PHYSTAT2003, SLAC, Stanford, California, September 8-11, 2003

Statistical Issues in High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy for GLAST S. W. Digel Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA

This paper describes the statistical issues involved in analyzing data from high-energy gamma-ray telescopes, at levels from event reconstruction to correlations of populations of astrophysical sources. Some motivation for attempting to do astronomy with high-energy gamma rays is also given, along with some of the constraints implied by operating the instrument in orbit. Specific attention is given to the Large Area Telescope (LAT) under development for launch in late 2006 on the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) mission.

1. INTRODUCTION intensity is greatest at low Galactic latitudes, owing to the concentration of the interstellar gas and sources Gamma-ray astronomy has developed only rela- of cosmic rays in the spiral arms of the Milky Way. tively recently owing to many technical challenges in detecting gamma rays. In the energy range below 1.1.2. Active galaxies ∼50 GeV, gamma-ray detectors must be in space. (At higher energies, air showers from interactions of With EGRET, a class of active galaxies called gamma rays with the upper atmosphere can be de- blazars was discovered to be a powerful source of tected from the ground.) The missions that have flown gamma rays [3, 4]. Approximately 70 were identified to date with sensitivity in the >20 MeV range (Table in EGRET data. The generally-accepted interpreta- 1), in particular the Energetic Gamma-Ray Experi- tion is that blazars have jet emission associated with ment Telescope (EGRET) on the Compton Gamma- a massive black holes in their nuclei, and that the Ray Observatory, have revealed a remarkable variety jets are closely aligned with the line of sight to the of astrophysical sources of high-energy gamma rays, earth. Other active galaxies, with less favorable align- and plausible prospective source classes remain to ment of their jets, are also known gamma-ray sources, be discovered with future missions, in particular the although much less intense; the only example from Large Area Telescope (LAT) on the Gamma-ray Large EGRET is Centaurus A [5]. Area Space Telescope (GLAST) [1, 2], which promises a great increase in sensitivity. 1.1.3. Gamma-Ray Bursts These are extremely bright, short-lived sources, 1.1. Sources of Celestial Gamma Rays most of which have been identified with some kind of cataclysmic explosions in star-forming galaxies at Astrophysical sources of gamma rays are nonther- cosmological distances. mal, accelerating particles in shocks, e.g., in jets and supernova remnants, and in the intense fields of pul- 1.1.4. Pulsars sars (rotating magnetized stars). Gamma rays are produced in these sources by high-energy elec- In the Milky Way, a subset of rotation-powered trons via bremsstrahlung scattering on nucleons, or pulsars comprise a well-established class of gamma- inverse Compton scattering low-energy photons, or in ray sources, with approximately 9 identified in the the case of sufficiently strong magnetic fields via syn- EGRET data. The usual method of discovery is to chrotron or curvature radiation. They are also pro- phase fold the gamma rays according to timing infor- duced in pion decay from high-energy proton-nucleon mation derived from radio observations (see Sec. 5.2). interactions. The universe is essentially transparent to At least one gamma-ray pulsar, Geminga, is not a ra- gamma rays, and their observation provides a unique, dio pulsar; searching for periodicity without a timing direct probe of these processes in nature. (At ∼TeV ephemeris is discussed in Section 5.2. energies and cosmological distances, attenuation does occur by γ-γ interactions on the cosmic 1.1.5. Other classes background.) The known or prospective classes of ce- In general, Galactic sources are associated with lestial gamma-ray sources for the next generation of tracers or remnants of massive star formation— instruments are described briefly below. pulsars (possibly radio quiet), binary pulsars, mil- lisecond pulsars, supernova remnants, plerions (filled 1.1.1. Diffuse gamma-ray emission center supernova remnants powered by a pulsar), Interactions of Galactic cosmic rays with interstel- OB/WR associations, microquasars, microblazars, lar gas and low-energy photons make the Milky Way and isolated black holes have all been proposed as itself a diffuse source of high-energy gamma rays. The sources of gamma rays in the Galaxy.

