Providence College

T e Co SINCEl 1935 w Vol. LXXXII No.5 October 5, 2017 On the PC Front From Friartown to Puerto Rico Comfy Cushions:


by Ryan Cox '18 A&E Staff Student Spotlight

Providence College students may have noticed a new addition to the Arthur F. and Patricia Ryan Center for Business Studies recently. Four black, Friars-themed beanbag chairs are placed throughout the main atrium of the building, offering students a new way to be comfortable while studying. The PC bookstore is not responsible for their creation, but rather College Cushion, a new brand started by three juniors. BEANBAG CHAIRS/ Page 13

Aura Rexach '20 (Left) and Maria Elena Santos '20 (Right) pose at a fundraiser to help Puerto Ricans affected by recent hurricanes. PHOTO COURTESY OF LAURA CHADBOURNE'20/THECOWL Off-Campus Coalition: by Sabrina Guilbeault '18 made it happen, and over 300 great cause.” News Editor people attended the event.” Short expressed her gratitude Events The event included a beer to Dean Sears and Sharon Hay, garden, lawn games, a miniature director of student activities, for After only three days of golf course that was donated by their support and assistance in planning, on Friday, September BOP, and live music from PC making the event successful. 28, 20 Providence College students. For $4, students could students came together to put on get a plate of food that came from a benefit concert to raise funds a local Puerto Rican restaurant. to help Puerto Rico after the "It just amazes me,” said Diane destruction caused by Hurricane LaMattina ’18, who attended the

PHOTO COURTESY OF GOOGLE MAPS Maria. event. “The fact that so many Gabriela Short ’18, wearing people chose to come here and by Daria Purdy '19 Asst. News Editor a white shirt adorned with the support the cause shows me that Puerto Rican flag on the back, the people at this school really do Off Campus stood in front of the crowd that care for their peers and want to A significant part of life at Providence flocked to the Smith Quad, and show their support.” College is the experience of students off- explained that every single penny By 5:30 p.m., the event was campus in the community that surrounds from the event will go toward bustling. The beer garden was campus. Many upperclassmen live in the helping Puerto Rico recover from filled with upperclassmen, the neighborhoods surrounding campus, the hurricane. line to the food was very steady, and they and their guests are brought into contact with other residents of the Short, along with other and administrators and faculty community and with the Providence students from Puerto Rico, members mingled with students Police Department. An Off-Campus planned the event in its entirety playing the lawn games. Coalition Meeting between students, after they received the go-ahead “It makes be proud to be a administrators, and members of the last Tuesday from Steven Sears, Friar today,” said Kevin O’Neill police force convened last Wednesday in order to address the issues, conflicts, dean of students. ’18. “Events like these show that PHOTO COURTESY OF LAURA CHADBOURNE'20/THECOWL and shared interests between the three “Once we got the okay, it was we really do care about each Sebastian Otero from Brown University used his music parties and ensure a positive off-campus nonstop,” said Short. “I was other, especially when we're talent to help fundraise. experience. COALITION/ Page 5 going 100 miles per hour, but we coming together to support a PUERTO RICO/ Page 2 Providence College’s Student-Run Newspaper Since 1935 UNDERtheHOOD News Opinion A&E News 2 Opinion 8 Mass shooting Hurricane support Saying goodbye to Photography 11 leaves 58 dead, and media coverage music legend and over 500 injured. should be spread to Grammy winner, A&E 13 all Caribbean islands. Tom Petty. Portfolio 19 Sports 22 Page 5 Page 8 Page 16 Page 2 News October 5, 2017 Playing Devil's Advocate Friars Discuss Concepts of the Catholic Church in an Interactive Setting

by Hannah Langely ’21 with the arrival of Fr. Bonaventure at News Staff Providence College this year, and the idea of Devil’s Advocate came to life. ON CAMPUS Devil’s Advocate is unique from other discussion groups as it allows Have you ever wanted to ask one of the friars to answer commonly the friars at Providence College a asked questions about the Catholic question concerning the Catholic Church while the other friar acts as faith or Catholic beliefs, but the “devil’s advocate” and refutes the something stopped you? Maybe you claims given. These questions range were scared or too embarrassed; from all sorts of topics, including maybe you figured you already knew God’s existence, evils in the world, their answer, so it would be pointless achieving perfect happiness, and if to ask. This is the exact reason why the Jesus' death on the cross was the Father Dominic Verner, O.P., and best way for God to save us. As part of Father Bonaventure Chapman, O.P. the Dominican tradition, Fr. Dominic ,began a discussion group called and Fr. Bonaventure are open to Devil’s Advocate. discussing any question students This program, which only began may have, for, as Fr. Bonaventure so several weeks ago, allows students eloquently stated, “any statement we to ask questions anonymously by have is deep down an answer to a placing their questions in a mailbox question.” Fr. Dominic discusses matters concerning the Catholic faith with students. BRIANNA COLLETTI ’21/THE COWL or sending them through email. It The week before the meeting on was originally started by Fr. Dominic Sept. 25, the priests received many insights on what they thought and only the second week of the program, as an addition to a discussion group questions regarding the hurricanes answered any questions they might Fr. Bonaventure and Fr. Dominic he began last year called “Why and natural disasters that have have had about the debate. aspire for this discussion program Catholic?” He wanted to start a recently devastated people all over The discussion lasted about an to be, as Fr. Dominic stated, “a place discussion group in which he and the world. This became the main hour, but it seemed the students who [students] can come and bring their another friar could discuss and topic of their debate, answering attended obtained a better awareness honest questions and objections to debate questions, but could not find the question, “How do we handle about God’s role in nature, and they tenets of the Catholic faith.” the right opportunity. natural evils with the existence of enjoyed the debate. Brian McIntyre Devil’s Advocate takes place While he enjoyed “Why Catholic?” God’s providence?” ’21 said the discussion was a good every Monday night at 8:15 p.m. in he wanted, he said, “something a The fathers flipped a coin to decide chance to talk to the friars, and he Slavin Center LL01. Mailboxes for little more interactive.” He believes who would be the devil’s advocate, liked having the opportunity to have the submission of questions can be it is “very helpful to understand an and the coin toss went to Fr. Dominic. an open discussion with them about found in Slavin outside the Campus argument if you can see it objected For 10 minutes, Fr. Bonaventure the Catholic faith. Ministry meeting room (near to and hear the replies and see the debated on the behalf of Catholic Trevor Wakefield ’21 commented, McPhail’s) or in Campus Ministry, give and take of a debate,” which belief, while Fr. Dominic argued “I like how it’s not just them which can be found in the basement is exactly what Devil’s Advocate against his reasoning. Afterwards, lecturing about their beliefs, it’s of St. Dominic Chapel. accomplishes. Fr. Dominic saw a the two discussed the question with getting their beliefs challenged and chance for his idea to come to fruition the group of students to get their responding to them.” While this was Friars Put on Benefit Concert for Puerto Rico Puerto Rico: Continued from front page at PC and not at home has made the Puerto Rican students feel powerless and hopeless, but decided to turn their sadness into positive action. The final amount that was raised at the event is still being calculated, as other outside donations are still expected to come in, but Short expressed that she knows the event was successful as it got students together and raised awareness. “It is important that students know we are part of the PC community, and are more than just 20 students who are directly affected by what just happened,” said Short. “Every time something like this happens and affects our community in some way, it helps for our peers to be mindful of what happened, and respectful and understand where our hearts are.” “The island is completely destroyed,” said Natalia Fournier ’19, a student from Puerto Rico. “It's not only a vacation spot, but it’s our home, it's where we grew up, and it's where our friends and family live,” she said. She stressed that this event was so important because it can help families and businesses get the resources they need to survive, because many SABRINA GUILBEAULT ’18/THE COWL Students responsible for the planning of the event smile at the Concert. people on the island currently do not have access to basic and necessary essentials. Short explained more fundraising efforts and She also thanked Student Congress, the Office friars-with-puerto-rico. events will occur throughout the semester to of Admissions, BOP, and BMSA for their support. According to the page, put together by Maria further help the island. “I want to say thank you “We are so, so thankful,” she said. “We couldn’t Santos '20, all donations from the event and to the to everyone who was there at the event and let have done this without them." Go Fund Me will go to Unidos Por Puerto Rico, everyone know that this is just the beginning,” she Donations are still being accepted, with a an organization that will be providing food, water, said. fundraising goal of $5,000. The PC community is medicine, and financial aid to those who need it on “There is a lot more ahead to help our beautiful enouaraged to donate to a GoFundMe page, which the island. little island get back on its feet.” can be found at: In last week's Cowl, Santos explained that being October 5, 2017 NEWS The Cowl 3 Featured Friar: Stachel Roberts ’18 Introducing: Senior Helps Her Peers Reach Their Career Goals

by Sarah Gianni ’18 comes to transportation, Roberts enjoys walking or News Staff can sometimes catch a ride with friends. “I’m from New York City so I don’t have my license, FEATURED FRIAR and when I don’t want to pay for transportation I will take Uncle RIPTA,” said Roberts, laughing at the name she coined for the bus. “I call it Uncle RIPTA “Come to the career center, I promise we’re not because its not the most reliable, but it gets you where scary!” Stachel Roberts ’18 says with a smile. The Bronx you need to go.” native is reflecting on her work-study position in the With about a month of school under her belt, Providence College Center for Career Education, a job Roberts says she is finally getting into the swing of she has held since her sophomore year. “Right now I senior year. “It's weird to say, but I feel like these are am being trained to be able to facilitate career center some of the last moments of being surrounded by my workshops for different groups on campus,” said friends. My goal is to enjoy this last year at PC before Roberts. going out into the real world.” Groups such as athletic teams or floors in various on-campus residences can request one of these workshops so that students can get assistance even if the career center is not open. “We do everything from creating resumes, to navigating eFriars, and interview tips,” said Roberts. In addition to working in the career center, Roberts is involved in many diverse Starting at 8:00 a.m. organizations on campus. “Sometimes I think I’m a little too involved,” she admits. Roberts is a member of the outreach committee of Every Weekday, Student Congress, the Vice President of the NAACP, a participant in PC Pals, and part of the Board of Multicultural Student Affairs (BMSA). “I’m so all over Pick Up a FREE the place in that I’m interested in so many things, and I think that everything I’m involved in on campus showcases that,” said Roberts. Cup of Coffee As a political science major, Roberts said she has a strong passion for racial justice, but is still unsure of in Campus Ministry! her post-graduation plans. “What my post-grad plans are is the big question that everyone asks me, but I enjoy not knowing what I want to do,” she said. Roberts said she has interest in doing foreign aid This week's brew comes to PC work, but is unsure if she wants to be a foreign service worker in the current political climate. “I am thinking from Friends of San Lucas Mission, of maybe doing some sort of non-profit work or the a non-profit in Guatemala where Peace Corps,” she said. In her down time, Roberts said she loves being off campus as much as she can. She PC students volunteer at each said that sometimes she just needs to separate herself, and loves going to different coffee shops. When it PHOTO COURTESY OF STACHEL ROBERTS '18 year. Biology Professor Receives Research Grant Dr. Jonathan Richardson Looks at Rat Populations and Public Health

by Ernie Andreoli ’18 population in Salvador, Brazil. Ultimately, Richardson’s research students with active knowledge News Staff “He is so passionate, it is will aim to identify which of these of current conservation issues infective,” said Dr. Charles Toth, the variables plays a role in dictating occurring within Rhode Island,” ON CAMPUS chair of the developmental biology rat migrations, and determine noted biology major Will Rinaldi ’18. department. “Dr. Richardson’s the commonalities of the rats’ Richardson’s research and research combines different realms movement. Richardson indicated coursework have a strong emphasis of biology, and his accolade has that this research will “empower toward nature’s resiliency. “Humans provided an incredible field work scientific inference by locating the have had a disproportionate effect research opportunity for students.” generalities of the rats’ movement.” on the environment,” Richardson According to Richardson, as Richardson holds a doctorate said when asked to comment on more humans have flocked to from Yale University, and is an current conservation issues facing impoverished urban developments expert in evolutionary ecology society. “Species have a unique in Salvador, otherwise known as and conservation genetics. “I have way of adapting to the changing favelas, more rats have migrated always been inherently interested environment.” to these destitute habitats. The in the subject matter, and I knew Prior to the onset of infrastructure main issue at hand is the spread of that I always wanted to do ‘big and mass migrations to urban centers, leptospirosis, a bacterial disease Bio,’” said Richardson. In addition the relocation of rats, among other spread through the urine of to this conservation genetics “weedy species,” did not exist to the infected animals, among this urban project, Richardson has conducted extent it does today. For Richardson, population. research on salmon genetics for the evolutionary adaptability is at the Through the extraction of tissue National Marine Services, as well heart of understanding the most samples from rats, Richardson is as other research on the growth and pressing questions in conservation examining why the influx of rats is development of amphibians. genetics and urban ecology. While the NSF made 30 awards PHOTO COURTESY OF PROVIDENCE.EDU occurring, as well as their movement patterns. “The goal is to be able to out of 136 research proposals, the sever the connections between rat majority of the research recipients On Sept. 20, Providence College populations and humans in order were from research universities. announced that Dr. Jonathan to stabilize the public health crisis “This is a fantastic achievement for Richardson, assistant professor of in these poor urban developments,” Providence College, and represents biology, received a highly selective noted Richardson. the College as a leading science research grant from the National In addition to these predominately school in the Northeast that is able Science Foundation (NSF) for impoverished urban developments to receive federal research aid,” $125,310. in Salvador, rat populations have stated Toth. Through field work research, been on the rise in New York City, Research is ingrained in the Richardson will work with two New Orleans, Vancouver, and teaching mission of the biology undergraduate summer research other densely populated cities. department. Toth explained that assistants to study urban ecology Richardson has identified variables, an emphasis on research allows and landscape genetics in rats. such as socioeconomic demographics, undergraduate students to become Richardson’s research project infrastructure, and excess food successful scientists, and find their PHOTO COURTESY OF PIXABY.COM stemmed from a group of geneticists resources in an effort to understand passions. “Dr. Richardson’s Wildlife assessing the surge in the rat the rats’ movements. Conservation course provided 4 The Cowl ADVERTISEMENT October 5, 2017

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Apply online at October 5, 2017 NEWS The Cowl 5 Students Express Concern at Off-Campus Coalition

Coalition: their socializing options. Dean Sears suggested that seniors could take Continued from front page the RIPTA to Thayer Street on the weekends, as there are many fun entertainment options there for students. The students who attended the Dean Sears went on to say, “Thayer meeting were all seniors who lived Street should be advertised more to off-campus, or who observed the freshmen”. Therefore, freshmen and meeting for a community organizing seniors would both be more inclined class. to spread their socializing beyond the The administrators who attended community surrounding campus. the meeting included Dean of Dean Sears and other administrators Students Steven Sears, Vice President also expressed great enthusiasm of Student Affairs Kristine Goodwin, for McPhail’s as a possible hub for Associate Vice President of Public socializing. Especially since McPhail’s Affairs Steven Maurano ’78, Executive now has food options for students, the Director of the Department of Public administrators and students agreed Safety Major Jack Leyden, and David that it has great potential to be a fun O’Connor, assistant to the director of and safe gathering place for students. citizenship and off-Campus life. Students and administrators also Representatives of the Providence NICHOLAS CRENSHAW ’20/THE COWL discussed possibly using fences Police Department included Lt. John as a method of crowd control on Dunbar, the crime prevention/campus Eaton Street. If fences were put in relations officer for Providence stickers, and how they could possibly Reddy went on to say, that if a behind houses, residents would find College, and Lt. Patrick Reddy. The appeal against the giving of a sticker. student were to call the police to it much easier to control and take main concern the students brought Additionally, the students wanted help control a large gathering, “they responsibility for who was entering to the meeting were the discrepancies to know when and how it was must be detailed in their call, and their backyard. On Eaton Street, it is between communication and appropriate to get the police involved say that they feel unsafe.” This will hard for residents to stop people from conflict resolution between the in a party. ensure that the police will respond to entering their backyards without their students, administration, and police Goodwin stressed that students the call in a timely manner and that permission. department off-campus. Some of the have to take responsibility for the the student will not be penalized. Reddy said, “I am a firm believer in students at the meeting had received people that are entering their houses, The coalition discussed many community solutions, and I hope that orange stickers on their houses. and that if they do not know a person, possible methods to alleviate the we can work together to solve these The students pointed out how they should not let them in. huge numbers of students that problems.” the lack of entertainment options Reddy emphasized that if a student go off-campus to the community Similar feelings of a willingness for underclassmen on the weekends felt a party was getting out of control, immediately surrounding campus to communicate and work together have led them to flood Eaton Street or if a large amount of students were every weekend. The solution were expressed by the administrators in order to find fun social activities. gathering in their yard without their included giving more options for and students. All those attending The amount of students that go to permission, they should call the police socializing to seniors outside their hoped that the coalition would mark Eaton Street on the weekends have and ask for help in clearing the area. off-campus residences, along with the beginning of a period of greater led to over-crowding at parties and If a student calls the police to help providing more entertainment cooperation and communication more incidents of open-container control a large gathering, they will not options to underclassmen. between the students, administration, violations. be given a sticker, but they must do Dean Sears suggested that PC and police. The students also wanted more this before the police arrive by their students should take advantage of clarity on why they were being given own discretion. the RIPTA more, in order to expand Bursting the PC Bubble: Tragedy in Las Vegas A Report on the Recent Shooting Massacre at a Jason Aldean Concert

by Gabriella Pisano ’18 that allow bullets to be fired rapidly, were found FBI says there is no connection between Paddock Assistant News Editor outfitted to 12 of his firearms. and any international terrorist group. Paddock had cameras set up inside and outside In a post on Instagram, Aldean wrote, “Over WORLD NEWS BRIEFS of his hotel suite. While it is not confirmed, the last 24 hours I have gone through lots of authorities suspect that the cameras were used emotions. Scared, Anger, Heartache, Compassion to watch for people approaching the room. When and many others. I truly don’t understand why a The Route 91 Harvest Festival ended in tragedy security guards approached Paddock’s suite he person would want to take the life of another… as shots were fired for nine to 11 minutes leaving turned his gunfire away from the festival and At the end of the day we aren’t Democrats or 59 dead and over 500 injured. This marked the towards his door, wounding one of the security Republicans, Whites of Blacks, Men or Women. deadliest mass shooting in modern American guards. We are all humans and we are all Americans and history, following the June 2016 shooting at Marilou Danley, girlfriend of Paddock, was its time to start acting like it and stand together Pulse Nightclub in Orlando that resulted in 49 brought in for questioning on Wednesday, as ONE!” causalities and more than 58 wounded. October 4. Danley was out of the country at the Many have echoed Aldean’s plea for unity in The open-air festival, nicknamed “the neon time of the attack, but returned to the U.S. from this time of mourning. President Trump tweeted, sleepover,” is a three-day festival that welcomes the Philippines on Tuesday. Danley’s sisters “My warmest condolences and sympathies to some of the biggest names in country music. The stated that Danley did not know about the victims and families of the terrible Las Vegas festival has been held in Las Vegas for the past shooting. One of her sisters expressed her hope shooting. God bless you!” He later addressed the four years. that Danley could provide information to help work of the police stating, “It is a ‘miracle’ how Performers at this years festival included, understand the attack. fast the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police were able headliners Jason Aldean, Jake Owen, Brad With so many unanswered questions, to find the demented shooter and stop him from Paisley, Kenny Chesney, Sam Hunt, and Ashley authorities are still investigating the attack. The even more killing!” McBryde among others. Over 22,000 people were gathered to hear performers when the shooting began on Sunday, October 1, the third and final day of the festival. The shooter, identified as Stephen Craig Paddock of Mesquite, Nevada, fired shots from a window on the 32 floor of the Mandalay Bay resort that overlooked the concert. The motives of the 64-year-old retired accountant are unknown at the time, but the city’s police chief said that the attack was definitely premeditated. FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe stated that in cases of mass shootings such as this there is usually a clear motive. When police reached his room, they discovered that Paddock had taken his life. After searching his hotel and two Nevada homes in Verdi and Mesquite, a total of 47 guns were found. Thousands of rounds of ammunition were also found by authorities as well as an ingredient used in explosives. Bump-fire stocks, devices Citizens of Las Vegas gather at a vigil in rememerance of those who lost their lives. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE BALTIMORE SUN 6 The Cowl NEWS October 5, 2017 Bursting the PC Bubble: Analyzing NFL Protests and America's Response

What Happened at the White House? What's the Deal With the NFL?

by Darren Squillace ’19 reasons as well. by Brian Garvey ’20 to the sacrifices of our servicemen News Staff It is unclear if Trump had ever News Staff and women, many of whom laid formally invited the team to the White down their life while fighting under WORLD NEWS BRIEFS House. Curry is not the only notable WORLD NEWS BRIEFS the flag. "I wish that protesters athlete who is unsatisfied with the would take that reality seriously From NFL players choosing to president’s body of work since he has Every weekend, millions of NFL and voluntarily find another kneel during the national anthem to taken office. Fellow star athlete Lebron fans tune into their respective teams, forum to express their concerns certain championship sports teams James responded to the president’s excited for another day of fantastic and thus avoid the divisiveness getting their White House invitation tweet with a tweet himself saying, “U football. The weekend of Sept. 24, of protesting during the anthem,” rescinded, protests at sporting events bum @StephenCurry30 already said however, was anything but “another said Wingate. (This statement is have made headlines along with he ain't going! So therefore ain't no day.” In response to President his personal opinion and in no way other national issues such as North invite. Going to White House was a Trump’s comments about protesting represents the stance of the Army, Korea and its threats to obliterate great honor until you showed up!” and the players who participate, an or the Department of Defense, or the U.S., the devastating aftermath Similar sentiments to the ones overwhelming amount of players Providence College). of Hurricane Maria and the toll it expressed by James have become a made a statement of disapproval. Further notable protests included has taken on Puerto Rico, and the common theme around professional This was not just a few nameless the Detroit Lions, whose owner expected upcoming tax overhaul. sports. Athletes are no longer seeing players making a stand either. Martha Ford and three daughters Many of the president’s critics an invitation to the White House Players such as Lesean McCoy, locked arms with players during believe his attention on these issues as being fulfilling and enriching as Malcolm Butler, Von Miller, and the anthem. At the conclusion of is based on his desire to divert the they did under past presidents who Mike Evans, all Pro-Bowl players, the anthem, the singer, Rico Lavelle, public’s attention from the more extended invites, both Democrat and were seen kneeling. knelt and raised a fist. Eight players critical issues at hand so that he can Republican. Jared Getgano ‘20 said, “I kneeled for the Lions. handle them in his own preferred While President Trump has tried understand why they are kneeling, The Dallas Cowboys, including manner without as much scrutiny. to make it clear that none of his but there’s definitely a different way owner Jerry Jones, locked arms and Others say it is simply an effort to criticisms against teams or athletes to do it. My dad and my uncle both took a brief knee before standing for garner enthusiasm from his base of have anything to do with race, served, and I feel that the flag is a the anthem. Jerry Jones in the past supporters. many of those who have publically symbol that people sacrificed for.” has been very vocal about his support Stephen Curry, a member and star protested him and the job he has done Every single team in the NFL for the flag and the anthem, saying, player from the 2017 NBA Champion in office seem to have taken them that chose to make some statement of “We strongly, strongly support Golden State Warriors team, stated way. solidarity against the president’s the flag. It’s almost ridiculous to that even if invited to the White The majority of athletes who have comments. The Tennessee Titans, be saying it — the people that for House he would not attend, as a chosen to speak of the president , and Pittsburgh generations and generations have sign of disapproval of the current critically and chosen to decline Steelers all elected to remain in the given it all up so we can get out here administration in place. his White House invitations have locker room for the anthem. and show off in front of millions of In response to this, on Sept. 23, been African American. Trump Alejandro Villanueva, the left people on television. We respect that President Trump tweeted, “Going has recently bragged that the NHL tackle for the Steelers and a former so much." to the White House is considered a Stanley Cup winners, the Pittsburgh Army Ranger who served in Many players post-game spoke great honor for a championship team. Penguins, would be accepting his Afghanistan, stood alone at the edge out against Trump and his actions, Stephen Curry is hesitating, therefore invite to the White House, but many of the tunnel at attention for the speaking on both a personal and invitation is withdrawn!” This was were quick to point out the reality Anthem. Incidentally, Villanueva’s national level. Players went out of a tweet that not only drew to it the is that the Penguins, along with all jersey is now the highest selling their way to state that they mean no attention from the political world, other teams in the NHL, are made up jersey in the NFL. "What people do disrespect to the military and their but also the sports world for many of predominantly white athletes. not understand is people who are sacrifices, and that their protests taking a knee are not saying anything were against racial inequality and negative about the military. They're the president. not saying anything negative about Not every player was completely the flag," Villanueva said."They're supportive of the protests. Drew just trying to protest the fact that Brees, for the New there are some injustices in America. Orleans Saints spoke out against And for people that stand up for the players kneeling, saying “Do I national anthem, it doesn't mean think that there's inequality in this that they don't believe in these racial country? Yes I do. Do I think that injustices; they're just trying to do there's racism? Yes I do. I think that the right thing." there's inequality for women, for The had women in the workplace. I think that about 20 players kneel for the there's inequality for people of color, anthem, and Tom Brady stood with for minorities, for immigrants. But his hand on his heart, while locking as it pertains to the national anthem, arms with Tony Dorsett. Long- I will always feel that if you are an snapper Joe Cardona, currently on American that the national anthem active duty in the U.S. Navy, stood is the opportunity for us all to stand at attention on the sideline during up together, to be unified and to the anthem. show respect for our country”. “American men and women have Reactions from the fans, both in fought under our flag for over 240 the crowd and on the couch, was years to ensure freedom for every understandably split. Many fans American," said Lieutenant Colonel took to Twitter to either defend or Christopher Wingate, a professor attack these players, using the same of military sciences at Providence divisive language on both sides. College. "That freedom absolutely During the anthem, boos could be includes the right to sit, kneel, or heard very clearly, and many fans stand during the national anthem." were shown standing with their He went on to explain that many arms locked with the people next to veterans, military personnel and them. Reactions on campus were just families, and other Americans view as strong as they were nationally. anthem protests as disrespectful

GRAPHIC DESIGN BY SABRINA GUILBEAULT '18 Have a World News Story We Should Cover? Email us at [email protected] 6October The Cowl 5, 2017 NEWS SeptemberThe Cowl 6, 2012 7 September 6, 2012 Make America Converse Again Panel Discusses Importance of Discussion in Today's Political Climate

by Gabriella Pisano ’18 the United States is an outlier in not treating Assistant News Editor health care as a universal right. “The U.S. has a patchwork system in regards to healthcare,” said FEATURED FRIAR Mulligan. “Certain categories of people have certain rights to health care. Until the Affordable Care Act there was no guaranteed access to During the past year there has been a great health care for working adults.” disconnect in our country, specifically in regards Though there was obvious disagreement to political affiliation. Most people can agree over certain topics, the conversation remained that we live in a politically charged world, respectful and open. where people have many differing opinions on a When the topic of immigration was addressed, plethora of topics. In an attempt to address this Alvarez interacted with those in attendence, the Board of Multicultural Student Affairs held asking them to think about the phrase, “life, a panel discussion on Thursday, September 28, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” He urged aptly called, “Make America Converse Again." people to keep this in mind when thinking about The discussion was open to all faculty and immigration issues. students. The panel consisted of two Providence Friccione shared statistics about transgender College professors and four students and servicemen and women in an attempt to familirize addressed the issues of healthcare, immigration, people with the issue. Bartels responded by and transgender men and women in the military. saying, “A blanket statement that transgenders Kristen Rezuke ’18 and Mira Magner ’18, can't be in the military ignores the question of if a students on the BMSA diversity committee, person can do their job.” When questioned about oversaw the event and asked the panel questions proposed policy change, Mulligan expressed her on each of the topics. When welcoming those in opinion that relegalizing discrimination never attendance, Rezuke addressed the issue of the sounds like a good thing. importance of conversation. “It’s important to At the end of the discussion attendees were talk about difficult political issues. Even if you GRAPHIC DESIGN BY SABRINA GUILBEAULT '18 given the floor to share opinions and questions. disagree with someone, having that conversation An international student from Jordan stood and about it is so important.” discussed the issues for a time, attendants were shared that as a third world country, Jordan, with People with different perspectives and areas given time to converse with those around them a population of six million, took in three million of focus were chosen to be on the panel. Dr. and ask the panelists questions. Syrian refugees. He pointed out that this is half Jessica Mulligan, associate professor of health Many of those attending the event shared of the Jordanian population. When he asked for policy and management, and Dr. Christina the opinion that they were not extremely a response to America's lack of aid to the Syrian Rodriguez, assistant professor of English, were well educated on the topics being discussed. refugee crisis, he was met with silence. The looks the two faculty panelists. Both have a focus in Having expected this to be the case, Rezuke and shared among students made it clear that this Latin American studies in their respective fields. Magner provided fact sheets including general question prompted deep thoughts. The students on the panel included Melanie information about recent and potential changes Rezuke expressed the opinion that though Fricchione ’19, vice president of SHEPARD, in healthcare, immigration, and transgender at times uncomfortable, conversation between Gabe Alvarez ’20, member of the BMSA diversity servicemen and women in the military. those with opposing view points can be committee, Michael Bartels ’18, president of The discussion began with questions beneficial and thought provoking. There were PC Republicans, and Krista Minniti ’20, vice regarding health care. “Is healthcare a universal people at the discussion panel who had different president of PC Republicans. right?” questioned Rezuke. Minniti was the first political views and opinions, but the respect in The panel was organized in a way that allowed to respond, stating that health care is part of listening to the points of others made the event's all panelists to respond to questions when the private sphere, meaning it is not a universal title ring true. they felt inclined to answer. After the panelists right. Mulligan responded by explaining how My Brother's Keeper Expands Popular Charity Organization Sees New Location Thanks to Feinstein

by Daria Purdy ’19 goes on to say, “The furniture acts as Assistant News Editor a tool in that, it allows us to enter the hearts and prayers of those in need.” OFF CAMPUS Smith describes how, along with the furniture, the group delivers a Providence College students crucifix to each family that they serve. who volunteer their time with the In this way, the Christian inspiration Christian charity organization, My and purpose of the organization is Brother’s Keeper, are able to live emphasized with each act of charity. out their religious values of serving Smith describes how he started the community. The organization, with My Brother’s Keeper as a which delivers furniture free of student volunteer, at Stonehill charge to families in need, is opening College 10 years ago. Smith describes a brand new facility in Dartmouth, the experience of the student Massachusetts this Sunday, October 8. volunteers as “one that changes your My Brother’s Keeper was founded world-view in a lot of ways,” and in 1988 by a husband and wife also “allows you to see service as a who wished to help local families privilege.” in need. The charity has two bases Meghan O’Connor ’18, a student in Massachusetts, in Dartmouth volunteer at the organization, said, and Easton, through which 11 staff “The experience has improved my members and over 3,000 volunteers overall ability to relate to people, and bring furniture to families in need. to not judge a book by its cover.” Any family living in the service O’Connor has been volunteering area of Southeast Massachusetts is with the organization since her Students on their way to My Brother's Keeper for service. ADRIANNA PERRY '20/THE COWL eligible to receive help from the non- sophomore year, and was able to be profit organization. a summer intern with the non-profit The organization conducts 8,500 through a PC grant. She said that she Smith says, “Our mission, to serve The ceremony to open the new deliveries per year. The volunteers relishes the opportunities she gets God by serving community, has facility this Sunday will begin at 2:30 do the physical labor of bringing to leave the PC campus and connect resonated on campus.” p.m., with a mass beginning at 3:30 and installing the furniture to the with a wide range of people through The new facility that is opening p.m. The Bishop of the Diocese will homes. PC students volunteer their her work. Sunday in Dartmouth will be 23,000 be in attendance. Smith emphasized time with the organization Monday Smith emphasized the central role square feet, which is two and half that all are welcome to attend the through Friday. that PC students have played in the times larger than the previous facility ceremony and mass. Students are Josh Smith, one of the staff of My expansion of the organization. Smith in Dartmouth. The larger size is also welcome to join in the strong PC Brother’s Keeper, says, “First and says that PC has been My Brother’s meant to accommodate the growing tradition of volunteering their time foremost we are a Christian mission. Keeper best college partner, through number of volunteers. The new to serve the community through My We try to bring the love and hope of student volunteers and donation of facility will also have a larger prayer Brother’s Keeper. Jesus Christ to those we serve.” He dorm furniture to the organization. room and kitchen. Page 8 Opinion October 5, 2017 Hurricane Devestation Beyond Puerto Rico Start Talking About Aftermath on Other Islands

by Laura Arango ’20 The status of the U.S. Virgin Islands and other Opinion Staf Caribbean islands have developed into a full- POLITICS blown catastrophe. Members of the communities are clearing the roads, helping the reconstruction The Atlantic has suffered through 13 named process, giving supplies to their neighbors, storms this season: eight hurricanes and five and using their own boats to save the lives of major hurricanes. Specifically Maria, Irma, and others. It is commendable and a testament to the Jose have left a trail of disaster in their wake. perseverance of human nature. However, they Homes have been destroyed and countries have need outside resources, outside government been reduced to functioning without power, help, and an abundance of supplies that their own running water, and food. Thus far, the areas that people are not in the condition to retrieve. Laura have been hit hardest by the hurricanes have Dixon Strickling, a member of the St. Thomas been the islands of the Caribbean, and they fear community, stated, “We are U.S. citizens, and the being forgotten by the rest of the world. U.S. government needs to come and help. They Unfortunately, that is exactly what seems to be need to send a visible force to make people feel the case. Small islands in the Eastern Caribbean safe so they don’t do desperate things.” This is are struggling to meet basic survival needs in the only one of the many recorded statements from wake of Hurricane Irma. Yet, no one is talking members of destroyed communities pleading for about them! government assistance. Both the French and Dutch sides of the island However, too few people are discussing these of Saint Martin were in ruin. More than 90 small islands. The assistance they have gotten percent of the buildings on the Dutch side were is not nearly enough to help the rebuilding damaged, basically every structure in Cole Bay process of the islands. President Trump has was wrecked, and the island’s main power plant air conditioning, and water, and people were made statements regarding the fact that the in Cay Bay was also destroyed. sleeping in cots “pushed up against each other communities need to help themselves more. The island of Anguilla also experienced with tons of people in them—mostly people that However, he fails to realize that there are children severe damage. According to the International lost their homes,” said Shelby Alfred, a nurse in out on the street cleaning the roads. The people Organization for Migration, about 90 percent Cruz Bay, on the island of St. John. are working toward their pre-hurricane status. of its buildings and infrastructure were ruined. Kurt Nose, who was born in Ohio and moved However, in order to recreate the beautiful land The island of Barbuda, which has a population to St. Thomas stated, “Gas and diesel are starting they lived in before it was destroyed, they need of approximately 1,800 people, was said to have to run out...Fresh drinking water is starting to help. And the Providence College community, “looked like a landfill” by its prime minister. get scarce...How long the food we have here will as well as the entire world, needs to create In fact, in the aftermath of Irma, 75 percent last and how quickly they can get food in here awareness of these prominent issues. They of the buildings in its main town were damaged is a question.” The residents of St. Thomas are should not be forgotten simply because they and Barbuda’s residents were evacuated to the taking extreme measures to keep their personal are not a part of the continental United States. neighboring island of Antigua. belongings safe in the midst of all the chaos. Some Humans are humans and there is still a third of The United States Virgin Islands face extreme are locking down their homes and maintaining hurricane season in store for us. hardship. The islands were left without power, an assault weapon on them at all times. PHOTO COURTESY OF DIEU NALIO CHERY/AP PHOTO A woman walking throughEducation Port-au-Prince, Haiti after the devestation of Hurricane is Irma. a Right, Not a Privilege National Academic Inequatlies Cannot Be Ignored

by Kelsey Dass ’18 high. school and feel the quality of computer in the class that the Opinion Staf What quality of education are their education is just as good as students must share. children in lower income areas their neighbor’s. They should be How is that just? How is that POLITICS receiving? There is no doubt that taught by professionals who have equal opportunity? high-quality teachers do in fact knowledge and passion in this field Did their families buy these Every child in America should teach in lower-income school of work. Chromebooks? Absolutely not, but be granted an equal opportunity to districts, but that certainly does not If certain areas do not have the the taxes the families paid in the succeed, regardless of which state, make up the majority. capability to pay teachers higher district certainly helped fund that city, race, religion, or gender the Children do not choose wages, they certainly do not resource. child associates with. the life they are brought have the means to provide On a national level, the New York Coming from the perspective up in, and they are born resources. You walk into Times reports that districts with of a senior elementary and special into whatever family some schools, and every the most students of color receive education major at Providence they have. The status of student has a Chromebook. 15 percent less per student in state College, it is time to think about their family is not up to You walk into another and local funding than the whitest where to land my first teaching job. them, and there lies the school and there is one districts. The education I received in order problem. The system is broken. As a to become a qualified and certified Unfortunately, nation, if we cannot figure out teacher cost, give or take, $250,000 the frightening how to even the playing field, without interest. statistics do not lie. there is going to continue PC has a high-quality program “Minority students to be a major disparity. that produces high-quality are more likely This disparity continues teachers. However, that often, to be taught by to damage the values of but not always, means that those inexperienced equality and liberty that teachers will want to teach in teachers than this country was founded schools that have some of the experienced on. highest paying salaries. teachers in Every child deserves Teachers who want higher 33 states,” says a recent an equal opportunity paying jobs often end up in higher survey conducted by the to learn. We will never paying districts. Those districts New York Times. represent the truest form of can pay the teachers more because There is something liberty until that happens. the taxes in those areas are higher. incredibly disturbing This often means that the incomes about this statistic. of those families in that specific Each and every child district is on average, relatively should walk into a PHOTO COURTESY OF SUPPORTING CHILDREN October 5,Hate 2017 Is Not aCOMMENTARYOPINION Partisan IssueThe Cowl 9 Trump’s Divisive Rhetoric Has Gone Too Far

by Kevin Copp ’18 Opinion Staf POLITICS

Presidential behavior is often controversial. There are questions and discussions about what is acceptable for the commander-in-chief to say and do. Such talking points can arise from issues as large as foreign policy to as small as what color suit the president wears. Yet despite how heated the conversation might become, it is almost always assumed that the president has the best interests of his country in mind. With the ascension of Donald Trump to the presidency and his continual use of divisive rhetoric, such an assumption is no longer valid. The world must firmly acknowledge Trump’s unwillingness to unite America and his determination to promote his own skewed personal agenda. Trump ran his campaign on lofty promises President Donald Trump and NFL player Colin Kaepernick. PHOTO COURTESY OF HOLLYWOODSTREETKING.COM without specifying the concrete measures he would take to reach his goals. There would criticized him. And why does Trump continue to His comments against NFL players who kneel be no more crime, no more debt, and no more applaud Fox News and appear on their shows? for the national anthem have shown how far he crooked politicians making a living out of lying to Because they are the least critical of him, and will go to protect his own image. He has chosen Americans. Trump promised he would drain the Trump thinks this means that they are least likely to appeal to right wing conservatives by calling swamp and always put America first. to turn on him or embarrass him. NFL players exercising their rights protected Even after taking office, Trump continued to When Trump realized the media would not by the Constitution “SOBs”. A president who suggest that he would get rid of all the elements refrain from critiquing him just because of his truly cared for the fate of the American people that were dragging America down—too many position, he knew he would need a strategy that would not admonish and embarrass his citizens immigrants, too much healthcare, too much would allow him to continue to pump up his for speaking up for themselves. He would try recognition of climate change—and save it from accomplishments and minimize his deficiencies. to understand the issue and what these citizens the wayward path it had been traversing. So he continued the technique that brought him want to change. He would try to be a constructive Although there have been hundreds of clues into the White House—attacking anyone and leader, someone who works to improve society. and hints along the way, the sources of Trump’s everyone who did not conform to his worldview Trump has demonstrated that this is not his motivation are now decidedly clear: his egotism or dared to criticize him. From the mayor of priority. and his desire to see himself celebrated. London, after a terrorist attack, to Meryl Streep, United we stand, divided we fall. Donald Think of the numerous times Trump has and the mayor of San Juan, after a devastating Trump has only accelerated our nation’s leaning, attacked the media or a specific news outlet or hurricane, to Pope Francis, Trump has spared few bringing us closer and closer to toppling. journalist. It has Stop always come after theyPoliticizing have from his Twitter rants. Education

by Sarah Kelley ’18 Opinion Co-Editor While this seemingly innocent systematic marginalization of Many other first ladies, including gift may have initially appeared to countless schools across our nation Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, POLITICS be a way for the first lady to promote as a result of policies put in place and Barbara Bush, have read Dr. education and help children by our Department of Education, Seuss books to children at countless To what extent can we as a nation throughout our nation, one librarian the possible racist undertones of educational events. These events allow divisive politics to dominate had a very different understanding. certain Dr. Seuss books, and the were framed in the positive light and influence our own children’s Liz Phipps Soeiro, a librarian potential need for the White House of educational promotion, with no access to educational resources? from a public school in Cambridge, to reconsider what types of schools backlash regarding the nature of In celebration of National Read Massachusetts, responded to the they gift books to are all important the Dr. Seuss books, which children a Book Day on Sept. 6, First Lady first lady’s gift. In a letter to Melania issues that should be resolved. were benefitting from the readings, Melania Trump sent 10 Dr. Seuss Trump, Soeiro rejected the books, And while denying the truth and or the state of our Department of books to a chosen school in each explaining that her schools did not legitimacy of these issues would be Education state across the nation. have a “need” for them. ignoring the changes that must be And although the discussion In her letters to students, Trump In addition to vehemently made within our nation’s system of these issues is vital if positive wrote, “I wanted to send you a criticizing the racist and stereotypical of education, the question still changes are to be made within our special gift. Dr. Seuss’s Oh the Places nature of many Dr. Seuss books, stands as to how we as a nation can nation’s educational policies, we You’ll Go! is a book my son and I Soeiro also slammed the Secretary allow politics to divisively impact must continue to question how these have read over and over again, and of Education, Betsy DeVos and the children’s access to educational dialogues begin. Can we as a nation one that we want to share with all current state of the educational resources—even if those resources allow the freedom of expression of of you…Please also remember that system in the United States. are just a gift of 10 Dr. Seuss books. one individual to potentially impact you are the future of America and Though her response was While Soeiro did have a right to the access to educational resources that you can accomplish anything caustic, Soeiro did make many express her views on the first lady’s of children? you set your mind to.” valid and truthful points. The gift and the Trump administration, Is there a line that should be did she have the right to reject books drawn in terms of how far we gifted to school children to promote can allow politics to affect our their education and learning? perspectives and interpretations of Could no child within her school educational promotion? Had these have benefited from access to these same books been gifted by a first books? Was there truly nothing man (*cough cough* Bill Clinton), if positive to be gained through the election results had been different, acceptance of these Dr. Seuss books would Soeiro still have rejected into her school system? them? Would this issue still be Asking these questions is not to newsworthy? Is this something we deny the fact that many other schools as a nation should accept? throughout the United States could We must keep these questions have benefitted more from this type in mind moving forward. We must of gift. Rather, it forces us as a nation recognize and be skeptical of when, to question whether the contentious where, and how we should politicize politicization of something so actions, such as individuals giving innocent and yet so transformational books to children, and beyond. as a book is justified.

First lady Melania Trump with Dr. Seuss books. PHOTO COURTESY OF MARK REINSTEIN/SHUTTERSTOCK /RANDOM HOUSE CHILDREN’S BOOKS/JASON REED 10 The Cowl OPINION October 5, 2017 Providence College’s Student-Run Newspaper Since 1935 Facing Difficult Times Publisher: Kristine Goodwin Co-Publisher: Dr. Steven A. Sears Advisor: Richard F. Kless by Marla Gagne ’18 Vegas Sunday evening, ultimately Finding answers to these difcult Editor-in-Chief leaving 58 people dead and over 500 problems is not easy—I certainly do Journalism Consultant: Michael Pare injured before taking his own life. The not have solutions to the challenges we EDITOR’S COLUMN Editor-in-Chief: Marla Gagne ’18 country was glued to phones and TVs are facing. While we try to fnd these as more was revealed about the worst answers, we as individuals today can Associate Editor-in-Chief: Paige On Monday morning, most of us mass shooting in modern history. and should: Calabrese ’18 woke up to a long list of CNN messages In this week’s Cowl, writers inform · Recognize that we do have Managing Co-Editor: Tom Tobin ’19 on our phones recalling the events of a readers, analyze, and discuss some problems—from gun laws to the Managing Co-Editor: Megan Stefanski mass shooting in Las Vegas: “At least of the hotly debated issues, like inequality in our country. ’19 50 dead and more than 200 injured.” gun violence and attacks, currently · Come together as a community to News Editor: Sabrina Guilbeault ’18 Soon we would be informed that plaguing the United States and World. feel, think, heal, and take action. Asst. News Editor: Daria Purdy ’19 64-year-old Stephen Paddock opened The News Section examines the events · Realize the pen is mightier than the Asst. News Editor: Gabriella Pisano ’18 fre on a country music festival in Las of Sunday night as more information sword—research, write, and talk before Opinion Co-Editor: Sarah Kelley ’18 becomes available about the shooter making judgments and decisions. Opinion Co-Editor: Taylor Godfrey ’19 and victims and how this will afect · Show goodwill to others. The mass Asst. Opinion Editor: Hannah Paxton ’19 the future of gun laws in America. The shooting was an evil, corrupt act, but Arts & Entertainment Co-Editor: Abigail front-page features fundraising for as individuals we can spread kindness. Czernieck ‘19 Puerto Rico, one of the many islands Take an extra fve minutes to check on Arts & Entertainment Co-Editor: Kerry harmed by a recent series of hurricanes someone stressed about work. Read Torpey ‘20 that left buildings crushed, agriculture a book about someone completely Portfolio Co-Editor: David Martineau ’18 destroyed, electricity gone, and people diferent from you. Give someone in great need of shelter and resources. an extra hug, prayer, or smile for no Sports Co-Editor: Kevin Skirvin ’18 Along with gun violence and natural reason at all. Sports Co-Editor: Liza Sisk ’19 disasters, the U.S. is also struggling These are simple actions that will Photography Co-Editor: Kristina Ho ’18 over the rights of athletic protesters to not solve the problems we face, but Photography Co-Editor: Nicholas kneel during the national anthem—are will move us one inch closer to a better Crenshaw ’20 they disrespecting the fag or utilizing college, better country, and better Head Copy Editor: Katie Coyne ’18 their rights of freedom of speech? world. Asst. Head Copy Editor: Annie Loftus ’18 Copy Editors: Madeline Burns ’20, Courtney Day ’19, Jennifer Dorn ’18, & CJ McCartin ’20, Kathleen Moore ’20, Annie Shelley ’19, Rachel Sullivan ’18, Tangents Tirades Katherine FitzMorris ’19, Megan Stuart ’19 Political Plays: NFL Protests Make the Move: Utilize Provoke Discussions of Liberty Personal Counseling Center

Disclaimer When Colin Kaepernick sat during the national We have just persevered through our ffth week of the The opinions and positions expressed in The Cowl anthem at the first 2016 preseason game for the Fall 2017 semester at Providence College. With a total of do not necessarily represent those of Providence 49ers, no one noticed. It was not until the third 15 weeks in the semester, we are now just over a third of College or The Cowl’s staf, and the content of advertisements do not necessarily communicate preseason game, when Kaepernick began kneeling, the way through. Right now, the frst wave of tests and endorsement by the College or The Cowl’s staf. that his actions began to garner attention. presentations has arrived. What began as a quiet, individual protest 13 Therefore, it is inevitable that the emotional months ago has exploded into a national controversy. meltdowns and episodes of exhaustion are taking hold. Letter/Guest Submission Policy On Sunday, Sept. 24, over 200 NFL players kneeled, Do not feel like you are alone in this; not only do you The Cowl welcomes guest opinions and letters to the editor from members of the Providence College sat, or linked arms as a sign of solidarity following have the company of fellow students, but the counseling community and outside contributors. All submissions what some players and team owners have called center on campus is a great resource. No harm or shame must include the writer’s name, signature, a phone “divisive” comments by President Trump. can come from scheduling an appointment or two. number, and an email address where he or she can be Across the nation, the actions of the players have As a psychology major, one topic we are currently reached. Letters should be no more than 250 words sparked heated debate; some view the protest as discussing in my personality class is the efect of in length and will be printed as space permits. Guest commentaries should be limited to 500 words in un-American and disrespectful to our country and communicating with someone out loud. Let me tell you, length, and only one will be published per week. The the men and women who defend it, while others hail therapy is not a big hoax for money. Talking works! Cowl reserves the right to edit articles for grammar. the movement as a crucial step towards addressing Located in Bedford Hall, the Personal Counseling Submissions must be emailed to The Cowl ofce no problems of injustice in America. Center at the College is a place you can go even if you later than 9 p.m. on the Sunday before publication. We do not print previously published articles. Right now, with the national anthem protest just need a minute of silence or to catch your breath. Email responses to [email protected], and gaining more speed and attention, Americans must If you are not ready or comfortable making an remember a guest submission is only an email away. remember that a protest of this sort is completely appointment, just sit in the lobby and play with the zen constitutional, protected under the First Amendment garden. The staf will happily give you water or tea to right to freedom of speech. Now more than ever, we help calm yourself while you sit and relax. Accuracy Watch must recognize this right for those on both sides of There is also a plethora of helpful books in a mini- The Cowl is committed to accuracy and carefully the debate. library section that you can request to borrow and read checks every article that goes into print to ensure that While those who view the kneeling as on your own time. the facts are presented clearly and truthfully. If you fnd an error in any article, please email the Editor- disrespectful are completely justified in and entitled Next time you are outside of Bedford Hall, just take it in-Chief at [email protected]. Corrections will be to their opinions, the players and their supporters into consideration. printed as necessary. are just as justified in their reasons and rights to protest. The fact that this protest has become so -McKenzie Tavella ’18 Advertising intense is proof not of our differences, but that we Contact The Cowl with advertising requests and can all find common ground in our commitment and questions at [email protected] or, if necessary, willingness to fight for what we believe America via telephone at 401-865-2214. Visit www.thecowl. should stand for. com/advertise for rates, publication dates, and other information about advertising with The Cowl. This movement is a way to start a discussion We reserve the right to decline any advertisement at about justice in America, but when we any time for any reason. We reserve the right to label continue to allow single-minded bitter an advertisement with the word “Advertisement” opinions to define us, we when, in our judgment, this action is necessary to clearly distinguish between editorial material and fail to take this advertising. opportunity to better our country.

Subscriptions Subscription rate for a weekly issue by mail is $100 -Andrea Traietti ’21 per year. Send payment to The Cowl, 1 Cunningham Square, Providence, R.I. 02918; make checks payable to The Cowl. Student subscription is included in tuition fee; issues are available around campus on Thursday nights.

The Cowl is a proud member of the Associated Collegiate Press.

NFL players take a knee during the national anthem. PHOTO COURTESY OF MATT DUNHAM / AP PHOTO Page 11 Photography October 5, 2017 LEFT: Aaron Ferrante ’18 captures a photo of Claire Rigaud ’19 on the apple picking trip to Jaswell’s Farm. The Sunday afternoon trip was sponsored by Photography Club, Biology Society, and BOP. BELOW: Jeremy Duffy ’93, co-founder of the Guild Brewery, speaks to students about his business and experiences in the world of craft beer. Proceeds from beer sold at the event, which was sponsored by the Office of Institutional Advancement, benefited the National Alumni Association Scholarship fund.


KRISTINA HO ’18/ THE COWL NICHOLAS CRENSHAW ’20/ THE COWL ABOVE: Members of the Providence College Dance Club are seen rehearsing a performance in a long exposure photograph. The group is one of numerous campus dance groups which will perform at Late Night Madness on Oct. 14. The Motherland Dance group and the PC Dance team are among the others scheduled to perform. RIGHT: Nick Mehlhorn ’21 dribbles the ball down the field at Sunday’s club soccer match against Tufts University, which the Friars tied up 1-1. The club team will face off against Tufts again on Oct. 9 at 4 p.m. at Hendricken Field. LAURA CHADBOURNE ’20/ THE COWL Photos Compiled by Kristina Ho ’18 and Nicholas Crenshaw ’20, Photo Co-Editors Roving

Page 12 Photography October 5, 2017 What’s your favorite kind of pizza?

“Sausage.” “BBQ.” Marissa Tashjian ’20 Danny Hallice ’20

“Hawaiian and Pesto Margarita.” “Cheese.” Rachel Laravie ’18 and Amy Gilligan ’18 Vivienne Strmecki ’19

“Thin crust, extra sauce, bacon, “Thick crust Hawaiian without cheese; sausage, and light on the cheese.” peppers, and onions; and peppers and onions.” Shania Lindsey ’21 Grace McGoldrick ’21, Jack Healey ’21, and Raychel Pesci ’21

“Big Tony’s.”

-The Cowl Staff

NICHOLAS CRENSHAW ’20/THE COWL Photos by Maggie Branham ’18, Staff Photographer Arts & Page 13 Entertainment 0 “Your Chair, Your School” October 5, 2 17 Providence College Juniors Beanbag Business Hits the Ryan Center Beanbag Chairs: Continued from front page I had the opportunity to sit down with Shane Curran ’19, Michael Cruz ’19, and Andrew Drogan ’19 to talk more about their brand. RC: What motivated you to start College Cushion? SC: It actually started as a joke freshman year. Cruz was complaining about how uncomfortable the chairs were in McDermott, and we were joking about how much better we could do. We started with an expensive design, but we ended up designing a beanbag chair with the Providence College logo on it. RC: What has been the process since deciding to get started? SC: We’ve been at this for about a year and a half now. MC: We started doing more research that summer and saw that there was no college furniture A graphic displaying the Providence College Cushion. PHOTO COURTESY OF COLLEGECUSHION.COM with the school logo on it. We started looking into manufacturing, pricing, and licensing. pick up our inventory in New Jersey at 6 [a.m.], and able to completely relax because I still have AD: It was a pain, but it could have been worse we made it back for class the next morning. homework to do after I put in all the work on the to deal with. SC: We were two lonely SUVs in a port full of product. RC: What challenges have you faced in launching 18-wheelers, so that was funny. All these truckers RC: What is it like seeing the product finished and College Cushion while balancing your schoolwork? who knew what they were doing, and then there used by students? AD: We haven’t had a day off. We really have were three college kids trying to figure out where AD: It’s good, but we’re not satisfied. We’re not to prioritize, and we’re still learning. Even now, to pick up their shipment. done, it’s not the end. But, I was shocked to finally every week we learn something new that can AD: I wasn’t going to go at first. I emailed my see it. We thought for sure there would be some make our work easier. teacher at the last second. I didn’t want to have the obstacle we couldn’t overcome, but we haven’t had MC: We have to allocate lots of free time for reputation as someone that missed class right at the that yet. logistics, cost, and efficiency. We spend most of our beginning of the semester. RC: What plans do you have for College Cushion Saturdays in a basement filling beanbags or talking SC: We did it for the experience of doing it all after graduation? to UPS trying to get shipping costs down. ourselves and managing everything. We didn’t SC: We all agree that we want to expand slowly. SC: There was a time where the entire website want some big corporation to do it for us, and it We’re seeing how it goes here; this is the best-case went down in the middle of class and I’m sitting saved us a lot of money. Next time we’ll take an scenario with the students and alumni that like the there recoding all the website buttons at a time easier route. We barely fit everything in two SUVs. product. From there, we’ll expand to other local where I shouldn’t have had my laptop out. My RC: How do you each contribute to the work? schools if it goes well. From there, we’d like to professor was staring me down for the entire class. AD: Honestly, we do it all together. We’re all bring it to the big Southern schools. RC: What has been your most memorable experience friends, and business hasn’t separated us yet. RC: Anything else we should know about College so far in this process? SC: Nobody really has one task, but Drogan Cushion? MC: Driving to New York to pick up the product deals mostly with customers, Cruz mostly does SC: Buy one! We funded it all ourselves. on a Wednesday night. We got to New York at finance, and I deal with most of the legal aspects to For more on College Cushion visit their website midnight. Before we left, the car wouldn’t start. So, make sure our license doesn’t get revoked. at or any of their social media we got there at midnight, left my house at 3 a.m. to MC: I haven’t had a Saturday where I’ve been outlets. The PC College Cushion is available now. Cthulhu On Campus: Providence College Alumni Screen Short Film

by Patrick Fuller ’21 was no cutting corners. The crew A&E Staff hired a strong cast consisting of Brooke FILM Smith from The Silence of the Lambs and Roberta Valderrama from The Purge: Two Providence College alumni Anarchy. At one point, they even had walk into a bar. No, this scenario Marilyn Manson lined up for a minor is not a setup for a joke. However, part as Spooner thought, “It would be this situation is the birthplace of the really funny to get someone big to play short film The Call of Charlie, a kind of a really insignificant role.” largescale joke in its own right. Director The short film succeeded. In 2016, the Nick Spooner, used to working with year the film debuted, the team won the commercials, noted that “alcohol was Audience Award at the H.P. Lovecraft involved,” in the creation of this far- Film Festival in Portland, Oregon and fetched idea. was nominated for the Best Screenplay As Spooner answered questions Short at the Nightmares Film Festival. from the front of the Guzman lecture The following year, the cast and crew hall on Sept. 28, writers Guy Benoit won the Best New England Film at the ’91 and John Simpson ’85 nodded in Boston Underground Film Festival, agreement. The Providence College Best Effects in a Short Film at the Department of English, Department Horrible Imaginings Film Festival, and of Theatre, Dance, and Film, and was nominated for Best Horror Short the Alumni Association invited the at the Cape Fear Independent Film creators of The Call of Charlie onto Festival. campus to show their horror-comedy These accolades make up a small creation to students. The Call of Charlie portion of 21 wins or distinctions and displays what happens when you Cthulhu gets ready for his blind date in The Call of Charlie. PHOTO COURTESY OF BOSTONHASSLE.COM 66 festival selections. Independent set someone up on a blind date with bloggers, such as Joseph Perry of the Cthulhu. Cthulhu is the ancient, FX, a silicon mask manufacturing time, the short film managed to elicit horror movie site Gruesome Magazine, octopus-faced monster worshipped by company in Wisconsin, who were both laughter and shock as characters rave about this film calling it “a wry, cultists in the short story “The Call of willing to make Spooner’s vision come interacted with each other at a casual sly horror comedy that satirizes Cthulhu,” written by H.P. Lovecraft. true. dinner party. All of this emotion was social affectations.” The story of the As one might expect, bringing this Special effects alone made up a lot consolidated into a mere 15 minute bachelor Cthulhu, however, may end fictional creature to life was no small of the film’s charm in that everyone screenplay. here. Spooner, Benoit, and Simpson feat. Spooner mentioned struggling was equally confused as to how To think this whole piece came denied a sequel, but followed up with to find a means to create the mask Cthulhu was blinking, moving its about in such a short time is amazing. a hopeful spoiler: although they will of Cthulhu out of a sketch he made tentacles, and making strange sounds; Benoit estimated, “From the gag at not make a sequel, they have “two himself. Eventually, he stumbled upon a creature from fictional mythology the bar to the shooting…about three different suburban horror features in some ambitious teenagers at Basement was made eerily realistic. At the same months went by.” In this time, there the works.” 14 The Cowl ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT October 5, 2017 Death of a Salesman Resurrects at Trinity Repertory Theatre

by Elizabeth Jancsy ’18 A&E Staff THEATER

It can be hard to determine what makes a play a classic. Some may say it is in the characters and their development throughout the play, whereas others may say it is the writing and realism of the words spoken between characters. Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman is one of those classic plays; not simply because of the characters or dialogues, but because of its chilling message that has touched audiences since 1949. Death of a Salesman is a tale about Willy Loman and his desire to achieve the American Dream. Along with an intensely dark family dynamic, Willy becomes obsessed with success and wants nothing but the best for himself and his two sons. Willy soon finds out, however, that the finish line to success is miles away and the obstacles to get there are too Billy Hutto (left), Stephen Berenson (center), and Matt Lytle (right) star in Death of a Saleman. PHOTO COURTESY OF TRINITYREP.COM great. When this play first opened on Broadway in The reason this play was such a success then, Biff seems to be throwing it all away. Biff, on the February 1949, it became an instant hit, winning and continues to be today, is the story of the play. other hand, is confident in his plans for the future the Tony Award for Best Play and the Pulitzer Prize The American Dream is something prevalent in and wants nothing more than his father to mind his for Drama. The show went on for 742 performances everyone’s lives and the desire to be successful is own business. before later gaining buzz again in numerous a universal feeling and, oftentimes, a universal Both Berenson and Lytle played convincing Broadway revivals. struggle. parts, as they went back and forth with each other; On Sept. 28, Trinity Repertory Company in the powerful intensity at which each challenged Downtown Providence held the first preview of the other was clearly visible on stage. Most notable their production of the show, which is set to open in was the chilling scene towards the end of the early October. The theater was buzzing as everyone play when, after the two men fight over Willy’s took their seats, anxiously waiting to see Trinity’s unrealistic expectations for Biff, they hug and cry. take on this theatrical staple. After witnessing all Biff sees that Willy just wants what is best for him two hours and 45 minutes of it, it is safe to say it did and Willy is finally happy that Biff recognizes his not disappoint. side. The most striking moments in the play were the Seeing this play in person and done so well by scenes featuring Willy Loman (Stephen Berenson) Trinity Rep makes it easy to understand why it has and his son, Biff Loman (Matt Lytle). Both actors stayed in the theater world for so long. The scenes perfected the imperfect relationship between these that moved people when it premiered brought tears two characters. The dynamic of the two lies between to the audience’s eyes. It is a play that still calls on pure love and intense hate for one another. Willy the trials and tribulations of pursuing the American wants what is best for Biff and believes he has so Dream, which is something that all Americans can Promotional poster for Death of a Saleman. PHOTO COURTESY OF TRINITYREP.COM much potential, yet is frustrated by the fact that relate to. Wonderful Wonderful: The Killers’ New Slays the Charts by Julia Vaccarella ’20 Wonderful a rating of 71 on a scale of 1 A&E Staff to 100. Critical rating aside, Flowers has MUSIC commented on his own personal attachment to the album. He stated to Despite widespread rumors that a source at Entertainment Weekly, “In the group had agreed to part ways your head it’s about being tough and altogether, The Killers are back again. bringing home the bacon, but what I’ve With the recent debut of their fifth come to find is it’s really more about studio album Wonderful Wonderful on empathy and compassion.” In a Rolling Sept. 22, the Las Vegas natives are once Stone article from August, Flowers said again topping the charts. that he “put [in] more of an effort to be The Killers are notably recognized more personal on this record.” for their explosion into the alternative On the album, Flowers explores the music scene in the early 2000s. Some of struggles that he and his wife have their most popular songs include “Mr. faced in coping with her depression and Brightside” and “Somebody Told Me,” post traumatic stress disorder, which is both of which come off an earlier album heard particularly on the track “Rut.” entitled Hot Fuss (2004). “Tyson vs. Douglas” also adopts The lead-up to the release of the emotionality that is present in all Wonderful Wonderful was initiated of the songs of Wonderful Wonderful. by frontman Brandon Flowers and Here, Flowers sings about the 1990 guitarist Dave Keuning. In 2015, the fight between Buster Douglas and band started planning the album and Mike Tyson, which he watched as spent time recording from September a young boy. The song explores the 2016 to May 2017. Wonderful Wonderful vulnerability of childhood and what boasts 10 songs, all of which are absent it is like to see the demise of someone of features. In total, the record has a 43 who was one time revered as an minute duration. undefeatable hero. Prior to the Sept. 22 release of the The Killers’ tour officially kicks entire album, The Killers released and off on Oct. 8 at Austin City Limits performed two singles on this album, in Austin, Texas, and will conclude “The Man” and “Run for Cover,” both internationally in Melbourne, of which were available on iTunes and Australia, on May 5, 2018. other music streaming platforms. With the positive reception of Metacritic, a music review site Wonderful Wonderful, fans are hopeful which bases its ratings on a variety that The Killers will continue to create The Killers promoting their new album, Wonderful Wonderful. PHOTO COURTESY OF ATWOOD MAGAZINE of sources, has assigned Wonderful and perform new music. October 5, 2017 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT The Cowl 15 Tomb Raider Returns with a New Face

by Blaine Payer ’18 A&E Staff FILM

It has been 13 years since the video game heroine Lara Croft of Tomb Raider graced movie screens, and fans of the beloved franchise are ready to see one of pop culture’s most iconic characters come to life once again. Although a spandex-clad Angelina Jolie comes to mind when one thinks of Croft, Academy Award winner Alicia Vikander has accepted the challenge of filling her predecessor’s tank top, and has not disappointed thus far. If the new full-length trailer can tell fans anything, it is that Croft appears to be back and better than ever, and yes—she is packing heat. The Tomb Raider video game series first debuted in 1996 on a personal computer, PlayStation, and Sega Saturn platform to wide acclaim. The premise is simple: Lara Croft, an archaeologist and the titular Tomb Raider, goes on Indiana Jones-inspired adventures trying to find artifacts in ancient tombs and ruins. In Crystal Dynamics’ 2013 reboot, the video game A still of Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft in Tomb Raider. PHOTO COURTESY OF WARNER BROTHERS introduced Trinity, an evil organization attempting to locate and acquire the artifacts that Croft’s father the review aggregate website Rotten Tomatoes. Vikander, who has a notably different look discovered in order to use their supernatural Critics thus far appear optimistic about than Jolie, one of Hollywood’s most iconic sex powers to rule the world. The 2013 reboot is where the franchise reboot, with some noting symbols, has traded in Croft’s spandex short- the new film picks up, with Vikander playing a that Warner Brothers are taking the film shorts for a smart pair of loose cargo pants. She younger Croft embarking on her first adventure. down the same path they went with also appears to be more proficient in using her “Lara Croft was the financial benchmark of Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight trilogy. hands, crafting weapons, and performing death- success,” William Wilson of Forbes Magazine They took a well-known character—Batman— defying stunts, like jumping off the wing of an reports, “Tomb Raider was the first video game with a sturdy fan base and portrayed him in a airplane onto the precarious perch of a nearby cliff. film to prove that the genre can be profitable and more serious, action/drama light uncharacteristic Fans need not worry, however. Although that female driven characters work.” The original of previous portrayals of superheroes. When Croft’s look and style has changed, she still Jolie project, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, raked in an viewed against the backdrop of 2001’s Lara would not be caught dead without her trademark impressive $274 million at the box office, setting off Croft: Tomb Raider, a campy action/adventure pistols, which Vikander kindly informs a chain of video game-to-film projects like Resident flick, the new film looks bigger, badder, and the gun salesman that she will take two of, Evil (2002), Doom (2005), and Silent Hill (2006). generally more dramatic than its predecessor. paying homage to the 1996 video game cover. Recently, however, film adaptations based A difference that many critics and fans have Has Hollywood found a new female action on videogames have performed poorly among noted between the first look at Vikander’s Croft and star in Vikander, or will Tomb Raider meet a critics and audiences alike. Last year’s Assassin’s Jolie’s, as well as the direction of the video game fate that has plagued so many video game Creed underperformed at the box office and reboot, is that the new Croft has become less of a sex adaptations in years past? Audiences can find was met with an abysmal 18 percent score on symbol and more of a tried and true action heroine. out when Tomb Raider is released in June 2018. Album Review: by Alexis Jais ’18 finality of death, or possibly a sort of pancreatic cancer in July 2016. up a microphone in his and Castrée’s A&E Staff numbness that has yet to evolve into Elverum and his late wife Geneviève bedroom and used no instruments true understanding and mourning. Castrée, who was an illustrator and other than an acoustic guitar and his MUSIC Either way, the tendency for musician, have a now 3-year-old voice to record the simple yet heart- people to use art as an opportunity to daughter who is present in some songs wrenching tracks. If our loved ones cannot live forever, personally process death is something on the album as a painful yet precious The songs themselves feel more at least their memory can exist in the that of the band Mount reminder of Castrée’s existence in like a spoken-word eulogy to his wife. form of our favorite songs or poems. Eerie and the Microphones was their lives. A Crow Looked At Me, The result is a provocative and highly This attitude has ensured that death prompted to address in his most which Elverum released this past personal commentary on the true remains a favorite and popular muse recent album. A Crow Looked at Me was March, features 11 lo-fi songs recorded horror and numbness which comes for artists. Artists can imply a lack of released after Elverum suffered the primarily in the family’s home in with the death of a loved one. The first understanding of the severity and traumatic loss of his wife of 13 years to Anacortes, Washington. Elverum set of the album is a track called “Real Death” which highlights the inherent permanence of death with strikingly plain descriptions of the last few days and weeks of Castrée’s life. The songs seem to imply that Elverum is frustrated with a common trend to romanticize death and make it seem easier and more beautiful than perhaps it really is. One might venture to ask whether the existence or lack of art could mean the death is yet too fresh, and once the mourning process enters a stage slightly less raw, words might flow more easily. Regardless, Elverum earnestly shares intimate thoughts, stories, and opinions depicting the extent of his sadness. He quietly and non-invasively urges the listener to truly feel death deeply when it happens. Maybe Elverum would not want this album to be dissected too closely, but rather taken as it is: unembellished and highly candid. It is a new way to experience death through art in that it takes the ability to see death for what it really is. Though fans can hope the mourning period is not too drawn out for Elverum, an integration of this newfound pain and passion will likely appear in his future music for some Phil Elverum of and the Microphones carries his daughter. PHOTO COURTESY OF SPIN.COM time to come. March16 The 3, Cowl 2011 ARTSARTS & ENTERTAINMENT & ENTERTAINMENT OctoberThe 5, 2 Cowl017 23 Discover Rhode Island: Newport

by Catherine Goldberg ’20 A&E Staff TOURISM

Recently, Raymond Dining Hall served some classic “Ocean State eats.” The lines of hungry students packed the dining hall, as they awaited Rhode Island’s most iconic dishes: breaded calamari, coffee milk, and spinach-feta pie. While Sodexo attempted to make students feel at home in Rhode Island, there is no better way to get to know the state than venturing off campus and exploring its historical roots. Veering off from the city of Providence and to the city of Newport is a great way to discover the Ocean State. The trip is simple, and can be done by RIPTA, Uber, or ferry. Famous for its stunning shorelines, three-and-a-half-mile cliff walk, gilded mansions, and yacht-filled harbors, it is truly an American treasure. Lined with classic New England shops, from The Black Dog to delicious fudgeries, your money can be spent on something PHOTO COURTESY OF DISCOVERNEWPORT.ORG homegrown. With that being said, it is also Locals enjoy fresh seasfood at the 27th Annual Bowen’s Wharf Seafood Festival in Newport. brimming with authentic dishes, and nothing says Bowen’s warmly welcomes people of all ages, and dropping vistas, one should wait until making it Rhode Island more than fresh seafood. as Providence College students living on budget, to solid ground before hitting up the Narragansett On Oct. 14 and 15, Bowen’s Wharf Seafood will nothing is better than a festival that is free of charge taps. host their annual Seafood Festival. This waterfront with vendors offering special prix fixe menus. When approaching our state border, drivers event is a tradition in downtown Newport and is a After indulging in all that “wicked awesome” see a vibrant blue sign which reads, “Discover great way to kick-off the festivities of fall. Historic seafood, what better way to work off the calories Beautiful Rhode Island.” Rhode Island is a treasure Bowen’s Wharf truly honors the harvest of the sea, than a cliff walk. Much of the walk goes through just waiting to be discovered. Providence is at its offering all of Rhode Island’s most quintessential areas where many of the famous Newport core, but getting to know the surrounding regions dishes and drinks—from tender grilled calamari mansions are situated. The breathtaking views encapsulates the true essence of its beauty. Discover and lobster rolls to cold brewed Narraganset make for endless Instagram opportunities. A word beautiful Rhode Island, and visit Newport along ybeer and vanilla frappes. From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., of advice, though, with the steep inclines and jaw the way. Rock Legend Tom Petty Falling in Love with Dies at 66 Insomnia Cookies by Joe Clancy ’18 although they do not deliver to A&E Staff Providence College. Located on Thayer FOOD Street, it is a short drive away from campus and provides students with a It is that time of year again, the days fun opportunity to explore off campus. are slightly less warm, the nights much Offering delicious flavors including cooler and un-air-conditioned rooms traditional chocolate chunk, sugar, both on and off campus are farther peanut butter chip and, one of their from Dante’s Inferno in temperature. best flavors, double chocolate mint It is finally fall, which means long chip. This fall, however, Insomnia weeknights, exciting football and is offering the new spiced pumpkin baseball games, the stress of nailing nut cookie. The cookie is not just the your Halloween costume, and, of simple pumpkin spice fall treat. course, pumpkin spice courtesy of Although it does offer that warm Insomnia Cookies. sweet flavor that is reminiscent of Insomnia Cookies are perhaps the the changing weather and foliage, quintessential dorm room cookie. the cookie offers a nice nutty taste Grammy award winning artist, Tom Petty. PHOTO COURTESY OF @TOMPETTY/TWITTER.COM Founded in 2003 at the University of that complements the pumpkin Pennsylvania by the Mark Zuckerberg tremendously. It is soft and filling for by Joe Clancy ’18 through the late 1970s with hits like of cookies, Seth Berkowitz, the when the weather gets crisper. Go A&E Staff “Refugee” and “Don’t Do Me Like chain delivers late night cookies to check out the new spiced pumpkin nut That.” universities in the Providence area, cookie today! MUSIC In the 1980s, Petty’s career really took off. In 1989, Petty released three “I wanna free fall out into nothing/ massive hits: “Free Fallin’,” “I Won’t gonna leave this world for a while,/ Back Down,” and “Running Down a and I’m free falling.” The world of Dream.” “Free Fallin’” went on to reach rock and roll lost another rock legend, number seven on the Billboard charts. Tom Petty, on Monday, October 2 after Petty then went on to join the Traveling he suffered a heart attack. He was 66 Wilburys where he performed with years young. his hero and former Beatle, George Petty started playing music Harrison. professionally at the age of 17 in 1967. Petty also went on to record with He had always been a huge fan of rock drummer for The Beatles, Ringo Starr. and roll and realized that he wanted In the past 20 years he had put out hits to make music his life after seeing The like “Learning to Fly” and even tried Beatles perform on The Ed Sullivan out acting. Petty played the Super Show. Bowl halftime show in 2008 and was Petty came into the spotlight in the still touring up until the end—once his 1970s, specifically when he and his music career started, it never stopped. band, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Petty will forever be remembered as, in released the hit “Breakdown,” in Rolling Stone the words of , a “dynamic Insomnia Cookie’s new spiced pumpkin nut cookies. PHOTO COURTESY OF INSOMNIA COOKIES 1976. Petty’s fame continued to grow and iconoclastic” rock legend. October 5, 2017 ADVERTISEMENT The Cowl 17

