- S I — Township Okays Surgeons Repair GirVs HeartBoos, Protest Signs Greet MtDDLETOWN (AP) — A It- Ivy House Nursing yaaMM gin ma it^ummowa Khrushchev in Pittsburgh uadtrwat a hotrt openttkm weak age yatorday that win Home Variance give her ta addhwaal 41 yean* Visits Plant MIDGUtQfWN -TheTowa- Sht't Dime Caiwaaa, daagb-1 tar of Mr. aad Mn. Mkheel Ca- In Steel Town ed a vajaacotor at Ivy Hoatt to^ Tbo optfatioa* ptifofOMa Is llti Man* Ifam, tt» »*., » MtcheeTt Hetpttal, Newark, by 'our Today la Dr. Ambon D. Cracca at Roae- (AT) - MM villa Am,kmaik, WM at flnt] la wafag •» Ifc Tbe van wea of M Mad to NtMriu riamhm matt owatrt y t«f»» MqwnaikP mmaan wn are abeamtorn at mil country with a Tfca tai*yljadtan .. CtB a . eaiyr PrJ&aaa pormrmod the Tbe Communltt chM, then tooth. WUhwl tht wptiallun, ed In Saa Fraadtoo aad tattd a MUM ai|bt ban Uvtd H • the corn country, dumped law tttptlated that aa ytan-at moat. Now the eta bow tad aatMthwabchtv e*M ba mate to pact a normal Mia apta, Dr, ~ hit arrival m tht* mmwlrljj ea aad hit brothtr. Dr. dty latt night bat awio weia at at mat tad of the boUemf V. Crteea af Ortaat, i cheer*, too, aad la the and fbaj i aato; art that Atari* Wttiaa J. Comatta, rot tht IN WDeoa Ava.. Now MoamoumJ Today he wm vWt aa t*ftB> fimiiiiii MJ pgblio rtJattoa trial plant, tour potato of mttftai Tka addtttoa will provide ate dlnctor tt at Mkbaai'a, Hit madtydowedbyaitoiliMbi MW haadnat U nan Ma. mfcht old that Utaa, happy tad and peek tt a cWe-hmaii M has la ON fttrd atfaatte ta aaSteel Prexy wtO. Amid ba dmchtigtd fMm the UnrmnlQr of Pltttbwgh. tht hotpRal ta It dtyt tt two .t-.Kv.rn. (KST) Ma Mf MN Stabbing it U achodultd to leave a* Waul Uajaae llcoam. Leonardo, DitM'i troobta waa that thnt IWuhlogton aad eerkmt bnttoaaC to Aha Admr, IB? Rt U, « aonaany «th» pahnoaary momentOM toJki with PrttoJail Under Probe Eltenbowtr oa what caa ba aaw That preveawd blood from flow- [to cue Eait-Wett tmriaa. WiSam C mi Lortita M. HYANNtt, Maa. (APV-WaJhw NIW UH- Diana Car^amit*. lag back into tht heart after tt Middlatown, tmilu happily yetterday at Mlu Mary had been pumptii out. btcautt fled at awanlag body that aty ft*«l Corp.. If la Ctpt Cod bot- of a narrowing of the valve, tate tomorrow the Raaba pHal with a kattt wood la thtMucha, nurte at St. Mfeheel'i Hatpltal, Newark, talli will appeal the coamltta'i re- wmcb wet weakening and anlurg- MANICHIIMIN —Seviet Premier and Mn. Premier tad the American Pra> ~ " at Ihalr Honor Hctaaa har the'll be ejomg home in about 10 day*. Youngster tog the bait ideat win go to Camp DavM, k Be waa takefcaan ta underwent rare heart operation which wM five her add)* Tat type ot aUmaat. Dr. Crtc Khrathehav ajreat Elliabath, left, and Sam Gartt, grand, Mchidtd tpot to at " " aariaai — ^^U ^*b^^^^ 4|ati^B ^MUBBadkai^^hA aa> ehildrtn of Rotwoll ©ar^t, upon arrival at Coon Rtpldi, tlaaal 40 yean' life Oipoitiaey. Ca Maj fOOff* HW WjUSptOBm m Tba cooplt aotabt to km at lawa, farm. Yoanejttort are children of 6ant't wm, The ctralval. (ba faa, aath)(aetarh> ta anatry aad traat- yaaagpaopJt, Damage from the duh from coait to eoatt wffl bt David end Steve. (AP vVlrephorel over. Ava. to a vacaat atora a < -•* ddV« howtvtr, untn data ocean Mni|ligCtamr.Rtm. Tbe the att ot X. Then tha two men - baa al JV a^aaT«a4# *JMba BBaMtaaan1 fcfc Montgomery Ward whom hive freqmntly aid att Oeargt C abort me, ritgariB, f Feaadto til they want It pace — will try •or the parcbai at two road etadWaatei Mn. Cuotaauto ttid bar Evicted Democratsto find mat way out ef a attaa> atacaot at ttun. Tbe DMrfct Attoraay Dia- daughter had not baa a (ion thtt bath have laid enM ) la ariridd M Ma aldtlda haph t ta qatattoB Store for Center health, but tba defect wu noted lad to diutter. th MM 4a « Mi two aM phMtt at eauip- EAT0NTOWN — A fuU-lhe de- m a rouUaa medical checkup by Khrushchev looked tired bat family phyiidaa. Dr. Ooorgt File Suit in Court Diatorateaadta putmtnt More will be ottabUihed night ai ht flew la froa a roi- *53i mm ha received Oet y Montgomery Ward la rat Mon- ~ of Red Bank. FREEHOLD-An Atlaatie Hla> UeUng day la the corn couatr*. a» tka MMiattaa ef thn it di ttort owner yaterday wu Committee th Shopping Ctnttr m Tht optratkM took four boon. |T1ialrV What bt aw probably dkal 0hn IBBV VWvVMiW 'JOB 1BBBJ lajMr oteOaa M wat MUetad 'v>«f aad tht atrvlcta of AI-UBBLJ ordered to abnw CIUM why Al- coatnetioa oa Ht IS, Keith A.Six IWllHlttf1j pep him up any. with a kitchiB kalft. Itatie Hithlaadi Dtawcrata cu Silent On Brooht, Ward'!EattaTartgtaMl tOOBI Of tWO aa)MLVMQMfJKIt /tn "§ TMt dty ha many who are three tana, atdktltocbaoto- fjeaniJiJg •ot coQtlmo to occupy ahi ttan of Huanrita, Peilih or Slovak -Vfl >T gjett and five awgeoae. * " •> orlaja. Eva Mm Khraaehov Police Exec Tna wtt IBB procemire. BurUagtanCouatyiodgo Ut town, dtmoaitraton ware After bttog aaaathaUad, tbt b Pushed Drenk, attmg htfeTm waving etna that carried tack glri wai pmcad to a cary Divtokm, DWa taM ha anlaMd aa iavte- * ar i ordor, tob t "Killer aaaaaml waaaaaat wmf at atmaaal |^tel^V*^" t# ajwwwtawwwt of iwwwwwEwyOJ^yjf^ ^^ of Aatricaa PUoto" aad "Ra- «d claaadwara takta byat rtak ft, Bajfriad at U J4 irtilm •MUk tal bnobi lii *t atltjlal by^FraadtX. NUdte Th* dttn- BWWJOW BBWWBY aVP aBBB^BJBMK^baVJi ^^dj ft^^ ^^* ^^gm^^M^^*^ ^^ ,BBdwwAdeMcttytoarou|h Crahiy of Ait^^Pyk attotaay |dM) W lOT •• SjaBYfltfafafJOV 9k ttUCeavtoa, tatting oft at aorta togaa i wlU bt the ftHwitr wtrdtlChraa> a. a. (Bin> ytaaday. A BMS> man, who ad arv artarv. done by ocratic Encutive Commktot. alahtbt aat mtor, Dr. Robort B. muaed that "It wai chev hat aad aa ofteo m ha claimed that Mr. Siegfried hare. Two of Casttam paced a that heavy aat baa prevatod me rented property hi OWM at IM Bfooa. nom noaoreiag ram Flnt Ave., AUaatte Highland*, to Fin Lt WaadtB Dear and Ore- water — cauarng It tocoatinuaU y Am It a flghter ABert Lertog. whs re- Democrato Stpt 11 by aa oral overflow. leaM at tl per day. with the un- oapattl) apoadtdtotha * • Cam- Chief critic ot tha eoaduioa w. »•- ••»•»•"!• •• ythtatyaar fc—dd hhBMoid MM OB a Twp. Attorney dentandiag that if be bad aa op- ChM Mayer art at •» row af It- hu btta Myron Kotlcky, Rt. »,portunity to nat to a perm team 2**J**»»••*• •jcai* la a flnt«ar dta with York. a teeel farmer and nurMryman Grade Lingers •ravtaoM waakwook;i tad tht watk Mnun. Mtafor1^.*.*d aa•.d• Driv. HtraoRM«dI •>at.- tennaat the Damocrntt would va- af Oct 11 to IT. daajHjpwoak. lnt,bat Tha Waidi* tare win bt • aae- To Defend Cops He hu pieced tht blame for cate. s ttory aulkaag wlm a tht tilt tad tbt heavy water mn- On Friday, Sept. U, Mr. Crab- Around Bahanuu Bath Drt, VCtaaer tad Maratd AccardagtoMr. kg at awwm to rogardi to at and wUI have approximately lit,- ofl oa centtructioa work gouig on uid. Mr. Siegfried called MIAMI. Fla., (AP) - Oracle taM tbqr have btta U, BwtTninglodg yy wffl att la am In Middletown at tht Monmouth Shopping Cen- MM me hurricane dawdtad along and Frw. Hanta Morala ttt ttop. jj^ ^fartaea ahortly to dUcntt tht tH aquart feet of floor apace, m- lemocratlc official! and varltaca ter a 2 Onyt MTDDLETOWN - LawrtacaA ter, Rt. M. ht ioa. turned toy today aa If arlaytaf pita. •r., towaamp attorney, The brook nmi through Mr. not poUticai"rrad aikedfc* the camera* that wUI a> Mirltta ttatv la tht (hop- Pint word that Maaterd had Iht tucuUv* pott propoal Mia area tad a detached eight- car autoMfvice ttoltoo. wai authoriud by tht Towathlp Kotkky'i farm property. Dtmocrau to vacate: aad tempt a bMoric pieton. btw itsntd CUM slat horn af* aai ciawa from Hit Rtady Ta Oa Parkiag ftdlttiea at the thop-Coaumtta Hat night to defend that aa Moaday. lept 21. bt rt- Two roekoti, tcbaamd tob a ttr ba waa adwltttd la tht boa- Patntaaa't two menben al the poUee ant Mayor F. BUM Price tald latt „„».,, the Democratic abot fna Ctpt Canaveral ata ^aaiwall aa a> afBcen la tht Wcan. who havt beta chanjed with nl|ht the cooaty la reedy to Mart sltM tad replaced thorn wtth a today wan thai wttb camtraa Price Hubs arreet BO MMft WOftt* "for nat" itgn. Chief Hover aid that ba would Tba atora to icbtdalad to i Tao BMO ova FotfOaaMa Itovv* Bat at problem It, ha aid. ONitttaacat- la. at tall ot IMI tad win em-ard OaUa aad Robert Otoa. atnag at permlMtoa ot prop- Seott Heack Slate overaotd. tf jhtitattwarbtaad Outbursts ploy ippMimialy Earlier aw month, CUttoa E. erty OWMH abuttta|| tht brook to The latatt COBOM HaR, Jr., Oak at, Mdatwood, h dbri ld thi inetal Dirtcton f the NtoOka rackato an teat ttoredttlga will ba hove ae dobria placed oa their At Meetings fttod Mitt to*»triw Cowt chart-land. There an about 31, ht ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - Ibe perattd toto at atom. MW pnftdGBt of no ittlo F agbt to catch OracW to pla- •AIOMTOWN-A atom Mayor M aftp ataVWaifl Stock Market net Aag. II, MM. Mr. Price taM a committee al Director! AMOCUUM int covering a drta Ml ta W* mmtS arffOO aCVM Mat BUPM "We havt aat aWaaBamt VaVaall ATartmamfaaTl fwamml **t aaml la a Mar a da I after couadl'i lott Lawraco Scott ot to BUato W' B^^^t^v^BBBja) •^BBUBBBJQ aB^aajaBBBBjuBMI ajaj^aBWI a* aBaa Stages Rally Mr. Canea pototod out att at aotUag » utiit ta getting tbt MatotoHaa require thme towaabtotowahlp atat - -pneert propertyy oowatn togethtr andob- •Milan. I"»F! ot U.S. ,MK> NBW YORK (AP)-The Stock play fltturaflttu 10 toraty to riirmat the BMB. Ht aWa| pmuaioa. ceddtu C. Calvla Reaa of Vlat- "Fna aaw aa ear mttthy|Sten^Corp, at Ifc w °" * " aarbtt aada Batoitawa atora to atuacuva aotad. howtvtr. that tha Tba'gnap coaHata of Mr. Ko- y alaw a aoa," at iTm^, fttm tieky aad Jaaa FraaaoUa aa Othen elected: MvamUM at about ' DHwtU at th ' Brar RlewerU af BeratafMd. Tka mn wtt ba ot atom and fifot vtca pMoMoatf OOooff t E. •sv IWttaar WttbMwfr Mr. Had bu aha cbargad aat "Btton wt . . • Dtney ot Caktwtll, atcaad \Tkt Oracto'i imaU tortor af aft^aam ata brick, aid he WM held a Mil mr ats < aat acurt at aarmlafcrn ot the preiMint. and atanlty rtvaUl atAay . . . involved." tht of Tnatoa, third vwt. mayor awl Ri elected ware lilvto 1. PaiUi Tao MaVncoao woo Mr. Kodcky again tcored at of Ilihibin, aacroiary: John T. Ua teat of ag bedy torn ntofat tor Bant at Jtray City, * - - - a^wMdtiawnalaflrvmi- at • ATLANIK HWHLAHDI - "at la.aj.0wT). MaaJetrato lrvtog Mchntr laat ab^ fmaRabertLOrovtr.il, ATLAMnC MOHUMDI-Mre at U Ctatnl Ava., Hlghlaada, Fraakbaak. of tht PI- Tbt chant at Dm aaattof al tht It Latest News • i "• HJ* TbjiB am I mm aaka ar at ytar aad prolaetanKabJiaadJaamB V* I AP) - bra Taft laaeoa, (/•<• bt< I att bar what to wat Abbalt Mont tad Camfaay. •—alaafK affTA." y 9f fnvtv aait ftvay fa? a fw#»«%y • 1 vhM. A at verbal MM Mfr WASMNNiTON CAPI-A bw«f B) Mb) M» "Hal kat oVaotel elym. at> a

CWM^faai. aaf A HBSI aTamaaaatal aaaTaaTaaaal 1 It'a rat- - .„ • Vw*w tT™^aTa»»Taw wrr™*™aweW^PSJ to aar f

'%tfWlfftf f aaarP ABaaaT amt aa wa are paa a aaw tt."OMTbaa^.,- HM aayeiH3m\ "Wa wll aat I b>M taatwaataa CBtwaBBf.lt MMMMIHHI V Ml oa aai ttaaMHMi ffffiM a 11 UNITIO NATIONS, N. Y. (API —kraal It atl db- x • "WMI mmr M waad IwIdaafS IwTBjaIas1a\aaml

"I bavo awar Mai ta VWaSpwW aVaaflrvH ••* n f J ***• VwvvfJv VVffaBBfwaj TfJBf wkoa wt aat baa aaw baaii taato^aaaai aj aaaaaj BHBpaBBBBBBj BraBJ tM aarar taM. "Aad I have kafora tha UN Autmbfy, a ipokeemtn tald. at WMBI ait." w) at«t WOBBttday. Jemtt'a DKrUe, Cmrh Dr., Wttt Ktana. •AMASCUS, lyra (API— Ito •aiyAt barn, hat ckerged OTBTkMlbWWWH Mlchaol j, MafCawi I. — Stanley Malatath and hit baiplpari tawduattd tquart and folk dtneet lait nl«ht an MUH aad battery. Mr. Me-•fetd St., Rod lank, at part of tha borawah't Live Mutle Wetk ttltbretlon, Shown art a froup el Hart Webbtr'i Ktwat hat chtratd Mr. DtWlM Hutre dtnat alub, tba Share Stappart. Pate •tlttra'i band will larnlth mutle far a danta tonifht In Marine Park, H,J,i ••iliim aa wim ua or macoM ivrtjay mm www wm btfInnlnf at • o'aleek. A aanaort wai tondwttd Tuatdiy nlfht In Marina Park by Jahn l«ckt«bltl. Tha pro-aaftaaatW tamjl laaBTaidaal It H ttw bmra Hat BBoaTVM aaPoJ aTPaWaajf- hu boa put aft. fram wai ipantarad by tha Mvila ParforawnM Fund, Rod lank Community Chemaar af Cammarct, end borough. n>iAmcncBtii Mfo JL Ruminate Among the Corn

BySAULPETT COON RAPIDS. Iowa (AP) - Ike Ready Otog Troyanovsky It back ta ac- ts Nikita KhrushchtVt No. one translator, thus spiking ru- For Parley mors he was getting his own tel- evision show. With Premier KotweU (Call Me Bob) Gant, WASHINGTON (AP) - Pratt the Noel Coward of Coon Rapids dent Elsenhower baglat final prep. and Khrushchev's host, exuded arationt today tor hU wek-end a loud, hearty friendliness once talks with Soviet Premier Nikita be got the Russian leader to Us S. Khrushchev. own bouse. He It reported hopeful, but by no meant cartoto mat tame wayi Gant hovered over Khrushchev can be found to improve I). 1 T "Ct SCOUT DMW—AM sat to participate In the ftO.ttO IMMWI asm. everywhere, like Perle Meats Soviet jeiatioH aad palfK of Monmouth Council of ley Scouts for ItaO. Scoutlng't ©olden Annlvanary with the priie social catch of the lerioui ttgotliUcat aa year. Several times, is he intro- af Service, it this team of loadan from tho Middletown Area of the Croat Norfaara M. Patterson Walter A. Da**, Ir. Joseph J.-Pey ment He hat cotatod oh duced his guest to his seighbon, Dittrlet. Loft to right are Joseph Attollno, vice chairman; Michael larntela, aktrr. •RAPUATION DAY — Three Red lank area pafrolrnM ara among the polieomon Gant said of the master of the of the couatry to iacreatt that Kremlin,,"at last, I've got him man; Dale I. Otto, county fund chairman, and Robert Lyen, finance chairmen for the who will graduate tomorrow from tho 4Wh municipal polieo clau of tho. Naw Jar* when I watt him." y district. A kickeff breakfast for workers will bo held in Middletown Hlfh Sthaal lay Polieo Actdamy, Saa Girt. Loft to right ara Veritaa M. Patterson, 58 Oakland Khrushchev retunw to Wash- If only Eisenhower could as; tagtoa late today after a St., Rtd lank; Walter A. Davit, Jr., 3 Mapla Ave., Leonardo, and John J. Foy, III the same. viatt to Ptaaburgh. Ui Brighton Avo., Long Iraneh, a patrolman In Shrewsbury Townihip. Among other boa mots, Garsf day tour arotnd tho MIS, CHARLES F. HAU of Fair Ifavon, and N ffiadchll- throw his am anead the prime Gladys dren. • __ • minister of Russia aad said, LONG BRANCH-Mn but S. Hall, Ni of » RookweU Ave.. A roaiiem masa WIB aa otTtrod •Now if two old fanatn like at found amoagtttmjw realry could get together we'd settle Taesdey ta bar home. at t a. m. In PfaekMs 4, Possibly 6 Deaths, _ East-Wat?t prar -I OBITUARIES Church, Mon- She waa bora ta problems muck faster than the any htot of oaf diplomats. Diplomats otmpUeato aad bad lived hen a yean. She Beach. Burial is under the to Soviet tontat policy. PBXT tt lS$ Se dbacttoa of me WeoUey Patera! Laid to Encephalitis . . oh, excuse me." WARBIN was the daughter of the tots Etoawowar arraagtd to meat MATAWAN-Warrea Vaa Pelt. Parker aad Jennie Weteott aad Gant had Just noticed UN Am- with Stcntoty of Stoto ChrittUa TRENTON (AP ) - Encephe- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marker. baattetor Henry Cabot Lodge H of M Fterro Ave, died yes- the wife of Charles F. Hall. m w 17 Walada Ave., Port Moamouth, A, Harter tad ether Stoto Do- She vu a member of the Simp- Ifco-the deadly virus infection Then an tevea children tow Soviet Ambassador Mikhail Men- parlmaat aad Whtta Houaa ofB- torday ta Mvervlew Hospital. son, yesterday. ihikov directly behind Karwh- dale for a detailed survey of Is- Bom hi Morgaavllle, he bad eon Methodist Church and its tpown as sloepisg aicfcntee • confined to Atlantic City Hospi- lived ben II yean. Ha was the Women's Society for Christian .ham tentatively labeled u tht tal, all of them suffering from a Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bloodgaod, preeltmt have already agreed to son of the late Louise Headrick- ~Service. epus* of (our deaths la touthera of the central nervous Dr., Mlddletowa, But earlier In the day Oant aoa tad Warm H. Vaa Pott. Surviving besides her husband ftew Jersey. The hospital has not said son. yesterday. was tht msddaet farmer Ho waa aa Army veterts of an a ton, Floyd C. Hall of Oak- range from World War II end a member of land. Calif.: a daughter. Mn. In addltkn, dscton My they mat encephalitis la definitely in- Mr. aad Mrs. William PurcatL around these parts since Bin ia lanpe to the amiD 24 Taylor Ave, fast Ki the local Mimalt Ledge Anne Herrieia, at home; a broth- ampect the disease la two other volved, but checks for the db- first n emojuntryofLtotiaSai son, this morning. price supports. Survivon are his wife. Mn. er, Cart Weteott, aad a sitter. aad 12 Illnesses. ease an being made. Asia. They tactude Alice SbtMoa Vaa Pott: three Mrs. Boyd N. Lore, both of At- Mr. aad Mrs. Vincent Moras, Gint Mew his stack when re- to end aadaar But health officials aren't sun. Dr. Roacoe P. Handle, state 111 Essex Ave, Wast Kaaaaburg, portert and . bfoman, Myron Van Pott of lanUc City; the state Health Department says daughter, this morning. pant tottms, the tatora of Ger- The funeral will be tomoiiow health commissioner, met with his swarmed through his fields of many. SovietAmerkaa trade, BtoomfieM; URoy Vaa Pelt of ton more days of laboratory tests aides for over ta hour yester- corn una tergnum. tie yeueo. this place, aad Pony Vaa Pelt at 1 p, m. in the Greenwich Bap- will be required befon the virus and travel exchangee between me of New York. tist Church, Greenwich, with Rev. day to map out procedures for protested, timed several kicks, United Stales and Russia. can be identified with certainty, handling the situation. Khrushchav threw silage and once threatened The funeral will be held Sat- P. C. Ntce of the Simpson Metb- EatMn> (continued from page 1) Eisenhower and ' *Viaa encephalitis is «/|6MprMa' caste of them with a con stalk. arday at 1 p. m. In the Belle odist Church offidaUng. Burial me strain suspected. »* »W fo New Jersey have been ran Oarst was never as effective the subjects briefly aad Funeral Home here, with Rev, will be ta the Greenwich Baptist ta Security officials, always Jittery generally K dayi ago, a few are similar to potto in fecent years. wherever Khrushchev goes, be- u 0Q6 of hii Iran iMiwf^ BCOQM Lawrence R. Bailey of the Bap- Church Cemetery under direction gtotoagttle—upeet stomach,' which picked up a halt ton of noun after the Soviet Premier ttst Chunh officiating. Burial will of the Damlano Funeral Home. This year, five of 14 suspected came downright jumpy. Plans arrived ia this country. _ •the, high fever, then to have Khrushchev ride In an chopped com leaves tad ttaOtt be to Old Teaaent Cemetery. esses m bones have been veri- and dumped them accidentally on then the topics have beta put to BUSS IDA M. WAUJNG order by Hotter and Soviet 'Apparent* mosmmata an ablt *£J*»*- «•* Monmouth, At- the route he was to follow was mo oppressed worken of Ameri- MRS. EVERETT V KEYPORT - Mitt Ida Mae H7 to carry encephaliti- s to bones *~ * Burlington, Gloucester tad can Journalism. Foniga minister Aadnt A. Gro- changed. myho to arapanttoa for two days KEANSBURO - Mm. Harriet WaUiag. 71. of the Maple Rest aad humans. The disease Police lined the 17 miles in tfBtonla, K. of IT Watervtew PI., Homer Long Branch, formerly of be transmitted between hones Dr. Kandle taid that pethapt a of Eltanhower-Khrusbcbev talks from the airport And they stood In uproar BQ day, Gent's farm starting late tomorrow at Camp died Tuesday ta her home after this place, died yesterday ta end humans, either directly or by quick usoeouite-killlag fn Monmouth Medical Center. hatt the donate. with their backs to the road, looked like a Cedl B. DeMuTe David. Md. a abort lUncn. mosquitoes, say mt MM Health their eyes peeled for potential movie net. Soldien with carbines Bora ta Newark, tht had lived She was tht daughter of the Department. trouble on any of the hills. Informed admuittntton offi- its Alexina and William W. tt me reedv guarded the hill- cials said it wet impossible to here tine yean. She wat the Epidemic? Weddinga, Birthday Khrushchev was taken up the tops, uarnytrns, entrances, Mn. wife of Everett O'Blenls. Walling, and was a member of Does New Jersey have the mak- say now whether or not Eisen- die Baptist Church and the Sons For Friendly Nightert narrow, winding road to the top Caret's garden and eves lurked hower and Khrushchev would Surviving besides her husband ings of aa epidemic on its hands? of Mt Washington for a sweep- In the rows of corn. to s daughter. Mrs. Stephen and Deughten of Liberty. Key- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — find any new approach for tack- port CoundL "We have an epidemic when ing view of Pittsburgh. From Pbotognphen, reporten and Uag specific issues. UlanaU of Newark. Th. latonutua Mr Bhtt.n, r»m there Is an umituil Incidence of a Wedding aantvenariee and n there be cuuM asa the akyecran- TV men with mountains of equip- The funeral will be held Sttur- Surviving Is a sister, Mn. or Bid. CoMrmct. Oranl CttdSm disease," a state health spokes- birthday waa celebrated at the era-many of them especially lit moat swarmed e»eijmlteie. seer Way Mutt Be Pound dsy at M a. m. la the Ryan George Unrig of Hatiet Ui» cutilrM' man replied yesterday. "Since this first fall meeting of the Friondry for the occaeJoa of dowa- ma me sparrows out of the " Tito one thing on which me two Funeral Home with Rev. John P. ~ is an unusual Inrlilenfi it could htesr Club at tbeoh e ofm Pittsburgh, nut trees, giving the livestock mtatetmodtoagnemostflnaJy Euler of the Bayahoto Communi- morrow at 1 p. m. tn the Bsdle be called aa epidemic. The trouble Nighten Chib at the home tho shakes aad thoroughly dis- it that war la the nuclear age ty Omrch officiating. Burial wtO Mn. Frank Blahoff. Hooper Ave Funeral Home, with Rev. Maw is. we don't now what tt la aa A crowd of MN or more was maying the Ured hands who ba to for all be ta Graaa Grove Cemetery. ice W. Pmlhga of the Baptist epidemic of." Mrs. Raymond Richanboa. around the Cartton would hive to dean up. countries that Eeyport . Church effkiatlna. Burial wM h At any rate, officials at four Mrs. Russell Wyckotf. Mn. Wal- awaiting Khrushchev, One hired hand wandered to avoid it ia spilt af me to Green Grove Cemetery. hospitals an tun enough of their ter VonOMen and Mn. Alex even though he didn't arrive un- around oa horseback tlmlsosb. SAUL R. BHAPOtO Sauicti received gifts for wed- diagnoses to make mem public. til U:n a. m. Maybe all thoee csraens mate LAKEWOOO-Saul R. Shore Memorial Hasprtal etl dmg anniversaries, aad Mn. Tel htm think they wan Gerald Duggaa received a birth- as. atartoatl ATLANTIC nOHLANDS-Mn r«-t en Point said yesterday that «*• Mr. K. Mood tor a for t Westers. of Florence D. Ross. 71 of S Hill- year old Harry A. Maattn of day gift Also present wen Mrs The damage to Cent's croat bar Co. ant a former John Powell, Mn. John Malley, facing the crowd. He waved bit aourot of than conflicts la the ex- oa the side Rd., died yosterasy In Mon- Tuckerton died of hat. and than went into the hotel must have been eontidenblo. daAAhtmm. ^hsf M^^^^^ *~ A way to Pittas HetrritaT Tuesday ••

-aj-W-,-,^^^ ksmkaaV •aHMllPkaJ9JV amj sanaajfv but this was snfiwst la 1^ aaraary.

mUHOlD- Mrs, L^a^_^_—_4k_£ tjpnj . ^Lmat' *ll^mmmmmM mm — a* MatVa Paal Dr. Cnm MM at teitwad mt amati bjrara»aadgm«|«abjrara»aadgm« m dkf a»« StotSantotoo a asa lam k Mid Mghto

bar at St Mary*! Mssat. Now when aw h m mt Mm aradt, mM MgM at C amW nWmmmmrt* mmmnmamml mnmml Im HB S^pv S^S/^PomajsT| l^aVvlla^rli aveiSWi srl ITS MmV rfwkammmmt. irtn graai Burial was tkla meratog to the termer Mies Cemetery, PraenaM. KAWNmtl~Hefe are the laideri el the tommltteo of the Junior Catholic Ida Mout, It the daughter af Mr Oauahton af Amerlae, Court of St, Jemei, at they met ytttirdty afternoon to plan and Mn. Miches. Mout. Port Monmouth the had Ihii la say final ejttilh far a aerd party te ba held In Keatinaten Lawncje, Lonf Iranih, at I p. m. The fint aMI taaad babat pur- Tuesday. Left ta rkjkt, tested, they ere Mrs. Clayton J. Held, chairman; MM. Ol- "Diana doesnl yet retllts thai chased a new nay I. Hembree and Mrs. John J. faII, co-chclrmtn. and Mrs. Jets Jordan, standing, what thnee wonderful doctori The etecuuve board af the refreshment chelrmsn. give her wat a whole tew chunk l^ontrdn tchsnl will meet Mon- of lite. But the wm." day la the school. Repldi, la. UN Ambauador Henry Cabot Ladfa It »* lift. IA> Wlrtphatel i w . er 6Jim Crow1 Locals •• • SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Or- laa daddad to a toft, persuasive ap- On proach to curbing radal dtocrim!- natioa withia uakatt instead of adoptiag a hard, mandatory baa. iond Issue That to how a torrid debate wound up last night at concluding 'ommittee sessions of tht AFL-CIO conven- tion ia a showdown over union Rlgaud B. Paint, Red racial discrimination practices. of the New Jeraty State The dispute pitted George Hotel Association, bat accepted Meaay, AFL-CIO pretident, membenhlp on the "CommHtte against A. Philip Randolph. Ne- gro sleeping ear porter*! union 101" supporting the Cottage drief and an AFL-CIO vice presi- Bondlnue. Randolph demanded ellmmi- tien of racially etgrtgttad union Maany aald ha diferlmiaatioa at much as eay- oaa, but oppoead punitive acttoa against locali that hive demo- cratically cbotan to remaia teg- regated for decadet, no* atacc PLAN CAMPAIDN — LltHe Silver's Ropublicen candidates met last night to begin the end of the Civil War. planning their campaign far the November election. Councilman Chariot E. robot*, Finally, with Moony second from left, it running lor mayor, while Councilmtn Charlea W. Stephens, left, •Von tM FMtlWBe MM and Raymond E. Garriion, Jr., right, are council candidate*. With them it Robert irOttV ft flOOt? BBCf0pMB9| Frederlckton, president of the Little Silver Republican Club. •That11 your policy. Well If a not my policy, rm tor the cratic rightt of Negio Ane$thetin to matotam a union if they want Woman Patient Dim )_Dr. AMn Meltor, Reel lank, preildaat of the Monmouth A), to. BRADFORD, Pa. (AP) - A 'Who the hell appointed you pha Omega Dental Alumni Chapter, left, waleomet Or. J. Franklin Miller, New York at the guardian of til the Negro City, ai Or. David Latorman. Lang Irmch. pro-am chairman, right, looks en. The members In America?" occasion wat • dinner in Crystal Ireok Inn, Eatontown. last night. Randolph protested: "Just a minute, brother president I think you-" Wing Dedication Set Meany: "You talk about toler- BJgaadB. CynthiaLotvryHails Oct. 3 at Riterview jce" The Invitation wat tendered by Dedkadsa of tta ntw wtag at Randolph: "Just a minute, Leonard E. Beet. SpriagfieM men- Rlrsrvtow Heepital a* be Sat- . ufacturer aad state chairman of urday. Oet S, at < p. m. h tte Meaar- "I've °» Z°» the Cltixeni Committee for Col- plededlalla * let think thto union should destroy let* Opportunities. The only damage • eanb> KernProgramon TV locals that have lasted to many M, told tte Mr. Paine it general manner meat, Caw eahL waa to Brti By CYNTHIA LOWRY World Striee apodal for yean despite the fact that the of the Mouy Pitcher Hotel, Red at members want to maintain them? NEW YORK (AP) Autume NBC aeit Tuesday Bight, ii a Bank. Ha Not only is hit You call it democracy? Well it'a The committee ia leading the bowed la officially yeaterday, bat Alfred N. aot my type of democracy." aaark treat aae of tht tteawUbttte campaign for approval of the Ittte Randolph: "I would eay this. bond Item at the polls Nov. J. Mr. president, and we don't have The "Committee of IW to of shows, old or new. hasn't gtvea enilitat, said ttvhatttat have to become emotional about it Ceraaar Rebart W. Ivor af us much to cheer about oompOsMd of tauten Iran many will turn up, as plumed, oa the dondon't believbe e members o* a union wtIta „, Ntw Jtmv Mt. The roll call to date tacktdea have the right to maintain a Jim M atom from list year that re- eve of tht series. What with the Ht paasled eat that the ta*ita> have the right to maintain a Jim "I am a complete accord whh National Leagoe race Crow local." the idea jof teumg bonce for turned with "teem premieres,' Meany: "Well. I beUeva that and IT nitNomen to the home • «**• push the World Se- aa ahlaakat mvtta- buOdtaga to extend our state ed- riot startinttt g ddatt a bacbk a few the to aB to the far a And smart tht word? Moat of *»>» union that want to etty the way they are, have a right to stay catioaal mtUtutions en the upper tht new entries have bent pallid that wty." carbon copies of thmga that were la being cast a* a heavy, of all there are M beds la tht aew level be extended to meet the , ia a forthcoming Install- Randolph: "Well, what about growing requirements," Mr. popular last year. The Westerns, a group of members in a union for eiampta, am aa moch She of 'The Rifleman eKyttlMboau. >aine stated. Car Strikes ASM PtBotAL IMP IN JUVHiiU PtOaJtAM —New George Oobel's regular aides will that want to have a Communist Funds from the ISMN.OM bond identical twine that thto reviewer dominated union?" York aty Mayor Robert Wagner calls on Senate tub- cant tell eat cowpoke or one include Ids old coUeaguo John Issue would enlarge New Jersey's atory line from another. All the Scott Trotter as musical director, Meany: "They can't have public colleges to insure college Jaywalker oanunittoa in New York to consider tighter controls on detecttveedvtnrare ehowt teem and Harry Von 7M\, lit* nf Parish House and briont; to this federation." spice for the many more chil- EATONTOWN - Edwaid narcotics and weepont at means af helping the fight Bunt aad Allea show, where be Rudolph: "Well they ought m dren expected to apply withia the chdL 4. of I Taylor Ave.. Nep- to follow a gory path of sadistic agalatt juvenile dalinajuoncy. Teitlfying at start of hear- doubted aa atraight man aad to have it as a Jim Crow local iMxt few yttn. tana, wat ttrack by a car yet- either." Ia fact, the ntw season bat cnmmowlahf apitltr. Oobdt Dedication Set Public colleges that would be tarday :wMto lag an joveaHo deliae]uoncy, Wagner said more funds are been to dreary that a amoc win • Jack Dadicatien of the new pariah Meany: "Theft where you enlarged include Glastbora, Jar- to crosa Mat* St. PoUoa nooa^ to oa«iibatta« problem in Ntw York City. IAP unpretentfoua hatt-hoar dramatic Beany Sunday nights at M p. a., hotet of Holy Trinity Evaagebcal I part PhU. I toy City. Mootcltir, Newark, Pat- show starring June ADytoa seems ttarttag Oet U... aa might be Latteraa Church at IS River Rd. anon and Traaton Statt Cottages ttadrtver of the like e tour-de-forco, aad a pleat- Edd Byrnes wU share will be bald Sunday at».» a. ra. rlghta. They hava ne right (which train tor New car at tothtakfor Newark oaMalaSt Muawati Rudolph atoo taat aa of EagbMeriag,'aad Rutgers, Tht Mr. MltcheO waa Beck Receives Mr. and Mrs, Ijreaai And there*! i DeerfleM, Phv, hive returned to taJbi New Brunswick aad Camdea. —of the same to come. MMI two-year-old their home after being the guests .. ».».*_Paten. «.-..•t ' Mia-^Anaa M. O'Neill aad Mn. While the American broadcast- Rtrommended Tonight LadOt Chief Zadorocay aald Mr. Mt- BalUeet Amai show. CBS, f-M not visions from the McXBBSPORT, Pa. - Robert Piul K. Egan, Broad St Ing networks have been concen- Mrs. Wanlcel cheU wae croaatag tht atraat • Dr., m. (EOT) tetsoa premiere, treat of the Moamoatt Meet Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Donovan E. Laat trating their crewt and camertt hat received aad childrea. Diana Elisabeth on covering the Khrushchev vis- a new time spot, for old fa- Meany aald orgaahed labor m Heads Auxiliary ket He waa hawed a aamatoaa It, radio free Europe hat been voritea-thlt one with the "I the past two decades hat whit- forfaywilUngbyictHearylUd- UJ. pate* entitled "Sitmtioa aid Lauren Marie, have returned ttoing a double Job: Love Lucy" reguhwt aad MUtan tled down from over M to only1 LEONARDO - Mrs. John dw. their home in Newtaavila, tag the newt of the Berle; "You Bet Your Life.' three (the two rail on Ptus wanfcel to the new president of »., after spending a vacaom viait and ; . (he alrBae pilots) the number of NBC U P- m.-Orooeho't back the Americaa Legtoa AuOlify AikafJe Ullfchnftl Unit witt Mr. and Mn. Paul A. Egan tviag color bare. He i at ttalr aumanr cottage at Bart dt. WE *2M with aa old game aad new h> gradually an eltmiaatiag newt toHa Mm tutta lor the coeBBitaats* Mn. Mary Cochra-. pnti- Wlfl Meet ToaUgkt Ittta* Oty. Mr.Egtatoeajoyiagavo- itaattoa aad dnetJo ato, l> l cattaa froai bJi ptatdoa with tta would only stop that pragma. datfy tomoedteSJnS*w her an^?d thS'!S^e otte r ATLANTI^ fu^t,C rWtHIANDt-Mria HMoaber at tta. 2?* * ^PradeatitlIaa«raaceO»..hBddla- aad reporte that at optto of Jam- Tricky Trny Ftatjr Jm ^*™*" *•• •»» tu•_ —^._^^ —- — jetfcOwefc^^ eW tmag H la aetttag M per ceat of aew officers: Mn. Thomas Lew- Bureau of " Thto to Scheduled Oet. 21 Lloni Club Entertaina is, vice president; Mn. Brace University. New Braafwick, will MtcGtffrey, second vice presi- William Caney of Mais St. hat by S J? . *^r HIGHLANDS-Plant for a tricky District Governor apeak at toaight't meetmg of the to Mr. Back, the Europtea transmitters at dent; Mn. Walter Woods, treas- Civic Ateoeiation, m the Amerl- apoantut of hto laveation to aim- been a mrglctl patient ia Perth tray party Wednesday. Oet 21, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-The Ambcy Oenertl Hotpital. target-g a whole country-foy r It were made at the tint fall meet urer; Mn. William Muhleisen, can LLegtol a HallHll . l i a coaatmtUcU a aad givi e eell- Lions Club Monday entertained secretary; Mn. Walter Partelii, 'Mitt New Jersey" (Mitt Sev- attaute iatervala so that me pro- lag of the Girls Friendly Soon Mn. Hirry Dwight. Mn. FarreU'a topic wiU be form, dipialttlt reaulta. It he district governor of Lions In- historian; "Istuta oa tta November Ballet an aibnritn hopper with arty Doaurekl. Mouatilnstda) grtmt Morally saturate tht sir- ton of the St. Aadrtwt ternstlontl. Harry J. Steigelmtn, chtpUln; Mn. Walter A. Woods, wives. copal Church, Friday, sergeant it-arms, and Mrs. New Jereey Tt» waa a receat guest of Mr. and and the cabinet secretory, Lien Sr. Mra. Larry Gifeream. Uttle St. l Howard Scbuck of Rlvertoa. Lambert. geaat-tUrma. eapply. Sttsjiday. Mlt. DomareU ap- The lateraatttail •wrtedatand lattapaparadi e nlahnHag Edward O. Wilder, . _ Of tttlf a. at, la Grace SL Paaai Church, fat Steward- chalmwa. reported that tta dub tta pott waa , of tte (Wtod Mra. John P. Adah?, Mra. At> Chunk In AaMrioa. Dopptlt'tied Lyaaa •raw J. Koraak, Mn. Bari Mono waa treasurer of rfofarauhaut Oet S. •i SI yean. He to (tUM* 9fttt tW# WMkt thif MB* ^M ^n^ajf ; of Carthage OH- DEMERT CRITICAL mar jt Pnugiatt College, dtoeat- SI^SI I, and a trustee There wit no change ht tea thto eaperienct. ttt Tuaaday Evaamg Bridge dab of tta Martin Luther Foundation Arttar CavaBo. at bar home at Better PL Prtat critical condition thit Unda Vawtar, Carter* aw. Mra, |ZTZ DUgar wffl antortam tta group oa at Iowa State Teachen College. Arthur Deitert, N, of Jto Friday. Oet 1 Mn. Virginia Horaberger will «aa hurt w a two-car aedde and Kevm Caruto,- Thtodan aad L. Carton and Mn. MpaJ R| IHHaMtfal Ave., West Keaneburg. Ho to hi Sunday oa Ocean Ave.. Iw Ingrid Akan. Why Bagter, Mh> Attending wen Mtot Vbtetto dag, "Build Ma More Stately Rlverview Hospital. Mr. UNION Howard Brdmtnn. oa Huagaiy, lurray. president; Mn. Hub- Matelote, 0 My Soul." In ManMpal Court laat Mr. nad Mrs. Kari Heuaer an bard Stiles, Mn. EUttbett He- Mn. through the New woraetar riant w atruw ana i Otthna, Mn. Charles Alia, Jr. UUTf MfnV AofMtS We Wff^Me Mn. -a***' (heir aaa, Richard, to It £.ataaTlteaWtJAnflarUMra. anRusieka, Jr., wU bt baptiasd '- - - - ,r4rt. Jos. durtag the service. Itorkaptitm trakfAMroi R Y. at ana tnatly hatatgiag « tta Mn,' ' grant graadnwrh waa ana of the foaaden of tht taonana. Mrs. hi tta maternal Mr. and Mn. Rut- were officer! • the Luther

Will dMurck km alttr

la charge at the 7 Motorist* Are Fined NEW SmtEWSSVRY - Stvea niotorittt nora fined hi pal Court kiat alght by PHiftnM, acting ajagl They an: WtndtH Janet, Mil aad Ave, Naptene. driving, |Mj ChartM D. la, Taaaeek, Aattaay Mantoealva, Egg Harbor, aatedwg. ». and driv- MMI WOIR — Man from the Jane A. Hcwtad and er s Uotnat revoked for II dayt, MBT IN SOVTN MNt—lirtha Wllke, Dtnmarl't tap tad aWflht W. FlUgtrald, Bloom %tm CamtnMtlan Company, Sea IVIght, are field, ctrtltet arlvtaa, IN woman tlngor, elutahet hvfo fay dag at the It greeted eempletle* e( the new tpan t)ver Miry Run, Alto. (tm» A KolMnn. New- by John Spegnate, ll-yetr-eld fruit stand tltrk, In StuMi HOITAMI JUMf TO SAPITY — Two woman, hottagat, htld by • gunmen during «n Milk, Upper Freehelt) Township. The krUge, kaewn at er*, etrettes drivmg, Iw; Joseph lend, Ind. They met In riarldt 11 mentht age and have atttmpted haldup, |ump to ttfety threegl* ihatterad glen door ana* window of o U-ll en eeunty listing, It one of the many maintained KlrrngMtaer. lot KlgMh Av», cerreipanded while llrthe toured Europe. Mtmatn of Hrlmar. rsrektt drivlni. tit, branch afflce of the Cleveland Trust Co, In Cleveland. «>uitman ftletstd bfaaeb by the Menmttfth County Irldge Dept,, under the super- mil tjmnrrt Tmnl*m. H»lmtr, the two famlllei i«y the twe may wed bwt John end managtr and teveral ether emplayeei wltHavt harming them. He wat found deed vision of Frethelder Aeftm 0. Veerheei. dtlinojutnt ln»i«

Mtfi sdeaei cafeteria to receive Fall Shoes Combine Style and Walking Ease bids for btaektopptaf put of the it playground*, tad "Mek odwr butineM M may to rttdy ' board setloa «t ttat Umc," MONMOOIM COMHV llam E. firth, bond secretary, snaousfod yctterday. NATIONAL lAM The first postal service wtthm **"•» Canada began in 1TM when a MM' thty courier eervfco waa •_ started between Halifu aad Que- «- o|N«USHTOWN bee. 'amiTI t, w JL>L*L! • KEYPOXT Pillow Renovation • Limi SILVW ClMMtf • PMM • • KtOIANK Ollly 92

MOTS They are all over SPORT* . . . Butter-setBu t aad WALKING ... New. smart aad DRESSMAKER PUMP . . EVENING PUMP ... Gala feet faakiea to perslatmee satin WUtaftro* SM 74MI losj task with Jeweled strips acnes me „_. . aad perforated, with trimmed. The potted tee aad tee. Very toag potato* tea aad beat to Mack aaeda with flame ud tied at threat, ter baby Leak had, for lewa er Beetle heel appear to dressy ami Uahf and rabker sett. ekeee mto fan. in America (SPEBSQSA) which Cameron, West Long Branch, Is 9 president, will be the host unit. DEISMS THE MENACE by HANK KETCHAM 'BarberShop Prior to the selection of a Leon Avskian, Glendola, is com- new champion for the mid-At- mittee chairman. lantic district Saturday after- The singers will take part In RaUy Set noon, 44 quartets will compete district meetings and "wood- ASBURY PARK - More than in the morning- At anevening shedding sessions." A board of l,an members from WM program, the champion will be judges will conduct a quartet aad aha Oittriet of Columbia an crowned- and former •Harriet clinic Sunday. sapected to take pert la (he caa- champions and national finalist* Members are expected from wilt present a gala shew. Delaware, the District of Cohmv veatioa of the Society for meThe event will be held in Con- bis, Maryland, New Jersey, New PreearvatiOB and Eacouragsmaat veottoa Hall with the Aabury York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and of Baiter Shop Quartet Singlag Park chapter, of which Thomas West Virginia.