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Table I High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy Missions ASI [8], is a smaller instrument of generally similar design that is planned for launch approximately one a b year before GLAST. The Alpha Magnetic Spectrome- Instr. Years θ0.1 θ10 Energies Aeff Ω No. 2 ter (AMS) is a cosmic-ray experiment to be launched (GeV) cm sr γ-Rays on the space shuttle for installation on the ISS [9]. It ◦ > OSO-3 1967–68 18 - 0.05 1.9 621 will have sensitivity to gamma rays in the range >1 4 SAS-2 1972–73 7 - 0.03–10 40 ∼1×10 GeV. COS-B 1975–82 7 - 0.03–10 40 ∼2×105 AGILE and the LAT have very large fields of view EGRET 1991–00 5.8 0.5◦ 0.03–10 750 1.4 × 106 relative to preceding instruments because they will AGILE 2005– 4.7 0.2 0.03–50 1500 4 × 106/yr not rely on time-of-flight (TOF) scintillators below c 5 the tracking section to discriminate upward-moving, AMS 2005 – - 0.1 1–300 500 ∼2 × 10 /yr i.e., background, events. The field of view is limited × 8 LAT 2007– 3.5 0.1 0.02–300 25,000 1 10 /yr because events must cross both the tracker and the TOF system in order to be accepted. The trade off aAngular resolution at 0.1 GeV is a greater event rate, and the need to rely on post b Angular resolution at 10 GeV processing to reject upward-moving events. cScheduled for the 16th shuttle mission once launches resume.

Outside the Milky Way, Galaxy clusters and star- 2. DETECTION OF HIGH-ENERGY burst galaxies are prospective new classes of gamma- GAMMA RAYS ray sources. EGRET detected the Large Magellanic Cloud in the light of its diffuse emission. EGRET detected impulsive GeV emission from in- At X-ray energies, photons can be focused with tense, X-class flares that occurred near solar maxi- grazing incidence mirrors, but gamma rays cannot be mum in 1991 [6]. focused similarly. The collecting area of a gamma-ray Figure 1 shows the gamma-ray sky seen by EGRET telescope is therefore directly related to the physical and Figure 2 shows a simulated all-sky image from size of the detector, which is not the case in X-ray the planned one-year sky survey with the LAT. Pro- astronomy. jections are that the LAT will detect several thousand X-ray detectors more or less can count individual X- gamma-ray sources. Owing to the scanning coverage rays. Gamma-ray detectors convert the gamma rays of the sky survey, the LAT will also provide extremely to positron-electron pairs, then track their trajecto- well sampled light curves. ries through the instrument (see Fig. 3) and measure their energies to infer the directions and energies of the gamma rays. Most conversions of the gamma rays 1.2. History of high-energy gamma-ray happen in heavy metal (W in the case of the LAT) foils astronomy in space interleaved with the tracking layers (silicon strip de- tectors for the LAT). The trade off for including con- Celestial gamma rays were first detected by OSO- version foils to increase the probability of conversion is 3, which saw the diffuse emission of the Milky Way that the electron and positron tend to scatter on pas- in 1968 [7], and there have been three missions since sage through the foils in subsequent layers, decreasing of increasing size and resolution. Table I summarizes the accuracy with which their directions and energies the past and upcoming missions; all have used pair can be determined. As a result, gamma-ray telescopes conversion trackers (see Sec. 2). OSO-3 used plastic have much poorer angular resolution than X-ray in- scintillators as the tracking material. SAS-2, COS-B, struments, typically measured in degrees rather than and EGRET had wire grid spark chambers for track- arcseconds (Table I). ing. Upcoming missions will use silicon strip detec- The LAT has a modular design, arranged as a 4 × 4 tors, which have the advantages of finer pitch (for grid of independent towers, each with a tracker (TKR) better angular resolution), orders of magnitude faster and calorimeter (CAL) section (Fig. 3). The TKR sec- readout (for limiting the dead time), and no reliance tion of each tower has 18 tracking planes, each with on expendables (like spark chamber gas). two layers of silicon strip detectors, one for measuring Three missions in Table I are under development. x coordinates and the other for y, with W foils inter- The LAT, under development for launch by NASA in leaved between the planes. The CAL section of each early 2007 on the GLAST mission, will provide a great tower has CsI(Tl) crystals arranged as a hodoscope: increase in sensitivity . The development of the LAT 8 layers of 12 crystals each, with the orientations of is being supported by NASA, DOE; CEA and IN2P3 the layers alternating between the x and y directions. in France; ASI, CNR, and INFN in Italy; and institu- Each end of each log is instrumented with PIN pho- tions in Japan and Sweden. Astro-rivelatore Gamma todiodes to detect the scintillations. The anticoinci- a Immagini LEggero (AGILE), under development by dence detector (ACD) surrounds the top and sides of

