BIOGRAPHY JULIE FAHRER Singer, Composer and Bandleader

Julie Fahrer, born 1986 in Odder/DK, grew up in a family of musicians. Her father Thomas Fahrer a drummer from Bern/CH, her mother a singer from Aarhus, DK. Thanks to these full-blooded musicians Julie grew up in an enviroment where music, especially with its variety of genres and its freedom of musical expression, was always present.

„Due to the fact that there always was music at home, it's difficult to say when i started doing it myself. In any case I was sure to try out different kind of instruments. “

Julie went trough all the different choirs of her school career. Some exciting projects brought her on stages in Helsinki, Denmark and in Switzerland. Already in her early ages she joined her mother in singing on events like weddings and aperitives. At the age of eleven she had her first piano lesson and took classes for only one year which didn't mean that Julie wouldn't continue playing and composing songs at home on the piano or with the guitar. She then experienced the saxophon, violine and electric bass. At the age of sixteen julie had her first band experiences and for the first time conducted a choir for teenagers. This course would take place for another six years.

2008 she started her studies at the Jazzschool Basel with Lisette Spinnler, Domenic Landolf, Bänz Oester, Malcolm Braff, , and Jorge Rossy a.o.

In 2012 she spent six months in a musician-house in Begues/Barcelona accompanied, among others, by her professor Jorge Rossy ( Trio) to expand her repertoire and work on some new compositions.

In 2011 Julie Fahrer was awarded the Nachwuchsförderpreis from the Friedl Wald Foundation (an award that goes to new talents to foster them). Julie finished her Master Of Arts In Music, Jazz Vocal and Musical Education succesfully in Basel, August 2014. During her studies she worked as singing and music teacher and got engaged as deputy singin teacher and choral conductor. Besides she formed the 'Easy Singing Choir' at the Jazzschool Basel.


Julie Fahrer Quintet For this quintet Julie composes and arranges all music. W ith the musicians she met during her studies in Basel coming from five different countrys, Octave Moritz/FR (tp, flugelhorn, electronics), Sebastian Hirsig/CH (p, juno), Hagen Neye /DE(db), Chris Norz/AUT (dr) she is touring in Switzerland, Germany and Austria (Klangbasel 2015, Museum Tinguely 2016, Bird‘s Eye Jazz Club 2016). The interesting mix of electronics, accoustic sound and african percussion with Julie‘s voice used as narrator or instrumental, sometimes unison with the trumpet makes this quintet unique and interesting. The quintet released its first EP ‚ expecting‘ live at the bird‘s eye jazz club in August 2016.

DUO Julie&Sebu The Duo with Sebastian Hirsig (piano, synth.) has played for the last six years on different stages and events (Blue Balls 2010/14, Jazzfestival Aarhus/DK 2016, Klangbasel 2016) and continued during all these years finding their unique sound. These two young musicians play originals and jazzstandards with a lot of sensibility for sound and interpretation where a piano sometimes gets prepared and the voice is used percussively.

INEZproject The female trio with Ines Brodbeck and Christa Unternährer, was formed in 2013 and since benefits numerous perfomances in Switzerland and Germany. Three voices, three guitars, percussion, a keyboard and well selected compositions make this trio a fascinating experience.

Sarah Chaksad Orchestra In the Sarah Chaksad Orchestra Julie Fahrer accompanies the compositions of the bandleader for the Band of 13 musicians. The Orchestra has been touring through prestigious concert venues and Festivals of the Switzerland Jazz scene (Jazzclub Aarau, Bird‘s Eye Jazz Club, Offbeat Jazzfestival, Schaffhausener Jazzfestival). In 2016 it released its first Album WINDMOND with the label Neuklang and got good reputation in Germany and Switzerland.

Music and information: