The adaptive function of male genital spines in the fruit ananassae [Doleschall] (Diptera: )

A thesis submitted to the

Division of Research and Advanced Studies of the University of Cincinnati

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


In the Department of Biological Sciences of the McMicken College of Arts and Sciences

9 July 2012


Karl Grieshop

B.S., University of Cincinnati June 2009

Committee Chair: Dr. Michal Polak


Chapter 1: That male genital morphology evolves via postcopulatory sexual selection is a widely held view. In contrast, the precopulatory sexual selection hypothesis for genital evolution has received less attention. Here, we test the hypothesis that male genital spines of Drosophila ananassae promote competitive male copulation success. Using laser surgery to manipulate trait size, we demonstrate that incremental reductions of spine length progressively reduce male copulation success: males without spines failed entirely to copulate because of an inability to couple the genitalia together, whereas males with halfway ablated and blunted spines suffered reductions in copulation success of 87% and 13%, respectively. The decrease in copulation success resulting from spine length reduction was markedly stronger in sexually competitive environments than in non-competitive environments, and females expressed resistance behaviors similarly toward competing male treatments, demonstrating directly the role of genital spines in promoting competitive copulation success. Because these spines are widespread within Drosophila, and because genital traits with precopulatory function are being discovered in a growing number of taxa, precopulatory sexual selection may have a more pervasive role in genital evolution than previously recognized.

Chapter 2: The contemporary explanation for the rapid evolutionary diversification of animal genitalia is that such traits evolve via postcopulatory sexual selection. The most common debate within this framework has been over the relative importance of three non-mutually exclusive evolutionary mechanisms: sperm competition, cryptic female choice, and sexual conflict. The first two of these are strictly postcopulatory mechanisms, whereas sexual conflict could operate before, during or after copulation. We investigate the potential for male genital spines in Drosophila ananassae to function in postcopulatory sexual selection. Whereas previous work on two Drosophila shows that these spines function in precopulatory sexual selection to promote male competitive copulation success, the postcopulatory function(s) of Drosophila genital spines have not yet been thoroughly investigated. Using a precision micron-scale laser surgery technique we test the effect of spine length reduction on male competitive fertilization success, female remating behavior, fecundity, and copulation duration. We find no evidence that male genital spines in this species have a postcopulatory adaptive function. However, partial genital spine ablation had an unexpected positive effect on the probability that males would fertilize at least one gamete of a previously mated female. This effect is discussed in terms of the possibility that Drosophila genital spines are harmful to females as a pleiotropic side effect of evolving to promote competitive male copulation success.


Regarding Chapter 1, published in Evolution (The International Journal of Organic Evolution):

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Evolutionary biologist are interested in traits that vary across closely related taxa, because this indicates that such traits have undergone some type of rapid divergent evolution relative to the traits that do not vary across those taxa. The most famous example of this is the disparate beak morphologies exhibited by finches of the Galapagos Islands, which aided Charles

Darwin’s formulation of the modern theory of evolution (Darwin, 1859). Darwin identified these various beak morphologies as being adaptive within particular evolutionary lineages because their distinct, specialized functions (e.g. foraging for large seeds versus small seeds) allowed individuals bearing the optimal foraging hardware to out-compete those with more generalized morphological equipment in the life or death competition for survival. He termed this process by which nature provides individuals of a population with differential fitness (defined as survival and reproduction) natural selection, where individuals with relatively greater fitness are better able to pass on the heritable components of their success to their offspring, which in turn share such success. The result, over evolutionary time, is the formation of distinct species that occupy different ecological niches.

The most variable type of morphological trait exhibited across even closely related species of the animal kingdom is that of male genitalia (Eberhard, 1985). However, contrary to the beak morphologies of Darwin’s finches that have evolved to exploit specialized niches, male genital traits and their functions are variable across closely related taxa that occupy the same or similar niches. The inference here is that natural selection would not operate on such closely related, similar species in such a variety of ways, whereas sexual selection—a type of natural selection concerned specifically with differential reproductive fitness of individuals (Darwin,

1871)—could account for such a pattern of evolutionary diversification under similar naturally

4 selective pressure(s) (Lloyd, 1979; Eberhard, 1985). Darwin (1871) reserved sexual selection for explaining only the bizarre and elaborate secondary sexual traits of (e.g. the peacock’s tail), and evolutionary biologists have only recently begun implicating sexual selection in the evolution of primary sexual traits, such as male genital morphology (Eberhard, 1985; Shapiro &

Porter, 1989; Hosken & Stockley, 2004; Leonard & Córdoba-Aguilar, 2010).

Since this latest paradigm shift in the understanding of genital trait evolution, most studies of genital traits have focused on a particular type of sexual selection that ensues after the onset of copulation—postcopulatory sexual selection. This is understandable considering most genital traits do not contact the opposite sex until copulation has begun. But lately a growing body of evidence for genital traits functioning prior to copulation has emerged, despite its counterintuitive plausibility (Bertin & Fairbairn, 2005; Langerhans et al., 2005; Kahn et al.,

2010; Polak & Rashed, 2010; Miller, 2010).

This thesis investigates the adaptive function of a specific genital trait, male genital spines, of the fruit fly Drosophila ananassae. Though offer abundant opportunity to study the adaptive function of animal genitalia because they are easily maintained and manipulated in a laboratory, and typically yield high sample sizes, most genitalia are microscopic in size—a practical research impediment to the manipulative experimentation that reveals the causal bases, or selective pressures, responsible for the evolution of these traits. To address this dilemma, a novel micron-scale laser ablation technique is used to perform precision surgeries, generating discrete experimental treatments that can be used to answer specific questions regarding the function of male genital spines in this species. The experiments described in the following two chapters contribute to an underrepresented area of the literature: the role of precopulatory sexual selection in the evolution of genital trait form and function.


Darwin, C. 1859. On the origin of species by means of natural selection. London, UK: John


Darwin, C. 1871. The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex. London, UK: John


Eberhard, W. G. 1985. Sexual selection and animal genitalia. Cambridge, MA: Harvard

University Press.

Hosken, D. J. & Stockley, P. 2004. Sexual selection and genital evolution. Trends Ecol. Evol.


Kahn, A. T., Mautz, B., & Jennions, M. D. 2010. Females prefer to associate with males with

longer intromittent organs in mosquitofish. Biol. Letters. 6:55-58.

Langerhans, R. B., Layman, C. A., & DeWitt, T. J. 2005. Mal genital size reflects a tradeoff

between attracting mates and avoiding predators in two live-bearing fish species. Proc.

Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 102:7618-7623.

Leonard, J. L. & Córdoba-Aguilar, A. (eds) 2010. The evolution of primary sexual characters in

animals. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Lloyd, J. E. 1979. Mating behavior and natural selection. Fla. Entomol. 62: 17-34.

Miller, E. H. 2010. Genitalic traits of Mammals. In: The evolution of primary sexual characters

in animals (J. L. Leonard, A. Córdoba-Aguilar, eds), pp. 471-493, New York, NY:

Oxford University Press.

Polak, M. & Rashed, A. 2010. Microscale laser surgery reveals adaptive function of male

intromittent genitalia. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. Biol. Sci. 277:1371-1376.

Shapiro, A. M. & Porter, A. H. 1989. The lock-and-key hypothesis: evolutionary and

biosystematic interpretation of insect genitalia. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 34:231-245.


The completion of this study would not have been possible without the assistance of several people, to whom I am incredibly grateful. First and foremost, I am deeply appreciative toward my undergraduate and graduate research advisor, Dr. Michal Polak, who provided the initial idea for this project, invaluable research guidance/expertise, and constructive criticism and advice that will echo in my mind for years to come—undoubtedly enhancing my career trajectory and future success. Secondly, I would like to thank the remainder of my research advisory committee, Dr. George Uetz and Dr. John Layne, for their contribution to my development as a scientist and a person throughout my degree program. Lastly, there are several other people to whom I must express my appreciation, whether having helped with experimental procedures, intellectual support, or both; those are (in no particular order) Dr. Arash Rashed, Dr. Necati

Kaval, Dr. Jorge Hurtado-Gonzalez, M.S. Brooke Hamilton, M.S. Beth Cortright, B.S. Liz

Brown, B.S. Alexandra Warner, B.S. Scott Licardi, Roger Ruff, a host of my peers and elders from the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Cincinnati, my friends, and family—thank you all. This study was supported by the University of Cincinnati, the McMicken

College of Arts and Sciences, the Department of Biological Sciences, and the National Science



List of Figures: ...... 9

List of Tables: ...... 10

Chapter 1: 11

Abstract: ...... 12

Introduction: ...... 13

Methods: ...... 15

Results: ...... 23

Discussion: ...... 26

References: ...... 30

Tables: ...... 34

Figure captions: ...... 36

Figures: ...... 38

Chapter 2: 45

Abstract: ...... 46

Introduction: ...... 47

Methods: ...... 51

Results: ...... 58

Discussion: ...... 60

References: ...... 66

Tables: ...... 72

Figure captions: ...... 74

Figures: ...... 75

General Conclusions: 76


Chapter 1

1 Scanning electron micrograph of male genital spines ...... 38

2 Profile images of two species of male genital spines (pulled free) ...... 39

3 Scanning electron micrograph of laser ablated male genital spine ...... 40

4 Probability of copulation across several surgical treatments ...... 41

5 Probability of copulation for tips-cut and control males in two social contexts ...... 42

6 Probability of copulation for partial-cut and control males in two social contexts . . . . . 43

7 Histogram of copulation attempts for two treatments in two social contexts ...... 44

Chapter 2

1 Probability of P2 being > 0 for cut and control males ...... 75


Chapter 1

1 Copulation latencies and durations for all treatments and experiments ...... 34

2 ANCOVA on copulation latency for Experiment 2 ...... 35

Chapter 2

1 Logistic regression on the probability of P2 being > 0 for Experiment 1 ...... 72

2 ANCOVAs on female fecundity for Experiment 2 ...... 73


An expanded version of the Brief Communication published in: Evolution (The International Journal of Organic Evolution) (doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2012.01638.x)

The precopulatory function of male genital spines in Drosophila ananassae

[Doleschall] (Diptera: Drosophilidae) revealed by laser surgery

Karl Grieshop*


Michal Polak

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH 45221-0006, USA

Running title: The precopulatory function of genital spines

*Author for correspondence:

Karl Grieshop

Department of Biological Sciences

University of Cincinnati

Cincinnati, OH 45221-0006, USA

Tel: +1 (513) 646-2467

Fax: +1 (513) 556-5299

Email: [email protected]


2 That male genital morphology evolves via postcopulatory sexual selection is a widely

3 held view. In contrast, the precopulatory sexual selection hypothesis for genital evolution has

4 received less attention. Here, we test the hypothesis that male genital spines of Drosophila

5 ananassae promote competitive male copulation success. Using laser surgery to manipulate trait

6 size, we demonstrate that incremental reductions of spine length progressively reduce male

7 copulation success: males without spines failed entirely to copulate because of an inability to

8 couple the genitalia together, whereas males with halfway ablated and blunted spines suffered

9 reductions in copulation success of 87% and 13%, respectively. The decrease in copulation

10 success resulting from spine length reduction was markedly stronger in sexually competitive

11 environments than in non-competitive environments, and females expressed resistance behaviors

12 similarly toward competing male treatments, demonstrating directly the role of genital spines in

13 promoting competitive copulation success. Because these spines are widespread within

14 Drosophila, and because genital traits with precopulatory function are being discovered in a

15 growing number of animal taxa, precopulatory sexual selection may have a more pervasive role

16 in genital evolution than previously recognized.


