBER 19,1990 PAGE 55 - .a. a a a Dine-In, Comedy comes Murdock celebrates Carry-out, Christmas 'Pops' conèertto the Mainstage to be presented at Oakton Christmas Ship Concert Delivery The Nues Concert Choir will tivitis as the choir, soloist, and Yos(Con't Take it With You, A holidoy tradition now in its present their annual Christmas orchestra present a festival of one ofthe funniest, most popular seventh year, Lee Murdock's "Pops" concert on Sunday, De- your holiday favorites. Joie in the and most successful comedies in Christmas Ship Concert docks at Catering comber 6, at 7 p.m., at St. John meeriment as the audience panic- the history of the Americao theo- Dominican University'sLutsd Brebeuf Church, 8307 N. Hoe- ipates in what has bdcome an an- ter, will open Friday, Dec. 4 on Auditorium itt River Forcst this leer, Nues. This year, NCC will ticipoted annual event. the Mainstoge of she Performing year. Always held on Thanktgiv- Lunch Specials celebrate their 35th season. The Admission to the concert is Oaktott's Des ing weekend, the concert Starts at Business Hauen . ArtsCenter at choran and 48-piece symphony$lOinadvanceattd$l2aticketat Plaines campos, 1600 B. Golf 8 p.m. on Saturday, November Muoday J Thursday 11,00 AM / 9u30 PM orchestra wilt be condncted by the door. Childeen 1tnderlO ace Road. Perfontsonces ore sched- 28. The Chnistmos Ship Concert Friday J Satnrduy 15:00 AM / 1030M 11AM 2:30PM Scottlames Arkenberg. free. For more information, call oled for Fridays, Dec. 1 1 and 18 is a celebration ofChicago's bed- Sunday ttt8ft AM I 9t00 I'M Come and be a part of the frs- (847) 289-4484. at 8 p.m.; Saturdays, Dcc. 5, 12 toge OS a seaportciiy, and lakes os und l9at8p.m.; Sundays, Dec. 6. bock to the days when wood und 13 and 20 at 2 p.m.; and Wednes- canvas ships sailed into the Chi- day, Dec. 16 at 2 p.m. (matinee erigo Rivet and hachons bringing st special $3; no discounts for this lumber and stone and, ut the end ANNIVERSARY performance). of the season, fresh-cut Christ- The cast for You Can't ake it mastrees and garlands. With You inclndes several Oak- Lund Auditorium is located ut 168, new Chinese restaurant by wayof Brazil 168 House Specials For Vegetarian ton students and local actors re- the Dominican University rom- yuug sauce that he developed, asfoods, "We introduced a special Homemade Substit uf ion pus (formerly known os Rosory Almost everything is unique-- COUPON siding in Ookton's district. The or ut leant sensual--about thewelt as u very tasty vegetarianmenu for vegetarians and health I play was written by Moss Hart College), 7900 West Division, Vegetarian Meat Cholesterol And Fat Free (Almost) r food fans," he said. "We make meut substituto that he mohos RiverForest, IL. Tickets are $12, Lee Murdock new Chinese restaurantthat and George S. Kaufman. The di- opened a year ogo at 8922-1/2from - wheat flour following aour own noodles." I I rector is Carote Kteinberg, pro- and are available at the door, or tripthroughthe $OO Greenwood Ave., nest totherecipe hooded down from the A quick i'Vegetarian B,B,Q. Pork With Vegetables 8.90 fessor of theater, humanities and by calling the bou office at (705) gift shops and cernai stores, or Buddhists. immacutalekitchenrevealed 524-6942. The new CD, Great new Dominick's store, beginning 2. Vegetarian Chicken With Oyster Sauce 8,90 I OFFI speech atOaktou. from Artists of Note, (630) 557- with its name, which is actually a By 1989, u runway "hyperin-sesenultaygestainlesssteel Bring in this coupon for OFF the bill when Lakes Chronicle, is available ai 2742. Vegetarian Rainbow Duck 9,90 Ithe amount is $20.00 or more on food purchases number. flutian" and corruption causedwoks, 21 cunuislers filled wilh Host Luis (Lu) Tse capia/ucdLo to wool to follow that path ofbite-size pieces of fresh veggirs Vegetarian Fillet Fish With Broccoli 9.90 NOT VALID WtH ANY OThER OFFER ONE COUPON PER PERSON that the restaneant is called 168success once moro. This time, heand coolers und freezers neatly EXPtRES 12-10-98 Holiday inthe '90's--Carry-òut - Vegetarian Chicken Delight 8.90 L. J because the sound of those nurn-was accompanied by hin wife,stacked with platters of eggrolls SUN 1SAM-11PM MON - SAT 11AM-12 MIDNIGHT It's the ultimate cooveuience. source of food-borer illness. Hot food should be 140 degrees bers is similar to the ChineseChristine and their family of five,and other Chinesefavorites Yu Hsiang Vegetarian Chicken 8,90 Complete, fully-cooked, cony- Rcady-lc-ucri'a Cuuuy.00edliut- Fahrenheit or hotter and cold words "yut tony fut," meaning thefour daughters and a son nowawaiting their trip Io the wok. 8,90 ranging in age from t t t20. Vegetarian Sweet & Sour Pork (847)965-4644 out holidaymeals from tilo super- tuero. If you are ordering turkey, fund should be 40 degrees Fob- path of success. The decor of 168 is pleasant 7.50 market oc a catering company. yonwillneed at leastl-1/4 renheil or cooler. If everything is And Whol u path it bus been for The family arrived io the U.S.and bright with oak paneling and Vegetarian Moo Shu (chicken or beef) 8480 Go'f Road Nues Forsome it is as close as they will pounds perpeeson. io order, serve it immediulely. Lu and his family. Boon ioJan. 1, 1990. For five yrurs, Loneat while tace cartatos udornung Vegetarian Curry Chicken 8.90 get to a home cooked meal. To- . When will your meal br For u buffet, keep food wurm on Canton, China. he and his fatherworked as u materials handler fatlower walls, and Chinese ink Vegetarian Szechwan (chicken or beef) 8,90 dày many pcópto do not havecooked by the supermarket or ca- electric hot trays oc in chafing left in 1952 and went to Hangu salad dressing company anddrawings in golden frames deco- timo to cook. Some don't know Irrer? Ofcourseyou want a feesh- dishes with a brai source below. Kong and finally ended up in Saolater niarted a beating and airrating the upper wall spaces.i i'Vegetarian Mongolian (chicken or beef) 8.90 how to cook. And others don'tly prepared meal not one that's Catering companies cae usually Paulo, Brazil, in 1960. La saidconditioning business, whtch heSome esquisite ivory, jude and12, Chef's Special Green Vegetables 8,90 have the desire to cook. Carey-oat been sitlingar000d all doy. supply such equipment. Ihey sailed for 45 days beforestill has. The family settled inbone carvings, including u rare We Accepl Must MuiorCrpdil Catdn - cus be the answer. . Will yonedieueebe delivered ChilledCarry-outDinners. they found a country that wouldDes Plaines. lavender jade51010eof un TUÏK. Carry-out foods ore asnally 10 you or will you need to arrange Many Çhicagoland supermarkets uccept them as immigrants. The Christine worked an o restau-American eagle, adorn the bar 165Hnuse Specially Homemade suhnlituliun VeletapinO Meat Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. available in two forets. Hot-andfor pick-up. Ready-prepared din- prepare chilled holiday dinners Uuited Stoles was closed torant manager, as the hand-work-oreo, where Tsiugtoo Chinese ready-to-serveor cooked andnoes Ore often dcliveeed. If the and Irays for pickup. Place your immigration al that time. La saiding couple saved to buy anotherbeer und other favorite mined ChnleslerslAnd Ful Pepe chilled. "Although someone else meal will be delivered, find ont if orderin udVonce. - they left China because life therehome. When they had enoaghdrinks aro served. r COUPON -I Professional Duct Cleaning is preparing the meal, food safetythe delivery van is equipped to . The first thing you should du was so hard. moneyto invest,Laand Topping off a la5tt three- should still be a concern," said keep cold foods cold and hot in check the food. Chilled food Lu said he landed io BrazilChrisline called a family confer-coarse luncheon bol and sour For a limited time only, we will Drusilla Banks, Extrusion Edu- foods hot. If nut, order from un- should be cold to lfrg touch when with just $5 in his packet. Piral,ence. Asked whether they wouldsoap, eggroll und vegetarian prefer to buy a larger house or completely power clean your doclwork natur, Nutrition and Wclluess, other snnrce. it arrives or upon pickup. The he had lo learn Porlagnese. 5-Ic tofu-bused entre, all prepared al 10%OFF $299 University of Illinois Coopera_ . If you will be making the stuffing shoald be removed and worked ioorestourant threeinvest in a business, the childrenthe peak of their delicate flavor, for$299.The complete sanitation Special tire Extennibe. Before placing pickup, takocverything home im- packaged separately.Allside years before openinghis ownvoted unanimously ta go intowas a truly memorabledessert; DINE-IN OR CARRY OUT process, OS mentioned aboveis youroederthink about your nerds mediately. Use au insulated chest dishes should br chilled as well. restoaroul. At the smc time, hrbusiness. Lu tells the story with athe Braciliun-influenced banana Offer!! available ferocharge of $15 per room. ansI ask questions. for cold food undone for hot food Refrigerate all foods as sneu os was studying electricalengineer-smile und obvinas pride in hisfried in carmel sauce. Apples and How you handle the food at 10 keep things ut the proper tern- yougethnme. ing01night,obtaining twoindsslrioas offspring. "They give DINNER ENTREES ONLY me support, sa I give them sup-other fresh fruits can be subsli- home could mean the difference peratur000 ronÉo.- . It in impossible tu cebras u dogroca by 1978. toted for the banana. Lo said. FAMILY DINNERS NOT INCLUDED BONUS . BONUS BONUS between a delightful meal and/or . Duce Ihn dinner arrives, nr whole chilled terkey, it will be- Lu operated his yrstuatant, Solport," he said. Two of Ihn dough- Following their uniqOe "path orse that'sdried out and theyou berive for pickup, check it. come dry. Carve all the meal Nascente (The Rising Son) ioters were busy working in thenf success," the Tse family has Not Valid With Any Other Offer,EXPIRES 1/1/99 The first 100 people who schedule aduct cleaning from the boue, leaving individual Broeit from 1964 to 1980. Thererestaurant between classdsat Oakton Community College. brought an unusual and interest- willreceive a complete whole house sanitation thighs, drumsticks, and wings un- he added Southomeeicuninflo- ing new rest000ant Io the local NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH Ihn And so Restaurant 168 svos absolutelyFREE.* Youmust mention this notice to Coure Men. .Thun tian,. upetact, ifyon wish. Slice Ihn breast. oncesandflouonsto scene. When you feet like some- )A, TI'S CrOny & Oatu,duo lam . i um This will ensure quick reheattug. Conl000so andavailing atibe end ofthc "paib of . on - . Mandarin, thing a little differeul from the FREEsanitation. 5Upto$150salee. I soccess" for the Tac family. receive the Sundayturn . item Heal, covered, in a 325 degrees Seechwun recipes he used, as usual Chinese faro, Iry 165 Yat Puhreoheil oven until the meal us well os several cholesteroland"This is our dream," Lu said of the bright, airy and spotless 168.Low Fol. From Cantan la Sao Did you know,.. FeAlUitlNG - hoi, l6sdegrees Fahrenhett. Or fat free recipes with aBuddhist Paulo to Nitos, their pulh has ted . Crispy Thin Punis, Gnapuanteed heut in the microwave id o cor- pride toLu boasts of a mena that cnnsinls 'The tIcGO adtli iShalets4t lobcspDlSu ,luutud iAl dalti infinence. He points with to success. s,Pirs,c In The Pou ChitInes, Rib, HutDelicory cred casserole nne batchot altare a very specialand aniqar egg fonof lhc freshest and healthiest of -J ,loIterr s sp lo 70 lImes otre polluted litasDUIdOSI air DunbIn Dough Snndwiohen aelil steaming hot. Being gravy to L s-,Iho avera9u tiurtrrit Score stiletto 40 1hs. si tuoi oath yiar. (847) 825-5856 a rolliug boil. Heat side dishes us- .. 50% of alIiIlntssor tre caused sraggraaaltd by pslltted lnfstr air. 8166Milwoulien Ave.Nlt.ES IiI hot. Serve food immediately. = Leftovers should be stored is e. Nito ttdul Im oftleta lEbtet are cossed hy ho effectsti dirt and 8151. the refrigerator within 2 honra of- 50 ter the meal. Never louve fnod ont . ItSIAIJI?AI , One of sin peuple wits seller trum allergies de su hecssse ut lite 0FF ANY 250OFF ANY 18C IISI IMED.onLARGE X.LARGE nu the lobte or in Ihr oven more direct relalionship Io lite lungi and hacleria in airdud systems." than 2 hones. Leftovers cue be de- .5q2?1 6ùz&v&6°cthz' ThlalHealih andBettor HealthMagaziue PIZZA PIZZA lucuous ifhaudledproperly. Stuffing und gravy should he auÑm.u,,un,99O ,,dnIng.Nuaulanits safe in the tefrigeraton fur 2 dnys; (847) 795-0868Fax: (847) 795-0869 Clean fresh air is just a phonecall away...Call ein .ny aus,, atapan o,.pnIgMyes, p.a.iamai.aaapan cooked left over lurkey and other pethopnirelly Dominicks) Nues, IL airean p.' 0.s en mIS - accornpauiments, 4 days. Plan GreenwoOd Ave. (next to 847-647-9612 neiPnnntaauJ 8922 1/2 = L aaulun,,ms..j ahead. (BallardGreenwood Plaza) THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1995 PAGE 17 PAGE 16 TIlE BUGLE, T-IURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1998 - o A HolidayShopping Jewish Genealogical Santa flying high at OBITUARIES Society of Illinois Home for the Blind NORMAN C. PINE CELIA B. GRATO WSKI Plaines, died tuesday, October 6. Hancock Observatory Nnrman C. Pine, 75, uf Morton Cctia B. Graiowski, 96, nfBetuved daughteroftho lato WIa- The Jewish Genealngicat Sudi- Scheel), 2nd lIcor, 7 Happ Rd., dyslaw and Genuwefa (neu Za- Families celebrating the tights ofred and green starting on four and under - visitors to the soaring more tItan 50 feet high. Greve, died Thursday, October 8. Nites, died Monday. Gctnbrr 5 at cty cf tltjnnjs wilt present, ne Nerthfirbd. Enter through Build- Jump slaB your holiday shop - radkinwicz)Arbadeinski.Be- Christmas season on Michigan November 21. That same eve- Observatory can give theirlists to Willi 70,000 lights and holiday Hr was baro Friday, August 3, St. Andrew Home. She was barn Sunday, November22, Ms. Devi- ing D which faces the road. ping at Kagan Homo farthe Blind loved weiher of Beata Avenue witt have an opportunity nitig, Sto observatory offers Oto Santa md receive n free pitoto moue, Otis Chrislmas tree has 1923 nChicago. Beteved bus- Friday, 7, 1902 in Chica- da Handler who will speak un Genealogical reference maten- en Sunday, November22 from t. baud of Ihn late hone (neo Urba- -go. Beloved daughter nf the late (Waldemar) Zoranski and Dannta atswiltbeavaitablofrum t p.m. to get a Great View and Santa, best seats on the avenue as mit- with Old St. Nick, tabou by Mrs. grown to become nue of Midi- 4 p.m. The Paie will feature beau- "SpeoialIslerost Groups- A Santa Claus. In addition, Santa's gm Avenue's favorite holiday ark) Pine. Belnved father of Man- Joseph and thetaloMarianno (neo (Jaroslaw) Zeranski.Sister ofLuok at the Litvah Sig. The pro- This program, as are alt nur Too at the t-tancock ObservaLo- lions nf white lights brittg the tiful hand-made items (pottery, Zdzislaw (Winslawa) Arbudzin- I, during the four weekends be- Magniticont Mite alive iii Ilse an- visitors will getachance to wilt u traditions. ityn Florezak and Robert Plenas)Gratnwsk.i.Services geambegins al2p.m. prugrams, is open tu the public at crafts, woven keepsakes). Also, wore held October 9 at St. An-ski, Kazimierz (Anna) Aebadoin- no charge. All aro welcome. For forethebotittay. anal Michigan Avenue Festival Patrick tite Pup toy from FAO The ilancock Observalory is sume wonderful gift-giving ide- (Patricia) Pine. Grandfather nf The meeting will talco place in Willow Az000 and Katie and Ko- drew Home. Arrangements han-ski andTadrusz (Lucyna) Aebud- mero information, call Belle Hot- Kicking off the holiday sea- of Lights. Schwarz. open frein 9 n.m. lo midnight dai- as, a white elephant labte and an theLibraryoftheMarshall son, flip John witt transform it- Starting on November 27, for Sattu und Mrs. Clans willhe at ly al die Satin hancock Center, vin Pine. Brother nf Irvin (Phyt- dted by Skaja Terrace Funeral zinski. Serviceswereheld Loanoieg Conter, Building A (1ko mae at (847) 679-1995 sr (312) assoettuont of knick-knacks, plus lis) Pine and Armella (Geerge) [tome. Interment was in St. Adel-October10atSt.Hyacinth 666-stufi. self into Chicagos tallest Christ- the regular ashnission price of $8 the observatory fromI I am. toS 875 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Bingo for everyone. fermer New Trier West High tappetI by a for adults and $6 for chitdreu - p.m. na Friday, Saturday and Admission is $8 for adults, $6 for Norton. Services were held Gelo- hertCometnry, Nibs. Chnrch, Chicago. Arrangements mas decoration, handted by SkajaTerrace Funeral Isotittaystartord crowned in with free admission to ctìitdren Sunday,Nov.27, 28 atsd29; Dcc. seniors and children ages S ho t7 Located at 3525 W. Fnutor, ber10atSt.John Brobeuf MKJCC to view 4, 5 md 6; Dcc. 11, 12 and 13;atid free for children ander 4 Church,Nibs.Airangoments BARBARA P1OZYBYSZ Hume. Interment was in Manyhilt Chicago, Kagan Home for ihn Barbara Przybyso, 59. cf Des Cemetery, Nitos. ondDec. 18, l9otd2o. ycurs old. For ittformation call I Blind is the only sheltered-care handled by SkajaTerrace Funeral Mary Cassatt Also at John h-lunceck Cetttcr, Home. Interment was in SI. Jo- (888) 875-VIEW (8439) or visitresidence in the Chicagoorna FLOWERS tie I-hancock Fttitiday Mountain die bhancoctc Observatory Web serving people with visiols loss. sopIi Cemetery, River Grove. exhibit Railroad witt be oit display. For Site at www.liaiicock- Coffee and Conversation The Mayer Kaplan Jewish and Refrnshments will be served, Ad- Coasmnnily Conter wilt 5mw the years, children of alt ages llave observalory.com. mission is $2. GIFTS delighted in watching this 1,375 invites survivors to join eshibit Mary Cassai - Modern square footmmtet 1mmexhibit - RONALDA. MOTYKIEWICZ Woman attheArtInstitute, WEDDINGS How to feaston a nue of the classic symbols uf die LaSalle's Do-lit-Yourself Ronald A. Matykiowiez, 56, of Jewish Family and Cemmnnt- ing,health desdoros, relation- which hasreceivedravere- and -seasoit. Nestled in a glen of trees, Chicagu, died Wednesday, Gelo- ty Service invites Holernast sur- ships,rntiremrnl,ropanahtons, views, ne Mondny, December 7. bor7. Ho was born Tansday, Sop- The $40 price (3CC members ro- FUNERALS the display fealures nine trahis, . vivors to join "Coffee and Con- planning for Ihn future, current Pilgrim.budget. including u Hattukkah trino, two Messiah lumber 22, 1942 ja Chicago. Be- versatiun,"u weeklydrop-in events, and other issues of cnn- doive a $6 discusnt)tuclndos 8118Milwaukee, if waterfalls, a cable car lo hIte The 23rdAnnualLaSahie tu: LaSatte'sDu-It-Yourself loved son of Joseph and Sophie group that meets un Thursdays, lasory has tcerspertatiOn and a Niles (nor Michalski) Molykiewiez, North Pole, a reinder barn, a Banks Du-Ih-YoursetfMessiab is Messiah, 135 S. LaSallo Street, from 1:30-3 p.m., at its Northern The "Cuffne and Conversa- private lecture. Lunch is ne your WE DELIVER ' skalitig rink, a Christmas coron- LaSalle's holiday gift to Chica- Suite 2905, Chicago, IL 60603. Beloved husband of Arlene (nne District office, 2710 West Dcv- tine" group is ce-facilitated by own at Mansy's Deli. The Issu- set, and o special dinosaur ills- galanti. George Fridurir Hondet's Any requests puslmarked be- Wilks) Motykiemicz. Brether nf on, Chicago. Barbara Urhunsku-Yeager andry bas wiltdepart frum the ANYWHERE play geared toward younger cltil- 18th Ceatury choral masterpiuce fore November 14 will be re- Elaine (Don) Boyd, Rilo (the late "New members ace always Leche Ludwig, LCSW. There is MKJCC, 505n W. Chareb St., 823-8570unreiE88i,,m dren. for soloists, orchestra and chums lnrned. Ticket requests orn grant- Frank) Gapisski, the lute Joseph wetcaunn," said Barbara Urbans- nunn Skekie at 9: 15 am. uç ed on a first-come, first-served Molykiewicz,Jr., and Rabert ka-Yeager, a JFCS Family Wurk- PIeuse ergisior early, as space Towering above Johtt Han- is performed in a concert almos- gruup is sponsored by Hi- '_i 3'Rtlefloznt cuckCeuterateinm, the Salvation phere with thu audience perform- basis andlhe sapply is limicod. (Barbara) Mutykiowiez. Services cc and cn-facititatnr of the pro- unica, a joint project uf Jewish is limited. For mure infurmatiue , - For liekol information: l-888- more held Octcber 12 at St. Mary gram. "We one a discussion group and tu regisior, please cult 547- Army Tree ofLigbts is one of the ingasthochorus. Family and Cnmmunity Service 880-9703. - of the Weeds Church, Chicagn. and wo cuver Inpics snch as ng- 675-2200. cihy'slargest Chrislmas The soloists are professionals, und Council fur Jewish Elderly. trees, Ike orchestra members volunteer Arrangements handled by Skaja their time and latents, and nudi- Corne celebrate Turrado Funeral Humo. Interment 11wk!AM eure member of the chorus have was in St. Adatbert Cemetery, i come from as foe away as Cani- the holiday Niles. - Why Select A Family Owned da, Hawaii und Europe to swell Funeral Home? Rose's i the ranks of lite Chicagulaud season - together Thanksgiving Siegers. As many as 5,000 voices ELMER R. TIMM 7502 N. HARLEM Treat your friends, neighbors, Elmer R. Timm, 85, nf Nues nulle ander Ike baton of mueld- co-workers, or employees to a *Prices are Irldilionally much lower than those FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED renowed condudler Stanley Sper- (formerly of Mt. Pruspect), died 20% Off Sale -.,-,. Puons wonderful evening of holiday October 28 at Lesinglen Hnatth - of corporate owned funeral homes. i) a' cheer willt dittuer, cocktails, and 20% off our entire inventory Cut/Style Each lirket holder must be an Care, Wheeling. He was born De- u Oar funeral directors and ataff do nob work on THE SKAJA FAMILY with a $10 minimum purchase. . Frosting enlerhttimnenl gttlnro on Friday, cember 7, 1912 is Chicago. Be- active participant. Oso le the 2-ti Dec. II from 7 p.m. lo 1 am. at commiusioas. They will never pressure you to buy . Colnu 2 hour duralinn, the concert is net leved husband uf Ihn late Audrey snitabte fer ynung children. the Social Center of ihn Irish and also the tato Eleannre E. Be- something lhal you donI went Or need. BUD SKAJA Dancers, dinner music from the loved father of Richard Timm SENIOR DAY Sunday, December 20 and Irish Music Society, dancing to *All of our preparation work is done at our SKAJA TERRACE 4 DAYS ONLY! Tuesdoy & Wednesday Monday, December 21 ai 7:30 and Marilyn (the talo William) . music by a DI., and open bar all p.m. at the Civic Operalleuse, 20 Chambers. Grandfather of Billy, funeral homes by licensed funeral directors. Your FUNERAL HOME Fri., Sat., Sun. & Mon. $1.00 OFF tar $30 per person. Tables foc Mark, Christine, Sheri, Lud and MICKEY SKAJA Shnnpou & Sui ONLY N. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL groups of aity size. Groups nf 10 7812 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE 4 NuicuidiutaulnSn 60606. Richir. Great-grandfather of 6. loved one will gol be leansported to a "faclofy like" orinttroreceive one free. Nov. 20, 21, 22 & 23, 1998 ,ñumynu.,tíft, Send a self-addressed, Brother nf Eloannro Weidbasch, embalming facility. NILES, ILLINOIS TIsis is au ideal solution for Ann Comella, and Lee Alunan- JACK SKAJA (713) 774-3308 stamped envelope with your re- businesses nr groaps loo small to 9030 MILWAUKEE AVE qnest and your performance prof- der. Services mere hetd Saturday, 5You will be heated wibh Ihe respect and appre- (847) 966-7302 GOLF rent lheieowtt halt, llave no npaco eeende (twu-lickrts maaimum), October 31 al SI. Emily Church, ciation bhat only a family owned business can offer. NuES for on in-hause puny and tue too Mt. PeospecL Arrangements hais- (847) 296-0121 busy working In plan the deh'dls died by Mate Funeral Home. In- 8We consistently upgrade our facilities and JIM SKAJA fer Ilteir iswti Itisliday paehy. Call lertttenl Was in All SaintsCerne- equipment to offer families only Ihe best, SKAlA STANLEY (773) 282-7035 or visit the Irish tery, Des Plaines. 1614 DEERFIELD RD. Aiuerican Heritage Center at °Tho comfort of knowing Ihe perlon you're HIGHLAND PARK : FUNERAL HOME BUD SKAJA JR. 4i526 N. Knox Ave. (at Wilson face at (847) 831-3040 DEMPSTER Ave.) hisday lo make your roser- YVONNEB PHILLIPS doalitng with. You wilt always see a familiar 3060 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE a (9tVfl volumi. Reservations must be Yvonne B.Phillips. 70, nf our chapeln. Our slaff is notrolaled among dozens of CHICAGO, ILLINOIS made by Dorembcr 4. Visa atid Nuns, died Monday, Gctnbnr 5 at JOHN SKAJA SENIOR SAVER DISCOUNT. DAYS A beautiful banquet room, overlooking the . Maslercurd accepted. ResurrectionMedicalConter. funeral homes. (773) 342-3330 EVERY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY' historic Tam golf course. Located at 6676 She was bum Saturday,Aprtl 7, wife of 1928 in Chicago. Beloved ERIC SKAJA HowardSt., in Nues. Specializing in parties William G.Phillips.Beloved ColonialWojciechowSki mother nf Lnnra Phillipsand of up to 150, availablefor Weddings, Lynn (Andy) Poulus.Grand- Funeral Homes SKAJA BACHMANN . and Jo- rnnther nf Heidi Grosz Qu'orsI A Operiitc'i! For Oi'rr 35 Years ByTite GORDON WOJDA showers,Holidayparties, business seph Cuccio.Grost.grandmother FUNERAL HOME nf Richie andRebbie Nugeni. Wsjrirr/i sui' nOi Fsioiily 7715 ROUTE 14 PEPPERIUE FAnM meetings and more.For additional Terry Step-sister uf Marty and CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS Gannon. Services wereheld Oc- 8025 W. Golf Road Nues(847) 581-0536 MARK CIOLEK information or to view the room, call handled B A K E R Y T H R t FT S T O R E 5 lt was Mark Twainwho tuber 8. Arrangements 6250 N. Milsvtsukce Ave. . Chicago . (773)774-0366 ($15) 455-2233 by Skaja Torrare PanetalRome. lhrift donote pundnct returne d nnintd by diututbutors nu (847) 581-3120 was issued a patentfo Come- producta not meeting onr htnh utandnrdu toi hut qiutity. Inlornteal was in Maryhill suspenders in 1871. tery, Nibs. 4'

PAGE 18 TILE BUGLI, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1998 TILE BUGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBRE 19, 1998 L'AGO 19 AREA St. John Brebeuf and St. IsaacThanksgiving 'ThcuiIsgiviiig Services Jogues Liturgical CelebrationWorship at St. John Lutheran Our Lady of Ransom Church St.John Lolberun Church, 7429 Milwaukee Aveuue, Nues, 8300 N. Greenwood wilt celebrate Thanksgiving wilh services on both Thonhsgiviog Thanksgiving Nues, IL 60714 Eve, November 25, and Thanks- giving Day, November 26. The 847-823-2550 Wednesday evening service will begin al 7:30 p.m. and the Thors- Rev. John R.HaII, Pastor day morniog service at 9:30 am. Thanksgiving Day Both services will include the Concelebrated Mass tinging of Thanksgiving hymns Services as we praise our God for all His 9:00 am. blessings. Holy Communion will be celebrated at both services. The theme of Ihe Thanksgiving version, with Deuteronomy B; 7- to os the test, is enlitled, "Cutch. EPLC Our Savior ing theThanksgiving Spirit." Edison Park T_..1_____ We invile Ihe communily to Lutheran Church LULIIeRdil join us for either oftheso two ser- 6626 North OliphanI Avenue Marty Peterson and Elizabeth Fasucco hold Power Shields vices as me pause to give thanks (ut to God for His many blessings we Chicugo, Illinois 60631 Chtirch designedbyfhe tifthgrade ofSt. John Orebeuf School. have received both as iudividaols _/' (773) 631-9131 of Norwood Park - LCMS The fifth grade class of SI. tores st spirilsthey believed and as a notion. Rev. Leu Gyllutrom 6099 N. Northcott Ave. Jobs Beebeíofplasned and led Ihe would protect them during bat- St. Jobo Lutheran Church has Rev. Melody Eautman 1fr parish in the celebralios of the ties. These shields reminded theregular Sunday services at 8 and Chicago, Illinois 60631iir feasts ofSl.Jslsn nrebeafand St. Indians 1h01 the brovcst wavier10:30 am. For mrre information, Rev. Stanley Zyskowski (773) 631-1100 IsaacJogoesin October. was not one why used a weapoocall the church office at (847) THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE Saint Paul The class served as the chair, os the enemy, but Ihn one who647-9867. November 25, 1998 7:30 p.m. Saint John Lutheran Church SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES Chuck Creager was the common. coold ride op and touch the ene- Lutheran Church 7429 Milwaukee Avenue tator, Tracy Tralmcr was Iho my with o bare hand. This wasTravel the Railway 5650 N. Canfieki 8:00 and 10:45 A.M. rcaderoflhe epislie, and the 50cv. called a coop ood the highest act THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE Chicago, Illinois 60631 Nues, Illinois 60714 Sunday School & erS foe Ihe Mass were Sarah Mus- of bravery. at tise Winter November 26, 1998 10:30 am. 847/647-9867 Adult Bible Class 9:30 A.M. er, Kathie Hyrc, and Kevin Ka. Flower Show (708)867.5044 linz.Daringthecommunion St. John Brebeof sod St. Isaac Lift Availablt tor the Handicapped Rev. Marvin F. Mueller, Pastor SPECIAL WORSHIP SERVICES meditation. Marty Peterson, Va-Jogues were two ofthc sovns ins. Thiv year yea cou travel Ilse Pastor: Walter P. Schoenfuhs 00550 Rogue, Julio Bninrwalles, oit missionaries martyred by the estitway at Ito free onnnat Whiter a TIIANKSGMNG EVE Nov. 25, 7:00 PM and Elizabeth Faltucco passedHoroo and Iroqaeistribes ofFlower Show sud Holiday Gar- Food do,Iohio,Is received at Thanksgiving vili be eoiøee 9oeat4 Toe ?(iasafaaftf THANKSGIVING EVE oat Power Shields to each slaff dea Railway Exttibilion ut the . THANKSGIVING DAY Nov. 26, 10:00 AM North Aoterica. The levait priests gilva to Iioiiev ofcl,ildreu served by the Thanksgiving Eve Service November 25th at 7:50 p.m. member and homeroom. Thesewere sent from Fronce to coovert Lincoln Pork Cutmervutory (24110 Lutheran Day Nursery. . ADVENT WEDNESDAYS 2, 9, 161 700 PM shields were to remind everyone Ihe Native Americans to Chris- N. Siockton Dr.), November 26 November 25th at 7:00 p.m. THANKSGIVING DAY thatconiticlcaobeseltied tioeity. They lived among the llseoogls Jsmuasy 3. 'hic Cosser. November 26th at 9:30 am. (SoiqilSandwich Supper 5:30 - 6:45 PM) through non.viotence. They werepeople, learned their language, vulory is open daily frtiso 9 am. Mithveek Advent services 7:02 p.m. (Wilh Pie Social Immediately Following) . CHILDREN'S SERVICE Dec. 20, 10:45 AM designed and constructed by theand taught Ihem ohout God. After to 5 plu. Sermon: "Catching the frfth gradeclass. The Nativomany yeast of working wilh the Sexes model Rails. includiag Wednesdags, December 2, 9, T6, 1998 - Thanksgiving Day Service Thanksgiving Spirit" . CHRISTMAS EVE Dec. 24, 1:00 PM & 11:00 PM Ameeicans were Ihn first to usepeople, uprisings among the vari. an otd-fasltiotted stems cugine, Posver Shields. They made row.005 tribm developed, and these circos learn, freigttt traie und teal- 10:00 am. Holy Communion celebrated in bslh services . CHRISTMAS DAY Dee. 25, 10:00 AM hide shields decorated with pic-missionaries were martyred. ley. will wind their way through a Liny village srl io a field of vi- brasil retI, delicate pitik attd soft Unicef greeting cards send white poinsellias.'Ilsevillage, comprised etstirely ofltssterat mo- ge44M 44te etate . à meaningful message Icrials including wiltoso, -spmce First Edison Park and hirch woods, features a varie- . UNICEF Greeting Cards give relief for otillions of children ly sifChixagti style Itotnes attd fa- k United Church yon the opportunity to send bali- and women io loare Iban lbS tastos hosldittgs like Use Ctlicago day greetings to your friends and countries ucd terrilorirs. Tlscstter 'ud Cisicugo Waler Tesv- of Christ romity and help millions of chu- ev. deco around Ike world at the Call (312) 742-7736 for 06lIre Now of 6627 North Oketon Avenue same time. Sendiog o UNICEF itifortoulionubsiol Ute Liuscets Chicago, Illinois 60631 grecling card sells the receiver Chicago Scenes Cards Iloliday Esliihilioo. that you care aboul whal hap. The urchitectural splendor uf Trinity Lutheran Church (773) 763-2233 pens lo cliitdrett sohn cannot beChicago is captured is our ness' advecates for . themselves. Oneline of city scene cards. Bock- 5106.52north La CruO Avense. Chloalu,lUnule 60630-2431 Turkeys to be hex of greeting cards can boy aiogham Fuonlain with the city OUR TRIBUTE child 1mo blankets. A boc-ond.a-skyline behind il and a view of awarded at (773) 545-7300 half payn for vaccïoes, syringes,the Hancock Buildingintite THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE 1605 Vernon Avenue needles, cold chais eqoipmootsnow ore two 005V choicesin baflÏítimn cards, These and altier beautiful Fish Fry Wednesday, November 25th at 7:00 p.m. Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 and health workers' training and WnH GLAD HEARTS WE BRING salaries to immanize 00e childUNICEF coeds can be ordered IDoritsg tite regular Frtday Bsh The Rev. von P. Harris, Paslor (847) 823-6984 against the six mujer cttildhoodthrough the catalog or by visit- fry Nov. 25 at tic Morton Grove THANKSGIVING DAY ing one of the many fluliday American LegionPost#134. Mr. Floyd Raeger, Music Director Service offering Ho'y Communion Rev. Mark Larson - Pastor diseases. 'rho average price foro CHURCH Setovice bon often cards is $9. Oullels araund the city, includieg 6140 Dempslcr, turkey's soil) he November 26, 1998 the Whole Foods Stores, FAO asvstrdcdto sonso lucky ticket Schsvarz,onNarlh Michigan ho ldcrs. lo 30 AM "A Friendly Church for Peopleon tise Grow.. A December holidaytradi- THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE THURSDAY NovEaiZ6,,i9 98 THANKSGIVING SERVICE lion. UNICEF Greeting CardsAvenue, Lea Furoiture iii Advance tickets arc usai able Visitor's Expected!" 10:00 a.nI. stIve bees 0050ring futures forSchauttshorg, Pier Goy Stares. tosi scionernccd vol hcpresent. children in svar-taro and dcxci-lIte UNICEF kiosk on tite fourth Fists bru arc held from b-6 10:00 A. M. . Family Worship FIRST CtuncH OF CUltIST SCIENTIST coantrics fifty-one goor ulCtsicago Place Shopping p.1st. esscls sseok. . PARt< RIDGE MESSIAH LUTHERAN CHURCH oping for Sanctuary Handicapped Accessible years. UNICEF IGnited NationsCcstcr at 751) North Michigan Cocktailsire zssailahle and s Rediscoveryesos Will, lo Tsdsy! 330 Touisv AvE. WELCOMES YOU! Children's Fund) puts lives backand the UNICEF/Ctsicago ottico largo ntetto of entrees st a nomi- (847) 823-3329 togetlter with lifesaving medi-at Suite tOOl, 625 North Mic)t. nat fee. Carry 0x15 and children's ALL Ave WELCOME "COME AND WORSHIP" cines, vaccines, Outritiolls fuods,gao Avcoue. Or call tite portions also asailahlc. priteary education, c'leso water UNICEF offlcc at: 1312) 255- Ticket iota fruits Dati Terlap, and sonitolios and emergeocy 0400 for a catalog. #47-966-8044,

J r

TitE BUGLE,TIIIJ1SSDAYNOVeteiBEn 19, 1980 PAGE 2l PAGE 20 THE BUGLE, TIWRSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1998 r Home the White Eagle Reotaainat io Niles on Thanksgiving Day. Asia in the 21st George J. Goldman I I This fesdve event includes a scrumptioUs dionre and the op. . SENIOR CITIZENS! k portunity to meet sew friends. Diusor is sponsored by the Century ' Shampoo honors specialpeople Morton Grove Park District, Morton Grove Foundation and : i the Niles/Morton Grove Rotary for those who do uot have discussion &Set.... $2.50&Up . :: :: :ssi s family or friends to celebrate with on the holiday. The Park Scott Sutterflcld, u business- 5 Hafrcut.. .$3.00 & Up L District will provide trunsportution fer Mortes Grove residents EVERYDAY EXCEPT SUNDAY "UNDERSTANDING DREAMS who need it. Reservations are limited to lOO people who man with commercial and per- NILES SENIOR CENTER REGISTRATION sonal interests is Asia, will dis- Sr. Mors CUpper StySng$3.00 U Up The Nites Senior Center is open In eesidrols of the Village FOR HEALTH & HEALING" RSVP by calling the Park District at 965-1200. Confirmation Mr'sN99.Hair DtySrg$5.00&UpA cuss Asia in Transitiun at the 'h. 7ì ofNiles age 62 and over, alad Iheir younger spausns. To rugis-- At I p.m. os Thursday, Nov. 19 in the Prairie View Cam- outes wilt be sent giving details os the afternoon. Beginning uf the 21st Century tickets, etc., YOU need to ho a msnity Conter, come and learn how to lot droumsnom of pos- FRED SONNE AIRFIELD ter foe classes, leips, purchasing MUM S6767,Touch-Tour 5IN HOMEMANICURE member of the Nilns Senior Center. If you are ioleresled in ob- srble dangers while ondorstauding the meaning of illness and COMMEMORATION & PEDICURE raining additional Senior Center information, or you wish ta finding suggestions for hoaliog the body und mind. Join speak- Ou Sunday, Nov. 29 ut 1:30 p.m., the Morton Grove Ilistor- 5102) on Tuesday, Nvv. 24. The lecture ispart of the Passages HAIR TOGEThER become a member, call nr visit the Center and be placed on the er, Steve Osrnoan for a discussion which will focus on en- ical Society will place a commemorative plaque at the former S CARE $14.00 mailing list. The Senior Center is located ai 8060 Oaktan isanciug dream awareness and utilizing the body'sown healing site oftho Peed Sonne Airfield ut Lake Street and Meade Ave- Lecture Series sponsored by Oak- energies. Find oat how to apply dream insights and realiza- our io Morton Grove. A brief dedication ceremony wilt pay ton's Emeritus Program and the Street through Wndoosda, Non. 25. Slanting Monday, Dec. Alliance for Lifelong Learning 'h. 14, wo will be located ut 999 Civic Center Drino. Tltc phooe tronc toward improving the mind/body atigomeot. Also leans tribate to the airfield which was located there from 1919 to FREDERICK'S what symbols in dreams muy mean. dream remembering and (ALL). lt will be held from I- COIFFURES number wilt remàin 588-8420. 1932. Following the ceremosy, everyone is ionitrd te the Mor- 2:30 p.m. in Room AlSl at the h.5391 N.MILWAUKEE AVE. 4 IMPORTANT NOTICE sharing techniques, and dream refocusing methods for peob- too Grove Hisierical Museum fur light refreshments. em solving. For mom information or to make a reservation for SNOWMAN CRAFT PROJECT Ray Hartstoin Campus, 7701 N. CHICAGO, IL. The Nues Senior Center WO Be Closed, Thanksgiving Liocolo Ave., Skokie. (773) 631-0574 Through Decnmber El. The NEW NUes Senior Center Will this free program, call snuiar adult supervisor, Catherine Dean Create an adorable snowman center-piece for heme holiday b. at the Murtos Grove Pack District, 963-1200. trimming or os a gift. This workshop will be held at 11:30 Sattnrfreldwilldiscussthe Reopen At 999 Civic Center Drive, Monday, December 14. changes nuw Occurring in Asia No activities or meetings will take place ut the Senior Ceo- "CIRCUIT BREAKER ASSISTANCE AND am. on Monday, Nov. 30 is the Prairie View Community Thelma that confino orconteadict the pee- Shownabovet Io rare tireCNAS holding lheiruwardo, ter during this two week period, butthe Book Discussion PHARMACEUTICAL ASSISTANCE" SEMINAR Center. The cost it $3 for residents, and $3.50 for non- Mines (11-7shift), Pearl Harris (3-1 I shift), Barbara Oorevtich The Illinnis Department nf Revenue aud the Village of Mor- residents. A sample centerpiede is now un display in the senior diction that this continent will group will meet at the NilesLibrary on Friday, Dec. 4, the domhrrre y the 21st century. (daughterof SaulFaber) and Martha Russell(7-3shift). Be- Men's Club Holiday Parly will be at the White Eagle Restan- ton Grove wilt conduct a free seminar us Illinois' Circuit room at Prairie View. Bring four to sia medium size colored THE ROAD TO Iween the IhrenCNA5,Iheyhave a combinedßgyearsofservice cant on Friday, Doc. 4 and the Rockettos Christmas Spnctacn- Breaker Assistance Program and the Pharmacroticat Assis- buttons und eight to ten small dark or black buttons. Class size Stadents who have rogrstered wilh our home. We know Ihey all slarled outOUYr0lWe are lac will Inane from the GolfMill Food Court on Tuesday,Dec. tance Program. The seminar begins at t I am, os Friday, Nov. in limited, ro sign ap at Prairie View, or call Catherine Dean at for Oahtou or ALL classes since proud of Ihem and sincerely appreciale all they do Io enhance 20 io the Morton Grove Village Hall Senior Center. The semi- 965-1200, today. 1993 und have u correct Social REHABILITATIVE nor will discuss program benefits as wrIl as the nom iecume Ihe lives ofour renidenls. The following groups will nor meet during the mouth of De- COMPUTER TRAINING AT THE LIBRARY Security oumberon 81e, muy reg- cembor. Rutes uf the Road Refresher Course, Drama Group, nligibility standard that will officially change os January 1, The Morton Grove Publie Library presents u very special ister for the leelore Using the On September 2 Ihn Goldman the family Was oxtremnly appen- Men's Club, Square Dance, and Women's Club. 1999. computer truiniag class from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tueuday, Dec. I. Toaeh-Toeo system by dialing RECOVERY Home honored three of its oat- dativo ofthe hoed work and dedr- CARBON MONOXJDE PROGRAM DIABETES SCREENNG The class, "Introduction to Persunal Computers" will be pro- (847)633-1616.Registrations standing Certified Nurse Aides cation our CNAs provided while Carbon Mosouide program offers free residential inspection Nun-insulin-dependent diabetes is gradual in onset and usa- senled by Jennifer Didier of the Banner Training Costee. For cas also be taken via FAX ut (CUSAs) at a coffee and cake re- caring for 1dm. The family want- for carbon monoxide emissions and natural gas Inuks. Appoint- ally occurs in adults over age 40. Seme of the warning signs more information, or to mohn a reservation, cull the Library at 18471 635-1448, is which eme coption in Ilsoir honor. This pro- ed a way ta honor end recagrnzc nterito ntuy be mude by callirtg the upecial phone number, 588- arto blamed or any chàuge in viulou, tingling or itchy skin, 965-4220. u s u u s n payment must ho made by a mu- Hospitèl gram began with Ihn help o oso the CNA5 io Ihn future. As a re- 8485, beginrrirrg Thursday, Nov. 12. slow healing of cats sed bruises, and drowsiness. Free dia- Par mare tnformuuan about these senior services undrecre- joe credit card IVisa, Mastercard ofoar families. The family estab- sali, dray established this fand BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING betes sereeniugs are available from 9 to IO am. on Tuesday,- atian programs, cull the Mormon Grove Senier Hot Linn at 470- or Discover). which each year, no or around Nan. 24 in the Morton Grove Village Hall Senior Center. Peo- 5223, or the Prairie View Community Center ut 965-1200. To Iished Ihn "Scul FaberCNA Mer- There will be NOfiarther blood preuorrre acreerting in No- Admissinu is $4; those' over Transitional it Award Fund" as a way Io honor Ilicir father's birthday, wilt honot cerrrber or Decenrbrr,If you oecd your blood pressure pie coming in foe the screening should fast from the previous rodervo the "Seniors in Morton Greve" newsletter, Mormon ,- Care exteptional CNA5 at the Golu- evening meal. Grove residents eon send $3, and non-residents scud $4 to the age 60 who live in-district pay those CNAs who go that extra checked io December, contact Terry Sprengel, RN, BSN. after half tho listed prier. For moro in- mile nach day caring far 0er sen- man Home, 6h01 WestToahy, December 14 for an appointmont. The neat regular schedaled DON'T SPEND THANKSGIVING ALONE Morton Grove Park District, 6834 Dempster Street, Mertun Join in on the annual community Thanksgiving Dinner a Grove, IL. 80053. formation, Call 1847) 635-1414 Homeist population. Saul Faber had Nitos, IL, 547-647-9675. blood pressure screening is Wednesday, Jun. 13, from I p.m. or 1847) 635-1416. hens a resident in our treme und te 4 p.m. S.ILI.P. (SENIOR HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM) LECTURE Jim Canners of the Sroior Health Insurance Program (SHIP.) will lead a discussion on Medicaret-Choice sod as- Regency At Regency'u Adult Duy Cure Center, seniors are able lo enjoy a full ThTrorrritonaI Care Unit swer questions about the various enrollment options now day ofrneaningful uctivilieu io a utructured und supervised uelting, available on Friday, Nov. 20 at lO am. Registration is re- I)) (TCU) ot GIenviewTrraco Adult Day Care Center resuming home in the evenings and on the weekendu.The program qsired. is open Mondoy through Fridoy, from 7:00 am, to 6:00 p.m. provides short-trfm, intensive WOMEN'S CLUB HOLIDAY PARTY OUR PRIDE SHOWS AND MEETING Pai-ticipunls muy uttend from two lo five days per week, for full or phprical occupations! and Women's Club Holiday Party is Monday, Non. 23 at 12 hulfdays. Jenoifer Silk speech therapy for persons 5000. Followiug a special catered holiday meal, will perfoem holiday music on the violin. Price: $3. is nerd of transi nona1 care LAST DAY AT TRIDENT CENTER The Center provides u pIoge where an elderly peruon who normally Come join os and remiuisoe as we celebrate one last day at spends the day alone dun enjoy companionship und involvement. between a sospirai stay 4ffordable Senior Housing the Trident Center on Wednesday, Nov. 25 ut 12 noun with a The program alun provides great assislance for adult children who and honre. Friends pizco party. Donation of bakery goads is welcomed. If inter- . Have Fun - Make New ested in sharing oar lust day together, register by calling the work und need someone to look after mom or dud. A caring attitude andcomfortable Center ut 588-8420. For snore information, MEN'S CLUB HOLIDAY PARTY Regency has wheelchair-accensibk buses to take clients to and surroundings make Ashley Court Men's Club Holiday Party is Decembnr 4, from I I am. ta 4 cessare slseTronsitronat Cara the perfect choice for seniorliving. p.m. at Wlrile Eagle Banquet Hall. Enjoy paar choice of Pep- fromthe adult day care center. In oddition, there is un oulpalignt per Steak or Orange Ruoghy -- $18.50, or Rosemary Chicken Unie Program Coordinasar rehabililalion center conveniently located on-sile, providing Broast -- $17.50. Then nujoy Ihn afternoon festivities joded- physical, occupalional, and speech therapy if needed. 35 GlrnvirwTrrracr ing the Frauk Martello Orcheslra. Tickels are available. (847) 729-9090. NEED A FLU SHOT? Regency's Adult Day Care Center euubles seniors to costinue living Contact Terry Spreugel, RN, BSÑ, for an appointmeot. Fer seniors, 65 und older, or persons 62 to 64 with a chronicIl- ut home, while offering thetu a variety ofenjoysbie uclivities and ness. Medicare will be billed for your flu shot. outings. Call lo learn more about titis inttovalive approach lo 1750 S. Ehnhurst Road TOURS OF THE promoling independence for seniors. NEW CENTER OFFERED Des Plaines Come tour eue brand new facility starting ou Monday, Dec. 14 al oar nere location -- 999 Civic Ceuter Drive. To make res- REGENCY ADULT DAY CARE CENTER ¡(U 847-228-1500 emotions, contact the Center at 599-8420. PROGRAMS TO RESUME 6625 N. Milwaukee Ave. AT NEW LOCATION Nues, IL 60714 The following programs will recome at our oem locutions startittg on Monday, Dec. 14. Share-A-Craft on Monday, Dec. ersviesv Tentato 14 at 12 noon; Stamp Club ou Monday, Dec. 14 ut 2 p.m.; Oil Enjoying ihe lovely Riverviese Garden at Regency's und Watercolor on Tuesday, Doc. 15 at 9 am.; Charal Group Adult Day Cure Center are administratar Elizabeth 5551 Greenwoodaad os Tarsdsy, Dec. 15 at 10 am.; Monthly Mailing ou Tuesday, Havions und dab member Eunice Flough. Call(847) 647-1511 for more information Glrnnirsv, Illinois 6 025 Dec. 15 ut 1200 p.m.; Weodreaving en Tuesday, Dec. 18 al 12:30 p.m.; Svcial Bridge on Tuesday, Dec. 15 at I pro.; Line 847 729-9090 Dance on Tuesday, Dec. IS atI p.m.; and Social Pinocle ou Wednesday, Dec. 16 at I p.m. oemnsrOSOOCOic,rirrinr r