ViATHmH'KtiSOm'.' SIC THEM TODAY! 4 our Armed Forces, has such ThantktBEST BUYS Dey Lists ewer, and the legislature through in fit km ELGIN SPORTSMAN ontrol of the national revenue to ictd ilao in a position to enforce its aactments. But the Court coa Four Points rate nothing. For Bankers ' ALLENHURST - Nathan W. .saw*** -_• . _ _ _m mt j^Mjf ** ^^«^J*. Day, vtca prestoem, moomoow. County Natioaal Bank at Eng- lishtown. In accepting the presi- dency of the Moamouth County Bankers and Clearing House As- sociation at the organization's letth annual banquet Saturday aight at the Spring Lake Golf aad Country Club, recommended a four-point program to his fel- low bankers. The county bankers were urged to continue their fight sgainst in- flation. They were reminded by Mr. Dey that President Dwighi D. Eisenhower had noted that the tendency toward increased savings has been s most heart- ening and helpful fsctor in the SPICIAL battle sgainst inflation. The selection of a central lo- CASH PUN cation in the county to be used by the member tanks is the L

treat of a national emergency fWimSB B i MfAmi ml ammfl • was recommended as part of the HANCEiOAVBl V p fW WOT* gj| srf/BJf Q laaaoctottoa's Civil Defense pro- gram. Such a sMt. Mr. Day said. Tot IN 74ltt M MOAt IT, Hi l weaM enable the banks to pro- jvMe essential banking services even under advene clrcum

Mr. Day alas briefly ouUiaed aa educational program to be developed in co-operation with I eouaty and local Khool authorl- ttaa under which bankers would show students how to properly H-O-M-E O-W-N-E-R-S use checks, deposit slips and oth tt banking forms. His roerm o»j«cUve wai the stepping up of Hie aseodatloa's aaartarly meetias program to la- cmia twa ar three adaHUonsI meetings a year ta keep the baakers abreast 4 isvssaairisatt. Ha hapad that ma m»aaaV|- pre- gram WMM make the aesoda- ttamm nm^haMa aaamJbal man Itai anm^aBaBk MSJgfJ HsB«TW VJBJnBJI BJsV IW HM|B|BBm NOW! EXPAND YOUR HOME! LOWEST PRICES! sad la tan eaaUa the banks la IktM taportABt clMcfcwetvM (lugouull) aiva better aervtoa la their M SHOP and COMPARE ...tTiaallaM«all4iffermt Add That VSB^gj a^H ^T V •Hggf OBgegaa Ofj

MB J BBll J BBWmmW SBBBBBmmmWf Bam^% mm^Mmasmmmmmmr ME^RmmmmmmTl ^g^mjjgHEmOmT tkM mnlm Mwti|htlNs f Ml" SO ran In Fall sports CMU /t'a The Law Extra Room ThaU. S.

IIC Iff tanrioNt jMrjwri llnlnis In ths tra* custom nunntr Cawt to me mast pewsrfal emjit la the I M It to mo aWmase Tfccta m tejrma H aiaaj ym sajsjgo* wW, m atHhartty tor defmiag the msaa- iitgaadaoeaeafaMrCanetltsttoa NEW the jaunty look of motel buttoni'as atm on oxpcnslva coats It has aeairted that It has the •Coaaalafa Hem« MtirnnUkj newer ta declare bath Mate and otAIAtM tieeflNC NEW a subtle) touch of tho Contlncntei...tho reunttod ooatfioat

Imjr coat lUichMUr-Uitorad-thara'i nothing UtUrI VVTeMMT BbmaBa^mB^BpfwwfJIWJMr o MICK ITOPff the CaaaHtmtoa aavtr o ITONI PtOHTI a MINTtNf the Cwrt to have such power, t la fact, MM Censtltattoa has vary oMNHAlCONTlACTINt . littto ta say abmtt the Court. 3 MMM tt piy, M town While the CaasttttrtM* specifical- ly sets mrth the eNgMrtlNy re- qulremaats tor legislative aad e«- »WfA rtullv* offlrs hoWrri, none si all Quality NO DOVJH srr prrxribed for members of ihf Court. Members of the Court ar» not even required to be lawy. : Uruod St "* nr ludgfi with nrrvlmii #« the QUALITY SHOP Kr,| Brink- 'Fim hymmi Mink, IW ;P"i»n>• in < hi*l M named to the committee PAH. tttVW - to the eeataajgr gad ttor from Eeatt County aad pro- of MeasMBtfc CBBatr* *Maat of the Subtrtaa Propane 6 REASONS TO WY If. SBBah had high antot but Gas Cora.; Jobs J. Roe. areei- labdat torOor . Robert B. Meyner*! TtooBmmkWa Job »H ba to££. * ** *^" °* **" tOCHANTS TRUST CO. M"M ^ «» aViEttJetofft Jr.. bwdctairmaB ail tha wrap>i ttantlt referoa- Iftywr dntalitftt 1*" telofo f EntUbafdEngtobaidtt Indurtriet, Inc., m U taW tefRPHM MfpHMI fw Newark; Donald C. Luce, pml- deat of tto Pubile Service Elec- e» mm * mm aw Mr. Meraar at obalrmaa of the tric aad Oat Co., Newark; Carroll toaaMBth Oaoaty PUBBIBI Board exi t^adh^BShBdJ a^ V J Tto referendum will to pat to M. Steaks, prakknt of tto Pro- BBV BBMBie^BBBB^B BBB1 ^B t 9 • oad a fmar atata highway eon- SnV • mBShV jajaH^k^maBjajM aBnW;BBBBBBaV VaMBBBBaaaWBaafalai BaT an BBBBBBBBBBT voters to QM MaW* • doaflal lawraaee Co.; WlUlam A. IBO appoieted Mr. Mr. Smith add Mr. "la Mogbef, board ckairmaa of the BaJH SfOCKS •**-»•»*• •• •»e»«m«it55 Tuesday atoag with eight oao of the few 1MB with vWoa New Jereey BeU Telephone Co.. tarts toterv t feratlajit who thhe aad former atate treanrer Archi- wrmn iiiwviw e» ***** »m aawan »m w» a» at a tha ia— He Mid heaacaaalty of Immediato afami aad bald S. Ataamder. ttta to bo tBkea by plaat to add mora later. y (ha owaty FREECIRCVLAR ON REQVBST *lfBBgmtBUto E. DaaaM before Itt la to too llat t e to prepare Chan Yew Cheong, aaiiftant po- for the great tefhn of new ml- lice chief of Malaya, wai recent- OflttttL djQHBjeBjB^Bfc^im| ajajj DUMA0«1 ly ia Vancouver. Canada, to atudy to me aea-parttaaa citizens' M Mtl|.|-t .." Mr. Smith, a toes)eatorprieet, that ta bound to take poUce methodi. Hit writt watch ateL Biiim 6E0RG, twa Eit— •WESTO> H & SONS i stolen. nstdett, laid. STMM O BONM a •BTWaj. rVHB* PAIMINDINC-i "Oov. Meyner to to ta bfeakdewila*U.B.< landed far ilia BiwmJBlmaaf of "So far. hit neommoBdatloBi BBajBajanaa) BTioBI BBBBP WBjPVjaieveaMOBaBW*a) ve* Daa Storaar sato ta oa e ot «tt torn to haw gone ta tto official Mr Smith added. family who He Mid etata i . a __„ YounBg Will Set library Unit Importaaca of democratic oiadMBtoi htto hi- For Chamber Bneuuajt _- _—_ "o _ _ UNO BRANCH -Fmaen Ig PrODated Bylaw's Confab 115 BROAD ST. Maker aad Slippery Tucker win FREEHOL— _. _.-„ D - __ w wH ^™ AaW avaTWaj 1 to featured ta a goat wllta probated hy Sumgato Ed< farmed PHoad* of tto Ubrery contort Wednesday at the • - -- dub will meet tomorrow to begin CHARMINft FOOTNOTEt drafting of byJew* for the orgaal- geatral membennlp breaktaat. tag: Nefurelixer'i tfeckeo'-lioel welklng ihoe club moattag of the Loot Breach Henrietta R. Yeoag. Red Baak. Chamber ot Commerce. who died Aug. II toft S1.0M to t Tha meettag wfll bo heM totk t softly eonitrueted to maka light of your a of Mm. R. A. M Other eatertatomeat aad priati "^!L' Haarlotto ht Carver, feiTeit pace. Fashioned to win *ppl*«io witt to offered member* and «*_ »» «* *» .« »•. Artfcar guttt* at tha monthly event toC *«**«•*•J^*^'J^. Obieottve* ot mo dub are: from tfylo-conscioui woman tha Oarttold Great Hotel from >*•*• RtasUto. Ttoi mt of tor 1. Poeui atteattoa oa tto atrv S to I am. tto last Wtdeeeday •*»» ta to to atored eaaaUyby I AM to mr n«MlHU everywhere. of tto month, tto three. Bbrary has tooffe r ae pabMc tnm mr t ttoa «f (I Joha Kaottt Fair Ha- 1 Contribute to the comma kM W Ml* wtU WtM kwr ve*, who died Aag, ft,ft fflwfflo* ad ties* ealturtleBBertaal tie/* SrtCULIlllS... SEPT. »• OCT. S of real aad panoaal property tothrough *MMA^ » hit wilt. Lota A. Kaatt Oat hall J. Acquire books aad apodal ot tha ntt ni Ml to bti wife, eelloetlea* for tto library. •T-4WI tad the net tob a placed a trott 4. Ohre general ssaport to tto ——- J fof r hihti iffe.e Ubrsry optraUoa, William DttaoyB, Rat Bank, One of the tint objective* ot wto dtod AugA . 11Id. loflft StHtI aac hh tto gtoap ta as emeneaey fuad to a daughter, Marioa Ttth, aadntotag, esmpalga to On At Dusk a BOB Stanley DUeeyt: INI to leach of hta graadchOdna. sad Ubraiy btfkSag. the reet of hli eotato to t aoa, Off at Dawn JotaDtteeye. Mae J. Ryaa. Red Baak. who Atlantic Highlands died Aag. II, left bar etttta to St. Agae* Sodality wm bold a her titter, Agaee Dwyer, darlnt me woe WITH 1 memberabfp tea for old Bad aew mr her lifetime. Upaa tto Utter ! tuodty at 3 p. m. Bon- death. It tawille d to a brother, and tnataUaUeo of of- SKUTAUAL COMFORT AT EVER/ William J. Ryan. flcora wUl precede the tea. STEP ... ATTRACTIVE Edith s. Lockwood, Keyport, '6 MOUTHS The Sbnwebary River Soaad- count wm AT EVERY TURN! who died Sept 3. left tor ectatt oB will hold aa advanced*!* toner children, Donald S., J. WO-tag class•very TueadTueedaay aight See our coUectkm of - m, Robert S, Fdwtnl F and »* Hweekt*i,, begiaBja.g Oct. I. TNI ABC Noturaliier't style* • •» Norman B. Lockwood, and Mir- at tto Yacht Club. Tweatjtte tto oboe with tto beaa- jortoL. Miller. people from tto Bayitore ana SHORTHAND ttful fit tram 11.M to UN. , HHea D. Bennett, tavoonroUed. Titlaed taaemiei WAOTIP tvtiywhttt. at Beech, wto dtod Aug.», left tor Mr*. Eva Oehlbaua. Eaat High- tap tay! Yoa cat oukkly eotlifr. Yea eta eatate to a ttotor, Florence D. toad Ave., it vutteg frioadt to earn AT UASTIIOOO « dM • •> • aMadu Btniiter. Port Lauderdale, Fla. yea SAVE on otd-tMhioaed awhodi! Ceuwe Emily C Sherwood, Preohold, Mr*. Robert McTsgue, East iadadtt SPBlDVRmNG. dw ABC iboef wto died June It. 1M. left tor Ave.. accompanied head. Utet ot ipaaoli, ao ewMoH. iutt eetate to her husband, Joteph H. Roberta, to Wata- ABCt. t20-woraVpn>arioyet. New cUMtt re- ferauac. Dty or eve. ACT TODAY. tok ' J. QtataeavRod Baak. whp died Aug. N; Wwtam Wtth, Red Bank, who died Sept 1; mme» • Harry A. Sweet, Ocean TbwaahJp, FAIULOUS whodtod Aag. B: Antonio Ser- renttno. Loag Branch, wto dtod Asbuqr M Business Cdeje * Uesaader S. M1**t, 13" wto dtod Aag. ITtoiy, tacome, more people to Wait Stock calf, brown calf. Mack Mt their ettato* to their V^stolajn aagagod to sgrlcal- WB^totf TOO 01* aTrarVJf Caina or redo*. tlve wrvee. ten than ta any other cocuaa- grty B4ff4 M780 • CA 3-0115 Sliet 4 to 10 AAAA-C wletat Beirord Paula Krenu. daughter of Mr. and Mn. William Krenu, Hop- ping Rd. wai honored at a family barbecue in the home of Mr. and Mr*. Stanley Cook, Campbell Ave. John Perry, tea of Mr. i Mr*. Oliver Perry, Mala St, eth> btatod kto left vrlhdey at a tomlly party Friday. Tto first meettag of tto Bay- Parent-Teacher At- From tha sKeai up, you can fall a win to heM toBj t Loontrdmio Rd., Mea- dty. Oetl. cjyad«{n-iha*wool Ivy adharant. Mrs. Marie Ooodwta of Hemp- ttead, N. Y., wu the recent vlil' Wa'va numareus naw arrivals In our tor of Mrs. Haiti Hopktas tad Mlm Nellie Comptoa ot Mala It. Mlm Mary Smith of Pkiladtl- axpandad first fleer shea department BjUa la flpBnMnBj two WMKB wiUi Mr. aad Mrs. Jota Reatoa, M*io to match tha personality of the natural St A cake tale to punned for Saturday, ta tto Pood Circus, sheuldar suit, whether rvy or continental. by tto Womea-i Aaanisiy of me Udepeadmt fire Original desarf boot, by Clark's of EnojanoV . atagtaf we* led by M. Rtohard Hoyt, Mlddtotowa Twra- black pebble and smooth antique brown, BMB maote toaetor it Mondsy'i mooUag of tto Pamn-Teaehef Aieoetatton. Mr*. James Marvin, both with mieroeallular softs, l4.fS Mrs. Hoary Ernst aid Mr. Hoyt M a 0Bmatlttt# to Burehaat a retord player tor Leether*lined brogue with plain toe, Mr*. atoaWwultog't new fall brown, IMS. Handtown, natural wf ithlda, 2>eyelat ankle boot, In handtomo brown that's hifhlHjhtod wHh black, to waar with atther browns or bUcts, IB.fl. Ankle boot, with Instep strap, black or blacked*brown, I7.tl. Stera hours to B:30 daily, Friday to 9.

JCPftL iKHHklf IkNtML POWER* UOUT '•"» t

mftimfc ^mmm^ mm^^m* fe&* *- ••* M v flmmm ft l*m* St, mmtatMm, ft. 1. ' HUMhM 1171 fe| Ma H. CMk amHasty Clay .. • ' ,»• ' . ; ',' iMmW Mm tWflSW, ntaHMir MM-UN t must bt difficult for mlnlsttrs and tomtadthatth*yhav*on*footm (IM I. HOOaN, Etter . M. HAW*D KEUY, MM point dtaa tht eoaaterattd heart go to ' ; w. n/uurr FENNWOTCN, Fradactsj """" to atrthly ont com* aliv* with its nornatl '.*#*. Itaaaw *J th* KmHamt mm At Hum—1 Stow Is M«M MMwinir to tM OH IM(•tobUaatiea «f tU n• imi mm 0 Th* tJsrW mutt fight unremitting* aftlut tmm t» tltt MM» H mil (• a«1* MM n «d»»ttntmtnt in which ib* typafraplMMl m Most of us achlevt a thoekad do (Mm MvMttM aill IIMM mur IM SMMfiatnt iiamMludr o< mr «rrw «tuak *ar —m. Ught wn«n a man of th* cloth Is in TMa miHHi wimi a* rimmHilllUM far Maitmnu of srimu ti l.tun Horn ft• iiMm. Bakwilftm Mm la UtiM ' OM jwr llt.Mi au mmtte ts.es. pasbUc diagram It brings hint down to ens* —rr u mu, i unu iintit «nr «r UU. t MpU oar ltvel and we shakt our bttds sad* THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1SS> ry and piously and tell everybody about tt This Is because we feel spiritually inferior and sin is still a great leveler. Watch Out for Air. K Whether ht steal* from tht collections, i off with a manicurist, drinks too much, or dab- As NUdta S. Khrushchev moves economic capabilities. The challenge in politic*—he's a proper target for the good holy through our land, all Americans is there and it is obvious. lie of his community. should avail themselves of this one It seems worth recalling that A week btfort NlHta Khrushchev arrived. I found opportunity for a close-up study of Dfanitry Z. Manuilsky as early as elf falling Into tha same critical hole. In many 1930 instructed students of Mos- i of America, a ftw preacher* used tht pulpit, the nature and intent of our visitor. cow's Lenin School of Political War- God's home, to' denounce the Soviet Pnraiar. It Beneath the surface of a man of ex- fare in these words: a popular, and therefore, easy thing to do. Mr. treme moods, who switches from ba- "War to the hilt between com Khrushchev was called a murderer, a monarch of by-kissing to outbursts of rage, munism and capitalism is inevitable. slavery, a merchant of death, a liar. walks the sdf-ackiiowRJatcd arch Today, of course, we are not strong Few crUldi*d the ministers and priests for this. foe of free democracy. " enough to attack. Our time will come Permit mt to stand up and be counted as out who in 20 or 30 years. To win,' we shall thinks that thest cleric* art wandering off tbt jiath It is well that some of our busi- need the element of surprise. TheTHESE DAYS SYLVIA ness leaders lire awakening to the of Christianity. They art in a complex field caOtd poll- bourgeoisie will have to be put to By GEORGE t SOKOLSKY tics. These art th* men who shout the loudest that hidden lessons that the Soviet pre- sleep. So we shall begin by launch- PORTER NikiU. Khrushchev's disarmament plan did not their churches art sacrosanct and cannot bt measured mier and his visit serves tor teach. Minnies after I flalsh Ms col- ing the most spectacular peace require u much study as first seemed necessary to in such purely political aspects as, let us say, tax**. Take, for example the view of Joel movement on record. There will be umn, sts new dollar MHs are Hunter, president of Crucible Steel relationship to the importance of the man. As one lis-going by registered SMU treat Tht President extended a personal InvUattoa to electrifying overtures and unheard- tened to it and then read and re-read it and analyzedme in New York to Nils A. Ua- Co. of America, who said: "This man aartaon, assistant to Secretary Mr. Khrushchev to visit this country. It hu bttn ob- of concessions. The capitalist coun- it, the question arose: "When did I hear those words of th* Treasury Aaaarso* « vious that ht does not adnirt Mr. Wmuhcbtv. For a Is a dangerous adversary. His visit tries, stupid and decadent, will re- befbrer Washington, in ef a long time, Mr. EUenhowar avoided meeting tats man may serve to make people here real joice to co-operate in their own Actually, there is nothing new in bet which I happily tnrr* |a*t lost to hiin. at tht summit It was, I tm certain, an act of Christly ize that We can't just sit down anddestruction. They will leap at an- Khrushchev'* disarmament proposal. Our bet-originally mad* hack expect to stay ahead of Russia. We other chance to be friends. As soon Time after time, Soviet representatives in January for fi and raised to humility on tht President's part to say. "Coat on will have to work at it." as their guard is down, we shall at th*.United Nations have proposed jJ,*ji*.*E\tS. Lac «* talk" many of the salient features of the It was bound to bt a controversial matter. All of Another business leader observes: smash them with our clenched fist. Khrushchev plan. What might be re- and win end Jufy I, us expected tht politicians to gnaw on tha bom of The most important thing to come garded as new is some of the language,be balanced, More than 20 years have now g fn defiance of President Els- contention. Tht sight of that august body, the United out of all of this is having the Amer- passed since that was said. Khrush- but the ideas are old and so broadly enh^V-s ican people know what they're up SOKOUKY statee paying off-and If at this spoken conviction in Communist land, and Czechoslovakia is only a few miles from point you think I'm flocks: "This is • time to pray for peace." Tbt power smiling eyes of Mr. K. insignificant tale about aa West Germany, whereas if the United States removeremoved ninSHt'oA Sln/aSn,** of prayer has been provtd many tiajM tad saaat of IU trot**; we would have an oeattt brtWMtfvt ar*' <*a> what m reperSgTfa anus, in moments ef danger, drop to tilr knees to mur- West Germany. It is a little too cute to make such a artbeat way is a deveiasneat which will have a direct impact mur abject pleas to God. This was a good 'time for proposal. All one needs is a map to see how false it is. HAL BOYLE Home on |ob* and price* In our land, tht pulpits to exhort tht people to special prayer. But Khrushchev adds to that the elimination of all a message of great meaning to NEW YORK (AP) - Dnt it. nation in congrnt: The black armed forces of all countries, however he makes no the finance ministers of the en- The ftw who stood in tht pulpits and denounced they've doot it again! eyed turn, com tassel, earns- Economics tire free world, an achievement tht visit, who asked tht people to write to. tht Presi- DOM what? Thcy'v* low-fated tioa, daffodil, marigold, mountain provision for inspection and control. reflect* our nation's ef- «ie dandelion, that'a what rote, ihaiU daily - and ay Then he proposes an atom-free zone In Central i to attain prosperity wKwet dent and harass him with criticism, who urged every- Who duo* It thla lime? Th* na- urus. (However, cow* mil not ation. Hardly insigafflcaat one to stay away from placea where Mr. Khrushchev Iton'1U.I. a Maials*floriato-* L-. —it a . . . . LOKM K. WHITE Europe—an old idea which in effect neutralizes Gar- be allowed to vote.) would visit, who called him a murderer before tht dutf'awho. Tht lltt alto includes U flow- HOME AGENT many, the Scandinavian countries, and probably Aui- Precise What'* it all stattstlcs era picked by the florists as pos- MMMWB Ccwty tria and Italy, thus establishing an indefensible mid-win be released ia holy altar, art a step away from being guilty of Incit- sibiUuei. These include the ca- Extaealea Servie* when the sovemmaakflntahes re- ing a riot herrt meWa, chrysanthemum, gerani- European area in which Soviet Russia could operate J* Court St., FreehaU viewing what Congress did on um, gladiolus, goldenrod, lily-of- by means not available to other countries. spending, and updates its eeti- There weren't many who did it A lot of letters Ibe-valley, magnolia, orchid, Then he suggested the total abolition of armies mates on our'tax payment!. But come to this desk from many parts of tbt country, countries have peony, rhododendron and tulip. Start Daughter Sewing national flow- navies and air forces, leaving only the police and mi< in Wall Street we haven't ' and some asked, u I do, when did God begin to turn er*. They range waiting for the official mid-year His back to murderers? At what point did He set Him- from ttwcaifao budget review. We've been tot- pkfcia' petunia pluckers forjjot to Soviet Russia is the largest country geographically andIng up th* figures by ourselves self against those who fight for tn honorable peace? of Argentina to G. Minifie, extension the shamrock nominate the common dandelion, in population, it would have the largest militia and -and this Is where w a flower Mary Margaret McUridc clothing specialiit of Rutgers I am in tht miserable position of having to agree at Ireland to th* llly-oftbe-valley out aad I have been extolling for police force which could be quickly translated into a with tht charges fiM against NUdta IChruabchtv but Of Yugoslavia. University says with your en- . _ tn these It moath* yean. couragement and assistance her military force. will be far above the 177 bOlea denouncing tht source of tht mdietmtnts. Tbtrt Is an Ira th* cornflower ia Germany 1 aad Poland, the piam flower ia The tulip is already the nation- first efforts can develop into The Versailles Treaty deprived Germany of its mill-f** " * <>* Presifart la old-fashioned feeling Inside of me that all ministers, al flower of Turkey and the laaaary, as we expected all Ouaa. the Whit* Fraagipangi la skills that will mean a great deal Netherlands. The rose Is the na- tary forces after World War I. It permitted Germanyaleag. all priests, all rabbis art better men than I because Ubcria, the violet ia Onece, In to her for th* rest of her life. Denmark th* forget-me-not In tional flower of England, Iran, to have a militia and a police force. That militia and Ifll be up, not primarily a*> thay devote their Urn to God, wbilt I devott mmt Lehanoa if you want to aaad an Luxembourg aad Honduras. A youngster gets a thrill from police force expanded until It became the vast army caaee Congress voted aw* to personal agfraxllttntnt Ltt them remain on tht ettdal's wife the national flow- But America can have the dan-being able to create something that Hitler used to fight a six-year war on multiple spending than the President ask- er, you mall her a whole tit* — delion as IU very own. Aad it with her own hsnds. An even ed, but because the cost of car- fte cedar should. Thia golden democrat of greater satisfaction cornea with fronts. The Naval Treaty of Washington (1982) limited rying- our huge national debt hu Whtn tbt conftdmct mm of Judta triad to gtt being able to display It proudly. Th* and Soviet Russia, pasture and home comes unmask- Japan's navy, but when World War II came, Japan skyrocketed since January as theJatus to commtnt on politic*, ht turntd t^t Roman ajsae among major powers, have ed to all — rich or poor - as Start by selecting a had, in the Marshall Islands, an ample navy an^d Tai rTreasury has paid th* highest ao national flower. free as the God-given winds that strong boii or basket for her tn'teTeTtWeHnVger7ratioa"tor coin ovtr and ovtr and *sk*d whoa* imagt was on It For 4* yean — ever since floats its myriad gray pars- very own equipment. A child force, enough to strike the blow at Pearl Harbor. cash to meet Its bills and pay Tht people said: "Caesar's." He said, as I recall. Woadrow Wilson'* second term — needs a pair of good sharp scis- It i* difficult to understand why Khrushchev's ad-off Its maturing I.O.U.'s. 'Render unto Caesar tba things that art Caesar's and ft* U.S. Congress has mad* ten- sors about five or six inches In Aa Informed estimate is that What other flower la wine and visers permitted him to make such a speech as he did t^^ M „), n.^th parted tative gesture* toward picking a feed aad loveliness? You can length. Explain to her how to unto God tht things that art God's." ... aatlwial. American flower. But eat the dandelion, drink the dan-handle and how to care for them at tht United Nations. Although It was a carefully winb* in th* ri.5 to W biniaa •Jw legislatori. busy waging war delion, or look at the dandelion advises Mrs. Lorns K. White. written and carefully delivered address, It offered no runs*, tm pane*, always ducked tha and know beauty. It rivals in* Monmouth County home agent. new Idea*, no promise of an acceptable program. It Simultaneously, though, robin as nature s sweet herald A child should be encouraged government s Income will bt f*r UM BMttor hu never com* to of sprang,. Jla yellow surprise to use a thimble fmn the very rather indicated that he is a man who bat not bamaba** th* January projection. n> cad. Unsure at how they Ms euns) BMN Mimes* of spir- beglwrtag. Oat that fits properly Inforntd by hi* associate* and aubordinates concern Itil be «p btcauM th* bej ' 'it affect the gardening vote, it, lifted up more hearts in mure will make It easier for her to Ing tht countries with which he ha* to deal. nw boom since mtd-ljts has St.•eaators and repreaeaUttve* forlorn corner* of America, lhaa learn to us* it. Be certain she relied corporation profits, aad kav* tefueed to aland up and beall Ma rose* that tver blew m is provided with all the other It Is obvious from his words and ton* that he real they're paying fatter tarns en 4. No one wanted to risk Babylon. It brings a sunny re- essential tools that are needed ly btlitvtt that tht United State* want* to continue those profit*. It'll be up because bis neat over a flower. membrane* to even th* most for ao she ia encouraged to go ahead the arms race so that munitions-makers will earn the boom has padded Individual flower lovers lately have gotten grave. (in her own. .._ »•..», . . ~*. neyehecke, expanded th* number Congress to Teach the child the essentials profits. Who art tht munitions-makers? They are sev of jobholder*, sad mi of us ar* MM* the btodauaa controversy Mmy Waah-fton* concerning hand sewing, how to eral thousand American companies, generally owned oavtag mere taxes toe. |M* and tor all. ; thread a needle and how to tie by the public, which manufacture all sorts of tools and Aw Informed wtlmata I* UM Manure has born* BUM, a knot. Also Inslit she practices CM flOV^flllMM I IRCMM ill flM ft*. lmt¥»*u*l legislators have1 the bask head stitches over and component* which are assembled and made into Imple- 11-month period also will a* la this year, and la oratory over. ments of war. Thest same companies also, for tht mostthe STB.S to ffl Mlllea raaa*. ef the oMums urm When she Is really ready to part manufacture machinery for industry or Items of It tvM oould b# thit Prftkk a number of make a garment, as* that aha Elaenhower will ha able to print t*mW* sea" ftowars to be the starts oa tht^very simplest Item consumers' goods and usually avoid becoming de to th* tiniest ef tlay soiphMN I bL A • * .a MM mm A — ajtaaal feral easbkm. ae as not to become steoouragsd pendent upon order* for military auppliei, becaus* the budtet-nls third ...._.. lea. Thereto* Morton of Ken- nays home agent Mrs. loma K military supervision and accounting disturb sound bust' . surplus In th* right years of Ms admlnletratlea. 1 grass. While. ness pracfJon. Moat of thesa companies do wtll In wemu biv >»••, the Kvtry young girl who wants What doe* Ms meaa? of mankind, be to sew has hem waMn* for the their non-military line*, It meam that the bud|*t defi- gsees?" thundered th* day when she ran Mart using the Th* "Merchant* of Death" theory, a Communist cit which was so great • aavr of th* blue grass sewing machine. Don't bt rehicl- tn Ihi* rehnuad from the IfN re- I eeopte an aim ant to have your child us* II. Buiagitational apparatus of the 1930s, was ridiculous then cnsion ao kwger will be settag to that It li Important to irach her howand i* tvtn more ridiculous now, after all th* leuons aa a spur, for no longer wttl sa tn opcmlr the machine properly, that hav* been learned during World War I and II. Theunbalanced budgst be pumBtag Mlllon* Into th* buslaets atnaai. jrAtoMCeacreaikHMg * processes of rwwgotiatlon art enough to knp any Ma natty Mat, ft* as. Miami University at Oxford, The budget tor IW will net he 5a-rEMrEM) ) havhavee eteUed to win. is the founding place of the' American businessman from converting, hi* plant Into an Inflationary force, tt wltl he •I M1#c aa what should (Mlnwlng fraternities: Beta Thrtalu,.. uinrlr it k. ... k.|. i> a neatrsl or even a slightly re- Wif WorK Cin •Sate Mlaaal HewerHew . II. Phi (Vila Thrta Slum, (hi !' ™ "•* "• airalnlnn factor In our ecenawiv IIJN laember. Chi Karma Tan i»fiin t>Hta ami Khrushch*v, In nearly every spmh, HUplay« «n tt fiashri a signal in the werM Sigma l.paiinn. extraordinary lack of information. It would be Inter hat nur rmintrv I* flghMng Infla- kmiw wh0 h tion with the most powerful of a ^. "Rince Ik* Capital has s •Un..-, ViTa^wth i',,,i "•""« "' " American expert, arc If they rartttinnal weapms-a halaMed aj Mfna every Anwfi- err Hall, tar Senata* Mi «r m. *n. «imi |.V an fiuMintr,i •">' Kin«i»iis, theio Is some *xcus* for Ihclr rrrora, nl and eredlt control* Thl SMM aa\ VMaaa aaei eaild in • IXMIM k»»# IM* ill kumr, lull " vnnfinni rmpinvc in a w m*ny experts on her* relainlre cwiftdeac* «aat tor Ms fawatNa flawer. n tmiwg mir friends abroad la Mr Ta*aaaMa*«» Human who** data and judgment can bt r*- IMI Mr illrd fn ability and detormlnatlM to de- JfarMeca U aseay ataw le Ulum N IMMSS ftaae already norni in I IIM-IUM, N ,1. liCtl UIMMt. fend the dollar's value. Lancaster Brand Top-Quality


ft. Lancaster Brand "OVEN-READY" Mackere•Il MeRllet-v^Sl ' Lancaster Brand Brtodtd RIB ROAST Ib. BeeffSteaks 2^89 loneaittr Brand Reck ttttol •* Ib. FROZEN FOODS. Arm Pot Roast 55 Cornish It 4* Birth Eyt Sliced Loncotttr Brand Miogit 4* Pork Roll Strawberries 2 r Jont* Pun 4i e i ,_^ 4Kk Jont* un p ^^•^••eitfHtf BA *KOjl iy# CMMM ^S 1v4 IiHess Franks & 55€ Link Sausage 7* #plliaCII •rlMf iph| FARMDAUE SUCED BACON ENDS & 25c • 2 » 49c Potatoes X£ 2^:27 NEW LOW PRICE! Live Maine lobster -79c F/nest Fresh Frtifts & Vegetables AIIIWI (My lit Stow Wlint Uvt UbMt*. S***m4 «HI w> POTATOES 3m» m Aemut'i "Mmek fa tkt 8*n" Stlt! White or Scottissue Colors 4 - 45c Scott Towels Colors Scott Napkins Family White --21c Oranges

6AK5RY Niblets Com 3-45e <2St HOUM styM Hi-C Drink Y«nr Paid Dog Food 6 1*«. #OJ> UMlltMlNl Kraft Deluxe Swiss or Kraft Deluxe American (White or Colored) Virginia LM c# Blueberry Pie Vonllla Cheese Slices2 » 49[[ Iced LoaLoaf bch 25c Cut-Rite R&R Rtd Heart LAVA Maxwell House Wax Paper Dog & Cat Hand Soap Instant Coffee 27c Food 3^ 43c 2^, 25c Mueller Mueller DUZ Golden Kraft Oil. MMAKONI Egg Noodles JlSMGHrm FLUFFO A//-Purpose 2£25c r i 31c ^ 81c 129c tT 53c RID IANK-0fM TMI. Mm Tkin. 'ti f P. M—ftMf ti 10 P. M. HAVIN-OfM lm. tfcni Tkin. 'HI f P. M.-*Miy 'HI 10 P. M. GRAND UNION'S Hflv JWa. MT

.•••" !;





i2.«o Hun hi*, wmjasnon BROADCLOTH WAS PROJECTOR HIT SHUTS • • • 1.77: wm KITS HANDKEICHIEFS .....

«S FAMOUS HUE MX-CAKU OBTHT • Ml 137- wiummmmmmt. m • 1.77:




mien vncira imoum IATWMW, SSFIMBBI SMWWI C* E WIVE mm.





BOYS WTTON MISSES' •WWTS SWtt COATS m, Nteds BALTIMORE (AP)-Who could true family story? And Becomes a Are Outlined A wosasa ia suburban Huston - Need tor show* tor yean that one of her ' by direct ancestors was , s sew*] wesVs editor shot sad killed to a ._«f «t•e o Ilia'M s Cbjb of duel soar Pittsburggh abort MM. ALL PM Armor 1* bo Vettftl.itsr H«r husband IDMW tor years LEATHER COATS QMFQL MflAcff vtted to_ .do- (hit OM of his direct ttato tin to ft*buildin g fund waa another newspaper Ibrtu C. Dwfee. min- who killed a man in a duel sea fcmr, ted Uelided s fo df Wdifferen t Pittsburghh b abou t 1101»M.$ VINCENTS COAT SHOT ... Gtaessad drawings But they were married tor Ijr Jack tea, Id, toOastrat e Mr. years before maa and wife tears-l _. . A Now Jersey BeU*d ftat their aaceetort wsn Is TstejhMS Co. flu,"TaJs b New the same dud Jeney," also wu

President James Msares was] ftret s Republican, later Jotoad SAL FAMID "WUNMT 3 CNMNEL TIT $T0*

DOOR SALE IT* USA LANE... wfals at cbees to tw* yews. fMl vlfVN By DONALD WnXIAMI ' ; PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Shea potto. ne'«pntr*.- BM'I32. And sSt's the United SUtea women's CM* cMmpkM. Her asmo la Liu Lane. Lias has been playing chess only abekt two year*. Butslready e Trtoie Ta> Asitoal .Krisl^^^ • her play Ma tabbed her sa one of the topplayer s In the asttoa.' fa* was a pMtosophy major st Temple Uatveratty to fte summer Lisa Mat a whole year taw* of 1M7 wbsa she went to s Phils- lag to Mr wabVIe the rsnrstog BUY MSKT-SHOWtOOMOMiYI • on* she doeoa't remember who sas took lestoM trial Atttto Dt> detoala coffee hous* and some- Camlllo. toetrsctoi of mwsm M -taught her to pUy eheu. PMIadslphia's bettor CMS. ptoy- fBjMe Ale) se™ TeeeWif sw, aaveivev Slace thea, her main interest**- t Sk has beta chess. la the afteraoea she would play t had never even seen say- st a PhilaejStoMa cbeee club - body play cheu." UM admits, cording every move as ftat Dl- I Just kasw it was the name of Camille eoaM go ewar the • BUDGET TERMS • FUE tmUfWK f a game, like whist Is a gam*, Semes Istor and point eat her but that wu all I knew about mistakes. i-SKsnauiarscs fiuuimmp. PIUUM 13.95 In ft* svceiag she played Jest _t BLINDS "" OfW WI». Ml. IVININW As shs became men adept at or fva. W the gamsg, , eh* resolved to leers | Leas than a year after all she could about It diilemce betweoaldfi ( t becssM like does to me,1 471 M. SH.Aitfel.7IM M TheBOOTERY she says. "I would stay «• until UH-UM won the Philadelphia 2 for *5 five or six in the msraJag play- championship M HOA0 IT. ng chess." Sh* won the U. S. women's/

Oaea II A.M. «* t P.M. MeetUy fhru rVWey. • AM. to « tM. tefereMyt




Sterling Furrtitu+e hoe developed a wonderful f new and free home decorator carpet service!

norths* T«UV IMIIIMC for I»MUI "••gtoha| shy fcejyi" «r jeuj warn to aec whil we luive sJoiw ... ww U» StcffUaf KwrteUm CrsMen *f FMIOM for UM HMM.

\ «VTt

e he* earpM estor ess brtog out a resaVi Moses btaalt. eesjw fap ••BvSj SveW aWvBM^RBvsaal BV ^^pasa; V^aMMj Q ^BJVB^BB^B^BAv J* * hew to beep yeur deeor yeasg sad kwely sa s btdaet

W«e ymti Beat* a ata»ty ireeiswei «Mt today's nasst »shie . , . A1 dKRUNOt FURNITVtl

ran MRRINO ItlDOffT TKRM StOAS IT., MB MNR, N. i. ItmyiMi WMV IMMl *WF# Ba^ OCEAKPOBT - MtoJ Mtiton puty tor her tmt bMaday Mar- PolioPatien Mn. JohaMaea aad lav. aidblock dam wffl ba MM hen HBHiatn, a Buatloaary under thaMn. MUtoa Kaid. dUV. FfMMw INI Mr* BBJU Wl. Latin American Minion, gave aa Oct. 11, CouaeiliBM L B. Saock. Artbor CoaaaUy. Mr.' tad Mn. Hottcaaca were Mn. Pan! 1 Need Help tocton c* bar work Jr•_* aMiiUnilU'W•••«•• raw!i altBH - lakaaHVKt •alanVfr*Ha^IR*l %VallnfBB> IMaaV aafafl. afaflgggfl' 1 BJCOB- Smith, Mn. teymour Kotow. Mn. Pater &'Owta, Mn. MMatwACM*lawmpM» of tha Mn. Lawmtco Youn« aad Mn Mining body matting. It will U patiaM wfca ««• aaad can of tha Charlea G. Rod(en. begla at T:» p. a.to tha roar p. flM Mqr S« 9tt Wlinlor Mqr of the bonmh halL The Recrea- Own AUiIlt, tHa yeairomn to to comcoat. tha Tto Oalapajoa IitaA alt thation Commiiaion and the bor- That ^Scoaat of Ecuador hi 8wth Ameri- ough Parka Department an day by Round J. Utoat of At- fofBKaca,iatihalrnamafroafl»>>a- iponaortng tha event, Mr. Smock bury Park, chatrmaacf ma coua- Rock-A-Bye ty chapter of tha National Foua> fWdc Mkwa Haiat B4a7arda,|ia4d|ihh ftltpafol . • toctolaatl . datton. Mr. HUM* aald tha county haa YINYTURS* a goal of ta.m to n emer- gency drive tor tha March of PUBLIC AUCTION SALE tosleipinher Dimta, to can tor than patfcata. MMaat. Wl Ml a* awhile •acttoa CMMMI tt my th«B) The drive WM< at weak WatM to awa thai IMM cooaty na- WBTmONTMEET UNCROFT. N. J. Maatt aad the dMtribntioB at VWnn lanf BM anfaiM Snn Pa>1twt^ «th at ta«J taak hat Ura watt t* NB placet. , Tana potto vicdaa, tha chair- IM poiBtao out, wan BUICMI SATURDAY, SEfTEHIER 24WKH30 A. (f. ; T 1 BBVaaaananai fcaRanl1 C*^M BBBt anBaW ABBBnBu '; ' i * win tha dtotuatjoton tha da- VWVWTWMW VWIB ! vStrV Iw SBBBW WanBVH .' "'. -. ;; vatoonMBt at tha taut vacctoe/ aad aaay WH ha ariaptod ORDIRSMOR iMBtMwaaavari tBtWhlpaaateaMl kit aald nay aaad wheatehaln. on Mental tnataantto aktetod, weekly ap- Tao daw hu a riidiag tot acata that to adkatod to family etockt by Dr. Kirfcpalricfc Income aad tBaoaaat. No OM la i At MM OM oMBty «ld IB? BCBBBI BBBBBI OH MBi mmm m M«1(;Bf «M« w •»• wmm BRANCH - OM of tha Tha dfadc ptyebotogitt may refuacdhelpb ortaabtiity ami it «efiaad •Tahawi h to pay a fee. chaatii onrtoj ataada; aaaketaj baachat, ajjar eanti lacabaaa naed k&d hM MM fOff M^Oft thikV attha I iCvMy win to admlalfter oavaral teati aad ahaan Ma aaa, torn aad aaiaB: wananafi- aal ether RMM toe,. hHktU atth AMbdatioa ia that aad i itoaaatatinct- The clialc accepts approzimata- :thtdMgnoaU and the «y M« MW ptttaa each yaar ' ahal aot ha raajtaalMa to (he «nat tl aeddaat aaai/ar [that an dkt';'aOMMBtty aMajM IMW no to, aa, or abwt the pnmiete. taatiag < ;hBtjwllhBBB> capacity tor acahmnoBt. aad about IB) in eafldna aadar 16 yoan of age. cnMrgaacy appaal woU famabi to The goal of the clinic it the re- ' «ft NAN JOHNSON, SH 7*371 tha eoanty aad an^aeoded to tha Hairy PoUak twturn off ththa patiant-child or adult Clinic houra «re from •:» ajn-l pay tor, tha paat tan) ynn* cattiMaaiirial dhUc. aporatad aadar -

MIM«W AABa1 --hftT- • I• *flPtriWCta• ' ' | ih' i red- UMCROFT h« at nltoiITpKmm* to « «Hk *Vftt «fcn *• MM Tfay Wtllltn MsUttflaMf flf»i Of VlnaBV mtog River Rd. will attoad tha can tout. Odweddiagi atMn. BMBtai Ciftl A» •*• tatir "Tha Henry PoUak emus&umm Itaf ha to* mi fcrtk, Ik* haft »'a totter i CUaic makta avtBaUi I Mn. Thorn rut *Mi eommuaity a trttoad j Sr, at WUaoa Ave, 1 alataflotptychlatriau, ttffUnnk gWa aad aodal warkan whan kaai Mr. aadMn purpoaa hi to clarify jmhlaBM hi at IM New. Mr. aad Mn. Charlat rwimitii tW t pmou u Schwiadl aad Mr. aad Mn. Wil- happinett ano aanancnoB Mum low Prim lUMlMkl-Br* BHIMtall liam Scawtodt of Kaaiaay. Mr. la their dairy live*." and Mn. Thomaa Schwiadt of Ir»- The etiaic at Moamouth Modi- •tin laielta. »•» taa tlHB tt tor t. aad Mn Center it In ha ninth ye •MkM. ttfi tf am *M w oc nawars. j who deain coaultattoB aad tnat> Mn. Schwtodt, tr., have IT ft •^hWraaaBdHi^graao-iJto-p^,^— 19 chiMna. about the dunrbtd taaavtor PARMH CLUB Ranrral may be made by caB- KEANSBURO - Mn. Robtrt lag oa "th' a " or by wnttog Kolvtaaky M a*r M U tha to tha Pariah ia OM tha daw atatf! . ^•^awBBari^h. 4Wa^A^^u«aB^ha anaa\ Bnaanw a\ ganaaBanl - - - - - • ^aBBaBBgBJ vV*j B^a^grBaVBnBB aBMM BB^BBBBBB VBI BaaaBaBBBni Church. TtoMt an aatog tbhi irnagel to ardor torartaUoweMeB«eetatl»pe>eMtBMyaM»aipactfleeaat auy iah haute. ChrittaM otidt an (or halp. 17 St. alto being aotd. Mn. Chart Oackal it chtirmM. with ttaff 9 Quintupleto Are Born MIMOR GOITON To Six-Year-Old Mother Road Work YOU! CHOKI OF OUR EXaUSIVE - ThU headhMlhat you CM bay oacoy aa a Going Well, hnpUaa MO thlag but aaya vertltod— - - *. »-Bato• w IlaA ma «BMM>Bltypicall a MpM dal m 1 roomi of fumitan. attar. ActotDy wa an ratarriai •111 take you just » tecondt State Says to dott, but if you an tha aw-read the Bd ... and ton ttu EATONTOWN - CoattnebM BM nadar you ao doubt tatped U minutM to reach our ttoi work oa Brood It by the tt Drip-dry at tha crodibUity of tha atory and from your eaay chair. Highway Dspartmaat U go wen oafar to read oa. The aame And you'll be glad you dh ttoag u rapidly u can be l.a_ tru• e o_ mf advcrtWa_• _ •> . g copy. ManKfl •y — See over O.MI aqua, n feet ads aay one thing aad mean aa- fumltan, from lampa to a cot That'a what the dopartmtat other. When you rataood to a ptoto »adel aouaa at pricot tn hraMd tat Mayer aad CouaeU to BjaaK^a^g) B^B4BjBB^aBh^LB^BalBBBaaaB^ B^BMB BraaaaaBf lA^Hki ^a^kafeBBaAflh tMaki BB^^^^h^wK ' a latBM hwt Bight arlfJBB tBVwTMwBB^HSBnBnB) #WI BnanFtT |aUv OVwanal BV PHwaa^n Tha road there la adtnaWycMflOr. to broth Am ATNOEXTRACOST! At coaataTa feat W HaWt <#m VM »Mr •#• wrtttoa to tttttato CU$T0M4)CTARH) Ha aald MM work auaid tor m achool chUdna" aad crittetoid •IS NOW |MC#t Tbt atato aaid, hi Ht totter, TMM baigot-prkNd dnptt hara wan ajwild ba completed iaa taUociBf fattuna you'll and MataaMBflBMdBBaWM aB^_a_Ja^_W la bttog daM to aipadlto... Bta work? It addad ant tat contractor hat tM "MM to atvt wan BMM «h» pttrfB f »laHaWl BHat

bftj KRKY tf IMKIY g^dj -^^ja^-^^^pj aanaV oBHia^Ba) aaaLftW aaABB^BaaW .SiNSATIONAL tad ttodtau Mirntil ' Mnjantt, neJUttoa, laOOPRMI tpt rmm amiu •. I tlm "d antr ttUogt I Ml M VMdl It MM 9BM Q*fmiWM»tahtei Iroa'a tMawl

atoBcMad, Ma4atMylMn< TWBT RACROU* TJUiORIDt nan>y«i aaiBWB^tfBialghi KB) PantM fchtoTi^ althtltay trim Oct. T, *M t,ai., ROTC Naval I taty»Mn pnaarilM at Rtatrvti Nov. l I:M p.aj., Waah- DatnB.Jaaiwaaaaa4Bjtac»tMyaead w tojtoa aad Jefferan Coliege; tttth « a* tronlaf. White with dtloM DM. », I:M PM. Dawjato* CV JUff IAV -CHABOtWr ' tflHHB htrnt. doajrhi ithtaii litti ttaa, aad Doe I, )t» a.a„ t> fit if fur Pail wtmtut ipanrilnf a ernt of Hall UalvanMy. aah. On Onato ttwvnHM "Chtna-Ii". ,aaa.U1U Mi i HAT Ml •»laa.Ma»iaiyawwa...*»yBWt49< •pent four weeks In Onancock, Oreip«freitt Jailc« Va. Hawaiian Punch JTS^ 2U39« Mr. and Mra. Harold Amberg, t > Locust Ter., entertained Mr. and Mrs. Nick Colucci, Jersey City, Oeam O' Rice £Z *Z 39* tost week-end. Rev. and Mrs. Victor Buksbai- Gaucho Cookies Mill on, Philadelphia, wrr* Sunday f^PP^H^ Hav B^f^f^w^ •ueau of Rev. and Mrs. William Hydrox Cookies •isgrove Rev. Bukshairn spoke m M the morning and evening serv- W«fc *o PWOIMM tt 4 tarkofM Lome Doones tSS & 25* 11 ices In the Baptist Church. ISS 6&

Councilman and Mrs. Howard JtyUtrt •Mcy SMMMI Spki'Soa Micirlil Mayer and family, Throekmor- BM Avt, visited Mrs Meyer's Ptf AutMMpit WflatalieM MaMsaaaaaaaaaaaW la^asaMssaaV ary*oM ' AM AMMIBI OOOMI ionaonl Malti osuilni, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson, In Plalnfleld ircmtly. Mr. and Mra. Marvin I rankle. Wall SI, were In <>rcan flly *»29' :2f. Sunday at the Methodist (onfrr one*. Mr. and Mra. rrank llnlmtifrn, lymM La., spent the week end with Mm Hnltnirrn't falhrr sVrnaril .Inhnnnn. In Jim 'Ihmpr. With MM *WMM of On* NoM OONM rV Mrs (laud* Milnni'. Ihrmk nvilKMI AVI- , h»« »n h' I «ilt«l- Kunday Mi and Mr» 1'iMir k« (1101.•; HI;! Ijim', <>! I'• • -• I-1>11 •nd Itttai MMII l«0in •» MIM Sharim Nanmni. «lauyhidprovld M a real opportunity to ttart making a pile of ayathotic manure. Tike it from men who have lyrtematteaUy compared animal and "lyathetk" BBWH, there'i no real dMtienci in ejaaHty. Hie ei ennmeic aflaoa 01 leavei and ouch win Improve your anil Jvat as much aa animal manures. EaaytaMake Ixtra It's so simple to make a com- post pile, and It offers such a haady sokitkm to the problem of Wh* the rwctMM tf • I Ounce Tube e» what to do with leaves aad other wastts, thit it's a wonder net every gardener has one. You can start your hasp with the first batch of filling leaves. Just maks a rectangular pile about six inches deep, sprinkle with n handful or so of any standard fertiliser mixture.

with n tab layer of aoil. Add more layers as you get material. Three or four weeks after the Extra ilait layer is added, turn me pile .and next season your synthetic manure will be ready to go to WMi Itw Pvrchcw of 11k Slwdy Un« work for you. The subject is interestingly treated la a circular called •'Synthetic Manure" that has to be reprinted every once in a while because of popular demand. One of Us authors is Or. Bel- man A. Waksman and It re- flects hit fascination with soil organisms long before he dreamed of becoming a Nobel Prize winner. You're welcome to a free copy of Circular 47*. Ask your coua- ty agricultural agent or tend a card to Garden Reporter, College of Agriculture, Rutgers Univer- sity, New Brunswick. tsVUsTVRTVI AaVifiVa rbiwitiiwIiMWf VmAf Bimm.t aWjatiVfaCBJUfJnaWj DfenpyElsn Mrs. DCG of Morristown asks 1—V*M «* « MnMr-V*W afar toft. M what nib) a Chinese dm, U yean old. that droops Us branches in- ward the ground, giving it the U.S.D.A. Choice Beef shape of an Inverted bowl. According to Donald B. Lacey, BMHML TAB BMHMI lit, that's the way some Chinese elmt nke to grow, and not be- Stm^PVa^gaaesalgT av^PSV 'ejanejpVJa^BBjnnjg cause of disease or toil irregular- ities. The growth habit can be mads leu noticeable by trim- •Freezer Buy of the Week- mmg off the tower branches. Belfoni George Lathrop, Green Ave., entered the service at Lackland Mole Beef Round Air Force Bate Seat. it. A dav You gat bS-Chok* Staaks, Top, Bottom, Ey* and! Sirloin Tip Roasts Mr was bald tor Mm recently. Guests kwkadad Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zttro aad family, Clark Township; Mrs. Lydia Hover. At- fc lantic Highlands; Mr. and Mrs. Roujd Steak Z.VSZ 89< David Hermsjuon and family, Keaaaburg. and Mr. and Mrs. tobert Lathrap and Ward Lath- Grolnd Round t^ * 89< rop. Mr. and Mra. Robert Lathrop, Cube Steak us^sw •» 99* ST., Green Ave., celebrated their Franks ftta wedding anniversary with relatives from Cnrteret Sept. II. For The Finest Produce ...AU You Need Remember is Safeway! Mr. aad Mrs. Arthur Simmer- bag. Linda St., have moved to Union. The first birthday of Jeffrey Ir> win. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray

by members of the family Mat- day. Honeydews Apples Paul Commaa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Commaa celebrated i^l^. dM^h^ mJ^^gft^sWaa dtfhdku^^Aa* f^L^^^ ' Imal Sllom VUlMlmmJ •BHiJTTJolJr • WrTWm Enjoy Tht Swtttntss of Honty FrtshOispy Mclntosh 'eat were Mr. aad Mrt. Ralph I Spear, Mrs. Marion Commaa, Mr, tnd Tht Frtshntss of Dew Popular All-Purpost Applt {and Mra. Carl Oderman, and Un- Ida Comman. Mra. Ernest Volkland, Morris Ave., hat returned home after ipeadlag e week with Mr. end Mrs. Ronald Connelly and family, eiHfMflil Cranford. Mr. aad Mrs. Raymond Kelly .attended s hsir style show at the | Robert Treat Hotel. Newark, Sun- Private First Clais Eugene Za- boraey. with the Marines at Quaatico, Va. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrt. Edward Pin- klewki. Phillip Mauaroppi. tea of Mr. Sftfcfal Of7«r .. .Wkfc Supftlfcf La*.' and Mrs. Thomas Meueroppl, Rt, H. celebrated his l«h birthday fresh Pears iStturday with members of tht Poof Most'^2.29 IfcMlty. Mail Hf Mrs. Ronald Skoneki aad son, lEtcarole William Bbaneii, who have been iptndlng the summer with Mrt, ^tvAo NIC Mf rotate* SuUs Heina ti»|^ aj ig|| §^ .tan Antonio, Tea. with her hue Ibaad Sunday. ' IrBftHA TO BE MUtKAL NEW YORK (API - Billy Barnes, writer-composer of aa offBroedway Ml revue bearing Ma name. Is turning hit taleeti MM to s musiesl adaptation of the Kmlya Williams' pisy. "The »e^^p w^^^^^^v ^^^^awf »^w Corn la Oreen," The story of a Wetih mlaia| own It quite t twlhh Irom con* UM Print! 25 Ixtra tmporary entire, hut ,BaraH MU that the dranta't lyrW die* «u# and emotlonel roatutt CM IM Whktai Wtl (•«ke it Meal fw meledM tun*

KNOUSM vumm •MM. Ott M) cVtlh e« ittr* dtt^tay. II A/IK I - Mr aad Mn h>r. net *rd Drnt, II Chestnut Dr., r». nily »nteriain*d Philip Carr if 'irkihlre. Kn«!ind Mr. Csrr >l »ml malt ahnatd th* H M I. •tee in lae merchaai Ntvwe. I"--A''* r

WED BANK VECtaiuk H^BHV^F w^^^*^*^ *^^ amwWUBW^BW t^e^^W^^H i TOUGH KKCEMUt taker. Mn. Fraak AdUat. who ba2t I3L Caesar Salad Has Gone American CHRUTIANIBUKO. Va. (AP)- Mrs. Kesilnger, wife of a Me- Another of the aiften hai nine, Mr». Roy Kesstoger and her six Coy, V«.. farmer. recently give itiU another iii and two have •y CECILY BROWNSTCNE each. That's a for the listen aren't doing a thing to birth to her Uth child. Thit put tour 4%P NMaYBEmMmVEEl FtMl ••to life caster for the cenaui her one up on her lifter. Mn. listen. State FROM A TOWN to real estate caused snore mat man !• HSw MCMV rMCIMM St _r to the United Mates' neatJ high la ltM-aa averse vt ratati»aiy of fell par ten, accc tdta , of salad aattag. acre value, tha , The Camr Sated, named tor a report received by the New Jersey Department of Agrlcul the rtttoumat mat tint served tbe Alps. MONMOUTH MEATS ten. arias tide ||lt some « to It yean ago, Tha raaort. compiled by the tbeltal. 110 MONMOUTH ST. SH 1-Slfl KIP BANK itiH going strong. Canton* ttetaa Department of .restaurSttl-^eWBedlOot lAgrleuttare, shows mat the New our research convinces utjhat It Jersey farm real estate tax per UKAT really did originate to TIJuaaa aen is the highest to the coun- | at Caesar"! Ratteunat try. Tbe salad didn't eaten aawijh Tha aatioaal avenge la fl.M. -STEAK SALE- home cooks al ovar ma waatiy la lias. New #ertty fanusn nota .bout a doaea years ago paid ahnott SUt mon tema per •«« New York's WaM *' aen maa farmen to Connecticut SIRLOIN ,torla hotel served Hwlft which had the teeood highest fanfare to a group of tend adl- average farm real estate tax Mn who saw its merits aad the stotot-43.f7, the PORTERHOUSE pasted along me goad word. agriculture department "wTa walla after that table said. i ooa^anattoibaw^ In only two other states, Mas- T-BONE or taBc died dowa - aa* at del ma sadnaettesjdRhodtulaBd.wu aalad.NowwtMakM'allMtB tbe tax par aen mon tfcaa tear wl donare, It added. DELMONICO Tbroaa* ma yaan Caesar Sal- Ha lowest average rate, M caste per aen, waa foaad to New id baa tata « tojndtatt ba- aja. caa never leave wel enough IONBLESS - AGED fc SEASONED ^Bfc^Rkj ataae. But mask heavea me at- New Jersey farm real estate MBttoU an ami me eeme-erlep taaea have rltea sharply to re- cent yean. mem (origmafly only romalne). WHERE DID IT STARTr In Mexico or California? Many a grated PamMsaa cheese, aa egg, la 1M. tha average waa ».* mile and enutaaa. In me lot- chat aad restaurant lava claimed the famous Caesar aalad. per aen; to MM. N.B, and la Bat wherever Hi ortjm. oae thing la sun-It's deUctoas. 1K7, fl.Tt. EYE ROUND ROAST 89 jlf addlUuui inflwrtai aad Hoe(packed down fairly well), K« aat year, Naw Jersey farm- en paid a total of tU.m.W in cup crumbled blue cheese, 1 egg Vialt Fallout Shelter, M 2 t tffd real estate tesee-oompared with Frvsh KB#d-Gro


JOIN THE CROWDS ~ AND SAVE, SAVE, SAVE. erchants SUN RAY ISO inOAD STRCtT, RtO IANK MIMS CO. IRANCH: Fefr Hsven Shopplno Center M»m>»' r> L.i >,. , ,.,., .„ 44 BROAD STRBn RED BANK, N. J. r I DQDTOWN




iKNlORLAYBRS * . Rd,R#4RcMk A¥«n UHlt Sflwr #1124 Octon Avtmit. SM WPATOCNIPS 'ShrmnbMry Avt. Rt. 35, Ntw Shw •MOOTOWN MARKETS OKN SUNDAYS

ITPMATt ITWNHt WAIN rat A lenMTW TOW UVI MOM YOU UVI MOM jIVORY IVORY IVORY CAA^AY ZKT OXYDOL DREFT IVORY SOAP SOAP SNOW SOAP BEAUTY BAR LIQUID 4TT27C •EL"" 77c 3"t-"31c ^ ltr 43c •t.-79e "l-99c •MMAAiaA n noAfi MM, MMTit WMItl YOU IAVI MOtl Mil Mf IIM l«Vt IVORY IVORY CAMAY z'lsf DUZ TIDE DUZ JIF PEANUT SOAP FLAKES SOAP BEAUTY BAR u - SPREAD 3^,^290 t*79e 2 *tT 31c 27£'*31c tT34c •t.*"77c t. "34c r 41c Others Just Talk About Savings... We Deliver!! .V] ATLANTIC'S Fabulous SUPERAMA





SactJonTwo RED BANK N. J.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24.1969 7c PER COPY New School OfficialPBA Seeks Union Beach Propose 64 Motel Backs RegionalPlaa'ensionFun p d VNITJNBEAXH-Tto Pate* ATLANTIC HKKLANDS-Mn. Unite In Keansburg Chattel W. Leaner, anr laamhsr aa'a naatwlsul AH of the loud of Education, an-School JFeB Konsburg Local, hu KEANSBUBO - Ptau for M fnandad that new PBA effldsaey apartment units wan >*7&t&&arSRepaired at I* tUs borough teaUtuto a pa* May Extend diselossd yesterday when a New- regional school program all tos and lattrsmoat program. rk man submitted a $18.S*» bid as way." TBO local but week approved a boroagh owned tract of MrLUahsrnatocojRstortL. Co*t of $1,000 ttfa Middletown bud at Barnden Beach. Barry Phmlek oatbid two other board earlier this He to* ySM£ raons for ths asteUWoot tract taovsd to Laoaardo. At fro MM time, mo Rail Station a public aaottos. eoat aa as&> Uoataosd • jmdjat - ft • a* WGeortt MBWLETOWN - TowasbJp Cost of as trspttal wu sab> BUM daring tto past tout ns*4aXBMrdofBdBcatlon alttosmaaJ.Crtwford Coap- aVPtaaa osB tor QoorgeM. reported last night that at ota ta June and Gorton M. Rtedu reported Oat Hag- l Kays Co, Ukewood, lavarab) aps wan toprovedtf at turaaOta tna- ASM Mrs, Lather, who mMa at drffl aaodisr IN fast to last week aTtoto) a nfaraadBawi Is passad fey tfes Bast Ltaeota Avs.. ia a aa* tbo won. Orbjtati depth on ta November. Mr. Comptoa aid that to tod aato at tta Oct 11 af the Ptrsnt-Teactor AaodtlK for a patrobaan's Job tto PBA Ommcfl attoalatsd that tha sate Born ta States Island, ato I dtaeussd tto pooHbOlty of re- •shard M. Ford, supervising aaaaltag the ttatkn with Etri T. wuortdKloaal on ths foftowtat Bred here for the past M yam. artootosL wu forced to move Union Bosch PBBCS Chief John potetr. Ths new board member Is tto F. Conroy toid Tto Register that Moon, president of tto Central stodsatt cat of the school lut Railroad of New Jersey. 1. That a motel be buOt on the mother of thro* cMtdraa, Enty Wadauday when it wu discover- Borough Couadl hu already tract. Anne, U. Charles, Jr., BUS, aaded fla wall had gone dry. been asked to set up a passion "The railroad hu aa elaborate 2. That cost of the project ba Robert, four. All toM, « ctiildran-second and retirement program and ptaa tor our station," Mr. Comp. not leu aaa l»,aa. cond BACK AHOAT-H. SM Safari sal* Narth Star, which, back in 1931 was flafship toa said, "as tbsy realise we tad tbM graders-sttended clss- *•—*. council "la favorably oa> 3. Tittt ths pfofsct te CMMlstitl a at aaJltoriom of tto new sidHingnanautt. for District 2, was roocHvatod last aifht under tha sponsorship of man of Rod lank's tto fasten grow *aa ana yam afar as dad In rss^ to the regional anas- alty ta Momnaoth County.' •DO, Hn, labor toMTt o Regie. taatary school for five days. Loca«KSl DCalkMIpaUcomeMa aOMBwtawanfild aMtotoO TriaHy ipitaapal diarak. Harat at farmor flagship skipper Josopb C. Irwia, aaw i waaatarnd. Tto children returned to Holm- PBA'are: CM Coarey, Cap- aooaty fraaholdar dkaatar, fet>» Uob ON provdry, tho erew stops aboard. Othart 1 TwK aa aWaaa Md aa aa _JI Walter A. Battoa, Sat BtoV swevsr, that tto railroad iStbtM gff^NTlaaala.. shown, bft fa right, aro RaaaM Mamwal, 14. aad CarHon ThitHo, 14: Saa Saawt dant tadiestod any ptau for tto iStaM* aew district toa approved, laid tto aid Trembiey, Jr, art Pom* Mr. Wvaick ssM astltobaBoa Mova fas aWootfaly» au David Oaa mmlttloiMr Uvit i. Caofc, BUMBB, and E. W. Copoland, Fair Havan, aow tlripfMr. station probsbry bingo ea tto n- to kava as project coaftatoAbjr I wa support Jl on- adui gram ail as w sol J. McKowu. Mr. Comptoa ssid mat tkoffaat tm othe••aaiiar «••»••••! p wtw uTswHy PstrolmaaJossphCNapplda- 9 TBO *S9 csJ for Muafifnsa taw alMllBiT daBtaasUa aad Caratoe Pw> totad 4 to 3) to to a adnrttod t for aKhrusk Cut* cBaed to Jota tto aasodattoa. area so that anyone getting off a part-time secretary ta now ^Expelled Democrats Plan New Jersey dt. both of Keansburg. " Patrolman Andrew Kabiack wM train at the township station w0 Mr. Psceni mads ths tint of- laVS* 4™*awaav W— ... Vaa Note,. wh— s wUl not to eligible aatfl bto sn- Immediately step into • shattered has aoouaced tor resignation. Wide Swath News Briefs ir of |j,ea which prompted tha D. Adstoh Bucb, board presi- month protottanary period toup .Court Suit in Union Beach pabUcsale. Nov. EAST ORANGE (AP) — *BI Also discussed wu tho Ha pfoposM to build B notH want; Msrtto Mortonsoa aad John on whether to ftaca tto UNION BEACH - TwstvaltaagaB aad the vote'•railroaded sgents arrested John Maasfiald, Ky of hsvilng more A. Jorita voted "aa." In Iowa Stay araagb," •tap „,,„ utMOf, later espaadtag bt department (aad an bataau — 8, of 177 Shepherd Ave.. today at tha station. Mr. Comptoa asld. at least IM. Board member Vtacent H. Fox DES MOINES (AP) - toWBjployaa) oa CM Soviet. Tatman, aad two Mr. Iwgan has refused to talk sad charged Hm with the rah- "I feel that any trata arrested tto aaUment of ttocon belt farmers tamed neaBdy from to reporters about it Tha tract hu a asMost froas- back doputment ta to favor of as"•*• bery of the Maplowood Savings ta Rsd Bank should aga on Boachway with aa avarngo sajorlty on tto baa. "Wo win to aalr normal placid ttvu _. Daaaeratte Clublb , taagbadtabd K K The Democrats split after Mr. ft Loan Assodstioa Sept Is. tosubjoct to sevsrs criUdsm IIff day after a day with tto toman tost BJlbt and roportod sa> depth of US feet The PBA permits Scholar wu defeated by Republi- The institution's office oa Irv- M>. Comptoa wu appstoted by Twice baton the conadl bu we hand-pick a new secretary QfmVBBO fnlO IKMMS "JOfldcom-o CC fI police ofBcon, bat m pabW rr salt wUl be tiled «• a ro> can Mayor Boyle K. Pattlaoo. ingtonAve..Maptowood,wubsMas committee to meat with Sfld dlMtld SflSfS fnlMUC glViAt; WWTjiMm wisu rnstaoj: Nlkita Khrushchev msasbovathenakofpatiotmaa itodtom. Oowidlman Carney Is credited up by a lone gunman who sa- Dwight B. G. Palmer. stotobJgb- nslgbt to interested u opportu- Few of those who participated M bafld aotsts aa at vact. wkkh has the right to voto to aa PBA. The "eBpalstos, which took „,„,« n^pia, M,. sender from csped with »W wal the Belveden Anaa. alty to apply for tto post" in that lively day wert likely place lut week, ftwWIW wldanlng of Bt *. Tto salary wu set at "between to forget it for a kmg time. WIWa^itogBa party aodta at Aprn Manifleld, » plumber, wu aat jr. dab president, primary, to Newark dry Jail for arraign- The Borantogbody Is 9 SMN aad n.m." AppUcsati Ths Soviet Premier took oft peOod at at tha crsb HtS\La made It knowa ta April that to have taads tacndad ta ths aut to nsMuts of tto borough. last Bight, tired bat still happyPolice Nab a UJ it Mr. Scholer ran, ba would op- cotninlsslotttf* State agency's UN badgatar tha Full House DendUaa Is Oct 14. at his Iowa ncopttas, far Pttts- project the burgh aad another mad of pose him. Mr. Scholar dM not Approval wu given for Two Armed CouncHmea Joseph Carney. Bar- run, but later toed aa aa lndepen- PTA to hold a bmsr at the CAMDEN (AP)-Flre burned At Riverview tor may-dent for the November ooatest, out a asctton of the roof of oaa favaaMMwalaa* waaaakUal awauwa. am tVatl achoot Oet IT. and for us of tto His personal pbyafctaa. A. M. KITWTWWW ntVoVHaa «*• • IwW cafeteria by tto Teacher's Assad- Markov, seemed uawarrlad by Teen Gangs tor a OBOTOU asmtplred council of as shipbuilding ways at NowSteel Talks tau aH_amaiir ^tang." Mrs. bta charge's bsslth. feeling that York ghtpbaUdtoj Corp^ wDB Ka iwttWiaawWrtMa aflaWavS* ana aach Tueadsy sftsrnosn for Carney hu ssid of a sow Girl Scout •whsn a au smites, to to ta NEW YOU (AP) - Pottos early today, at Go* - - '" - hi two wan- ' Mr. Scholar on The fin wu Seen Wasted, i that "ba cannot wta.' fast from aaNS local first andear 'Frustrating' ^ shto. The shipyard saM the fin at as Democrats. did not threaten tha four-mUlion NEW YORK .... Wta SaM on* OOP official. "Ma tta dollar vsassl. day of t of Jl over test yon. Of as a "Democrat- Ha to safkrt- Democrats split Hke ttw,Bopa V Ths Savanna!) wu launched tawhich a • m. tto Ugh school saraB- U, wu traapad by ad byMr." ^ Ucaa victory In November to a Julv and is bsng complatod i wattom poUco oa a noltop with a pfls 'Mr. BrkkasB said bJs |r9Bp fonajO*- • - — - M• coactutrOB* - * - -. so a_ fittindaui_ g_ basin• . ft . ^^WJ ar~ B^BW* BJBmBBBBBBBBWBB g^fBrjBWVBgl ^BaWtv WBWB He tod been throwjh arito a of aba "Mototov •ow plans to tUe aatt . "• aow making money," day. Oa farms i wordTJamouaraotho Air Force Abandons NEWAUC aktoagh to said ao specifii c fig- oMbsy Is! tor the Uhttod Steal warktottaaawlaaBtlwaito ids. to tramped .totvuatla tbeaatfea's •tu could be ajvea snttUapatoi t ' He box of jfeatter buBato. boar Mr. Snper-Intereeptor ato not af Ms at IM Last year,. fttto caMsrlCOB a spar- bnfldtag to farm bwMag. learn- a aaM was fflai to Bnd. atod OB a dsfidt of men Oaart assktog • re- WASHINGTON (AP) - Tto Air w. tag about VS. Mas on ttve- 4* yoatbs aw«* "™W» "•#•• enwnwjaanp; Bjwaannj stock totdtag, a topis ta whteh abort Force hu tobtolagaaa1naarvadto|aadto. The board Its I Mr. op a i Tba n-yeartoM strike hu I M w Mastaaatslv ainieatail caught after a ftv»btork etoa. no atol cato to the toB. Ptovmaaaihalf a minion steal workers and tha_p;dtotT^ floor is beta, onm- tart*** This nattsd aaottor Jl toys, a Mr. Setolsr u sa tadajadat. eat would Ry three tunes to toot Mi which wffl ba oa tha November Tto nstntat wu daatod by ajNad of tad carry atoalc ptoytog aa tto rut i MM* otto -jgun with two torrtos aa a USW President David McDon- ajicttoo asBst, and reported that swivel, sad a twUcbblsdS'knlts. Jadgt Goto R. Marlsao on •• ^ . He wu ta fair Dr. Masoo W. Grass. prasMaatjClinton Ave. gnands that such aa action would Tto action ald yesterday saM toa Some of tto toys wto triad to wu viewed u a ry no progress'' had baa af Kstgers Uarwslty. wUl be flee from Ihr can wen ssu • aatattoa of fntdoa at majarstopta •shad to addraw the PTA oa UM ta two weeks of tals by as sab- aabjaet at na imodatian's Octo- Reconstruction dropping several abjscts toto a ELIZABETH (AP)-Mrs. Vl^ ber sieeting- ginls Bailey. 41, hu been Indict- Federal mediator Joseph F. Ph> ed u a murder charge ta Ito fa- igsa. whlto agreetag that The board vatoi to apply far Is Requested Deputy Chief tal stabbtag of lT-yaar«iM soa. P$,m to MtoifJ aM, aa a matca- sun u bell hu been a fnmtrat- torfaad baste, tor high school EATONTOWN - Tto Mayor J. Walsh, after Raymond. Ito tot toM police the youths, i It tootau tto fared the stale last night to have dta- IT this oaa bad aat boai atop- shad cleared away "a lot adaryofa toa Ave. cotapletolyrecoaatroct "- ••*I•. there wouM bm boa a The couple dead toatobt toram " •me high school aatoto Sept t, Hew Tto to •ppolatoi. Both groups of boya wan ai^ to then tried to toko bar own life.tad "agreed ot what they to F. Malr. ftoance: Mtftoa doom brtca ta at msay years. police say. Her died of agma M » „* **& nport to S. Woci*Jjr» paWVOMMi; Mnt umy Aji ah^ B\ paj Upt to poUcs. cancer. She wu todictsd yesur tto cbtot torgslun MrDnuld bar. pabJIc ntattoto; Mr. Mart- road commlttos chairman, said Tto rooftop aaaah aad tto day. for tto aaton aad R. Conrad Coop- oasoa, achMto satoty. aad Mrs. aa dW rood tol a need of paving. auto caravan appsnady wan Ito er for tto In Oeorgs B. McCaUam. cafotorla. (MB\ Md ttofn drain* outgrowth of a ptaatwd "nmtili" LIBERTY. N. Y. (AP) - The Osst win ba m.m.m with lbsbetwoen tto gang to wbtoh Om> Federal Bosarvo Bank of New Flnaaaaa said bn hosed McDon- m*, u wm proper tt ppt maa tod belonged aad tto gang *'•**?>"' ' wm M aadOapsdO r woaMtakMtak a llookk Demo Seeks ag ap ao tab tor tM.«i.tl. UatMed wMhMt Uftm. reward forr taformsttoataformsttoa k " at "wha- t hu baa Msottfled by Cboroagh would pay tbarott Edward Pens, M, aad all rtcovery 01110,111 to the Mr. Brami saM Otatoa Aw. which routs tram sad suS!!raa? aT New Industry bomkidatoaa a total post •fflce to Hoboken, oaasttopiofa N. J. Yesterday. UNION saw Oaaaca »* •*•* Several waaks age at SuBhrsn m, through Sscntory af Lsaar to , aatotosatas Oouaty Nattoaal Baak. ta Its James MitctoB, sppsslid to toa usual faahtoa, toak to day's rs- parties ta Ito atria to pet dawa to as boiwask ball - kr*sa> Juvenile Steals caipts to as Ubtrty post otflcs ato real baraaatabargak g aad aslttt tram whan aall to aba to Calttodtoato. t of u Industrial A asw paatanea baildtog to ! No Y*B y Lttor Cooper i to seek aew baste kasa.bM.wUl Another Car put oa a into to tto Industry wu IMag "to I wad toaotryhr as borough, la If-yosr-sM toy wto tas Federal laspsctor that tto apptrtoalty to j GMsr li awfiM aWfs total |SM B.J. Htokay. « the ot- rtal, Iwo-wsy coltoillva aas iVaVHM WBW ••• BWwHsj aja picnoB op atvarai aaa ba* •ay be presented.' sa ststoi our ctona It ta ter of a roward, saM that aaw tag may ba as Federal Bsasrva Is operating McDonald. Indict Moore FnatoM Javalto CtotaaM aaamA -__ 1 Prapsnttoa of a wMpis I lw two aa at theorh y ttoh t at assaey tas tta coapula af taktag "ataay a W «ay by aa l Bra to Mk Bwaaa awawlaua —~T~* ^^MgmM^ tawal awMal aWkaWawnti PSM SWBIMM •^^aajjaaj HwM BBBBBB; •aaBBaajBaai Fire Try ^afenJannkakdl ato aaanwnwnaBr B^M gnwai - Tto Msw flva otajpaatat atlar a AOCtTHSACtC (AP) - through Red Bank sad I tta. WaBtr H. Jotes (RBsrata) atataratt road band at aayt Ally. Gea. David D. ¥tf •VflSal waf Wllflf Mw* streets last ntobt Heavy Traffic aarlard Rd., Now Maa> Wtm 19 vss if wtaar BMwtfis patod an Pollea Chief Osorgt H. Claytoa by IMKtagat . 4. Improvtmut at Ito toach- over to uld Hlswstto Hugtos, II WUaw (to Boraaa County PoUw Da-On Rt. 35 mntt* fnat tbioagh aapBawM at tato II aw St., hu admlttof ttklag a ear partmont. EATONTOWN - Traffic wu Md MtnTahi aa a oa tto Wattslde toastlat Sat- JoMS Md FrNnOMSf elOlM I Mr. Moan, owner of the Cra-' .vat uriay night which biltagad to backed up oaRt a Bat aa Btba Bar aad Orin at Aaw Ptrilltt epoke last gaawBB? Hba Vawfdi tgdkw^—A. af a Barton Masu, 71 Waal WottoMt BMfflbers ai ths totdaa Ava. and Ma It, wu ar» aad a Avs. Hugbst slst admitted stoat- dspsrtmsBt ast» PoMce CJMat Wllbam Z> by hot. aw a ear loot 17 from tto The n-man dSfMay f^aMftMt Storpt Tin Ct. atrklag M, Oak- rapoitod tob a He said toe traffic load on Rs. land St., at thief aid. • af a M tat toa toaw twmmti Tha Tto ttvoytatu pMwaapto Parmaa's afftos Umttag Ms Jar. atroairantlrwwAtoktoii wBlal VaTWR Copt Mam'tad aaoau arnaV aa Mato bt, Ottaapart, r to OM baud far a ad tator by Long aVaack panoi vehicle retuUtioM. Tto •f t r"' " ___ • stootrto „.. Mr. Bactor aid at gevaTnea mm NtoMti the catof ahlTto IsjajW wwkh wu coaaeotsd to a tody wuilBtanud of at Inarbi radto tat to aa gg a| • tortog by way at Bt U, as cbtot Court NmlttfiM Appad tor Islas srrsst If he a. a. . •rtyasvby. tor s crime he dM aat ss* «p*a awu BaaBawaajgja^gAs (MBUanajI •aka^fcalawBI^BJBBJBBBJl faa*j PolllH atsursd tha offtosrs ths I aoUot figured OB OtoBtAera Zoalug •BMhtwl taa>M aViu Bftatal BwawnwaaBt? pptar to Fttony Caart tor a "BBawMnm PUV coutity Wvnl vaWW V/IH waaww ^BWW^BWVW HOLMDEX - The Ittptrtor — Hera It Jarsay Central Power ftLI| M toarlag today, tot wu warmed such a suit or (wo, than tt ito toUctmtai aad to* Court aiullfled aa aaaaal bv MAIUNIICCITY-Bav. tor- 1 Ca.'i ntw aUfflnf mahlaa, raportad aapaWe of d!««ln« Chief Zsdsroay said to aBdP aPaV^aBB^BaB taj aTBdaa4Vaal djA^&AAAanai ptototlrfi mod agatost the BB»no Orabam, pruHiau Bay M ostn men aa duty a WW»T PBij nVgvPPJ RJJ >WOI a Ma ahjM foot la dtamatar aad SO foot daap In an HOPfcWELL TOWNIHIP (AP) Cavil* lit tf sctisdVffd It atstd •era aoatog ordtoaato court var- McCartney, vice prssattM; Mnbhang lbs car an tha WwMds, -The Western Eleclrk Co. yes- to lake can af the rush. diet, "ttw Kanchoa. isarsUry, aad havr. I* Mtlaa In this none MM Lawrwuaa, tha oajtila. tt tM laYaClaMSjt Matt I UM alatit HHastea * atabsd «p ths terday announced ptou tocon - Mr. The scttoa was taksa by Nubsn Farrow, It, and MrsfHrfH. s yauththss to toUa a Bnaeb aad mant It uioal ta pvr In holos for tfMimlaslaB towers. A struct two balMtogiMtogt* iat a cost of WIN Thomas apt aeurl on Tuesday as the plain- M Tarfla of lbs mecuUvs etorgM. drove to KKirpnrtTbp t ssM. Tbay aaw power llaa It kaUf p«t In oetweon tha Larrabaa 11,900,000 at thhe flril permanent of East Uvsraool, Ohto, wnu •ffs failed to tile brlsfa lo ihow board af ttw Red lank Adult *ere ea the way ok bath "SofUy, Tatdtrr/ Jatw It the way book to Lea unlti of aa oagtossrlag nsotrcb m* Owl they planned to pa oa wllh school are prtNnUag a playlet l Mar lahawoad to tha Dolawsro River south * ajanal nrsnen) wnsa asy wara c»nl»r. The buildings will becoming" aad "Ttorat A Oral w F^rav "Anything Familiar," here today by Capt MBIM. af UmkorrvM*. a frawmfl urvlM tartitary. locslsd oa Carter Rd. Day Coming." SMUV «IMB> Ml Ann Elisabeth Knight Destert, dub Benefit Wed in St. Michael's Barbecue Set For Regional PTA For Oct. 24 RUMSON - The Rumaoa-Palr 0. WOllam Moon. Mn. Joha Monday Night The Marlboro Hospital Wom- lavca Regional High School sson, Mrs. H. D. VaaNtmen. an's Auxiliary will hold Us annual Bt-Teecher Association wilt hold Mn. Rosttte E. WlDltmt tad MMSON - The Woman's Cbb barbecue supper party Oct. M card parly uklMriMatowPM» dessert-bridge aad fashion show Mn. Geofge WUllamsoo. fttlag Itoribart HoaptUl AuilUarj following the Monmouth County rtdataday night. Oct. T.ia the Assisting tht chairmen will be wlU ba hald Monday at I p. m. Hunt meet at the home of Mr. igh school gymnasium Mn. Charles Wodehouse and U Fellowship haU of tht Pres- aad Mn. William Zlllger on Sit- Mn. Paul WUsoa., RaRiimaoai , aad Mn. J. William Morgan, tickets; byterian Church. River M. versiee Ava., Little Silver. In. George B. Horr. Jr FaifMn. Eageae GartMa aad Mn. The matt la held oa Woodland iaven. an chairmen. William Rooaey. refreshments; Mr». Joha V. Ola aad Mn. 'arm. Middletown estate of Mr. William P. Ossa, Jr- an chair The Cletbes Tree of Shrews- Mn. ObaaM Wingerter aad Mrs. Mn. Amory HaakeU. ary wiU abow fashions. Mn. William Hagarmaa. tables, tad m«a. Tht treat will feature fash- from the evert, which bat aad accessories mada by tht lojrdoa MacLeaa willI provide the Mn. Philip Coaa rad Mrs. Irtoe tusk, and models will be Mn.Hlnchcliffe, prites. Daughters of club nambtrtt ' dtaeiag, (a to (ha aiuiiiary'a imittee members also an Mn. CUatoa Tbomftoa. Mn. 'alter Gillette, Mn. William welfare toad. On tht lercn. Mrs. Douglas Hoyt, Mrs. working. Richard J. Rofen, Jr., and Mn. will ba charcoal broiled Sarkia KewokJIan ira ia charge af tha fasbtau. aalad aad homtmadt apple pie Other committee chtirmaa are Mn. Joeapb S. Ling. Mn. A. K. d coffee. START AT THE TOP WITH MacKeuto and Mn. Praak Me Plsat for tht benefit Ktsoa. special awardt; Mn. started last week when commit- Cant DeFafco aad Mn. James tee werken met at the home of A. Lamlg. doer priitt; Mn. John Mrs. M. A. Pujels, M Ward Ave. Iparttaj aad Mn. Edward P> Committee aides ia- kat, tickets; Mn. Fradprkk Rao- ctade Mn. LewU E. Brooke, who aaU aad Mn. OUvar Mdatosa, is la charte of refreshments; Mn. Egbert Ua. bas; Mn. tabla priatt; Mn. HMmrd Mfflar. Mn. Spaacar Embrae, Mn. Wit piaae. aad Mn. Xobtrt CsJHaee, lam B. Jeaaa, Mn. J. " ' Gordoa. Mn. Mark Mn. Harry Vaa BHUTAN TODAY Morton Wmer. Mn, Pro. DeBona, Mrs. JoaelSnJib. Mn. COLTS NECK - Mn. Barnard Douglat Dawat aed Mn. UUpr. AT LAKE 6E0R9I—Mr. and Mn. Pater Carl lei, who Pratmaa will eatertaia the Worn- an't Minioury Uaioa this after- were married Saturday m Garktamana Utharan Church, aooa at aa executive meeting ia Miss Ftrro Koyporti are an thair wedding trip to Leke George, N. Y. her home on Manor Rd. Women Upon their return, they will live in Hailet. Mn. lei It from tha churches ia tht Clauii Given Shower af Momnouth will attead. tha farmer lerbara Helene Kriftner, daughter of Mrs. Mr. aad Mn. Jtaapb LONG BRANCH - Miss Rose- Emily Kriltnar of Keaniburg and tha lata Gustave Krift- lace, marie Ferro was honored last NORTH LONG BRANCH-Mr. with appliques of Aleacon week at a bridal shower ia thener. Mr. lol'i parents are Mr. and Mrs. Carl let af tod Mn. Will Eaatat Knisbt Hi Henry lea. given by metaben Cliffwood. loth are graduates of Wagner Collage, of 111 Etawaod An. aaaoaaca the faH aktrt waa made of a ser- SHERMAN'S ies of ovtnhlrts. 11M bride'a veU of her bridal party: MUese Pth> Stater. Island. the msrrltgt of their daughter. mena Ferro. Catherine DeU fell from a Queen Victoria styled to. Barbara Miss Ana Elisabeth Knight, to headpiece, aad her bouquet wu ADAM HAH LOOK SO «O0D. WEAR SO WELL Joseph DUdaicaatoeto, toe ef Mr. Phillips, Teresa Wooowvd* AND NT SO PERFECTLY, THEY GIVE YOU A LOOK of The honor attendant wore a per Miss Ferro ia me deegMar of ng Branch Public OP DISTINCTION. COME IN TODAY AND SEE West long Bnaca, formerly af simmoa colored street length Mr. and Mn. William Ferro, « Red Bank. Sapt 11 m St. Midras- a of peau da sole. She had a OUR PINE SELECTION OF ADAM WATS. chael's CathoUc Church, Deal. East Sunset Avt., Red Bank. She Curtains wtffhhj hat aad accessories, will become tha bride of Jeetph Rev. Lewis A. Hayes officiated. sad her bouquet of chrysanthe- Health Benefit Oct. 19 tt.fl * $t.f I The bride waa given ia mar- McDonald, aoa of Mr. and Mn. Dra paries mums wu several shades of per-Raymond McDonald. Sr.. of riage by her father. Her only at- simmon. The auxiliary of the Long tendant wu Mn. Robert Marks After a reception at The Stage Keansburg. Saturday. OctjM at Kathleen CKerla*. Branch Public Health Nursing MEN'S I Slipeovars a*i A-*UU..» A. M. ta t:M P. M. ' miag; Mn. Sue Howell, re- employed ia the Bay Mrs. Guire, Mn. the New Jersey Natural Gu Wai. aad Fri. Tai • P. M. ception, and Mn. Alex Ranch, Briggs. Mn. Laae. Jr., Mn. Ma- DING Hf cMaraa in aradM 14 Mrs. Emilio Mustillo. Misses EW company in Atlantic son, Mn. William West Ulmaa. Ha is a member of theNew IVi ^^M aswali^aM assttafc Ha^kttti a^lav aCahastttL FREE PARKING ma Repp and Louellt Frey, ar« Mrs. John D. Flock, Mn. Alfred I Tda w^^^^W a^B^^nVvei^aaj ^p^L^aVB ^v^^^PaB '.faTww^^B B^m^^iB^Bje Jersey National Guard. This i IS REAR rangementi. Genola, Mrs. Ralph Kleia aad Following dinner. Mn. Howell Mrs. Charles Joaas, priies. showed colored photograph iltdee that members had taken white Scholarship HERMANS ENTESTTAM fka> vacationing this summer in tWs country and in Europe. COLTS NECK - Mr. aad Mn Luncheon John Herman. Roadaida Rest, Walter Johnson, Locust florist, hid as their week-end guests Mr. will lecture on floral arrange- and Mn. Joha Arvay. Yoaken, MATH1MATICS ments at the meeting Oct. IS, al- Today N. Y.; Mr. and Mn. Joha Her so to be in the Rosevclt Tea EATONTOWN - The annual man, Fort Montgomery, N. Y., scholarship luncheon of the Moa-and Mr. and Mn. John Stem aad iM>| &tn POEMS month County Dtaul Auxiliary ia y <* AUaatic Hlsklaadt btmc held this afttmooa la Crys- tal Break laa. * cum anil Mill mi tttp bliw w Or Mmnur'i lllvrr iliy Tht tvoat will beaeflt a fund With lluun kin in mluy tan. AM trMt wtllMd In mt and aaauatly to award a two- Tto mrm «*M«nit| bum of to a ihm hu un Ih. hill MMl Ihtt SWMH M UW Wtlt to btcoaM a daatal by- MUM >»< tr* am. JUMOR HMH SCHOOL AMTMalTIC BIAUTY CULUfM •ft ML UH lofll lat* •ummtr nllM Hsmbarg, PtshioM wiU bt ertaaatad by l tun |»nlljr rallltii — coueas la MeatHie's, Surrey Laggage aad Jov>i FALL An4 thmdir kwiiy c«niitf Ttkoma Pen, Md. Mr Albrich "* Hat Boa. Rod Beak. MATH SURVIYI Cllllns IM wIM from nut llu ••111 Mn. Bertram Femsweg. Red ORIENTAL HAIRDOS | Of wlnlir'i nathirn homa mdtd Valley Feres Military There bss beta a tread to- AM lUranili tk* wtM • ttntAiu ••in Academy m Pteasytvaala. and it IV s^sjovjftj veaesot| .Baasvs^sjajv^Bf aty wards thlags orttalal of Uta. •M i M y yiHtatyMn. David Akermaa, Long • a^atMt at W _^ aad Ikli bv inach faahlaa Oil Mas t mis *l IM ••»•• it ary Cnllajt wban he la matorlag cludtt hair B trail Im aj^Ltj^jfi^bVtt laea^B ByMJB^s^A afa^L^Lf i^Lf^Mk^ftl Mrt< H* !• stylet. Aa ori- Dawa Payatal—Eeay Teresa hn4 llw s<*l"l •*> mrmi wlnil AM IM MM of lltllimil'l llMan •«« gad Mn. Nethaa Ttata- ental cotffun la CM* Wntoa ff CMM to iBf PmiMl teftenrttw Whim MniiMr'i Krtlni drlnsi smooth aad Ok ni •( im nin IK IM annmg it> Tha pita to marry aext ate* wHb ao MATH umtrtn At un j taaal«|H Aa^a«art» Bk^aa^ ^ MVU mmmJ^m NOW IN SESSION •"•wty fwetam •BTvatw sjr •IIW HSJSJSJSJ dertakiag < praleclt to help Improve school e Ballet • Toe e Tap • Modern • Ballroom systems, Twmiytl* offtcen aad Stmd tor cnslmrn atl*nn>d A workshop for PTA officers ADULT EVENING CLASSES and i half men will bt held la RUMSON RCADMG WSTmiTI Shrewsbury Grammar School Avtjwe ef Twe RVvefif WMneei Special Classes (or Prc-school Age wrdn»*day. ilartlng at 7.1) p. m 6 BHOAD MTHKKT. KKI) HANK Mn. Ihrnnas Frosllck ef Brtolle MJDDLtTOWN BHA1MJI—BOX 192. CHAPKI. HIIJ, HO A I) Is chairmen. i-uso TM Phour m I.V73H or Ml 1.1352 M« 1*4 It Pays to Advertise in The Register r Brlfh Thewjar. Sept Sells Roses I A*P OHt A NtW SAVINO!' tlAfOM UNP1K WAY W1TH...| MASON - Tbe Bnal Brlth Family Life Worna of Red Bttk win hold the aaaaal rose day nit tor theConference Set Roth Haahonah holiday. Oct 9, Retafbrdng the Family according to Mrs. Louii Kramer, Through Parent and Family Lite vie* president in charge of fund Education" I* the theme for the raising. regional parent and family life Mn. Kramer •aid memhen education conferences the New are taking orders for roses to beJeney Congress of Parents and delivered the morning of Oct 3.Teachers will hold not week. She also said the unit is aalUag One will be Monday in New Year's cards. (he Garden State Plata Shopping Another fund raising benefit toCenter at Paraaus, another on luncheon party ia NewTuesday at the Far Hills Ian, «^ l * third. a choice of two shows, the play, Taanday, at Silver Lake Ion, Sweet Bird of Youth," and the CSemttee. 1 OWAHTY musical. "Dettry Rides Again.' Dr. Edward V. Pope, extension "SIKR-RIBIT numtaF Mrs. Kramer and Mrs. Robert specialist in ddld Keller are la charge of tickets and parent education of the 0 F and reservations. Ualtad .States Department of Clikk, f ||«. The women will hold a rumAgriculture.i«*M«t tat P"yH Parents." Workshop con. children and adults, at weU lerwces will also bsbtld. fell ill's Vd household Items. Mrs. Nat Mrs. Charles Stittwagoa of Ut- BEEF Ue Hirer, parent and family life be left at a coDeettoa eaatar to aftbaUoanouthOCow* tVaaVlMlf CHICKENS be opened at the fkaipe Tlrety Patent-Teacher Association, Compaay en OakJaad It, Redwffl be recorder (or the Moo- Shut Mi v IUBY-T0-C00K ~ , Oct 11 County area. Conferences will be held between 10 n. m. and Embucy Melhodilf raw 3:J» p.m Otlgato's Fab 4 tt 6 Iks. To Pitas* Young, Old Fwtfw family »«k 63. 73! 43 Old Orchard LITTLE SILVER - Pony rides, laaJHy-IIMKD tjaHty Hal he toe chowder. Party for Club pies and bread, toyi, fish pond, * plants, pig-ifra-poke, SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP - PORKBUfTS *49* RIB STEAKS games and trash The Woman's Club at its open- OtJnttM end treasure-end more-will be ing meeting in the Vail Homes at the annual fair c< the Embi nptetedpla Htmthm ifwll WOIM ROAST ^89* TOP ROUND SHAK Methodist Church Saturday tram tor Its first social event of the M a. m. to I p. m. at Ihe chorea dnach St Frank A card party will be held Oct. FRUITS R VEGETABLES SbuHs aad Robert Thompson are u at 1:30 p. m. m Old Orchard ce>€halrmen. Country Club, Eatontown. feetur* ing a home decorating show by SQUARE DANCE SUNDAY Sherman's of Red Bank. Mrs. WALL TOWNSHIP-IT* Clrde Chafes Abbiatl. 30 Belshaw Ave, MUlonte Sale-Shop A&P and Save! and the Jubilee is chairman. AH Squares wiD bold an open dance A special card party commit Sunday at I p. m. in the Aitere meeting will be held Oct. 12 *£»* Lanes Bowling Alley. Rt. 31 Dick in the recreation room. The next Charllns win be caller. meeting is Oct. 19. 9WMV MM JBWy PEACHES %rr 2-53c ETIQUETTE BIN LM In fOUkYwMPIS AMY VANDERBILT Mmi Part-Over M% aMaaty <;, PRUNE JUICE MMMU Men's upset you. Certainly, any remark "DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: to her whatsoever was quite un- Recently my husband and I were called for,an d probably not wel- I FRUIT DRINK eut looking at homes (or utecome. d by her employer. Rim 2W We came to one home with a for tale sign on it. We rang the bell "DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: and a maid opened the door. WeI would like to aik you two Hid we wanted to see the home questions on etiquette. I am a and she muttered something aad resident of the Masonic Home. CIEMY HE TIME left us standing near the door. "I. When a man and woman Shortly after, the owner came to pus each other somewhere In SaprSi* J.TMT! ft* door and askad us In. the home. Is it incumbent on the ^GOLDEN CORN-2» 31c "When we were looking at the woman! or man tospea k first? I roomi upstairs, she showed us have always thought It was me one of the bedrooms the maid woman's place to speak first EDIIIT COCKTAIL 1»"-AKe w«* working in My husband said1 (tha(ht t IsI . 'goa'dd morning. i ' etc.)) to the maid, who muit have been "I. A lady sits at my table- • RiWRB MaH-tt 0VMMaV«afC\] In her thirties. 'Oh. so you arar round table holding five. I sil the little tirl who let ui in.' Sheat position No. I. The lady sits hotbed, but me owner did noatt petition No. 3. She requests MM Mttgh MM ifBOfOQ tut that I pass something which li "A"Aftef r we hhadd lefltf the house at my place. Do I hand the TOMATO ^L? 6^49 I told him that I thoughg t he wu dish to No, 2 to ppa n toNo . .3. CRISCO wrong b making suc h a remark or do Ip pass It to No. 3. handing 2 to the maid. I thought it was ah th edi dishh i iaf frontf of No. ]?-K. dtoowiesy toth e owner to make A. V. SprlngffeM. Ohio FROZEN FOOD VALUES! such a familiar sounding remark It ti trae that it Is usually the, to the maid. I think It is flae woman's place tospea k first, but LnFitkw* to be sociable and friendly, butas you are both under the same not in this case. Am t wrong?roof sad presumably friends, i: My husband said I am. We dewoul- d be quite understtndsble 6REENPEAS 6^79* Good Vaf«t« For trMftfotf Moat* cided to ask your opinion—B. S.,should you greet each other spon- Misml Bench, Fla." taneously. - MrMM Phn FHFI . . '£ a s It* VIMM laiiatt •—• 2 £ Your husband's remark doesn't Rather than pass the dish In * . i at A— aeem so terribly "personal" un- front of the person sitting next VHasifl ••!•• """"" ft IMS this maid happened to btoe you, It Is better to aik her HMM mm vastly overweight, for he called (or him) topit * It to the lady Mr. her "little". Perhaps that Is what in the 3rd place. All p. IIM. aMMMP R^fff IWR^V VINSS •>!• w§ n i I^A A II«I> 4BI Llklw'cafalsi t »<» Mo WMflllMi *»*"* I „, «• UM1 ••%••• a . . a £ .&- *JsT* m I-I-, a_i— A«.v-^ *-Vlt sVaaat iMN • ••••^ a^ ^ 7Z^ I aaalszVfTBalBl Jasaval ^^ »«*• g^§ fjss aupv tfva. w I gft^gftgaWsasJ^k ^graasia^aan\MsnBi aaVaM^ak^aiaBak^ v^B H asaV ^BBBBBBSB\ ^ *OTV^BW njujaf^nr awarw^w^pr f §|H fj ^ av UMJ11 aWWp WliSI • assv **^ All »w»m laws'ilimr kvifflaklWlffkl . 2 |^lls **ort •roetry Ivys -

aM^^s^aT ^P^PaV ^b* V ^W V V^P^gr l^giV^RaJ aav gsaasTai« ^I^F^ ^ i IL ^s^ ^n ) taW ^P ^aa\^ UI*y'tlrMilMM^2^Mi dtxo -»-* 4&r, a CoWtti BwBisiia) C^a^AnsnasMwIa^a i ,LL..< ^ees>g)aw BaaMasJaHBi 4%'sia^ksai'e) Nckiuo ''vst sTlCfan BH^uaaaanf Mtii AH. MWW« ifRWIw •aTenfBTWTIw* "••*' „. aj§F rffMHartil III•wUwTw .uinMuHcd •*!• ** a»Ha« W WeWIt iik.k«fi.U I Isssilal atamVMavaaMat laltaw BWCW •I Mite* Is^BII W w M^Pv ^W^^P* Vw^^^PaW • P*^1 •wWaT WltVl iaj.tetl.7T t •Mj ^RT |^sa^nasV^i^saa% sKa^a%^snUasa\da V * A ^* aweeM^.Drl. It »es.ffjt tt DAIRY FAVORITES i M ^. tfsls MMMI rlMlllg I *+. irUn M IN m Heat NetI«MI Oof W«tfc Lix 55. yinFi^ iirt^i^ KiVl«snltlli a s e a 1 ,«„ . . •trrnawiUBWuinrarAamiu luff tr*Sf» |rt»aWlla» *.-* n*.ni.awii .*« 41* New Uie for Cake Mix* .'. 2£fT* Mil N IMI IbMHi £» »ee.U| Urn 9r eae eea —dessert pancakes

