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NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2018 - BIMONTHLY - EN European Landowners’ Organization Pantone 364 CMYK 73 / 9 / 94 / 39

Regional Forum for the Future of Agriculture: Achieving a future of food and environmental sustainability

Olha TROFIMTSEVA, Deputy Minister on European Integration, Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, Ukraine CountrySide 178


3 Regional Forum for the Future of Agriculture: Achieving a future of food and environmental sustainability

6 Protecting the bees A holistic land manage- ment approach and an innovative sowing machine are the winners of this year’s edition IN MEMORIAM of the European Bee Award Pierre CRAHAY 7 Busy autumn for the EU Platform on Coexist- ence between People and Large Carnivores November 8th, 1952 - December 7th, 2018 Landowner - Ambassador Natura 2000 8 CAP Reform talk of Bucharest during ELO General Assembly Behind the reception desk of the European Landowners’ Organiza- tion’s headquarter in Brussels hangs a photograph of two men walk- “PARTRIDGE” Project – 10 ing into the infinite space of nature. Both are walking away from Pilot Commitee Meeting the photographer. The image shows their love for nature and for the CIC Markhor Award Finland Leading the Way in land of their ancestors. At the same time, you see how knowledge is Wetland Conservation transferred from one generation to the other. The guide has an un- mistakable silhouette: a cap on his head and a sturdy branch in the right hand to make it clear to his painful knee that his daily walk is 11 The New Europe: The Family Business Per- not yet part of the past. spective Even just seen from the back, no clearer image exists that pictures Pierre. The photograph was taken in the pond region of Midden- Kick-off meeting of REWARD: an Erasmus+ 12 Limburg (Belgium), his home, his earthly paradise, where the tree project on women entrepreneurship in rural frogs are singing. areas Pierre could better than anyone combine pleasure with (lobby) Promoting Sustainable Use of Underutilized work. He frequently brought together high-level European officials, Lands for Bioenergy Production Through a lawyers, officials from the Flemish Agency for Nature and Forest, Web-Based Platform for Europe – launch of a scientists and nature lovers around his dining table. Local products new Horizon 2020 project and slow cooking only became buzz words a long time after they were embraced by Pierre in his kitchen. At dusk his visitors joined 13 Heritage Houses for Europe. Exchange & In- him for a last walk: a search for tree frogs. Simplicity and warmth. novate. A fruitful workshop closing 2018 Over the years Pierre became an ambassador for private nature con- 2 and a key online survey starting 2019 servation in Natura 2000 areas. He was the driving force behind the 3Water project, awarded by the European Commission the Natura 14 The European Historic Houses welcomes 2000 award. This project could only be realized with the co-oper- a new team & implements a new strategy ation of many private landowners in the region. Pierre acted as a spider at the center of the web. No other nature reserve was more visited by European officials than the 3Water site. Within the Direc- 16 Diary dates torate-general Environment of the European Commission you did not play a role of importance if you did not visit (on a regular basis) Pierre. A true citizen of Limburg and a true citizen of Europe. Last week, on behalf of ELO, Pierre welcomed a delegation of French experts on invasive species. He accompanied them to the European Biodiversity Day and introduced them to European Com- mission officials during the BEE award. Afterwards, he dined with biodiversity experts from all over Europe. That evening he was an- gry. The European Commission was not listening enough to his call for additional support for private landowners to support their na- ture conservation actions. He would make it clear to them how im- portant private land conservation is! He achieved so many things, but still more needs to be achieved. At that time nobody knew that later that week the tree frogs would sing for Pierre for the very last time.

© Andrei Daniel Mihalca The ELO Team CountrySide 178

Helen VOLSKA (moderator), Kazys STARKEVICIUS, Oleksiy PAVLENKO, Olha TROMIFIMTSEVA, Leonid KOZACHENKO,Vitali BASHYNSKYI Regional Forum for the Future of Agriculture: Achieving a future of food and environmental sustainability

Each year, the Forum for the Future of Agriculture (FFA) meets twice in different European regions. The second event of 2018 took place on 25 October In Kiev (Ukraine) to discuss food and environmental security in global and local contexts as well as access to new technologies. These topics were chosen to highlight both the Ukrainian and European state of play regarding food production, environmental protection and global competitiveness.