PAGE 22 TIlE BUGLE, IIIVRSDAY, NOVEMBER19, 1998 - TIle BUGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 69, 1998- PAGE 23 Holiday Travel Annual - Lira WE WISH YOU A... .. Tips WE WISH YOU A... The holirlosysare wonderful Holiday Gala Happy asid exciting 1/meo of the year. But with so many people pisa- Eing II/pS during Ur/s petiod, il Happy Thanksgiving Con br a frasoradug Urne for the traveler. So to kelp smooth the way, t've assembled the follow- . - .;:.r8M Thanksgiving jog kolidaylravel tipS. - . Make l'larto aS Early aS PoS- Sible: One of the keys te smooth kolirtay IraTe! isto book your These Merchants Wish YouAnd YoUrs IllESE MERCHANTS plaus Vs earty as possible. Aie- lines, bolets, cruise ships, toan A Happy, AbundantThanksgjvjngDay WISH YOU AND YOURS sod Isa/as lilt sp rap/dly prior-to A HAPPY, ABUNDANT the Irolidays. Arid when you book THANKSGIVINO DAY y000 pIsos - inform your Irovel ageat ifyna require special meats or wheetchair service - beor ehe Happy Thanksgiping will be happy to make the orces- Happy Thanksgiving SilTy arnluogemeots. Travel Insurance: tfyoa have Lira £IancarsAnolu Mroczkowska andZbyszokKopacz/o folk Lincoln Park Savings Bank AI booked a travet pnckage ant re- quinos a hefty prepayooent, cnn- costumes from Ike Krukowrwg/sn of Poland. PROPEfihIES NORTHWEST 1946 West Irviog Park Road, Chioago, EL 60613 Vider travel insurance. Ask your The Lies Eosemb/e, which /scooductors. Chor000rapsrr Ao- KEN 773/525-2023 CAHUENS trrtvet at aboot the cancetlatíaofamouo for its euciliog porfor- bony Dobraaoski leads the leigh- FAX 773/525-6587 8509Frontage Rd. policies of the airlines, bototo,mnuces ofPolish noug and danco,ly acclaimed Lira Dancers, ihe Welter presente ils 17th annual "Pol/sh-mosi Dorent add/lisa to .tho Lira MORTON GROVE, IL entiersnodtoursyou have YOUR REALTOR FOR LIFE! booked sothere is no confusion ifAmeriEnn Christmas Gala" soEnsemble. The Pyilik BrolherS (847) 967-9360 you r]ohave to cancel. Sunday, Decemberó, at 3 p.m. atPo//sh Folk Band is the aonuat (874) 698-7000OFFICE Arrivo at Atrpert Earlyr I°taoIke Morrou Baer Aad/loriam, gnoslsrarandpspalarLiraeo/o/st (708) 994-SOLOPAGER lo smive al tetot as hoar prior to2401 Snuib Austin Boulevard o - Marilyn Bykonvski makes an ap- domestic flight times sad twoCicero. pear000e iii rho Gala. She also ttoars for iolemaliooat lì/girls. AT&T is the ontionat spousorServen as condnclor of the L/ra The earlier you check in - the tessof this year's Galas wh/ch drawChildren's Chorus, whoee Gala chance you will be affecled byaud/ences in the thoueandx n foor performances are always chow Happy Thanksgiving holidayoverbooking. M/dweel stales aod hans won 1ko slvPpeeS. Happy Thanksgiving Carry-un Baggage and GifLeslirghosi praise from critics. The Happy Thanksgiving Keep in mind thai att carry-onCh/cago Tribune called Ihe Galas The December 6thpetlor- First National Bank Happy Thanksgiving 'exceptionalponformauces...of maxcc isco-sponsored by She Co- Park Ñational Hank/Niles unos rIre subjecled lo lime corI- cero Sociot) . Group 825 of Ihe of Lincoinwood sUmiog iflspCctioIo by secunilygorgooas mus/c and sharply oho- 7840 N. Milwaukee Avenue pers000et. To avo/d frustratingreographedfolkdance." The Polish Nallonal Alltsoce aud Ike 6408 N. LncoIn Avenue Kagan Home s/ E/no'síczLïPaYI Lora Socroly - Group 916 of Ike LincoInwod. linon 6E645 Niles, Illinois 60714 delays, puck yoor gifts io yourGraxdRapidsPrexswrolethatrhe 9900 Gross Point Road check-ia baggage or tenne Uremaro"/mpress/vnperformauc- Polish Women sAllianceof (947) 966-7900 Amortco. The Polisln-Amorican for the lUind Skokie, Illinois 60076 unwrapped foreavy iospaclioro. e'....l/vely ..brighi sod bouncy « The "Pal/oh-American Chr/st- Chrrxtesux DRa" re also prescoted EDIC Park National Bank and Trust CheEk-in Baggage: There is IO Grand Rapids, Mrchtgan on .i-:c. (847) 676-3000 Serving the Community Iroihiug qn/le tibe the experiencemas Osta" fealures Ike uni/re Lira Edward M. Sumes, President, Sourd of 000010m Salorday, Novotnnbor20th;ix 3 Locations to Serve You! n=o:oaodaV,.Mono WOOO.OVO for over 85 Years 45f tryiag to pick out yoar check-fancily sf70 yoong performers- Robed Lieberman, 0000uljve Direclor : SosIh Bend, Indrana on Sitnday, in baggageas il travels around thethe Lira S/ogurs female concIso- . 3525 West FoSter(73l 478-7040 o aRrooSMC.0,.o0,or,4 November 291lr; and iv Milwax- loorlourwo Suburban . Chicago c.'Iroovct with hundreds of otherlele, 1ko L/es Chamber Choras of hoe, Wisconsin on Sonday, De- (847) 864-5061 (773) 583-5080 p/eces ofbaggage. Poreosy idea-both female and male va/ces, the iilical/oo,allach a distinctiveL/ra Dancers, nod Iho L/ra Ch/t- comber 131k. The Gala includes a card or place a speeint mark ondreo's Chorus, all accompan/ed bazaarofPolrshrecnrdtngs,gifts, the outside ofyour baggage. ThisbytheL/raChamkerOrcheslrnsf folk ari, books, and other ilems Happy Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving makes litern easierlo idenlify nodI I /nstrxments. These live sn/ls before aud after rho performance. tebs tikety someooe rise witt take,oarsprise ehe L/ra Ensemble- lDoornopenal2p.m.t°roopaeking SOBCZAK'S Polish National Alliance avatlable al Morbo Last, wIlh LrlrgeaOEIh,ik &alw,00l Happy Thanksgiving Itremby mislake. Amer/ca's ouly professiousl por- I.'M1.L.., Jdmrefit Sooioty forming arts compaoy npec/al/z- PWkiOlot eolrarnros from 241k SAUSAGE SHOPPE BANK OF . Carry-on Baggage: Mcdi- IIIThe U,Iited Slates io0 io Pal/sb manic, cong. sod sod 25th stnoois. iosl rasi of 1ko HOMEMADE SAUSAGES . WHOLE HAMS & I.l.I.11 ciae, cash, jewelry, businesspa- HOLIDAY SPECIALTIES - PAETY TRAYS destro. The company io based at school. Free xlroel parktug rs also . IJNCOLN WOOD Wishes Youa Happy Thanksgiving pers. passports or other valuables SALADS - FRESH MEAT 847.675.2800 Loyola Uoivers/Iy's Lake Shore pleolifal. CATERINO FOR ALL OCCASIONS should be packed ia your carry ou baggage. But keep in mindCampus as aD/SI-/n-residence. to addition lo national sponsor- TheGataoffen 8705 Milwaukee Ave. Mole Bank 4433 W Toohy Am.Llvoolowood 60648 that most aiotines 00w limitpas- beaul/fol sh/p by AT&T, the"Polish- Llncolowood 4320 W. Tooll Ave.Li000lvrv000 00504 sengecs to ooe or iwo pieces thaiPolishand Americancsenlx, American Christmas Gala"i5 NILES, IL Sknkle 0047 560km Ebd. Skokie 50007 brighrPolrxhfolk songs nod sspporled by gravis from Ike Na- Member FDIC Evoal OpporlsriIy Lender mast be ematt enough to Iii uuder (847) 470-8780 the arai direcùy in froni of you- dances, nod Ihe famoss ballroom nouaI Endnwmcni for Ihn Arlo, scene from Ike opera "Strnszoy Ike Ill/no/s Ails Coaoc/l, a esule 7400Waukegan (847) 647-1030 oniaunovetheart compartmeoL Airport Probtome: 1f youen-Dwdr ("The Haunlod Manor") by agency, and a graor from the Niles,IL 60714 Fax (847) 647-1208 c0010ler a problem at the ninporiStan/slow Moniaszko, Iho falber Pol/sieNot/onalAllianceof EXECUTIVE COMMITTREI nfPolish opera. The afrernoon in- Aoier/ta. Thanks to Ibis sapporl, : Edward J. Msakal, surto as tosI baggage, n missed-- Prao/doro cOuSCCliOa nr a Bight csocetla-clodos axdiencc sing-alongs sod Gala l/ckeis are able to be reasno- Happy Thanksgiving JOE'S SERVICE :- N. Ab/ok, Vise Pros/doors demornstrarioos ofPolish holiday ably priced. Reserved, fenol 0cc- MARATHON SERVICE STATION tino, iosk ro speak 10 the customer :- Srardey M.Jod:rrjo,Viro Pros/doors Service reprcserrtnlioe ofyoue air-cxxiorus. Alt music al Lira eon- don seats are $23 ouch. General 8401Milwaukee Ave. BOAOO OF COMMISSIONERS cens is :- P0011kJ.Sp,rja, Serrera,-y lure, I-te orshe wilt do everyliriog tve, Sol pee-recorded. (ott-reserved) adm/ss/on is SIE RILES, IL ChIdes L 00,65110 Prelldoen C- Cao,rrrir possible lo gel you lo yoor frrralAsdienees are able to enjoy dro for adults, S t 6 for Sex/or citizens (047) 965-9753 J. Moo/c/ak,Trecoriror Elder L Oliere Viro PreoldeEn excilemool of a trxly live perfor- . 504es VoIoeIIreR, 10011 ErgeImar COEmIroIooer dcslivaiiou ill Urne for the kali- (from age 62). Children's t/ckels Fedeial lesson Slop5h03 . Tarn.Upe ' Eel,aaaSY,lene IMer000rll mance. 'ISIRIUI 'Shwk,5 SISOSobrie] 'Enginn OopWs danesi. 085esCnoRIasIor days. (lo ago lU/ are half pr/co for all . SUPERVISORY COUNCIL1 Bank ErwtrorlaConputer. T(agro,tics .FullSeNOR Aut000tiae TeInee, Sr. C SCCICI Irrer If you wanld like aooee kelpfat Lucyoa Migala of WCEV/ seals. For onore /nformai/oo, onto .TronemOs ¡an05 1Fuller Chor5o loulaeatíe TrarsI ' Oadunlors IModurol -:- Hr/ray S. Csop/irk( 81111,09 450 ann, who is co-founder, sr- Locations throSghout Chicago Censor EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Ups Ort Iroliday travel, tire Pittori- purchase l/ckclsso/lb a crod/I und suburbs FULL SERVICEUSELF SERVICE - t 10/c/sarA JÇobz/ Vice-Censor ç NIlaSPaekO/oteInl-J JoIIphV.I.oVerdI Jr Erst Soc/ely ofTmvel Agerrls bss 1155v d/rector rind geRona1 nntsosg card,call(773) 500-7040 or Call 1-855-321 -BANK SASSLINESDIESEL 151.450 erofllne Lir,tEusorohle, sv/Il oar- MAISST. a foce hrrrclrare available. Sensi a (773) 539-4900. T/ckelx may also 4: _o. VI IlesdqulnrbjrVn setf.nddrescd,slarsped,busi- rato the Gala in Engl/sh. be pnrchaeed by irnail, by sending I 6180 N. Cicsrrr AVC.n Chïc1rgo0Illbooir 60646.1395 neLS eavetope tIn: AS'rA F811111- lravslstling Pol/s/t lyrics and srl- a c/reck payable io lite Lira Bo- I ROSCOS Tolepl,ono1 773-206.0504- Toll Orean l-888-PNA.VIEO The Nibs Pork DiStrict benI, tIOt Kur5 SI., Ss/le 200,fcning /ns/ghrs lo I/re trad/i/orv semblesv/Oraslanoped,self- w ereou IO like to give thanks lo oIl our Alexandria, VA 22314. On youand /t/slory bob/nd thePol/slr addressed envelope io: Tue Lira InOCula oRnI op0000ro nsho snake oar park 00500ew cao catt their loll-fred rrnralscr stsongs and dances. The Gaia /s Entsenible,6525 N.S/nor/dan (800) 965-ASTA. conducted by Pit/i/p Seward,one Road, #SKY 905. Cm/cago, I/li- of Lira's reso distinguished co- Rois 611626. PAGE 24 TIlE BUGLE,TLTURSDM!, NOVEMBER 19, 1998 TItE uUGLE, TIIIII100AY, NOVEO,Ingtl19, 1999 t'AGlI 25 - .- Il'J .HERO takes work Notre Darnegraduate Apollo welcomes

seriously - receives scholarship new staff Nues West High School in Mr. Nicholas Malduoutlu, Pnncipal utApollo . School, Donors and recipients meet at Nutro Dame High Schoolfor fighters who wiltremain active Boys, Nites is pleasedto on- for tIte uuaratioa along withtheentire Apollo Bank at School Program of lheir chit- staff, would like IO Welcome the scholarship banquet uauncn shot Stephen Stukel class dren's collegecareers. of 1998, bus been awardeda followtng new teachersto their Stale Treasurer Judy Saar To- finance on their own as they were Apollo family: Debra DeSoto, pinka has announced the espan- gnawing up, young adults could scholarship for children of Chi- Each winnerisguaranteed cagu police officers and fire fig- full laition far four First Gnade Teacher; Ann Dab- sinn of the already successful do the same," said Cuthnrinc Wit- years fo un- zyn, Gross-Categuricat Treasurer'sSank 1ers fdor their nnrvicc to the Uni- dergraduate study (t2 Ro- AtScisoal jams, President ofthe Consumer versttyand the acadomic source; Luz Escobar, Bitingaat (BAS) program tu include 518- Credit CounselingServiceof city. To be.quarters) provided ho consideredfur or she Teacher; Rosie Gredin,Fifth dents of Nibs West High School Greater Chïcago. "But along the afull-tuition mukessattsfactoryacademic scholarship,candidatesmost Grade Teacher; AnastasiaHare- in Skokie. Nues Wolf staff will Way is where Ihn bad habits uro prugress. A recipient who dem- as, ESL Assistaul; Carolyn Rosi- host théir financial seminar for acquired. By making credit edn- quulrfy far admission to the Uni- amIrales financial need in verstty of Chicago and be chit- ex- ha, Part-Time Physical Educa- 2 løseniors on November 20. calion available lo young adults, cess cf the cost nf tuition willbe t(oo Tracher; Dora LaMonìca, Through u combìned effort be- we Itope to help them not acquire dren (or legally adopted chit- ettgtblo for additional assistance dren) nf cnrrently active,swore ESL Asxistunt; Roberta Msram- tw000 Consumer Credit Counsel- thasebadltubits." in the form of grants,loans, Or ski, Chtrngo police offtrvrsnr lier panI-lIme empinytnent. SpociulNeeds Assistant; ing ofGrraterChicago and Tnoas- As Treasurer, Tapiuka invests Saadia Sarvana, Special Needs urrr Tupinku's Bank At School more than $7 billion annually. Assislool; Jennifer Woods, RisI program, an enhanced edition of Her interest in money manage- Grado Teacher; Brett Zamire, the BAS curriculum Itas been de- ment und fiscal responsibility for SJB Sch BSL Toucher. vrloped fur the adult, high school llliouit' youth had bean evident ool News und college level students. in the expansion of the Bank At For three days this summer, Wcl"yiestu and virtual fieldtrips Local students "Finunciul literucy is critical to Schoolprogram. Morethan Mrs. PennyGuerrieri, a thriving ecosumy," said Tress- Sintrr to t, ,t philosophy uf historyand I 14,000 students from over 700 Kathleen Waters und Mrs. Chris- web afoly. inducted into urerTupinku. "While investing io schnals enrolled in Ihr Treusur- . toe Uliassi took part in un inton- During Ihe ftnal session,Philip oar youth is a sound investment er's BAS program have leained stve hands-an woekshup al the Honor Society in our future, investing in today's Btgler, the national teachernf the importad finauciatlife-skills Uuivnrsily ofVirginia. The work- Dawn Fritz and AnalyPonce adult is just plain good business Among the allundeea al Qu/tIna Community College'sannualschnlarnhip recognition banquet year addressed Ose worhshapno a during her administration. shop which wut sponsored by Ihr Variety of issues including hi ofDes Plaines were inductedinto sense. Now, adults will hove an Pur mare information on the were three Oalcton Presidents. Picfuredfrom Iefttor/ghf: Thomas Tetti/deve(1984-19,95); Oak- Nuliaeal Council for thc Social Ihr Blmharst Collcgo chapter Opportunity to learn proven B- tonofounding xtews on American education's uf Bank Al School program,contad preoident, William Koehnline (1969-1984); andcurrentpreaident Margaret B. Lee. Stadies dealt with technology in must ocrions problnm. Omicron Delta Kappa National nauciul techniques and skills lo the Treasurer's Oflice at 312- Thebanquetbnnga together scholarship donors and recipients for the social studies classroom und Leadership and Scholarship Hou- obtaincredit, presentation of the financial Thts workshop gare itspartici- repair damaged 814-1793. awards. lt also uneven Ioacknowledgelhu generosity ofOaklcn's supporters, allowed pradlicing teachers lime orSociotyon October 18. credit, apply for loans and iovent as well as lo praise pasls a chance tasvork wilh studesats'achiecements. lo interact with varions lechnolo- teachers from allaver the country Frtlz, a senior double majoring tlteirmuney wisely." gten. in psychology and sociology "Until recently, it was thought and brings back 10 St. JohnBro- at Exceptional turnout About thirty teachers from all beuf the knowledge Etmharst College, isa gradualo that because su many adults bud Scholarship donors, recipients, thuylIc- Faods, Inc., and member of the businesses, rtvtc nssOdinlions asd nver Ihn country and 01 a variety qairod. - of Maine Wool High School in learned about credit and personal for DIstrict 219 parents and friends recently galt- Oaklon Edacational Pnuudatian of schools participatod. Topics Des Plaines. individuals. Donations from ben- Offtcers of HERO (HomeEconomics Related Vtstt the Workshop web nitoat: College Night cred al Oaklnu Community Cal- efactorn are designated for a ape- Occupations) at and acltvilies rangod from asiugblIp// Paure, a jasioc inlersutianal lege for the annual scholarship Bound of Directors. MaineEastare: (front) vice-president Iena RoyzmanofOes Plain eu Tbd tntessagn isclear. Niles ciSc nchotarship, a scholarship soarch engtues, digilul history,canry.odschoel.vmegiuia.edg0/ business major at Elmhurst Col- PIANO INSTRUCTOR Township High School sludents recognition dinner. This unique Scholarships are madu availa- faud or au rndowmunt fand in (middle, l-r) treaaurer Joanne Ramillosaand Secretary Caroline warkshap98. lego, is a graduate of MaineEast Munter 011mo unte rith One dufinttuly planning for their banquet brings together scholar- hIe lo Ooktan students through honororin mcmotyofan individ- Babico,bothof Oea Plaines. (top) president Stacy Pipikiosof Des Eimhurst College High School in Park Ridge. European buchgrannd und 30 fulares.Approoimalely 4,000 ship donors and recipients for thegenerosityof community out. Plaineu. yrurs nfenpenienre teaching stodeuts und parents met with presentationofthefinancial Dean's List piano. Pninnto t esnnnu for all awards. lt also serves to ac- HERO is a uniqne club that are semivans on how to read - -SILHOUETTE - representatives from all over the Maine East offers to students, Local residents among 1,104 agro atonrLincotnwood eannlry ut the recent Nites Watt knowledgethegenerosityof Nelson not honks to preschoolers, idem far snueicntudio nrntyaurtio,ne. Oaktao's supporters, as well aste only is il aclub but acoursemum- artprojects,alsoworkshops students named to the Elmhurnt College Night. Oxer 275 collog- CollegeDean's RITA 847-329-7508 pruine students' achievements. tone, Luara Cactoppo, Marissa bers have taken to Inuclt 111cm about child abase. Thit field trip Listfurthe WINDOW SHADPNGS es, universities, technical Magic Squares about their chosen Family Spring Term of Oto 1997-98 schools, and the militoty were Mate than 350 stadeals ap- Figaera, Ravi Shah, Sylvia Mi- and starts Friday morning and lasts acu- Consumer-related jobs. HERO, until Salarday afternoon. domic year arm Pam Gardoll und represented. plied for Oaktun scholarships for No Problem! kas, 0km Celinboy, Jeremy The THERE'S ONLY ONO the 1998-99 academic year, ad- which stands far Home Econam- students will spend the night atEileen Ribordy of Glenviow; The annoal past-high school Tite sixth graders in Mrs. Car- Peace, Daniel Garcia, Kyle Fish- SILHOUETTE. durding tu Marilyn Appolsan, di- ce, Prunki Levinson, Atyce Bett, ICIRelations Occupations, is just Ihe botet so they can have all of ChrrsttneCaplisger, Danietlo De- planning night began in the early olys Kaeffner's math class at One of the work programs the Lenn, Roman Eremia, Kamilo AND IT'S AVAILABLE HERE. 1960's milk less than 30 schools rector of college desnlapmenl. Jahnutan Bell, Patima Chrishli, Salarday morning in seminars. More than $69,000 was awardedNelson School were fortunato tu school has. Ou Friday night students fromKaziclsi and Rebecca Ohlsan of Nzolnioi, veo,vsclosc te represented. Since thus time, the uttltze the wisdom aud euprri_ Maria Milovanovic and Adam Nitos; Julia Borucki, Nick Catau- ta the 108 students who were chu- Rrisborg, On November 20-21some different schools also get to enjoy °°°k'd5 I bccury ofSilholierrev namberofparricipants has grown once of a sharp-wilted, 87 year della, Chritlino R. Celik, Nicole oviodusv rhudiog,. SI,er significantly. Entrance requireS sen by udommittee offacalty, ad- members from the club will nl- a dance. -,-,,--,,....w.... ministrators, staff and stadeuts. old sentar citizen. Aune Levine, lend a HERO leadership confer- HERO had o fund raiser daring MarteCorvo,James Gearien, fabric Origs fil ocysbe light. melts, degree programs, admis- a retired math teacher, taught lite Joanna Holfugt, Arlene Ann Koji sianprocedures,scholarships, The mean grade point average of Maine East ence al the Wyndham Hotel ir the beginuiug of October ta help soft fobriv y.soc o cdjoot fon the scholarship wiuners was 3,42stadrnts o few Iricksaboat solv- lIasca.Thrce,memhers get lo raise money for the club. Somewarn, Ktrsten A. Larsen, Dianne privaey.AII e.soarruycf und individual questions were ingmagic squares. ona4,flseale. Magic choonewhutnominnrs Ibny would of the money that officers raised Marie Larson, Brian Nyury, Jen- Coluro, gloriocs fibries cod discussed. Students and payouts sqnoros are puzzles Ihat add ap SchoolFund Raiser like lu attend. Forcoample, there nifer A. Rire, Julie Sopp, Lisa gatheredvaluableinformation "Scholarship reaffirm our wilt help them pay for parlicipa commitment to an educated soci- horizontally, vertically, and di- The Mamo Bust Clnb, a staff tian in the conference, OlherSorce, Heidi Thorne and Angelo from the diverse away of eahibi- aganolly tothe some number. D dm5. er tI,,, dillevened. ely," Appelsan said. "Theyopen organization ut Maine East High money helps pay for the end-of-Zeuzolu ofpark Ridge; attd Amy luis. By applytng same cosy In fallow Prepaid phone Oarbaciuk und Ninos T, Khou. Iii scuse r Silbecette. Cootcvo chanuels far sludnuts wlto might School, is raining funds hy sell- the-year bunq net. co for a deolk-neonsatraoiosi otherwise be oucluded from edn- rules, the sudents were able ta ingtheEnlertaiamenlBook. chata uf Skokie. solve magic squares ina manner cards on sale ludc1.. Niles School of Cosmetologyi cational opportunities and are an Each bank cunlains hundreds of - of a few ninnIes. The students "Twa-foe-One" NO WAX SO57 MILWAUKEE AVE. Incentive for students ta discanutsfo, from Gemini LINOLEUM (847) 965.8O6If,,,., achieve." wore amazed how qaickly her One dining, family dining, fast h199Installed -MassIsaToNcotisoveaM TA9KErr were able to progress from solv- Gemtni PTSA is selling op To aol Tun r Offering Two Week Special In attendance al the banquet food, mnvtes, sparts aclnolltes, pre nnER run raneRos To cHoosE FROM 1500 Were all three Oaklon presidents, tug a 3 by 3 magic nquarc to an special attractionsundha- purd phono cards. These cardsare ALL IIOTALIATIOIIenu0000a000ucupcojrlcce tnsrats005 SptrrigdMinimum I 8 by 8 magic sqaoro. Mrs. Le- I includingOuktan'sfounding leln...50%savingsoralmost groat gifts for the holidays. A $5 ReceiveFREE Conditwnr vIne i5 O dedicated learher that phono curd is for abaut 40 mm- I president,WilliamKnehnline overylhing. The Entertainment PERGO orCARPETKitchen IValued at $1-$2 - $3Fo Individmml Noed I (1969-1984); Thomas TenHoeve volunteers her timo lo help chit- Book is now bring sold for $35, oteo, a $10 phone card about 81 TRAFFIC Cabinets Eptren 11-26-98 Nul ValId With Aussi Other Offer dren unlock the mysteriesof und u portion of the proceeds minutes and $25 card fur about HunterDouglas L j (1984-1995); und current presi malls. ZONE SALE! Manicure Special 5:35 pm- 7,30 pm Wad, Thun, Pet dent Margaret S. Lee. from the sate will help fund spe- 206 miunlen. gfinterosted inpar- and Countertops 6nn dial activities. chustng a phone card please call PEnon ensopan BRINS IN Women Haircut Speakers at therecognition Nelson Schttul Council isun- isTuu.Ens s 6nu dinner included President Lee, der way for the 1998-99 school To order an Entertainment Gemini School ut(847) 527- ANYONCS PRICE.,.. Men Haircut 1181. $1 00 Shampoo & Sel t 5nn who delivered the welcome ad-year ttndcr the direction of ad- Book, contact Ron Giusti of the laaamusoopanrnaa WE WILL ulonn Maine East Club ut (8471 692- Cut & Set dress, and Oaklon alumna Linda Visor teacher Sandy Chad. Pram *0* s59 EN' 81 gnu Bandi Morrison. Music was pro- themoneyraisedfromtust 8518. SQ. FT. Cut & Blowdry auaRaplreeorrt Shnsvrootn ,fc Factory Blowdrnj Only 9 nn vided by Gleana Sprague, profes- year'sprajedts,theStudent Giusti in a Maine East guid- If you live to theage of .4 DAY DELIVERY LOTUS Budget Perm 83nn sor of music and conductor ofCouncil is buying 3new toys for anre counselor und uslImily a hundred you have it 7030 N. MilwaukeeAve. Perms ZOTOS 25 Oakton's Sin Piano Ensemble, each classroom. football coach. made becausevery düug Nifes, [L 607t4 8325e REDKIN and one nf her students Gnrftolsl Membersnflito Sladont (847) 647-8288 L'OREAL MATRIX (SPIRAL) 855nn Saliman. Closing remarks wereCouncil arc: Matt Okanowski, few people die past the provided hy Stephanie Smith. di- Molhew Plis, Michael Cachet, Stop Crime! age of a hundred. 1.I:S Encollent Work Done by Slutienls nod lenchnr Superulnlno rector nf human resources, Kraft Raymnu Warda, Slefanie Me- O Inni s tuai,, adunI,, w. u o Oruioirod T,i500e, k att Is,,,, nosttis tac. Co,rva Sy George e s. F411511 s.tIscioso.o:u.Isau.30u,son.oih,O.S.a,,d tS,dn r ir,,, Pnn,I,ng PAGE 26 TIJEBUGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1998 ThE BUGLE, TIIIJRSDNY,NOI'31MMERt9, 19t8 PAON 27 Men's

Divorce Rights strange objects have been thrown she told him she would cull the fled. He was then brought lo the Sheriff opens boot camp Criminal damage Theft from auto in his driveway rocenlly and that police, he fled thoseene. The mci-- Nitos Police Dopurtmenl whore PROTECTING MEN'S RIGHTS to auto/theft A 32-year-oldsheet metal between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. Nov. dent occureed around 6:40 p.m. he was charged with publie mdc- to female offenders A 58-year-old Vernon Hillsworker reportedthat assorted 12, unknown person(s) thrcw Nov. 14. eency. e Child Custody phone consultant reported thattoolsvaluedatatalaiof paint,rnzorblades and nails in his Morton Grove police received person(s) unknown used an an- o Propety Disputes Following one year of opera- women in the areas of health ed- inmates have entered the pro-- $2,175.35 were removed from driveway and in the street in front asimiiilar public indecency report Unlawful use of credit koawn object to smash the pas- the gem topeoverin Ihn bed of his uf his home in the 8300 block of at 2 p.m. Ihn same day at Wash- ocation, substance abnse,-parent- gram. Of Ihat number, the Sher- - card lion with male offenders. the songer side window of her 1998 .Support Problems Cook CountySheriffsBoot ing skills, domestic violence is- iffs Oflice has dismissed 49 of- gray1993 Chevralol pick-up Waukegan Road. - ington and I,.yons with u similar A 25-poor-old Chicago aa- Sons and lifeskills. fenders for disciplinary Infiniti Q30 and removed hertruck while it was parked in a offender description. Around 9 c000tant repoetod Nov. 9 thaI un- 19 S. La Salle St., #450 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60603 Camp has accepted its fits) class parse containing $300 cash, as- of women, who begin a similar Accarding to Sheahan. more problems or failing ta comply driveway in the 7000 block ufPublic indecency p.m. mIsal evening, Niles police known offender(s) epeoed a cred- 31 2/807-3990 or 708/296-8475 sorted credit cards, her check- observed a subject in Ihr parking day_to-day Baioing regimen as than 80 percent of female of-wills the terms of the program Wright Torrace sometime be- A 30-year-old cosmetologist it card accounl in his name in the fenders hooked at Cook County during the detention period or book anddriver's license. The in- Iwnen I I p.m. Nov. 14 and 7 am. in the beauty salon in the 9000 lot of a video store in the 7900 electronics storein Ihr 9200 their male connteeparts, bitt one cident occurred in the parking tot ATTORNEY AT LAW thepest saporvision program- Nov. 15.Pnlicnare investigating. black of Courtland repforted that block of Golf Road in a vehicle block of Greenwood Oct. 23 and that involves very different edu- Jail have experienced some type nf the womon's exercise facility cational and rehabilitative corn. of physical, sexual or emotional miog. Those that aro dismissed she observed an unknown male, malching Ihn description of the made tare charges on the account JEFFERY M. LEVING in Ihn 8400 block of Golf Road naked from Ihn waisl down, exila offender's vehicle. The driver poaenB,SheriffMichaelS. abuse intheir lifetimes. In addi- are returned to the jodgo that ro- Suspicious activities in the amounts ef$t,t64.99 and Nov. 14. The cost to replace the Police are investiguling tho re- was transportedtothesales "HELPED WRITE THE 1986 JOINT CUSTODY LAW" Sheahan announced recently. siOn, most me mothers who are mustded mhem tothe program l980s model white or gray aulof $1,000. Folien aro investigating www.dadsrights.com the sole providers and caretake's and senm to complete their sen- window was estimated at $200. port of a 37-year-old painter that und theo enter the salon. When where he was positively identi- the inciden). - Drill instnctors at the Sheriffs Police are investigating the re- Boot Camp beganacceptivg for their children. ronce in the slate prison system. VALUABLE COUPONS _ _ _ Of the 430 viho have entered the port ofan nmployee oflho facilily ,_ their first pilot class of 23 worn- "This program is aol designed who said she saw an nnfamiliar en at the beginning of Inne. As ta break women down, bot in- program, 2havebecore- stead bnild them up by bringing arrested on a minor charge. maroon van in the parking lotjust BestinTown Donuts with the men's prOgram, all of before the incidenl occurred. the female offenders wtta partie. stractureanddisciplineinto Many of the Boat Camp par- ipale in the program ara se)ecsed tl'rir lives and providing Stem ttcmpants have been placed in pri- Theft of purse * I AMYJOY I from the general population atwuth the skills they need to over- vate sector jobs as part of their An 86-year-old Chicago mom- Coak County tail-In order lo be come the prxblems that got tltem post-detentionsupervision. Of an left her purse containing $100, FREE DONUT* I eligible, female candidates most into troable in the first place," the 184 inmates who have either u blank check, keys and miscella. 00 With Purchase of be between the ages 17 and 35, Sheaban said. completed their year-tong Boot neaus papers on Ihr passnngor OKNUCOpr : OFF* Large Coffee I must have never cammitsed a vi- Afice gradnatien from the 18- Camp sentence or are currently side of tho front seat of hnr no- si 'With Ad. Exp.11/30/98Lit 2 oient or sen-related crime, and week detention program. Bootin the supervision phase of the leaked vehicle while she went I Regular Price of I must not have served mere than Camp participants most com-program, a total of 84 arc em- back into a rnstaurant in Ihn 7700 . One Dozen Donuts C,l,,i5I one year in stase prison. ploIe eight manths ofpost super- ployed. The remaining inmutes block of Milwaukon Avenue to I WithAd. F,p. 11199/98 LImit 2. F,r8,9 Sheahan began operation ofvision programming which in. are participating io doily edaca- retrieve a glove she thought she teelo, houaI programming at the Boot 'BIO VOLUME DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE" p the first.ever county boot camp clodos a period of cotifinemot.5 lefton atable. When she rotnrned 'ôF7/flANKg I AMY JOY I DONUTS for male offenders in April of on the Sheriffs electronic heottCamp. According to Boot Camp to hervehicle, shediseovered that DEST IN TOWN DONUTS administrators, reading and math unknown person(s) had removed 7249N. Milwaukee Ave. AMY JOY II DONUTS I 1997. Both the men's and worn- monitoringprogram,ongoing ui en's scores of Boot - Camp portici- thoparse from the ear. Nues, ii 60114 5205 Ii.Ilagle Nues,IL 60631 programConsistsof 18 drugtesting,substance abose Reg.Sale (Corner Waukegan& Totihyl ICen,, Higgins8Fost,,l weeks of detention, estensivecaanreling and jab placement. pants have risen on avçrage 647-981 8 (773) 407-9946 physical conditioning and ednea- According to Sheahan Sheriffsbetween one and one ahalf Take precautions Always F,esIlIy baked. D Dens nlVarleireir orn our kilches ,tionatundrehabililativepro- officials are designing a post- grade levels during their time in $200 Ib. Cate,Ing Donuts,Mollis,, C,,issasts BagelstPastrI,,) when driving . Honey Roasted Peanuts 2° L(847) gramming at tle boat camp fa- sopersision release program for the program. - deaL eility, located near Conk County wonsen that woald be colnmnoi- "One year ago many of these near trucks $550 $500 Ib. DO YOU WANT TO BE HEALTHY? Jail at 2801 S. aackwell. The ty based and would off,ir servie. SeawereSittinginCook Sharing the road with big Honey Roasted Mixed Nuts Women's program wilt differ in es such as job placement andCounty Jail cansnming tax dot- trucks can be intimidating, even that the edacational and rehabili- lars and now they are paying tus $300 $250 lb. child care. for the mast experienced driver. Geò!ia's Spearmint Chews 199.95 )ntive curriculum will be geaind Since the Boot Camp firstdollars. That isrealsuccess," Because of a tick's size and * ji=_TM toaddressissuesspecificto opened in April of last year, 430 .doeahan said. 10 YR. WARRANTY moighl, othermotorisls need tobe $325 Ib. Driving at dusk aware of precautionstalake Choc. Fudge Chews 2° BBB joins binational law when traveling alongside nr ho- $200 Ib. With the returntoCentral hind ubig truck. CANDY & NUT Yogurt Raisins 2° enforcement telemarketing network Standerd Time,motoristsaro Q.What are some guidelines Health & Fitness driving home from work at dnsk forfolloming obig truck? MANUFACTURER $200 Ib. Tite Better Basineaa Bureau ofPrateetioti. "Itt fad, people whofor the first lime in months. Re- A. Do net tailgate. Allow Yogurt Peanuts 2° Books Chicago atsil Northern Illinoissuhtuit Iliria complaistts ta timeduced visibility and heavy traffic onangh distance hotween yon and has joitscd CansurnerSensiaci, aBBB ttaw ktmow that hundreds ofcou moho the early evening drive the truck to maintain a clear view biaational law enforcemeatlele-law etifarcemeat agetmts acrosslimo hozoedous anda peak timo of Ihn road ahead, Rear-ending a SENIOR mooketiag database. The I3BBtite U.S. tril Cassadawill be able I for fatal accideums. - truck could result in the car slid- SA fly CHRISTMASDISCOUNT will provide complaints itre- tataíikenseaftlmeir immformnation." Q. How can Icampenuale for ing inloundonderthe trailer. While Quantities Last IN A HEALTHY WAY ceives about tclemaeketittg, di- Uttlil now, tite OBB lias helpedreduced visibility during early .Avoid the trucker's blind rcctmail orlotemet fraoddirecttyfederal mid state law enforcementevening hours? spat by positioning. your vehicle Only one discount applies ta tite database,which lass moreeffarts on a case-by-case basis. A. Tam on your headlights la the truck driverca.s ace it in bis '7&ee Health Food Magazine tItan 160 federal, state and local "This agreemetit willi time F1'Cat the first sign of dask, rednce sido minors. You should be able law enforcemett) organizalionsensures thut our causmaer com- your speed und increase your fol- to see thedriver's reflecliots in his VARIETY OF PRODUCTS . HOMOPATHIC tltrougliont UseU.S. mid Canada. plaitS data will be shared more cf- lowing distance. Make sure your largesidemirrrrs. Flu and Cold Remedies The Consumer Sentinel is a fmcieatly wilim law enfusrcers. We headlights are aligned correctly .Dim your headlights when . Roasted Salted Nuts . Salt Free Nuts Sugar Free Butterercams joint prttjcct of the Federni Tradoarc pleased to be a panner with and yaur taillights, tam signals following a lrnck at night. High Sinus s NATURAL NOVA Commission mud the Nationallaw emiforcement ' tahelp end Chocolate Covered Nuts Variety of HardCandy COIUCESYJOII and brake lights are working beams can reflect off the trock's HOMEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS Associttlian of Attoméys Goner- these specific fraodalemtt activi- properly sa albor motorists can mirrors andblind the driver. Dried Fruits - Snacks & Trail Misoes Many Kosher Items Sore al, itt coaperation with Cuoshmoties," said Saines E. Bnamnlmart, see your vehicle. What is the correct way to (AI l President/CEGoftlte BBS. Q. . Gift Baskets - Sugar Free Hard Candy Throat . ECHINACEA & and Pltaaebnotcrs, two Canadian Can I just turn on my pass abig Bock? h Q. 'qw orguoizadoos. Tiic database car- Comisamers who Itave cous- parking lights at dusk? A.Drap back to get a clear GOLDENSEAL eetitly ltts over 130,000 cmtsu- plaimilssItuaIS calll-312-832- A.No. Illinais law prohibils view ufthoraad ahead and ta gain Store Hours wcough 0500or . ZINC LOZENGES mi'r complaints fritas a variety of 1-900-CALL BBB using enly parking lights while enough speed to pass. Apply ynor MEATIHE WINTsA WONS Monday Thru Friday: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm ALL FLAVORS orgattizatiotts. USantS Conadiatt($0.95 pertnimtatc - average call 3 driving. Parking lights do nor pro- turn ( your headlights law eutfarcemettl orgauizatioas WE Saturday: 9:00 - 3:00 pm CLOSEDSUNDAY HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES mutates) or visit oar web aile ut duce enough light in front afyau at night) and pass quickly. Wait C PERSOfr s GS500 ARTHRITIS searchtite camplaituls through a HIP t BOIRON www.clmicaga.hbb.org or file a for adequate visibility and, Ibero- ta pall backinlo the Booker's lane Visit Our Retail Store Cl-tRCKS t Glucosamine Chrondroitin secure web site, lrackittg patteracomplaint at our office, 330 N. foro, should ho used only in park- until you can see the ondee front I-JI.RS. of fraud aid probleinalie campa- 7500 Lindar-Skokie ACCEPTED 'i Wabash, Soue 2006, Chmieago, IL ingsituatioon. - ofthe Bock in your rear-view mir- tites or ittdividaalo. (Between Tnuhy & Howard un Lintler) , gosui. Q.What other safety precun- rar. Maintain your speed; slow- I- "Tite Bester Busittess Bureau tians are necessary when driving of Chicago atod Nortiterim Illiassis ing dawn could canso an acci- :1. at dusk? dent. (847) 677-NUTS .is plttyiugs vttloablc role ht oar A real fribnd is One sviso walks A.Slow down and watch for Q.Whal is the safest way to A A eflh,cls to stop semas muid can art- children in residenlial areas who let o trnckpass me? iNts fem3mn deceiving cotmsumacrs," in wliess the rout of tise world walks nut may be playing nearthnsleeet and A.Pull as far to the righl of said Jadie Bernstein, Director of do nom realize that your s'isibility tite FTC's Burean of Ctstmsutner '-Wailer IViosmrJomdl your lone as possible. Slow down ] is redaced. so the trnckdrivercan pass qaick- Ip. PAGE 29 1ME 28 Tule BUGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER t9, t9tu TIlE BUGLE,TIIUI1SDAY, NOVEMBER 19, tWO _. i -a - Il - Treasurer Topinka helps U.S. Pullman Pillars Club looksforward to Lawyers answer Treasurer introduce Investorsmay benefit from - new $20 bill shortened captial gains celebrating Chinese New Yearin Hong Kong phones for free holding period There are many ways Io cele-landloor,includingVictoria for the parade, u metro souvenir Volunteer utltseneys will un- cirtttrutcr nsalters. Callers can Ox- The IRS tkestructucing andtoclude, but are not limited to, brate Ihn New Year und what bet-Peak Tram aod.Sumpun mideal paus, a four-day Star Ferry puss, swer photies ut TIse ChicagoBarplain theic nituolinn In au attorney related investment decisions. In- and sumberons other nervices. n,Iso can then suggest steps Iltey Reform Act of 1998 mude aart, rags, antiques, metals, gems, formation and data in this article ter wuy than tu witness the arrivalAberdeen, the afternoon Chinese Avvociotion (CBA) during tire number of changes in the taxstamps, coins aod alcoholic bey- ufthcChineve New Year in Hong New Yearparade along the Tstm- "This trip wilt offer uvariety of Cutl-A-Lnwyer prlrgrorn, Satur- curt taler Io ressrtve tIteolegal in- were obtained from sources con- farther legal law that are favorable to isves- sidered reliable. Tlreir accuracy Kong. A very limited number ofshatsui Wuterfront, a spectacular activities und time for relaxatIon day, Nvrv. 21, traIn 9 um, tusnes. If callers need tors. One such change invelves a Ta learn more, please call: teats remain forThe Pullman PiI-evening Harbor fireworks show, should you choose," said Fam noon. Lawyers from titeCRA services, they will be advised to 0r completeness is not guaran- toreceive inline- shortened tong-term cupital George Germick, Financial Ad- teed, and the giving of the varne lars Club Festivul Tour to this fa-and free limo for shopptng or op- Major. "Thero is a lot to see on Lowyer Referral Service will ou- see theirutltrntey gains holding period. visor, 700-481-052-3 or 800-400- mous islund. The eight dayund tiooal excursions. the islund und many tours me swer quevtiOtts of Chicago-area tnlrliou 00 hiring one tlrroogtt tIte iv not to be deemed a solicitation CßALowyecReferorl Service. 12-Mo..th Hulding 7440. on Dran Witter Reynolds Inc.'s tixeighttripdepartsFebrOarY 11 The trip includes round-trIp available, both half und full-duy. residents who cull (312) 554- Rule Reinstated limousine service from home to It's a trip of a lifetime und a great dotingpengrumhours. This article does not conxti- part with respect to the purchase from Chicugo. 2001 Parlicipotttigultonseysore If you are a calendar-year tax- tute tax advice. Consult your tax orsale ofsrcuritics orcommodi- Cost . fortheexcursionis airport, round-trip aie transporta- celebration Isbe parI nf." Themis no etsarge fire Ilse legal payer, yes may count gains en hou aboard Northwest Ocrent metohery uftlie CBA Lawyer Re- advisor before makisg any tax- ties. - $1,488_per person based on do- advice gives, sales of asseut made in 1998 as Airlines, six sights accommoda- For more information On this Tite Cdl-A-Luwyer programicrnd Service, s publie service huleoccnpancy. Travelers will br wltiett makes referrals te Cltieagu tong-term provided you have drives by limonsior from theirdons at the New World Hotel, u unique trip 10 celebrate the Chi- assists the public willi geocral le- held those assets lengee than 12 fall Atnerican beeukfust euch duy, neve New Year in Hong Kong or gol udvice. Atlomeys willbemid suburban Iuwyeix. Call-A- Getting Ready to File homes to O'Hme Internutionat Luwyer, which verves oser 1,500 months. (This reinstates the old Airport foe deparo-re ne North-nIl airportlbotel transfers, bag- for information on Ihr Pullmun available lu answer qaestitrus on records you will need to complete Pillccv Club, call Pum Major or ivsnev tucludingcity sud suburban residents mina- 12-mouth holding raIe.) Long- - handling,one-half day n variely alleghI by RubkrtE. Brazdll west Airlinos te Hong Kong viagage ally, is offered IbrnOgh tIteLaw- term gaies are subject te the IRS District Directur yourreturn.Theseinclude: Hosg Kong Island nightveoing Frau Fogliari ut (773) 594-2226, wrsonoltrjney, domestic reto- illinois Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka is responding to a re- Minneupotis. The itioerury in- yen Referral Service. 20% maximum capital gaies tau It's hard lo believe Jaunary ismonthly statements from banks, eludes u morning Hong Kong is-toar, special bleacher VIF seats or594-2227. tiotry, crhniool law smdgetieraì quest by U.S. Treasurer Mary Ellen Wilhrow to help introduce (10% to the extent that income,here. It seems like it wasjuslyes- savings and loans, and brokerag- the new $20 bilL "I commend the U.S. Government for taking IRS seeks volunteers iecludiug capital gains, is is theteeday that my predecessor wrotees. They-will provide information Real Estate steps to stay ahead of advances in technologies that can be 15% tax bracket). Assest held lastyear's column ebnutthis ox interest and dividends named Where do you stand? to provide free tax usedforcounterfeiting. The newbittdisplays an off-center photo foe 12 months or less are taxedsume subject. In addidon to the(or paid), mortgage payments and assistance ofAndrewJackson, andthebiiis easieTto read with Iargernunt- us short-teem capital gains at or-beginning of a row year, il also othertauitemv. Two other - Transactions #101 dieary income tax rutes. recordv you uhould keep arc puy Calculate your networth Do you like to help people? If bers,"said Treasurerropinka means that a sew tau filing seusor wcnks. Hume Sellarn Also Benefit has arrived. With this column t stubs and a list ofyour employers you do, IRS hasjustthe program The Real Bytate Institute will Another highlight of the new from the pust year. Reorganiue Your Priuriiies, to match your skills with Ihnoffer "Real fistule Transactions Home schooled students will offer yen a fese tips that will Tu manage your mesey suc- #101," the course needed before Tuition foc the conrse is s tss, get law involves home sales, Hememake filing your tax return this If you moved during 1998, cesufully, ysu need u slandard by Your balance sheet can help yon needs ofmuny Illinois residents. which includes registration and rnakr sure your employer and fi- determine whether your finances being able to takethr Illinois Real sellers who did not meet the - The IRS is looking foe bolh yearalittlecasier. which ynu cnn meusure your eco- Estate Salesperson Licensiog Ex-books. Enrollment is limited. The Army education. benefits two_year holding rule fer capital New that you hase received sanciatinstitutions huye your nomie progress. One gauge of are in line with your gouls.De- volunteer individuals and organi- new address so you will receive amineiion. Classes will be heldcoarse is also offered tu a self- Young men and women who in addition to the Montgomery 01 gainspurposes--becausetheythat familiar luoking tax package yaur financial heudway is yaar pending on ynum objectives, you Zahnes to help prepare rus returns study formol which includes au- yourW-2s end t 099v. muy Want to puy dewnold debts free ofctsarge ondor its Volunteer on Wednesdays from 7-IO p.m., gain their high uchool dp1oma Bitt, -receive fut] Army College moved axa result of a jobfur 1998, check tomuke sure your personal net worth. You can etti- beginning December 9, at thedin cussettes und a compuler toto- through home sáhooling can now change or because of health ername, and address urn shown cor- To abramtax forms, there are- mute your net worth by preparIng or postpone new unes,initiuto u Income Tas Assistance Program Fand benefits if qualified. The - several Bank of Liucoluwnod baitdsng,rial. SeIf-stody tuition is $t75. receive the same Army benefits Army College Fund provides op other unforseen circumutunces--redly on the label. (If you used a ways you can do Ibis. a simple personul balancesheet suvingu plan, go on u stricter hod- (VITA) during the 1999 filing For more inforerotiun or lo regis. get orbegis amure uggreusive tu- Thiswetl-established4433 W. Toohy Ave., Saite 514, as those students who graduate to $40,000 for college for those and thus do not qualify for thepaid preparer last year, you may First, tax forms und publications OsaI will alluw you Io see your us- season. Lincolnwood. The coarse eons 10Irr, cult (847) 329-1710. from atraditioneihigh schoot. who elect to participate. Hume full tax exclusion ($250,000 fornut get a tax packuge.) lfyou find can he accossed through your Sets and liubililies und where your vestmcnnpolicy. program helps people who are This is au exceptional opportu- scheoled yeung men und women individuals; $500,000 for mar- something that is incorrect, make computer ned modem on the Fmd- money is going. You canthen Reculcalute year net worth an- unable no prepare their own srm- flity for home schooled students. con ulso qualify for the Army's ded couples) may new claim the change right un the label. This World bulletin board neon the In- take steps lu make year uet worth nually, und you'll be ahle to us- pIe tax returnv nr cannot pay for pact of the excusiex based en teruel.(AccessFedWorldut IO test ynur prngrnts undwork to- professional tax assistance. Now Home schooled students can now loan repayment program, which will speed up the processing time. grow by finding wuys control - participate in the full raege of gives ntsdeuts up to $65,000 to hew long they ownedtheir If you were married or di- (703) 321-8020. Access the Inter- speeding, reduce debt end in-ward improving your money in ils twenty-eighth year, over Aroty bceefits if they decide to repu)' federally insured student home. The exclusion amountyerced during 1998 and changed- net via - Telnet at: creuse suvings and investments. management. Your financtat re- 1300 volunteers helped nearly ($25,000/$500,000) is prorated.your name, correct your records iris.irs.nvtreas.gav; viu FI'F ut: Prepnre Yn..r Pertunal Bal- eordkeeping wiltbenefil, leu. 74,010 illinois taxpayers at 307 DALE With the popularity of home Consult your tas advisor for de-with the Social Security Admiz- fip.ies.uvrreax.gov; viu the World anne Sheet You wiltneed a If you would like tu learn locutions throughout the state 1051 AVON more, please cull: schooling inceeusing over Fer. farther istration. By doing this you will Wide Wmb at: http:/l - block uf uninterrupted time, pen year. the infunnation on - FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK years, it becume necessuty to of- Artoy opportunities, contact your Collectibles prevent amismatch when yea file wwm.irs.nstreas.gnv.) and paper nr your personul com- George Germick Day,eveningor weekend fer equal enlistment opportuni- lecal Army recruiter, er callI Capital gains frum the suIe of Forms are also available by fax purer. (Once you have an initiai Financial Adviser classes can br arranged. After your return und avoid a possible area si,tce ¡911 ties to those gaining their high (800) USA-ARMY, or you can cellectibles held lunger thus enedelay of $our refund. (uve voice unit) 24 hoary u day, 7 cstimate, you can go into a more 708-481-0523 cumplrling the class, volunteers Serving the Chicago school diploma ut home. visit the recruiting web site at year arc still taxed at a maxi- One of Ilse things you should days u week by calling (703) 487- in-depth analyvis, if you wtsh.) 800-480-7440. are askrd to upend at leust two Home schooled students now, www.goarmy.com. mum rute of 28%. Collectibles dus make sure you have the 4160. Or, you can have forms Mercy what to do: houes a week pmpariug returns seetdimectlylayourhome by cull- I, List your usuels (everythtng for a local sponsoring VITA nr- isg I 1800) 829-3676. They will you own thus can besold nr ganizution. Stabilit) Strength & BY JEFFREY CARDELLA PUBLIC SERVICE Vut.1'5HiD0Sl5tjj be mailed to you in about 10 swupped for unuther item uf val- USE - If you'd like to be a purl of the Special to The Bugle workingdays.Operatorsure ne), Include your house, ear, VITA enperiroce 0e simply have Personal Attention available Monday through Salar- household goods, jewelry, bunk THE questionsubourtheprogram, day from 7 0m, to t I p.m. The accounts, stocks and otherinset- please call IRS VITA Coordina- best time to call iv early in the menls, vested holdings in cumpa- tors Beverly Lewis in Chicago at Qualities you can expect from BUGLE Il Edward Jones: morning orlate in the afiemoon. ny savitt5s und pensino pluss,In- (312) 086-4609 or Soupa Jacobs Avondale Federal Savings tank Two other placesyou may be dividualRetiremeneaccounts ut (217) 527-6366. Should You Convert toa Roth IRA? able to get the most common (IRAs) and cash-value life insu- ferms are either at your librarynr rance. We offer theright services local past office. Participating ti- 2. Lisn the market value next to øankruptcy? Foreclosure? Most tuxpayers know about you're siegle or married filiog You cao couvert all or part of rules are specified aud uometimeu Poor Credit? braies have a package ofrepro- each asset. the tax-advantaged Roth IRA. jointly. Married individuals fil- yourlRA. Converting year tradi- confusing, bulynu owe il te your- dueibte forms and are usually We can help! to meet yourneeds: What usony aren't so sure abuut is ing separate returns aren't eligi- 3.TotuI your assets. henal IRA to a Roth does not uf- self to investigate your options. up9l evenings und weekends. 4. Separately, list your liabili- whether it makes sense to couvert bIc Io convert. feet your ability to make future Look over information from ynur Self Employed?Cash Income? tirs. Record all debts, including their esistiog IRA into u Roth Ifynu convert, you'll owe fed- contributions to either lype of fand for answers. lt's also a gond Il you choose to ove a proles- Vertificatioli Loans, IRA. The short answer is, it de- eral income taxes on the ceovert- sional tas preparer this credit card und charge accouots, We Have No Income Supersaver Savings IRA. idea to consult with a financial Or year, of . Free Checking . pends. ed arnount, eveluding any putt How will withdrawals from a lau profevsiooal before allempt- make sure he or uhr bus u good mortgage, hume equity line øig moriqaue? If you convert your misting nondeductible coutribationv. If Roth conversion IRA be lascif? ing any IRA conversions. reputation io your community. credit and other loans, such as an- n Money Market . fl5 IRA into a Roth IRA, you have to yes have made any noodedacti- Yua can withdraw money entire There are benefits and covts as- tontohiles or college. Jumbo Loans are ourspecialty! Never go to upreporer who gxar- puy taxes now on the converted blm contributions, no odditional ly las-free after five years if you sociated wilh converting loa 5, Note the principul umonnl , Home Equity Loans funds. Ou the other bond, coo- tuses are due on that money he- arc over age 59-1/2 nr disabled. astees a refund or whose ter is due next tu euch liability. Do not Rolh IRA. The bullent line is this: based on thevize nf oertiug to a Roth means trat irr- cause it has already bees taxed. You cao also take out op tu Will you corne ont ahead by pay- your refund. include interest, . Financial Services (nonFDIC insured) stead of dcfceeing tanes on your People who c000ert by Dec. 31, $10,000 tan-free after fice yearu ing tases now oit your misting A pard prepurer must uignthe tas 6. Totul your liabilities and future investment earnings, you t 998, have the option uf spread- foraflrst-time homepurchase. If IRA fandv in euchange forreceiv- return in the space providedno uubtructlhem feum your usuels. MAINE MORTGAGECOMPANY e And more! could withdraw your money tuo- ing 5km tau liability over the nest you lake nrosey cul befom five ing all falureoumiugs tan-free? the towereight-handcorner of the The resnll ofErte culculations free io the fatum. Making a wise fear years by includingone- yeoru or before age 59- 112, earn- Nest vveck, we'll fucus on lire back page ofthe return.Also, you is your net werth. (If muets ex- 847-292-6500 decision requires taking a closer qsurter of the converted amount ines will he tasable. Withdraw- faders that will help yen answer should make sureyour preparer cred liubilitieu, you have u pest- Park Ridge loekat the mleu fer converting. in iocornr each ofthe four years. aIr before age 59- 112 also may bu that question. gtve you a copy oflhe completed live net worth, If liabilities ex- tncrtlOr Locro eI1NJ Omnrene nu Mr,II-IJn,I To qualifyfor conversion, Allee 1998, the total tus on Ihm subject to an additional IO per- JeffreyCurdellacari be tax return. Fut it withyour tas cred assets, your net worth Is Rrridvnrinl ronhmv MenO' ww.ntatnrmuftgagerrm yoaradjusted gross income must entieeaoroant converted is due io coot penalty Ills. reached or Edrvard Arrien, 8141 records --it's a good starting vr sit no, o,ytllc (847) 966-0520 negative.) You now hase u loan- Iliwu n,am roc rl Marrer, u,'w». .E,l,'parvrllyIird,r 7557W. Gaklun Street, Niles, IL 61714 be levs than $180,000, whether the year of con version. The Roth IRA coneersion N. Milwaukee, Nuca, 470-0953. point fOrprcpaetng nest year'sre- dation fer werking toward muk- turn. ing ynarbuttemline grow. PAGE3O . TIIEBUGLE, TIPJRSDAY, NOVEMIER 19, 198 flIE5UL TI{URSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, F595' PAGE 31' , : _i1:P.-.-%, 'I. I Halloween Parade & Family Reading. 'Author añdfuturist to

. Night at Morton Partya Success! Grove Library speak at Barnes & Noble

'I; " Over the post sic , Family Nalionalty.necognized futurisl Reading Night has developed and papatarpublic speaker Dasid nroanationallyrecognized, Zack will speak al Barnes & No- ward-winning program which hie - Village Crossing Censor, annuolty encourages thousands 5405 W. Touhy Avenue, on Sut- of families to share the pleasures urday, November 21 at 3p.m. and benefits afreading together. Zach is the author of the new "L CI Ou Thursday, November 19 at book, "Zachronyms: funny 6:45 p.m., Ihn Manan Grove Pub. words forfunny limes." Other fcanoero (tisis escitin gorn'oitouit inludA And semossi !,o, sls 'rIo snsssirrs'asirris orth she usrdi rariml,osasnr lic Library Childrn's Depart- "Zachronyms: funny words for Take our audio ment will sponsor a special Fami- . Finn-tuning capabilities -greater flosihiliryin pinprrintitrg is FREE osrd shiro is eis olsisgasiors! funny timen," is a collection of comparator chalienge t'ori itsdividaal hr.'ass'ng I riss than conr'ensirreal isearsng IP Storytime in conjunction with acronyms describingmoney, Acoopr siso Mseiscle.Eor SHARP DYNAMIC challenge 1f youa1rea dy wear a hearing aid, y aucanca mpare the Family Reading Night, The Li- work, love and life.Three aro Strip 0 roda'srs hear siso drffc'cerio el brary in located ut 6140 Lincoln . o'channel oorny tests on - may p 50Cr de the tight fis for DINRWADS (Double Incarne, toand af th cern SHARP DYNAMIC ciecait to varie Avenan in Morton Grove. No Kids, With a Dug), BUD- DuelO Zurh Current ins tenere nr ta hear ahnt yau may be missing. roen ti renias t difficult searirs g riss. Children are invited to bring a DIES (Baby Bonmers Under lusteated book, . Sophisticated circuitry- herps loud tonnoIacrsrssfrsrtohle Face Painting, Pumpkin Patch, There mas a face painter to IfyaC like ruhar yau hear, nell help yuu determine favorite book and/or dressup as a Deep Debt) und trahi'us als sounds enarte sis hoar. Gaudie Bags and games aeejust a dram you a most hauntingly dc- and YUMMIES' For more iuformalioe on Ihn rvhnther aI searinaid rvrrh the SHARP DYNAMIC favoritestorybook character, g . Lars' drssoasion - fosopsirnul rrsursd urialrty. fem of the events that tnok place ssgu. Hay eiden aeouud the park (Young Upwardly Mobile Mom- bookeuent, call Barnes & Noble- Circuit mat' he right las you. There'enocharge Cr obligation at tise Nuca Park Diuteict annual Adults are invited to bring a fa- mies), to name just a few of the Vtttage Crossing Centeral (847) tItoS lot you off te hear a Hallo- vante shun story to read ta the Save$399 during Hallomeen Parade & Panty. This 200 acronyms featured in the il- 329-8460. For better hearing, begin meen sInO told by Rich Rinnt- group. our inhoductory offer Even our smallest hearing aid - the Mirage'- yeartheeventtankplacens Ono- brow of the Nibs Library. A with the latest technology is available with this odvensed sirseitry. 'ber 24 at Grenssan Heights and pumpkin patch to pick your fa. For o limited time, rneaeeoffee ing big saoings off sise Time to 'make The SHARP DYNAMIC oionoit is one al the ernst due to the sunny manu day, mess vente pumpkin, then design him Santats Calling prioeofhrus ing aids rsisls rhe.SHARP DYNAMIC, ofthe activities mere brought oat- rnoiting recent des'elopmrnrs in h earinga id teclrnolog4'. into your faoaritejack o'taoern, Sauta not nitty maIres vinitu, Creouit, Jure being in she coupon bolero sureoerve 5359 side fortheclrildren to take part. The tophisricarrd oi 000irey poos'rdes many advantages Over 340 children participated in bat phoue calls ton? Lite np your your Christmas list Children gothesed at Oak Pnsk games,treated rr'hether you airead 'rr'earahear ing ard... or off she suggested eesail price of a paie of Misoole-Eae' /7 MiracIeEart themsetvrsto ctsild'n eyeu . and ears, wilts a per- if v'no are to march in the parade that was Santa lovcs to get lessees from elude your return address so that just beginning ro tirspeut inn have a hearing lota; heating insssunnenssmr'sir SHARP DYNAMIC cisorrrssy. ReasiegSysteess hyBsuseh s Lsnb goodies, and mon peicos. sootdiecd pItone calt froto Satsta boys and girls mIso have been led by the Notre Oame/ Santa can write back. Make sum astrI his eehtrteer. Calls will br good alt year langI Those wish- Resurrection Marching Band, Au 'i'hìn your letterinioshe box by wau nowhere neara made ou Wednesday, Dec. 16 be- lag lo senda letter to Sauta ulsoald the paradeonaredGreanan spooky event, bot rather a safe Wednesday, Dec. 9, so thatyou tween 5:30 arut7 p.m. Please reg- drop it offal Saab's Muilbou, lo- receive a reply in time for Chriot. . Neights they mere welcomed and fun event for all! TIte Niles BigDifference.. Big Savings. ister by Monday, Dec. 4. Stop by rated al the Howard Leisure Oea- with what looked like a continua- mas. Opon to Nilen Park District Park District thanku everyone the Homard Leisure Center lo 1er, 6676 Howard Street, during tiOo of the Foartis nf July event, residnnls only. For further infer- who participated, and looks for. pickuparegistratinn form, regular office houes. Pleaso in- Games andaesisitiesevery- ward toseeing you all at their motion, call (847) 967-6633, 'nentbignvent! '

1 ' . A N Trident Senior Men's foryourfuture; iodt0TY .A_ Limjted Øffer Offer Bowling/Brunswick Nues build for Results as of 16 MonarchAlapos 20 17 their future. ' I Or. '0,,', Nov. 4 ,1998 lo Malrc&Sons to lo WhiteEagle - Pos STANDINGS TEAM NO. 12 20 Pruny'uTeans 19 NOT JUST ANY SOLUTIOÑ, t 'Miner'oTeam "HOT SHOTS" THE BEST SOLUTION.. '. 2 Skaja#t 6 FREE .' 3 Colonial . FOR YOUR LIFESTYLE!" FREE 4 BobSehaab 600 4 Callera&Catino ChuckMaos 597 5 Candlelight REM ANALYSIS HEARING TESTt 2 SyThonshill 560 S F,D.R. pont Walty Zawisza 548 Bring its 4'rvrr hearing oriLla, any snaketsr Tsk ourr fleo mooning vast and detensaino ifa 7 Mmdli Bros. 16 Ed Gamte 548 rrvrrLlv'L rod rocoiv ''5 FREE crrrrspotorizooi Mtrsc! Ear h snsvf, rn mrrtscsvr sit hr 's,si Ii 8 Northshore Auto Dud Ramos RÄND 546 9 Heatmanters l Ken Deluga R rl Er M tsurCrtsc at Ara rI r ru i tut help vsui verre imttr,e tl'rors'r \'rrrl' rye sissy 540 to ParkNat'l,Bank 13 Emit Rode I r 536 . II N I NATIONAL BANK O5!5OitCltt tiri torre.op. ii I I State Farsa 14 Dick Raras 536 12 Skaja#2 15 3 RoMan 14 TheBowlingStore l_ SENIOR MEN BOWLERS 62 . Call now to schedule your appointment. Winrljamssseç 17 ANDOLDERNEEDED! Receiveup to100% fora Catholic Women's Home Equity Line of Creditat Prime* /?y MiracIe-Ear SEARS' Bowling League , lleaehtgSystemsbyBrntsch &l.omb With No Closing Costs! Hearing Aid Centers TEAM w L Carol Getriuger 498 Pam Kenny 483 Norridge Skokie ClassieBowl Dorothy Kaufmann 50 3 455 7100 West Oakton St. Nites, IL 60714 Five Star Plaza Crawford Square Nues Schaumburg WsndjanimerTravcl 40 23 4950 N. Cumberland 3943 W.Dem pater Golf Mill Center Woodfield Center SkajaTereace 37 26 HiGH GAMES 847.967.5300 (708) 456.2930 Candlelighljeweteru 26 37 Carol Oetringer 202 visuas al www.grandnofional,com (847) 673-3260 (847) 803-8162 (847)995-1908 Tltamastjfazde,ODs 23 40 Millie Kroll 201 'tl,sttq,rj,tLssss ,,sssass,o,,,, rst ois cì,,,s, so,d,, GrandNat'l,Bank 13 50 CroIe Tienes I 84 tssisul.Th, euo,,vs..,o 5 5 111155 'e,, nat. Avc i,,,,,, b ,ossssc5rs,, w 55.5,5,5,, . Ass,,,1 s.s,. i, ts, crUt r,,,s,,.d 5,0th,,sssn,s. t,ss.s,ssor It ssca,osucr,orsss 0.5 sr,,, . AI,., ,..ssh ,rrti,r,, 51,,,,, s 5.IIru,, ss ses,css .1 srr,ii,o lv,I ii, h,.,l ,.,r,,.,,rr 'i Gen Kenny 177 r,,,, Ir. r,w.as,c,i,,s,,c,,,,.au,,,d,C5,, IA' ist co ,r «I' .r ers'',r o. i',',,,],,, I,''''sI's''i'''s i, 1,1 .,!',l iii,, .,1,i i,s,,,rer, hua, s,',, y s'suo I),'hlhosaIssu "r,1, vrrsss,r.,d,s r, 0,05 0,0 es,brIne 'n,o,,,,,,, b rs,srsI,.,,,r O ss.,, es .,5 t,. I .,,5.,bi ',qssrrsc55.55 HIGHSERIBS Pam Kenny 175 't'r,,r,Csrrs.L, c,,s,r.. disrttnu,oeus,, ,ubi.,,r,, Ir,,s ssu,,, .I,ssyb,ss,thdss,,s ,,rrn,,st. rc,,c O 'w"l "sur sssr,n o, Millie Kroll 523 Dorothy Kaufmann 172 PAGE 32 .mE BUGLE, ThURSDAY, NOVEM1ER 19, 1998 TilE 8UGLET111J19$DAY, NOVEMBER 19,1998 l'AGE 33 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NÓTICE - LEGAL NOTICE - LEGAL NOTICE - C000ti88ed from PIge 32 - : ' Ii= .

r-- , n

R(O BthII PyI$ BB.2fl7 _ !

- T tIEp dth; SZga. O74.843 ÑR7 5.GBS.459 - 1270564 512.&SC 4B5.89eB4,l2s (OÇ 9}! - - Fp d]W S 058.624 81,?P5$40) 8 91. 2GJSfl32 .194 3 278.7 0352.74 9.593 9 182405)

OP&?5I]5l$& 5555 3 1!555- R00,05 50 W51250 P0508tl5l O

T 58lA008I& S 6.195.352 S3.865, 01055.545 114S 1.5280029 tIOSOISS 1001.550 S . 444499

E54509(0906204y)4l f9499905501 89450 5,19,9,1.05 5045 )1.795094) 91.949) 99194 519.1 O92159 995 (102460)

-Co8ti8ued on Pago 33 C000flnled 08 P8ge 34 PAGE 34 TIlE BUGLE THURSDAY NOVEMBER 19, 1998 TIlEBUGLETHURSDAY, NOvEMBER 19, 1990 PAGE 35 Developer submits new plans for Bell & Howell property Letters to the Editor The Bugle Newspapers The Lico]nwood Plan Corn- 6OOO-square-fonlDorniaick's mission and zoning Board of Ap- Fresh Store aud another building Nues resident commends Officer Laule peals received two new proposals of either 10,400 square font or HOME STYLE for a shopping center on the Bell 6000 ssfuure feet that would beDearEditor between Culdwell and Lehigh (in third boulder io the radway und Real EstateHome Improvement & Howell property at Pratt Ave- tts'ed foeretuil oepossibly a bunk. I was privileged te be u purl ofthe light industrial area of Ho- could have called it into the po- i:!i. flue and McCorrnick Boulévord The plans call for between 336 the most recent (the fall Session) ward) ou regular paleal. Sudden- lice (even anonymously), but he atallov. 4 meeting. und 383 parking spaces. Both oftheNiles Citizens Police Acad- ly, Officer Laule swerved the pu- didn't, and apponently just left il Tucker Development Corpora- proposals would occupy 8.54 emy, o program Sponsored by the trol car to avoid hitting a large for some aosuspecting motorist tions revised pIons include a acres ofthe vucanl tract. villuge adrnïnislration and the object near the curb, bot well into to 'discovee," perhaps disastrous- WiHyou get your next Hiles Police Department to give the roadway. He saw il before I ly (that area of Romand is not overage citizens an idea of whatdid, even though I was in the brightly lit at sight,and the boul- it's like to be a Nilcv potina offt- right-hand passenger's Seat of the der more or less blended into the mortgage onilné? 0er. In oddition to ten weeks of 3- cur, and reacted imnlzJiatety. background, making it very diffi- We unoa might he able la say Atuericasss wilt have online no-gage pearess is affinitog a value hour classes (ou one night euchThe Same thought eccureed to cult to see until u car's headlights good-bye to the time consaming, Cesa by Iloe ebd nf this year - will001 Ute properly brisog considered wereright onit). That's why Offi- week) and u session on the policeboth of os immndiutel after- paper-Iadeu experience that we ever see Ilteolay in which Ihnforfinancing, Tcaditioaalty, deportment's pistol range, part ofward, "was litutalargeboulderin cer Laub and I nearly impacted il Ittany of ut face when buying a eittire mortgage processtoken It property valuations are hanttteol the experience is a ride-alongthe traMs-lune of Howard Ave- ourselves. peobably hadn't home, Ameeicn's aeem'mgly insu- pIaccia cybrrspace? by independent approisees, who COUPON- with a Hiles police offtcer undernue?" Oficer Laubturned the been in the roadway ven)' tong Or liable loveaffair with the lulemet "Tloe trzood is ittevitable. Natboth visit the property and factor patrol cararound at the firsfravait- sorely someone else would have GRAND OPENING LEGAL NOTICE actual patrol conditions, un np- looms set ta simplify how we get only Use initial tnoctgage applica- in auch statistics as recent neigh- portneity that I wouldn't have able opportunity and went back to already hit it. OfficerLaule spoke uarmartgagefmanciag. litons but also loan closiags will with a couplu of the night-shift borhand transactions and proper- SPECIAL missed for the world! Part of my check. Sure enough, il was u very Many real estate industry ana- labe place electronically," saya tyreplaccmentcaala. Coottnued from Page 33 çidc-along lamed out to be some-large landscaping boulder, just employees of the business, but Iysta think Ihepeacess nfbuyiag n Itsoeph i. Mosto, president of unfortunately no one had seen or LSrs @1W replacesthose what out-ef-the-ordinary...here's wailing to be hit by some unsus- home, nod paying far il, iacrzas- Pitlobargb, Pa, based Lcndce's time-Consuming tanks withan au- pecting motoriSt. Officer Laute heard anything of immediate vat- 50% OFF whatbappened. inglywill-lake place ouline. Service, Inc. (LSI), the nation's Inmatod system that electeonical- LISTING SIDE I wasciding on Friday evoniug, polled np behind the boulder, Scores of real catate agencies borin" provider nf upprttiotd, li-ly gathers dala - such as informa- with hin flashing lights tamed on, After blocking the taue with ON ALL REAL ESTATE November 6, on the 2:30 p.m. to have punted sites na the World tieandClosingmttttagemenl lion from a caorry lax assessor's Withntm Pielrzykomnkj -his squad cur, Officer Laule im- '. TRANSACTIONS Il p.m. shift with Niles Officerto temporarily close- the right- Wide Web to promote listed llrOdOcte antI services. "The costofficE - antI then natomaticatly Broker AlexLanle. Itwus well after dark,hand lane from any other encom- mediately pat several fiases in Ihr savings, the Convenience uztd the hamm for suie. Now, a handful analyzes it, Thorosultis upreper- 5505m s lsspssssoea nOadyA. cruwovor. about 8 p.m. t \nould guess, unding traffic. Fortunately, traffic is road in front of the boulder and but growing number of leaders e000 nf uso are the coutpetlingty valuation that is made availa- relatively light down Howard at radioed for a publie works bull- we were headed east on Howard - dozerlo are uccepting applicutiaas sent factoeslloatwill pull Iloe mortgage hIe electronically ta a mortgage Avenue, in the right-hand lane,that time nfnight, but there were come and rnmnve the ob- across theWeborsubmittedhy e-,indualsy nioline. Consuonera will lender lu minutes, as opposed to stilt a number of widely-spaced StruOtion as soon as possible ticonantlit." mail. Already, sumo will preup- UaN. - A R E A caes and trucks using the road- (pcefeeably skat night). On about a proveprospectiveborrowers LSI receoltly puatled the trend G-6Tr LEGAL NOTtCn half an hoar, the public works "Online technology is chang- NOTICE OF PcnLtC BeAnING- way. baseolou theseetectroaicupplica- uloagwititUteunveilingofing 150w we live oar linos," says FINAL REDUCTION MUST SELL REAL ESTATE' What we think happened was bulldozer Came rumbling along lions. "fftPVoo,', the company's anta- Marin." 4 borirnorn ranch, 2 halhu, lull COOK COUNtY COMMIRSOY and quickly positioned itself ta 5900N. Milwaukee Ave. that a large tmck had exited the Bal us the lutemet assittIto touted property valuation prod- html., reo, room, Inmily room, largo PcvFLOPMEST w OrtS parking let ofone oflhe boSinoss- gently lift the errant boulder back Chicago,IL 60646 OoAsT P000nANt World Wide Web continue their oct. For lips on buyissg and fissanc- InI, 2 cnr garage. Only $189,998 es along Howard, gone over the auto the parkway where il- be- remarkable growth-iadttstry Far n bank or other mortgage i_nfl ahome,visithttp:// (773) 594-7733 grassy parkway instead of the longed, so that both lanes of east- forecasts predict that 100 million leader, ocrilical slagein titemoel-www.LendersSorvice.com. L__ Eaes 12131198 Valon Mall (312) son-lIai r9.mnrtrNcY Snm.TER paved driveway exit, and dragged bound Howard Avenue cnald J onasrsrnor,nAM- again he opened to normal traffic. rcornnManCO oro FInO one of three huge landscaping boulders from the parkway ontn -Ifa private motorist had accidru- DATO: mouthy. O,C,MMIS. lam the roadway along with him. t tally hit that boulder bofore Offi- amth TIME: &StP.M. eeC Laub arrived, I would guasa r8.. would estimate that this poeticS- LENNOX PLACO: Ck Car,ty n Rorn,, lar boulder weighed close le that at best it would hove crushed e8tuuopd,Wtas75t4 C 6wan amo 567 . CouOy nAlcA1 Qoalstypc'avon avertime. Its NothCI&k So,O 1,000 pounds, so it had to have the bumper and grill, tom off the chirlar, Illinois ttSOt been a large, heavy truck. We right-front wheel and right-front could See the ruts lofs by the fonder, ìorn theough the engine Have a little PCRPOSE: track's tires and the repositioning compartment und probably whLsperHt QUIET ONE mr Cook Coolly Cono,,00ity D,o,lop. caused many, many thoasands of "Fun" with ,0,01 A toisonyCouncilnOIIsola o of the other Iwo boulders as the Ps000000000 0,000 01o,00low pIOanOSS. center ofthe smck wentright over dollars in damage. It mould have Armstrbng 10.00 TO COMPRESSOR sod-lbs portno,o000r nf p,o onsow do the middle ofalt three! The driver probably flipped-over a van er Fundamentals. OOljOitiOn to,1h, 11191 C000mooily light truck, and could have sent had to have known that he had hit CO50ul. nOsy-going. 5YEAR 050010 p0051 0100kOnosIP,og,00,, somethiog very solid, the sound the impacting vehicle into the ar,0000nn Fundawrntalu urn .12.50 1 0-YEAR 010MO tools moo 0000rohip P,000,o, FACTORY ALL PARTS left-hand eastbound lane, invnlv- in olnp ulIh you, lifesoyn. cod 0100,Icsoy s hrlt,r O on's P10050, ordjolt would have been difficult S.E.E.R. -- FACTORY GUARANTEE WARRANTY Y,o,.lOolobo, t,997 annuA Soplsr le ignore. The driver shoold have ing other unsuspectisg vehicles. I- 000,r busy, AghI? o,wso,ong St, ISSt). done the responsible thing and io the occident as shell. Property Fundawnfltuls floors alu ENERGY SAVER . UP TO 78% gone back and checked to see damage coald have- been es- easy to naoO ffl,. A.F.U.E. 0,005 00 t,,05dO00Ii0,I5d0 Ar CII) or teemely high, and even lives lost, You huuo 0)0er things On .WARM COMFORT. OUTSTANDING-ENERGY SAVINGS what he had doue. If he had, he - C laco go. spend wSnny on? Arm000ng would have certainly seco the if Officer Laule hadn't secured Fundumsfl tuingloru you QUIETPERFORMANCE the area as he did, when he did. I ZOneS,.) Arnrso,ong quality LEGAL NOTICE fuel stoat Officer Alec Lanle de- 5000e)OhinasNir atuorice you Serves a special recognition for : PLEASE TAKE NOTICE his gond police work.,.Peolect croaso,00:,,,an. S000reroCAund °RelAsi505 . sunw,thdumns and Defend, that's exactly what °000 : The Plan Commission and Zoning Board ofAppeals will hold a pub- va s. n peo cowan e he did. yearnOOanIy . 0010,5. OlwsOrOnO 2OO lic hearing on Monday, December 7, 1998, at 7:30 P.M. at Ike Mies Sincerely, /uness Fundamnntals- 000110,,00ac . Municipal Baildio, 1000 Civic Center Drive, Hiles, Illinois, to hear David F. Miller :., mukssulnas000qel ' , thnl000youoanl. Rebate the following matIer(s) - Niles - and k000 itlhs000y. NOT GOOD tU CONJIINCT1ON 9S-ZP-l9 Pannen Vayali Reqursting a change is zoning WITH ONT OTHER ORDER /ASO FOR DETAILS5 1205 Alisno Lane from B-2 to B-2 Special USe to Suburban Bar - HS29 Daricn, IL rent andsell Indian movies at EXPIRES 11/3Daia P & P Asian Fends, 8474 Golf Rd. Coalition thanks mng G20 L J The Bugle $lII.II OTo, gIld In Cnmbtne8 PunIsce EI Atrflondtllnooer O furnuue 98-ZF-20 Michael B. SchackRequesting a chuoge in coning FUNDAMENTALS. from M Io M PUG to open a 8257Harrisnn 55 Dear Editor: Thebnnuty is, it s)ays Theo auto' 50 '' Hiles, IL special education school for On bebalfofthz Saburbao Bar ' ..Lag_ grades 5 lhrts 12 al 7530 Nalchez, Coalition ofCook county and 1hz Joseph Academy.. five bur associations that it nepee- sento, I would like tu etpress oar V. The Village of Hiles will comply with the Americans With appreciatios lo the Bugle News- II Disabilities Act by making reasonable accommodations for people papers who carried our message with disabilities. lfyon or someone you know with a disability neqaim to Ike Suburban Community. accommodation far a Village Seroice nr have any questions about the Very trulyyouns, . s: u 5 Village's compliance, please contact Abe Selman, Village Munogen, William J. Haddad 1000 Civic Center Drive, Riles, Illinois, 8471588-8000. President PAGE 36 TIlE tUtELE, rIItJRSDAY, NOVEMBER tS, t95t - THE SUELE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1590 I'AGE 37 IIi-- = I = Natural gas provides a solution to High-performance rooms need Sound suggestions for parents recurring power crisis quality, high-performance paint - onmaking a home child-safe When itcomes Iointerior Children's Room side rails up when the child is in .Prevent occtdentsinthe Unbearably hot sLimmer tern- ufficiats instructed residents to Cugeueralion - the use of ines- . Quick back-up solution to tense heat esperienced this sum- painting, all tooms are net creaI- In your home us safe us it can peratureS seemed to he 'he norm stay cool, energy providers were pcnsive natural gas te generate power outages due tosevere mer. It also kept the zon running Small ohitdren can maite a big hr for your children? the crib. kitchen. The kilchen cae be o fun ed eqeot. According to esperto atmess On walls and woodwork -- .Use electrical outlet safety -- und sofe -- place forchildcre, as this past summer, not only for encouraging customers to turn electricity. A number nf Gemmer- Weather during the power outages caused the Rohm und Hnos Paint Quality Each year, more than seven butforpeople off the AC is un effort in relievecml und indusirial besinesses, . Bnoineskes run stay up and by last wintrr'n storms in the Chi- leaving oat only fingerprints, but million children are injured seri- devices. Young children and tod- long as you keep a close rye on Chicagoans, tnstitnte, rooms Ihatare subject toalso crayon marks, fuod stains throughool the country. This post the strain an their resources. Inschools, hospituts, manufacturers running during power outages - - cego area, proving that cogeerra- ously enough ai home to require dIces are often tempted to put them. Important safely tips in- mointnre, heavy traffic, and wearand other blemishesintheir their fingers into electrical out- elude using back burrero when summer,- steamytemperatures addition, commercial antI indos-and institutions all across Illinoiscugrneration eliminates the need tino systrms arrn'tjnnt a nommer and Iearareloagheroe paint medical leatmeni. Whan may be thing. wake. So it's essential to plan tels, especially Once they sturI to cooking, turnihg pot handles lo- peaking io the 90s and above trial customers were esked te ahntcerate theirown pawerou-site us- to recover costs mmmcd due to a To gel the best perfoemnece in oven more alarming, however, is brought outdoor activities to a down operations during peak pr-ing cugeneratinn systems instead blackout ervoluntaiy shutdown South Subarbun Hospitul in ahead when painting children's that the majority of these acci- crawl and walk. Protect your chit- ward the back of Ihr stove, keep- these areas, it is critical that youbedrooms andplay areas. dren by installing outlet uovers, ing silverwarr and sharp toots in u halt, canoed unhealthy canditicos duds - often when the largestnf purchasing electricity from a . Reduces operating cdsls- Hazel Carol has bada 900- select ahigh quality interior paint dents ore avoidable. In fact, es- for seniors and infants, and sent number ofworkers are producingutility. As more businesses add-power produced by an On-site co- kilowatt cugeneration system ap- What's needed is a durable peels estimate that 90 percent of which can be purchased at a hard- drawer with a safety latch and on- that offers tho right performance slain-resistuolpaintthatcan ware store. pluggingapptiances after ose. thedcrnaadforelectricityto the turgest urnaunt uf revenue.cegeneratian nynlems, lens de-generation system can reduce rraling since the early 70t, and characteristics. accidental injeries can be pre- record-breaking heights. White Wes there an atteeeative? mund is placed esa the local utility electric bills by us much as 50 lustyear Nicur Solutionsin- stand np Io frequent cleaning and dented. Kitchen scmbbing. According to Ihr ex- und the burden placed ne the eIre- percent. stalled n major addition to Ihr The kitchen is the mont used, For parents and are givers, the trie grid daring periedsof high . Hospitals' surgeries und life- hospital's cageneentian capacity peels, the beslchoiceis atop qual- first step in protecting children end often the most abused, room ily tutes paint in a pions or semi- from serious injuries is learning GRAND OPENINCELEBRATION Getyour vehide ready power usage will decrease sub-naving treatments du not have to with anew t050-tcilowaltsyntem. in any house. Since grease, spat- standully, reducing the risk ufbr postponed due to Ihr threat uf a The two systems allowed South gloss finish. ubeut accident prevention and tern and spills arr a fact of daily These paints ate highly slain- auteges foral! customers. powerontugr. - Seburban tumaintein its power making some simple changes in for winter now life in any kitchen, ir in essendat resistant and easy Io wipe down. "tensinessowuers won't need . Etiminatiun of the threat nupply during the power ontagr that you select an interior point your home. And you cue apply entra elbow Here are some practical tips on Tttr Natioaat Institute for Au- defrnsler are ist good working tu wneny abautreliabiliny and los- posed to facilities with delicately lust winter. In fact, the hospital 1h01 resists stains und offers easy 10100lireServiceExcellence cattdilion. ing revenue during peak hours conirelted environments. groase to scrub away the toughest accident prevention from the cdi- IHÁII i1IR. accepted patientn from neighbor- cleanup. stains without fear ofmmriog the (ASE),a nonprofit orgtutization Chcatr buttery strength with due to o power outage," eupluinu "Any interruption to electrical ieg hospitals that were "left in the The best paint Io use here is a lors of "The Merck Manual of tttat tests mid certittes Ute compe- professional equipment ut a re- Tom Fisher, CEO of Nicer, a service could br tragic to institu- dark." lt aba han bren in opera- sheen. Medical Information -- Home tener nf automotive reptir tech- tians like Brookfield Zon," eu- top quality inleoier lotex paint Regardless ofthe room you are availablewherever HOME & DESIGN STUDIOLTD. pairfucitity. Midwest energy supplier that of- tian during the high temperatures with a semigloss. or gloss finish. Edition," ptaieed Ralph Pilund, eperations paindug, expertsut the Paint 1ifiob ucnoopaciln dteooeec c ceiyaer niciatts, offers Ute fottowtng tips Ittsperl att lights tutd bulbs;fers sotutionn to energy nerds, in- and storms this summer. glossy- interior books are sold. on getting your vctticte ready foc rieding the inntutlution of capen- munngeratBreukfteldZoo. Higher quality Quality Institnle recórkmend that .Aecideel-proof yoer reptare booted oat bulbs. "Power reliability is a critical paints are specially formulated so . 0,01,0,, Wd, Bofl,,, co P,,oO.o, rc,oiic,racoc..,cao cotd-wcathcrds-iviug. Ilave the exltaest system eu-eratiun systems. "Our goal is lo"Fluctuations in energy nupply'issue for hospitals. South Subur- you always choose Ihr highest child's room. From the day you Co.cc,oi.0 urm ,,a C,c C31c,cflcodco Sb,,r 'wokeo, that stains remain un the surface, e Mtstocists should tend their omitted for Icuks; the trunk aitdprovide a service that mukrs'ève- may dnmpremisr the sophintical- ban's cugeneration system quality paint ta get the best per- bring yourchitd home, make sure C0.500 nba0 nt;0,]. ¿cd 5fled. tII,r,oc Cca.ulruoo rutkrr than penetrate Ihr coating. formunce. . Fccc Fiojaluog oca Sc., c,cc rl Iciott5oc nwtters mtttiutd tutU get io Use floor boards shoutd he checked r/one comfertable. Cogenoradon rd und srnsidve rtectronic con- switched on automatically when his orherroom is asafeptace. For e 0c00iiO0 Wrctt 0c01,hct.iccy R 5tji,,co0 habit of fotlowittg Ute manufac- troIs for life support systems that As a result, if you shotild get For more advice on home infants, do not une an old crib -- il for small haIrs; exhaust fornes is a phenomenal solution - it is un the electric supply went ont in grease or a sputter On the wall, it tnrecsrecointnettdcdservice are critical to the welfare nf the painting, talk Io a knowledgeable contd br missing parts and may .5. Hours: can be deadly. available, cost-efficient, reliable March," eaplained Joséph Dan- is usually a simple matter Io wipe Moo Wed-Fr: 9cv-7poTuas-Thurs I Ouo-flprv schedntes. zoo's animal collection." The zoo nulesperson at pone local paint not meet the certification require- -f.',k55 Check the conditittu ut tires; attémative pawer source." ici, manager nffncilities manage- il off with a dump sponge. 'N'ti' Sot tCcv.ópvr Sun lflpnr.hprv Correct prohteoas with hard dottI drive ott Worts tires; make Nicnr's cogenerulion systemshas u cugrnerutieo system dr- meet ut South Suburbnn. "We store, hardware store or decorat- ments of the Jevenile Products signed und installed by Nicar Sa- ing center. Or visit Ihr PaintManufaclurers' Association. To 'sb:!ehSn,,, 7544 N, MIIWOUIUOIe Ave., Starts, rough idting, stattiug, etc. sure die spare is okay und the tire providemany benefits: were able lo maintain normal Bathroom (Whoro Corlear Puf. & M:Iurouboo Aun. Moot n Nibs) bcftseecttd weuther sets iii. jack is in good wstrkittg cstudi- . Businesses have more coo- letiens that has bern operating hospital procedures and our pa- Quality Institute Web siteal: preveul injuries, make sure the Moke reOaitl Use heater und Bathrooms und lonedey rooms http://www.panntquulity.com. Milwaukee - Without incident during the in- mattress fits snugly and keep alt 242 teal avertheircorrgy use tients were unoffected by the peesenlotherchullengrs foe mIre- 7734671 power outage." inc paint -- namely, high hamndi- HOURS Unpredictable electric prices IP, fluctuating temperatures, and and quastionabte supplies have waler splashed onto the wails. A V. . s-:t° ;:: We're The Inside guys If it ted In businens decision-makers Becunse ufthe presence of exces- placingincreased importance on sire moisture, a major concern Is techeotagies that attow them to, mildew, but moistare can also be in control nf their ewe power PLUMBING & HEAliNG SUPPLY doesn't , contribule IO more cerions paint t,tetghbnrhnnd townCare Teem. supply. Sorne cugenerution ces- failuees like blistering und peel- American Carrier turners use the system to produce all the power they need, while HEATINGBCOOLING To help protect your paint job turn others peedece their own power. 7850 N. MILWAUKEE, NILES we'llr from these potential problems, it during espeunive peak-energy is important to choose a quality SPG CARE Visit Our Showroom - Great times and purchase electricity interiorpaint Ihatis formulated lo pggOING during off-peak houes.Either LfiW4CP.RE .DEEp BOOT GOT A GAS GUZZLER? yourdough. resist mildew growth. Paints that SpMYII1G Prices Oú A Large Inventory! way, they have' Ihr control to .pEtt'ttL1tRG gOIITR0L 'I'R are specially labeled as "bath- CRIB GRISa&WEED pRIEEStiMATES Before our Weathermaker High Effkieny Gus make the system work exactly the room paints" are certainly in ihm way they Want, in Ihr most cost- .tttSEC't & hrnuce, your only hohe was to buy u - ualegory. .coRECULTiAm0N Nøw Open efficient manner. As a bonus, top quality paints CALL -BROAN® SUNDAY - Nicer has taken the lead by as- ESTIMATE furnace thut used gas more effidently. With alteuhavesuperioradhesien, FOR FREE 10-2 PM - sisting- customersmitIn prodac- 863.6255 which helps them maintain u bet- - (708) Weuther-moker you suve on eletrK costs, too. tiun and inslaltatiun of cogenera- 1er grip en walls, ceilings aud tiousystemsiotheGreater woodwork os an added measure NO OBLIGATION FREE ESTIMATES Chicago area. As on energy pato- of protection against blistering, 0er, Nicor is committed to help- peelingaud utherprublems. : -. ing commercial and industrial rl customers explore potential euer- $20000 gy cost sovings. lt offers free np- Re bat etIRES orating cost analysis to help idee- Get your hands . 11-30-98 tify feasible regeneration nNot Good ¡n Conjunction With Any Other Offer applications und wilt assist quali- on new bathroom We:UflO to buy enO,5fl uni Craver b ecaune scure sonrornoe ,riaht nor sf00? For a Irmiird rrr, Iced customers to obtain engi- reading buyafen Juronnoo t Cr000: and our r,cIUnjVOTORO. : nearing, consulting and financing s_no froh aueranteecanvranu p ro 50% back. kj2 o sources as needed. For more io- The "We Want You lo Love FINANCING AVAILABLE Ifir y fvnnrsfOO . ori troturn your doua?: formation on cogenerotioo can- _i Your Bathroom" geidebook is tact Nicer at t-888-Nicor4u (t- overflowing withfacts,ideas *200.00 offer goodon purchase of both 888-642-67481 or visit the Nicer and inspiralion.The 30-page A Complete PlumbIng & Heating Get up to 50/ back w th Toro S no Risk Guarantee Web site at www.nicoriec.com, color brochure offers interesting MIKE NITTI Supply House . Sheet Metal Products Heating & Cooling units combined Providing reliable creepy see- tir,.nÉvIes a" "iqite designs . MotorsHumIdifiers bicos to cnslonters for more that ..- - of tau. ItiIi .'C. bath- CEMENT CONTRACTORS 40 years, Nicor is the parent corn- Call WE CARRYALLMAJOR RRANDS OF WATER HEATERS puny of Nicor Gas, the largest (773Ç9731, S&s ee /4 61 ItLENIII tttPR)3° efJ, AUTHORIZED SALE AD SERVICE Kitchens/Vanities/WhirlpoolsíBaths noterai gas distribution company lPttItl tIPiS RtClPIEItttFTHtJmr FREE ESTIMATES 6310W Lincoln Ave,Morton Grove 8113 N, MILWAUKEE AVE., NILES, IL in ttlinoisand the fifth largest io Pienso 01511 our Web Ste at theuor MedicineCabinets/hoods/Fans/Heaters the oation. As Nicor's priocipul (847) 965-6606 Niles, Illinois - (847) 967 2200 (847) 966-2223 subsidiary,Nicar Gas screen *asai at1 E muer thon 1.9 million customers. 1iiE BuGLE,'mnjRsDAy,NovgMIlcltïd,i761i0 PAGE h

