September 18, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1171 Women Voters in Syracuse and New York on from 2009 to 2012, and then again from 2016 owe their own lives to these dogs and want to September 19, 2019. For 100 years, the until his appointment to the Wayne County provide that love and home. League of Women Voters has successfully en- Circuit Court by Governor Whitmer on March Once again, I would like to recognize our gaged and educated millions of women, pro- 28, 2019. military heroes CWD Chucky and CWD Mako moted female participation in government, and Helal Farhat has established himself as a for their service, Mission K9 Rescue for their advocated for significant public policy change. pillar of the Dearborn community, earning his unbelievable service to our often forgotten Tracing its origins to the National American impeccable reputation amongst his peers, the servicemembers, and to Mindi Rudan and Woman Suffrage Association, the League of legal community at large, and the judiciary Debra Rochlin for their support of this event. Women Voters in Syracuse and New York through his accomplished legal background. May they go from strength to strength. was created after New York State gave Aside from serving southeast in a women the right to vote in 1917. Since its professional capacity, Farhat also dedicates a f founding, the League has operated as a non- significant amount of time to charity work and partisan organization, dedicated to educating involvement with advocacy organizations. No- PERSONAL EXPLANATION and empowering women voters. In the spirit of tably, Farhat is the President of the Leaders this mission, the League of Women Voters Advancing and Helping Communities, a non- today puts out periodic legislative newsletters profit organization dedicated to empowering HON. to inform members on major public policy Michigan families by supporting their social, OF MICHIGAN issues. Additionally, the League of Women health, educational, and economic well-being. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Voters works to improve female participation Throughout all his work, Farhat displays an in elections by hosting voter registration overwhelming commitment to protecting the Wednesday, September 18, 2019 events and Get-Out-The Vote drives. fundamental rights of all Americans, and his Mr. HUIZENGA. Madam Speaker, I rise Along with improving civic education and efforts have received widespread acclaim, evi- today regarding missed votes. Had I been participation in government, the League of denced through his designation as a Super present for roll call vote number 527, On Women Voters in Syracuse and New York un- Lawyer and President of the Dearborn Bar As- agreeing to the Amendment of Mr. GOSAR of dertakes advocacy efforts at the national, sociation. Arizona, Part D Amendment No. 2 for H.R. state, and local levels. As part of a national ef- Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join 1146—The Arctic Cultural and Coastal Plain fort, the League’s first historic legislative suc- me today in honoring Helal Farhat for his ap- Protection Act, I would of have voted ‘‘yea.’’ cess came with the passage of the Sheppard- pointment to the Wayne County Circuit Court. Had I been present for roll call vote number Tower Act, which provided federal aid to ma- His legal expertise, character, and public serv- 528, On agreeing to the Amendment of Mr. ternal and child programs. Later, the League ice experience will make him an excellent GOSAR of Arizona, Part D Amendment No. 3 advocated for the Social Security and Food judge who will dutifully serve the people of as modified 2 for H.R. 1146—The Arctic Cul- and Drugs Act, which passed in 1938 to re- Michigan. tural and Coastal Plain Protection Act, I would move hundreds of federal jobs from the spoils f have voted ‘‘yea.’’ Had I been present for roll system and place them under the Civil Serv- call vote number 529, On the Motion to Re- ice. Most notably, they also lead efforts to HONORING CWD CHUCKY AND CWD commit with Instructions for, H.R. 1146—The form the United Nations and encourage Amer- MAKO Arctic Cultural and Coastal Plain Protection ican participation in the organization. In rec- Act, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ Had I been ognition of the League of Women Voters’ con- HON. THEODORE E. DEUTCH present for roll call vote number 530, On final tributions to help create the United Nations, it OF FLORIDA passage for, H.R. 1146—The Arctic Cultural became the first American organization to re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Coastal Plain Protection Act, I would have ceive a United Nations designation as a non- Wednesday, September 18, 2019 voted ‘‘nay.’’ governmental organization. Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues Mr. DEUTCH. Madam Speaker, I am hon- f in the House join me in honoring the 100th ored to rise today in recognition of two of our country’s Military heroes, Contract Working Anniversary of the League of Women Voters RECOGNIZING WILLIAM MCVEY in Syracuse and New York. Since its forma- Dogs Chucky and Mako, who are being hon- tion, the League has made great contributions ored for their service with a celebration hosted to empower women voters and has played a by Mission K9 Rescue and its founders: HON. Kristen Maurer, Louise Kastner and Bob Bry- significant role in positively shaping public pol- OF MICHIGAN icy in our country. ant. This special event has been underwritten by former magazine publisher and charity or- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f ganizer, Mindi Rudan and attorney Debra Wednesday, September 18, 2019 IN RECOGNITION OF HELAL Rochlin. FARHAT’S APPOINTMENT TO Both CWD Chucky and CWD Mako are re- Mr. WALBERG. Madam Speaker, I rise THE WAYNE COUNTY THIRD CIR- tired explosive detonation dogs who served today to recognize William McVey of Jackson, CUIT COURT our country with honor and saved countless Michigan as he is posthumously presented the live throughout their service. Around the world, Bronze Star Medal. HON. our military is dependent on the valuable, self- McVey, and his entire M4A1 Sherman tank OF MICHIGAN less, and heroic contributions of our highly crew, are receiving this high honor because of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trained working dogs. These dogs faithfully their heroism during World War II. serve right alongside our service men and Wednesday, September 18, 2019 The crew’s story of battling enemy forces women and, after a lifetime of service, many outside Cologne, Germany was the subject of Mrs. DINGELL. Madam Speaker, I rise never make it home to spend their senior the recent book, ‘‘Spearhead,’’ by author today to recognize Helal Farhat on his ap- years knowing the safety and love they so de- Adam Makos. pointment to the Wayne County Third Circuit serve after giving so much. Bench. Winner of Petco Foundation’s ‘‘Helping He- Outgunned by German tanks, and facing Since receiving his Juris Doctor from Wayne roes’’ Award and ASPCA’s Henry Bergh harrowing odds, McVey and his band of broth- State University Law School in 2002, Farhat Founders Award in 2017, Mission K9 Rescue ers pushed eastward across Europe after D- has been an active member of the legal com- is a non-profit organization whose sole pur- Day, gaining critical ground for Allied forces. munity. For the past 16 years, Farhat served pose is to rescue retiring and retired Military Our nation is forever grateful to the Greatest as the principal attorney at Farhat & Associ- Working Dogs, Contract Working Dogs and Generation and soldiers like William McVey ates, a firm he established that specializes in other Dogs who’ve given so much to our who fought for freedom around the world. commercial and business litigation, criminal country. Mission K9 Rescue provides money, Their actions, which came at great personal law, family law, and immigration, and formerly transportation, adoption, veterinary care and cost, changed the course of history. served as partner at Salamey & Farhat. In ad- professional assistance for these retired hero While William McVey is now gone, may this dition to his work as an attorney, Farhat dogs. In addition, Mission K9 Rescue helps re- long overdue Bronze Star serve as a reminder served as a magistrate judge on the 19th Dis- home them and whenever possible reunite for generations to come of his incredible valor trict Court in Dearborn. He held this position them with their military handlers, many who and service to the country he loved.