Matthew DEMPSEY, ‘Irish Farmers Journal’ & ELO member 3 elcoming the participants Pierre and obesities worldwide. European agricul- the only country that can easily double its Olivier DRÈGE, President of the ture has to step up its contribution to global production. To free up this huge potential, WEuropean Landowners’ Organi- sustainable agriculture and markets.” Poor education and rural development must zation (ELO) underlined that: “Ukraine re- nutrition is leading to stunting both phys- go hand in hand, and that is before hav- mains world-famous for its black earth and ically and mentally the population, while ing even mentioned that the actual state its tremendous potential for local, Europe- in sub-Saharan Africa, because of poor in- of play of Crimea and Donetsk has to be an and indeed global agricultural produc- frastructure and facilities, 70% of food solved first. tion. Making the best and most sustainable output never reaches the final consum- use of this treasure means applying the lat- er and is, in effect, wasted. This presents Kazys STARKEVICIUS, member of the est technology and best farm practices, but an opportunity and an obligation. Climate Lithuanian Parliament and former Minis- also making sure that its farm businesses change and droughts are exacerbating the ter for Agriculture spoke of his country’s are on the cutting edge of environmental situation but it must be tackled given the agricultural experience. Prior to the Rus- care.” forecasts for population growth in Africa sian occupation, agriculture in and the present pressures forcing many to was comparable to Denmark but the Rus- Dr Hans HOOGEVEEN, Ambassador/Per- attempt to reach Europe. sian occupation created “a hopeless situ- manent Representative of the Kingdom of ation in Lithuanian farming” however the the to the United Nations in Increasing productivity and at the same sector is now again making progress. Rome, Chair of the FAO Programme Com- time saving the planet was the challenge mittee introduced by video the first ses- underlined by Oleksiy PAVLENKO, former The comparison with Ukraine was clear sion on food and environmental security Ukrainian Minister of Agrarian Policy and with Olha TROMIFIMTSEVA, Deputy Min- in global and local contexts. When point- Food. While speaking about the world- ister on European Integration, Ministry of ing out the huge opportunities for Afri- wide problem of accessing clean water and Agrarian Policy and Food, Ukraine and Vi- can agriculture using EU expertise, he said: the consequences of importing agricultur- tali BASHYNSKYI, Head of Social coun- “We are losing our fight against hunger al products, he emphasized that Ukraine is cil of State Service for Food Safety and CountrySide 178

Oleksandr ZEMOYDA, Gautier MAUPU, Xavier LEPRINCE, Hendrik BOURGEOIS, Lesya KUZMENKO, Taras VYSOTSKYI (moderator)

Consumer Protection; also drawing atten- a sustainable food future requires meeting who owns the data as analysed by Gautier tion to the world class competitiveness of three competing needs simultaneously: ef- MAUPU, Senior Consultant at Agritel and Ukrainian agriculture and being confident ficiently closing the food gap; preserving Oleksandr ZEMOYDA, General Director of that the country can double production natural resources and climate, while im- Strategic Planning and European Integra- with its soil quality and human capital. proving the environmental and social im- tion Directorate, Ministry of Agrarian pol- Ukraine is already supplying 50m tonnes pact of agribusiness. The EBRD adopts a icy and Food. of grain to the world market. responsible, sustainable and innovative ap- All agreed that the new motto for Ukraine proach to achieve the best balance among Leonid KOZACHENKO, member of Parlia- should be “Brains and grains”. While ad- the three competing aspects.” She also ment of Ukraine, explained his country’s mitting that the EU and Ukraine are com- spoke of the organisation’s willingness to significant role in agriculture but added petitors all agreed that more should be that to triple the production vast invest- invest in Ukraine and pointed out the enor- done to cooperate than to compete. De- ments are needed. To achieve this, the Eu- mous scope for increased production and spite the huge number of landowners ropean Union needs to support his coun- the use of new technology such as gene farming in Ukraine is industrial in its scale try in adjusting the increase in the trade editing and new data management tech- and management. It is a unique country quota. A possible solution could be to niques having the capacity to give more and the collapse in agricultural output in 4 strengthen bilateral collaboration e.g. with precision in the application of inputs and Crimea since the Russian invasion is mak- France. measurement of outputs. ing them more aware of what Europe and the world can offer. The speakers considered EU agriculture Xavier LEPRINCE, EAME Business Sustain- over-regulated but were willing to achieve ability Head, Syngenta underlined that: The FFA was concluded by a captivating EU registration for their products which “We should give much credit to Ukrainian field trip to the Berezan region. Investing would give them worldwide credibility. agriculture to be one of the world leading in Eastern European agriculture has been Ukrainian agriculture stands very much on agricultural powerhouses. However, there is a disaster for some but very profitable for its own feet with just 0.5% of the national more untapped potential to be a key play- others. The large and fertile country of budget going to the sector compared with er in feeding the growing population of the Ukraine has seen both. 30% in the EU as they pointed out. They world. Implementing cutting edge innova- saw a huge investment opportunity in de- tions and technology will help sustainably veloping pork, poultry and energy crops. increase yields and save fertile farmlands.” At the moment, there are seven million The discussion concentrated on how to landowners but the leasing system is well access and finance digital technologies On behalf of the regional FFA organ- developed. Farm land cannot be sold or to reduce costs, optimize output and im- isers and partners, we would like to pledged for credit and foreigners will not prove quality. Hendrik BOURGEOIS, Vice thank once more the speakers and be allowed buy Ukrainian land for at least President Corporate Affairs EMEA, Cargill moderators of the FFA event. 10 years. They all highlighted that Ukrain- shared how customized digital technology ian soil is very valuable and you need a bal- We would also like to extend a special improved their internal processes thus in- ance. thanks to the Grain Alliance Team for creasing profitability and productivity. The their time and effort and allowing us Opening the second panel on access to new elements that impede the creation of new to have a better understanding, dur- technologies Lesya KUZMENKO, EBRD business models though digital technolo- ing the field trip, of the challenges Deputy Head Ukraine, ICA (Industry, Com- gies are affordability, trust in the system ahead for the Ukraine and the EU. merce and Agribusiness), said: “Achieving and contractual agreements on knowing Josef Höger (1801–1877), Detail from “View of Palais Rasumofsky the garden pavilion,” after 1837 © LIECHTENSTEIN. The Princely Collections, Vaduz–Vienna