PAGE 38 TRE BUGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1998 Rùrrection labOratory- Booklet steers travelers to Leärn more about Cardinal blesses new medical öffice tours that are rightfor them yourheritage receives accreditations tu an effort ta direct potentialwhy" Beve factors shooldhc con- This booklet is offered free to building at Holy Family travelers towards Ike khtd of trip sideced. 000sumers. VonlageDetuve Two accreditatioBs Were re- anlary,"saidGlobNedznl, EsrAupair Seternalional Child toms while at the same lime, have they can alferileasily and will en- Topics covered iti the bookletWocldTcavelcau tar mocked Toll cently aw&ded to the Laborare- M.D., Medical Director of the joy the movl, Vaentge Deluxe Care Progrom, a non-proSt. pub-the chance to share the Atoerican include au csplaoatioo of 1501clFace al(800) 784-0935 col. 20, or lie benefil arganieatioe. has vol- I, at ResarrectioB Medical Con- Laboralory."Resareectino. has World Travel Itas pablivheal a ratiogs, pcicitlg, locals, sctrcdal- way of life with eager young ter, 7435 Talcoll Avenue, ufler sought the accredilalions to as- Vil the krlenoct lit unleer opportunities which canadults from overseas. EurAupoie ho helpfal aew illustroled bcsakletiteg dIno of year, escorts mesI www.vattlOgelr24Vel.cOm. intensive OB-site inspections by visIin achieving standards al called "I-low lo Pick dteTrip TItat help yoa learn more about yourCnmmnoity Counselors are reim- gaides, special events attd sight- keritage. As a EueAupuie volue- nationalaccreditingorganiza- professional and medical exper- Soils You flest...A Cttccklist foe seeittg. bursed for their expenses, receive lisethat eontribste loqaatity Ctrnositrg aTour or Croise." rene Commonity Counselor, yonmalerials and Irainieg, and be- lire conleilt of the bac,ktet is will interview potential host fam- came a part of uo "international The Laboratoryreceiveda performance. Thepocket-sized 16-page based ou more dma 15 ycues ex- Youknow what charm two_year accreditation from the guide listo key iletos to cottsidcr ums and 0es 05 a counselor forfamily" ofyoong adolts, families periecce itt coofditlalicg attd Eu- is: a way of-getting the young adults from Scandinavia, College nf Amnnicon Pátholo- wheo plouttittg a travel ititterney, pleencutiog tours and cruises to answer yes without hay- and program representatives. s.- ' -- gists (CAP). Resurrection Medi- Health Capsules parlicolarly au escorted toar pro- Feance, Italy, Spain, Germany, If yoa wast to explore yoar both dmoeslicand overseas desli- ingaskedaclear Seuth Africa, Thn Ceech Repub- cal Centers Laboratory, one àf . grow,Alottg with eletnenlatytlatioos. Vaalage Itas escorted hesiloge while sharing Ike ealtueo 5,000 CAP-accredited laboralo- The pain reliever ibapeofon question. lic, Estonia, Japan ned Frenchof America please call Kathy taken with caffeine (about what prittcipot.s to thitlk abituI whenmore dran 250,000 Iravelert ou - Albert Camus speaking Canada Yea will loareCandill at (847) 726-0862 for far- nos nationwide, was awarded makittg tmvel choices, the batIk- its Memorable Joaraeys sitice its you'd get from I-2 caps of cof- The Fall about different ealluros and ens- deer information. tise occreditoilon based on Ihr let also gives detzdled "reasons ieCeplioa in 1983. excellence of services being pro-fee) -appears lo bring faster and vided. longer-lasting relief foe tension headaches. J "CAPinspectors xaminrd . the -records and quality control Smoke detectorsredace for the pont two years on stell osrisk of death in home fires by - 60%, new dala shows. staffqualifications, eqoipmenl - Iand facilities, laboratory safety Japanese ramen cae be high Shown (loft lo right): Sister Marie, Provincial Sapenor of the Sinters of the Holy Famdy ofNazareth, and management,': said Maeyann in fat. Why: The noodles are pee- Sponnoio ofHoly Family Medical Center, Hin Eminence, Francio Cardinal George, CMI, SisterPatriciaAndrews, Director ':f the Labor-ceoked by steaming, Ibén dried by deep frying, often using highly Ann, FresidentandCEO, HoivFamilyMedicalCenter. alor). "It's an honor to be nclad- ed among other facitities across saturated lord orpaim oit. A directory of area professionals and services 0e Taesday, October 20, His foot bailding for which conslrac- The Donovan Atrium, con- the conntrythat excelin the Eminence Francis Cardinal lion is now cotnplrte. The build- nectingthe Medical Office Build- overall quality and serxice pro- George, 0Ml, performed a dedi-ing's second and third floors ace ing to Holy Family Medical Con- vidnd to patients." To Advertise InThis Guide CauSandy Greene (847) 588-1900 calion and blessing ceremony at Open andhonse avarinty of physi- 1er, Was named in memory of Mr. The Lahotolory's Blond.Bank Holy Family Medical Cenler's cian practices inclading orthope- Thomas Donovan, generoas ben- received accreditation with corn- new Medical Office Building 01dies, rheamatology, family prac- efactor and former governing meadalions from Ihe American 150 N.River RoadinDes lice, internal- medicine, booed member at Holy Family. Association of Bleed Banks, P. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Plaines. cardiology,dermalology and The spacious, glass enclosed cir- based on a high level of medical, Toget rid oa strange nsalti-speciallypractices.The entar atriom features a coffeg bar technical ar,d administralive per- oven odors, place a few The Cardinal was also prevent first floor, slated lo open in early and direct access to Ike Medical formance sel forth-by the associ- lsolaor-tsotnus . lstalslt-671a PAGER (n) 01 the groondbreaking ceremony 1999 will be home to a large or- Cenler from the office boildiog otioo'sSlandordsforBlood large orange peels on a 18471 174.5920 VO (CE MAIL Otìiw and blevsing held last sommer for thopedics practice os well os an vio on indoor bridge. Banks and Transfasion Services. rack and heat at325for 114710w-OlIn FOO.50S.7445 REGIOESCE RFAI»( thelhree-slnry, 57,000 square MRI. "Both accreditations orn vol- _-aMurinn ReulturV, Inc. AliStars lo to15minutes. OHELLOYBERKSON ssno DHmynter Dirent Toni Brens, CRS, SRI Morton 0500e, Illinois 60053 Broker Notary B unineun H47-967.S500 Shelly y Bl-UeguolI EegtinhlPoltsh COLDWELL BANKER FaIT 847-965-5600 7900 N. Milwaukee Ase. Berknoe Toll Fino 500-2n3-n021 MARTIN & MARBRY Niles Resident Oak Mill Mull - Cuite 30 w C0I,DWCLL Residenen 847-965-1774 Wiles, llïnnin 68714 M AL BANIÇRR G ce,Oanw, arnew.,A Juneph R. Hedrick (847) 965-3768 (847) 965-4286. REALTOR' rann ci A Directory of AreaMedical Services w h,,,,de,w,e,A,5,e,,,onrv,ew rl,b,. ,,c,ee,, u,,k,, Ree 0r0051,1,, ,,e ee.eaewe,60 Office Hume '1 To Adveìtise In This Guide Call J IÑTERNET REAL ESTATE Sandy Greene 847-588-1900 INSURANCE -

p Voll Desees, CRe, CR5 y u,cku,luunale AMERICAN FAMILY cølk4' Ce,tit,ed Sneidenlial 5 peoal,o Jeffrey S. Zeller D.D.S. Telepheen 773-ms-anse - I0 fl111,I zr H _2L AD7DHOMraWaSHcWH6aFr WEB HOST PROS Ceauhlight ReHlIy, Inn. LwdAt wen OnsTING, EtuIoN,aaTIInnINu, 9x6080 1115155E DENT-I1tBh DENTAL SERVICES HAEMIN CHONG pnngontos, EIuITALPHOTO0I4SPSrI 775v Ness Miluuakun 5esun HAROLD J. KRINSKY B.J. Esberner & Associates, Inc viles. IlIino,o 00714 . tmptwtS RONALD A. PODRAZA D.D.S. Huelneun lu4ll 567-9325 - - riltinee INTERNET Cofl5eaIteet Geotledenlivt,y,fara u,eerel Deotletry Fm 16471 567-5375 lifelifle of beaolifal smiles FacoLiftBe»te,...... tant w.. Entmai we.ttepair & M0000s50504, 1LL15015 60055 D D S Pati,,t D nosoee ...... $355 w.- RontCexete Beeline (847) 583-9220 Pager 1547) 606.0518 Pwwtni,,Cw,a ...... Rateo.. Cea,eelie . Oume Dey PAnse OFF. aap.set.utm ray u47.mt.rom Retine...... 550 en. Hnedieg Servire Bies MtIwHnlsee Ane, BItes. IL 60714 C $50 OFF FIRST VISIT WITHAD) 07557 AcaSOs Aunily MoIrai t erciese, Conpesy eedileeobniIieee 6424 Nnrthwest erta. HnsrnByAppatntesant www.webhostpros.com ORtO-ata INAD FOR FREE fl'InTIAL EXAMINAtiON ASSI, OtO se-Med Sos, aie. 53763 Sltp(Illaao.antae.SOit moi WOOTFETEI1SON AVE, 5nITt3t6 CHICAGO, 1160646 Near Heme end Hurtem net. end EnenIngs 7515 N. Harten Aoe. ChleuHe, 1150631 Aaeltebte Pltnrse 773-ras-9666 - - Chtsngn, tItsnIn nessi (7731 631-9700 .i HOME INSPECTIOÑ SERVICE INSURANCE p DENTIST, PODIATRIST DONATE YOUR CAR ° TRUCK Before you Invest it... MOTORCYCLE BOAT Make sure you Inspect it! TEL 847-696-3240 - AMERICAN FAMILY NILES DENTAL CARE (ANY CONDITION) TO 0 E.t FAX847-696-0988 ...Dr. Thomas M.- Kiely a.. - I 0 I-t'i Dr. Deen Rahim, D.D.S., D.M.D. aam some etmuI000sleALmLi,r -ne,dCv,tirhr rovluvdnnk-I,su,ge,y J. ///,/0°hr Thomas J. Jankowaki 8700 W. Dempster, Suite 212 . Dipl s,, I, flnnicee Oe,,,l 1Poli,,l,j vo,g,ry THE ARK . Me,,,brfl ,,,e,j,.,,l;,,l a llljl,Clel'aiel,i, M,Oi,CIAS,v .1 MARINA STANOJEVIC Yatr IRS Tax Dedactible ContrIbution of your uned ¿_ '0h Nlles 847/470-1950 7400 NORTH WAIJIAGEAN ROAD, Nues, IL(847) 827-5252 . UaOpa,e . - y ceninoe. vehIcle wlIlhelp The Ark help the thousands edmtenam, neauen & Stdft '_I PEaFECOIGN Issiecitox INC. 2ND FLOOR SOuTH. GUITE 3 . Mont O,scoevu . - S3lcJ5k;.._iitofet5an of need famlllea who depend on un. NILES, ILLINOIS 60714 Complete Exam.2to4X-Raya 00 . HMO'S, FF05, POS . DENTAL ASSOCIATES, LTD $ ,À,u111cnr is the parcelcom- ext. 270 today! Satisfaction Guaranteedl PHONE OFF. 447-5n0.2s44 tn,eknt5,1e2ertaee DR. D. E. GRAUER Call(773'973e1O0O, PAn. 547.5005645 and PROFESSIONAL CLEANING Fier billet c05g'mnfNtcor Gas, the largest SII tLINllsNohrRlIIrtRtBoJfOI S,,blar. Reculan H sI,ees DR. S. M. SHIPRA I 01757 VmrrAa I, F e,,,, Ip MAcu I ns,,,cve Cor,rpo,,y 505 ll5SlOSl41515 teal gos distribolion company l?tcaL twIT ttgpitn IATHEJIII7I6 FR1111101 IF CILCAGI $25.O0 off wIth thin ad! DR. M. RUCHTA lIre15 II IilS-OadiSS,, W,s 53783 111101Ion,« v,,,lle,,en, Accept All Dental Insurances, CMOs, PPOs, 9101 N. Greenvta'lllieois and the fifth largest in Reme 51911 nat Wnh Sun al OiSMIARKCIAICAGIT.ORS Prinale and Public Assistance, Harmony and - tot Semi, Wanst sanos. Pack R,nae, tLLIsOIs 6006n 847.2trt-the nation. As Nicer's principal SIGNATURE PLANS. sabsidiary,Nicar Gasserves -- more Ibas 1.9 million castomers. Tilt BUGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1990 PAGE 4i PAGE 40 TIlE BUGLE, ThURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1990 I_ASSI FI EI AIVEFFS I N« ° ,o.o.eo0seos' InTsions FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULLIPART TIME USE THE BUGLE Iassifîeds NILES BUGLE FULLIPART TIME FULL/PART TIME - II' .s as0 .°-' os..'.. 055ss5t . MORTON GROVE BUGLE °co .,,. ' MEDICAL/ -° MEDICAL I I-IEALTHCARE (847) 588-1 900 GOLF MILL/EAST MAINE BUGLE CUSTOMER SERVICE I-IEALTHCARE

