Gleidhidh Autumn 2005
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US $2.00 CLAN WALLACE SOCIETY WORLDWIDE Am fear-gléidhidh “The Guardian”— Published by the Clan Wallace Society Worldwide. Founded 1966. Autumn 2005 Vol 39, No 3 New Members From the Desk of the President On behalf of Ian Francis Wallace of that Fall has finally reached welcomed in Scotland at the William Wal- Ilk, 35th Chief of Clan Wallace, the us and now many of us lace Ceremonies so regally. I anticipate President and the Board of Directors are traveling to attend that in the future, the Society will become welcome the forty-nine individuals the seasonal Games even more involved worldwide in projects, listed below to the Clan Council and to and Festival to cele- events, and ceremonies. our Society, respectively. Ciad mile brate our wonderful failte! heritage. By now you I know that Wallaces everywhere are have seen the wonder- contributing their time and energy and Council Members ful CWSW Tour Edition resources to good deeds and excellent Deanna R. M. Wallace, San Carlos, CA of the newsletter, have seen the photos causes. If you hear of them, let our News- Jean Wallace Gibson, Murphys, CA on the CWSW Website and/or have letter Editor or one of Board Members Andrew Scott Wallace, Daly City, CA heard the many yarns and stories that the know so we can pass the information to Richard F. Wallace, San Jose, CA attendees have spun about the trip. I all to enjoy and to realize that our mem- Robert Julian Wallace, Concord, CA hope that you have enjoyed seeing the bership is a force to be admired. Richard Chris Tomlin, Aurora, CO adventures through our eyes and will be Richard Tyler Wallace, Newark, DE inclined to join us for our next Clan Wal- I am personally overjoyed to see the new Kenneth Wallace, Doraville, GA lace Gathering in 2007. Rewards Program prospering and provid- ing, in its early stages, funds to our Soci- Upgrade to Council The Board discussed where and when, ety so that we may do more projects and Ari E. Sloane, Tucson, AZ among many subjects, at the Annual Di- meet the lofty goals that were set down Lois A. Wallace, Redwood City, CA rectors Meeting that took place 11-13 by those who created this wonderful or- David W. Hayward, Glen Mills, PA, November 2005 at Salado, TX. More ganization. A report on our initial partici- Deanna Lopes-Angelo, Dixon, CA details will follow. pation is contained in the newsletter and Lee Ander Foster IV, Marysville, CA on-line in the Website. Take a look, and Richard Austin Foster, Marysville, CA Our wonderful Society continues to grow then join us in this important program. Mary Scott Wallace, Reno, NV and as time passes we expand our cover- Douglas Grayson Hill, Sammamish, WA age of Games and Festivals and peak the My very Best Wishes for a Wonderful interest of members all over the world. Holiday Season to you all! Life Members During our trip to Scotland we had the John A. MacKay, Aberdeen, Scotland privilege to meet many Wallaces in the In Your Service, Craig Lockhart, Barrhead, Alberta Aberdeen area and to dine with our Michael Arnault, Red Deer, Alberta Chief’s Son, Andrew Wallace from Edin- Captain John R. Wallace Carmello Arnault, Red Deer, Alberta burgh. It made me proud that we were President, CWSW Guanna Arnault, Red Deer, Alberta Max Jerrel, Flagstaff, AZ Lynn Wallace, Santa Clara, CA Newsletter Delivery Methods Under Review Jacqueline Moss, Los Angeles, CA Christina Johns, Acton, CA Delivery of the Society newsletter re- recent Special Edition. As well, the Board Stephen L. White, Menlo Park, CA mains a problem. At present, a full 20% of is considering sending only an advisory Debra Joan Tomlin, Aurora, CO newsletters sent electronically are not notice that a new newsletter is available Jerry P. Suits, Greeley, CO reaching recipients, all from invalid email at Laurie Dale,Ft. Collins,CO addresses. Louise Koulermos, Boulder, CO All past newsletters from 2001 forward Alec Knudson, Decatur, GA We live in an electronic age, and the ma- are now online on our website at Jeanne Wallace Garrett, Austin, KY jority of us access to email. It is increas- A very special Larry Pryce, Midland, MI ingly critical that all members take an thanks to CWS Webmaster Jim “Bowie” Douglas K. Barnes, Minneapolis, MN opportunity to update their contact infor- Wallace of Bowie, MD. Incidentally, if you Aaron D. Harper, Lewisville, NC mation and email address. In this way haven’t visited our website recently, you Jeanne Evans, Cedar Crest, NM each CWS member receives the newslet- are in for a special treat. Jim has done an Darren Van Wallace, Windsor, Ontario ter quicker and in color. This is especially outstanding job in restructuring the infor- (Continued on Page 2) helpful with increased graphics, as in the mation. PAGE 2 AM FEAR-GLÉIDHIDH AUTUMN 2005 New Members New Directors Elected, Annual Fees Ratified (Continued from