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Sep 19, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18SE8.011 E18SEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E1172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 18, 2019 HONORING LIEUTENANT COLONEL evening and nighttime hours, severely dis- HONORING THE WORLD WAR II, MITCHELL S. DRUCKER, U.S. rupting sleep. Treatment is life-long, and there KOREAN WAR, AND VIETNAM ARMY, ON HIS RETIREMENT is no cure. WAR VETERANS OF AFTER 24 YEARS OF SERVICE TO The sleep loss caused by RLS robs people THE UNITED STATES OF AMER- of the ability to work and live normally and HON. MIKE QUIGLEY ICA may lead to depression, anxiety and suicidal OF ILLINOIS thoughts. Profound sleep loss also puts peo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ple with RLS at risk for hypertension, diabetes, HON. Wednesday, September 18, 2019 OF PENNSYLVANIA heart attack, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. I ask my colleagues to join me in working to Mr. QUIGLEY. Madam Speaker, I rise to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES raise awareness of this devastating disease by honor the World War II, Korean War, and Viet- Wednesday, September 18, 2019 recognizing September 23rd as RLS Aware- nam War veterans who traveled to Wash- Mr. PERRY. Madam Speaker, today I offer ness Day. ington, DC on September 18, 2019 with Honor my heartfelt congratulations to Mitchell S. f Flight , a program that provides World Drucker, a resident of Chester Springs, Penn- War II, Korean War, and Vietnam War vet- PERSONAL EXPLANATION sylvania, on his upcoming retirement after 24 erans the opportunity to visit their memorials years of dedicated service to the United on The National Mall in Washington, DC. States of America. HON. MARK DeSAULNIER These memorials were built to honor their Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Drucker currently OF CALIFORNIA courage and service to their country. serves the United States Army War College in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The American Veteran is one of our great- coordinating Army Heritage Education Center Wednesday, September 18, 2019 est treasures. The Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen who traveled (AHEC) Operations. He entered the United Mr. DESAULNIER. Madam Speaker, I regret States Army in 1995 and served in numerous that I was unable to vote on Tuesday, Sep- here on September 18th answered our na- assignments and deployments across his dis- tember 17, 2019, as I was unavoidably de- tion’s call to service during several of its great- tinguished career. tained in my district. Had I been present, I est times of need. Across the world, these In October 1995, LTC Drucker joined the would have vote ‘‘nay’’ on Roll Call No. 531, brave Americans risked life and limb, gave Pennsylvania Army National Guard and be- On Motion to Instruct Conferees, S. 1790, and service and sacrificed much, all while embody- came a commissioned officer two years later. ‘‘yea’’ on Roll Call No. 532, On Closing Por- ing what it is to be a hero. We owe them more In August 2002, LTC Drucker deployed to tions of the Conference, S. 1790. gratitude than can ever be expressed. Bosnia-Herzegovina, serving as a Battle Cap- I welcome these brave veterans to Wash- f tain in the S–3 section and as the Liaison Offi- ington and to their memorials. I am proud to cer for two joint contingent operations. After RECOGNIZING STATESVILLE BRICK include in the RECORD the names of these receiving his Command of Headquarters and COMPANY FOR 115 YEARS OF men and women for all to see, hear, and rec- Headquarters Troop (HHT) in May 2007, LTC BUSINESS ognize, and I call on my colleagues to rise and Drucker deployed as the Commander of HHT join me in expressing gratitude. to Sinai, Egypt in support of the Multinational HON. Carl R. Anderson, Mose Arseneau, Abram I. Forces and Observers mission. He success- OF NORTH CAROLINA Becker, Frank Belletire, Robert Benjamin, fully redeployed to the United States to begin IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Elwood Bilse, John B. Bodoki, David R. preparations for the next deployment. Breeze, I.L. Brownlow, Otha L. Brownlow, His numerous commendations and awards, Wednesday, September 18, 2019 Terry W. Cable. including the Meritorious Service Medal, Army Mr. BUDD. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Richard A. Campbell, Thomas M. Canale, Commendation Medal, Army Achievement recognize Statesville Brick Company for 115 Robert A. Canchola, Roger W. Cantlin, Thom- Medals, and others, are a testament to his years of business. as A. Chambers, Daniel R. Chiarito, Tony Joe steadfast courage, personal integrity, tireless Due to the Southeast’s unique rivers that B. Chinsio, Phillip M. Cirullo, James S. Collins, work ethic and impeccable character. His en- produce red clay deposits, North Carolina has John E. Craig, Joseph DeMarchi, Jr. during legacy of service to our Nation truly is long been at the center of the brick making James R. DiBiase, Richard Donald Dunlap, exceptional and sets a standard for all to fol- economy. This includes companies like Andrew R. Ellicock, Jose Espinosa, Andrew low; he has left a lasting impact on all of those Statesville Brick Company which opened its M. Ferreri, Thomas B. Ford, Robert A. he has trained. doors in 1904. As times changed though and Fridrych, Richard Funfsinn, Joseph Gaberik, On behalf of Pennsylvania’s Tenth Congres- the post-World War II building boom began to Richard J. Gatz, Clelia Angelina Ginay. sional District, I commend and congratulate slow, brick makers began closing shop, and Esther M. Gleaton, Paul Goldman, Thomas my fellow brother-in-arms, Lieutenant Colonel small, local operations transitioned into large, F. Grabowski, Sherwin Greenberg, Richard F. Mitchell S. Drucker, upon his retirement and interstate corporations. Statesville Brick Com- Greenwald, Robert P. Greenwald, Paul R. for his tireless service to the United States of pany, however, bucked that trend, and re- Hammelman, Richard W. Heurich, Scott J. America. mains at heart the same family-run operation Horvath, Robert J. Hovorka, Lloyd T. Hubbard. f it was over a century ago. Ronald J. Hunt, Ronald M. Jones, Allen K. For Statesville Brick Company President Jongsma, Ronnie Kimbrough, DuWayne RECOGNIZING RLS AWARENESS and General Manager Michael Foster and Ex- Klapper, Harold B. Koenen, Matthew Adam DAY ecutive Vice President Scott Rankin, the brick Koswenda, Steven M. Kraslen, Peder business is a generational affair. Scott’s Kringstad, Denis F. Krzeminski, Francisco A. HON. SCOTT R. TIPTON grandfather E.R. ‘‘Roy’’ Rankin joined the LaMarca. OF COLORADO company in 1916 and oversaw the construc- Sheldon C. Latz, Miles G. Leigh, Terry IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion of an early iteration of the firm’s plant Leigh, Adeline Lence, Dennis P. Lenihan, while Michael’s father, H.B. ‘‘Bob’’ Foster James P. Lynch, Thomas O. Maguire, Joseph Wednesday, September 18, 2019 joined as a partner in 1969. Today, Statesville Mallegni, Antonio E. Massa, Richard A. Mr. TIPTON. Madam Speaker, I rise today Brick Company currently employees over 90 Matkovich, Peter B. Mazzoni. on behalf of the millions of patients from people and their work can be found at some Joseph A. Moshure, Harry Mullins, Larry across the country suffering from Restless of our nation’s most prestigious academic in- Murphy, William Muzyka, Robert J. Nagel, Legs Syndrome, to raise awareness of this se- stitutions such as Princeton University, Ohio Joel Nederhood, Gary A. Nelson, William H. verely misunderstood neurological disease. State University, and Davidson College. Niesluchowski, Robert E. Parrott, Thomas M. RLS is a serious neurological disease that Statesville Brick Company’s 115 years of Peknik, Kenneth G. Periman. devastates the lives of millions of Americans. business are a source of pride for our region, Carl E. Peterson, Anthony Pfieffer, Jack An estimated 12 million men, women and chil- demonstrating how an operation dedicated to Primozic, Joseph Pusateri, James E. Rabjohn, dren in the U.S. have RLS. Patients with RLS high craftmanship with deep local roots can Jerome R. Raczak, John Rudowicz, Martin experience an overwhelming, agitating and un- succeed and thrive in a changing landscape. Ruhland, Alphonse Scepurek, Walter T. controllable urge to move their legs, which can Madam Speaker, please join me today in Schmit, James L. Shohet. only be relieved by moving or walking to abate celebrating Statesville Brick Company for 115 Thomas A. Shumpert, William Norbert the sensation. RLS is at its strongest in the years of business. Siska, Andrew L. Smith, Anthony R.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Sep 19, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18SE8.016 E18SEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS