NOTION COUNTER SPECIALS. $7.50 Machine 04. will not £um. So bottle. Machine Oil cms. only 4c each Gilt Kdjff Shoe Dressing, only *>c bottle. Petticoats. $4.79 C. M. C, Hone supporte s for children. l.V. l^c and 30c. These are the famous Strcune make and only 60 of Wire Hairpins stnisrht rr crimped, -c a package. these skirts to b* sold at thia The silk in these c overed Hair Rolls. only -.»c each. price. Fancy Jet Head Hat Pin*, only 1 value. Special $4.79 420 to 426 Seventh St. 417 to 425.Eighth St. Hai.- Switches, all shade.-. !*c. fl .*w> ar.d $2.00. The Greatest Reductions Ever Known on Ladies' Suits, Skirts and Waists.*^e This means that the very cream of the season's styles is here for your choosing at new prices.lower prices than you could reasonably hope to see at this time. The assortment is great, comprising all the smartest styles, good colors and fashionable fabrics, bu* the values are so irresistible that they cannot fail to make enthusiastic buying, and you will do well to make your selection at the earliest moment. 1,000 Women's White Ladies' Suits, Worth $15.00 Silk Jumper Suits Cannon Cloth Skirts . . $1.12 Up to $42.50 $14.95 Reduced to $9.95 Waist measurements, 23 to 30 inches: lengths We have placed on a separate rack 60 Suits: very newest styles; 100 more of those Silk Jumper Suits: in black, navy in plain navy and black taffeta silk, and all the newest effects in all- blue, black and white, blue and white and brown and white stripes; 37 to 42; three different styles. Actual value, /t* * 4 voiles; in navy blue, brown and black; * a g\ fm f.gured ; blue, black and tan grounds. clso worsteds. Trices were I jOL. v ith white $15.00 val¬ $2.00. Our great special price 1 ^ fancy $42.50.* * $39.50, figures. Regular %J7 S37.50 and $32.50. Tomorrow only ue $9.95 Silk Skirts. Wash Suits, $6.98. Lawn Princess Dresses. and for Your Women's White Waists. Colors, tan, brown and Co¬ Women's Wash Suits of can- Women's Lawn Princess Bright Early » in¬ Thla Sale Commences at 8 A.M. and Terminates Positively r.t 12 O'Clock Noon.Four Hours Only. penhagen blue: a very full- non cloth: in blue, white, pink Dresses : trimmed with pleated skirt: trimmed with a and stripes; semi-fitting coats; sertion and border on skirt: in . White Lawn W aists; five White Lawn ALL-OVER 1,500 Women's 700 Waists; wide taffeta fold at bottom. full plaited or plain flare skirts, light blue. pink, tan and laven- «j different styles; sizes 34 to 44. a EMBROIDERY fronts; sizes 34 to _ ^ Really worth with fold. der. Worth Worth $1.00. For four hours to- 44. Actual value, $1.75. For four J $17.50. For to- Cq AO morrow hours tomorrow morrow Speaa!':..88:98: $6.98 $6.98 Sacrifice Sale White and Colored Wash Goods Special Values At l/3 and 54 Less Than Regular Prices. From Art Department. Sheets and Pillow Cases. Scalloped Embroidered Drawn*.vork Scalloped Embroidered 50c Silk 29c Scarf? 54 inches long; Drr.wnwork Linen Centers. «S During the great slump in prices of last week, al¬ Costume , yard.- regular *1.25 value. Spe- /UC 21 inches;2 regular 9Hc value. «! cial ..... Special ! of we took advan¬ of Fine. Costume Chiffon. 28 in. cent silk.the though recovering inside twenty-four hours, 4,000 yards High-luster-Silk wide; 75 per pure Stamped Corset Covers of the best A few Handsome Hand-embroidereJ t kind of fabric so much wanted for waists and all the shades, as follows: quality ; latest de¬ 24 inches: tage of the low price* and bought heavily in sheets and pillow very plain signs; regular ."iOc value. Spe¬ Linen Centers. % Russet, nile, lilac, cream, blue, black, cial 21c regular vplue. One cases of the best brands. Below we offer startling prices in white, Copenhagen, champagne, light light day only $2.25 rose, garnet, brown, gray, mais and navy. This fabric is A lot of Stamped Pillow Linen Cen¬ Mohawk and for one pink, beige, golden sky, Tops; regular 2"Vc and 4ftc \al- A few Hand-embroidered Pequot goods, only day. first for this lot at, One 19c ters. slightly soiled, to sell for one- I regular 50c kind.guaranteed quality.and .only yard ues. day only value. Sheets and Cases: half regular i Meiiawk Valley Sheets and Pillow Pequot No Mail or Phone Orders Filled. Wash Goods Street Annex. Ladies' Kimonos, stamped on fine Cases: 54x00 Sheets 55c Section.Eighth cream cashmere: new ."m>c Hemstitched Linen ^ f 50c designs;, regular ?2.ft0 Sc arfs. I«xft4. Special for one / I L. § .Vx!«i Sheets <¦3x00 Sheets 60c value. Special $1.25 day i3xlio Sheets 55 r 72xOO Sheets ..05c 39c Natural Tan Linen Suiting, 25c. 25c Pekin Organdie, 7:ix?M Sheets liOc 05c 81x00 Sheets ..7<>c One case Natural Tan Linen: ev¬ Mx!*i Sheets 4 75c 31-inch 12^c. !Ox«iO Sheets 7'>c OOxflO Sheets thread flax; for suits, skirts Pekin Satin- 42x30 Pillow Cases 14c 42x30 Pillow Cases ltfc ery pure separate 2.500 yards Fine Half-inch 45x30 Pillow Cases 15c 45x30 Pillow Cases 17c and children's wear. Special to close, ^ striped Organdie: white and tinted grounds, BLACK 30x30 Pillow Cas^s 17c 5Ox30 Pillow Cases 10c AO* 54x30 Pillow Cases 1*»c 54x:;n Pillow Cases... 21c yard with all the latest effects: extra fine quality; 42x72 Bolster Cases 28c 42x72 Bolster Cases.. 32c 48-inch White Persian Lawn, for making fashionable waists and AT RIGHT PRICES. 12}£c. dresses for summer. This lot half Wide Black Silks, well known makes, and exceptionally good The like has not been offered for many a \2y2c values. season in seasonable merchandise; 100 pieces 34-inch Fast Colored Linene and 35-inch All-pure-silk Black Dress Taffeta: well fin- QC/-» 48-inch Extra Fine and Sheer Grade Persian to wear. A value for.. Reduced. Lawn, for waists and dresses. Actual value, Newport Suitings, 12}£c. ished, strong and warranted $1.25 72-inch Bleached Irish 72-inch Silver Bleached Q/\ All-pure-silk Black Dress Taffeta; lus- German ; $1 quality. 25c a yard. For .Monday, this lot, This fabric is the exact reproduction of 35-inch 1 QQ Table Linen: 00c quality. /"C ¦ | trous. and warranted to wear. A $1 39 value for Special, a yard I Special, a j*ard at half price, yard linen; specially adapted for separate skirts and strong * d? Ufl-inch Bleached Scotch 04-inch Silver Bleached > o Mail or Phone Order* Filled. S suits; in all the colors, Copen¬ 35-inch All-pure-silk Black Dress Taffeta; heavy, Table Damask: 80c quality. popular including I | . |QI V Extra Weight German Dam- russet s* and finished. A value Special, a yard hagen, and 'linen. Special, I ^\/ strong beautifully $1.50 ask; 02V£c quality. Special, 20c French White , ' 1 f I*x30 tn. Extra Huck a yard 12J£c. yard 35-inch Black Peau de Soie: soft and lustrous; | QA Towels; regular 15c to wear. value * *W quality. Special 1254c 18x30-in. Bleached This is manufactured special for us; it is 19c Galatea 15c. warranted $1.39 $1.50 Per Dozen. Turkish Towels; regular extra fine ; inches wide ; nice soft fin¬ Cloth, Black Peau de Soie; well finished and lus- I 15c number. Special 12J4c 36 weight; 35-inch *^*7 . of this 20*40 All-linen. Hemstitch- _ ish and just the fabric for waists and large assortment very popular, trous. A $1.50 value for ed Huck Towels; 3<»c qual- /.SL. 22x45 D o u b 1 e-t hread E? standard and well known fabric for women's lty. Special Bleached Turkish Towels; /.^f dresses, also men's shirts. 20c 1 Of/ and Black I labutai. * and wear; 28 inches wide and fast 35-inch Lyon's Dye All-pure-silk CQ^» $3. Per Dozen. 