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Figure 1: Intensity of gamma-ray emission >100 MeV observed by EGRET, displayed in false color. The Aitoff projection is in Galactic coordinates, and the bright band across the center of the image is the diffuse emission from the Galactic plane. The bright point sources at low latitude are rotation-powered pulsars. Many of the bright sources removed from the plane are blazars.

Figure 2: Simulated gamma-ray intensity observed by the LAT during the planned one-year sky survey. The energy range shown here is >1 GeV, where the angular resolution and effective collecting area of the LAT are much greater than for EGRET. The model of the sky includes the cataloged EGRET sources as well as populations of fainter sources and the diffuse emission of the Milky Way [10] the array; it registers the passage of charged particles background of albedo gamma rays from interactions and therefore is used in anticoincidence with the TKR of cosmic rays in the upper atmosphere. and CAL in forming the trigger for gamma rays.

One advantage of a pair production tracking detec- 2.1. Design Issues for LAT Data Handling tor is that the field of view is enormous, ∼2.2 sr for the LAT. The LAT can observe many targets simulta- A number of design compromises must be made for neously and does not need to be pointed at a partic- a gamma-ray detector to be operated in space. Most ular target. In fact, to increase the overall observing importantly, the collecting area is limited by the size efficiency, the standard operating mode will have the of the rocket fairing, the mass is limited by the lift LAT continuously scan the sky. This avoids the loss of capacity, the power by the feasible solar cell and ra- observing time due to earth occultations and also lim- diator capacities, and the data rate to the ground by its the need to detect (and reject on board) the bright allocations of telemetry bandwidth. The charged par-

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starts with grouping the hits (silicon strips that regis- tered a charged particle that trigger a readout) in the TKR into clusters, because adjacent strips can regis- ter the passage of the same particle. A pattern recog- nition algorithm is applied to associate the clusters into ‘tracks’, with preference for finding the longest, straightest tracks. The current algorithm is combina- torial (i.e., brute force). The identified track or tracks are then fit via Kalman filtering (e.g., [11]). This defines the best estimate of the initial direction of the charged par- ticle. This process is iterative with analysis of the energy depositions in the CAL, which is used for es- timating the overall energy of the event. The energy Figure 3: Cutaway view of the LAT. One of the sixteen information is used to evaluate the scattering angles towers is shown with its TKR module on top of the CAL expected in each tracker plane. Multiple scattering module. The ACD is an array of plastic scintillator tiles in the W conversion foils is quite non-Gaussian. In that cover the towers. Surrounding the ACD is a thermal principle, this is a problem for the method. However, blanket and micrometeoroid shield. The overall the uncertainty in the energy determination is great dimensions are 1.8 × 1.8 × 0.75 m. enough that it (rather than the non-Gaussian tails of multiple scattering) dominates the uncertainty of es- timated scattering angles. The assumption implicit in ticle background in orbit is intense; the orbit-averaged the current analysis is that in these circumstances, the trigger rate will be approximately 3 kHz for the LAT. Kalman filtering method is applicable; more study of The actual rate of triggers from celestial sources will the validity probably would be prudent. An approach be ∼2 Hz. The telemetry bandwidth is sufficient to for track reconstruction that uses concepts from par- send event data (∼10 kbits per event) at an average ticle filtering is being investigated as a potential al- rate of ∼30 Hz, so efficient filtering of the data in flight ternative [12]. It is more challenging computationally is essential. but should be able to explicitly take into account pro- The combination of a signal:background event rate cesses like multiple scattering. −3 ratio of < 10 , the need to reconstruct gamma- Reconstructed tracks are analyzed to define the con- ray information from tracks and energy depositions version point of the gamma ray and its initial direc- in the LAT, the resulting limited angular resolution, tion. An example reconstruction is shown in Figure 4. the bright and structured diffuse gamma-ray emission At higher energies, the positron and electron tracks from the Milky Way, and low fluxes of celestial point may not separate at the resolution of the tracker, so sources provide ample motivation for careful treat- the vertex and the estimated initial direction come ment of the data at every step of the analysis of LAT from analysis of a single track. data. The energy deposition in the CAL in general must be corrected to account for partial containment of the showers. The CAL is only 8.5 radiation lengths 3. LOW-LEVEL ANALYSIS deep (owing to the constraint on the mass that can be placed in orbit), and even at moderately large in- 3.1. Nature of the Data clination angles, significant corrections are required. Two approaches are being evaluated, shower profiling Readout of the LAT is triggered by the occurrence and last-layer correlation. The development of the of hits in 3 successive X-Y TKR planes in tower, or showers in the CAL can be reconstructed with coarse a large energy deposition in the CAL. Simple, robust resolution, owing to the hodoscopic design discussed algorithms are used to filter the data. As described in Sec. 2. Intrinsic fluctuations in energy deposition above, on board filtering of the data is required by the as showers develop limit the resolution achievable by available average telemetry rate. The data are lists of these techniques. At energies >100 GeV, typical en- the s that were hit, measurements of light output from ergy containment is less than 40%; showers are still the ends of the CsI(Tl) logs in the CAL, and a list of developing at the point that they leave the CAL and the tiles of the ACD that were hit. any correction scheme necessarily involves a large ex- trapolation. 3.2. Event Reconstruction If multiple tracks are found, the best (straightest, highest energy) tracks are checked for intersection. In ground processing, reconstruction of events (in- The estimated energies and initial directions of the teractions of a cosmic ray or gamma ray in the LAT) two tracks are used to calculate the energy and direc-

