the BoX SCORE: InSIDE THE nUMbERS for IOwA basketbAll. SPORTS THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 TueSday, January 29, 2013 NEWSPAPER •DAILYIOWAN.COM • TELEVISION 50¢ Dance Marathon 2013: faMilies Chauncey sparks Seeing hope, not cancer opposition By nick hassett
[email protected] After a 6-1 Iowa City City Council vote to approve building a 20-story building at the intersection of College and Gilbert Streets, many thought the matter had been settled. But one local group is still fighting for alternatives. The Iowa Coalition Against the Shad- ow, a group headed by Iowa City residents Jon Fogarty and Rockne Cole, met at the Iowa City Public Library, 123 S. Linn St., on Monday night to discuss ways to stop the development, The Chauncey. “We want citizens’ voices to be heard, and the decision that’s made reflect com- munity values,” Cole said. “This is our park, our commons, and we all want in- put into this.” The Chauncey proposal included res- idential and office space as well as en- tertainment venues, with a focus on the latter. The 20-story building would also include two FilmScene theaters. With all the chairs in the meeting room taken, people lined the back of the room, and though their name suggests opposi- tion to the height of the building, their grievances with the Chauncey were as varied as they were numbered. The first plan of action for the group is to push for certain zoning for the planned Ellie Capaldo (center) plays with grandmother Cindy Capaldo on Jan.