35c value. Special value. A yard children's value at iJVw colors; these are the Samson and Manchester 75c a Genuine Natural Shantung Pon- I 50c 48-inch Mercerized White makes, and are worth third more than any on 33-inch Imported * A(Y the market. For Monday, special, gee: all pure silk, and a good value at Si.25. for...... 7 - Special Values in . Chiffon , 39c. yard 15c A lot of Torchon Lace, inser¬ White. Cream and Ecru Net; A surplus of 200 pieces of this very fine tion to match; in good widths inches wide; pretty for silk-finished white fabric was offered us 19c Side Band Batiste, 12^c. and Neckwear waists and dresses. This soft, Ribbons and patterns. This lace sold for 100 10c to 12%c yard. Now Sc net sold regularly for at a very low price. We accepted it at once, A lot of pieces of 30-inch Printed Side $1.25 yard. Special $1.00 so at a to the mill.not to Band all the dotted Gre¬ Point de Paris Lace and In¬ here it goes great loss Batiste, in very latest Reduced. sertion to match. Fancy and Dotted Net; 42 we our customers this benefit for . cian and Persian borders; white and colored Greatly Kegular | give ft-in. Ribbons; white, Lace and Embroidery Jabots and values. 15o to 25c yardl Spe- inches wide; pretty for m/v All-silk Taffeta | one state a Bows, in a variety of F _ cial waists, good value. 79c yard. day only.Monday. We 50c yard grounds, with printing of blue, pink, red, black and all colors; r^gu- large ^ it tan and black. This ular value. Special, styles; white and cream- ZnC Chiffon Veils; l1^ yards long, Special its worth, but is really worth 60c brown, lot, yard. 19c Choic3 in all the leading shades. All-linen Torchon Lace; good yard. For Monday only, at, a yard. ... 39c 12&c All White and Colors Nov- Others up to $1.50. value. 00c piece. Regular 59c value, 8c yard. Now 6c elty Belting; regular price, ZnC Tailor-made Gibson Stocks; all white Now 3l»c. Choic?. belt length and colors; pleated jabot ef- 5 and 0 In. All-silk Messalin"! Rib¬ feet; a very nobby stock. bon. white, black and colors. Choice Regular price. :iftc yard. Spe- /.if, Black and Colored Dress Goods. White Ruching. called wld- « cial, yard ow's ruching; regular price. I I If* News of 5 and 0 in. All-silk Pla'd Ribbons; 1IK: yard. Special, yard Double 78c. all colors and black and Upholstery $1.50 Stripe , $1.25. $1.00 Warp Panama, Tourist Ruching; 0-yard boxes; al- white; regular pric*. 4!»c. 56-inch All-wool Serge, in the new shadow stripe and 10,000 yards oor Genuine Colling-swood DoublvwarpDoublvwar 35c wavs sold for 2ftc. Choic?. lSe box. pekin stripe effects.the much wanted colorsr such as Co¬ Pure Worsted Pa nama, in cream. Copenhagen, tan. mode, Special, yard Thr.*e for .".He. penhagen. navy, leather, tan. garnet, hunt- E? brown, reseda, in yrlle. navy, starnet. gray. &c.; color and 7ft dozen Linen Collars; all siz s; ^ | ^ are well white: handsomely em'uroid'r d: also Four-in-hand Ties; corded silk and ers' green. smoke and black. Actual value, % wear guaranteed, Th»se. being double warp, Interest. ^ | collars; 1.1 v\ rt \ r> soldsuiu $1.50. Our special sale prio?. per yard.... adapted for tailor -made suits, jackets, separate skirts, eyelet patterns always knitted effects; all colors. Choice, &c. Don't confo 'ind these with trashy stuffs that slip for 2ftc and ."<»c. Your 75 pieces of Linene: regularly sells £2.50 and *2.25 Tamative Summer Por¬ and sag. Ours ve satisfaction, and choice, while the v both ecru 98c. gl genuine 25c and 50c. for I.k- yard; good Imitation.