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tions. As mentioned above, multiple scattering in the tracker unavoidably causes long ‘tails’ in the point- spread function (PSF). The tails can confound the analysis of sky regions of high source density or intense diffuse emission, and to the extent that the events in the tails can be identified (and ignored) the cost to the effective collecting area may be worth the trade off for these circumstances. One issue with this approach is the stability of the classification trees. For a classification tree analysis, a small change in input quantities can dramatically af- fect the path through the tree, and the resulting clas- sification. More recently developed methods, such as boosted decision trees (e.g., Friedman, this volume), Figure 4: Simulated interaction of a 1 GeV gamma ray in do not suffer this shortcoming and may be adopted the LAT. The LAT is indicated by a wire frame outline for the classification of LAT events. that also includes a schematic, cylindrical spacecraft. The reconstructed tracks are indicated in blue. The white lines are soft (X-ray) photons and the ACD tiles that are hit are outlined in orange. The CsI logs in the 4. HIGH-LEVEL ANALYSIS CAL with significant energy depositions are also indicated. Courtesy T. Usher. High-level analysis of LAT data is gamma-ray as- tronomy, the detection and characterization of celes- tial sources of gamma rays. Generally, for the rea- tion of the incident gamma-ray. sons described above, the characterization will be via model fitting, where the parameters of a model quan- 3.3. Event Classification tify what we are trying to learn from the data. This approach has a long history in gamma-ray - Once an event is reconstructed, the final classifi- omy. Pollock et al. [13] introduced the maximum like- cation needs to be made. Fundamentally, the classi- lihood method for model fitting for analysis of data fication discriminates between charged particles and from COS-B, and the same approach was used for gamma rays, although sub-classifications also will be EGRET [14]. Technically, the method is extended made. For example, heavy cosmic rays that do not un- maximum likelihood, because the number of gamma dergo nuclear interactions in the CAL will be flagged rays is itself random variable. for use in calibration of the CAL in flight. Also, For likelihood analysis, the detector is represented gamma rays with especially well-measured energies or by its response functions, high-level descriptions of directions will be flagged. how the point-spread function, energy resolution, and Through extensive Monte Carlo simulation of the effective collecting area depend on energy, direction instrument, informed by beam tests of prototypes, (relative to the instrument coordinate system), and useful diagnostics for discriminating cosmic rays from other measurable quantities, like plane of conversion gamma rays have been identified. By far the most of the gamma ray, and the results of the event clas- powerful is the intersection of the reconstructed event sification trees. This high-level description of the direction with a tile of the ACD that recorded a hit LAT, derived from Monte Carlo studies and acceler- (passage of a charged particle). Other cuts are not as ator beam tests, abstracts the instrument, the event obvious, and not completely orthogonal. The produc- data, reconstruction, and particle background rejec- tion of a ‘clean’ gamma-ray data set is vitally impor- tion into what is needed for modelling the sky. The tant, owing to the orders-of-magnitude greater inten- likelihood function is the probability of the data given sity of cosmic rays than celestial gamma rays. Cur- the model. The response functions relate a model de- rently, the classification of events is implemented us- fined on the sky (sources of given spectra, positions, ing a classification tree trained with simulated data. etc.) to the data space of measured energies, direc- Each node in the tree applies a single test (e.g., one tions, etc., taking into account the pointing and live based on projected distance to the nearest ACD tile time history of the LAT for the period of interest. that was hit). The result from traversing the tree is For analysis of LAT data we may encounter practi- the probability that the event is a gamma ray; the cal limitations to the evaluation of the likelihood func- probabilities are defined from the results of passing tion. In maximizing the likelihood, changes in ln L of simulated events through the tree. ∼1 are significant. Owing to the breadth of the PSFs Decision trees are also used to identify the events at low energies, the region of the sky in a typical anal- that probably have well measured energies and direc- ysis will be of ∼15◦ across and may contain hundreds

