Secular/Humanist Service By Custom & Craft

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Table of Contents 2 INTRODUCTION 3 Introduction 3 The Significance of Shabbos 5 Welcoming Shabbat 7 CANDLELIGHTING 8 Candle Lighting 8 Secular Shabbat Candlelighting 9 KABBALAT SHABBAT POEMS & SONGS 11 Sholom Alekhem: Two Humanist Versions 11 Poems to Greet the Sabbath Queen: Shabat Ha'Malkah 13 Welcome, Queen Sabbath 14 Song of the Sabbath 15 SHEMA 16 Sh'ma & V'Ahavta 16 Secular Humanist Shma 17 Shma: Communal Declaration of Faith 18 AMIDAH (STANDING PRAYERS) 19 Shabbat - Symbol of Peace 19 SILENT MEDITATION 20 The Beginning 20 Heschel Quote 21 WEEKLY COMMENTARY 22 Transcendence Through Community 22 Notes on Shabbat Observance 24 BLESSINGS FOR HEALING 27 Song for Healing 27 TIMES OF REMEMBRANCE 28 Humanistic Kaddish 28 Secular Mourners' Kaddish 29 CONCLUDING PRAYERS 30 Blessing for Children 30 Aleinu, Our Duty 31 KIDDUSH & MOTZI 32 Kiddush 32 Blessing Over Wine / Grape Juice 33 Ha'Motzi 34 Blessing Over Challah 35 INTRODUCTION


Contributed by Custom & Craft Source: Sherwin Wine

There are two Jewish traditions.

The first is a religious one. It finds supernatural power, prayer and worship important. It believes in divine revelation, eternal laws and sacred rituals. It sees Nature as less interesting than the world beyond. In it found political power and became the establishment.

The second is a secular and humanistic tradition. It prefers people, human intelligence and human dignity. It affirms reason, science and human community. It finds no need to look beyond the wonders of nature. In Jewish history it never found political power. It survived in the underground of ordinary Jewish life.

The second tradition is as important as the first.

The second tradition is our tradition.

Judaism is far more than many people allow it to be. Some people view it very narrowly, seeing only its religious side. Others perceive it broadly emphasizing its ethical outreach.

Judaism is more than theology and moral rules. It is more than parochial faith and universal sentiments. It is the living culture of a living people.

Judaism is family, love and nurturing. Judaism is memory, roots and pride. Judaism is music, dance and humor. Everything that Jewish people, throughout the ages, did and yearned to do is Judaism.

Judaism did not fall from heaven. It was not invented by a divine spokesman. It was created by the Jewish people. It was molded by Jewish experience. It was flavored by Jewish sadness and Jewish joy.

Life is an evolution, a continuous flow of transformations. And so is culture. When circumstances change, people change. When people change, their laws and customs change. A healthy people welcomes change. It understands its history. It knows its own power. It leads the past into the future.

A secular, a humanistic Jew affirms the power of people. He or she affirms the power of common sense and human reason. But above all, he or she strives for human dignity.

Human dignity is Jewish dignity. Our past is a guide to our future. It is no sacred temple requiring reverence. It is no sacred book with immutable decrees. It is no sacred song with only one melody. It is a treasury of memories from which we can draw. It is a storehouse of wisdom from which we can borrow. It is a drama of endless creativity which we can imitate.

We are always the bridge between the past and the future. We are always the continuity between the old and the new. We do not betray the past by rejecting our roots. We do not betray the future by ignoring our needs. We pay tribute to both. We use the past to dream of our future. INTRODUCTION

The Significance of Shabbos

Contributed by Custom & Craft Source: Prepared by Bennett Muraskin, Jewish Cultural School and Society

The lengthy week is at an end, And with it work and weekday woe, Encircled by family and friend, We step back from time's endless flow. For all who toil deserve to rest, And all who sow deserve to reap, To benefit from all life's best, And to partake in Shabbos peace.

Though literally "Shabbos" means "rest," traditionally, Shabbos is much more than a day of rest for Jews. It is a day of spiritual and cultural renewal. It is a day of experiencing family and the shared heritage of peoplehood. It is a day for Jewish learning. It is also an appreciation of freedom, for only a free person has the luxury of choosing not to work.

Naomi Prawer Kadar, Shabbes (Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring)

Shabbos reminds us that our bodies belong to us and that physical, intellectual and emotional pleasures are to be enjoyed. We need roses as well as bread. We are also reminded that our families and friends have a special place in our lives. Shabbos is a symbol of both our freedom and our humanity.

Adapted from Judith Seid, We Rejoice in our Heritage: Home Rituals for Secular Jews

However, too many of us still lack this freedom. We find ourselves working long hours and weekends. We receive far less vacation time than required to maintain good mental and physical health. The next selection, written over sixty years ago, shows that we still have a long way to go to achieve the essential precondition for a fulfilling Shabbos.

The most beautiful of the Jewish holy days is the Sabbath, the holiday with social significance, when for the first time, the idea of the right to rest was proclaimed for the slave and for the worker — a right which is much more important than the world-renowned "right to work" with which so many utopians hoped to solve the problems of society. Humanity still does not have the right to rest, and will never have it, until the foundations of life are rebuilt in accordance with the principles of social justice. It should be a source of pride to Jews that the first kernels of that idea were planted in its prophetic literature. — Chaim Zhitlovsky (1855-1943), philosopher of Jewish secularism and founder of cultural schools in the INTRODUCTION

Welcoming Shabbat

Contributed by Society for Humanistic Judaism Source: Here is Our Light: Society for Humanistic Judaism

Welcoming Shabbat by Rabbi Miriam Jerris

B’rukhim habaim. Welcome. Shabbat Shalom.

We gather on this Shabbat as a community of believers. We believe that Judaism is the entire experience of the Jewish people. We believe in the value of celebrating and identity. We believe that all those who choose to celebrate with us are part of our community. We believe that being together strengthens and enhances our Humanistic Jewish experience. May this Sabbath be a time of peace and rejuvenation.

This is a time of transition. We move from our everyday week to the experience of Shabbat. We turn from the concerns of the outside world and become quiet and peaceful. We, at this moment, in this time, create a community of Humanistic Jewish believers. Let us pause and take note as we begin the journey of this Shabbat. CANDLELIGHTING

Candle Lighting

Contributed by Society for Humanistic Judaism Source: Here is Our Light: Society for Humanistic Judaism

ברוך האור בעולם ברון האור באדם ברוך האור בשבת

Barukh ha’or ba’olam Barukh h’aor b’adam Barukh ha’or ba’Shabbat

Radiant is the light in the world Radiant is the light within each person Radiant is the light of Shabbat CANDLELIGHTING

Secular Shabbat Candlelighting

Contributed by Custom & Craft Source: Prepared by Bennett Muraskin, Jewish Cultural School and Society

To Say Over Candles:

The lighting of the Sabbath candles is one of the most familiar customs connected to Shabbes and one that is part of our collective memory. According to tradition, candles are lit on Friday just before sunset, usually by the mother and daughters of the household, though they may be lit by any Jew. The lighting of the candles signifies the spiritual essence of the Sabbath. Candlelight flickers, spreading its light and its warmth. It envelops us in peace, sholem bayis (family harmony), the light of learning, and the hope for the continuity of the Jewish people. Personal wishes for health and well-being go out from our hearts to all of our loved ones.

Naomi Prawer Kadar, Shabbes (Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring, 1995)

We light these candles to celebrate our coming together. They reflect the light in our lives and the warmth we find in our extended family. They generate a feeling of togetherness, and connect us to our Jewish history and heritage. May our time together bring us joy and a renewed sense of commitment to our people and all humanity.

Violet Cherlin, Long Island Havurah for Humanistic Judaism

We rejoice in our heritage which has given us the tradition of lighting the Shabbes candles. Ashreinu bi'yerushateinu she'masrah lonu et hatoreshet l’hadlik ner shel shabbat. Mir freyen zikh mit undzer yerusheh vos hot undz gegebn di traditsiye foon ontsindn di Shabbes likht.

Judith Seid, We Rejoice on Our Heritage: Home Rituals for Secular Jews

Barukh haor baolam. Radiant is the light in the world Barukh haor ba’adam. Radiant is the light of humanity. Barukh haor bashabbat Radiant is the light of the Sabbath.

Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine


Sholom Alekhem: Two Humanist Versions

Contributed by Custom & Craft Source: Morris Sukenik

Shalom alekhem ohave hashabbat Ohave shabbat shalom Y'ridat hashemesh meviah lanu shabbat

Shabbat k'var hagia hayom

Boakhem l'shalom ohave hasholom Ohave bnai adam M'yisrael ad artsenu Shalom al kol haolam

Y'vorakh bab'riut hazakuk lab'riut M'nukhat shabbat tavi refua Shalvat hashabbat tavi lanu briut Laguf venefesh trufa

Ts'etkhem l'hofesh beyom simkha v'oneg Bayom sheshovtim meavoda Meavodatenu nishbot im yakirenu Avot banim im kol hamishpakha

Welcome, you lovers of the Sabbath Sabbath lovers, Shalom! The setting of the sun brings us Sabbath, Sabbath has already reached us here.

Your coming be in peace, you lovers of peace, Lovers of humankind, From Israel to our land, Let there be peace all over the world.

Be blessed with health, whoever is in need of health. May Sabbath rest bring cure. May Sabbath peace bring us health, Body and soul a cure.

As you go out to freedom on this happy, joyous day, On the day that we rest from work, From our work we'll rest with our loved ones: Parents, children, and all the mishpakha.


Poems to Greet the Sabbath Queen: Shabat Ha'Malkah

Contributed by Custom & Craft Source: Hayyim Nahman Bialik, Russia-Israel 1873-1934

The sun over the treetops is no longer seen, Come, let us go forth to greet the Sabbath Queen, Behold her arrival, the holy, the blessed, And with her angels of peace and of rest Come near, come near, and here abide. Come near, come near, O, Sabbath Bride! Peace to you, O angels of peace.

We've welcomed the Sabbath with songs and with praise; We go slowly homeward, our hearts full of grace. The table is set and the candles give light, At home every corner is shining and bright. Sabbath is peace and rest. Sabbath is peaceful and blest. Come in peace, you angels of peace!

Ha’khamah merosh ha’ilanot nistalkah Bo’u v’netseh likrat Shabat ha’malkah, Hiney hi yoredet, ha’kedoshah, ha’brukhah, Ve’imah malakhim tsvah shalom u’menukhah Bo’i, bo’i ha’malkah, Bo’i, bo’i ha’kalah Shalom aleykhem malakhey ha’shalom.

Ha’khamah merosh ha’ilanot nistalkah, Bo’u uenilaveh et shabat ha’malkah. Tseytekh l’shalom, ha’kedoshah ha’zakah De’i, sheshet yamim el shuveykh nikhakeh. Ken l’shabat haba’ah Ken l’shabat haba’ah Tsetkhem l’shalom malakhey hashalom. KABBALAT SHABBAT POEMS & SONGS

Welcome, Queen Sabbath

Contributed by Custom & Craft Source: by ZALMAN SCHNEOUR, Russia-Israel, 1887-1959

Oh, come let us welcome sweet Sabbath the Queen!

The cobbler abandoned his awl and his thread, The tailor's brisk needle now sleeps in its bed. Father has bathed, washed his hair, and he says: Sweet Sabbath is near, Sweet Sabbath is here, Oh, come let us welcome sweet Sabbath the Queen!

The storekeeper locked and bolted his store, The teamster unbridled his horse at the door, The sexton runs hither and thither and says: The sun sets in the sky, Sweet Sabbath is nigh, Oh come let us welcome sweet Sabbath the Queen!

The white-bearded cantor has hastened along To welcome the Sabbath with blessing and song, Dear mother is lighting the candles and prays: Day of holiness and rest, Forever be blest,

Oh come let us welcome sweet Sabbath the Queen!

Translated from the Hebrew by Harry H. Fein KABBALAT SHABBAT POEMS & SONGS

Song of the Sabbath

Contributed by Custom & Craft Source: Kadia Molodowsky (1874-1975)

I quarreled with kings till the Sabbath, I fought with the six kings of the six days of the week.

Sunday they took away my sleep. Monday they scattered my salt. And on the third day, my , they threw out my bread: whips flashed across my face. The fourth day they caught my dove, my flying dove, and slaughtered it. It was like that till Friday morning

This is my whole week, the dove's flight dying.

At nightfall Friday I lit four candles, and the queen of the Sabbath came to me. Her face lit up the whole world, and made it all a Sabbath. My scattered salt shone in its little bowl, and my dove, my flying dove, clapped its wings together, and licked its throat. The Sabbath queen blessed my candles, and they burned with a pure, clean flame. The light put out the days of the week and my quarreling with the six kings.

The greenness of the mountains is the greenness of the Sabbath. The silver of the lake is the silver of the Sabbath. The singing of the wind is the singing of the Sabbath.