*, of linen; tieres; .white and grounds $1.69 Fancy Suitings, we stand back of them. They have our unqual- last ISJ4c summer and in all the best shades of green, blue, with attractive cross stripes in the nch Stripe Suitings; the weight light ified Tomorrow $100 Pan- most colors; shades, with contrasting color stripes; the correct ma¬ indorsement, only. red and natural; a most pleasing greens, pinks, a ma, a yard 78c suitable low-priced ma¬ blues, reds, yellows and terial for making a cool suit or separate terial for slip covers. two tones; full width and skirt. Our former price. $1.W yard. Special yQ^ 44c. jard full length; neatly fring¬ sale price, per yard 69c All-wool Cream Panama, UNDERWEAR. 12&c. ed; pair $1.79 IS pieces of this fashionable Cream Panama go on sale .Winch Best Imported Belgian Linen; Others at f>8c. *1.26. $148. $1.08. $2.25 Black $1.25. tomorrow at the price quoted. You buy it at less than the most durable slip-cover material $1.50 Imported , wholesale cost. In visiting the New York mar¬ and $2.75. inches wide; a beautiful rich jet black, with a good, $1.75 Skirts, $1.48. embracing a a a Long 2ft different designs, kets our secured these from made; the ad¬ even m^sh; the and crisp sort that does not crush. recently buyer wide, narrow and pin stripes. | All sizes of Window Screens; wiry ha'rd-up manufacturer. These are regular 69c Skirts, ma de of excellent , I red and tan ef- justable kind; properly made; heights This is the quality that we have been sell- ^ i ^ g Women's Long quality green, blue, at si.."it. for comparison. retailers the world over. Yard em¬ fects. yard from 12 inches to 30 inches; widths ing Bring samples ^ ^ | # full umbrella flounce finished with deep lace insertion and i from 23 inches to 47 Inches; Our special sale price, per yard We are showing a large line of Art 3,500 Yds. Blue Serge, 39c. others with fine cluster tucks, -4 JO prices range up to 50c, and as A\ Ir. Navy Storm are to be broidery edging; ^ . Dimity. Taffeta and ; low as Several cases of these All-wool Serges and small floral effects, as well 5.000 Yds. All-wool Panama, 29c. sold at wholesale cost, but for one day full foundation and dust ruftle. Special § .T'O large to another lot of exactly ^ as neat striped designs; the desirable $1.50 Light Color Screen Door; fancy We were fortunate enough procure only; only one color- a good shade of navy blue. neat corner thesp All-wool Panamas. .'18 inches wide; a no shades anil combinations of _ grill center; Gray You may buy bolt or a dress; restrictions. 50c Corset Covers, 39c. .! 39c Short Skirts, 29c. green, pink, blue, red and /yr effect; upright brace, not a yard will remain after tomorrow's selling; At, yard so be 50c. Women's Corset Covers, made of . Women's Short Skirts, made of good yard . properly finished and prompt. WT>rth At, per yard yellow; varnished $1.29 nainsook and cambric. finished with or Shirt 45c Black Nun's Veiling, 38c. splendid quality quality cambric, 6-inch $4 75 Matting-covered Utility in an round full blouse, daintily trim¬ Box; neat bamboo legs, trlm- Fine Fancy Light Door; neat bracket 75c Cream Serge, 57c. Strictly All Pure Wool Nun's Veiling, ideal neck, ruffle n d fine tucks; Waist first black. is the material that every one buys for a med with rows of fine lace. ji mlnKS and decorations, dpep and in each corner; extra fine finish; four- 1,000 yards Cream Storm Serge, quality This oil lengths. 2l» to *U; regular 30c This !s a summer dress or a skirt, which beading and ribbon; sizes roomy; you'll find this an inch stiles; filled with £ f j£g\ new case of this scarce serge, just light separate ^ Q values. value. Special for tomorrow ^ finr* black I as dresses as you need to- makes cool and Our regular 45c to 44. Regular ftOe especially useful and at- wire; grill ^ (Jy opennd Hiiy many ^ J ^ up dressy. OOC tractive receptacle ^ I center, value morrow at, per yard quality. Special sale price, per yard Special .X"X^»X"X"XK"X**X**X~X* ??X-X**X**X~X*,X->*X~X**JmXmX*X*<,*X*<-I*H

