Congressional Record—House H1179
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March 11, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H1179 Pease Scarborough Taylor (NC) GILMAN) that the House suspend the Meehan Radanovich Stark Pelosi Schaffer Terry Meek (FL) Rahall Stearns Peterson (MN) Schakowsky Thomas rules and agree to the concurrent reso- Meeks (NY) Ramstad Stenholm Peterson (PA) Scott Thompson (CA) lution, House Concurrent Resolution Menendez Rangel Strickland Petri Sensenbrenner Thompson (MS) 28, as amended, on which the yeas and Metcalf Regula Stump Phelps Serrano Thornberry nays are ordered. Mica Reynolds Stupak Pickering Sessions Thune Millender- Riley Sununu Pickett Shadegg Thurman This is a 5-minute vote. McDonald Rivers Sweeney Pitts Shaw Tiahrt The vote was taken by electronic de- Miller (FL) Rodriguez Talent Pomeroy Shays Tierney Miller, Gary Roemer Tancredo Porter Sherman Toomey vice, and there wereÐyeas 421, nays 0, Miller, George Rogan Tanner Portman Sherwood Towns not voting 12, as follows: Minge Rogers Tauscher Price (NC) Shimkus Traficant Mink Rohrabacher Tauzin Pryce (OH) Shows Turner [Roll No. 44] Moakley Ros-Lehtinen Taylor (MS) Quinn Shuster Udall (CO) YEASÐ421 Mollohan Rothman Taylor (NC) Radanovich Simpson Udall (NM) Moore Roukema Terry Rahall Sisisky Upton Abercrombie Danner Hoeffel Moran (KS) Roybal-Allard Thomas Ramstad Skeen Velazquez Ackerman Davis (FL) Hoekstra Moran (VA) Royce Thompson (CA) Regula Skelton Vento Aderholt Davis (IL) Holden Morella Rush Thompson (MS) Reynolds Slaughter Visclosky Allen Davis (VA) Holt Murtha Ryan (WI) Thornberry Riley Smith (MI) Walden Andrews Deal Hooley Myrick Ryun (KS) Thune Rivers Smith (NJ) Walsh Archer DeFazio Horn Nadler Sabo Thurman Rodriguez Smith (TX) Wamp Armey DeGette Hostettler Napolitano Salmon Tiahrt Roemer Smith (WA) Waters Bachus DeLauro Houghton Neal Sanchez Tierney Rogan Snyder Watkins Baird DeLay Hoyer Nethercutt Sanders Toomey Rogers Souder Watt (NC) Baker DeMint Hulshof Ney Sandlin Towns Rohrabacher Spence Waxman Baldacci Deutsch Hunter Northup Sanford Traficant Ros-Lehtinen Spratt Weldon (FL) Baldwin Diaz-Balart Hutchinson Norwood Sawyer Turner Rothman Stabenow Weldon (PA) Ballenger Dickey Hyde Nussle Saxton Udall (CO) Roukema Stark Weller Barcia Dicks Inslee Oberstar Scarborough Udall (NM) Roybal-Allard Stearns Wexler Barr Dingell Isakson Obey Schaffer Upton Royce Stenholm Weygand Barrett (NE) Dixon Istook Olver Schakowsky Velazquez Rush Strickland Whitfield Barrett (WI) Doggett Jackson (IL) Ortiz Scott Vento Ryan (WI) Stump Wicker Bartlett Dooley Jackson-Lee Ose Sensenbrenner Visclosky Ryun (KS) Stupak Wilson Barton Doolittle (TX) Owens Serrano Walden Sabo Sununu Wise Bass Doyle Jefferson Oxley Sessions Walsh Salmon Sweeney Wolf Bateman Dreier Jenkins Packard Shadegg Wamp Sanchez Talent Woolsey Bentsen Duncan Johnson (CT) Pallone Shaw Waters Sanders Tancredo Wynn Bereuter Dunn Johnson, E. B. Pascrell Shays Watkins Sandlin Tanner Young (AK) Berkley Edwards Johnson, Sam Pastor Sherman Watt (NC) Sanford Tauscher Young (FL) Berman Ehlers Jones (NC) Paul Sherwood Watts (OK) Sawyer Tauzin Berry Ehrlich Jones (OH) Payne Shimkus Weiner Saxton Taylor (MS) Biggert Emerson Kanjorski Pease Shows Weldon (FL) Bilirakis Engel Kaptur Pelosi Shuster Weldon (PA) NAYSÐ6 Bishop English Kasich Peterson (MN) Simpson Weller Bonilla Cooksey Paul Blagojevich Eshoo Kelly Peterson (PA) Sisisky Wexler Chenoweth Jones (NC) Pombo Bliley Etheridge Kennedy Petri Skeen Weygand Blumenauer Evans Kildee Phelps Skelton Whitfield NOT VOTINGÐ14 Blunt Everett Kilpatrick Pickering Slaughter Wicker Boehlert Ewing Kind (WI) Becerra Frost Reyes Pitts Smith (MI) Wilson Boehner Farr King (NY) Bilbray John Watts (OK) Pombo Smith (NJ) Wise Bonilla Fattah Kingston Capps Lampson Weiner Pomeroy Smith (TX) Wolf Bonior Filner Kleczka Delahunt McCrery Wu Porter Smith (WA) Woolsey Bono Fletcher Klink Ford Rangel Portman Snyder Wu Borski Foley Knollenberg Price (NC) Souder Wynn b 1120 Boswell Forbes Kolbe Pryce (OH) Spence Young (AK) Boucher Ford Kucinich Quinn Spratt Young (FL) So (two-thirds having voted in favor Boyd Fossella Kuykendall thereof) the rules were suspended and Brady (PA) Fowler LaFalce NOT VOTINGÐ12 Brady (TX) Frank (MA) LaHood Becerra Delahunt Pickett the resolution was agreed to. Brown (CA) Franks (NJ) Lampson The result of the vote was announced Bilbray Frost Reyes Brown (FL) Frelinghuysen Lantos Capps John Stabenow as above recorded. Brown (OH) Gallegly Largent Chambliss McCrery Waxman A motion to reconsider was laid on Bryant Ganske Larson Burr Gejdenson Latham b 1130 the table. Burton Gekas LaTourette Stated for: Buyer Gephardt Lazio So (two-thirds having voted in favor Mr. WEINER. Madam Speaker, on rollcall Callahan Gibbons Leach thereof) the rules were suspended and No. 43, had I been present, I would have Calvert Gilchrest Lee the concurrent resolution, as amended, Camp Gillmor Levin voted ``yea.'' Campbell Gilman Lewis (CA) was agreed to. Mr. WU. Madam Speaker, during rollcall Canady Gonzalez Lewis (GA) The result of the vote was announced vote No. 43, on H. Res. 32, I was unavoidably Cannon Goode Lewis (KY) as above recorded. Capuano Goodlatte Linder detained. Had I been present, I would have Cardin