180 PHYSTAT2003, SLAC, Stanford, California, September 8-11, 2003 of thousands of gamma rays (in an analysis of a one- and also depends on solar activity. Even for the rou- year time frame). Numerical accuracy will have to be tine scanning sky coverage of the LAT, the horizon is carefully maintained in the evaluation of the likelihood never far from the field of view. The current plan is function. to exclude from the high-level analysis regions of the The source models may also contain dozens of pa- sky at large zenith angles (>∼110◦). The cuts neces- rameters (source positions, spectral indicies, scaling sarily will be made based on measured zenith angle, factors for diffuse emission). Only a fraction of these and owing to the relatively strong dependence of the may be adjustable in any given analysis—e.g., coordi- PSF on angle, must be more conservative at lower en- nates of known sources may be held fixed—but even so ergies. The cuts on zenith angle complicate both the maximization of the likelihood function will be a mul- data selection and the calculation of exposure. tidimensional optimization. In principle, this is man- ageable, but optimizations will be most reliable with good initial guesses for parameters. An implemen- 4.2. Characterization of sources tation of the Expectation Maximization (EM) algo- By whatever means a gamma-ray source is detected, rithm [15] is being explored for possible use in speed- characterization of the source means determining the ing up likelihood optimizations of models for LAT confidence region for its location on the sky, and mea- data. In this approach, gamma rays are provision- suring its spectrum and variability. If a searched-for ally assigned to specific sources in the model, based source is not detected, a meaningful upper limit for its on the current values of the parameters of the model. flux should also be determined. For EGRET, these Next, values of the parameters are optimized source were evaluated by applying the likelihood ratio test by source, requiring likelihood evaluations for only a and appealing to Wilks’ theorem for interpretation of fraction of the gamma rays at a time. Source assign- the results [14]. The likelihood ratio test was used to ments are then updated, and the whole process is - compare source models, e.g., one with a given point ated. For models with a large number of sources, this source with its maximum likelihood position and one approach potentially offers a tremendous advantage in with that source shifted somewhat in position, and computation time. Wilks’ theorem was used to relate the likelihood ratios to significance levels. The interpretations of signifi- 4.1. Nonparametric source detection cances in the EGRET data was backed up by Monte Carlo simulations. Recently, Protassov et al. [17] have pointed out that The fundamental limitation of likelihood analysis often in astronomy the likelihood ratio test is misap- is that it does not answer a question that you are plied to circumstances where one of the parameters not asking. Also, as mentioned above, the method (e.g., source flux) is on the border of the range on is computationally intensive and subject to limita- which it is defined (like 0 in the case of source flux). tion of numerical accuracy. A practical (fast and ac- For questions like this, Protassov et al. propose eval- curate) nonparametric method for detecting sources uating Bayesian posterior predictive P -values. The would have a great deal of appeal, of course. Even procedure to be implemented for determination of if a method provides just a useful starting point for confidence ranges and upper limits in routine analysis detailed likelihood analysis to derive parameter esti- of LAT data is still being evaluated. mations, it could be very useful. Several methods are under consideration for analysis of LAT data, includ- ing wavelet transformations (continuous and discrete), 4.3. Identification of gamma-ray sources independent component analysis, general multireso- lution image deconvolution, and a multidimensional By standards of astronomy at other wavelengths, extension of the Bayesian blocks algorithm (see Sec. the positions of gamma-ray sources are measured very 5.3). To the extent that they depend on knowledge of poorly. The majority of the EGRET sources are the instrument response functions for filtering, these unidentified, ∼170 out of 271 in the Third EGRET methods may have difficulties due to the scanning ob- Catalog [4], largely for this reason (see Sec. 2 and serving mode of the LAT, which effectively mixes re- Fig. 5). For EGRET, 95% confidence contours for sponse functions for each source. source locations were typically 1-2◦ across. The num- A further complication to the analysis of celestial ber of potential counterparts is so large that no com- gamma-ray sources in the LAT data is the brightness pelling case for any particular counterpart can be of the Earth’s limb in gamma rays. These ‘albedo’ made on the basis of positional coincidence. gamma rays produced in cosmic-ray interactions in For the LAT we plan to adopt an objective proce- the upper atmosphere have been characterized with dure for identifying potential counterparts, taking ad- data from SAS-2 [16]. The emission is quite intense vantage of all of the information that we can derive, relative to the gamma-ray sky, although fairly soft. such as variability (especially correlated variability). The intensity exhibits a strong east-west variation, For the LAT, source location regions will be much