officers committees will be announced at the next I. O. O. F. of th> District have I'omplet-d Revenue Cutter Service Order*. public, all of the Grand Lodge ative. stringed selection accompanying* th* desig¬ assisting, and * ill be held in its new hall, benediction. D. YV. Keck, grand chaplain; conclave. the official visitations to lodg»s Orders and instructions to officers in the he says: nated for the spring, and will r.»st until I cn Rhode Island avenue northeast east "Refuge" (Batnhousei. orchestra. MaH Of the last conclave I'nited States revenue cutter service have is ex¬ octet: Mr. The enthusiasm which marked the last October. Grand Master Easterling gives o? juth street This lodge doing Mr. Edwards. Mr. Metcalf. work the ten been issued from the office of the (Tt\MQNGthe cellent work in the way of increasing its Young. Mr. I. J- Smith. Mr. stated conclave was very gratifying to flattering reports of th"> by captain Rhine, Mr. 1 and has already received Hom^r Mr. Mr. Easter- the commander. On every hand there was lodges visited, all of which were fnun in! commandant of the service, in the Treas¬ membership Smith. Acmoody. j man worked The examinations . H. C Hazard. P G M.: east¬ tables good affairs. resfcnitions following to be held in I. Q. O. F. Hall, on 7th candidates. There was a large attend¬ of lifts awaited them. On account Iiiiv b en acc to tak» efT»ct May \V. grand things We had as our distinguished guests the pt d- ern. Mo. 7. John , Hollydav. street northwest, next Tuesday evening, ance Swett was ably as- lateness of the the the memb?rs of E?- 11**: A. I W. Bird, R. R. \V. Commander of the hour com¬ commander of the Grand Com- A large ntimb?r of J7. K. Blair, tr»a?:rer: Harmony. No. P. E. Clapp. the :»th instant. This is a service pro¬ sisted by the following sir knights. mander reluctantly abandoned the pro¬ grand R. ther Rebekah Lodge. No. I. O. O. F.. Mossersmith and Henry Coyle. No. in. T J. vided for the Sovereign Grand Lodge, Walter S. B. Al- manderv of the District of Columbia. ia>t Da detached gr.ird s~cretar\ ; Columbia. by Abraham, Benson gram prepared, but thanked the sir E. Sir William H. H. Cissel. who re¬ held a very pleasant surprise party Capt. of Engineers J. R. ly, No 11 the governing head of the order named, len, William H. H. Allen, jr.; Wil¬ for to the or¬ ev at tils r silenci of Mr. as of labor and ma¬ < es jrinnri marshal; I'nion, knights responding official mained the evening: S r Thursday from duty Inspector an.I is given yearly by all branches liam E. Cowen. Najeeb Daavid. LouIs der. throughout James \V. Dunn on M*t * >u:.'iwest. terial at ti:3 works of the Pus*y & Jones W E Suddsrth. P G.; Friendship. No. l Knight Nathaniel B. Fugitt, captain gen¬ thereof. P Leonard and Del , Cove- Darreil. Otto J. DeMoll. The keynote of the evening was har¬ eral of Washington Commandery, No. 1; The program inclt:d:d muiic games, ShtpbuildinK Company. Wilmington. 1Hav I. Smith, grand guardian; The program for next Tuesday evening Dorsett. W. A Harrison, jr.; closing at a late hour with refreshm nu». and on waiting ord»rs. with per¬ Bea- I,a , mony. the strength and support of all in¬ Sir Knight John S. Grohe. prelate of St. placed i ant. N« CI. O. A. Booth. P. G.; is as follows; Holmes. 1). K. Jackson, Thomas A. Po15" on hand were of mission io c' onu" his own residence. stitutions. and every evi¬ John's Commandery. No. 1. Wilming¬ . 1."., J K. Davidson, P. G ; Me- "Onward. Christian Soldiers" (Chal¬ bins. E. L. Rudd. N. A. Strait. W allace Thitd Lieut. J. T. Drake, detached from t.on. No H. W. dences of loyalty to Columbia Command¬ ton. Del. and E Sir James F. Allen, re¬ t-« r > > No 1«» R A. Ford, deputy mers*. Rebew Orchestra, Weber, Streater and F. Lawrence Walker- No. J of Commandery. No. The Rerimen's Social. iompo el of the; duty «