Goodling Lipinski A motion to reconsider was laid on voted ``yes.'' Carson Gordon LoBiondo the table. f Castle Goss Lofgren Stated for: Chabot Graham Lowey Ms. STABENOW. Mr. Speaker, during roll- SENSE OF CONGRESS URGING Chenoweth Granger Lucas (KY) call vote No. 44 on H. Con. Res. 28, I was un- CRITICISM OF PEOPLE'S REPUB- Clay Green (TX) Lucas (OK) Clayton Green (WI) Luther avoidably detained. Had I been present, I LIC OF CHINA FOR HUMAN Clement Greenwood Maloney (CT) would have voted ``yea.'' RIGHTS ABUSES IN CHINA AND Clyburn Gutierrez Maloney (NY) f TIBET AT ANNUAL MEETING OF Coble Gutknecht Manzullo UNITED NATIONS COMMISSION Coburn Hall (OH) Markey PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS IN Collins Hall (TX) Martinez ON HUMAN RIGHTS Combest Hansen Mascara KOSOVO RESOLUTION The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Condit Hastings (FL) Matsui Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Mr. Speaker, by Conyers Hastings (WA) McCarthy (MO) finished business is the question of sus- Cook Hayes McCarthy (NY) direction of the Committee on Rules, I pending the rules and agreeing to the Cooksey Hayworth McCollum call up House Resolution 103 and ask concurrent resolution, House Concur- Costello Hefley McDermott for its immediate consideration. Cox Herger McGovern rent Resolution 28, as amended. Coyne Hill (IN) McHugh The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- The Clerk read the title of the con- Cramer Hill (MT) McInnis lows: current resolution. Crane Hilleary McIntosh H. RES. 103 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Crowley Hilliard McIntyre Cubin Hinchey McKeon Resolved, That at any time after the adop- question is on the motion offered by Cummings Hinojosa McKinney tion of this resolution the Speaker may, pur- the gentleman from New York (Mr. Cunningham Hobson McNulty suant to clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the H1180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE March 11, 1999 House resolved into the Committee of the As a Member of this great body and deserves. We have a solemn duty to Whole House on the state of the Union for now as your Speaker, I have never perform. And let us do it with the dig- consideration of the concurrent resolution wavered in my belief and trust in this nity that brings credit to this great (H. Con. Res. 42) regarding the use of United States Armed Forces as part of a NATO institution. Some have argued that we House. peacekeeping operation implementing a should not have this debate today, that Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Mr. Speaker, I Kosovo peace agreement. The first reading of we should just leave it to the Presi- yield myself such time as I may con- the concurrent resolution shall be dispensed dent. Some have even suggested that sume. with. General debate shall be confined to the taking part and talking about this Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 103 is concurrent resolution and shall not exceed could damage the peace process. I dis- a modified open rule providing for the two hours equally divided and controlled by agree. No one should fear the free ex- consideration, as the Speaker of the the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on International Rela- pression of ideas, the frank exchange of House has just explained, of House Con- tions. After general debate the concurrent opinions in a representative democ- current Resolution 42, the Peacekeep- resolution shall be considered for amend- racy. Two weeks ago, the German Bun- ing Operations in Kosovo Resolution. ment under the five-minute rule. The con- destag held an extensive debate and The purpose of the resolution is to current resolution shall be considered as voted on whether or not Germany authorize the President to deploy read. No amendment to the concurrent reso- should deploy over 5,000 German troops United States armed forces to Kosovo lution shall be in order except those printed in Kosovo. The British Parliament has and just as importantly it makes pos- in the portion of the Congressional Record designated for that purpose in clause 8 of also discussed the deployment of Brit- sible congressional discussion of this rule XVIII and except pro forma amendments ish troops in Kosovo. I do not believe very complex situation. for the purpose of debate. Each amendment that any harm has been done to the The rule provides for 2 hours of gen- so printed may be offered only by the Mem- peace process by the workings of these eral debate equally divided between the ber who caused it to be printed or his des- two great democracies. In fact, one chairman and the ranking minority ignee and shall be considered as read. The message which should come from this member of the Committee on Inter- chairman of the Committee of the Whole debate and those held in the par- national Relations. It is the intention may: (1) postpone until a time during further of the rule that the managers of gen- consideration in the Committee of the Whole liaments of our allies is that a free peo- a request for a recorded vote on any amend- ple can disagree without violence and eral debate yield time fairly to Repub- ment; and (2) reduce to five minutes the min- bloodshed.