181 PHYSTAT2003, SLAC, Stanford, California, September 8-11, 2003

Figure 5: Sky locations of the sources in the Third EGRET Catalog [4]. Larger symbols indicate greater fluxes, scaled logarithmically. A concentration toward the Galactic plane is evident. The majority of the sources are unidentified. smaller, on the order of several arcminutes for typ- to such pulsation searches [21]. The sensitivities of ical sources. This is still relatively large for coun- the tests are limited by the lack of a ‘template’ for terpart searches, but will certainly make the prob- pulsations. Some tests are most powerful for detecting lem easier. Mattox et al. [18, 19] made a Bayesian sinusoidal variations, for example. analysis of potential blazar counterparts to unidenti- For suspected pulsars of unknown timing param- fied EGRET sources that used positional correlations eters, period searching is in principle possible, but of EGRET sources with radio continuum sources, as hampered by many complications; see [22]. As is ap- well as the flux and spectral index distributions of parent from Fig. 6, the gamma-ray pulsations have no radio sources already known to be blazars. Sowards- standard template. Before timing searches, the arrival Emmerd et al. [20] introduced a ‘figure of merit’ for times of the gamma rays need to be corrected for the assessing source counterparts that also includes X-ray arrival time variations due to the changes in the posi- spectral information. The figure of merit essentially tion of the spacecraft. If the direction of the source on includes weighting factors based on the X-ray and ra- the sky is not known very accurately (and it will likely dio characteristics of known blazars. Establishing a not be), then uncertainties in the arrival time correc- new class of sources is more difficult, as statistical tion accumulate quickly. Phase drifts owing to the results for other members of the population are not unknown spin-down rate (as large as 10−13 Hz s−1 for available. a young pulsar) can also become significant over the Variability is a common characteristic of high- days or weeks required to accumulate enough gamma energy gamma-ray sources. Blazars undergo episodic rays from a given source. So a period search is effec- flares, during which fluxes can increase by factors of tively multidimensional, including the coordinates of several on time scales of hours or less. Gamma-ray the prospective pulsar and its spin-down rate. pulsars are periodic sources, typically with periods of hundreds of milliseconds; integrated over many peri- ods their gamma-ray fluxes are quite steady. Indeed 4.4. Source Identification the brighter EGRET pulsars were used as calibration sources in flight. So, for unidentified sources, mea- Positional coincidence alone is in general not ade- sures of variability can be used to distinguish between quate to establish the identification of a gamma-ray blazars and pulsars. source with a counterpart detected at other wave- For candidate pulsars for which ephemeris data are lengths. The accuracy of position determinations with available, generally from monitoring observations in the LAT will typically be at the few arcminute level the radio, epoch folding the gamma rays is a well- (depending on source spectrum and diffuse intensity). established way to search for gamma-ray pulsations. This is inadequate, owing to the high density of po- Well-defined statistical techniques have been applied tential counterparts (e.g., the NRAO VLA Sky Survey