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LGT. Your partner for generations. In Basel, Berne, Geneva, Lugano, Zurich and at more than 15 other locations worldwide. www.lgt.ch Gilles DRYANCOUR, Bruno HECKENBENNER, Christophe URBANIAK, Amélie MANDEL, Karl-Heinz FLORENZ, Björn LAGERMAN, Thierry de l'ESCAILLE, Nora von LIECHTENSTEIN, Jerome BANDRY Protecting the bees A holistic land management approach and an innovative sowing machine are the winners of this year’s edition of the European Bee Award

MEP Karl-Heinz FLORENZ hosted the ceremony at the European Parliament in Brussels and in the presence of EU Director General for Environment Daniel CALLEJA CRESPO, this year’s prize was awarded to a Spanish project focusing on holistic land management practices and an innovative sowing machine for field margins.


The European Bee Award was established • “Vivencia Dehesa” a project whose nity to share and communicate pollina- by the ELO and the European Agricultural main objective is to actively manage a tor-friendly practices, since these practic- Machinery Industry Association (CEMA) in private protected natural area in a sus- es are more important than ever before.” 2014, to acknowledge innovative & practi- tainable way in order to improve biodi- Thierry de l’ESCAILLE, Secretary General cal ideas to protect pollinators in European versity, is the winner of the “land man- agement practices” award. Nora von of ELO said: “For land managers, pollina- 6 farming. The 2018 Bee Award prizes were tors are our friends in the field. Tonight’s handed over on the 5th of December to this LIECHTENSTEIN presented the project; while winners have shown us that our love for year’s winners: pollinators is shared by so many. From • “Sem ‘Obord” an innovative sowing technological innovators who create new machine for field margins, presented by bee-friendly tools, to local communities Amélie MANDEL, received the “innova- who bring together tourism, sustainable tive & technological solutions” award. food production and bee conservation.” Moreover, a special jury mention was On behalf of CEMA Gilles DRYANCOUR, granted to “Beescanning”, represented Honorary President, underlined how by Björn LAGERMAN for inventing a tool “farmers, beekeepers and machinery which helps beekeepers save their bees manufacturers need to work together to from parasites by using artificial intelli- achieve the common objectives of bee pro- gence on their smartphone to analyse the tection and biodiversity conservation, we health of bee colonies. are not antagonists but join our forces in Karl-Heinz FLORENZ, host of this year’s full-cooperation”. Bee Award ceremony, stressed the need The competition received 17 applications to act now and collectively in order to save from various European countries. The the bees and pollinators overall, since their award ceremony gathered over 100 par- loss would have severe consequences for ticipants in the European parliament: us all. bee-keepers, policy makers, landown- Karmenu VELLA, Commissioner for En- ers, academia and representatives of the vironment, Maritime Affairs and Fisher- agri-food sector exchanged best practices, ies with a video contribution congratulat- while enjoying a festive networking eve- ed the initiative as “a welcomed opportu- ning celebrating bees and biodiversity. CountrySide 178

“Vivencia Dehesa” semi-natural habitats and their reduced size. Therefore, the jury selected the in- Winner of the Category: novative sowing machine ‘Sem’Obord’ as “Land Management practices” this years winner in the category “Innova- This year the award in the category “Land tive technological solutions”. Sem’Obord Management practices” was assigned is a narrow seeder installed on an arm of a to ‘Vivencia Dehesa’, a project with the flail mower, which gives it the possibility main objective to actively manage a pri- to seed different habitat types, such as vate protected natural area sustainably, field margins and road sides. This leads to in order to improve the biodiversity of improved preservation pollinators by of- the ecosystems present at state. The in- fering better food resources and overwin- tegral management of Vivencia Dehesa tering sites. The Bee Award prize money has been applied for over ten years in the will be used to buy melliferous seed mix- 256 ha property of Valdepajares de Tajo tures to continue to implement concrete in Spain and consists of seven parts: con- actions to enhance pollinators’ health servation, regenerative agriculture, live- and to support farmers’ initiatives. stock with holistic management, train- ing, ecotourism, falconry and tracking ac- tivities. As a result of their management practices, the Vivencia Dehesa now has “Beescanning” by Medron- five ecosystems in a great state of con- halva servation, which represent a refuge for Special Mention 2018 rich biodiversity and hence also for bees. The cornerstone of the project is, howev- Millions of honeybee colonies die each er, to share the benefits of nature conser- year because of the parasite mite, varroa vation with society. destructor. This year’s, special mention was given to ‘Beescanning’, an online tool Tagger, which helps beekeepers world- “Sem’Obord” wide save their bees by using artificial in- telligence on their smartphone. Beescan- Winner of the Category: ning helps to analyse images of affect- “Innovative technological solutions” ed bees and the diagnosis can be used to Field margins are shelters which can have evaluate the health of a colony. The da- a high diversity of floral and animal spe- tabase also provides a foundation to help cies. However, in many cases, the field beekeeping management and research margins have deteriorated. Usual equip- for healthy strains. The app was launched ment for seeding is not appropriate be- in 2018 and in only a few months there cause of the accessibility of such linear are already 15.000 users worldwide.

Busy autumn for the EU Platform on Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores 7 Jurgen TACK, Scientific Director, ELO Co-chair of the EU Platform on Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores

Autumn has been a busy time for the EU large carnivore depredation. Sever- recent statement that the full costs of Platform on Coexistence between Peo- al very interesting examples were pre- livestock depredation can be covered by ple and Large Carnivores. Two regional sented of how Rural Development under state aid is therefore welcome news. workshops, co-organised between dif- the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) The second workshop in Montenegro ferent Platform members, took place has been used successfully by regions was unusual, both because it took place in late September and early November. to address depredation issues. This has outside the EU and because it involved As always with the regional workshops, been a recurring theme for the EU Plat- all the countries in the Dinara-Pin- the aim was to examine the specific sit- form and one that is receiving increas- dos-Balkan region. The idea behind the uation regarding large carnivores in dif- ing attention elsewhere. The European workshop, to establish a regional plat- ferent regional settings and to facilitate Parliament recently commissioned a re- form crossing the borders of EU and a joint-learning process between the EU port which provides very useful back- non-EU countries to cover the whole Platform members and those people in ground facts and figures on livestock of the Dinara-Pindos-Balkan range for the workshop area who are affected by production and on the issue of depre- large carnivores, fits well both with the or interested in large carnivores. dation across Europe. One of the issues discussed in detail at the regional work- aims of the EU Platform itself, and the The first workshop, held in Goslar, fo- shop was the extent to which the full regional platforms pilot project which is cused on support for livestock manag- costs of damages and protection mea- helping to establish groupings in differ- ers in protecting their flocks against sures can be covered. The Commission’s ent European countries. CountrySide 178

CAP Reform talk of Bucharest during ELO General Assembly

Twice a year, the ELO General Assembly takes place in the country that is about to take up the rotating Presidency. At the end of November, the ELO was warmly welcomed by its Romania members in the snowy capital of Bucharest

Robert de GRAEFF, ELO

ELO members also heard from the Ro- manian Ministry of Forests and Water as well as that for the Environment, who discussed their priorities for the Presi- dency such as tackling farm waste wa- ter, climate change and preserving biodi- versity. The Ministries agreed that it was vital to gain the support of farmers and land managers to achieve the goals set out under Natura 2000, the Paris Climate Agreement and other treaties. After the presentations, ELO members further dis- cussed action on large carnivores with the Romanian delegation, whose manage- ment is becoming difficult in the region. Apart from the policy issues raised dur- ing the General Assembly, ELO members Petre DAEA, Laurentiu BACIU, Pierre-Olivier DREGE were invited for an evening of tradition- al Romanian food and drink, as well as music and dancing, which will be remem- he ELO received a warm welcome during the term of the current European bered by all. from the President of LAPAR, Lau- Parliament. During the General Assembly, Trentiu BACIU, who discussed the the ELO once again underlined its com- importance of European agricultural and mitment to a strong future for the CAP environmental policies for Romania, and that took into account both the sensi- shared his hopes for Romanian agricul- tivities of European agriculture and the ture as well as the general economic con- environment, but worried that many na- ditions in the country. They were followed tional administrations may not be ready by a presentation of policy highlights and to take up the responsibilities of the stra- priorities from ELO Secretary General tegic plans. While the ELO members did Thierry de L’ESCAILLE. see strong opportunities in a more devel- oped CAP that was more closely aligned As expected, the reform of the Com- to national priorities, they also expressed mon Agricultural Policy was high on the their concern that a renationalised policy 8 agenda for all ELO members, with the le- could lead to a loss of common European gal text under discussion, as well as the interests. tight timing left to finalise the reforms ELO policy advisers also gave specific presentations on reducing forest fires in Europe, welcomed candidate members from the Ukraine and discussed the ELO’s engagement at the international conven- tion on biodiversity. In the afternoon, Minister of Agriculture National Village Museum for Romania, Petre DAEA, joined the Gen- eral Assembly to discuss the priorities of the upcoming Romanian Presidency for The ELO members and staff would AGRILAND agriculture. He defended the budget for like to thank Laurentiu BACIU and the CAP and called for a reversal of the the LAPAR team for their hospi- proposed cuts, noting that the CAP is tality and excellent welcome. We an important tool to improve the Roma- would like to convey special thanks nian countryside. He noted his country’s to Paula POPOIU, Cristina LIBERIS