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Apply Today! Page 19 PortfolioProvidence College’s Home for Creative Writing October 5, 2017 The Arrival on Europa

by Marisa DelFarno ’18 Portfolio Staff FICTION

Another space race had begun. It was Aaron, the crew’s pilot, would always but he sheepishly smiled back. He held his not with the Russians this time. Instead, it joke that a Chinese flag would be planted bulky helmet in his hands like a pumpkin, was against China. Predictable. One world there when we arrived, much to the took a quick gaze at it before he plopped power against another. We probably could dismay of the perpetually serious Thomas it on his head. Only our own reflections have foreseen this. After being shelved and Patrick, who were navigator and were seen, our anxious faces, almost on decades prior, Human Outer Planets commander, respectively. Brooke and I, the par with Munch’s Scream painting. Frank’s Exploration, also known by its corny crew’s technicians, would lighten up and face could not be seen beneath his murky acronym, HOPE, was no longer something laugh, but ultimately we could not fully helmet. purely conceptualized. It was now a immerse ourselves in humor. Brooke released the latch and Frank, in reality, with a slight change in destination. Instead, we shared the same sense of his clunky suit, went through the narrow, Instead of traveling to Callisto, our actual unease and worry. Either my nerves or the cramped hallway, shutting the door safest bet, we were traveling to Europa. freeze-dried stuff we were subsisting on that separated us from him, and opened NASA had finally received the proper with its endless expiration date made my another one to free himself from the ship. funding they needed, and a small crew stomach feel hollow. We arrived, and we For a moment, my anxiety almost switched of six were plopped onto a ship, isolated had to make sure protocol, procedures, etc. to jealousy, seeing Frank released from deep in the fabrics of nothing but the dark were all set. In fact, we were nearly four the ship while we looked on like caged abyss, traveling to Europa, one of the hundred million miles from Earth; or in animals, but then again, given the weight Galilean moons that is always rumored in other words, four hundred million miles of the current situation, I was glad that all I the Popular Science written articles to be from any source of help. got to do was watch. habitable for human life. A moon named However, despite the stress and tension, He was out. Quickly, we all glided after one of Zeus’ bazillion mistresses. we still could not help but soak in our towards the monitor to watch Frank take It would take six full years to get to surroundings. It was like being in one the Armstrong step out of the ship. He Europa, and another six years back to of those stunning, space themed screen- raised his right foot and lodged it onto Earth—a 12 year road trip. The whole savers, or watching a sci-fi film with the icy, eerily pristine, ground before the purpose of our journey was simply to topnotch, realistic CGI on a mountainous amazement could hit us, and he did the explore, and be the first to reach uncharted screen. Seeing Jupiter, so massive, so same with his left foot. His leap was, of territory. close to little Europa, was something so course, slightly inelegant and clumsy, We already established ourselves to be indescribable that words did not do any but he slowly familiarized himself to the sung about in future textbooks by going justice. gravity, making little leaps and jumps to the furthest from Earth than any human Back on Earth, we have all seen that get himself around. The cabin, though in history, but that was not enough. We strawberry moon that appears around brimming with apprehension, roared with had to push the envelope one more time. June, and we easily got astonished by cheers. One of us had to get out of the ship, and that, but our view of Jupiter surpassed Frank hopped around for a little, but Frank was our guy. He was about to go on that coolness by millions. The scariest still was silent. I could not envision the a moon with a temperature of -200 degree fact was that Jupiter’s beauty mark, that awe he must had been experiencing, the Celsius. Antarctica is a lot warmer than colossal hurricanic spot, could easily fit surreal sensation of treading on the raw, that. Like a lot warmer. two Earth sized planets. One Earth alone unexplored grounds of Europa. It was Also, Europa has enough radiation can comfortably fit in it like a baseball in like his whole life was building up for this suitable for your run-of-the-mill, post- a glove and here we were, compacted like moment, to be the first man to lay a foot nuclear apocalypse film, though its sister, some old sardines, getting the full perfect on Europa. In the monitor, he started to Callisto, has the least radiation out of all view of it, between swallowed by Jupiter’s camouflage himself along the icy rocks; his Jupiter’s moons. We wondered why we magnitude. When confronted by such body slowly fading as he walked away like even chose Europa, a moon clearly hostile immensity, it's like being an ant crawling a cowboy in an old, black and white, gritty for human life, but I realized our sole on the sidewalk in front of the Empire western. endeavor was to triumph in this space State Building. The cabin was silent now. I could almost race. It was showtime. Frank was fully hear the glimmer of sweat dripping from To top everything off, we lost connection equipped; his suit almost cumbersome due everyone’s forehead, in addition to the to Earth four months ago. We tried to all its gadgets and padding. He was so sounds of our hearts pounding so heavily. everything to get communication back, rigid and compressed by the EMU that We had the dial on max. Thomas shot from digging like dogs through the wiring he looked like the Michelin Man. But he me a slight grimace, and Patrick had his in the walls to dissecting computers was ready...I think. His ever-so quiet and shaky hand on the radio, ready to adjust delicately with tweezers, but all we mysterious demeanor was haunting. He it, when the awaited beep came through. received was radio silence. Considering stood there stoic like a statue, waiting to be Everyone’s muscles froze, with our ears the advancement in technology, and the released from the ship. giving full attention. We hovered over importance of the mission, we thought Brooke placed her hand on the door the radio like a child hovering over an NASA would provide a solution from their latch, a concerned look in her doe eyes unopened present. The already mousey end, but no. We got nothing. directed towards Frank, easily conveying Frank was almost voiceless. My gut Since at the time, we were four months the two words “Good luck.” Thomas clenched. His response was nothing more away from Europa, there was no way we placed his hands on Frank’s padded than two repeated sentences. were going to stop and steer our way back shoulders, another expression of good Man’s first words on Europa: “My God. home. We did not want to waste a total of luck. Patrick was adjusting Frank’s suit My God.” 12 years of space travel. We had to reach like a mom adjusting a kid’s winter coat. Brooke, hastily plucking the mouthpiece our destination, and eventually we found And Aaron just had to shout out, “break a of her headset, immediately started to ourselves parked in a spacecraft on the leg!” shout, “What?! What is it!?” jagged surface of Europa, six years away Frank and I exchanged looks. I smiled Frank, taking a long, almost unnecessary from human civilization. and wished him luck. Frank was still quiet, pause, quivered back. “We lost.”

PHOTO COURTESY OF NASA.GOV 20 The Cowl PORTFOLIO October 5, 2017 HIDDEN BENEATH Giving Up by Connor Zimmerman ’20 Portfolio Staff by Marisa Gonzalez ’18 Portfolio Staff POETRY POETRY

Beneath the murk, Beneath the sea, A World is hidden, From you and me.

From the surface One could see A web of branches As wondrous as can be.

Underwater There is more. A whole garden At its core. I wait for you, just trying to think Flowers grow. About how I can ease the pain, Creatures roam. Being torn between my heart and brain. For thousands Because it’s all about to sink. It is home. We walk along two different roads, Families form. Time always keeping us apart, Children play. Constantly stabbing us in the heart. A city thrives, Never living the show, just episodes. Growing every day. I just feel so paralyzed, ’Cause we both know that it’s true: Under the surface, I’ve been giving up on you. Just below your feet, It has all been compromised. Is this world, Hidden beneath. So please don’t give me that glare, You know that we’ve lost our spark, And we’re stumbling in the dark. We’re just living in despair.

If I could fix what is broken, I would strive to bridge our divide, And never have you leave my side. The final word must be spoken.

Once we’re done I have just one thought, Your longing green eyes streaming with blue: I hate that I gave up on you. In the end, I was made to be distraught.


Tiffany &

Listomania Earl Things Our Professors Say Making PC an emotionally stable place, one letter at a time.

“We have to talk about the hot poker up the butt.” Dear Tiff and Earl,

“Legit. Wait, do kids still say that?” Why is Ruane Café NOT open on weekends? I find this a terrible “It did NOT involve penetration!” and grave injustice. How can I live without my nightly Allie’s Donut and caramel macchiato? “Stop being high and contribute to the conversation.” Sincerely, “Yes, these people are naked.” Weekdays Are For Losers​

“I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to slap you.”

“So you would eat somebody?” Dear Weekends are for Losers,

“You’d better be texting, not doing anything else down there...” I have no idea why the Ruane Café is not open on weekends. I agree, it not being open is stupid, “My goal is to help you all have happy marriages.” especially as fall is upon us.

Unintelligible Ranting About Keyboards. Anything pumpkin spice is my drink of choice, and having to go “Have you met my dog? He knows German.” a whole weekend without a $5 Starbucks drink is brutal. Stop turning up at noon! I can hear you across the street! “ ” I don’t have an answer for you, but I’d be happy to lead the “Here’s a sculpture of a Woman holding Woman’s Best Friend*.” charge and get this changed.

“You’re not being devious enough...” Love,

“I can tell this is a group that drinks.”

“You guys are being too diligent, stop taking notes.”

“Will your company last 27 billion years? Not unless you go galactic.”

Dear Loser,

*A wine jug Why are you so worried about the Ruane Café? Don’t you get your fill of Sodexo during the week? I say SodexNO!! Plus, eating a donut and drinking by Jonathan Coppe ’18 that sugary slime every day isn’t My soul Portfolio Staff healthy. You know what is healthy? Everything that comes down from FICTION the beautifully greasy Yuck Truck. Leave your fake love for Italian I passed tonight beside some trash beverages and bastardized Within the nooks and crannies of a midnight street, pastries behind. Embrace the truly Remains of a festivity since passed, American cuisine that only an A joy once in this space but now moved on. establishment such as Haven Bros. Is not this space so like my soul, can purvey. This sometime temple of a distant joy, Better luck this weekend, a wasteland for litter?

Or rather a spectacle, once bright and sweet That shone and drew the smiling eyes of all? The spectacle now demolished, cleared away, The mixed, neglected refuse forms a scene Meant only for the tragic souls of this world, To see and feed their rambling melancholy.