182 has J. mation ten c Figure established sources iden pulsars. ev same sis, ephemerides, lies recen b n Ba massiv in widths simpler distances of sations alternativ to non-pulsed noise’ v cuts and haracteristics an um e tense, aluate Useful Correlated With Gamma-ra Thompson) y cutting reduce assumed tial tage more esian only > tification, b diffuse the t ers 50 p e ma 6: y coun of erio that m [ profiles. ears star an and of 14 sources on whether of γ Comp complicated y e ust approac information and the the -ra y ev , F the d. approac steps emission, to b terparts. the or to 18 in formation. metho supp in y en firmly e ys statistical b corresp v terstellar asso

fraction INTENSITY AS A FUNCTION OF TIME ]. tensely b bursts the of osite b narro ariabilit e ts optimized GAMMA-RAY P ~33mSEC susp Gregory e assumption e included deg detected OPTICAL are orts either h the asso is RADIO step CRAB X-RAY ciated d protot h established for of − ected wing to of naturally onding 2 that (GRBs) F γ e.g., ciated wise the profiles, v ligh can of y or -ra [ w ariable p 23 searc T the emission, tests eigh erio with is & ypical ypical γ t y of example, in ]), iden b against has from coun -ra con P ~150mSEC PSR B1509-58 curv y b source PHYSTAT2003, SLAC,Stanford,California,September8-11,2003 γ a that Loredo the PSFs. hing dicit e with without the t -ra making ys ha are tification. p tin galaxies them i.e., b discouraged gamma-ra applied es terparts o to GRBs y v een example an PSF of w searc y the uous; e w at for source flat-sp erful and b the is b those searc ell-kno diffuse blazars asso e differen prop een [ according pulsing pulse 24 additional p at at hes, PSF-dep TIME INFRACTIONSOFAPULSEPERIOD are erio bac with in the ] based P ~89mSEC ciated tec hing high ectrum dev or cosmological with y osed with presen b their wn brigh kground VELA dicit origin. hnique taking sources, profile eing t in ha ‘signal-to- of elop extensiv w with energies that as v fa a the instead greater on enden nebula e kno y v analy- test to v ted , infor- γ ed brief, elengths radio b or -ra pul- can een p ad- the the the An wn for re- P ~102mSEC PSR B1706-44 to o- in in of of y a e t 183 for dead the ativ can ( ration ∼ T sp is tle tain date, the and ha ulations, tion hard gorithm pro v cations algorithms train observ not ing time, promises (i.e., also GRB ∼ ery ypical 30 man ectral That The v primarily 0.2 is tly cessing e ely ∼ and nature statistically GRB and dep excellen p s within PSR B1951+32 of kno time bursts coun few only using P ~39mSEC profiles y o ations, s) for with less time or. to soft pulses of there end durations Data will indexes classification wn and of latencies MeV terpart ‘trigger’ the the the p the is One than lo of a er hard the whic sp t ab with on due b profiles ok required the mo are in pulsars the b ground p e of long Rela ev ectra, long-soft out range, ecause ositions to goal tuned energy). for EGRET significan 0.1 en h ving differen harder P ~237mSEC LA t sp to LA (t iden w in are measured the y GEMINGA t algorithms their bursts, clusters ectra ypically) o ms. T terv for for the Satellite T detected of has time p using and to of tifications is ∼ carefully v the opulations (see ariations science for the p b t als GRBs 0.3 higher-energy designed ev mak large y opulation spark t), profiles and Ob long from en windo and an lo the the with LA of s Sec. with jectiv only e ts calization PSR B1055-52 P ~197mSEC hard b for (TDRS) long are ev pro incremen y T dead with b t on EGRET demand hard-sp the via c ypically een EGRET. en w. ham constan 2.1), of lik (the via the to visional in prop b of e b ts X-ra duration eing the ha Mon ely short oard. decomp The the send seconds. time GRBs, established b in rapid short details v some er b er system, e ectrum will y ev t eha of direction LA te access explored. relativ t b on consist atten of trac (Source: GRB detectors en bursts The reconstruc- een p ev Carlo T the vior. bursts b er follo osition t ∼ short b on en with e of is k oard rate 0.5. able er; tion signifi- trigger trigger t ely T bursts notifi- short- to whic whic b w rac rates ha This oard sim- [ of and 25 rel- du- D. ob- the are lit- By vs. T up al- v to to k- of is h ]. h o a e PHYSTAT2003, SLAC, Stanford, California, September 8-11, 2003 the background noise level, can be achieved using the Bayesian Block algorithm developed by Scargle [26]. The algorithm cannot sort out overlapping pulses, an unsolved problem in the general case, but still can pro- vide useful characterizations of time profiles of GRBs. It does not require the events to be binned in time, so no minimum time scale for detecting variability is imposed by the method.