Page 1) During the recent elections held during gifts for the up-coming holidays. Con- July-September 2005, CWSW Council venors who have Fall Games and Fes- Thomas Russell Wallace, Oakville, Ontario Members elected James L. Wallace, tivals will be prepared to take member- Matthew Wallace, Oakville, Ontario from Bowie, Maryland, to the Board and ship applications. Application forms can Robert G. Wallace, Cambridge, Ontario re-elected incumbents Charles M. Wal- also be downloaded from the Society William F. Wallace, Windsor, Ontario lace, of Macon, Georgia, Jean Robinson Website, and as always, interested Mary Kelly, Cambridge, Ontario Wallace, from Little Rock, Arkansas, persons can upgrade or join by contact- Donald R. Vincent, Belgrave, Ontario and Marcus J. Wallace, of Corinth, ing the Society Membership Chairs. Terry Lee Wallace, Hamilton, Ontario Texas. All these Board Members will Sara Weaver, Essex, Ontario serve three-year terms beginning on 01 As previously emphasized, Members Lisa Brown, Belle River, Ontario January 2006. who are officially on the CWSW roles Wallace Norman DaPron II, Limerick, PA as of 1 January 2006 will be forever Ida Elaine Meece, Bartlett, TN On the ballot this year was the Approval exempt from annual dues donations, as Mark William Wallace, Four Lakes, WA of Revised By-Laws for the Society. they are “grand fathered” under the Mostly this By-Laws Amendment, which approved By-Laws. was passed by a clear majority vote, was a simple formatting of the entire Please remember though, that after text and making them more modern and 01 January 2006, all Annual and Life Effective 01 November readable. The 2004 decision to go to Members who want to upgrade will Annual Memberships and to increase fall under the new rules and will 2005, the Clan Wallace the cost of Life and Council Member- have to pay $175.00 instead of the Society Worldwide has ships was also incorporated in the re- current $50.00. NOW IS THE TIME write. TO UPGRADE AND TO JOIN! 1,129 members. As was announced in some detail on When the new system goes into effect Page 2 in the Summer 2005 Gleidhidh in 2006, look for a new Clan Wallace (Vol 39. No.2) it is currently anticipated Society Worldwide Membership Tri- that the new Annual Membership Sys- Fold in color and a newly designed MEMBERS INFORMATION tem will become effective on 01 January Application Form to compliment the CHANGE FORM 2006. This delay in implementation is to colorful Membership Certificates, which give current Society Life Members a we started issuing last year. Current Name _____________________________ grace period to allow them to upgrade Current Address ___________________________ their Life Memberships to Council Mem- Application forms may be picked up at berships before the price increase and the Wallace Tents at Games and Festi- _________________________________________ to further allow non-members to apply vals or you can download a form from Memb. No. (on mail label) __________________ for memberships before the new system the Clan Wallace website at goes into effect. This is a splendid op- Phone Number ____________________________ portunity to purchase Life or Council memberships for family members as Old Email ________________________________ 11-2005 “The Tribute” : A poem by Garry T. Garland WRITE ONLY WHERE Of all the men in Scotland’s past His dear friend Kerlie by his side CHANGES APPLY The memory of one will forever last Sadly betrayed by one of his own New Name ________________________________ He so loved by kin and kind This once Guardian of our throne A more loyal man one couldn’t find New Address ______________________________ In his enemy’s captivity he died _________________________________________ A man of pride and great height His death in no way dignified There is no doubt he put many to flight Leal Scots would pray he found solace New Phone Number ________________________ Northumberland Percy was shown no These words a tribute to William Wal- New Email ________________________________ mercy lace In the midst of the fray at Bell “o“ the Comments ________________________________ Brae Until 1995, this image was how the Richard (Dick) A. Wallace At Stirling Bridge he won the fight public perceived Sir Perhaps he deemed it a Scotsman’s William Wallace. 728 East 19th Street right While our cultural Marysville, CA 95901-4438 Face to face with Plantagenet perception has Email: [email protected] Edward trembled even to imagine it changed in ten years, our rever- PH 530-743-1060 ence and respect Along the path of destiny he did stride are immortal. PAGE 3 AM FEAR-GLÉIDHIDH AUTUMN 2005 CWS Rewards Program Exceeds Expectations, First Patrons Announced In the four months since the inaugura- CIRCLE OF WILLIAM WALLACE tion of this new program on 01 July CIRCLE OF THE THISTLE 2005, the Clan Wallace Society has re- ceived tax-exempt donations from nine John R.