The Boxer, the Wrestler, and the Coin Flip: a Paradox of Robust Bayesian Inference and Belief Functions
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General The Boxer, the Wrestler, and the Coin Flip: A Paradox of Robust Bayesian Inference and Belief Functions Andrew GELMAN 1 Y = if the boxer wins 0 if the wrestler wins. Bayesian inference requires all unknowns to be represented by probability distributions, which awkwardly implies that the In the Bayesian framework, X and Y must be given probability probability of an event for which we are completely ignorant distributions. Modeling X is easy: Pr(X =1)=Pr(X =0)= (e.g., that the world’s greatest boxer would defeat the world’s 1/2, probabilities that can be justified on physical grounds. [The greatest wrestler) must be assigned a particular numerical value outcomes of a coin caught in mid-air can be reasonably modeled such as 1/2, as if it were known as precisely as the probability as equiprobable (see, e.g., Jaynes 1996; Gelman and Nolan 2002) of a truly random event (e.g., a coin flip). but if this makes you uncomfortable, you can think of X as Robust Bayes and belief functions are two methods that have being defined based on a more purely random process such as a been proposed to distinguish ignorance and randomness. In ro- radiation counter.] bust Bayes, a parameter can be restricted to a range, but without Modeling Y is more of a challenge, because we have little a prior distribution, yielding a range of potential posterior infer- information to directly bear on the problem and (let us suppose) ences. In belief functions (also known as the Dempster-Shafer no particular reason for favoring the boxer or the wrestler in the theory), probability mass can be assigned to subsets of parameter bout. We shall consider this a problem of ignorance, the model- space, so that randomness is represented by the probability dis- ing of which has challenged Bayesians for centuries and, indeed, tribution and uncertainty is represented by large subsets, within has no clearly defined solution (hence the jumble of “noninfor- which the model does not attempt to assign probabilities. mative priors” and “reference priors” in the statistical litera- Through a simple example involving a coin flip and a box- ture). The distinction between X and Y is between randomness ing/wrestling match, we illustrate difficulties with robust Bayes and ignorance or, as characterized by O’Hagan (2004), between and belief functions. In short: robust Bayes allows ignorance to aleatory and epistemic uncertainty. spread too broadly, and belief functions inappropriately collapse Here we will model Y as a Bernoulli random variable, with to simple Bayesian models. Pr(Y =1)=π, and assign a uniform prior distribution to π on [0, 1] KEY WORDS: Dempster-Shafer theory; Epistemic and the range . That is, we assume complete ignorance about aleatory uncertainty; Foundations of probability; Ignorance; Ro- bust Bayes; Subjective prior distribution. 1. USING PROBABILITY TO MODEL BOTH RANDOMNESS AND UNCERTAINTY We define two binary random variables: the outcome X of a coin flip, and the outcome Y of a hypothetical fight to the death between the world’s greatest boxer and the world’s greatest wrestler (Figure 1): 1 X = if the coin lands “heads” 0 if the coin lands “tails” Andrew Gelman is Professor, Department of Statistics and Department of Po- litical Science, Columbia University, 1016 Social Work Building, New York,NY 10027 (E-mail: [email protected]; Web:∼ gelman). The author thanks Arthur Dempster, Augustine Kong, Hal Stern, David Krantz, Glenn Shafer, Larry Wasserman, Jouni Kerman, and an anonymous re- viewer for helpful comments, and the National Science Foundation for financial Figure 1. Wrestler Antonio Inoki delivers a flying kick to Muhammad support. Ali during their exhibition on June 26, 1976. Used with permission from the Stars and Stripes. Copyright 1976, 2006 Stars and Stripes. 146 The American Statistician, May 2006, Vol. 60, No. 2 © 2006 American Statistical Association DOI: 10.1198/000313006X106190 Figure 2. (a) Prior predictive distribution and (b) posterior predictive distribution (after conditioning on X = Y ) for the coin-flip/fighting-match example, under pure Bayesian inference. X , which we understand completely, and Y , for which we have complete ignorance, are treated symmet- rically. the probability that the boxer wins. [As reviewed by Bernardo distributions because they show the probabilities of observables and Smith (1994) and Kass and Wasserman (1996), a uniform rather than parameters.) distribution on the probability scale is only one of the many ways There is nothing wrong with this inference, but we might to define “ignorance” in this sort of problem. Our key assumption feel uncomfortable giving the model for the uncertain Y the here is symmetry: that we have no particular reason to believe same inferential status as the model for the random X. This is either the boxer or the wrestler is superior.] a fundamental objection to Bayesian inference—that complete Finally, the joint distribution of X and Y must be specified. ignorance is treated mathematically the same as an event with We shall assume the coin flip is performed apart from and with no probabilities known from physical principles. The distinction connection to the boxing/wrestling match, so that it is reasonable between randomness and ignorance has been addressed using to model the two random variables as independent. robust Bayes and belief functions. 