7313 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Tuesday, 20 November 1990 THE
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7313 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Tuesday, 20 November 1990 THE SPEAKER (Mr Michael Barnett) took the Chair at 2.00 pm, and read prayers. PETITION - EAST THOMSONS LAKE URBAN DEVELOPMENT Development Prevention MR KIERATH (Riverton) [2.04 pm]: I present the following petitian - To: The Honourable the Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We the undersigned are concerned that the proposed East Thomnsans Lake Urban Development, being aver the Jandakot Mound, will cause pollution of our water supply, and degradation of parts of the Beeliar Regional Park, so we hereby request that you take action under the provisions pertaining to the Underground Water Pollution Control Areas to prevent development until a full Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared and publicly reviewed. Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that you will give this mailer earnest consideration, and your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. The petition bears 72 signatures and I certify that it conforms to the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. The SPEAKER: I direct that the petition be brought to the Table of Lhe House. [See petition No 162.] PETITION - YORK DISTRICT HOSPITAL Closure or Service Reduction Concern MRt TRENORDEN (Avon) [2.05 pm]: I have a petition which reads as follows - To: The H-onourable the Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We, the undersigned residents of York, Western Australia, wish to express our extreme concern regarding proposals to either close down or substantially reduce the service offered by the York District Hospital. To entertain such a proposal is to demonstrate a callous disregard for the well being of rural electors and the economics of a small town. The Shire of York is one of the few rural communities in Western Australia which is exhibiting positive growth patterns, such growth being based on the fertile agricultural land and the ever growing tourist trade. The York District Hospital serves the community professionally and efficiently, being recognised as an accredited hospital and recently being awarded the Commissioner's Annual Award for excellence and innovation in health care. To reduce an essential service at a time of growth and development would appear to be an action designed to undermidne such development which has been built up through hard work and diligence. To require residents and visitors to travel to larger country centres or to the Perth metropolitan area is to deny these people an existing service and would compromise their health care. We believe the York Hospital must not be closed or have its level of service reduced and require assurances from the Government that the York Hospital will not have its services reduced or be closed. Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that you will give this matter earnest consideration and your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. The petition bears 156 signatures and I certify that it conforms to the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. 7314 [ASSEMBLY] The SPEAKER: I direct that the petition be brought to the Table of the House. [See petition No 163.] PETITION - DUCK SHOOTING ProhibitionLegislation Support MR McNEE (Moore) [2.06 pm]: I have a petition couched in the following terms - To: The Honourable the Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We, the undersigned petitioners, urge you to legislate for the prohibition of duck shooting in the Nature Reserves and Game Reserves, including the Wannamal Lakes region and Ywrine Swamp in the Gingin Shire and Wannanial because of the cruelty inflicted on our wildlife; the killing of protected species; Ike inability of the Department of Conservation and Land Management to adequately police duck shooting; the incompleteness of ecological data upon which the decision to allow duck shooting is based; the contamination of the wetlands through accumulation of lead pellets and the encouragement of vandalism in the Shire by shooters e.g. devastation of children's moad crossing signs, roadside information signs and injury to stack. Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that you will give this matter earniest consideration and your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. The petition contains 9 922 signatures and I certify that it conforms to the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. The SPEAKER: I direct that the petition be brought to the Table of the House. [See petition No 164.] PETITION - BALCAITA SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL ParkingReview MR CATANIA (Balcatta) [2.07 pm]: I present the following petition - To: The Honourable the Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We, the undersigned citizens, request that the Minister of Education urgently review the availability of parking at the front of Balcatta Senior High School. During the peak periods of pit-school morning and after school hours, it is very dangerous for parents and children avoiding vehicles and buses. We urge that some of the ample lawn area be devoted to parking so as to avoid the dangers and not inconvenience residents in the area. Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that you will give this matter earnest consideration and your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. The petition bears 106 signatures and I certify that it conforms to the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. The SPEAKER: I direct that the petition be brought to the Table of the House. [See petition No 165.] PETITION - SUNDAY TRADING, CHRISTMAS PERIOD Approval Annulment MR FRED TUBBY (Roleystone) [2.08 pm]: I have a petition couched in the following terms - To: The Honourable the Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We, the undersigned, humbly request that the decision to let retailers trade on the Sunday before Christmas be annulled. [Tuesday, 20 November 19901 717315 To aflow this would not be in the interest of many small businesses. But over and above all, trading and working on the Sunday is a direct violation of God's Command and hence against our beliefs. Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that you will give this matter earnest consideration and your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. The petition bears 333 signatures and I certify that it conforms to the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. The SPEAKER: I direct that the petition be brought to the Table of the House. [See petition No 166.1 PETITION - DUCK SHOOTING Prohibition Legislation Support DR ALEXANDER (Perth) [2.09 pm]: I present the following petition - To: The H-onourable the Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We, the undersigned petitioners of Western Australia and residents, urge you not to declare a Duck Shooting Season for 1991 and to legislate for the prohibition of any future Duck Shooting in this State because of the cruelty inflicted on our wildlife; the loss of significant waterbird breeding habitat; the pollution of the wetlands from lead pellets, cartridges and other rubbish, and community disapproval of recreational shooting of wildlife. Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that you will give this matter earnest consideration and your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray. The petition bears 2 082 signatures and I certify that it conforms to the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. The SPEAKER: I direct that the petition be brought to the Table of the House. [See petition No 167.] PETITION - RAILWAYS South West CorridorSuburban Passenger Rail Service - Support MR THOMAS (Cockburn) [2. 10 pm]: I have a petition expressed in the following terms - To: The Honourable the Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We the undersigned support the extension of the suburban passenger rail service to the suburbs of the south west corridor. This part of the metropolitan area is growing and is widely recognised as one of the most desirable options for the long term expansion of the City of Perth. Moreover, as recent international events have shown, it is prudent to mninimise dependence on oil and environmental considerations support the extension and enhancement of our public transport system. Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that you will give this matter earnest consideration and your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray. The petition bears 129 signatures and I certify that it conforms to the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. The SPEAKER: I direct that the petition be brought to the Table of the House. [See petition No 168.] PETITION - WONGAN HILLS HOSPITAL Holiday Closure ProposalProtest MR McNEE (Moore) [2.11 pm]: I have a petition couched in the following terms - 7316 [ASSEMBLY] To: The Honourable the Speaker and members of the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We, the undersigned, wish to protest at the proposed closure during the holiday period of the Wongan Hills Hospital. Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that you will give this matter earnest consideration and your petitions, as in duty bound, will ever pray. The petition bears 560 signatures and I certify that it conforms to the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. The SPEAKER: I direct that the petition be brought to the Table of the House. [See petition No 169.] BILLS (3) - ASSENT Messages from the Governor received and read notifying assent to the following Bills - I. Financial Institutions Duty Amendment Bill 2. Acts Amendment (Parliamentary Secretaries) Bill 3. Goldfields-Esperance Development Authority Bill STATE EMPLOYMENT AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BILL Council's Message Message from the Council received and read notifying that it did not insist on its amendments to which the Assembly had disagreed, and that it had agreed to the further amendments made by the Assembly.