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MINUTES of the ORDINARY MEETING of SKIDBY PARISH COUNCIL Tuesday 6 April 2021 at 7.30Pm MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF SKIDBY PARISH COUNCIL Tuesday 6 April 2021 at 7.30pm PRESENT : Councillors L Varey, C Browning, P Browning, T Hasnip, S Hooker, P Roustoby. Clerk J Price IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Meredith, ERYC (minutes 250/20 to 263/20) This meeting was held via Zoom in accordance with the provisions of The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meetings) (England) Regulations 2020 250/20 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Councillor G Foster. In the absence of Councillor Varey, Councillor P Browning took the Chair. 251/20 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 2 March 2021 Resolved: that the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 2 March 2021 be accepted as a true and accurate record and be signed by the Chairman. 252/20 Declarations of interest – Members Code of Conduct. To record any declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest by any member in respect of items on this agenda. No declarations were made in respect of items on this agenda 253/20 Minutes of the Playing Fields Committee held on 23 March 2021 Resolved: that the minutes of the Playing Fields Committee held on 23 March 2021 be accepted as a true and accurate record and be signed by the Chairman. 254/20 Meeting of the Personnel Committee held on 30 March 2021 Councillor Varey took the Chair from this item. Resolved: i. that with the addition of the initial ‘P’ to Councillor Browning in the list of attendees, the minutes of the Personnel Committee held on 23 March 2021 be accepted as a true and accurate record and be signed by the Chairman, and ii. that the recommendations in the minutes be agreed. 255/20 Planning Matters a) The Clerk advised that decisions had been received on the following applications: 20/04245/PLF - Erection of a single storey storage unit to serve Lodge Park, ancillary to management building, Raywell Hall Country Lodges, Riplingham Road, Raywell. – Approved with conditions 506 20/03768/PLF - Erection of a dwelling and detached garage including alterations to existing driveway, land north of the Old Vicarage, 84 Main Street, Skidby – Approved with conditions Resolved: that the report be noted. b) New Applications 21/00561/PLF - Erection of a single storey extension to side and conversion of garage to additional living accommodation, 13 Mill Rise, Skidby Resolved: that the Planning Authority be informed that the Parish Council had no objections to the application but were concerned about the loss of the garage and wished to ensure that there was adequate parking for at least one vehicle within the curtilage of the property due to parking problems in the area. 21/00052/PLB - Installation of 6 flood lights to exterior of building, Skidby Windmill And Heritage Centre Beverley Road, Skidby Resolved: that the Planning Authority be informed that the Parish Council had no objections to the proposals but feel that the light from 1A might cause dazzle to vehicles or pedestrians using the drive, so the wattage or orientation may need to be reviewed. 21/01052/TPO - TPO RAYWELL No.1 2008 (Ref: 1145) A1 : Fell Beech tree (T0710) due to extensive decay in the main stem from 2m to 9m; Remove hanging limb to Ash tree (T0712) as large limb hanging down on the southern side of the tree from approximately 14m on the stem; Fell Ash tree (T0715) due to lost major limb at 2m and structurally poor; Remove limb to Beech tree (T0716) as virtually dead at 10m on the south west side of the tree (300mm x 8m); Fell Beech tree (T0727) due to cavities at 15m on both stems plus evidence of major limb failure; Remove limb on Sycamore tree (T0725) at 12m on the south side of the tree; Remove limb on Beech tree (T0724) at 14m on the south side of the tree; Reduce lower limb on Beech tree (T0723) by 4m, Raywell Hall Country Lodges Riplingham Road Raywell Resolved: that the Planning Authority be informed that the Parish Council had no objections to this proposal but would like to see new trees planted to replace any removed. 21/00861/PLF - Erection of single storey extension to rear, 65 Mill Rise Skidby Resolved: that the Planning Authority be informed that the Parish Council had no objection to this proposal. c) Urgent Planning Applications received after the publication of the agenda None received. 