2.1 Robust Bayes 2. A SIMPLE EXAMPLE OF CONDITIONAL Robust Bayes is a generalization of Bayesian inference in INFERENCE, FROM GENERALIZED BAYESIAN which certain parameters are allowed to fall in a range but with- PERSPECTIVES out being specified a prior distribution. Or, to put it another way, As in the films Rashomon and The Aristocrats, we shall tell a continuous range of models is considered, yielding a continu- a single story from several different perspectives. The story is ous range of possible posterior inferences (Berger 1984, 1990; as follows: X and Y are defined above, and we now learn that Wasserman 1992). X = Y : either the coin landed heads and the boxer won, or the For our example, we can use robust Bayes to model complete coin landed tails and the wrestler won. To clarify the information ignorance by allowing π—the probability that Y equals 1, that available here: we suppose that a friend has observed the fight the boxer defeats the wrestler—to fall anywhere in the range and the coin flip and has agreed ahead of time to tell us if X = Y [0, 1]. Figure 3(a) displays the prior distribution, and Figure 3(b) or X/= Y . It is thus appropriate to condition on the event X = Y displays the posterior distribution after conditioning on the event in our inference. X = Y . Conditioning on X = Y would seem to tell us nothing Because we are allowing the parameter π to fall anywhere useful—merely the coupling of a purely random event to a purely between 0 and 1, the robust Bayes inference leaves us with com- uncertain event—but, as we shall see, this conditioning leads to plete uncertainty about the two possibilities X = Y =0and different implications under different modes of statistical infer- X = Y =1. This seems wrong in that it has completely de- ence. graded our inferences about the coin flip, X. Equating it with an In straight Bayesian inference the problem is simple. First event we know nothing about—the boxing/wrestling match— off, we can integrate the parameter π out of the distribution for has led us to the claim that we can say nothing at all about Y to obtain Pr(Y =1)=Pr(Y =1)=1/2. Thus, X and the coin flip. It would seem more reasonable to still allow a Y —the coin flip and the fight—are treated identically in the 50/50 probability for X—but this cannot be done in the robust probability model, which we display in Figure 2. In the prior Bayes framework in which the entire range of π is being consid- distribution, all four possibilities of X and Y are equally likely; ered. [More precise inferences would be obtained by restricting after conditioning on X = Y , the two remaining possibilities are π to a narrower range such as [0.4, 0.6], but in this example we equally likely. (We label the plots in Figures 2 and 3 as predictive specifically want to model complete ignorance.] This is an issue The American Statistician, May 2006, Vol. 60, No. 2 147 Figure 3. (a) Prior predictive distribution and (b) posterior predictive distribution (after conditioning on X = Y ) for the coin-flip/fighting-match example, under robust Bayesian inference in which the parameter π is allowed to fall anywhere in the range [0, 1]. After conditioning on X = Y , we can now say nothing at all about X , the outcome of the coin flip. that inevitably arises when considering ranges of estimates (e.g., [p({1}),p({1})+p({0, 1})]. This can be represented by a belief Imbens and Manski 2004), and it is not meant to imply that ro- function with probability masses p({0})=0.1, p({1})=0.4, bust Bayes is irredeemably flawed, but rather to indicate a coun- p({0, 1})=0.5. In this model, the probability of the event “0” terintuitive outcome of using the range π ∈ [0, 1] to represent is somewhere between 0.1 and 0.6, and the probability of the complete ignorance. Seidenfeld and Wasserman (1993) showed event “1” is somewhere between 0.4 and 0.9. that this “dilation” phenomenon—conditional inferences that Statistical analysis is performed by expressing each piece of are less precise than marginal inferences—is inevitable in ro- available information as a belief function over the space of all bust Bayes.