. INFORMATION ON CLASSIFIED ADS Read, Nile., IL. 00e OffIce lo Open - Meedey then Friday, Veo Cas Place Yesar Clanuifled Ada by Calling (n4il see.lnuO or Come Te Oar Office In Person Abt 7400 Waukenue Health Cure s AM. te S P.M. DEADLINE FOR PLACING ADS IS TUESDAY AT 2 P.M. Contain Ads Must Be Pre.Paid In Adnafleot BasleeuvOpportanity, Fer Sole, Mlorollaeeeas, sAmerSrvic e NURSING Mesieg Sale, Personels, Sitaetleno Wonted, Or lt The Advertiser Lines Oatoide Of The nonIos Normet Clrauletlon Aree. CNA OPPORTUNITIES If peo hove n genuine interest in curing ter the elderly upply For e sss Sign On Bonus $$$ corear ut one Insg term core facility serving 16e elderly tor over lOO NEW Easperiente Scale tffective yenes. FULL/PART TIME FUILJPART TIME FULLJPART TIME FULLJPART TIME FULL/PART TIME Chxngx ix crextixg rewardixg opportu- i 1/1/98 nAjes for you with Xerox. Increased RN/LPNs PT (DAYS) & REGISTRY oppurtccnidre 0cv available loryoca lo build Wscld peu Ike Is nub bren xrgteitslisr lital seos aInsinc? Isok sta fortiorI Everyonea name for yourself with eue of the best CNAs IIDPH Registryl FT & PT ALL SHIFTS CLERICAL/OFFICE .CLERICAL/OFFICE Bethsry nevuse Ncsirg Crrtrr tes foIl- ACCOUNTING! ADMINISTRATIVE known nomos inAmeeloan business. OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES tenerI IsIsuastrissiftnttelst . NSAs (bedmoker) FT DAYS Ful time. auto)' level peofessiuxel rIeSco sil shifts. Prier repetierst alb isrltrietr't APPLY IN PERSON NO APPT. NEC.) MON-FRI 9:00 AM. . 400 P.M. paliers la bripfal. positions ute waiting loe friendly peuple For vestisteoorsidtrstist,sentad cr1559004pclem culviogulilhla, rumanos Norwood Pork Home EL9R lrhejnborrmrdroueO,Ihasis.l SslrsoServlces, EXPERIENCED GENERAL OFFICE Cyulbie Lao et f471 085-lilt, Est. 238 so io,enee, - telephcoe etiquette, mcdPCfamiliarity. juurd riet/oral onon/Chicagulund suuciroputcbiostalliugllnnr. Moeofeotsrseg cnmp anyree do o stop by. 6016 N. Nina Avenue, Chicago, IL 60631 lanoSa4 srj sel.. ainsad OsOsa a isis o, Xerox. Responuibilitiru irolade soleo coppers ,oOiOu,o, h clinosonun clynt corre, uppununitira. Cusecolly, Soles Dept. nleek/lypist with 2 peor. lNr. N.W. Hmy & Eesf uf Harlem by Mescal Osee i., Sites ord nsoothbnsk. ioxditing/ process Ingordeecand BETHANY TERRACE issilireord ,sOos,s,so,aiss/osi., eors,is,n Wc uro .scorch/u g fur: - Needed Fee Busy Skokie Medioal ofbisteoperiense .Mast typa 60 rrsulciug custom erinquities ,billing NURSING CENTRE Tel: 773-63 1 -4856 Fox: 773-631-480 S opI Cend d te M f Be A P stgd on thkIl Now,we want ut m yeSosas iorkv ADMINISTRATIVE qsarusiOOs00cautomac coloctioxo issues. 8425 N. Wackegas Rd. ECl yioow.00totee,eiies i::' SoIf-Sterter, Detail-Oeieebest With At least one yaaeex peeienco io order ASSISTANTS eo'Iietfoparseile Morton Grono, IL 60053 - edisiog, billing, coil center or customer FOX: 8471 965-8965 doo,rtum.Ns,thhroak Bollseg Eaokgrooed. with geneeous sampoop benePsis. toget to collrotiuna is recuietd. PROFESSIONAL R sa dre I oy o o CUSTOMER C Il O Sd R n 1q001Oppootority inoployar Nd CRT/D tE fry Sto il A M f OPPORTUNITIES d Mrs. Morgen -nuArc Co. Inc. If you'ee o self-stutter louSing loe en OSHW. Obsey str..t - - SERVICE REPS 0oly Metiretesl Ceisdisloles 62Of1W. Howard St. knowyou. uppnesuoisysobuilde comrrouilsohcgbly Need Apply respected cumpsny, tako a closer look at =n= - GENERAL - HEALTH CARE/HOME OFFICE CLERKS CornpehtsveSatary (847) 9674400 these full sima uppoetunisieu offering CustomerAccount euceilent compeissesion, ousssooding s Sgn On Bonus $ . REPORTER .hoscriiss aasil.sumpany peidlouieing. CNA°S and Companions RECEPTIONISTS Fax Resume To Patty At: Specialist Work Evenings - txt't get tobilow redo ósior-be55r Hourlp and Ene-it O'Ffare xea OpportunhlieO. DATA ENTRY (8471 965-8867 SECRETARY PladaìprsvsumslyuXapni)Atth putihoes asoilable Covering Board Meetings For ADMINISTRATIVE -'o $1 9,000 - $22,000 annuallyStailfng. Dpt..... 350 Nòetbwest il mg ;n IMMEDIATE OPENING Icr Chisogn aed lib bi m ny Highwop ParkRidge, IL 6tlt8; FAX surraonsiisgsoburbs. The Bugle Newspapers si e Prominent Referm Syoegegne 773.300-3676.' .EqsidflOpportunity -, end dcii goccicunponirsu hitr using yuso skills GENERAL English spnskie9. .' In tersie misg ir Ilighlord Parb Experience Preferred h f Il , ssltgh p /il OFFICE dIsh ook Seek Ontg ADMINISTRATIVE i, uh nc Id Cullfor or sppsitlssres Call: (847) 588-1900 Orteil Niles Cempesy Needs PAen Wills People AnsIIs Able To Mendsp-Fricioy SUPPORT r -, West Deerfield TIME 20-25 Heurs A Weak/Vent Aroept Respeesibiloly. Aub loe Mary nr Enrio Ask For . - M'I k & XEROX Geoie S. May International Lak°nRd. Roord Peroer. Corefol Dote letra', Must Er Ceespater Literefe Gentle Home Services, Inc. gnmnssn Rutted Kenpisg, For Pers::csl Interview Call: THE DOCUMENTCOMPANY. 847-432-9 00 Company is one of the - 547537.7fJf7 TECHNICIAN RESTAURANTS! worldes oldest and largest [email protected] Eeokkeeping Enperierce A Plus. (847) 559-5800 PART-TIME FOOD SERVICE Management Consulting Call: (847) 641-7197 CUSTOMER SERVICE liare Health Will Train Needed Immediately: Prepolory Dspt. Nends Pecses (84;)6477T48 CAN YOU COUNT? WAITRESSES COMPUTERS AIDES met Likes Io Work challengingposthonopen We Need DependablePeople To Count .ORDER TAKERS onorulsn,rrncrr,on Wills Their I-beds Inventory In RetaI Stores. Join Our Counting .HOMEMAKERS Full-Time/Part-Time for an individual who Mid-Land Haynes COMPUTER Staff Starting At $8-$12/Hoar Depending Upon possessesstrong word . LIVE-IN'S Call Vince At: COMPUTER USERS Skills. Weird Hours. No Experience Necessary. Dental Laboratory CLERK NEEDED -- Foe Pebete Daly Home Cure (708) 867-7770 processing skills and tIse - . INVENTORY 9015 N. Milwaakee veins1 BANKING OPPORTUNITIES Short Teens & i.oeg Term Ceses organizational abilityto EXCELLENT INCOME RGISSPECIALISTS (847) 966-4705, V1NCE'S RESTAURANT WObRddWOkOffSdO5lek. 1-800-348-7186 Pieuse Coli KnIly .9 AM- 4 PM Harlem & Lawrence work well in o fast paced Duhsg 8mph EtAy insel bsseMeg 3223 (847) 296-3031 . . ueeoe.ersP'sro.soss Equal Opperimoily Enspioper. (847) 647-51 I RESTAU RANTS! /multutosk environment. We currently hase thefelluwing position eneilelele lordependebie, EetioCeseputaeespmiensoeNeeessaeyl FOOD SERVICE RETAIL Someofyourduties - snebveind self-sterbers with stoble werk hiotory. We offer a good selsary/benelit pookege iecloding nompony.metshed ESOP. - MARKET RESEARCH would include preparing - i -888-568-1498 Our ctasaified ads reach DENTAL TELLER -Glenvlew - Full-Time more people per week for documents, typing Our classified ads reach Retell RETAIL SALES Deleil-uriested indieido?l wEh 6 nenths teier or heuus snob bundling '847 51 8-8 92 the least amount of dotlarS. WAITRESS sss EARN $$$ more people per week for Chisonoionsl's lestosi nrono answering phones and astis bnlennseg eepnrieece. We cover the near northern DENTAL ASSISTANT Cell Or Apply le Pcrsun . . . . the least amount at dollars. furniture, eiruteosiss orti epplisece filing. We offer campehhve Most hune euseileef inlerperoonel skills, geod ligare eptifude end suburbs and the northutde DENTAL RECEPTIONIST EXTRA MONEY - ROSSINI'S retailer is looking Far lull bee Soles Grext We cover the near northern nhility to crocs'oell book products. of Chicago with 2 Insertions F0Ç P/1. Exp orioxxo . Market Research Astmiateo mba maci be sesO lee compensation and a great PART TIME Opportonity. BnI1Çx. Pxrk Ridgo/ suburbs and the northside 8808 Milwaukee Ave themselons and their customers. er week. Company Needs benefits package. BANK OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS, N.A. SECRETARY Dxx PIxinx. of Chicago with 2 InsertIons Niles Ne sales rsperirecen. MALES & FEMALES per week. See how your We procide soperior, os-guies r Call (847) 724-9000 Fer Interview Aprcninhssent Or Call 847-299-8999 LM. Corner of guiris9. Musi be sut-gning orti Interested parties please Secretary for Doctor's Office, money can work for you by FAX recense with cover letter to Nomon Reseoroes . . BUGLE NEWSPAPERS of all ages - Milwaukee & Dempster deloil orirntrd und vetting to help forward your resume to: Golf Mdl Shopping Center, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BUGLE CLASSIFIED To Partwipate in puttIng your ads In both unsttmers Red their needs. OFFICE HOURS Our Soirs desenlutes eons Flexible Hrs. Spanish A Plus editions of The Bugle. t ( 847) 263-4968 - (847)-297-5555 s.epo E/O/E M/F and ADS GET RESULTSt TASTE TEST 57.73 ne hucr Orsonmissiot, DEADUNES Ask for Roseann mhiohconcishighee. 8476356490 - on son at it rende? Inris. George S. May Aserene revois gsieeusess of - Oar unions oro booted ob 74S Place your ad now CAl.L International Co. Notice Weakeges Rund, Hiles anti we urn 525K with 550c parnetiai. mm005 only, vam.Spnr. teem lar serene edvanseorroni. Baule Newopopers eessrues the right al any tImo tu ntasutty all adnee. NOTICE PERYAM A KROLL 303 S. Northwest Highway °°Ie471 sua. ReveRts prsuidrd. Nuco hiring si ttneniento and ta relect eny aduertisisa deemed oblectieneble. We Th.B9Ie do.It BUGLE CLASSIFIED ADS inno N. loso Anno. Rtmkeee, erais. . NOTICE te P sace your edn. Oar deed. 6323 N. Avondole cennet be respenniblo for nerbal ntetnnsents In nontllnt with eur pull. bat to octeto .dv.rt0s.ments for Park Ridge0 IL 60068 -mBanieNewnpopere dues its II fer all insertlens ter nur 16300 No4W- 7300 Wnsll ARONSON eles. Ail Help Wanted uds mast efoeoity the cesare uf the work offered. hect te noreen adnsrsieeonents tar th.lr .uTh.otiolty ond l.çitbrr.cy. or -r rudoy oditieneisTuesdoy flow.ver, wo Cannot b. responsi- GET RESULTS Furnirore/uppliosors/Elestronios eagle Newspeptrn does ens knusaingiy ensept Help wonted eduertlelng their eathenslclty nod Ieultlmeuy. (713) 774.3155 toe u/rio/s i bliil t 2pm C II bi. for oli din. prodoxto end 1h e a; tb P Ank Per Jack FAX 847 825 7937 y it t AlehtAt novices of adventism. Hre Iph StChI I ins d EOE M/ e etwet usi. IL 3l2.193'6490. . servioes of edneetiseeo. TIlE BUGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1998 PAGE43 ThE BUGLE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1998

: CLASSIFIEDS FULLJPART TIME FULLIPART TIME F(JILIPART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULLJPART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS PERSONALS RETAIL TELEMARKETING TRADES TRADES POWEPJULPRAY!RIO1HEIIOLf1ÎIE APTS. FOR RENT - FULL TIME . AUTOS FOR SALE ¼ TI EkAADITUPI th4"& i.tos odr.f,srost,i.. ï THE GLASS GALLERY LIMITED i.I.&.IyWpII%L I II .PermanentPosiflons . ------_ (Golf Mill Mall) WAREHOUSE PERSONNEL NiÇea-7630 N. Møwouk,o Avo.itodroons Our Premier Holiday Gift Kiosk To Sell Advertising-For Niles Newspaper LIFEGUARDS NEEDED $575.S6OOAvoflobI,12/1/98 Buick FLOOR HELP ) Needs Honest, Self-Starting Individual par4Time_oAAA_DAA I For Part-lime Help From Nov. 7-Dec. 3 f Pres r thIes Family Fitness Center 79-CodjIIo,-EId,.tw MS. Retail Or Management Skills A Plus! 23 Days A Week .SHIPPINGJ RECEl VING Good Cand-T.Top-Aloom Syotro ,Lo ioseoa1.sd.mss,. IE Day-Evening & Weekend Hours Available Experienced If you're dependable, outgoing and love REAL ESTATE 53,000(047) 6472042 10-30 Hours Per Week - $7.$1O/Hour + Bonus Plan (847) 588 i 900 St. Jade's Nov000 DRIVERS the water, we't! train you to be an LOREN tucc,myurtouj CAW 9 AM - 9 PM . . lR CO O Rood GI mow Ask For Beverly Truck&Van American Red Cross Certified Lifeguard T 1Ó2BW kw 1-800-466-4527 Good Benefits - 401K PIan O,r,er,,,, .- C , Oi' 700) 729-t950 , ooil4, nowol tesor. tosed eset st . \ 4' N ,,,,,,r e,,,01,, I,,.. loso,, posy tot os. St. Jodo, woke ot OpporhJnhty For Growth All applicants must meet the following Criteria and FOR SALE lib STORE RETAIU , O%E rERE TRADES wrn1th8c::nY be able to perform the following pro-Course skills: ts,.00?rsinooys.osthesioiiiii,ioy ASSOCIATES SALES -,,ir,,d!fl hfl «e» ,, oie proeri osti b. siawest it baa never Full & Part Time UnrversalPress SnowllirowerCsohoeor3 1F. bees koow, to td. Pobtosiios root h. --i--- - p,oerieTh 9ev It. Jedo. BO. ------,----.--- Must be i 5 years or older Amoit New-PesteA Ruedrg c,rdeo,. Chxngondsiargest. , reimkIof. --i.., 61 25 W. Howard GREATOPPORTUNITY DRIVERS , Must be able to swim.500 yards continuously S175/E-l84t65-22 Niles "e, energetic, customer oriented indi- HOLIDAY $$$$ Part Time-No Experience Necessary using Crawl Stroke, Breaststroke, and Sidestroke. SITUATIONS vi mi sor our North Suburban EOE CHICAGOLAND AREA . C o WANTED lamImos to perform o vurtely uf Tem,rcey/Puei-Gme Mini Bus $8.65 . Big Bus S I 2.00 Must be able to submerge 7 feet under water FURNITURE store functions. Qualified per5000 yoowiIIrspeen t Iwdng toy Experienced Bus Drivers Can Start 4 and retrieve a i O lb. object. , is'i FOR SALE muSthEpver21yoWSofOt8abI DIRECTOR OF - . f,,m0,0 b,ek 5C Ofl:eWtfl Noeny Needed in N:Ieo At$13/Hour And Up Must be abie to treaa water rar 2 minutes 4 ,onp,4orm,,gbwicrnerchondi 4 ,y IWo,k Plus 10% Performance Bonus Monthly!I... MAINTENANCE AND 52 DESIGNER MODEL HOME Li0hi clo,nieg/Cwkirg Prevtovoretotl oxperience pro. ingre ponoihfli8,,inchdingmodruie using legs oniy. s s'. CUSTODIAL SERVICES FURNITURE CLEARANCE SEPTRAN needs responsible drivers who enloy children Nues S.D. #71 .. . 9 ,m99,i i,nS: 95::, 9 5,,/i$ Sots Huele, Green 5495, Hoer Cor & EoueIl,ei Ret. "° th,r ownIrnbI, rcnoprtoIin. "thn 29,,,, sotlon ond o complete benefits for routes in the Northwest Suburban area. Will train on M th Fll,r os For Additional Information Contact: EoObIOO5 ssm 5,j'l/Rosliasr 3. c,II A,,,. (47) 125-2945 h4 g e p easy to drivefully automatic school busesvans & Kristy Hufford pirns $1 195- soto white S35O tiouRcons d ration Plea(all P . . ,o: 95 e." Aleo, Nolde, FloraS, fLora, Et,. 9 passenger subtorbans. A oil bi D beI Village of Ni es c H ma R Pis,, 8w se,me . Am,: M. Stsoshw D g Room OrlelOPoue Femo TANNING ti4dM,rk,4ng& Paid Training Fue Informmtiun Coil: 51395-che,,,', Moh000ny, Ook, : Hours/Day i 000 Civic Center Drive (847) 674-4200 Dr.Eugene Zalewski ,,,,,: 'r ,, 'sen,, o 9:r- Whit,. Esa.Eedroe,r, Sets From Si 640, Chic,go, 1L60610, O i Or Apply: ' :Transportation to & from work for minivan & suburban t i " WOLFF TANNING BEDS (3121 943-1616 7474. : Nsles EIern. School IT $995 BINNY'S BEVERAGE DEPOT drivers. ¡f you are over 2 1,with a good driving record DIstr. 71 ALSO HIRING: (847) 329-41 1 9 or TAN AT HOME 5 00 W. Dempster St. . 9' en,,' 5e,,, n e,,,,,, i nay ORICT md 5AVOI & valid DL for 3 years CALL lODAVI 6901 W. Ockton Water Attendants & Locker Room Attenaants ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,, (630) 778-3433 co,,mosaiol/Homo oobs treos 999e Skokie, IL 60077 , Nues, IL 60714 Poymerile i.,IO;e.aeri,pI.r' SALES Seniors Welcome -Drug Screen Required . No Experience Needed i (847)966-9280 uo,aoi Oak Spindle Joweile Red Cell TODAY i 800-71 i-018 SEPTRAN (847) 392-1464 e'0 ç9re Like New . irtort Gino Clniiring/ . Ext. 107 th,ua file O rail, th NEW RETAIL STORE Somenek Pastries 2161 Foster - Wheeling Si oes-tic A te Toddler . ,. .,..:.... OPENINGSOONN .pon9ngIssoIe,Fos. " . "'' '.. 10471 967 7279 W5 e,,Tw, hA-5m, i g h WANTED TO BUY NILES LOOKING FOR e' MAINTENANCEMECHANIC SNOW PLOWERS '. FULL & PART-TIME HELP N OW YOU CAN liv gleom&De F rolo w'ty Experienced In ProduclionUne Maintenance, General WANTED WITH NEWER Tbl&p CASHIERS TRUCKS TO PLOW OUR ADVERTISE MORE ° or5'Y'' R ,,m, ro: Welding And ElectricalSkills Would Be Helpful. ISTZS1O-5938 STOCK PEOPLE COMMERCIAL SITES 96s%3j7201 'i 1900 N. Mciwrnokee Ave. Wages To Fit ExperienceAnd Skill Level. FLORAL DEPT. LONG HOURS. FORLESS' 5l4wil ,a,,le9,0,eloelo9,,,elo, 'i'; - Respond InPerson To: er 1-63O-0852742 RECEPTIONIST THE SUGL I . UNIVERSAL STATUARYCORP CALL 8478O8-7800 SELL IT! .BUY IT! .ANNOUNCE IT! (847) 6-23OO AVON PRODUCTS Li csH ceo FOR Stort A Hmmn4msed Business 6400 W. GrossPoint Road .-.----. er,:eO ooe,,,em,9 'f - . o c (9 uscoAJRcoNDtoIONrRS Work Flomible Hours Nues, IL60714 ('_____3 LineS 5 Papers , SHOES SALES! Enjoy Unlimited Roming SHIPPING 4 MANAGER Coil Toll Feue: I 2C CLERKS 15 Dollars' __' GOO4FOyG5eOIAhOO5pheOO (888) 561 -2866 Butera Finer Foods end kgiio. Full-Time Position Sell unwanted lo Arreptiog Applkaoions Por: GUEST SERVICES REPS This is a weekly rate . Prepaid. (847) 965-0075 TDAIQJ Experienced Knowledge of 5 .t,' items with a FuII.Iime/Fo*Th9e MasterCard or Visa. i., ßouoique Unique UPS Shipping Program A Plus We accept CORRECTIONS ..;i DRIVERS HANDY PERSON J miscellaneous Skolcie Location Stop in to: Our classitied ads reach------_--- Flesoible Hours - Apply Within FoII-Iime/Fost.Tímo hAterr,rod:OOCiir.Ityoafindm, CALL for sale ad call: DRIVERS 229 Golf Mill Center Apply In Fwsofl Or Coli: Call: (847) 679-5400 Bugle Newspapers, nevar Finoan itOtlt5 0v iermodl,te. .i more people per week tor BUDGETEI. INN 7400 Waukegafl Road,NUes (147) 58819OO 847-588-1900 the least amount ot dollars. WANTED At Golf Mill MaII-Niles 625 Milwaukee Ave. or call tor continuos oft,e Oho timO pub- We cover the near northern Use Your Own Vehicle I Also Apply Ac Glenview, IL 60025 NOTICE iloatine and ovo urn eot Wind suburbs and the northside gj . 5PM 727 Golf Road NOTICE (847) 635-8300 The Bugio Newap,poen dono 10 ''847', 588- i900 bet,r, tire mit insertion, 8h, The Bogie Hnwepoprrs does ii, of Chicago with 2 Insertions Delivedes I, Chicogo & Suburbs es P aunes Ask For coo M,rtin boat to urne, ndvortionmonos tor A k fB verl rnapon,ibliiOyioyoars.Irreoevmtt Your credit is good wath 5,sttoscrsen,dvorti,on,,nintor per week. See how your Co,oe,iaaio,o Paid W ki aboli Oh, liability mr Oh, error s we acceptvisa and their nothonticity und i,Qitinieoy. named the coot of the opaco Howeoer, we caneot be oseponsi. HIRINGIMMEDIATEL : . ocupind by Ohn 'mor. master card. Call. bio,, orme. products end Y:UrB1&fles5!caI(S4;)5889OONOW! 847-588-1 900 erosione of noiv,riieeev. . . PAGE 44 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 19, 1998 TILE BUGLE, TtWBSDAYNOVSM5EtS t9, 1908 tAGE 45 The Bugle Newsaers Glenview Marine participates Special night of shopping at u Nordstrom to benefit Brookfiéld Zoo U .' e.- u fl multinational exercise - _ w . Wr U Nordstrom Oakbcook CenterGeongo Jus-oIt CatErers, Enter- by tho Womea'c Board of the IVA IVA . - . their tojssjon, Wlaeo Marines oflhe I 3th Ma- and Brookftold Zoo invite ces- tainmegt Will he provided by The "Oor traisisg allowed us to Chicago Zoological Society. The yine Expcditioewy Unit (13th tomons to celebrato the upcoming Bradley Yoosg Orchestra. Womoe's Board assists the Chi- MEO) pantiCipaled ittmcltico-work out ady possible problems holiday crayon with a privato Specialcervicesofferedto cago Zoological Society in for- hosA! exercise ye Aed wound the that muy arise daniog mur deploy- oight of shopping on Satorday, guess includo complimevlany at- thenieg its mission through vari- . . Hawueiiau ISlands, Jesse L, BElly meet,"Bottssoid, November21, ot7:30 pm. teratiosn asd valet pArking. nus cOnservalion and outreach ALUMINUM SIDING CONCRETE WORK HANDYMAN LANDSCAPING PAINTING & DECORATING pet AvEry bit of his Muriem Cerpv Jelightof recentattacks Special trusk shows, staged The cost forthisfabulous activities. They are also active io trAining IO work. ugaicvt American citizeov and je- throughout the store oo1y fon this shopping extravaganza is $40 pen Eyed-raising endeavors and each Staff Sgt. Botte, thc 3 1-year- terosts, Marices ano ne moro thas eveeiog, will provide a wonder-person. Ticket sates will honeSt year produce the Whirl, Brook- old soe-ie-law of Atexuvdcr und a momoot's notice away from the fol opportunity to find gifts forBrookfietd Zoo. Cocktail attire, STOP PAINTING! ROY THE HANDYMAN Seid Zen's btack.tio gata. MIKE ÑITT! BRANCATO DESIGN Seas YAmpolcky of Oleeview, world's hot spots. Marines like rvotYooe oc yoen holiday lisL For rosenvatioos and further io- Nordstrom is a fashion special- Cover Your Eaues with -'VOS NAME IT-WE DO IT' way umong 25,000 other US. Dosing the rveoiog guests will . AI uminum Soffit/Faesia CEMENT CONTRACTOR LANDSCAPING, INC. DECORATING BoIls oro the reusoo why moey formAtion, call Brookftold Zoo ut ty retailer offering quatily appa Puiettng-ieterienlEutenior Marices, NaVy, Areny, Air Fosvc Aencnicaes aroliviogwithoot eejoy cocktails, hors d'ocsvnes, . VIoyI/Alumlrum Sldirg .Pab e Decks WalipaperingCorpeetry .LAON aAPt?EAAOCS . QUALITY PAINTING (700) 485.0263, est. 314. rot, shorn, aed ACcessories for 1h . vivyl Windowu . Driveways and Coast Gourd porsoneel je the fear, aod dieoen and dessert baffets by This special evening is hosted .StortvWlndows &000rs Electrioul . Plurebieg . EXPERT PAPER HANGING Entine family. . Aluminum Awrings . Sidewalks Srywail . Repainc . WOOD FINISHING EocrCjee Rim of the Pacify 90 . Quality Work FREE ESTIMATES Fleur A Wall Tiling PLASTERING (RIMPAC 98), The exeruive also Coil fer Free Eutimate Licensed Remodeling involved military onils from Aus I-800-303-5688 Fully Insured FREE ESTIMATES (847) 205-5613 Eolia, Canada, Chile, Jupae aod Aooeicuo (847) 965-6606 South Korea. Horir ExERloAu (847) 965-6415 (773) 631-7847 PESIAU Bolt's role, like others je ROOst- INIfl.=!I FAC 98, was importaol to tite SUCCeSS ofthe oporutiva. 0 0 LANDSCAPING PLASTIC COVERS 9 98 2 CARPET CLEANING CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN "I served as the CommusjCa- i tines repair chief for the 13th MEU," saidBotts, who is married European es$(eea BERNHARDT RICH STUARTS LAWN CARE tothe Yumpolukys' daughter we5 e'e 'O(5 eII ;ao, e'n,rncrr CARPETS A UPHOLSTERY SERVICE Contractor MONTCLARE Kutheniec, THE HANDYMAN & TREE REMOVAL ar (jOPt$ aear 5rOu5RrWeeu AvrIl' ( :° w " "5e dub Tee small" PLASTIC uu euotL nr . Puielieg-leterien/Sotnrier Lace Mais tararee w a Lardeceped Design Cuolem-rnede »buh ceeuoro u oily- urna - Corpeetry y ecoru . CcnpieheNuupIinieiorlris. . lcstallahiee A sud . Micer EloutnicollPlurnbieg Lilotime Sua ranter . Any celer pierhic . Cere Aeratlee - Power Raking Ree? gopoin . Sprieg A Felt Cirer Sp $145o FREE ESTIMATES e Gutlenc - RepaIr & Cl050ed 4w; $m arieti Werk b63e1 307.5007 med ' Seal With Sweer A Qeve e Dock - Fence Repoin ; 1847) (8471 8532414 . 13121 31O.097Q FREE ESTIMATES INSURED I BONDED Free Eutlmates camuaweak meIj Hagen 17081 551-0251 Call 773-792-0433 ROR-74-7S64 520.8320 senior Dlsecunt (847) 965-Sl i 4 gçmu4'o m a