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“PARTRIDGE” Project – Pilot Commitee Meeting

Gerardo GIL DE LA CALLE, Wildlife Estates (WE)

The PARTRIDGE (Protecting the Area’s Resources Through Researched Innovative Demonstration of Good Examples) project is a transnational partnership launched in 2016 that was approved by the Inter- reg North Sea Region. At its base is a col- laboration between over 100 volunteer re- searchers, farm advisors, conservation- ists, hunters, civil servants and farmers from the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. It aims to demonstrate how best to end the simplification of the biocenose of ag- ricultural land by showing the complexity of related biotypes and help those affect- ed understand the loss or decrease in the with existing and new high-quality wildlife jective for growth is real and they envis- habitat of certain species or excessive pre- habitats using tailored local management age showing and sharing the positive re- dation. PARTRIDGE hopes to influence en- plans complemented by winter-feeding sults with both the actors in the field and vironmental and agricultural policies and and predation management. politicians to try and influence their forth- encourage good management practices coming decisions and plans for 2020 and On November 15 a pilot meeting was held among concerned parties. beyond. PARTRIDGE also aims to collabo- in Ramskapelle (Nieuwpoort, Belgium) to- rate more fully with the initiatives of the 10 practice model farms show case how gether with the participation of a coordi- “Wildlife Estates Label”. these new management solutions can im- nator from Wildlife Estates. Present for prove biodiversity and ecosystem servic- the first time, he was able to witness the For more information: es by up to 30% in four years. Over 7% of tremendous steps taken by the project https://northsearegion.eu/partridge/ each demonstration site will be enhanced with tangible results in the field. The ob- and www.wildlife-estates.eu

10 CIC Markhor Award Finland Leading the Way in Wetland Conservation

The two-year wait is over! Amidst the tantly, the project also led to the crea- beating sun of Sharm-el-Sheikh comes tion of a new working framework for the a project from the cold, dark winter of conservation, restoration and re-creation Northern Europe. At the occasion of the of wetlands. A framework that is heavi- 2nd Wildlife Forum, the recipient of the ly reliant on local community coopera- sixth CIC Markhor Award was announced. tion. The motivation, skills and co-oper- The winner: the ‘Return of Rural Wet- ation of local people, especially hunters, lands LIFE+ Project’! This successful in- and regional authorities for the wetland itiative has been running since 2010 in conservation, restoration and re-creation Finland. at local and regional level increased sub- stantially during the project. The project, led by the Finnish Wildlife This is the first CIC Markhor Award win- Agency focuses on restoring rural wet- ner from the European continent. It lands through cooperation between land- shows that, despite an increasingly urban owners, hunters, local associations and society in Europe, there is still a way for regional authorities working with envi- local communities, hunters and regular ronmental issues. landowners to shape the natural environ- The outcome include an increase in the ment and to restore and manage wetland quality, variety and number of wetlands habitats on a voluntary basis, even in are- in rural areas under the project. Impor- as dominated by agriculture and forestry. CountrySide 178

Günther H. OETTINGER The New Europe: The Family Business Perspective

European Family Businesses together with FBN Belgium, the voice of Belgian family businesses, organised the 5 and 6 November a joint event attended by more than 100 family business owners from all over Europe.

ntitled The New Europe: The Family preconception that family firms are find- succession – the internal governance of a Business Perspective, this 5th Euro- ing it difficult to adapt. family business and the inheritance taxa- pean Family Business summit tried tion. For families planning to pass down E Among all the other distinguished guests, to tackle some of the most important is- their business, the tax costs can vary wide- we had the opportunity to have as key- sues, starting by: Is it time for A New Eu- ly, depending on where the business is lo- note speaker Günther H. OETTINGER, EU rope? We are living in extraordinary times cated or whether the transfer is made dur- Budget Commissioner. He underlined that in Europe. The greatest political pro- ing the lifetime or on death. But in many Europe’s family businesses are important ject in history is seemingly under threat. cases tax will not necessarily be the only economic actors that deserve attention. Things once thought to be unimaginable 11 They represent social capital, respect and deciding factor. The most successful intra- are now political realities. In the context commitment to the workforce and the family bequeaths are the ones when the of growing political instability across the local community. Across Europe, about family manages to prepare and implement globe and profound changes taking hold 70% of enterprises are family businesses the succession plan that is aligned with of our economies due technological ad- and they account for about 40% to 50% the family’s values and purpose. And this vancements, what does the future hold of employment. The majority of family is the best way to ensure that family busi- for family businesses? In addition, the businesses in Europe are SMEs, and they ness and the family itself will prosper for upcoming European Parliament elections are the EU’s success story, being key for generations to come. These aspects clear- threaten to see the rise of even more Eu- the economy, job creation and competi- ly distinguish family businesses from oth- rosceptic parties; therefore, what does tiveness. Europe is also home to some of er companies, but they are closely linked the future hold for our continent? the best-known family businesses in the to national competences and cultural di- Next, we spoke about the perspective world; and their retail, luxury and indus- versity. (…) The Commission can only ad- of the Next Generation: what they need trial sectors are littered with brands that dress problems, which affect the operation from Europe to succeed, and what soci- have been under family control for many of the internal market and double taxa- etal role they should play as future busi- generations. Commissioner OETTING- tion as well as discrimination in the field of ness owners. Moreover, we discussed ER spoke also about the specificities of cross-border inheritances. On several occa- the results of the EFB Barometer, which family businesses; as most of their needs sions, we have encouraged Member States seeks to shed light on the challenges fac- vary depending on their size or the sector to take actions to avoid double taxation of ing family firms in Europe. Finally, in the in which they are operating and these are inheritance and tax discrimination in cross- context of the profound changes affect- shared with other businesses. He focused border context, and to promote growth- ing our economies thanks to the digital also on the critical moment for a family friendly tax policies. We have seen some revolution, we tackled the issue from the business when it is due to be transferred progress in this respect, but definitely more perspective of the family company, dis- to the next generation. „Two aspects are could be done.” He concluded by summa- cussing whether there is any truth in the crucial in this context of an intra-family rising the EU support measures for SMEs. CountrySide 178

Kick-off meeting of REWARD: an Erasmus+ project on women entrepreneurship in rural areas

Branwen MILES, ELO

Entrepreneurship has been identified as a rural areas, multifunctional farming is a functional activities that relate to agricul- new opportunity for women to deliver al- sector that offers opportunities for inte- ture and rural cultural heritage. ternative services to broaden and diver- grating heritage values into strategies for The kick off meeting took place in Paris at sify the scope of their activities, and their economic and social sustainability of rural the headquarters of the Project Co-ordi- role in society with effect on social inclu- areas. nator and ELO member AGPB, along with sion, poverty and economic development Raising Employability of Women through partners from Spain, Czech Republic, Po- in rural areas. entrepreneurial Activities fostering Rural land and Slovenia. It was an opportunity Women have a specific role in the devel- Development (REWARD), is an EU fund- to discuss the aims and objectives of the opment of multifunctional farming activi- ed Erasmus+ project that began in No- project. The next meeting will be held in ties, along with the modernisation of rural vember 2018. Slovenia in the autumn 2019. areas. This pushes women into a periph- eral position in farm management, pav- The project will analyse the situation of ing the way for integrated new business rural women in Europe, and create training If you would like more information or to activities. Whilst underlining the impor- materials in order to provide them with follow the project, follow us on twitter: tance of farming and its contributions to the tools to manage a wide range of multi- @REWARD_ERASMUS

Promoting Sustainable Use of Underutilized Lands for Bioenergy Production Through a Web-Based Platform for Europe 12 – launch of a new Horizon 2020 project

Lindsey CHUBB, ELO

The BIOPLAT-EU project (Promoting pilation of results from other EU and in- Water Quality, Water use and efficien- Sustainable Use of Underutilized Lands ternational projects have produced val- cy, Biodiversity, LUC) and will enhance for Bioenergy Production Through a uable maps, tools and information ad- reliability and accuracy of environmen- Web-Based Platform for Europe) was dressing sustainable bioenergy produc- tal impact assessments for bioenergy launched in November 2018 and will tion on MUC lands and data compiled value chains on MUC lands. run for three years. The purpose of by the consortium from governments, The STEN tool and GIS maps will be the project is to create a database of public and private partners throughout shared on a web-based platform in ad- maps of Marginal, Underutilized and the project to complete the gaps. BIO- dition to the project website and down- Contaminated (MUC) lands in Europe PLAT-EU will also develop a public user- loadable for free. The kick-off meeting and the development of a public user- friendly tool (STEN: Sustainability Tool held in Munich, Germany in November friendly tool that gives the user some for Europe and Neighbouring countries) was hosted by WIP Renewable Ener- specifications about these lands. This that gives the user some specifications gies in order to establish a detailed and includes abandoned, fallow land and about these lands (agronomic and cli- precise 6-month work programme and brownfields. matic specifications and what type of complete the fine tuning concerning the In order to achieve its objective, the biomass can be planted). It is based role of each partner. project will create a database of maps on existing tested methodologies for of MUC in Europe that will be generated the assessment of 8 environmental This project is Co-funded by the indicators (GHG emissions, Air Pollut- Horizon 2020 Framework Programme based on high resolution data and their of the (Contract No. attributes. The database will be a com- ants emissions (non-GHG), Soil Quality, 818083). Pantone 390 CMYK 24 / 0 / 98 / 8 CountrySide 178

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Heritage Houses for Europe. Exchange & Innovate. A fruitful workshop closing 2018 and a key online survey starting 2019


We are collecting data from the widest group possible of managers and owners of heritage houses. This will help us to assess the socio economic impact of the sector, identify relevant business mod- els and understand the use of EU fund- ing programs. Your answers will feed the study, made for you and with you. To- gether we are smarter, stronger.

Access and disseminate the survey: https://www.europeanlandowners. org/heritage-houses-for-europe/ survey/

Final conference, 24th of September 2019: Save the date! The final Conference will be held in Brus- sels, 24th of September 2019 where we The project awarded to ELO, the Europe- • Identify the main categories of busi- will present the study, highlighting its key an Historic Houses Association and IDEA ness models run by family-owned her- findings and policy recommendations. It Consult by DG EAC will run until end 2019 itage house owners and managers in will foster networking among heritage to build the legacy of the 2018 Europe- Europe house managers, cultural and creative in- an Year of Cultural Heritage. This pro- • Explore the diversity of existing and dustries, local communities, policy mak- 13 ject aims at assessing the added value innovative business models for herit- ers and academics. Join us! of family-owned heritage houses in Eu- age houses rope; as well as identifying innovative business models. It was also the opportunity to receive feedback and adapt the project’s next Contact us! What happened in 2018? steps to the end users of this study: own- Are you interested in the project? ers and managers of heritage houses. Contact us by email to On November 6th 2018, the consortium [email protected] The workshop report is the transcription hosted the first workshop of the project and visit our website; of those insights and discussions collect- “Heritage Houses for Europe. Exchange https://www.europeanlandowners.org/ ed during this key meeting. They will feed & Innovate”. This event gathered 30 par- heritage-houses-for-europe/ the organization of the second workshop ticipants, including owners of heritage and final conference. houses as well as business models ex- perts and heritage specialists. It was an interactive event allowing participants to Read the full report: share their experience and inputs on their https://www.europeanlandowners. Funded by business models. org/heritage-houses-for-europe/ the European Union events/ What were the key learning points of this Disclaimer workshop? This is a Preparatory Action of the European Parliament January – February 2019: implemented by the European Commission. The Euro- • Learn about the Osterwalder business participate to the online survey pean Commission is not responsible for this content. This model canvas and share the language content expresses the views of its author(s) only. Project name: Open micro-business models for innovation in Eu- for describing, visualizing, assessing Are you a manager of heritage house? We ropean family-owned heritage houses project. Project and replicating business models need your help! Number: EAC/2018/0313 CountrySide 178

Themis CHRISTOPHIDOU, Director General, DG Culture & Education speaking at EHH Conference ‘Enhancing sustainable entrepreneurship for private historic houses’

The European Historic Houses welcomes a new team & implements a new strategy

On November 5-6, the European Historic Houses (EHHA) held its annual General Assembly & Conference in Brussels, during which members elected a new Board of Directors to implement a new strategy for the years to come. 14 Lucie MARET, EHHA