18 Key words: Adaptive function, animal genitalia, copulation success, functional morphology,

19 laser ablation, precopulatory sexual selection



21 The leading hypothesis to explain the remarkable diversification of male genital traits is

22 that such complexity evolves in response to sexual selection (Eberhard, 1985; Hosken &

23 Stockley, 2004; Leonard & Córdoba-Aguilar, 2010). Specifically, postcopulatory mechanisms of

24 sexual selection, including sperm competition (Parker, 1970; Simmons, 2001), cryptic female

25 choice (Thornhill, 1983; Eberhard, 1985, 1996), and sexual conflict (Parker, 1979; Andersson,

26 1994; Arnqvist & Rowe, 2005), have received the most attention (Hosken & Stockley, 2004).

27 Indeed, the last quarter century has seen considerable growth in the number of studies addressing

28 the postcopulatory function of genitalia (Leonard & Córdoba-Aguilar, 2010). In contrast, fewer

29 studies have focused on the potential for precopulatory sexual selection to drive genital evolution

30 (Bertin & Fairbairn, 2005; Eberhard, 1993, 2010a,b; Arnqvist, 1997; Simmons, 2001; Hosken &

31 Stockley, 2004). Though it is admittedly counterintuitive that genital traits would function prior

32 to copulation, such traits do occur in a variety of animal taxa (e.g. flatworms: Michiels, 1998;

33 insects: Bertin & Fairbairn, 2005; Polak & Rashed, 2010; fishes: Langerhans et al., 2005; Kahn

34 et al., 2010; mammals: see Miller, 2010), and thus they deserve greater empirical and theoretical

35 consideration.

36 An effective way to study the adaptive function of a trait, and test ideas about the causal

37 bases of its evolution, is to employ manipulative experimentation (Sinervo & Basolo, 1996;

38 Arnqvist, 1997; Eberhard, 2011). Although insects offer abundant examples of the rapid

39 divergent evolution of animal genitalia (Eberhard, 1985; Leonard & Córdoba-Aguilar, 2010), the

40 microscopic size of most insect genitalia impedes their phenotypic manipulation. The present

41 study uses a precision laser surgery system, capable of ablating and altering the shape of micron-

42 scale structures with little or no damage to surrounding structures (Polak & Rashed, 2010), to

13 43 study the adaptive function of male genital spines in the cosmopolitan fruit fly Drosophila

44 ananassae (Tobari, 1993). Specifically, we test the hypothesis that genital spines in D.

45 ananassae function to promote competitive male copulation success. Male genital spines in

46 Drosophila are a rapidly evolving and widespread trait within the melanogaster species group

47 (with over 40 species expressing them), ranging from species that do not express them (e.g. D.

48 melanogaster) to those exhibiting one to five pairs of spines (Hsu, 1949; Bock & Wheeler, 1972;

49 McEvey et al., 1987; Schiffer & McEvey, 2006). Polak and Rashed (2010) employed laser

50 ablation in a study of the male genital spines of D. bipectinata, and found support for the

51 hypothesis that genital spines promote competitive male copulation success. In the wild,

52 members of both sexes of these species aggregate on fermenting fruit, where males chase, court

53 and attempt to copulate with females that come to the fruit to feed, mate and oviposit. Typically,

54 there are many males and females at these sites, where there is a premium on males to locate and

55 mate with receptive females before they are usurped by rival males; the mating system of these

56 is best described as scramble competition (Thornhill & Alcock, 1983).

57 In D. ananassae, the genital spines are a single pair of hard, sclerotized, claw-like

58 structures that are external at rest, extending from the ventral cercal lobe (or secondary claspers)

59 (Figure 1). These spines move independently of the aedeagus and other genital structures, and

60 insert into the female’s external genitalia (not the gonopore) during copulation. Although similar

61 in appearance, the spines of D. ananassae are 21% longer (controlling for body size variation)

62 than in D. bipectinata (Grieshop and Polak, unpublished data—reported below). Thus, not only

63 was it our intent to examine the function of the spines in D. ananassae in their own right, and

64 hence to begin to assess the generality of the findings concerning Drosophila genital spine

14 65 function reported in Polak and Rashed (2010), but also to compare their relative functional

66 importance for copulation between these two species.

67 Experiment 1 of the present laboratory study investigates the effect of incremental

68 reductions in spine length on male copulation success in a non-sexually competitive context.

69 Experiment 2 investigates the effect of spine length reduction on male copulation success in two

70 social contexts—non-competitive and competitive—simultaneously. This experiment

71 specifically tests the prediction that the negative consequence of spine reduction on male

72 copulation success should be more pronounced in a competitive environment than in a non-

73 competitive environment. Experiment 3 repeats the test for the effect of spine length reduction

74 on copulation success in these two social environments, but does so in smaller arenas to facilitate

75 assessment of the potential role of female behavior in driving differential male copulation

76 success between the surgical treatments.



79 Experimental flies

80 The base population of Drosophila ananassae [Doleschall] (Diptera: Drosophilidae) was

81 initiated with 100 inseminated females collected in February 2009 on the South Pacific island of

82 Moorea (17°32'58.78''S, 149°52'59.29''W), Society Islands. Flies were mass cultured in the

83 laboratory on a 12:12 h L:D photoperiod and a 24°C (L): 22°C (D) temperature regime in 240 ml

84 glass milk bottles (N = 6) with 6 g of Formula 4-24 Instant Drosophila Medium (Carolina Supply

85 Co., Burlington, NC), 20 ml water, 8 ml of banana/live yeast slurry (50 ml water : 25 g banana :

86 1.5 g live yeast), and autoclaved tissue paper. The base population was acclimated to these

87 laboratory conditions for 7 generations over 4 months before use in the experiments.

15 88 Virgin males and females were collected from the base population simultaneously within

89 4 h of eclosion, maintained separately as virgins in 35 ml disposable polystyrene shell vials lined

90 with cornmeal-agar food medium (N~25 per vial), and allowed to age for 6 days until use in a

91 given experiment. Experimental flies were transferred to fresh food vials every other day until

92 experimentation, and live yeast was added to vials containing females.

93 After each block of all experiments, males were preserved in 95% ethanol and later

94 examined under an Olympus SZX12 stereomicroscope to verify treatment identity and the

95 integrity of the surgical manipulation (without knowledge of copulatory status). Male thorax

96 length, an estimate of body size (Robertson & Reeve, 1952), was measured (in rehydrated

97 specimens) from the tip of the scutellum to the anterior edge of the thorax using an ocular

98 micrometer; independent repeated measurements of thorax lengths in a random sample of 10

99 males were highly repeatable among males (1-way ANOVA: F9,10 = 516.7, P < 0.0001). In

100 Experiment 3, observation chambers were cleaned with water, and cover-slips and filter paper

101 were replaced between blocks.


103 Preliminary interspecific comparison of trait size

104 Male D. ananassae (N = 5) were randomly selected from the base population, and male

105 D. bipectinata (N = 5) were randomly selected from the base population used in Polak and

106 Rashed (2010). Males were briefly preserved in 95% ethanol, their thorax lengths were measured

107 as described above, and their genital spines were pulled free of the male with fine forceps under

108 a dissecting microscope, and placed flat onto transparent two-sided taped adhered to a glass

109 microscope slide. Profile images of the right and left genital spines of each male were taken

110 using a Hitachi KP-F100 digital camera mounted on an Olympus BX60 light microscope (Figure

16 111 2a,b); the length (mm) of each genital spine was measured using ImageJ (

112 (Figure 2a’,b’), and averaged between right and left values. All images were captured at the same

113 magnification. Spine length between species was analyzed using AN(C)OVA, with and without

114 male thorax length as the covariate.


116 Laser manipulation

117 Virgin males were laser-treated within 22 h (± 2 h) of eclosion using the protocol

118 described in Polak and Rashed (2010) (Figure 3). Briefly, males were placed one at a time in a

119 Plexiglas surgical chamber while lightly anesthetized with humidified CO2. Pulsed laser light

120 was used to administer precision cuts to genital spines with little or no collateral damage to

121 surrounding structures or bristles (Figure 3). Experimental males had their spine lengths

122 surgically reduced in a bilaterally symmetrical fashion, producing the surgical treatments as

123 follows: full-cut, spines excised at the base; half-cut, half of spines excised; partial-cut,

124 approximately one third of spines excised; and tips-cut, tips of spines excised (blunted). The

125 control treatments were: surgical control, 2 bristles on the seventh sternite of the ventral

126 abdomen excised at the base; and sham control, subject to the same conditions as all other

127 treatments but not actually contacted with the laser light (laser pulse shot just next to the

128 specimen). Laser surgeries for all treatments, including both controls, took approximately the

129 same amount of time to perform (< 1 minute per individual). Following surgery, experimental

130 males were held separately (and without females) in food vials (N~20 per vial) until

131 experimentation. Across the 3 experiments described below (involving over 700 individual

132 surgeries), a negligible number (< 1%) of experimental males died prior to experimentation: 2

17 133 half-cut males (Exp. 1), 2 tips-cut males (Exp. 2), 1 partial-cut male and 1 surgical control male

134 (Exp. 3).


136 Experiment 1

137 To investigate the effect of spine length reduction on copulation success in a non-

138 competitive context, observation vials lined with cornmeal-agar were placed in a row along a

139 table. A female was aspirated into each of the vials at 8:00 pm, and the experiment commenced

140 the following morning at 8:00 am (23°C) when males were individually aspirated into the vials.

141 Cut and control males were interspersed among the row of vials such that the following sequence

142 repeated itself five times to constitute the 25 vials of each block: full-cut, half-cut, tips-cut,

143 surgical control, and sham control. The time at which each male was introduced into a vial with a

144 female was recorded, and observers continually scanned the vials in successive order for 2 h, or

145 until a copulation occurred. The start and stop times of all copulations were recorded. Copulation

146 latency refers to the amount of time (s) elapsed between a male’s introduction and the start time

147 of copulation; and copulation duration refers to the amount of time (s) elapsed between the start

148 and stop times of a copulation. Males that were not actively courting (< 1%) were replaced.

149 Three blocks of this experiment were conducted for a total N = 75 vials.

150 Copulation frequency data were pooled across blocks, as the heterogeneity χ2 was non-

151 significant (P > 0.9) (Zar, 1999). The probability of copulation across treatments was analyzed

152 using a subdivided χ2 approach (Zar, 1999): a χ2 test including all treatments was first

153 conducted, followed by χ2 tests on subsets of the data to assess which treatments differed from

154 each other. Log-transformed copulation latency and duration across treatments were analyzed

155 separately using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), with block and surgical treatment as factors

18 156 and log-transformed male thorax length as the covariate. In this and the two following

157 experiments, block had non-significant effects on copulation latency and duration (all Ps > 0.05),

158 so it was removed from reported models.


160 Experiment 2

161 Here we investigated the effect of spine length reduction on copulation success in two

162 social environments simultaneously. In the non-competitive environment either a tips-cut or a

163 surgical control male was placed individually in a vial with a female (N = 15 vials with a cut

164 male and 15 vials with a control male, per block). In the competitive environment each vial

165 contained a tips-cut male and a surgical control male with one female (N = 15 vials per block).

166 The following sequence of vials repeated itself fifteen times along the desktop to constitute the

167 45 vials of each block: non-competitive (cut), non-competitive (control), and competitive (cut

168 plus control). Three blocks of this experiment were conducted for a total N = 135 vials.

169 Males were aspirated into vials at 8:00 pm, and the experiment commenced the following

170 morning at 8:00 am (23°C) when females were individually aspirated into the vials. The time at

171 which each female was entered into a vial was recorded, and observers continually scanned the

172 vials in successive order for 2 h, or until a copulation occurred. The start times of all copulations

173 were recorded. Treatment identities of males were unknown to observers, so copulating pairs

174 were aspirated out of vials as they formed; thus, while copulation latency was calculated as

175 described in Experiment 1, copulation duration was not calculated here.

176 Fourteen vials were removed from relevant analyses for the following reasons: the

177 copulating pair in a competitive vial separated before retrieval (N = 2); flies were accidentally

178 killed or injured (N = 2 competitive vials); males of the tips-cut treatment were deemed (without

19 179 knowledge of copulatory status) not to have enough spine length removed to constitute the

180 treatment designation of “tips-cut” (N = 7 non-competitive, and 3 competitive vials).

181 Copulation frequency data were pooled across blocks, as the heterogeneity χ2 was non-

182 significant (P > 0.9) (Zar, 1999). χ2 was used to analyze the effect of surgical treatment on

183 copulation frequency separately for the two environment types. Log-transformed copulation

184 latency across treatments was analyzed using ANCOVA, with block, treatment, environment,

185 and treatment X environment interaction as factors, and log-transformed male thorax length as

186 the covariate.


188 Experiment 3

189 This experiment was designed to investigate the potential influences of male and female

190 behavior on any effect of surgical treatment and social environment on copulation success. Cut

191 and control males were observed with females in non-competitive and competitive environments

192 simultaneously as in Experiment 2, with three major exceptions: (1) to facilitate behavioral

193 observations, the experiment was conducted in small-cell mating chambers, which consisted of a

194 plexiglass rectangle (75mm X 25mm X 6mm) with a 12.5mm diameter arena, a 2.5mm diameter

195 entrance tunnel in the side, a glass cover-slip ceiling fastened to the top with two-sided tape, a

196 filter-paper floor fastened to the bottom with Scotch tape, and fine mesh plugging the entrance

197 tunnel; (2) partial-cut males were used as the cut treatment in this experiment as opposed to the

198 tips-cut males used in Experiment 2 (see Laser manipulation) to help ensure that treatment

199 effect(s) would be detectable in these different mating arenas; and (3) males in both the non-

200 competitive and competitive chambers were distinguished by treatment with a small dot of

20 201 colored paint on their dorsal thorax, which was randomly assigned to treatments. Three blocks of

202 this experiment (45 chambers per block) were conducted for a total N = 135 chambers.

203 Males were aspirated into the mating chambers at 7:00 am the morning of the

204 experiment, which commenced at 8:00 am (23°C) when females were individually aspirated into

205 the chambers. The time at which each female was entered into a chamber was recorded, and

206 observers continually scanned the chambers in successive order for 2 h, or until a copulation

207 occurred, recording the start and stop times of all copulations, as well as the total number of

208 times each chamber was scanned. Chambers were scanned on average 43 times (median: 54.5,

209 range: 1-116). Male identities with respect to treatment were unknown to the observers.

210 During each scan of a given chamber, any occurrence of the following behaviors was

211 recorded: male lunging, and female kicking, fleeing, decamping, and abdominal bending. Male

212 courtship and female behavior in our laboratory population of D. ananassae is similar to that

213 described by Spieth (1952). Males bend/curl their abdomens underneath themselves, then lunge

214 at a female, thrusting the tip of the abdomen forward in an attempt to bring the genitalia together.

215 During lunges, the male probes the female’s genitalia with his own, and after successfully

216 coupling his genitalia to hers, completes the mounting process by climbing forward onto her

217 abdomen between her wings. Failed copulation attempts involve males lunging only to achieve

218 very brief and passing contact with the female’s genitalia, sometimes lunging multiple times in

219 rapid succession. Female resistance behaviors include bending/curling their abdomens

220 underneath themselves away from the courting male, kicking with their hind limbs, fleeing while

221 grounded, and decamping via flight.

222 Because female behaviors were exhibited infrequently, the frequencies of kicking,

223 fleeing, decamping, and abdominal bending were summed for each female to yield a composite

21 224 frequency of female “resistance behaviors.” Behavioral frequencies, including male lunges and

225 female resistance behaviors, were converted to behavioral rates by dividing them by the total

226 number of scans per chamber. The resultant values closely estimated behaviors per unit time, as

227 the amount of scans per chamber was highly correlated with the total amount of time each

228 chamber was under observation (r2 = 0.96, d.f. = 127, P < 0.0001).

229 Seven chambers were removed from relevant analyses for the following reasons: flies

230 were accidentally killed or injured (N = 3 non-competitive chambers); the copulation began

231 before any behaviors were recorded (N = 2 non-competitive, and 1 competitive chamber); the

232 stop time of the copulation was unknown (N = 1 competitive chamber).

233 Copulation frequency data were pooled across blocks, as the heterogeneity χ2 was non-

234 significant (P > 0.4) (Zar, 1999). χ2 was used to analyze the effect of surgical treatment on the

235 frequency of copulation separately for the two environment types. Likewise, behavioral

236 frequencies and rates were analyzed separately for the two environment types: a two-tailed

237 Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to analyze differences between treatments, and a Welch’s

238 ANOVA was used when variances between treatments were statistically unequal (Zar, 1999).

239 Log-transformed copulation latency and duration across treatments were analyzed using the

240 ANCOVA model described in Experiment 2. JMP (v. 8, SAS Institute Inc., 2009) statistical

241 software was used throughout. Data archived in the Dryad repository:

242 doi:10.5061/dryad.g0v6h003.


22 243 RESULTS

244 Preliminary interspecific comparison of trait size

245 ANCOVA revealed that male D. ananassae have significantly longer genital spines than

246 male D. bipectinata, after accounting for differences in male thorax length (F2,7 = 15.25, P =

247 0.006). Least-squares mean spine length (± 1 s.e.) of male D. ananassae was 0.062 ± 0.0016mm,

248 compared to 0.051 ± 0.0016mm in D. bipectinata. Uncorrected mean spine length (± 1 s.e.) for

249 male D. ananassae was 0.064 ± 0.0012mm, and for D. bipectinata was 0.049 ± 0.0012mm

250 (ANOVA: F1,8 = 63.35, P < 0.0001).


252 Experiment 1

253 When males were placed individually with females, there was a highly significant effect

2 254 of treatment on copulation frequency (χ 4 = 60.56, P < 0.0001), attributable to a sharp reduction

255 in copulation success of the full-cut and half-cut treatments. No male D. ananassae with their

256 genital spines fully removed achieved copulation, and only 13% of half-cut males copulated

257 (Figure 4). In contrast, 87% of tips-cut males, and 100% of both control treatments, copulated

2 258 (Figure 4); copulation frequency did not differ among these three treatments (χ 2 = 4.19, P =

259 0.12). ANCOVA revealed no significant differences in copulation latency (F3,40 = 0.03, P = 0.99)

260 or duration (F3,40 = 0.28, P = 0.84) among treatments (Table 1).


262 Experiment 2

263 When placed individually with females in the non-competitive social environment, tips-

264 cut males exhibited a probability of copulation not significantly different from that of surgical

2 265 control males (χ 1 = 0.44, P = 0.51), consistent with the results of Experiment 1; however, tips-

23 266 cut males did suffer a significantly reduced probability of copulation in the competitive

267 environment when competing directly against surgical control males for access to individual

2 268 females (χ 1 = 5.63, P = 0.02) (Figure 5). Thus, whereas blunted genital spines did not reduce a

269 male’s probability of copulation in the non-competitive context, this subtle manipulation did

270 significantly reduce a male’s probability of copulation when there was another male present to

271 usurp the female, indicating social context interacts with spine manipulation to affect male

272 copulation success.

273 ANCOVA revealed that tips-cut males exhibited a significantly greater latency to

274 copulation than surgical control males (Table 2). That is, when control males gained copulations,

275 they did so, on average, significantly sooner than tipless males (Table 1).


277 Experiment 3

278 When assayed in small-cell mating chambers, partial-cut males exhibited a significantly

2 279 lower probability of copulation than surgical control males in both non-competitive (χ 1 = 15.75,

2 280 P < 0.0001) and competitive environments (χ 1 = 35.87, P < 0.0001) (Figure 6). In the absence

281 of sexual rivals, partial-cut males were 61% less likely to copulate than controls, but when the

282 two treatments competed directly for the same female partial-cut males were 93% less likely to

283 copulate than controls. ANCOVA revealed no significant difference in copulation latency (F1,69

284 = 1.89, P = 0.17) or duration (F1,68 = 2.47, P = 0.12) between treatments; likewise, treatment X

285 environment interaction had no significant effect on copulation latency (F1,69 = 0.01, P = 0.91) or

286 duration (F1,68 = 0.76, P = 0.39) (Table 1). This lack of an effect on latency is contrary to that

287 found in Experiment 2.

24 288 A two-tailed Wilcoxon signed-rank test revealed that partial-cut and surgical control

289 males performed a similar number of copulation attempts per unit time (i.e., lunge rate) in non-

290 competitive (Z43,42 = -0.66, P = 0.51) and competitive chambers (Z44,44 = 1.13, P = 0.26). When

291 lunges were analyzed without converting them to a rate, Welch’s ANOVA revealed that partial-

292 cut males exhibited a significantly greater total number of lunges than surgical control males in

293 both environment types (non-competitive: F1,48.4 = 9.38, P = 0.004; and competitive: F1,50.8 =

294 6.35, P = 0.015). In non-competitive chambers the mean number of lunges exhibited by partial-

295 cut males (N = 43) was 2.88 (median: 5.5, range: 0-16), compared to 0.69 (median: 2.5, range: 0-

296 6) for controls (N = 42); and in competitive chambers the mean number of lunges exhibited by

297 partial-cut males (N = 44) was 2 (median: 5, range: 0-13), compared to 0.68 (median: 1.5, range:

298 0-3) for controls (N = 44). Figure 7 shows the frequency distributions of lunges for both

299 treatments in the non-competitive and competitive social environments.

300 Females in non-competitive chambers that were paired with partial-cut males expressed

301 resistance behaviors at a significantly greater rate (Wilcoxon: Z42,43 = -2.85, P = 0.004) and

302 frequency (Welch’s: F1,46.8 = 4.3, P = 0.044) than females paired with surgical control males.

303 The mean number of resistance behaviors expressed toward partial-cut males (N = 43) was 2.12

304 (median: 5, range: 0-28), compared to 0.38 (median: 2, range: 0-7) for controls (N = 42).

305 In contrast, females in competitive chambers did not express a significantly different rate

306 (Z44,44 = 0.39, P = 0.69) or frequency (Z44,44 = 0.41, P = 0.69) of resistance behaviors toward

307 either treatment. The mean number of female resistance behaviors expressed toward partial-cut

308 and control males (N = 44 each) was 0.61 (median: 2, range: 0-9) and 0.48 (median: 1.5, range:

309 0-8), respectively. This result did not change when the analysis was restricted to only those

310 competitive chambers in which both males had been observed to lunge at least once (rate: Z11,11

25 311 = -0.08, P = 0.94; frequency: Z11,11 = -0.12, P = 0.91). Additionally, in all 74 copulations,

312 females were never observed to exhibit resistance behaviors while in copula. Thus, females do

313 not appear to discriminate between cut and control males.



316 The data from the three experiments support the hypothesis that genital spines in D.

317 ananassae function to promote competitive male copulation success. Experiment 1 revealed that

318 incremental reductions in male genital spine length progressively reduced copulation success in a

319 non-competitive context, where one male was paired with one female. Whereas removing only

320 the tips of the spines had a non-significant effect on male copulation success, removing half of

321 both spines reduced male copulation success by 87% relative to controls, and full excision of the

322 spines eliminated entirely the ability of males to copulate. Experiment 2, in turn, evaluated the

323 effects of the “tips-cut” surgical manipulation on male copulation success simultaneously in

324 competitive and non-competitive contexts. The results indicate that only in the competitive social

325 context was there a negative effect of this manipulation on male copulation success. Experiment

326 3 verified the existence of this apparent synergism between social environment and surgical

327 treatment using much smaller observation chambers: partial-cut males suffered a significant

328 reduction in copulation success compared to controls in both social contexts, but this effect was

329 stronger in the competitive context. Furthermore, these reductions in the copulation success of

330 partial-cut males occurred despite similar rates of male copulation attempts (lunges per scan)

331 between the two treatment groups, indicating that the surgical reduction in spine length per se,

332 and not any potential side effects of laser contact such as reduced male motivation to mate,

333 caused the observed reduction(s) in copulation success. Thus, the results from Experiments 2 and

26 334 3 provide support for the prediction that the effect of spine reduction on male copulation success

335 should be stronger in an environment where males compete for access to mates.

336 The behavioral observations conducted in Experiment 3 yield further insight into the

337 function of male genital spines in D. ananassae. A first consideration is that in both social

338 contexts of this experiment the partial-cut males exhibited a sharp increase in the frequency of

339 failed copulation attempts (lunges) with virgin females. In other words, cut males exhibited a

340 strong reduction in the efficiency with which they were able to couple their genitalia to that of

341 the female’s, which translated to longer copulation latency (although only significantly so in

342 Experiment 2), and a significant loss of copulation success. These data indicate that the genital

343 spines of male D. ananassae function in the mechanics of genital coupling, to which even subtle

344 alterations have significant reproductive consequences in the face of direct sexual competition.

345 Subtle variations in spine size and/or shape are therefore likely to have pronounced

346 consequences for male reproductive fitness in natural populations of D. ananassae and other

347 Drosophila species that exhibit a scramble competition mating system (Thornhill & Alcock,

348 1983), where competing males search for receptive females on the surface of fruits and where

349 efficient genital coupling is paramount for male copulation success.

350 A second consideration is that females exhibited statistically similar levels of resistance

351 behaviors expressed toward partial-cut and control males in the competitive context, suggesting

352 that female rejection of potential mates is not the cause of the impaired copulation success of cut

353 males in sexually competitive contexts. We also checked for differences in resistance behaviors

354 in the subset of cases in which both males of a competitive chamber were observed to lunge at

355 the female, because such cases would have provided the female with a better opportunity to

356 sense both males’ genital spines. However, we likewise found no significant differences in the

27 357 rate or frequency at which females expressed resistance behaviors toward cut and control males

358 in this subset of the data.

359 Yet, the existence of female resistance behaviors suggests that sexual conflict (Parker,

360 1979; Andersson, 1994; Arnqvist & Rowe, 2005) may help explain the evolution of male genital

361 spine morphology within Drosophila, as discussed in Polak and Rashed (2010). If the present

362 size and shape of male genital spines reflect their effectiveness at overcoming resistance

363 behaviors exhibited by females during courtship and/or mating (Spieth, 1952), then inter-specific

364 differences in spine morphology could at least in part represent differences in the intensity or

365 form of female resistance across species (Arnqvist & Rowe, 1995, 2002a,b). Indeed, the genital

366 spines of male D. ananassae are 21% longer than that of male D. bipectinata (Grieshop & Polak,

367 unpublished data—reported above), and spine removal has a stronger detrimental effect on male

368 copulation success in D. ananassae than it does in D. bipectinata (Polak and Rashed, 2010).

369 Whereas relative spine size matches the trait’s functional importance between these species, it

370 remains unclear whether they also differ in the intensity of female mating resistance. Clearly, a

371 broad range of species will need to be surveyed in terms of spine size, shape and function, and of

372 the intensity of female resistance, for a robust test of this idea.

373 For D. ananassae, further investigation of the adaptive function of male genital spines

374 will require a thorough test of the postcopulatory sexual selection hypothesis (Eberhard, 2011).

375 Though such tests were not the focus of our study, we found no indication in the admittedly few

376 variables we examined that spine reduction elicited any female behavioral responses during

377 mating. Females almost invariably were motionless and exhibited no detectable resistance

378 behaviors during copulation, and we consistently found no significant effect of spine

379 manipulation on copulation duration. Similarly, Polak and Rashed (2010) found that while

28 380 genital spines in D. bipectinata function to promote competitive male copulation success, spine

381 length reduction had no detectable effect on sperm transfer, fertilization success, competitive

382 fertilization success, fecundity, fertility, or copulation duration. Nevertheless, Polak and

383 Rashed’s (2010) study still was not an exhaustive test of the postcopulatory sexual selection

384 hypothesis (see Eberhard, 2011), so more work is needed to fully test this hypothesis with regard

385 to Drosophila genital spines.

386 There are over 40 species of Drosophila with genital spines (Hsu, 1949; Bock &

387 Wheeler, 1972; McEvey et al., 1987; Schiffer & McEvey, 2006), and genital traits that function

388 prior to copulation are taxonomically widespread outside of Drosophila as well (e.g. flatworms:

389 Michiels, 1998; insects: Bertin & Fairbairn, 2005; Polak & Rashed, 2010; fishes: Langerhans et

390 al., 2005; Kahn et al., 2010; mammals: see Miller, 2010). Therefore, the precopulatory sexual

391 selection hypothesis for genital trait evolution likely applies widely among animal taxa, and

392 should weigh more heavily on future research into the remarkable diversification of male

393 genitalia.



396 The research was supported by a University Research Council (URC) Graduate Student

397 Research Fellowship (to KG), the McMicken College of Arts and Sciences and the Department

398 of Biological Sciences at the University of Cincinnati, and the National Science Foundation

399 (DEB-1118599 to MP). We thank Brooke Hamilton, Beth Cortright, and Alexandra Warner for

400 assistance with experiments, and Dr. Necati Kaval of the University of Cincinnati’s Department

401 of Chemistry for the SEMs. We also thank Dr. Alex Córdoba-Aguilar and reviewers for helpful

402 comments on the manuscript.


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Table 1: Least-squares mean ± 1 s.e. (N) copulation latency and duration (s) across surgical treatments from ANCOVAs for Experiments 1, 2, and 3. Data were loge(y+1)-transformed prior to analysis. Surgical Sham Response Variable Full-cut Half-cut Tips-cut Part-cut control control Experiment 1 5.99 ± 0.9 6.11 ± 0.35 6.13 ± 0.33 6.01 ± 0.33 Copulation Latency N/A -- (2) (13) (15) (15) 5.55 ± 0.18 5.44 ± 0.07 5.49 ± 0.07 5.52 ± 0.07 Copulation Duration N/A -- (2) (13) (15) (15) Experiment 2 6.39 ± 0.19 5.87 ± 0.18 *(NC) Cop. Latency ------(29) (33) 6.13 ± 0.31 5.56 ± 0.23 *(C) Cop. Latency ------(11) (21) Experiment 3 6.37 ± 0.38 5.55 ± 0.24 (NC) Cop. Latency ------(12) (31) 7.11 ± 0.96 6.31 ± 0.25 (C) Cop. Latency ------(12) (31) 5.64 ± 0.06 5.71 ± 0.04 (NC) Cop. Duration ------(2) (29) 5.45 ± 0.15 5.67 ± 0.04 (C) Cop. Duration ------(2) (28) (NC) Non-competitive social environment. (C) Competitive social environment. * Significant differences revealed by ANCOVA (see Table 2). -- Treatment not included in experiment. N/A Zero copulations for that treatment (see Figure 2a).

34 Table 2: Results of ANCOVA on copulation latency for Experiment 2. Term d.f s.s.† F P

Male thorax length 1 2.6489 2.44 0.12

*Treatment (Trt) 1 5.9274 5.46 0.02

Environment (Env) 1 1.6249 1.49 0.22

Trt X Env 1 0.0111 0.01 0.92

Error 89 96.6232 * Significant terms. † sum of squares.


Figure 1: Scanning electron micrographs of male D. ananassae genitalia. (a) (50X) Male with

legs removed, i) head, ii) thorax, iii) abdomen. (b) (350X) Terminal segment of the

male abdomen, i) genital spines (external at rest) in crossed orientation, ii) everted

aedeagus, iii) dorsal abdomen.

Figure 2: Example profile images of male genital spines taken with a Hitachi KP-F100 digital

camera mounted on an Olympus BX60 light microscope. (a) D. ananassae raw image,

(a’) that same image with a line drawn down the center of the spine using ImageJ

measurement software; (b) D. bipectinata raw image, (b’) that same image with a line

drawn down the center of the spine using ImageJ measurement software.

Figure 3: Scanning electron micrograph of male D. ananassae genital spines (1200X),

illustrating the results of the micron-scale laser ablation technique: i) partially ablated

spine with no collateral damage to surrounding structures, ii) opposing spine left intact

for reference.

Figure 4: Results of Experiment 1, the effect of genital spine manipulation on copulation

success in a non-sexually competitive social context. Numerals above bars represent

sample sizes, pooled across three replicate blocks.

Figure 5: Results of Experiment 2, the effect of blunting genital spine tips in both non-

competitive and competitive social contexts. Numerals above bars represent sample

sizes, pooled across three replicate blocks.


Figure 6: Results of Experiment 3, the effect of partial spine ablation in both social contexts

performed in small-cell mating chambers. Numerals above bars represent sample

sizes, pooled across three replicate blocks.

Figure 7: Frequency distribution of failed copulation attempts (lunges) in the non-competitive

and competitive environments of Experiment 3.

37 Fig. 1

38 Fig. 2

39 Fig. 3

40 Fig. 4

41 Fig. 5

42 Fig. 6

43 Fig. 7


Formatted for: Evolution (The International Journal of Organic Evolution)

Do the male genital spines of Drosophila ananassae [Doleschall] (Diptera:

Drosophilidae) have a postcopulatory adaptive function?

Karl Grieshop*


Michal Polak

*Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH 45221-0006, USA

Running title: Do genital spines function post-copula?


Karl Grieshop

Department of Biological Sciences

University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati

OH 45221-0006, USA

Tel: +1 (513) 646-2467

Fax: +1 (513) 556-5299

Email: [email protected]


2 The contemporary explanation for the rapid evolutionary diversification of animal

3 genitalia is that such traits evolve via postcopulatory sexual selection. The most common debate

4 within this framework has been over the relative importance of three non-mutually exclusive

5 evolutionary mechanisms: sperm competition, cryptic female choice, and sexual conflict. The

6 first two of these are strictly postcopulatory mechanisms, whereas sexual conflict could operate

7 before, during or after copulation. We investigate the potential for male genital spines in

8 Drosophila ananassae to function in postcopulatory sexual selection. Whereas previous work on

9 two Drosophila species shows that these spines function in precopulatory sexual selection to

10 promote male competitive copulation success, the postcopulatory function(s) of Drosophila

11 genital spines have not yet been thoroughly investigated. Using a precision micron-scale laser

12 surgery technique we test the effect of spine length reduction on male competitive fertilization

13 success, female remating behavior, fecundity, and copulation duration. We find no evidence that

14 male genital spines in this species have a postcopulatory adaptive function. However, partial

15 genital spine ablation had an unexpected positive effect on the probability that males would

16 fertilize at least one gamete of a previously mated female. This effect is discussed in terms of the

17 possibility that Drosophila genital spines are harmful to females as a pleiotropic side effect of

18 evolving to promote competitive male copulation success.


20 Key words: Adaptive function, animal genitalia, fecundity, female remating, fertilization

21 success, functional morphology, laser ablation, postcopulatory, precopulatory, sexual selection



23 The remarkable elaboration and diversification of male genital morphology (as opposed

24 to female genital morphology) exhibited among even closely related animal taxa (e.g. Tuxen,

25 1970) indicates that such traits likely evolve via sexual selection (Lloyd, 1979; Eberhard, 1985).

26 Theoretical and empirical evidence over recent decades largely supports this inference (Shapiro

27 & Porter, 1989; Hosken & Stockley, 2004; Simmons et al., 2009; Leonard & Córdoba-Aguilar,

28 2010; but see Cordero-Rivera & Córdoba-Aguilar, 2010). Yet, the precise mechanism(s) by

29 which sexual selection operates to drive the evolution of genital form and function remain

30 unclear after more than a century of debate (Darwin, 1871; Mayr, 1963; Eberhard, 1985,

31 2010a,b, 2011; Leonard & Córdoba-Aguilar, 2010; Rowe & Arnqvist, 2012).

32 This debate is most often with regard to the relative importance/contribution of three non-

33 mutually exclusive hypotheses (mechanisms) of sexual selection (Arnqvist, 1997; Hosken &

34 Stockley, 2004; Eberhard, 1993, 2006, 2010a,b, 2011). Those are sperm competition:

35 competition between male gametes for access to female gametes, potentially involving other

36 components of the male ejaculate (Parker, 1970; Waage, 1979; Simmons, 2001); cryptic female

37 choice: female control over the fate of male gametes according to male stimulation of (or

38 influence on) female sensory perception, neurology or physiology (Thornhill, 1983; Eberhard,

39 1985, 1996); and sexual conflict: agonistic fitness optima, and hence selection pressures,

40 between the sexes, which drives coevolutionary adaptations and counter-adaptations (Trivers,

41 1972; Parker, 1979; Arnqvist & Rowe, 1995, 2005). Sperm competition and cryptic female

42 choice are strictly postcopulatory processes, meaning they ensue after the onset of copulation. By

43 contrast, sexual conflict can operate before, during and/or after copulation.

47 44 In addition to the three (most popular) models described above, there are two other

45 noteworthy postcopulatory sexual selection mechanisms of genital trait evolution. Those are the

46 holdfast mechanism: derived originally from the sperm competition model (but potentially

47 operating within any of the above three hypotheses), male traits serve to anchor the male

48 securely to the female during copulation to prevent being displaced by rival male competitors or

49 female attempts to terminate copulation (Thornhill & Alcock, 1983; Simmons, 2001; Rönn &

50 Hotzy, 2012); and traumatic insemination: males hypodermically inject (or otherwise transmit)

51 their gametes through the female body wall where they migrate to the site of fertilization, thus

52 bypassing the ‘designated’ route and potentially avoiding the ability of females to control the fate

53 of male gametes (Michiels, 1998, Stutt & Siva-Jothy, 2001; Morrow & Arnqvist, 2003;

54 Reinhardt et al., 2003; Siva-Jothy, 2006; Kamimura, 2007; Řezáč, 2009)—similar processes

55 could involve other components of the male ejaculate making their way into the female

56 circulatory system, but these would most likely represent one or more of first three mechanisms

57 described above. It is important to note that none of the five hypotheses described are mutually

58 exclusive processes, and furthermore that there is considerable overlap among them, with many

59 of them fitting into the broader context of sexual conflict (Arnqvist & Rowe, 2005).

60 The large majority of the field has been focused on postcopulatory mechanisms of genital

61 trait evolution (e.g. Eberhard, 1985, 1993, 1996, 2009, 2010a,b, 2011; Hosken & Stockley, 2004;

62 reviewed in: Leonard & Córdoba-Aguilar, 2010). However, a recently emerging body of

63 evidence for the precopulatory adaptive function of animal genitalia (either as mechanical

64 armaments or sexual signals) poses new insights (Michiels, 1998; Langerhans et al., 2005; Bertin

65 & Fairbairn, 2005; Moreno-García & Cordero, 2008; Kahn et al., 2010; Miller, 2010; Polak &

66 Rashed, 2010; Grieshop & Polak, 2012). The genital spines of male fruit flies in the genus

48 67 Drosophila are one such trait with a precopulatory function—aiding males in coupling the

68 female genitalia and initiating copulation (Polak & Rashed, 2010; Grieshop & Polak, 2012).

69 These spines are rapidly evolving and widespread within the melanogaster species group (with

70 over 40 species expressing them), and consist of 1-5 pairs (depending on species) of hard,

71 sclerotized, claw-like structures that are external at rest, extending from the ventral cercal lobe

72 (or secondary claspers) (Hsu, 1949; Bock & Wheeler, 1972; McEvey et al., 1987; Schiffer &

73 McEvey, 2006). Their precopulatory function, revealed by phenotypically manipulative

74 experimentation, seems to be governed predominantly by intrasexual competition among males

75 for access to females, where females (at least in D. ananassae) apparently do not discriminate

76 between competing males with surgically ablated versus intact genital spines (Grieshop & Polak,

77 2012). Yet, the existence of female resistance behaviors (though not expressed at differential

78 rates toward males of differing surgical treatments in D. ananassae) may imply a role for

79 precopulatory sexual conflict in the function/evolution of male genital spines—if the spines serve

80 to overcome some female resistance behavior, variation in male genital spine size and shape

81 across species could represent variation in the intensity and/or form of female resistance

82 behavior across species (Grieshop & Polak, 2012; and expanded upon in the present Discussion

83 section), but this concept has not been explicitly tested.

84 While the precopulatory function of Drosophila genital spines is similar to the genital

85 claspers of many insects (e.g. Arnqvist & Rowe, 2002; Bertin & Fairbairn, 2005; Moreno-García

86 & Cordero, 2008), they also share qualities with genital traits having postcopulatory functions

87 (e.g. Kamimura, 2007; Hotzy & Arnqvist, 2009) in that they come to a sharp, potentially

88 injurious point, and insert into the female’s external genitalia (though not the gonopore) during

89 copulation (Grieshop & Polak, 2012). However, the postcopulatory sexual selection hypothesis

49 90 for genital spine function/evolution remains to be thoroughly investigated (Eberhard, 2011;

91 Grieshop & Polak, 2012).

92 The present study tests the postcopulatory sexual selection hypothesis for the adaptive

93 function of male genital spines in the cosmopolitan fruit fly D. ananassae (see Chapter 1, Figure

94 1; Tobari, 1993) using a precision micron-scale laser surgery system (Polak & Rashed, 2010;

95 Grieshop & Polak, 2012) as a means of phenotypic manipulation (see Chapter 1, Figure 3).

96 Possible postcopulatory adaptive functions of this trait include all five of the above-mentioned

97 hypotheses. We designed a set of experiments to evaluate several mechanisms by which the

98 genital spines of male D. ananassae could influence male or female reproductive fitness after the

99 onset of copulation. Experiment 1 is a competitive fertilization success assay, designed to assess

100 the effect of surgical reduction in male genital spine length on the proportion of a previously

101 mated female’s clutch of eggs that is sired by her second mate (known as P2). Experiment 2 is a

102 female remating and fecundity experiment, designed to assess the effect of surgical reduction in

103 male genital spine length on female remating and egg laying behavior after copulation. The

104 specific predictions—and their rationales—for these experiments are that surgical reduction in

105 male genital spine length should:

106 i) decrease male offensive sperm competitive ability (competitive

107 fertilization success), measured as P2—male genital spines could

108 enhance the ability of the male ejaculate to outcompete that of other

109 males’ for access to female gametes, thus enhancing male competitive

110 fertilization success;

111 ii) increase female likelihood to remate, or decrease female latency (in days)

112 to remate, with a second male—females that are adapted to replenish

50 113 their sperm reserves with novel (ideally superior) sperm would be

114 more likely, and/or quicker, to remate with another male if their most

115 recent mate was of perceived inferior or substandard quality;

116 iii) decrease female egg deposition after copulation, measured both as short-

117 term (first 24 h) and long-term (6 days) fecundity—females that are

118 adapted to using their finite, expensive gametes so as to maximize

119 their (indirect) reproductive fitness would oviposit fewer eggs sired by

120 males of perceived inferior or substandard quality in order to reserve

121 gametes for fertilization by males of perceived superior quality;

122 iv) decrease copulation duration—male genital spines could serve to anchor

123 the male to the female during mating in order to avoid being displaced

124 by rival male competitors or female attempts to terminate copulation

125 (e.g. to transfer more sperm or further stimulate female reproduction).

126 Empirical support for any of the above predictions would warrant further investigation into the

127 precise mechanism(s) underlying the effect(s).



130 Experimental flies

131 The base population of Drosophila ananassae [Doleschall] (Diptera: Drosophilidae) was

132 initiated with 100 inseminated females collected in February 2009 on the South Pacific island of

133 Moorea (17°32'58.78''S, 149°52'59.29''W), Society Islands. Flies were mass cultured in the

134 laboratory on a 12:12 h L:D photoperiod and a 24°C (L): 22°C (D) temperature regime in 240 ml

135 glass milk bottles (N = 6) with 6 g of Formula 4-24 Instant Drosophila Medium (Carolina Supply

51 136 Co., Burlington, NC), 20 ml water, 8 ml of banana/live yeast slurry (50 ml water : 25 g banana :

137 1.5 g live yeast), and autoclaved tissue paper. The base population was acclimated to these

138 laboratory conditions for 30 generations over 12 months before use in the experiments.

139 Virgin males and females were collected from the base population simultaneously within

140 4 h of eclosion, maintained separately as virgins in 35 ml disposable polystyrene shell vials lined

141 with cornmeal-agar food medium (N~25 per vial), and allowed to age for 5 days until use in a

142 given experiment, of which there were two (see below). Experimental flies were transferred to

143 fresh food vials every other day until experimentation, and live yeast was added to vials

144 containing females. For both experiments, molasses-agar oviposition medium was used to

145 monitor egg laying/hatching because the dark, homogeneous color of the substrate provided a

146 desirable contrast for counting eggs and finding larvae.

147 After each block of both experiments, males were preserved in 95% ethanol and later

148 examined under an Olympus SZX12 stereomicroscope to verify treatment identity and the

149 integrity of the surgical manipulation (without knowledge of copulatory status). Male thorax

150 length, an estimate of body size (Robertson & Reeve, 1952), was measured (in rehydrated

151 specimens) from the tip of the scutellum to the anterior edge of the thorax using an ocular

152 micrometer; independent repeated measurements of thorax lengths in a random sample of 10

153 males were highly repeatable among males (1-way ANOVA: F9,10 = 516.7, P < 0.0001).


155 Laser manipulation

156 Virgin males were laser-treated within 22 h (± 2 h) of eclosion using the protocol

157 described in Polak and Rashed (2010). Briefly, males were placed one at a time in a plexiglass

158 surgical chamber while lightly anesthetized with humidified CO2. Pulsed laser light was used to

52 159 administer precision cuts to genital spines with little or no collateral damage to surrounding

160 structures or bristles (Figure 3). Experimental males had their spine lengths surgically reduced in

161 a bilaterally symmetrical fashion. The surgical treatment used for ‘cut’ males throughout the

162 present study entailed the removal of approximately ¼ of the length of males’ spines. It was

163 inferred from Grieshop and Polak (2012) that this amount of spine length removal would provide

164 a sufficient number of mated cut males to conduct postcopulatory experimentation. The control

165 treatment was a surgical control (Grieshop & Polak, 2012)—2 bristles on the seventh sternite of

166 the ventral abdomen were ablated at the base. Laser surgeries for all treatments, including the

167 control, took approximately the same amount of time to perform (< 1 minute per individual).

168 Following surgery, experimental males were held separately (and without females) in food vials

169 (N~20 per vial) until experimentation. Throughout both experiments described below (involving

170 over 300 individual surgeries), a negligible number (< 1%) of experimental males died prior to

171 experimentation: 2 cut males (1 from each experiment), and 1 control male (from Experiment 2).


173 Experiment 1

174 In each of two blocks a total of 63 (block 1) and 75 (block 2) virgin females from the

175 base population were individually mated in vials to virgin irradiated ‘donor’ males from the

176 base-population. These donor males were irradiated with a 150 Gy dose from a 60Co source

177 (Polak & Simmons, 2009) when they were two days old so that their sperm could fertilize female

178 eggs but the zygote would die before hatching due to lethal mutations (Simmons, 2001). Within

179 1 h of copulation females were transferred to fresh oviposition vials to lay eggs, and then were

180 transferred to fresh oviposition vials every other morning for the next 7 days. On the morning of

181 the seventh day females were randomly paired with either a cut or a control male; if they did not

53 182 remate within 2 h, females were transferred to fresh vials for an additional two days and then

183 placed with a different male from the same treatment category on the morning of the 9th day after

184 the first copulation, and again on the 11th day after the first copulation. Females that did not

185 remate by the 11th day (50% of the mated females, N = 69) were discarded. The durations of all

186 copulations were recorded and the thorax lengths of doubly mated females’ first and second

187 mates were measured.

188 Doubly mated females were transferred to fresh oviposition vials to lay eggs within 1 h of

189 the second copulation, and then were transferred to fresh oviposition vials every other morning

190 until a minimum of 10 eggs were laid (mean ± s.d.: 19.2 ± 6.1, range: 10-38; N = 47 females).

191 P2, as noted above, is the proportion of a female’s clutch of eggs sired by her second mate (the

192 non-irradiated treatment male in this case), which was calculated as the number of eggs that

193 hatched into larvae divided by the total number of eggs laid after remating (Boorman & Parker,

194 1976; Polak & Simmons, 2009). The “inter-copulation interval” refers to the amount of time

195 elapsed (in days) between a female’s first and second copulations. The variable “pre-P2 eggs”

196 refers to the number of eggs laid by females during this inter-copulation interval. The pre-P2 eggs

197 of a random sample of 10 females from the first block were monitored continuously (~every 6-8

198 h) for any larvae to assess the integrity of the irradiation technique at sterilizing the donor

199 males—no larvae hatched from these females’ pre-P2 eggs. All counts of eggs and larvae were

200 conducted blind with respect to treatment.

201 The probability that a female would remate according to which treatment she was being

202 paired with for her second mating was analyzed using logistic regression, with female thorax

203 length as the covariate. The effect of male treatment on copulation duration of females’ second

54 204 matings was analyzed using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with treatment and male thorax

205 length as independent terms.

206 P2 data were first analyzed as a logistic regression on the presence/absence of evidence

207 for second-male fertilizations (0 when P2 = 0, 1 when P2 > 0 ), with treatment of the second male

208 and the inter-copulation interval (7, 9, or 11 days) as independent terms. Arcsine-square root

209 transformed P2 data for which P2 > 0 were analyzed using ANCOVA with treatment and pre-P2

210 eggs as independent terms. Both original full models (for the logistic regression and the

211 ANCOVA) contained eight independent terms that could explain variation in P2 (block,

212 treatment, thorax length of male 1, thorax length of male 2, copulation duration of male 1,

213 copulation duration of male 2, pre-P2 eggs, and inter-copulation interval). Least significant terms

214 were sequentially eliminated from the model; none of the removed terms had alpha values < 0.1.

215 Interactions between remaining terms in the final reported models were non-significant. For the

216 final ANCOVA model we report, P2 residuals were normally distributed (W = 0.96, P = 0.48)

217 and homoscedastic across treatment categories (Levene’s test: F1,17 = 0.05, P = 0.82) (Zar, 1999).


219 Experiment 2

220 In each of three blocks a total of 12 (block 1), 9 (block 2), and 11 (block 3) virgin

221 females from the base population were each mated to a cut male, and 10 (block 1), 11 (block 2),

222 and 10 (block 3) virgin females were each mated to a control male, in vials. Within 1 h of

223 copulation females were transferred to fresh oviposition vials to lay eggs. The following morning

224 females were transferred to fresh vials containing 2 randomly selected males from the base

225 population that had been sexually isolated for the prior 2 days. Vials were continuously scanned

226 for any females remating, in which case remated females were preserved for later measurement.