4.5. Population studies

Several related approaches have been used to demonstrate that the low-latitude EGRET gamma- ray sources are correlated with tracers of massive star formation, without needing to claim identifica- Figure 7: Source location (likelihood test statistic) map tions for any particular unidentified source. Kaaret for the stacked EGRET counts and exposure for 58 X-ray & Cottam [27] fitted Gaussian profiles to the latitude bright galaxy clusters. No significant emission is seen at and longitude distributions of low-latitude unidenti- the composite source location at the center of the field [31]. fied EGRET sources and generated random sets of point sources consistent with these distributions. For each set, the number of sources lying within 1◦ of an OB association was counted. The probability of are not bright enough for detection. Stacking the data a chance association of as many as 16 sources out of for a population of sources means coadding counts and 25, as observed with the actual EGRET sources, was exposure centered on each source position. (Generally, evaluated from the distribution as 6.1 ×10−5. unrelated nearby point sources must be excised.) This Romero et al. [28] applied a somewhat different technique was recently applied by Reimer et al. [31] technique to evaluate the significance of positional to investigate whether nearby, X-ray bright clusters of correlations between the distributions of low-latitude galaxies are also gamma-ray sources; see Fig. 7. The EGRET gamma-ray sources and Wolf-Rayet stars, coadded exposure for 58 clusters resulted in an up- ∼ × −9 −2 −1 OB associations, and supernova remnants. The ob- per limit of 6 10 cm s for the average flux served distributions of positional offsets was compared above 100 MeV, approximately 8 times more sensitive with the offsets obtained for the sources scrambled in than the upper limit for any of the galaxy clusters longitude and latitude in such a way that their lati- individually. tude distribution was exactly maintained. The con- clusion that correlations were statistically significant was especially strong for SNR. Of course, Wolf-Rayet 5. CONCLUSIONS stars, OB associations and supernova remnants nec- essarily have fairly similar distributions, and may in The LAT instrument on GLAST will have revolu- fact interact to produce gamma-ray sources [29] tionary sensitivity and should revolutionize gamma- Grenier [30] investigated the distribution of uniden- ray astronomy. Fulfilling the promise of the instru- tified EGRET sources by evaluating the log N-log S ment will require careful statistical treatment of the (flux distribution) for the sources and comparing the data at all levels, from event reconstruction and clas- distribution of expected detections on the sky for sification, to source detection, source identification, various assumed intrinsic spatial distributions of the and population studies. This relates to the detection sources. This likelihood approach naturally com- method for gamma rays, their low intrinsic fluxes, and pensates for sensitivity variations owing to different the scanning observing mode that will be routine for depths of exposure and intensities of diffuse emission the LAT. Some classes of sources, in particular blazars across the sky. The results indicated a significant cor- and gamma-ray bursts, will require triggers for near- relation with tracers of dense interstellar gas and star real time alerts. Searches for periodic emission from formation. Correlation with the population of radio pulsars will also be needed. pulsars was notably weaker, although most radio pul- sars have lifetimes as gamma-ray sources much shorter than as radio sources and pulsars are known to have large proper motions. References A stacked source analysis can be used to study whether a population of putative gamma-ray sources [1] can be detected collectively, even if individual sources [2]

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