
1 Transferring TDS Survey-Pro survey to Autocadd USING MICROSOFT ACTIVESYNC

Note: = Data Collector; PC = Personal Computer

OK, you’ve got a survey. Now what?

In your DC: Tap “Survey-Pro” logo twice. Open up the job you want to transfer points from.

DC should open up in “File” mode. Tap D “Export Coordinates”

You’ll need to select points you want to export.

There will be a drop-down arrow in the “Select points to export” area. Pick the arrow and click SELECT ALL POINTS.

Highlight the Text (.txt) file button.

Tap next.

Indicate either a “space ” or “comma ” delimiter. Leave “Plane” Coordinates on. sure coordinate units are in “FEET”

Tap next.

Make the data sequence: Name; Northing; Easting; Elev.; Description

Tap Finish.

Give the *.txt file a name, (i.e. your project name)

Tap OK.

Screen will go back to “File” mode.

You need to the Survey Pro program. “File” Tap I “Exit” Shut down the data collector.

2 Connect the DC and the PC using the proper cord. One end goes into the either Com1 or Com2 port of your PC and the other is attached to the TDS DC.

• Open Microsoft ActiveSync on your computer. • Go To “File” “Connection Settings” • You must have the following checked depending on your connection cable (USB or 9 pin) and what port you are connecting to (USB, COM1, COM2, etc):

• Turn on your DC • Click the “Connect” button in ActiveSync--- Click Next--- • You will get a message on your DC asking if you want to “Connect to the desktop?” click . • You will hear a funny sound once your DC is connected to your PC and the “swirl” will turn green the

bottom of your screen • Activesync will ask if you want a “New Partnership” say NO---Next

• You are now ready to transfer files • To your text file you exported: In your PC go into “My Computer” “Mobile Device” “My Computer” “Disk” “Survey Pro Jobs” and located the .txt file you want • You can drag the file, and , copy and paste, etc…. to the folder you want to place it in. • Rock recommends having a folder in your Landdesktop Folder labeled “Download” where you place all your point files!

Once your files are transferred you can shut down the DC, and this will end your connection with the computer, remove your transfer cord and your ready to start working in AutoCad!

In your drawing: Import the desired points the usual way. Points Import/Export points Import points

Use the “PNEZD” format with either a comma or space delimited, depending on your DC settings. Find where you put the file and import.