Was all this meant when that poet said, Have a question for Tiff & Earl? Send your “My soul is an empty carousel at sunset?” submissions to [email protected] PHOTO COURTESY OF WALLPAPERSCRAFT.COM Page 22 Sports October 5, 2017 College Basketball in the Hot Seat NCAA Scandal: 10 People Arrested on Bribery Charges

by Chris McCormack ’18 Sports Staff


It was a sad week for college basketball last week as 10 people, including four assistant coaches, were arrested for their part in a corruption and bribery scandal that put all eyes on the NCAA. Former Providence College Head Coach Rick Pitino was put on unpaid administrative leave and was eventually relieved of his coaching duties at the University of Louisville completely. The investigation performed by the FBI began last year when a financial adviser Marty Blazer was charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission with fraud allegations and accused of taking $2.35 million from five of his clients who were professional athletes. As part of the plea agreement that Blazer ultimately signed, he agreed to work under the FBI as a key witness and helped provide evidence that contributed to the 10 arrests made last week. During his time at PC, Pitino helped coach the Friars to a Final Four in the 1987 NCAA Tournament. As one of the most successful coaches in NCAA, many people looked up to Pitino. However, in recent years he has been the face behind many scandals and this one seems like it is going to put him out of a coaching job for the rest of his life. Pitino has been the center of attention for three other major scandals over the past 10 years. In 2009, a woman named Karen Sypher demanded money and cars from Pitino after they engaged in a sexual encounter in 2003. Sypher was COACH RICK PITINO LEAVES MEETING WITH UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT ultimately arrested and Pitino faced no PHOTO COURTESY OF MICHAEL CLEVENGER consequences. In 2015, a former escort in the Louisville involved from other schools such his players to sign with the clothing area published a book that documented as Auburn University, University of line once they make it to the pros. the times she was paid by a graduate Southern California, University of Oklahoma State assistant coach assistant to go to the dorms and visit Arizona, Oklahoma State University, Lamont Evans is also accused of potential recruits. Pitino claimed to and the University of Miami. accepting a bribe of $22,000 from have no idea these things were going Arizona’s assistant coach Emmanuel Dawkins and Sood. He was a former on and the program was eventually Richardson is one of the coaches who coach at the University of South suspended from participating in the was arrested last week. He is accused Carolina. At both Oklahoma State and 2016 NCAA Tournament. of accepting bribes from agent South Carolina, he influenced players Finally, the findings of last weeks Christian Dawkins as well as financial to sign with Dawkins and Sood. investigation shows a coach from adviser Munish Sood in exchange University of Southern California an unnamed program matching the for pushing Arizona players to them assistant coach Tony Bland is accused description of Louisville allegedly as they reach the professional level. of being bedding with the two bribers. paying $100,000 to a basketball recruit’s Richardson was relieved of all duties He allegedly took a bribe of $13,000 family. at the university. and had Dawkins and Sood pay $9,000 These three investigations will result Like Richardson, Auburn’s associate to the families of two USC athletes. in Pitino’s legacy being forever tainted. head coach Chuck Person was also All of these coaches, along with The latest investigation is just one arrested. He is accused of accepting Dawkins and Sood, have been arrested of many for the NCAA and players a $50,000 bribe from Rashan Michel, and charged with fraud. It is the sad illegally receiving money from teams. owner of a clothing line based in truth that this probably will not be the

Pitino is the biggest name in this Atlanta. Richardson accepted the last time we hear about coaches and PHOTO COURTESY OF CASEY SAPIO scandal but there are many others bribe on the terms he would convince players violating NCAA standards. COACH EMANUEL RICHARDSON FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA October 5, 2017 The Cowl 23 A Weekend of Celly’s for Women’s Hockey by Meaghan Cahill ’20 in them being down 2-1, the Friars pulled Sports Assistant Editor ahead on the scoreboard to conclude WOMEN’S HOCKEY the game with a 6-2 victory. Once again, the team had six different goal scorers, Along with fall, hockey season has including Hayley Lunny ’21, who scored officially arrived in Friartown as the her first goal as a Friar. Providence College Women’s Hockey The weekend was a dominant start to Team kicked off their season this past the season for the team, as within two weekend. The team went into their first games, 10 different players have already official game of the season with a solid notched a point in the goals scored box. preseason 3-2 win over Laurentian 15 of the 18 Friars that dress for the games University. have already earned points. Coming off of that win, the team traveled The success of the weekend opening for to Schenectady, New York, where they the women’s hockey team is looking to dominated Union College with a score of continue throughout the season as they 7-3 which featured seven different goal strive to win Hockey East. Last year, they scorers for the Friars. ended their season with a heartbreaking Following the Union game, the Friars loss to UVM that denied them from made a quick trip back to campus where advancing further in the Hockey East they played their season home opener Tournament. on Sunday against The University of However, while many players FRANSOO’20 DEFENDS TWO BOSTON UNIVERSITY PLAYERS Photo Courtesy of Providence College Athletics Vermont. It was a game that was not to graduated, only two were considered be missed as, even though there was a a detrimental loss in terms of playing rocky start in the first period that resulted time. The team is fairly young, with seven players each from the freshman, Union and UVM, and was named this sophomore, and junior classes. The team week’s Hockey East Defensive Player of is led by four seniors. The experience the Week. She is also joined by players needed to know how to navigate through Neve Van Pelt ’20, who finished her Hockey East is definitely there for the freshman year with the highest face-off team, as well as the relationship between win percentage in all of Hockey East, the players in knowing who, how, and and Blair Parent ’18, who has twice where different members like to play. As been recognized as a Hockey East Top seen by their success in the first week of Performer. their season, the Friars know how to play Lunny, a native of Bedford, New York, is with one another, which will help them joined by local Rhode Island player Giana make the push towards the post season. Savastano ’21. The rest of the freshman Most of the team’s top players from class includes Canadian players Chloe last year will still be in the lineup. This Gonsalves ’21, Ariane Julien ’21, and includes defenseman Whitney Dove Camryn Tait ’21; Sandra Abstreiter ’21 ’20, who had a remarkable breakout from Germany; New Yorker Maureen season her freshman year with the Friars. Murphy ’21. She was one of the many recipients of Kate Friesen ’19 and Madison Sansone the Hockey East Rookie of the Week ’18 will serve as captains and be assisted acknowledgement, and went on to finish by Parent and Brooke Boquist ’18. third in all of Hockey East for defensive The team can look to their four seniors scoring. She also was awarded the for guidance and leadership throughout Hockey East Rookie of the Year award— the season. The fourth senior on the team the first defenseman to ever win the is Alanna Serviss ’18. award in the history of the league—and The women’s hockey team plays next was unanimously selected to the Hockey in Friartown on Oct. 6 at 7 p.m. against East All-Rookie Team. Quinnipiac University. FRANSOO’20 CELEBRATES WITH MYERS’19 AND SANSONE’18 Photo Courtesy of Providence College Athletics Dove scored a goal apiece against Burke Takes the Court by Eileen Flynn ’20 College’s female athlete of the year Students continue to be amazed to campus for Providence College’s Sports Staff in 1987 and left the team as an all- and inspired by this Providence Late Night Madness event. There time leader in assists. College alum and the career she has is no doubt the cheers will be PC ALUMNI Her talents would later make her built for herself. resounding as one of PC’s most the fifth woman to be inducted in Oct. 8 will mark the first day for renowned alumni once again takes to the Providence College Hall of Burke as a full-time ESPN NBA the court. There are few things that Fame. Burke received her degree in game analysist. Burke is returning Providence College students enjoy health service administration/social more than bragging about successful work as an undergraduate and then alumni. Students are filled with later recieved her master’s degree in pride thinking about the adults who education. had the same professors and sat in Her Providence College education the same cafeteria, and are now gave Burke the skills she needed to achieving incredible things in the continue to be involved with the real world. sport she loved, even after she was Not only do they act as an forced to hang up her black and inspiration for students to study white jersey. harder, but alumni success stories Burke jumped into the reporting help contribute to the life-long world quickly after graduation. connection that comes with being a She began as a broadcast journalist part of the Friar Family. in 1990 which led her to join ESPN Doris Burke ’87 is one name that and ABC networks in 1991. In 1996 students have been increasingly she was back within the familiar mentioning on campus over the past Big East atmosphere, but this time, couple of days. on the sidelines and analyzing the Doris Burke has been a prominent teams playing. basketball analysist since 1990, but Burke continued to positively within the past week, Burke was impact the sports world with her promoted as a regular ESPN NBA basketball intuition. She recieved game analyst. This accomplishment the Rudy Award for Best New Face makes her the first woman in history in Sports Television in 2003. to be assigned to cover a full NBA Burke has been seen most recently season. as lead ESPN NBA sideline reporter Burke moved to Providence College in the important games, including in 1983 as a recruited freshman. the most popular NBA finals. This Burke excelled on the court and past year, Burke was the recipient by the end of her senior year, she of the 2017 WISE Women of the Year held countless records. She was the award. BURKE SPEAKING TO GOLDEN STATE WARRIERS GUARD STEPHEN CURRY Photo Courtsey of Bob Donnan 24 The Cowl October 5, 2017 Which NFL Franchise is “America’s Team”? Green Bay Packers

by Jack Belanger ’21 while winning a Super Bowl during Sports Staff that run. Being one of the best teams PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL in the league is key to be a favorite since nobody wants to root for a perennial loser (sorry, Cleveland). I wish I could proclaim the Patriots But they also have not had a dynasty as “America’s Team,” but most where people are hoping they lose. of the country would be quick to Behind the success is Aaron Rodgers, disagree. While the Pats have been one of the most exciting players to the best team recently, outside of watch with his ability to pull off a New England they are probably one big play when needed. of the most disliked teams. Off the field, one of the more Being “America’s Team” is more likeable features about Green Bay than just being the best, you also is they are publicly owned by many have to have fans from all around stockholders and are run by a board the U.S. root for you at some point, of directors. This means the team while having a consistently strong does not have to worry about a home fan-base. The Green Bay single owner who is the face of the Packers edge out the Pats because, franchise (i.e. Jerry Jones and the unless you are a die-hard Chicago Cowboys). Bears fan, nobody really hates the Green Bay has one of the strongest Pack nor consistently roots for them fan bases in the league despite being to lose. one of the smallest markets. Deflated Green Bay fits the bill as “America’s balls or not, the Packers have not Team” for a variety of reasons that been accused of cheating, leaving help them edge out all the other 31 no room for people to question their teams from the product on the field success. to the attention off it. While the greatest quarterback First, the Packers have consistently and coach may very well reside in been one of the best teams on the Foxboro, it’s hard to portray anyone field in recent years, making the in Green Bay as a villain in the playoffs for the past eight seasons league. AARON RODGERS CELEBRATES A WIN WITH SIGNATURE POSE. Photo Courtesy of Eric Edholm Dallas Cowboys

by Nicholas Buckley ’21 for many years they delivered Sports Staff season after season. PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL These days the charge is led by QB Dak Prescott and RB Ezekiel Elliott. Last year the team blew If asked who is “America’s Team”, any and all expectations, claiming most people would think of the the No. 1 overall seed in the NFC. Dallas Cowboys, especially those The two rookies meshed perfectly who grew up watching them in their with veterans like WR Dez Bryant prime. and TE Jason Witten, both future One of the largest forces in football, hall of famers. While falling short the Cowboys have dominated the in the playoffs, the organization league for years. Although it must and fan base knew that the future be said that the Cowboys have not had arrived. This year they look been the superpower they were back to continue the resurgence of one in the day, one can not take away of the NFL’s largest powerhouses. from what they have done for the If successful, the rest of the league NFL community and the sport as a better take notice, or risk getting left whole. behind. The Cowboys have been in eight Just to further prove the Cowboys Super Bowls and won five, and are America’s football team, look at numbers like these can only be their revenue. Valued at a little over matched by few other teams. four billion dollars, the Cowboys are Players such as Emmitt Smith not just the most valuable football and Troy Aikman, two of the best team, but the most valuable sports football players in history, also play team in the world. At the end of their part in the Cowboys massive the day it is hard to argue numbers, fandom. and to be valued as highly as the Being a team with Hall of Fame- Cowboys are just goes to show how tier players on the rosters almost large their fanbase is across the every year is a great way to catch the country. eye of NFL fans around the country. And not to mention the fact that the Once the attention was there, the Cowboys’ nickname is “America’s Photo Courtesy of Ronald Martinez BOBBY CARPENTER AND KEITH BROOKING BOTH CELEBRATE A TOUCHDOWN AGAINST THE SEAHAWKS. Cowboys just needed results, which Team”.