256/20 Governance Matters a) Finance Committee – to consider draft Terms of Reference 507 The Clerk referred to draft terms of reference that had been prepared for the Finance Committee. Resolved: that with the amendment of the proposed membership to four members plus the Chairman and Vice-Chairman as ex-officio members, the Terms of Reference for the Finance Committee be agreed. b) Cemeteries Committee – Terms of Reference The Clerk referred to draft terms of reference that had been prepared for the Cemeteries Committee. Resolved: that the Terms of Reference for the Cemeteries Committee be agreed. c) Playing Fields Committee – Terms of Reference The Clerk referred to draft terms of reference that had been prepared for the Playing Fields Committee. Resolved: that with the amendment of the proposed membership to four members plus the Chairman and Vice-Chairman as ex-officio members, the Terms of Reference for the Playing Fields Committee be agreed. d) Personnel Committee – Terms of Reference The Clerk referred to draft terms of reference that had been prepared for the Personnel Committee. Resolved: that the Terms of Reference for the Personnel Committee be agreed. e) To consider responses to consultation on regarding remote working The Clerk reported that the Government had launched a call for evidence as to whether the ability of authorities to hold remote meetings should be made permanent and submitted the questionnaire for members’ consideration. Resolved: that the following be submitted as the response from Skidby Parish Council Q1. Generally speaking, how well do you feel the current remote meetings arrangements work? SPC response: Well Q2. Generally speaking, do you think local authorities in England should have the express ability to hold at least some meetings remotely on a permanent basis? SPC response: Yes Q3. What do you think are some of the benefits of the remote meetings arrangements? Please select all that apply. SPC response: Can be more accessible for local authority members Reduction in travel time for councillors Can make meetings more easily accessible to local residents 508 Varying views regarding ease of chair meetings in an orderly fashion Can make meetings more accessible for parents or those with caring responsibilities Q4. (For local authorities only) Have you seen a reduction in costs since implementing remote meetings in your authority? SPC response: Yes Q5. What do you think are some of the disadvantages of the remote meetings arrangements, and do you have any suggestions for how they could be mitigated/overcome? Please select all that apply. SPC response: It is harder for members to talk to one another informally Meetings are less accessible for local authority members or local residents who have a poor-quality internet connection Meetings are less accessible for local authority members or local residents who are unfamiliar with video conferencing/technology There is less opportunity for local residents to speak or ask questions Some find it more difficult to read documents online than in a physical format Debate is restricted by the remote format Varying views regarding difficulties in chairing meetings in an orderly fashion Q6. What do you think are some of the main advantages of holding face- to-face meetings, as opposed to remote meetings? SPC response: Ability to talk informally Ability to properly see maps and plans and share documents Ability for all to see and hear discussion Q7. If permanent arrangements were to be made for local authorities in England, for which meetings do you think they should have the option to hold remote meetings? SPC response: Local authorities should be able to decide for themselves which meetings they should have the option to meet remotely Q8. If permanent arrangements were to be made for local authorities in England, in which circumstances do you think local authorities should have the option to hold remote meetings? SPC response: Local authorities should be able to decide for themselves which circumstances they should have the option to meet remotely Q9. Would you have any concerns if local authorities in England were given the power to decide for themselves which meetings, and in what circumstances, they have the option to hold remote meetings? 509 SPC Response: No Q10. If yes, do you have any suggestions for how your concerns could be mitigated/overcome? N/A Q11. In your view, would making express provision for English local authorities to meet remotely particularly benefit or disadvantage any individuals with protected characteristics e.g. those with disabilities or caring responsibilities? SPC Response: Yes In light of the benefits gained by the ability to have remote participation in meetings, consideration should also be given to how hybrid meetings could be facilitated with grant funding being made available to smaller authorities to enable them to purchase necessary equipment. 257/20 Correspondence and Communications a) Riplingham Road, Raywell – update from ERYC re request for speed limit. The Clerk referred to correspondence from ERYC regarding the recent review of speeds on Riplingham Road in Raywell and details of further steps the Parish Council could take. Resolved: that the report be noted. b) Tree removal on Beverley Road – response from ERYC re barrier The Clerk referred to correspondence from ERYC which indicated that options could be considered to replace the barrier but that the Parish Council might need to provide funding.
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