Us 01511 NAnreacyeurureaae,,mnvrem w eaautsrewuormeeaoyauued,ei esuwu, JOHN'S ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS - Clean Up Service MOVING? nwid roo UReA Freak Sian? Wi Can noyl GET RID DF ALL YOUR ellnetev ==l CALL SEWER uomo Equity Leone Sp Te CLUTTERED STUFF 12555 S? Equity. Fer Heme (630) 668-4110 WE WILL CLEAN OUT: SERVICE In preuemor t Sr Consolidate Alt Oakton & Milwaukee lilie Into Seo Lee Paynort. B11SEMENTS.SARIGES erTrucklosA r150e.ar.1Sec1a5e luce 'llv Suce H undreSs Per Oerth. AITICS.CONCAETE&ASPHSLT Ru.SjJI Ask rrøuISfliuU Nibs Fer A Se-Cost Eueloetlun Cell WE HAULVAAV ANYTHING L I Call F eraFree Schmale TRE "s" iS FOR SAVINGS s_us.t__ (847) 696-0889 Jeff At: . (547) 361-1194 (630) 20 C.L.E.AN v Boltsisa CommtoeiCatjoss Your Neighborhood IL ree. nengege licarao ILL C C 39567 MC 5471 CRO-aseO maislcgasCe chief who SUpervjs- Sewer Man Alternativo Landing uneups, Ire. el the maintoSASCe and repair of Cammoniealjoe equipmecl. As AmeriCa's premier forCE IS CEMENT WORK FIREWOOD HOME REMODELING PAINTING & DECORATING readjness, Dolls ketaws that learn- Oa cors mr ai ro Ars cinucee CA celar werk, traiciog aod missioa oc- ueoueasraca,e,aai(rA complishment are absolutely Cnt- FIREWOOD UNLIMITED jcol tu any Marice, MERIT PRECISION To Advertise in Oarjsg RIÎI4PAC 98, the 2,000 CONCRETE INC. FREE DELIVERY SEASONED 2 YEARS PAINTING The Bugle Newspapers Marines of the 13th MEU cog- ducted eight separate misslovs, FREE ESTIMATES Mleed Handweudu $73 F.C. RATORSKI CONSTRUCTION, INC c vvnairracvsrunvmel:.u.e uvera, . SIePI . Patiov Walks . Driven Oak SSS F.C. including a humanitarias assc- . C encre te Oreoking A Hauling Chonty, Birch V Hickory 554 F.C. ALL HOME IMPROREMENTS E tasCe operados sed a mock non- uuvdsssauoae,5recav:reunn.uuurn wrn,swewo, . Rebeel Service . Sic. separated SIDS F.C. eembatael evaeaatiOe operation 5eso55meuavawcrva5Wa laie Aefleeny Peguen Call: Sandy eeeueuanuvmauuayaa5wu Licensed-Fully Inuured DISCOUNT 5h 2 ORME KITCHEN & BATHROOMS Exercisey sachas these are remis- 55W or ein or,nttonitetnuvuoouvseretv. nRO,ltoO,uleezirnarOuemvvumçuoe. (773) 283.5877 CREDIT CURDS ACCEPTED eé239851 (8471 259.3878 dors of neal-world situationS per- STACKING AOAILASLE 847 IRS ulseeuet to Saetare (847) 588-1900 2R yes. Euperienee fàrmed by Marices, such as evac- vde,S reali I .800.303.5150 sallan ofpersoneel from areas of oan,eu.00rer000.eernouua lv Sumeoau air Neu nun. nu Suceu, oases ianaeu ezavspnevean0$ucnzvvenmanuuwuv corest such as Liberia and Sierra :0v ela eun eva ra uova rlareuLLWt:r lieu meea,Aveu[n Leone, esn,ermamemceeavnee ava CONCRETE HANDYMAN HOME REMODELINGSER VICE PAINTING ¿r DECORATING TUCKPOINTINO fllnfluh 0vrlOtvGa oves UcereiSes like RIMPAC RE un reSe sa, za suv'O.woauiuutnuu,,x maietaio the reodjsovs of US, ernnccIearderuij((xwzaaisr fornes und the forces ofour allies, ruLcuLu0000a,eus ra nene ran rn Aveu Sevras t Oa Connolly Concrete JR. HANDYMAN SERVICE . CARPENTRY MARIO J. TONELLI IVI U kW*V suroethieg Bolts, a 12-year Ma- nw5r,aPRc5veOsouras .Palnting .Ree?ing.Plumhlna . CERAMIC TILE rigo Cos veteran, ueclerslaods iae emsRoJ*auv,eoar uva cur r Driveways CUSTOM PAINTING Tuckpulnhlrg . Brlukneerk kceA yive,la euH*t neu», oveeq Muiko,nten 55u.;. erro,. vr Patios 0 onere eSecROarpertry . PORCHES fully. rsr,eerr$eereua,%i,su vveveuerenaueamvegsnrreovev.our 81 lehens u BaIhreums Eluetrlcel . DECKS INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RosenT - Cvnerale Steps Foundations . ALUMINUM ChimNeys Repelled B Rebuill The training is part of the 13th WE 00 tTALL...NO 100 TOO PLASTERING All Typo Of Work OvrALL On TOO 010 . PLUMBING ELECTRICAL Dios Block inshollehien MEUs Spcomiog depboymect Io Listen and Learn Insured KITCHENS BATHROOMS PAPER HANGING WieSe Cuulkirig . SAlOIrS Cleaning the Arahiae Gulf with the USS . REPAIRS ..- PERSONAL ADeFREEMESSAGE RETRIEVAL Liconsed-Bnnded WALL WASHING -' ' - ER - Qudtlty Work - Ree ide rl lo i-Cemm e reis l-In dG silla I Boxer's Amphibious Ready 2 ' ------a-..-, DRY WALL REPAIRS Fully heunod e Free Elileuhre .;_- Free Estimates - Reasueeble Pricers - Group, scheduled ta deploy jo Live Operators 1A4-g Wailing To Take YouI Pertonal Ad. (847) 297.3215 Quo WORK 15 SUAOANTEES A-1 WORK FREE ESTIMATES December, Traieieg and plan- 19471 B74-B371 (773) 792.0275 (708) 452-7872 (847) 965-2146 (773) 794.9729 773 792.3550 oisg is critical ifMolls and his - Take Time to Listen! Please Limit YourAd To 25 Words low Marines ore lo succeed, je i_ 900-988-0020 Call 1800.7592611 READ THE BUGLE A TOultul . COl'M li/u,'',,v,i PAGE 46 TI-LE BUGLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1998

Tile nectg, TnIsJnnD,sy, NOYeMnER 59, 1)58 PAGE 47 Windstorm Areaschools.. Cn..tinurd 1mm Enge 1 - Cnntinued from Pogn i the ACT exam, and an ACT cam- administrators. - From theLeft Hand than blowing them dewn. pasite score is also pact of the Niles District 219 came se UMbMA1IW FORD Continued froui Pagel Several electrical entages oc- IGAPrepart. ninth in per-pupil spending in the corned as a rcsnit nf the high In the area elementary dis- sin-coanly arca with $11,644, winds, Noriega said, enpecially tnicts, reading, math and writing and 101kinhighest average H nCOmo homes while Ihe Golf nf money spent pen child ace uroond Liltand Harlem and astensments are given in third, teacher salarien with $66,439. and Morton Grove dislricts significant,school profes- DrmpstcrandGreenwaad. sixth and eighth grades, while sei- Thr average teacher in District a had 8.9% and 5.2% low in- sianals are gning to hove a Many branchas were blown anca and social studies ara as- 219 has 14.4 years expanienee, come families., hand time pntting a spin on down sInning the storm, Noriega yessed infourth and seventh according ta the repart. grades. why Chicago's Young mag- said, and one crew was assigned Per papil spending in District Reading, math, science and so- The Park Ridge schools net high school has compara- to branch removal after the storm 207 is $1 1,393. tad similar economic back- rial slndien neares arcall based on hIe scamslu North Shore snbsidcd, he said. NilasDiutrict71 came in grounds to the North Shore a scale nf 500, while tIna writing I995 BUICK REGAL CUSTOM schools while having 37.6% Meanwhile,inneighboring funrth place both in highesl aver- i 994 FORDRANGER SIIPERCAB schools. While all these dis- law income stndents. Obvi- assessmentis On a6ta 32 scale. 409, loaded, leathar, ahoyo. Morton Grave, stano damage age teacher salary ($56,091) and Alito, air, a)oys, ruflfl)lg boards, betlingr, matching triclsrecordedthehighest nasty, magnet schools draw Beginning with the goad news, cap. was also snrpnitingly tight. Two highest per-pupil spending ORIGINAL LIST NEW $18,660 scores among altChicago- thebrighter stadentsfrom Or three big trees fell, sume of Maine loath High Schant in Park ORIGINAL LIST NEW$11,832 a land schools. the Park Ridge ($10,664). greater distances. Bot is the them on hanses, bat damage was- Ridge scored among the tap 10 schools tagged behind these teaching in this school saprei- minar and not extensive, accord- schools in Ihm sia_cannty area io LincclnwcedDinlniet74. districts in all categories dr- or ta leaching in nan sabor- ing ta Charles Cnllctt, Morton reading (298), science (325) and ranked first for highest adminis- spite comparable income lev- ban schools? We would guess Grove Snprnintendent of Pablic serial stadien (305). trativesalary, which is $109, 009. cts. Bot Park Ridge schools Among districts that ranked NilesDistrict71 came in spend decidedly less amonnts Works. Crews spent Iwo or three days high in Ihn six-connty area cem- funelh place both in highest over- H of money per popit than the pansons was Lincatnwaad Dis- age teachrr salary ($56,091) and NorthShoreschools. We On a TV prngramlast picking np fallen branches, Ccl- a week averycenservative tettsaid.Villagecrews also Iriet 74, wbichranhs first in sala- highest per-pupil spending CERTIFIED 3 MONTH! conld gness the edncational ries ($tO$,809) paid sa 24 HOUR and culturat hackgronnd of cammentator, Tony Snow, helped remove fallen trees from (10,664). N U íf3,0ooMILE the North Shore families is was critical of teachingin village rightef way, CalletI add- - COMPONENT ROADSIDE general. Hr said he was a for- DDONAL USEn LIMITED dissimilar la the Park Ridge ed. i__jWARRANTY COVERAGE families. The newer schonis mer teacher and came from a Ed Hildebrand, Pablic Inild- Young performers CHARGE!VEHICLES ASSISTANCE in Boffalo Grove and Lin- family of teachers. He ing Commissioner, saidthera was fi calnshire thoaght schoolt should climi- no damage ta public buildings re- also have higher auditions to be held 09 PONTIAC GRAND 0M Ott. #P1724t tenure. He said the nn- $1-8m 'Ol CHEVY Z29 1-TOSsI! 17,noo scores. Their familyback- salting from the storm. Only '87 PLYMOuTh DUSTER Ilk. #t502A 'os MONTE CARLO SIE. #TH5S9A $12,999 ions manid fight nach a move fences, trees und reof ibingles si 879 '95 FORD ESCORT Gib. #8n20A $7,800 'RS AVENGER Stk. #D2i 700 groonds arc similar to North It'n nettae early ta start prepar- should be prepared In perform u '87 PLYMOuTO CaVAlER 01k. dPi 017 $12,999 Shore buI thoaght sneh a move snstained damage. $2,ami '92 FORD T-BO ItA. #03870 $7,800 a families.Theyalso atian far theFax Valley lympho- symphonie concerto movement 'ox FOOD RANGER Sib. #PIO52A '9H WRANGLER 51k. #P1693A $13,290 wnnld get rid cf the incempe- $2, 958 94 FORD ESCORT 51k. dPi 695A $7,900 '84 TAURUS SHO 51k. #03R2A spend more money per pnpit Electrical pnwrr enlhges, ny's annaal Young Performers from memory. '85 CHEVY CAPRICE 01k. #D2294A $13,958 than Park Ridge. tent teachers in the schools. tome of which lasted Iwo days, $2,995 '92 FORD EXPLORER Sib. #521160 $8,890 '94 MESTANO ClINT Ilk. dPi 771 Comprtitian. Vocal entrants perform two '00 DODGE DAYTONA 01k. #8i140 $2,995 $14,000 were reparted, especially west of '92 FORD AEROSTAR StIr. #T5300A $8,200 86 SABLE LSSIk. #PIR4O $14,309 works of contrasting styles (ene 00 DODGE CARAVAN 01k. #lO35Oa $2,995 '92 SABLE 51k. #027A Reviewing the science and Harlem Avenan, Hildebrand add- Produced by the Symphony $8,888 '55 GRAND CARAVAN Ilk. #TH336u $14,408 in English and one in another Ian- 'n7 FORD RANIER Ilk. #T0023A 53,225 math scares East Maine Dis- While we have na copee- Fones, the orchestra's valunteer 96 MITSURISHI MIRAGE 0th. #P1746U $8,900 '95 01.97ER 459 4X4 51k. #190480 $14,400 -gnage). Both pieces mosthave or- '07 FORD E-150 Ilk. #193270 $3,335 '97 FORD ASPIRE Ilk. #P1730A trict 63 hod tower tcorcs than tise in assessing teachers- and organization, the 1999 eampeti- $8_9mo RO 0055E VAN 51k. #195180 $14,450 chastral accompaniment easily '91 FORD TEMPO 01k. d02l72A $3,335 '92 FORD 1-81RO SIb. #D2275A its DesPtaines neighbor even the assessing of saecessfol tian wilt be held Satarday, Jan.23 $9,200 '90 FORO WINDSTAR 51k. #192500 $14,459 available ta the orchestra. Vocal a '92 PORO TAURUS 01k. #T94B2A $3,335 '55 CHEVY BERETTA Stk. #D22n1 thoagh the District 62 schnots schools, we've always inAncora University'sPerry $9,950 '07 FORD TAURUS 51k. #P164i $14,789 Nues parks upplicanls whose manie is nnl '91 CHUVY CAVALIER 51k. #T9340A $3,588 '93 WRANGLER 51k. #D23000 had a 50% greator law in- thought the scheotprafen- Theatre. $9,950 '02 MUSTONS RAOTSP 51k. #O3E7A $14,909 Continued from Page 1 readily available are possibly go- 'OR CHEVY CORSICA 01k. #05709 $3,175 '03 CROWN VICTORIA Sit. #8328A came percentagethanoar sianats have been spinning a The contest is for young masi- $9,695 '87 FORO MUSTANG 51k. #83279 $15,599 greatdeal ing ta be disqoalifiedt '09 0001E SPIRIT Ilk. #944aA $3.950 93 CHEW CONy. VAN 51k. #55302 District 63 scheols. On the ufpropaganda cians, high scheut age and yanng- $9,995 '97 FORD ADROSTAR 51k. #T94aRA 915,555 Elena insistthat programs offered '87 CHEVY BLAZER Stk. #P0209 $4,335 other hand District 63 spenl which camanflages what is Applications are available 92 NISSAN 240 OX 51k. #8379A $9,995.'97FORD MUSTANG 51k. #P1705 $15.555 by the district will ha expandrd, er, who live within a 30-mites ra- '07 TOYOTA GUPRA 51k. #84UA $4,480 $2,000 less per stadent than going onintheschools. from the symphony affice al '93 CHEW CONy. VAN StO. #52305 $9,995 '9E FORD TAURUS 51k. #T9384A $15,555 not redneed. dinsof the Paramount Arts '93 FOOD ESCORT Sib. #8457A $4,450 District 62. Throwing mura andmere (630) 896-1.133 eXt. 2, and mast 'Ox FORO AEROSTAR Ilk. #19033A $9,999 '87 COUGAR 51k. dPi 787 $15,679 Pollawing badgrt warkshaps, Centre, the symphony's home. '95 FORD TEMPO 51k. #Pl 780 $4,450 money at teachers, adminis- ha retomed withan audition R3 MERC. VILLAGER Sta. #104130 $9,999 '97 FORD TAURUS IL Ilk. #Pin45 $16,289 the 1999 budget was schednled la Piaoists and instrumentalists '95 CHEVY E-150 SIb. #02295 $4,580 '02 CHEVY 8LAZER 51k. #Pt922 In Nites Township, Morton trotors and stndents does not screening tape and application $9_99$ '86 GRAOS MARQUIS Stk. dPi 775 $16,508 he nnveiled at the Navember 17 '90 PONTIAC GRANO HM Ilk. #52229 $4,800 Grove District 70 had lower srem tu br the path for sta- fee by Dec. 22. '92 FORD EXPLORER 51k. #D2000A $9,999 '97 MERCURY DABLE 51k. dPi 708 $19,555 Park Board meeling, LaVcrdeBrookfield Zoo seeks '89 CHEVY ASTRO Ilk. #9357A $4,950 scares than its Golf and Niles dent saccess. Cammenlatar Ri FORD EXPLORER SIb. #P17O2A $9,999 '98 FORD TAURUS SE Utk. dPin38 $17,100 said. A pabtic bearing will be Cash prices will be awarded Io 'te MUSTANG CONV'T Ilk. #T947DA $4,985 '95 61G BRONCO SIb. #175R5A neighborsthoaghitspent Snow said what we've often $9,999 '90 FORD TAURUS SE Sib. dPi83O $17,209 held befare the final vole al the groups to sing during the tap three winners, and the '94 MERCURY TOPAZ 51k. #0443A 04, 995 abnnt $3,000 tess per student. mentioned - the college '95 FORD CONTOUR Ilk. #82099 $9,999 '85 ULSTER 4DR 454 51k. #100300 $17,890 Decembermeeting, he added. grand prizc winner wilt be invited '91 CHEVY CORSICA 51k. #8072A $4,995 schools of edacation hava the .05 FORS CONTOUR 51k. #T9T6HA1 $9,999 '06 MEOC. UILLAGER SS 01k. 1Pi844 $17,959 LaVande said thaI by increas- Holiday Magic by macnIna Fasaa Kajima ta ap- .99 CHEVY PRIZM 51k. #T9449A $4,995 'RU OLDS ACHIEVA lIb. #01390 inNiles Township high lowest student academic 59,999 '90 CHEVY G-20 Sib. #180 129 $18,500 ing the amanni of debt service 91 CHEVY CAVALIO9 51k. #T9043B $4,999 - pear as guest soloist with Iba Feo schools Nites Nnrth had high- scores in the nniversitics. Hormonians groups of 50 or '94 FORD TAURUS Sib. #O300A $9,899 '99MERC. VILLASEB 51k. #Pt047 $18,999 payments and towering the 0gm- '92 FORE TAURUS SIb. #1955TH $5,500 erscaresthanNiles West fewer people are invited ta sing a Valloy Symphony at its annual '94 FORD TAURUS 51k. #0251 $9,999 '98 FORD !UIINOSTAR Ilk. #Pi843 $19,400 alias bndgrt the level nf pro- a 09 OLDSM5nILE CALaIS 81k. #P16780 $5,500 '98 FORD PROBE 51k. #T78ORD even thoagh it spent $5,300 cappella dnrissg Brookfteld Zoo's matinee Family Concert at 3:30 $10,580 '98 WINDSTAR IL Ilk. #P1R42 $19,400 grams will remain anchanged '94 FORD ESCORT SIb. #n399A $5,555 tess per student. North's per- Chicago's Yoong High 17th anonal Holiday Magic, a tra- p.m.Sonday,Aprit Il, 1999. '97 FORO ESCORT Sib. #01070 $18,998 '84 PORO MUSTANG SIE. #0494 $19,509 while some "fat" wilt be cat ant of In FORO MUSTANG Ilk. #P175DA $5-555 centage of low income sta- School's success iv the revolt ditianal family avent featuring 12 'na FORO CONTOUR 58k. #8040A $11,005 '98 FORO WINOSTAR SIb. #P1773 $19,809 the budget. '90 lEO TRACKER Sib. #T9433A $5,950 dents was slightly higher than of snpenicr teaching and a so- avaniagsoffrslivc merrymaking. '96 FORD CONTOUR Ilk. #85769 $11,108 '85 FORD EXPLORER OlIn. #8519A $19.950 Flanc added thaI thc district in- '94 SATURN Sits. #T9436A $6,500 '97 FORD ESCORT Ilk. #OS3iA West's. penar learning environment. Grenps can sing holiday tones of $11,100 'Rn FORD WINDSTAR Sib. #82250 $19,999 henitad a goad dual of debt from Woman '92 FORD TAURUS Stk. #T9279A $6,500 '96 FORO ESCORT Sib. #941 OH Similarly,nbcscience and their choice on asp of the fallow- $11,100 '97 GRAND CARAVAN Sib. #10562 $22,090 the previons adminislratian, bat Cnntinued from Page 1 '01 FORD EXPLORER SIb. #P17900 $6,700 '92 EXPLORER Elk. #TR4O7A math schoolinAororais $11,200 '98 FORO EXPLORER 51k. #P1837 $26,200 In Lincolnwood District 74 ing days: Fnidays-Sandays, No- '94 FORD ESCORT Ilk. #8273A $6,860 manned and womared by sa- that he hoped to be able to pay off dent, was transported to Lutheran '02 EXPLORER Ilk. #192R6A $11,200 RI E5PLOOEO ED. BAUER 51k. #Pi839 $29,759 theadministrator is paid vemher 27-29, and December 4- 'GR NISSAN MAXIMA Ilk. #D21 948 $6,950 penar leaching as is the Lab about $500,000 ofthe principal. '94 FORD MUSTANG 55k. #P1763 $11,680 'OR FORD ESCORT IL SIi. OPIO1O $109,809 which is the highest 6.Il-13, and18-20 Groops General Hospital where she died 'RD CHEROKEE LAREDO SIb. #191 820 School at the University of Elena said he hopen ta gel the $6,950 '95 ASTRO VAN 51k. dPi 7919 $12,280 '89 901CC CENTURY stk. #Pl8mnn a in the area. Nites District 71 shoald enpect ta sing for a mini- Earn her injuries at 8 p.m. The '93 FORD ESCORT 51k. #94909 $6,995 Chicago and the Latin Sctsoot new budget passed befoec the end 'Ra CHEVY CAMARO 51k. #D2286A $12,200 '87 BUiCK GEYLARII alIt. Opimo? spends $10,664 fer each sta- team afanehour doniog the fasti- medical esaminen's report listed '02 PLYMOUTH VSYHOER Ilk. #704300 on Chicago's near nerthsidc. of the year, four months earlier $6,995 '96 NISSAN SENTRA 51k. #Pi7On $12,200 'RE BOICG 5TH AVE. dent which is fourth highest val. Hours are from 4 p.m. to 9 maltiple isjnnias complicated by '93 FORD TAURUS SlIt. #TR363A Stk. 619231Cl While tIse students in these than thisyear's budget, -which $7,700 '97 FORD ESCORT 01k. #051 86 $12,290 '88FORD TEMPO Stk. #03025 N inChicagotand. The Niles p.m. cardiovascular discasa as canto '94 FORI ESCORT Slit. #D2253A wasn't approved until March of. $7,800 '97 FORS PROBE 51k. #P17E6 $12,890 '86 FORD TEMPO Ilk. #93758 elementary district also has schools come from families Those interestedn caroling nf death. 'Rl EXPLORER 209 51k. #19263 with high evpcctatians, ncc- $7,888 '07 FORD ESCORT 51k. dPi 784 $12,900 '81 BUICK LEGABRE atti. 88376A p:' : ï thefourthhighestancrage during Holiday Magic shanld Mis. Dawning's. non, Rebert erthalens, their sacccssen teacher salary, $56,09 t, for a contact tIte zoo's Marketing Dc- Downing, said his mother sas- have supeniar teaching at its Volunteers tamed Iwo brokcn legs and a 011 teacher with 14.7 years aver- core, Until teachers arc peri- parintent at (708) 485-0263, cot. heokon pelvis in the oceidont. He a 1111 .9 D s age enperience. At the high 365. - adically tested and schools of needed at CJE school level RitesHigh also recalled an incident that oc- - liii edacatian attract a better sta- Opon every day of the year, :r schools have the ninth high- Council foe Jewish Elderly is Breakftcld Zoo is located at First caned 13 years ago when an anta E b a. D o Smrrr dent, oar sclsools wilt never drove Into Mrs. Downing's living est per pupil spondiog, reach their potential and our necking valuatmern wha can share Avenoc and 3 I st Street in Brook- ' e st 1,644, and the tenth high- their lime and talents with alder field, IL, just 14 miles west of roam at around 5 a.tn. Had she A' L'. . i children wilt be short- ... estaverageteachersalary, changed. The throwing vast adaltsn varmens locations in downtown Chicago. Thc zoo is ant rotired aboat a halfhour carli- 6 $66,439, with an average of soms nf money at a problem Deenfreld, Wilmette,Sknkie, accessible via the Stevcnsae (i- er, she waald probably have barn I 14.4 years uf teaclsing copen- killedinthat necmS to be the American- Evanstan, Lincolnwood and the 55) and Eisenhower (I-290) co- incidont, Robert , ti ence. way. And the easy way. Ial north side ofChieaga. A range of pressways, Tn-State Tntlway (I- Dawning said. volunteer TIte drivee of the sInking vehi- onfartnnatetyitiswasteful appartanitiesenivl 294), Barlingtan Northern cam- While percentage of low and it does not resolve its with day, rvening, and week-end mater line, and PACI bus ser- de was charged with failure to I II incente families and amoanls more serious problems. haars. For farther information, vice. Far mare information on yield la a pedestrian crossing a I4 III call Coancit feriewishElderly at Braekfteld Zan, visit its Web site sterat nat in aerasswalk failure IO 773-508-bOO, alwww,braakfteldzan.org. produce proof of insurance FORD L!FORD tMitMk5 'tMk!MB i! FORO1


STORE JÏÒIJRS Id Studay Swday . 9M,1to 12I8lidnight fo,id8y Thesday.WediiesthYJ - 9AM toiO AM

. NovNov Nov Nov ÄvÔndaie& manettíBeverage Mart 8935 N. Milwaukee AVe, Nues, IL (847) 966-2300 (JUST ONE BLOCK NORTH OF DEMPSIER)

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