TECHNICAL REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE . Report No. 2.Government Accession No. 3.Recipient's Catalog No. NTSB-AAR-79-1 . Title and Subtitle Aircraft Accident Report - 5.Report Date ontinental Air Lines, Inc., McDonnell-Douglas January 25, 1979 c-10-10, N68045, LOS Angeles, California, 6.Performing Organization arch 1, 1978 Code . Author(s) 8.Performing Organization Report No. Performing Organization Name and Address 10.Work Unit No. 2335-D 'ational Transportation Safety Board 11.Contract or Grant No. ,ureau of Accident Investigation lashington, D.C. 20594 I3.Type of Report and Period Covered 2.Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Aircraft Accident Report March 1, 1978 NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOAR0 Washington, D. C. 20594 14.Sponsoring Agency Code 5.Supplementary Notes L6. Abstract About 0925 Pacific standard time on March 1, 1978, Continental Air Lines, Inc., Flight 603 overran the departure end of runway 6R at Los Angeles Inter- lational Airport, California, following a rejected takeoff. As the aircraft departed :he wet, load-bearing surface of the runway, the left main landing gear collapsed and fire erupted from the left wing area. The aircraft slid to a stop about 664 feet from the departure end of the runway. The left side of the aircraft was destroyed. If the 184 passengers, 2 infants, and 14 crewmembers aboard, 2 passengers were killed md 28 passengers and 3 crewmembers were seriously injured during the evacuation of :he aircraft. The National Transportation Safety Board determined that the probable cause of :he accident was the sequential failure of two tires on the left main landing gear md the resultant failure of another tire on the same landing gear at a critical time iuring the takeoff roll.
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