And my heart's song is an eternal Sabbath. SHEMA

Sh'ma & V'Ahavta

Contributed by Society for Humanistic Judaism Source: Here is Our Light: Society for Humanistic Judaism

Sh’ma - by Rabbi Jeffrey L. Falick

שמע ישראל ניטול את חלקינו בתיקון עולם Sh’ma Yisra’el nitol et helkeinu b’tikkun olam. Hear O Israel: Let us take up our portion in the repair of the world.

ברוך כבוד האדם לעולם ועד Baruch k’vod ha’adam l’olam va’ed. Blessed is the dignity of each person, forever and ever.

V’ahavta, adapted by Jon Dickman

Therefore, we strive to lead loving, compassionate lives With our heart, with our wisdom, and with our actions. These words we inscribe in our innermost heart. We aspire to practice them day and night, Teaching them diligently to our children Through our words and especially through our deeds So that the next generations learn to revere and celebrate life. SHEMA

Secular Humanist Shma

Contributed by Custom & Craft Source: Morris Sukenik

Hear, Oh Israel, The universe is one. All humanity is one.

Shma Yisroel Ha-olam echad! Ha-enoshiut echad!

And you shall love your fellow humans With all your heart And all your soul, And all your might!

These words inscribe on your heart And on your doorposts. Repeat them and teach them to your children By day and by night.

Teach them to revere all life. SHEMA

Shma: Communal Declaration of Faith

Contributed by Custom & Craft Source: Marcia Falk, The Book of Blessings

Hear, O Israel---The divine abounds everywhere And dwells in everything: the many are One.

Sh’ma, yisrael— La’elohut alfey panim, M’lo olam sh’khinatah, Ribuy paneha ekhad.

Loving life and its mysterious source with all our heart and all our spirit, All our senses and strength, we take upon ourselves and into ourselves these promises:

To care for the earth and those who live upon it, To pursue justice and peace, To love kindness and compassion.

We will teach this to our children throughout the passage of the day--- As we dwell in our homes and as we go on our journeys, From the time we rise until we fall asleep And may our actions be faithful to our words That our children’s children may live to know:

Truth and kindness have embraced, Peace and justice have kissed and are one. AMIDAH (STANDING PRAYERS)

Shabbat - Symbol of Peace

Contributed by Society for Humanistic Judaism Source: Here is Our Light: Society for Humanistic Judaism

Shabbat - Symbol of Peace by Rabbi Jeffrey L. Falick

Shabbat Shalom

When we meet each other on Shabbat, we think of shalom, peace. It’s right there in the greeting. Shabbat has always been a symbol of peace. Our ancestors called it a “taste of the world to come.” The peace that they sought to create on Shabbat teased them with hopes that such calm might one day prevail throughout the world.

Perhaps it was just a fantasy. But it gave them comfort, nonetheless. We now understand that a better and more peaceful future must not be deferred to a “world to come.” If we desire it, we must bring it ourselves. In our homes, our communities, our nation and the world, we possess the power to make it real.

Perhaps Shabbat can remind us of that.

Shabbat Shalom, may we all enjoy a Sabbath of Peace. SILENT MEDITATION

The Beginning

Contributed by Rachel Kann Source: Rachel Kann:

The Beginning By Rachel Kann

If you can find stillness, the jasmine will night-bloom in your direction and the breeze will carry its sacred exhalation of perfume toward you.

Breathe, the moon will cascade waves of radiance downward, drop her silver robes, glow.

You will awaken, overtaken by a love that asks no permission, golden particles rising beneath your skin. all of existence longs to be an offering. eternity is a constant whisper wishing to be listened to.

This is the beginning. This is only the beginning. Let it in. SILENT MEDITATION

Heschel Quote

Contributed by AJU Miller Intro to Judaism Source: AJU Miller Intro to Judaism: A Guide to Shabbat at Home


Transcendence Through Community

Contributed by Society for Humanistic Judaism Source: Here is Our Light: Society for Humanistic Judaism

Transcendence through Community by Rabbi Miriam Jerris

Humanistic Judaism is an innovative in Jewish life. Many of us were drawn to its honesty, its boldness, its openness and its creativity. The philosophy brought us to our congregation, but it is our quest for community that compels us to stay. We want to associate with others who share our vision -- our view of Jewish identity. We want to share our ideas and feel the warmth of their acceptance.

The opportunity for communal acceptance is greater than what we receive from our local congregation. There are Jews outside of our area who share our Jewish outlook. They are Humanistic Jews and they celebrate their identity in ways both similar to and different from what we do in our local communities. In learning about the Society for Humanistic Judaism and the other congregations, there arises the promise of new friends, fresh ideas, different music, and diverse perspectives. This enriches us, enables us to deepen our knowledge of Humanistic Judaism and enhances our ability to celebrate our identity.

Beyond North America is the world of Secular Humanistic Judaism. Secular Humanistic Judaism in Hebrew, Italian, French, Russian and Spanish is a mind boggling and exhilarating experience. Each country contributes their particular point of view and unique expression of our basic philosophy to our collective understanding. What we share is the passion of our viewpoint. New worlds are opened to us.

We are strengthened by this expansion of our vision. We are no longer only a local congregation, no longer only a North American Society. We are a worldwide movement. We feel the excitement that this realization affords us. We are something greater than our individual selves.


Notes on Shabbat Observance

Contributed by Ritualwell Source:

"Somewhow during Shabbat my whole biochemistry seems to change. Friday night an awesome tiredness comes over me and it is a wonder if I don't fall asleep before dessert. Saturday afternoon I must take a nap; I know that I will not be able to function at a certain point if I don't sleep for at least a half an hour.

"It is as if in addition to the discrete observances I perform, like candlelighting and kiddush, dinner with family and friends, prayer, and study, my body itself has understood it is Shabbat. It enters a whole other state of being. Immense tiredness and infinite opportunity to rest. A tiredness different from the other days of the week. A mandate to sleep that is different.

"Before my days of keeping Shabbat, when Saturday was a day of simple pleasures, shopping and errands my body did not experience tiredness in the same way. It is as if the experience of Shabbat has reached beyond all its do's and don'ts to a preconscious state where Shabbat is being observed by my very bio-rhthyms."

"As someone who is committed to social justice, to ending oppression, I often feel that there is too much to do, too little time to fix it all, that I can't stop yet...And then Shabbat comes and with its arrival twenty-five hours in which I get to notice how beautiful the world is, how perfect it is, and that there is nothing that I need to do in that moment to change it. I am reminded that it is crucial for me to stop, to rest, to celebrate the beauty of the world, the richness of my relationships with family, friends and God. A time of noticing what is already right and whole and good rather than what isn't. And with that deep knowing, that inner quiet, I can go back out for the rest of the week and fight like hell."

"I stop. That's what Shabbat starts for me as, I stop from all the business. I take a shower or bath and put on clothes that are comfortable and special feeling. I sing, niggunim or songs from MIRAJ or sometimes Shlomo Carlebach. I also like to call people I miss and haven't had time to connect with in a while, to wish them Shabbat Shalom and catch up. And it's a time when I can relax and just enjoy being with my step-kids, not watching the clock and thinking about all the other things I should or could be doing."

"Before Shabbat, I treat myself by buying flowers for myself."

"I have to say this because for me it is an essential part of Shabbat. My favorite thing to do on Shabbat morning is to stay in bed with my lover and really spend time relishing her body, our bodies. We sometimes joke and call this our Shabbat morning prayer but it's not really a joke. Finding God and worshipping Her through the delight and attention we give and find in each other is an essential part of Shabbat holiness for me."

"I once heard a story about someone who converted to Judaism and as she was dunking into the mikveh she said, 'I now commit myself to being an observant Jew.' Her friends were a bit surprised. They knew she was committing to Judaism. But was she really going to be observant? The woman explained that for her an observant Jew is a Jew who always keeps her eyes open. She was committing to becoming someone who would consciously observe the world as a Jew. For me, this definition of observance is very liberating. Observing Shabbat begins with the decision to be conscious of Saturday as Shabbat, every hour of the day."

"For me, Shabbat is a day of do's and don'ts. It is a day to make kiddush, eat marvelous food (chocolate is a must), go to shul, read the newspaper, see my friends, and drink wine. It is also a day when I don't write, don't use electricity, don't spend money, and don't travel. Since I study for classes during the week, I won't learn that same Torah over Shabbat. When I learn Torah, it has to be different than what I study during the week. I can't worry about anything I have to accomplish in the upcoming week, because I know that I can't do anything about finishing it. All the many do's and don'ts help me to mark this day as one of celebration of God, friends, and my self, a separation from the week's distractions."

"I'm interested in exploring the idea of Shabbat as breathing space. Giving ourselves space on Shabbat might enable us to experience some of what we can't allow ourselves to feel and think during the week."

"No matter how rushed I am in my preparations, I always shower right before Shabbat. My pre-Shabbat shower is unlike other showers of the week. I have wonderful smelling soap, shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel that I use only now. I shave my legs (usually the only time of the week I do this.). I put on different lotion. I also have special makeup (like a different color lipstick) which I put on for Shabbat. All of this helps me to enter Shabbat feeling more beautiful than I do at any other time of the week."

"In many ways, I try to make Shabbat a time for stillness. Before Shabbat I clean my room, put everything in its place. I don't want a mess distracting me. I turn off my stereo, shut down my computer, and turn on whichever lights I will need during Shabbat. Once I light the candles, I know I won't touch the lights again, and somehow this gives me a radical sense of separation from the week. What is dark will remain dark and what is light will remain light."


Song for Healing

Contributed by Society for Humanistic Judaism Source: Here is Our Light: Society for Humanistic Judaism

Complete Healing - Adapted from Debbie Friedman by Jeffrey Falick, Miriam Jerris, Adam Chalom

Makom hako’ach b’tocheinu, m’korot ha-b’racha m’chevroteinu, May those in need of healing know refu’ah sh’leimah, the renewal of body, the renewal of spirit, and let us say: Shalom. Makom hako’ach b’tocheinu, m’korot ha-b’racha m’chevroteinu, May the source of strength that dwells so deep within us Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing, and let us say: Shalom. TIMES OF REMEMBRANCE

Humanistic Kaddish

Contributed by Society for Humanistic Judaism Source: The

Humanistic Kaddish

Nitgadal v’nitkadash b’ruach ha’adam Let us enhance and exalt ourselves in the spirit of humanity. Let us acclaim the preciousness of life. Let us show gratitude for life by approaching it with reverence. Let us embrace the whole world, even as we wrestle with its parts. Let us fulfill, each of us in our own way, our share in serving the world and seeking truth. May our commitment to life help us strengthen healing of spirit and peace of mind. May healing and peace permeate and comfort all of Israel and all those who dwell on earth. And let us say, may it be so - ken y’hi.

Contributed by Jon Dickman and Congregation Kol Shalom inspired by Rabbi Rami Shapiro, From The Birmingham Temple Congregation for Humanistic Judaism Shavuot Guide TIMES OF REMEMBRANCE

Secular Mourners' Kaddish

Contributed by Bayit Source: Beside Still Waters

Secular-Friendly Mourners' Kaddish Translation by Rabbi David Cooper

There is an eternal essence that persists in time and space — and this is our prayer to make it part of our awareness by affirming its persistence and pledging ourselves to act to advance the promise it holds of a better world; may it be soon and in our days. Amen.

Let the great essence be blessed through all our actions!

Whether it be blessed or praised or honored or exalted, we affirm that it is far beyond any expression which we use to describe it — prayer or song, prose or poem — and we say: Amen

We express our hopes for peace and for life upon us and upon all people. Amen.

May the harmony we experience as we gaze toward heaven be reflected in a harmony between all who dwell on the planet: Israelite, Ishmaelite, and all creatures upon this holy earth, and we say: Amen.

From: Beside Still Waters, available for download and purchase. CONCLUDING PRAYERS

Blessing for Children

Contributed by Society for Humanistic Judaism Source: Here is Our Light: Society for Humanistic Judaism

Blessing for Children by Rabbi Binyamin Biber

I/We bless you & watch over you with my/our love, and I/we hope that your learning & good deeds bring you joy & long life. May you help others and be an example to all, just as others help you & show you the paths of goodness. May the best within you shine forth with compassion, and may you always lift up your face to meet others in peace.

(Inspired by Numbers, 6:24-26) CONCLUDING PRAYERS

Aleinu, Our Duty

Contributed by Silverlake Independent JCC Source: Deanna Neil, SIJCC

Abraham Joshua Heschel. a rabbi who marched for civil rights alongside Martin Luther King, Jr Wrote that morally speaking, there is no limit to the concern one must feel for the suffering of human beings, That indifference to evil is worse than evil itself That in a free society, some are guilty but all are responsible

May we continue to practice tikkun olam, repairing the world May we continue to practice, gemilut chasidim, acts of lovingkindness May we continue to practice tzedakah, just giving May we recognize that all beings are created equal, b'tzelem elohim, in the image of the divine May we walk way away to day knowing that each of us has the power to create change. by Deanna Neil KIDDUSH & MOTZI


Contributed by Society for Humanistic Judaism Source: Here is Our Light: Society for Humanistic Judaism

ברוכים בוראי פרי הגפן

B’ruchim boray p’ri hagafen.

Blessed are those who create the fruit of the vine.

Savri, maranan v’rabanan de etmol: kidashnu et ha’yayin. Savri maranan v’rabanan de ha’yom: brukhim ha’borim pri hagafen haShabbat. Me’samkheinu ha’Shabbat m’rapeinu l’gufoteinu u’l’nafshoteinu ha’Shabbat. Me’ashreinu brukhim ha’shomrim et yom ha’Shabbat.

The Rabbis and Sages of old proclaimed: We sanctify this wine. The Rabbis and Sages of today proclaim: Blessed is the fruit of the vine. The Shabbat makes us joyful. The Shabbat heals us in body and in spirit. The Shabbat enriches us. Blessed are those who celebrate the Shabbat. KIDDUSH & MOTZI

Blessing Over Wine / Grape Juice

Contributed by Custom & Craft Source: Prepared by Bennett Muraskin, Jewish Cultural School and Society

Shabbes by Naomi Prawer Kadar (Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring, 1995) In the warm glow of the candles' shine, we lift the brimming cup of wine. As Jews for centuries before, sharing Jewish life and lore. In praise of harmony and rest, ideals of justice, freedom's quest. A world of brotherhood and peace, where poverty and hate will cease. At our Shabbes celebration, we renew our dedication, To all that's Jewish/Yiddish, in this, our special Kiddish.

We Rejoice in Our Heritage: Home Rituals for Secular Jews by Judith Seid We rejoice in our heritage which has given us the cup of wine [grape juice] as the symbol of our happiness. We rejoice in our heritage which has given us the Sabbath, a day of rest. It is first among our holidays and a reminder of the Exodus from Egypt.

Ashreinu bi'yerushateinu she'masrah lanu kos pri hogofen l'mo'adim u'l'simkha ki samakhnu b'khageinu. Ashreinu bi'yerushateinu she'masrah lanu et ha'shabbat., yom-mnukha, reisheet bamo'adeinu zekher litsi'at mitsra’im.

Mir freyen zikh mit unzer yerushe vos hot undz gegebn di kos foon vayn alts simbol foon undzer gliklich-kayt, Mir freyen zikh mit undzer yerusheh vos hot undz gegebn Shabbes, a tog foon minukha. Es is di vikhtikste foon undzere yom- toyvim oon dermont undz foon undzer oroysgeyn foon mitzrayhim



Contributed by Society for Humanistic Judaism Source: Here is Our Light: Society for Humanistic Judaism

ברוכים המוצאיים לחם מן הארץ

B’ruchim ha motziim lechem min haaretz

Blessed are those who bring forth bread from the earth KIDDUSH & MOTZI

Blessing Over Challah

Contributed by Custom & Craft Source: Prepared by Bennett Muraskin, Jewish Cultural School and Society

In tasting bread, we remember the hungry. May there be a day when no human being suffers the pain and desolation of hunger. May the bounty we enjoy help us to bring to fruition the vision of a besere un a shenere velt, a better and more beautiful world.

Naomi Prawer Kadar, Shabbes , (Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring, 1995)


We rejoice in our heritage that teaches us to love our earth that gives us wheat and to honor the farmers who grow it and the workers who make it into bread.

Ashreinu b'yerushateinu she'morah lanu le'ehuv et ha'adama, matsmikhat dagan, u'l'khabed et ha'ikar ha'motsi lekhem min ha'aretz v'et hapo'el hao'ofeh khalot.

Mir freyen zich mit undzer yerusheh vos hot undz oysgelernt az mir zoln lib hobn undzer erd vos git undz veytz, oon dermant undz opgebn koved di vos akern dos erd oon kooltivirn dem veytz, oon di arbeter vos bakn undz dos broit

Judith Seid, We Rejoice in Our Heritage: Home Rituals for Secular Jews


B'rukhim hakhayim baolam. Blessed be the life in the world. B'rukhim hakhayim baadama. Blessed be the life in the earth. B'rukhim hamotsim lekhem minhaorets. Blessed are those who bring forth bread from the earth.

Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine