Outer East Area Committee Halton Moor and East Forum

Meeting held on 19 February 2008 at the Halton Moor One Stop Centre

Present: Councillor Jackie Langdale (Chair), Councillor Mick Lyons, Nick Clarkson (East Leeds Area Management Team), James Nundy (ELAM, minutes), Wendy Bagnall (Neighbourhood Warden), Brian Mumby (resident), Steve lake (Re’new), Wendy Hainsworth (LCC - ASBu), Trevor Dockar (Leeds Federated housing association), Peter beck (LCC regeneration Service), Maggie Gjessing (LCC Regeneration service), Glen O’Malley (LCC Youth Service)

Apologies: Maria Adams (EHEHL), Revd. Mark Heather, Marie Ferguson (ENEHL)

1.0 Welcome / Introductions / Apologies Action

1.1 Cllr Langdale welcomed everyone to the meeting, introductions were made and the above apologies noted.

2.0 Minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2007

2.1 Agreed as an accurate record.

3.0 Matters arising

3.1 (8.4) Other agencies working in Osmondthorpe include Connect Housing, renew-Leeds, YMCA, Space and the Tom Henry Youth Project.

3.2 Cllr Langdale apologised to Steve Lake for not being able to obtain any pantomime tickets.

4.0 10 minute open floor

4.1 No issues.

5.0 EASEL update – Peter Beck / Maggie Gjessing

5.1 A map of the EASEL area was tabled. Copies are available from Peter and Maggie.

5.2 • EASEL is a 15-20 year comprehensive regeneration plan for the area, starting with provision of new housing over eight sites in and . • There will be 740 new houses built. • Contract is due for signing in next few weeks – it’s a partnership (Joint Venture Company) between LCC and Bellways.

5.3 Cllr Hyde enquired about the ‘sidings’ site being earmarked for ‘transport purposes’ and what that meant. A discussion followed and the issues were addressed by PB.

5.4 Consultation to start April / May 08. It was suggested that a Halton Moor PB / meeting be set up specifically for EASEL. Cllr H

Produced by the East Leeds Area Management Team (tel: 214 3240) Page 1of 3 5.5 EASEL newsletter will be out soon via Royal Mail. It has been held up by Royal Mail.

6.0 Intensive Neighbourhood Management – Steve Lake

6.1 The quarterly meeting with OTRA (Osmondthorpe Tenants and Residents Association) was held recently.

6.2 Operation Champion took place last Wednesday to Friday, and the Police used the new Community House.

6.3 Community House The DDA issues still need to be address (they should cost approximately £10,000) before the public can use it and East North East Homes Leeds have been requested to give a peppercorn rent so the Police can sign the lease on the property.

6.4 Racial Tensions The football based ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ scheme to combat racial tension will be launched in two weeks at Meadowfield Primary and Corpus Christi with the year five pupils. SL to speak to Lisa Oxley (Extended SL Schools) and find out about which other schools would be best to target. Maybe the Parent and Teachers Associations could help with funding?

6.5 Halton Moor funday This year will be on Saturday 28 June 2008. There will be a meeting on Saturday. The funfair will be three times as big as last year. Leeds Federated are to get involved – please give details to Steve Lake. All

6.6 Leeds Federated – Trevor Dockar • Coniston / Medway Gardens – tree planting was completed in 24 hours. • Monthly official walkabouts take place in the area. • Currently no void properties.

7.0 Community Safety

7.1 Local crime statistics were tabled and run through.

7.2 ASBU – Wendy Hainsworth • Took over the role in November 2007. • There are five officers in the team • There have been 15 referrals, mainly on youths / joint action on tenancies. • Operations on the estate have produced a lot of evidence. • There is a zero-tolerance on drugs in Council properties, so if any drugs are found, repossession orders are a useful tool to use. • PCSOs are being deployed at LeedsWatch to gain evidence eg names of potential culprits, as the PCSOs know many names on the estate.

7.3 Neighbourhood Warden – Wendy Bagnall • Since December 07, there have been 22 WIG (Waste in Gardens) letters issued. 17 have complied. Hoping to start a ‘good garden’ letter too. • There is to be a joint venture with East North East Homes to get to know the young people. • A Warden’s surgery is planned at the Community House. • Worked hard with sandbags in the Dunhill’s during the floods.

Produced by the East Leeds Area Management Team (tel: 214 3240) Page 2of 3 8.0 Youth Service – Glen O’Malley

8.1 The Section 30 Dispersal Order increased the numbers of youths attending sessions. 390 were recorded over two months.

8.2 Operation Champion was a success. The Leisure Centre was utilised over the duration to keep the youths off the street to let the agencies work unhindered.

8.3 A football tournament took place. There were no incidents and Halton won.

8.4 A mobile provision has been secured and is expected in May 2008.

8.5 £12,700 has been secured for youth provision at Halton Moor One Stop Centre.

8.6 Martin Fleetwood was thanked for his support.

8.7 Glen is being moved to South Leeds from 1 April 2008. A new youth work manager is coming to East Leeds, but is unknown at this time.

8.8 Glen was thanked for all his efforts over the years and wished all the best.

9.0 Items for and date of next meeting

9.1 The date of the next forum will be set at the forthcoming Area committee meeting.

Produced by the East Leeds Area Management Team (tel: 214 3240) Page 3of 3