Rodolphe de LOOZ-CORSWAREM step- Together with a renewed Board of Direc- entrepreneurship for private historic ped down as Executive President, after tors, they will implement a new strate- houses’ at the European Committee of eight years of faithful service and was gy for the Association, evolving around Regions. The opening speech by Themis officially nominated Honorary Presi- three axes: CHRISTOPHIDOU, Director-General, DG dent. Alfonso PALLAVICINI was elected • European influencing Culture & Education, acknowledged the as the new Executive President. Wence- positive impact of heritage houses as slas de LOBKOWICZ and William CART- • Best practice sharing among National a source of inspiration and innovative WRIGHT-HIGNETT, Next|Gen coordina- Associations business model to preserve heritage for tor, were appointed as Vice-Presidents. • Networking among owners and man- future generations. The closing address They all own and manage historic houses agers by Stéphane BERN was an appeal for bet- in Europe, and are specialists in differ- ter support to owners of historic houses ent fields ranging from lobbying to busi- The General Assembly was also the occa- across Europe. ness restructuring and management; sion to show the results of the European and of course, passionate about herit- Year of Cultural Heritage, and especial- The winners of the European Heritage age buildings. ly the European Private Heritage Week. Photographer of the Year Award were Gathering 642 houses in 17 countries and unveiled outside of the Conference room more than 272.000 visitors, it was a true in the Committee of Regions. success. Be ready for the 2019 edition! We have been working hard to build a On November 6, EHH held its Conference concrete legacy of the European Year of on ‘2018 EYCH - Enhancing sustainable Cultural Heritage for owners and manag- CountrySide 178

ers of heritage houses. EHHA raised their voice during the closing meeting of the stakeholders committee with the Euro- pean Commission held in Leipzig on No- vember 8. We ensured that private her- itage would be taken into account in the Action Plan for Cultural Heritage as well as in the next Creative Europe program. We were also present at the Fair for Cul- tural Innovators, on November 15-16 in Brussels, as well as during the Interpar- liamentary Committee Meeting held on November 19-20. The meeting was closed by Tibor NAVRACSICS, Commissioner for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, who praised cultural heritage in private hands and our project ‘Heritage Hous- es for Europe. Exchange & Innovate’ for their contribution to the 2018 EYCH. We will also be at the closing ceremony of the Austrian Presidency in Vienna on De- Winners of the EHHA photo contest exposed at the Committee of Regions cember 6-7. Our main goal is that cultural heritage re- mains high on the political agenda after 2018, and to continue supporting meas- a sustainable future for cultural heritage by ensuring the increase of budget of the ures benefiting owners of heritage hous- and for heritage houses in particular. We Creative Europe program, but also by se- es. Political commitments are already a also have to secure sustainable sources curing a greater place for cultural heritage success but will not be enough to secure of funding for cultural heritage, notably in EU structural funds. EHHA’s new team will address these chal- lenges in 2019 with its new strategy. In the meantime, we would like to wish you on behalf of the entire team a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


• Join our network!

If you wish to join your National Association and have access to specific information in your country, consult the map of our Members on our website: http://www.europeanhistorichouses.eu/ members/, or contact our team directly: [email protected] / 00 32 (2) 400 77 00. You can also follow us:

European Historic Houses Association @EHHA2016#EuropeForCulture www.europeanhistorichouses.eu [email protected]

@europeanhistorichouses The New Board of the EHHA, William CARTRWIGHT-HIGNETT, Rodolphe de LOOZ-COR- SWAREM, Alfonso PALLAVICINI & Wenceslas de LOBKOWICZ (from l. to r.) CountrySide 178

8 - 10 April, Brussels 23 - 26 May, European elections for the Diary dates 3 days around the FFA European parliament, European Union www.europeanlandowners.org www.europarl.europa.eu/at-your-ser- vice/en/be-heard/elections 9 January 2019, European Parliament, 8 April, Brussels Brussels Wildlife Estates Steering Committee 13 - 16 June, Anjou, France Innovation conference “After the ECJ: The www.wildlife-estates.eu 22nd General Assembly of the ‘Friends of Future of Plant Breeding”; hosted by Anne the Countryside’ SCHREIJER-PIERIK MEP www.friendsofthecountryside.org www.europeanlandowners.org 16 18 - 27 January, Berlin International Green Week www.gruenewoche.de Let’s increase our food supply without 5 February, European Parliament, Brussels reducing theirs Biodiversity, Hunting and Countryside In- tergroup “Toward a better EU framework for private land conservation”; hosted by Karl-Heinz FLORENZ MEP www.europeanlandowners.org Syngenta Brussels Office Avenue Louise, 489, 19 March, European Parliament, Brus- B-1050 Brussels sels Tel: +32.2.642 27 27 European Tree of the Year www.syngenta.com www.treeoftheyear.org www.goodgrowthplan.com

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Pantone 364 Countryside Publisher : CommunicationCMYK 73 /& 9 / 94proof / 39 readers: Rue de Trèves, 67 Thierry de l’Escaille Jehanne de Dorlodot - Verhaegen B - 1040 Bruxelles is a publication of the ELO Chief editor : Gabrielle Cubillo Tel. : 00 32 (0)2 234 30 00 in English and French Emmanuelle Mikosz Fax : 00 32 (0)2 234 30 09 Text editor : Robert de Graeff, Back office: [email protected] 5 Euros Sophy Smits van Oyen-Maltzoff Gabriela Pena, Alberto Hermosel Internet Site : www.elo.org