8th September 2014



UTV’s Sarah Travers and Julian Simmons will be taking over the running of the James Street Action Cancer charity shop in Cookstown on Thursday 18 September as part of Business in the Community’s Cares Shops’ Challenge.

15 teams from different companies are currently planning their ‘take overs’, gathering stock and putting plans in place to fundraise and market their activities. The team’s efforts and creativity will be judged by a panel including The Apprentice’s Jim Eastwood.

Presenter of the show Sarah Travers is heading up The Magazine takeover and will be running a tight ship on the day.

“UTV has been a hive of activity over recent weeks as donations have been pouring in from staff and presenters. At this stage we just can’t wait to get behind the till and start selling.

“As well as all the usual departments you would expect to find we will have an ‘As Seen On Screen’ section with designer jeans belonging to Julian maybe now a bit too tight for him, a Christmas jumper from Eamonn Holmes and a ‘news reader’ jacket from Rose Neill.

“Honestly that’s just the start of the bargains. It really will be a fun day.”

Keen not to be outdone by the other teams Sarah and Julian have a few extras up their sleeve to put their shop firmly at the top of the ultimate retail destination list.

With entertainment planned to serenade shoppers as they purchase and hotdogs made with classic Cookstown sausages donated by Huttons Butchers on the sizzle throughout the day, Julian and Sarah are pulling out all the stops.

Sarah’s partner in crime Julian Simmons said:

“The quality of donations for the takeover has been just wonderful. I’ve no doubt we will be driving a hard bargain all in the name of a good cause, but I’m not sure it will quite be in the same pedigree as Mr Humphries and Mrs Slocombe.

“We will be throwing everything we’ve got at it though to make it a great day and raise much needed funds for Action Cancer. I really hope people come in their droves to support us.”

Volunteering Manager at Business in the Community, Hilary Hanberry, is sure there will be lots of bargains to be had during the takeover. “Last year the teams involved in the Shops’ Challenge raised over £65,000 which was absolutely amazing. We hope people will come out in force to support all of our teams in their efforts to increase the total for this year.”

Peter Lynch, Action Cancer Shops’ Manager added,

“The money raised during this challenge could be used to help someone you know. Cancer is everywhere and it’s everyone’s responsibility to help reduce the risk, promote early detection or encourage friends to use our services. We hope this year’s challenge is the best ever!”

Sarah and Julian’s fundraising effrots will be broadcast on UTV Live at 6.

People can get involved on September 18th by tweeting photos of their purchases @UTV using hashtag #shopschallenge


For further information please contact Maeve Donnelly, Communications Manager, UTV, 079 2121 7303