55 227 If females did not remate within 2 h they were transferred to fresh oviposition vials to lay eggs.

228 The number of eggs each female laid each day (including the first day after the first mating) was

229 counted prior to any larvae hatching, and oviposition vials were discarded after eggs were

230 counted. This procedure (attempting to remate females every day and recording the number of

231 eggs they laid each day until they remated) was repeated every morning for 6 days. The

232 durations of all copulations were recorded and the thorax lengths of females and treatment males

233 (females’ first mates) were measured. Four females (2 mated to cut males, and 2 mated to control

234 males) were removed from the analysis because they died in their oviposition vials without

235 remating.

236 The effect of genital spine reduction on copulation duration of females’ first matings was

237 analyzed using ANCOVA, with treatment and male thorax length as independent terms.

238 The probability that a female would remate was analyzed as a logistic regression (0 = not

239 remated, 1 = remated) with male treatment (females’ first mates) and the number of eggs females

240 laid in the first 24 h period after mating as independent terms. The original full model contained

241 six independent terms that could explain the likelihood of female remating (block, male

242 treatment, thorax length of the treatment (first) male, female thorax length, copulation duration

243 of the first mating, and the number of eggs laid in the first 24 h after mating). Of the females that

244 did remate, the inter-copulation interval, measured in days (mean ± s.d.: 3.56 ± 1.93, range: 1-6;

245 N = 16 females) was analyzed non-parametrically using a two-tailed Wilcoxon signed rank test

246 with male treatment as the independent variable (Zar, 1999).

247 Female fecundity was analyzed as four separate ANCOVA models. Block had a non-

248 significant effect in all four ANCOVA models described below (all alpha values > 0.1), and so

56 249 was removed from the final reported analyses. For all four ANCOVAs, interactions between

250 remaining terms in the final reported models were non-significant.

251 The first ANCOVA was on the number of eggs laid in the first 24 h period after the first

252 mating (mean ± s.d.: 23.19 ± 17.59, range: 0-69; N = 59 females); the original full model

253 included six independent terms that could explain variation in female egg laying behavior (block,

254 male treatment, thorax length of the treatment (first) male, female thorax length, copulation

255 duration of the first mating, and whether or not females remated).

256 The second ANCOVA, performed on only those females that remated, was also on the

257 number of eggs laid in the first 24 h period after the first mating (mean ± s.d.: 19.5 ± 18.92,

258 range: 0-69; N = 16 females); the original full model included five independent terms (block,

259 male treatment, thorax length of the treatment (first) male, female thorax length, and copulation

260 duration of the first mating).

261 The third and fourth ANCOVA models were for those females that did not remate. The

262 dependent variable for the third model was (again) the number of eggs laid in the first 24 h

263 period after the first mating (mean ± s.d.: 24.56 ± 17.09, range: 0-67; N = 43 females). The

264 dependent variable for the fourth model was the total number of eggs females laid over six days

265 (total fecundity) (mean ± s.d.: 73.42 ± 27.08, range: 9-135; N = 43 females). Both the original

266 full models for these third and fourth ANCOVAs were identical in structure to the second

267 ANCOVA above.

268 For the ANCOVA models we report, listed in the order they appear above, residuals were

269 approximately normally distributed (W = 0.98, P = 0.57; W = 0.96, P = 0.68; W = 0.94, P = 0.03;

270 and W = 0.96, P = 0.16; respectively) and homoscedastic across treatment categories (Levene’s

57 271 test: F1,57 = 2.58, P = 0.11; F1,14 = 1.72, P = 0.21; F1,41 = 0.32, P = 0.57; and F1,41 = 0.45, P =

272 0.51; respectively). JMP (v. 8, SAS Institute Inc., 2009) statistical software was used throughout.



275 Experiment 1

276 Logistic regression revealed no significant differences in the likelihood of female

277 remating between those that we attempted to remate to cut males (N = 64, remated/not = 31/33)

2 278 and those that we attempted to remate to control males (N = 74, remated/not = 38/36) (χ 2 =

279 0.46, P = 0.49). Similarly, ANCOVA revealed no significant effect of male surgical treatment on

280 copulation duration (F1,61 = 0.04, P = 0.84).

281 Logistic regression revealed that male D. ananassae with their genital spines partially

282 ablated were significantly more likely to have a P2 score > 0 (i.e. to fertilize at least one gamete

283 of a previously mated female) than control males (Table 1, Figure 3). Of the females with a P2

284 score of zero, the mean ± s.d. number of eggs laid after remating was 18.71 ± 6.87 (range: 10-38;

285 N = 28 females), and ANCOVA (with pre-P2 eggs as the covariate) revealed no significant effect

286 of treatment (F1,44 = 0.05, P = 0.82) or whether P2 was > or = 0 (F1,44 = 0.97, P = 0.33) on the

287 total amount of eggs laid after remating. Thus, whereas male surgical treatment did significantly

288 influence the likelihood that a male would fertilize at least one gamete of a previously mated

289 female (i.e. P2 > 0), neither male treatment nor the likelihood of P2 > 0 had a significant

290 influence on total female fecundity post-remating.

291 Of the females that did produce at least one larvae (meaning their second mate’s P2 > 0),

292 ANCOVA revealed no significant effect of surgical treatment on male offensive sperm

293 competitive ability (F1,16 = 2.75, P = 0.12), measured as P2 (mean ± s.d.: 0.21 ± 0.15, range:

58 294 0.03-0.48; N = 19 females). Thus, male offensive sperm competitive ability was not influenced

295 by partial genital spine ablation.


297 Experiment 2

298 ANCOVA revealed no significant effect of male surgical treatment on the copulation

299 duration of the first mating (F1,61 = 0.04, P = 0.84). Logistic regression revealed no significant

300 differences in the likelihood of female remating between those that were mated first by cut males

301 (N = 32, remated/not = 9/23) and those mated first by control males (N = 31, remated/not = 7/24)

2 302 (χ 2 = 0.22, P = 0.64). Of the females that did remate, a two-tailed Wilcoxon signed rank test

303 revealed no significant difference in the inter-copulation interval (i.e. on which day, 1-6, females

304 remated) between females that were first mated to cut males versus control males (Z9,7 = -0.97, P

305 = 0.33). Thus, partial ablation of male genital spines in this species does not appear to influence

306 the likelihood that, or speed with which, females will remate.

307 When including all females that mated at least once, females did not oviposit a

308 significantly different number of eggs in the first 24 h after mating to a cut male (N = 30)

309 compared to after mating to a control male (N = 29), but the covariate female thorax length was

310 significantly positively associated with the number of eggs laid during that time (Table 2). When

311 only including the females that did remate, females likewise did not oviposit a significantly

312 different number of eggs in the first 24 h after mating to a cut male (N = 9) compared to after

313 mating to a control male (N = 7), but this time the covariate male thorax length was significantly

314 positively associated with the number of eggs laid during that time (Table 2). When only

315 including the females that did not remate, of which N = 21 females were first mated to cut males

316 and N = 22 females were first mated to control males, again females did not oviposit a

59 317 significantly different number of eggs in the first 24 h after their first matings, or in total over the

318 6 days following their first matings, with regard to the surgical treatment of their first mates—

319 female thorax length was again significantly positively associated with the number of eggs laid

320 during both of those timeframes (Table 2). Thus, partial ablation of male genital spines in D.

321 ananassae does not appear to influence female short-term egg laying activity (regardless of

322 whether or not those females eventually remate), or long-term fecundity after mating once and

323 being given the opportunity to remate (yet not doing so) each day afterward.



326 The data from the two experiments above do not support the postcopulatory sexual

327 selection hypothesis for the adaptive function of male genital spines in D. ananassae. The

328 evidence indicates that surgical ablation of approximately ¼ of male genital spine length in this

329 species has no significant effect on male competitive fertilization success (P2), female remating

330 behavior, female fecundity, or copulation duration. These findings are congruent with those of

331 Polak and Rashed’s (2010) study regarding genital spine function in D. bipectinata. Thus,

332 despite a more thorough investigation of the postcopulatory sexual selection hypothesis for

333 Drosophila genital spine function/evolution, as advised by Eberhard (2011), there remains no

334 empirical support for a postcopulatory adaptive function of Drosophila genital spines. In light of

335 the evidence presented by Polak and Rashed (2010), Grieshop and Polak (2012), and the present

336 study, we can be relatively confident that the primary adaptive function of Drosophila genital

337 spines is to promote the competitive copulation success of males in a scramble competition

338 scenario (Thornhill & Alcock, 1983), where competing males search for receptive females on the

339 surface of fruits and where efficient genital coupling is paramount for male copulation success.

60 340 Of the hypotheses outlined in the Introduction, sexual conflict remains (by process of

341 elimination) best suited to explain the function and evolutionary diversification of male genital

342 spines in Drosophila. Grieshop and Polak (2012) briefly describe a mechanism by which male

343 genital spine evolution in Drosophila could be subject to the evolutionary conflict of interest

344 between the sexes (Arnqvist & Rowe, 2005). If genital spines are selected in males to promote

345 efficient coupling of the female genitalia, then females would be selected to increase their efforts

346 to resist copulation (e.g. via kicking, fleeing, decamping, abdominal bending or vaginal

347 extruding—Grieshop & Polak, 2012; Spieth, 1952) so as to ensure reproduction with only the

348 most capable males and avoid mating with inferior or behaviorally phenodeviant males (Markow

349 & Gottesman, 1993; Polak, 2008). Thus, variation in the size and shape of male genital spines

350 across species may represent variation in the intensity and/or form of female resistance behavior

351 across those species. Indeed, a preliminary analysis of the relationship between genital spine size

352 and function across two Drosophila species revealed that the size of the trait is directly

353 proportional to its functional importance for male copulation success between D. ananassae and

354 D. bipectinata (Grieshop & Polak, 2012). A thorough evaluation of the contribution of sexual

355 conflict to the evolution of Drosophila genital spines would require a detailed investigation of

356 genital spine size, shape, and function, and female resistance behavior, across a broad range of

357 species.

358 The potential for a sexually antagonistic coevolutionary struggle for control over mating

359 outcomes may lend insight to a puzzling result produced by this investigation—the finding that

360 ¼ genital spine ablations in male D. ananassae did actually increase the likelihood that males

361 would successfully fertilize at least one gamete of a previously mated female (i.e. have a P2 score

362 > 0). Though the effect of partial genital spine ablation on male likelihood to have a P2 score > 0

61 363 does not speak to any of the predictions assessed by this study, it may fit into the context of a

364 particular type of sexual conflict—pleiotropic harm (Arnqvist & Rowe, 2005; Hotzy & Arnqvist,

365 2009). There are two main hypotheses to explain why males, who accrue their fitness via the

366 females they mate with, would harm their mates. Adaptive harm: male traits harm females

367 because female response(s) to such harm directly promote male reproductive fitness (Michiels,

368 1998; Johnstone & Keller, 2000; Morrow et al., 2003; Hosken et al., 2003; Lessells, 2005); and

369 pleiotropic harm: male traits harm females as a consequential side effect of their adaptive

370 function (Morrow et al., 2003; Hotzy & Arnqvist, 2009). Under the pleiotropic harm hypothesis,

371 positive direct selection on males for traits that happen to be harmful to females should outweigh

372 the direct fitness costs to males of the lowered fecundity it produces in their mates (Morrow et

373 al., 2003; Arnqvist & Rowe, 2005; Hotzy & Arnqvist, 2009). Thus, a prediction of the

374 pleiotropic harm hypothesis (which was assessed by the present study, though not intentionally)

375 is that harmful male traits should be associated with reduced female fecundity. This predicted

376 effect is presumably attributable to the damage females accrue by mating with males harboring

377 harmful traits—and therefore surgical reductions to harmful male traits should be associated with

378 increased (i.e. rescued) female fecundity. But no significant relationship between genital spine

379 manipulation and female fecundity was found in the present study or in Polak and Rashed

380 (2010). Additionally, there were no significant differences in female fecundity between those

381 whose second mates’ P2 scores were = 0 and those whose second mates’ P2 scores were > 0. This

382 absence of an effect on female fecundity, however, does not rule out the pleiotropic harm

383 hypothesis, as the predicted association between pleiotropic harm and reduced female fecundity

384 nearly lacks empirical support (with Hotzy & Arnqvist, 2009 being the first to demonstrate such

385 an effect).

62 386 Applying this conceptual relationship between harm and direct fitness costs to our finding

387 that genital spine reduction in D. ananassae promotes the likelihood of those males’ P2 scores

388 being > 0, one could formulate the following hypothesis: the mechanism underlying the positive

389 relationship between male genital spine reduction and the likelihood of male P2 scores being > 0

390 is attributable to females only being able to withstand a finite amount of damage inflicted by

391 their mates before successful fertilizations become compromised. After all, these were females’

392 second matings, the first of which was with a donor male having intact genital spines, these

393 spines do come to a sharp, potentially injurious point that inserts into the female’s external

394 genitalia during copulation, and (virgin) males of this species do tend to contact the external

395 female genitalia with their genital spines during unsuccessful copulation attempts several times

396 before being successful (Grieshop & Polak, 2012)—all of which could increase the estimated

397 damage females accrue from a given mating. Of course, this hypothesis would require explicit

398 testing, for example by investigating whether or not Drosophila genital spines do actually harm

399 females (e.g. by testing for melanized scar tissue—Kamimura, 2007), and then investigating the

400 relationship between the number of female matings and subsequent female fecundity and male

401 fertilization success as a sort of dose-response assessment (where the ‘dosage’ would be the

402 number of matings). If pleiotropic harm is operating in the evolution of Drosophila genital

403 spines, there would exist an interesting evolutionary fitness trade-off between precopulatory

404 sexual selection on males for genital spines that promote competitive male copulation success

405 (Grieshop & Polak, 2012) and direct postcopulatory selection in the opposite direction on males

406 and females for spines that reduce the fitness costs (mainly to females) of mating multiply. That

407 is, one could investigate the pre- and post-copulatory intra- and inter-sexual evolutionary

408 dynamics of a single genital trait.

63 409 The holdfast and traumatic insemination hypotheses were not investigated more

410 thoroughly by the present study for the following reasons. Regarding holdfast mechanisms, most

411 sexually reproducing organisms (especially insects) tend to be fastened together during

412 copulation so securely that it is unlikely conspecific males could generate the force necessary to

413 separate a copulating pair, and such attempts, especially successful ones, are rarely

414 observed/documented (Eberhard, 2010b)—this was the case for Grieshop & Polak (2012), where

415 only 3 instances (none successful) of males attempting to separate, or mate with, a copulating

416 pair were observed in over 1600 observations of 45 competitive-context mating trials (Grieshop

417 & Polak, unpublished data, available in the Dryad repository: doi:10.5061/dryad.g0v6h003).

418 Additionally, the genital spines of many Drosophila, including D. ananassae, appear not to be

419 appropriately designed as holdfast devices (Eberhard, 2010b)—they are structurally much less

420 formidable than other larger structures that do actually insert into the female gonopore, and

421 hence are likely not the trait responsible for anchoring males to their mates during copulation, if

422 there is a trait devoted to such a function in this species. Regarding traumatic insemination,

423 Drosophila genital spines are essentially modified bristles, which have no openings anywhere on

424 them through which seminal products could be dispensed (personal SEM observations); and

425 considering they do not enter the female gonopore during copulation (Grieshop & Polak, 2012),

426 it is unlikely that the spines are capable of producing wounds in/on the female (in close enough

427 proximity to the release of the ejaculate) through which male gametes could enter the female

428 circulatory system, unless acting in conjunction with other male genital traits that may release

429 (part of) the ejaculate in closer proximity (see Kamimura, 2007).

430 At presently, the overwhelming majority of evidence for genital spine function/evolution

431 in the only two species of Drosophila for which experimental investigations of this trait have

64 432 been conducted (D. bipectinata and D. ananassae) remains in support of the hypothesis that this

433 trait promotes competitive male copulation success (Polak & Rashed, 2010; and Grieshop &

434 Polak, 2012; respectively). Intrasexual competition between males for efficiently coupling

435 females’ genitalia in the presence of rival competing males is likely the driving force behind the

436 evolutionary origins of this trait. The subsequent rapid evolutionary diversification of this trait

437 across species is potentially attributable to sexual conflict, as described above—but this would

438 require explicit testing. There remains no convincing evidence of a postcopulatory adaptive

439 function of Drosophila genital spines. An exhaustive test of the postcopulatory sexual selection

440 hypothesis for Drosophila genital spine evolution is now only lacking an investigation of the

441 potential for theses spines to injure females during copulation or copulation attempts. As was the

442 case for the present study, potential future empirical evidence for these spines inflicting injury

443 upon their mates would warrant further investigation into postcopulatory mechanisms of genital

444 trait evolution, for example an investigation of the potential for these spines to create open

445 wounds through which (part of) the male ejaculate could enter into the female circulatory

446 system, which would, in that case, render the harm as adaptive rather than pleiotropic.



449 The research was supported by a University Research Council (URC) Graduate Student

450 Research Fellowship (to KG), the McMicken College of Arts and Sciences and the Department

451 of Biological Sciences at the University of Cincinnati, and the National Science Foundation

452 (DEB-1118599 to MP). We thank Elizabeth Brown and Scott Licardi for assistance with

453 experiments, and Dr. Necati Kaval of the University of Cincinnati’s Department of Chemistry

454 for the SEMs.



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Table 1: Results of the logistic regression on the probability of successfully fertilizing at least one gamete of a previously mated female, measured as the presence (1) or absence (0) of at least one successfully hatched larva in the male competitive fertilization success experiment. Term α* s.e.† χ2 P

Treatment -0.76 0.34 5.05 0.025

Inter-copulation interval 0.42 0.24 2.92 0.088 2 χ values testing H0: α = 0. * regression coefficients. † standard errors. Significant terms bold.

72 Table 2: Results of ANCOVAs performed for female egg laying behavior in Experiment 2—headers specify response variable (and data used). First 24 h (all females) First 24 h (remated females) Term d.f. s.s.† F P d.f. s.s.† F P Treatment 1 0.01 0.001 0.98 1 2.20 0.65 0.44 Male thorax 1 3.48 0.89 0.35 1 20.62 6.07 0.031 length Female thorax 1 36.30 9.37 0.004 1 4.00 1.18 0.30 length Copulation 1 4.04 1.04 0.31 1 8.08 2.38 0.15 duration Remate? 1 8.89 2.29 0.14 ------Error 53 205.31 11 37.39

First 24 h (not remated) Total 6 days (not remated) Term d.f. s.s.† F P d.f. s.s.† F P Treatment 1 0.67 0.19 0.67 1 3.18 1.11 0.29 Male thorax 1 1.20 0.34 0.56 1 1.77 0.62 0.44 length Female thorax 1 33.53 9.46 0.004 1 15.39 5.39 0.026 length Copulation 1 1.96 0.55 0.46 1 0.03 0.01 0.91 duration Remate? ------Error 38 134.66 38 108.54 -- term not included in that analysis. † sum of squares; Significant terms bolded.


Figure 1: Results of the competitive fertilization success experiment, the effect of genital spine

manipulation on the probability of successful offensive male competitive fertilization.

Numerals above bars represent sample sizes, pooled across two blocks.

74 Fig. 1


0.8 > 0 2 0.6 24


23 0.2

Probability of P 0 Surgical control 1/4 cut Treatment


• The male genital spines of Drosophila ananassae promote competitive male copulation

success, congruent with the findings of Polak and Rashed (2010) for genital spine

function in D. bipectinata, thus supporting the hypothesis that genital spines in the genus

Drosophila have evolved to promote competitive male copulation success.

• Specifically, the genital spines of D. ananassae seem to have evolved via intrasexual

selection (competition between males) to promote the efficiency with which males are

able to couple the female genitalia and initiate copulation in the face of nearby sexual

rivals in a scramble competition scenario—females do not adjust their resistance

behaviors according to experimentally manipulated male genital spine morphology.

• The larger size of the genital spines of D. ananassae compared to D. bipectinata may

reflect an evolutionary history of relatively more intense sexual selection in D. ananassae

because these males suffer a considerably greater detriment to their copulation success

when the trait is removed completely—they cannot mate without genital spines. In

contrast, complete removal of the spines in D. bipectinata does not eliminate entirely

their probability of copulation. Future studies should aim to assess the relationship

between genital spine size, shape, function and female mating resistance across a wide

range of species within the genus Drosophila.

• There is no convincing evidence of a postcopulatory adaptive function of genital spines

in Drosophila, but a follow-up investigation of the pleiotropic harm hypothesis is needed.

• Considering all evidence produced by this study, the rapid evolutionary diversification of

male genital spine morphology in Drosophila is best explained by sexual conflict, aiding

males in the intrasexual competition to overcome female resistance to copulation.