121 MONMOUTH »iKilT HIGHWAY 14 HIGHWAY 34 PROSPECT AVE. A CHURCH STREET RID IANK PORT MONMOUTH KIANSIUR* UTTU SILVER mw JMMY DIPAITMINT or AOUICMTIMI P^a^a^RaW aW^nVBah aW IW.^ a^aadl AaW MIW Jiativ •euiTtr PRODUCT* COUNCIL OaMT^eieterta^TwevteteytUerHfP.M. T^Ueyf W.dnsiaoyt aa>d Wwwajejyi WIH S«|p MMIt TMNTON If, NtW JIMIY U«tw 10 P.M. UMN I P.M. — Priajwyt UatH 10 P.M. . PrMwy* HUM 10 P.M. » 9**. U, \W9 MP BANK BECISTER T&EV1SI0N Penny Sfcoppfo? Cc*ter (Dr. WNTA.TV Trio at OldSuit Filed Asks Support Thomas Tells What AFTERNOON (ID Popeye II:M- (4) Masquerade Party FREEHOLD - A suit was of- I2:»t- (I) Love ol Life (It) J. Fred Muggt (7) Harbor Command licially filed in Superior Court For Regional (i) Tic Tac Dough I:K- (4) Local News (I) Movie Mill Tonightyesterday by 17 Fair Haven re- (I) Cartoons (11) Highway Patrol sidents against Ronald W. Allen. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - A Happened to H-H-L (7) Across the Board TINTON FALLS - Tonight atl (7) Yesterday's record turnout greeted the Par- (11) Mister McGarrity ' (12) Mike Wallace Walt Newtreeli 1:W- (2) News ent-Teaeher Associations first guest artists at the Old Mill. ven, and BY BOB THOMAS partners (II) Huckleberry Hound (4) News borough building inspector. meeting. Tomorrow Walt Penny will bo at the pi AP Movie-TV Writer Hill: (IS) Rate The Records (J) Movie A temporary Injunction was Barry Gieenberg, president. (4) It could Be You ana. He is originally from Phil- It would have been easy to (4) Weather ( (7) News grante. d the plaintiff, s In Superio.._..r presented Rev. Harry Kraft at HOLLYWOOD (AP) - What (3) Cartoon the surefire pictures, the «:4S- (4) News (II) News adelphia and worked there with Court In Newark Aug. 23, halting Central Baptist Church, who gave happened to (7) Pantomime Quit Paul Whiteman and Lea Brown blockbusters. But we didn t want * ' ——•—•••« <—* (7) News (U) Dance Party construction of • shoppiog een- * * ter? | and other dance bands. His trio to do that. We also wanted to do •*•*- W 'he Guiding Ught Tito- «> World News hit- (2) Weather and Sports ter building being built at Smith Hollywood has been wondering :i and girl vocalist arc appearing! ihth»e nirhinpicture*s that interested us aass « a— (J) News (4) Warning (4) Weather about what ever since the news (4) Dr. Joyce Brothers at the Stagecoach Inn, Rt. 35an, d Formin Sts., Fair Haven, by school superintendent, explained creators. (a) Sheriff of Cochise (7) Weather Allen Brothers. the scheduling problems due to lacked out that the highly sue (7) Music Bingo Ocean Township. 1 "Buamt voyouu can't 0 Oi (/) lugboat Annie 11:19— (2) Movie Milton Kosene, Fair Haven, at- the lock of facilities. He urged cessful producing firm was dis- """ '^"" J* (II) Gunslingers Bob Van Elton, bass player and solving. Its future had teemedlthret years preparing a film that (I) Terry tooni (4) Jack Paar torney for the plaintiffs, claim parents to support the proposed 1:13- (2) Our Miss Brooks (tl) News (7) Movie / resident of Lakewood, has work' that the building does «ot meet regional school. solid. H-H-L had been the biggestl""«ht have limited appeal.! ed with of the independents. Its p™per-|"s__;Smell of Success cost 1:25- (4) News (II) Highway Patrol (II) Movie Or. Saunders asked that stu- ity had helped triuter the newi*2'280000 and " didrt * Ymtl 1:1*- (2) As the World Turns 7:H- (2) Local News 12: H- (|) Movie ments. dents drive to Khool only it ab- combos. art of Wm^nakinT with stars!™",;""* ^chelof Party" cost, (t) Film 7:11- (2) Weather (II) Henry Morgan The original building permit solutely necessary, 'because of heading companies that rivaled!* million and it w.ll barely show (S)Film (II) News U:H-(1S) Newbeat Nat Garratano, drums, a real- was said to have ben granted traffic haiards in the Khool area. the major studios. 'a' ' profit"'"'". wWpe wm won'»t "ge't ou ourr IMM moneVy (7) Joe Franklin 7:1V- (2) News U:M- (1) Movie dent of Long Branch, has done Oct. 20 itH. Edward Dtorinko. new high i back on "The Rabbit Trap," Now H-H-L is no more. I sought (I) Film 7:2*- (4| Commercial Film (I) Paul Coates most of his musical work in tbV school principal, said he is , which cost $500,000. We have a ate reasons from the last but by JU#»- (I) Art LJakletter (11) Weather (7) Evening Prayer 'agreeably pleased with the stu- wonderful picture in "Take A no means lesst of the intiails. («>Blondia 7:M— (2) Khrushchev Visit 1:11- (4) Consult Dr. Brothers Gloria CarroU, South Amboy, dents' conduct, flint cleanlineoi.*' I Giant Step," but I doubt If it 1:11- (4) News; Sermonetta is the vocaUat. She hu appear- Panel Talk explained as he (7) Gale Storm (4) Khrushchev Visit He asked that the psreau com- i will make money. (I) News and Weather ed on Arthur Godfrey's show oo changed Into his '20s togs as (5) White Hunter ply with his request that they S:W-(l>Tha Big Pay-OM 2:1*- O) News televliioo and hat worked with revivalist in "Elmer Gantry." | How does he explaia the sue (7) Khrushchev Visit Discussed work with him • ths Mtttr of ceu of "Marty," which cost (4) Young Doctor Malone fcH- (!) Give Us This Day Don Elliot aad rnaay buds. conformities of dross. He re- "We were losing money,' he (») Movie $300,000 and grossed i% million? (I) Lilli Palmer ASBURY PARK - Mrs. Bern- ojiestod that tho boya wear shirts aaid. "It's as simple as that. No, (li) Whirlybirds Beat the Clock FRIDAY MORNING ard Goldsmith. Lrttte Silver, tad buttoned, abandon caps on shoes, it isn't really. There were other "Maybe because It was (he first (») Love Story (II) Newsbeat Inbml Tour Open* 7:N- (2) News and Weather Mrs. H. P. Hutdrinson. New aad dlmominuo the habit of wear* factors involved. We had built upiof its kind," Lancaster Mid. "It (II) Film 7:J5-(il) Weather PRINCETON - Inbsl. DancejShrewabury, members of the Red la* a tender story about twtwo Reports (to 1:19) lag low ahing trousers. an organization that was too 1 I:M-(2) Verdict Is Yours I:N— (2) December Bride Theater of Israel, will open Ms Bank Regioii. League of Women appealing people. It appealed to (I) Today for the things we wanted to do. (4) From These Roots (4) Who Pays? North American tour Friday forlVoten, "were guesU on the Mrs. Edmond Caputo an- the public's heart. "The Bachelor "We had taken on some of the - „ , (5) The Playhouse (J) Byline, Steve Wilson 7:M- (7) Cartoons a three-day run at the McCartei "Know Your Library" program nounced that the PTA bazar will ma not (7) Zorro manifestations of a major studio, i™'* - (7) Who Do You Trust? I:N- (I) Sandy's Cartoons Theater. The tour is managed on WJLK Monday. be held Saturday Oct. 17, In tho We couldn't show a profit and! H-H-L had fabulous success (I) Film (II) Fast Guns (7) Little Rascals by S. Hurok, and sponsored by They discussed the recent panel Khool auditorium from It a. m. continue operating the way wejwitj h two of its earlyy films. Lan (It) Film (II) Citiien Soldier I:1S- (1) Captain Kangaroo the American-Israel Cultural discussion gives) by the league to 4:J» p. m. There will bo 11 8: it- <•> Yancy Derringer booths carrying out an "Out of wanted to. caster reported "Trapeze" gross- (II) Richard Willis fcll- (S) Sandy Becker Show Foundation. on "Better Library Services for ed 14 million and "Vera Cruz" (4) Staccato (7)Beulah This World" theme, she sold. He explained how film econ- fitt- (2) The Brighter Day Monmosth County." (5) Douglas Fairbanks 1:00- (2) Topper Parents toured tho school and omics had tripped up himself and nine million. But big grosses were (4) Truth or Conse- The league has made • survey (7) Real McCoy's (4) Hi, Mom the annex, and talked with the Inot the partners' sole aim, and: quences of available library services in (11) Navy Log (7) Personal Theater teachers. now they feel they will be hap-' (5) Douglas Fairbanks the (13) Secret File U.S.A. (1) My Little Margie Refreshments were served by pier at separate tables. | (7) American Bandstand Members of the Asbury Park I:M- (2) Zane Grey (7) Romance of Life the executive committee, under "It's a complicated procedure," (II) Curtain Time and Midmetown leagues have co- (4) Bachelor Father the supervision of Mrs. Robert the actor-producer said. "We've 4: IS- (2) The Secret Storm 10:00- (I) On the Co operated la Interviewing libraries (j) Wrestling Horn. got something like 14 or IS cor-4:»O- (2) Edge of Night (4) Dough-Re-Mi in their areas porations to break up. But we've (4) County Fair (7) Leave It To Beaver (I) Film Results of the survey will be sold off most of the assets—ac- (5) Mr. District Attorney (») Movie (7) Joe Franklin compiled and published in the Oil was discovered la southeas- tor contracts and story p.on;r- (It) Junior Town (11) Deadline Milt- (1) Sam Levinson Snow spring. tern New Mexico ia 1W7. L*a ties. We still will make two pic- S:tt- (2) Life of Riley (12) China Smith (4) Treasure Hunt MB.Goldsmith is chairman and!?"''!', in this area, today pro- tures for the company including S:J»- (2) Playhouse 90 Mrs. Hulchlnson, a member t# *g» «* oU worth over 201 ATLANTIC CITY (4) Movie Four (7) Star Playhoust "The Way West," probably with (5) Alan Freed (4) 11 Beacon Street 11:00- (I) 1 Love Lucy the library study committee. jniilUBai dollars oyoar. hj*T SSMI Qcttttr fa* «tr sat.' James Stewart, Kirk Douglas, (I) Rocky Jones (7) Rough Riders (4) The Price Is Right MM sMtais mi twehet. Heated myself and three other stars." (II) Film (II) Love Story (7) Time For Fun Tinlon Fallo mi anleclri SMI 0«r bams He scoffed at reports that the (U) I Spy 11:1S—<1I> Gumby Little Theater KM- (2) Early Show A big clambake was held (anise tai wlett Wei enlti- firm broke up in acrimony. lt.'M- (4) Croucho Marx 11:10- (2) Top Dollar Saturday by the Progressive tMMneiit wM aiike jow stajr i "If anything, we're even better, EVENING (7) Man Called X (4) Concentration ATLANTIC Men's Club of Pino Brook. MMriitt tac H«t and ctl. water friends today than when we were •: • (J) Nuts and BUJJS (11) Boots and Saddles (5) Romper Room The Women's Society of Chris- UUmicCitf Siltl partners." he said. (7) Little Rascals (12) Full Coverage (7) I Married Joan tian Service met last night in the FRI.. THRU TUES. PLAN AHEAD MargaUtk Oved home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lester SUN. COOTMUOUS Rigby. (M Tinton Ave. SATURDAY MATINEE NEW YORK (AP)-The Broad- Margalith Oved, Premiere; Memberl « ^ MM ,*„, way hit "Flower Drum Song" isj danseuse of the group, ia starred,,,,,, toMitlg committee will meet PRANK SINATRA encouraging theater tans to buy] in "The Song of Deborah and'JB ^e Methodilt church at » I0WAI0 t>. ROMNION their tickets well ahead. The mail "The Queen of Sheba." part of L,e|oek ^ w fete WaWitiTlVtii fr** *I3. order department is accepting • the present repertoire. The dan- The women s auxiliary of the MANOR PAROR cers take the Bible as the princi MM toeriCM Plan—J5 75 applications now through June 30, fire company will hold its annual TMtUkiA WTTW ilk «kwt Inclusive Vicalion PU« I960. pal source of material. dinner in the Kensington Lounge, The boxoffice gross on the Rod- Long Branch, at 7:11 o'clock to- gers-Hammerstem show recently SWITCH IN NAMES night. passed the $2,225,000 mark. OCALA, Fla. (AP) - Fifteen Voters' registrations will be re- homeowners led by H. G. Hunt ceived from 7 to t o'clock, which A Hole got the county commissioners to is the deadline for the Nov. i RADIO chang* their street's names from election. Ellen Road to Ellen Drive. WABC 771, WOR "Drive" has more class, they BARBECUE Ft* BIRTHDAY In The Head WCBS US WPAT KEANSBURG - Deborah WHTG 141* WRCA A few days later tho same Koolaa. daufMorofMr. oad Mrs. WNEW 11MJ WQXR (group, with a new loader, caa-ljohn Redan, Wood Ave., wai won i. vincod the commtssioo to change four yean old Sunday. A barbe- r«44a» BiAO—WCBt the name back to Ellen Road, cue was held for N guests from -mH N.w.. »ad KnbUna WOO Ne... Before long the U. again led New York City. Keyport, Betford WCBS Nevi; l'ava Du^an WMA. Newi: WNTO FiriMl Minuta Nava Si IS— WCOS Tbraa by Hunt, asked the commission to a»l Ihla nlu> WON Naw.; John Soitt sise—woo s,,,,,i. Munie X again make the name Ellen Drive. WOC* N.i... It's Natwoik Slui Alfred Hitchcock, tht screen's Tina Siae—WOO New., Muaia from The commissioners made Klu'lio X master-or-suspense, has come SSllS—WOO I ha »,.««.,.! I. WMA Na».. Mnmuir > One of the most unusual romantic Interludes ever staged fsr awith a new thriller in "North By saiaa—WNTO t..«i» Ai>m tSlS«—MfAOC Ne«a; Alan traad ! WCBS N»»,: li.nn Mu.i movie takes place in "North By Northwest," with Cary Granl Northwest," which stars Cary SSiSt—WAOC Kr.ii HobDina Rtuilm GUESS WHAT? W«0S Hrlrn Twit X < and Eva Marie Saint aa the pair who lad la levo when Miss Saiat Grant, Eva Maria Saint and WNTO Nru*. lt*lai.i» WOR Nou»; Mn»ir fi m ' hides fugitive Grant in her drawing room so a fhlraga hound Hum WIICA Nrw»; H,.l. IUj. train. James Mason also stars In (he new Alfred Hlteheock thrill- James Mason. It starts today at ASHLAND, Ky. (AP) - Guess US III**—WAS* Sr«., liulir, i Loews "35" Drive-ln Theater *» "nged from remnants of a fly sans-wcos er far MOM naw playing al the Red Bank Carllon, the Eaton- WHT* tveas N<«> Va town Drive In and the New Strand In Long Branch. with 'Son Of Robin Hood," film- '"8 «««« *» aornt mysterious, . MII.I. ed in Cinemascope and color. ! metal from another world when won s,,> II,.1, Nru. I'. II WWCA Sc* ______a metal sphere was found beside WMA laiit—WABC I,u; ,i Hoard MCIIIIMT* litfhl lute MISS HAVOON TO TOUR ja highway near here. HIS—WCBS M» wcas SI»I Slu.ln x MOVIE TIMETABLE WOR rum n won MIL Ikrtthrttoii Kx|ilain R< EATOKTOWN John I the Middlrtnwn Board of Educa- an show called "The Realm of WNTO llaaillinaa. Muaia WON l.ni) Orrve-ln—North By Northwest WOO Na.i. Ui Smltk WMA Nev Kfporla lion, spoke on the local bond ia- Critic." WMA Naw.: M llarllkr aMRNINS MOORAMS sue at the Parent-Teacher As- 7:», II:M; Alaska Passage This is based on material gath- ailO—WON TkMufc FfMsy jiiOc.iaticin rnttinn. 10:05, ered Iron* the writinp of her late SlSe WtBO Man day Tl*S WAOC N>»-. boa got a ride, the farmer got an WNTO Na», Kalaiini HAZLET husband, critic George Jean Na- WNTO lillri-fi minuta na«» Mis Alice Ilindnikson. teacher, egg. and everybody had Mu.io thanked the members for money loow'a DrWe-lo—Cartoon 7:13, than. However, it will also in- fltO—WAOC Na.. HWIV l,nch l Newi; liftman and WOR \ dnnaidl liir relrrcnre books for North By Nortlmpsl 720, II: 15, clude some scenes from the plays Thai's what htppeued when Ed WNTO Haa«ltin«». Muaie Ihf children HIP first readinK ofi So" O* Roblnhood 9:50. in which she has played tho leads Edwards of Moultria drove to the WON Na..; I.) la Van the hv-ki»s v.nr read, f' v tfEANSBURG on Broaday. nearby (arm of WM* N**i, Bub lli>mt. fl4|_«FNT« fh.,w S ISO—WAM Diuno Kirkpatiick's class won the Caalao Hole In The •HO—WOO) Mailha, HnunUuaa WNTO atlcndaiue award. ! f.43, 9:00. i POWELL HOSPITALIZED tlMMHIH Marl.i, IU,,,W Nawn, 1-iaamaa and WCOS ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP)- truck Interrupted the conversa- Most of the c\pmls of sweet llaxi woo Attnailt Hole In The Head Actress June Allyson yesterday tlon. One ol his haaa had built WNTO ihiiinit >i": »I:.I African coast. £o to Scandinavia. |pital in • Hawaii Mbow WNTO Nrw., llalau llk «IISWOSI Radio N.w York MUM, Dic h i cold WCOS A Kiss 7:25. I1:M, Nowhere To ' J' 4tSS—WMTO It. Monmoulh Ni« P y jt from work," W*OO Naw. woo lloinlh - atul I'.rk Cot:M. T . ,i' WSiM Man.n Ww,,k SlSO—WAOC «i CK 1, a reporter. "Dr. John Nf«->. lioliril he t ld JVOM Na«a: WCBt y. LONG BRANCH 'Shary° thought be would be bel- !*•!« New Slroad North By North WNTO llaailhin,. . WNTO llracll,! r, Kl 1. lly ter off in the hospital." |l (,.,• »', weal 3:10, 1:30; Here Cornel WOO Na J..hn S, .,11 WON V< Tho Jets 2:00, 7:1}, 10:45. wnea • i BUSY MOTHERS WIICA »aa • WWTO N» tiS*— WNTO DU QUOIN, a>4S—WNTO H, Kind Of animal at the Du Quoin State jlS AOC IV'.' an J:M, 7:2V 10:35; Prcvuo- ,.ilr WM , ,„» by the name ol aVI* WCBS Tomsngo f:00 1Rj shf M,ered (ht Jl|d^ ajWkSal TkrMaall Martha Mniihl OtSS, ,WSOa N..., V.r. WNTO Hfxll Mi,., St. James • Beat Grarr.iion nave •birth to a pg, WM Na»>. I., la V.n WON S... l!. 1M, 1:40, Big Operator 3:#, WM* t • !'• ilia Minuta WM* Naw. 7 the reserve champion ribbon for MOO—MM* M.n n m,,,a Mv Ti Z~L "u"'. r , ^ , - apnttsd Poland China aows, and lyrte-Nun'a Story 1 JO, 7:«t '^ _ ,,,„ munin ^ , m out* mm HM,>,I>, H.,i, leilS—WAOO Marl. III" i.r;r m: HKI.P YOU ::!._! _ ."M MatlM leatia i RAKE IN DOLLARS Na»». Jakti tKI> I*IS»—WAOO M..•',,, Him I. Maka 1 •»• - gave birth to five II,II Uimai.l Haliata Haili'inm It's a fact—there are spare Na««, llwmr Ka»>. dollar* juat walling for you, FEEL* THE IT1NG lilanVi.fia IF THE NAME Plfl Manila Wnihl I'm (he one who'lhol l gegl LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) - For' Pile iWW Arlaa. Van lima. WNTO N>»- llrl.M>,> HMaa> Wall.a 1 KENOSHA, wls, (AP) - If the Qlia—WAOO M far you. lm O. Howie Hustles, a golfer who had just made a i a (M.-uiMer) Classified ad, readyjhole-liwn.', "B*B F.deTen j'r" waslMW mnthsmatics ttaeher at Un- Koaiu, ttiaa IHat ro mm »:«l.a in M<« il» thtnai yoy u nwn Wmtwt unhappy '" Junto' High School lives up * liraa Klir WK« f.,1 HIM I li>, h p WO# H Trua KI.MV *rvn I utility I do It st low cost || A tHwFj-yfah |J r old Kdelrn left •"V» 1"1 ••Mmr" ' *•" • H »re IIn f for WM* iiiee—weos N.«- M,,,, . r.,: 0U h llm «r..n it ht'tian lo rain sad V « u, T ™ "• WHTO Hracll . Mi n >r,| li»l.»>. M-11 i for badly slung legs Hluarl Nn.lna WCBS lumir Ni.la I'M « RAM HUTI Naai, taahilal WNTO Na«>, Nala>l»l -MaDIa Mnalc THE OAKS llaaiar I'.dtiador nrt» Iti name from WM* N.»., U,,,..n WOO M«l'ann> al Hania 1NVNI HaaJlr WRCA X-— HnWffian the fail that Ihr equatorial lint llailla Thaalrr rum Ihrounh (he country. COCKTAIL LOUNM m* MR v II.SS—WAOO Naoa and Alia* • llBO—WMTO MliMar Nlurk Humil PRESENTS 4 lU "TNI MIUOTONIS" t ('••••• Ito— /*,.!,« SATUtOAY. ItFT. UK. ">flNIN» U. S. TOUr McCartor Thtwttt NATURIN* 7MRV" UM*f, VOCAUIT rer Yoor Llelenlog sod Daoetog Ptsosore WHTG of PrHKtrao. FROM I P. M. TO J ATM. IHI nun inn ii' j1 HJJI lt!;', . -M«n. unit, (M. II I P r. i: I A 1.111 N I. CUT Hi MM mi la >«ir latorhe eaadwkhM aod eocaialh) -Kill- McfilHRE'S GROVE l.tilnntimn HWY. M, MIDOUTOWN (1 MHos NoMa of Red Baok) MONMfMITtl t (MlrVtY AND NAIION4I Nl wK Hi RoMfMrttMt To«. IN Mill Of IN ?.|7*7 (KM 1M». HOUR AND (Ml.l INNiR OMN DAHV TO TNI F1MUC PIAOfTAFF, Arts. tbaaaiH agreed >e IIM larleeT. Joha. «, Just eWa't I com „___ . •a** aa tawems. ww when he waa wall off. •rated the two anl then held "Wt eace had • tavern called i property k John waa in court to face t John on a more eerioaa charge tlM faake Pit," Heldea told tfa« VASOONELU' ON STAGS Oaetfber ari*tea to U N at the tawa * rotten of aggravated assault at OitorBMa, owner off a Broaa of targe of disturbing the peace, Coaum CeeacU's license com. NEW YORK (APWidM FaU- _ aWR^a* Of mn* INMWl • . way theater, who haa cow they hile waiting for his case to be art** "I OM't like those ftr'i cartoon creetlaa tiled, he got Into an argument ellt" if going to eomt alh»e onatoaed Petffer to develop a eerlp ?'"" «•• ••» •*»••»••» ••» - they an a rnaalanl menace Samuel Johnson observed that They deteriorate far musical comedy. ££V**2 twoiweee oa the property at tha safety of mankind. Ith his wife, Zonie. "morose men htte the cheerful." aad attract uade- •»••• WUbam Laf-eeat. K ia aaM. of abort |M The electraeuttOB of Bwood ' itoi-atcfcUtfaeprctiertyweTebeag* aaas CoOaie at Newark. ,foforr a a par park kattelhee attelheee e , Smith of Fair Havea by a fallen aad toward Oaten returned tajbjbbe off ao vakkw whateveh r ttoo thaiUva wire dating a recent storm BWr at Malrstowa.[pHfMlt[ c aed they would have ssh he!woul! d have never happened if Oeret Caaawr. aaa of 1. Day under " •,wa* to eater the Pmgry cesethsjM belong, Traialag School at EBtabeth aad lees to thetown thank! they were Rottaa ppoie e are equallqyy as Egbert Swaekbamer, waa to enter not there. daageroua at overhead wires. In Freehold MtMtary* Academy. ThtecondKkmof la targe- NNavesuk k hhut t week a telegrapl h Mr. aadI Mrs. Arthar E. Smith, pale, rotten at the base, crashed ly responsible for tha fct i Mr. aad Mrs. Freak Herbert. Mrs. terest ia the park pi to tha ground, missing by inches Jack Canon, aO Bank aeeds a park, or aeveral ei a bey on his way to school of Pair Havee, aajeyed a day at them. But it does not need them Mr., Smith's tragic death caused Saady Hook flahiai aad dama-t a cost for laatVftr above the many to shudder and there arose price which woald be paid by pri-the cry that something should be Charha M. Allen, SOB of WU- done to eliminate the ever-pres- vate partiesp . Such a pprepaaittna eat danger of overhead wires. Uam P. ADaa of Pair Kavea. was wouldtejironaptldteto o voted dowa by cbristeaed at the Chapel of the d it ought to But man forgets quickly. Corpo- tilt towNptoffli tMd it rations know this anddsnothing. Her/ CemmaakBi by Rev. Robert be. It waa eald at themeetla gg b Tha wires remain on the poles. that the ariee aead aot be con-Then are Instances, however, Abaft Bfeodgoofs hone raa sidered, bat that the caty thiag while he waa dettveriai a to be eoaaidtredwaa the aitua-where the public haa persevered load of ' at lea Bright o ia its fight for better "things, or tvoa of tha aiapBBtti parkk* It n to right a wrong, also aaitl that the properties, aad has (he lead waa • the emerged victorious. d^wenbeagjttbythetowa The Runuon borough council Mas Margaret [upon the suggestion of Council- daughter of Roman I ia order man James C. Authlncloss, has Joha H. Htatetmaaa. returned telto gat them at a fair figure. started a movement to have all St Elisabeth Academy, Convent' wires put under the ground. The BIBIIOB, aner Bpaading me aunv Red Bank needs a park and it plan ia to get neighboring mu- mer with bar parents. needs it oa the river, in a good nicipalities to cooperate in the Today more^ad more Americans are saving for a The aew Empire Theater was location. It could well look to the fight. Mr. Auchlnclosa la no op- • Du Pont House Paint is available fn a iunng day... saving to buy tha good things of life to opea ia the Blrdsall bufldufuturi e aad aeeure aeveral parks timist. He states it may take tea aa wall aa aeveral children's play- yean. Every citizen, for his own wide range of smart, 1959 shades..; that every family wants. Helping people aecure a oa Meamooth St The new theatar grounds m varioua parts of the greater measure oflhaterial happiness and tha waa under the management of protection, should Immediately just right for any type of house. Frank Evans and Perry Ryan, towa. But H wants these proper- Join in the movement. Municipal peace of mind that goea with It U the both of Fair Haven. ties at fair prices at the tameofficials should encourage the business of Inaured Saving* and Loan prices, la fact, that property couldlcausa ia every way paasmle. Aad • Especially formulated for superior Wdrng, A. M. Poindorter and Or. Hb.e obtaiaad by private parties. AesoeUtions.... the "Happiness B. Williams, members of the Red above all, don't atop fighting, color and gloss retention. Goes on easily, Business." You'll enjoy more of the Bank Cavalry Troop, won eever- even If it takes tea years — at at events at the iatentat* touna- S Yean Ago longer. thinga that make for family happineaa Mies Audrey Hailer, daughter holds its fresh beauty for years! If you start saving with ua... right now. ieat at Sea CM. Among tha MM gradaataa ol Eaaerlal Dated Seat IS, MS* of Mr. aad Mrs. Frederick Has- the Red Bank High School at ler of Rumaon Rd., Little SUver, • Because th« beauty lasts, you don't have Last Wedaeaday night a public with her bone. Doris, won thetending the Monmouth Junior Col meeting was held a the towa hall championship at the Shrewsbury lego at Long Branch were War to paint as often, ; RED BANK SAVIGSAVINGSS to dtacusa the park qaasttoa. ' Junior Riding Club's second an- ren Fittgerald. Harold Turnock few wetka ago there waa conual bone show held at the Red Harold Reynolds, Richard Me dLQAN ASSOCIATION sideraUe iaterestmanifaated. Last Bank Armory. Phillip Brady ofCoach, Ida Grand. MarJorieFriti week the object of the meeting Hughes, Haxd Uagenfetter, Bet ?HAWTKM«D ie»» jty Sflinud, BwMdlM Hmnptoo wat to dlKST the S mfr J. H. KELLY CO. *SheDoor of the Cutter properly, which has class. Sarah Burdge, Morton Welntraub to Security been offered to the town tor $#,• Miss Arley HaUenbake, daugh- Leila Wood aad Vincent Dreser 10BAOAD ST. ter of Mrs. and Mrs. Obadiah COR. RROAD ST. A HARMNt RD.. RID RANK MD BANK HEW JERSET ON for a park, and the J. A. Money Orders Home Improvement Leans Throckmorton property.wWehhat Hallenbake of Feirfield Gardent NMEO LODGE Inured Savings Accounts in Mlddtetown township, and offfiPM by Mrs* Twoum S< MIDDLETOWrf - The Realt) Home Mortgage Leans Hubbud for SS0.0N. The people James Hulit of the same place, TEL SH 7-3900 -- Travelers Cheques DIVIDEND were married at the Reformed Board of Noreg Lodge will hole of the town showed their indif- an entertainment night Oct. 1 Savo-by-Mail Christmas Clubs ference to the matter by remain- Parsonage by Rev. W. Carmen BUY THE PAINT THAT'S WORTH THE "WORK ing away. Out of MM citizens la Tretnbath. The attendants were The affair win feature musical Red Bank, teat than a down ap- Miss Virginia Hower and William entertainment along with film 1 features. MIHBia OPTHB SAVING* AND LOAN FOUNDATION.INC. peered at the mastingg. These Ti^'or. aroNsoas op THIS ADVBBTIBBMBNT IN Lift bt ll diidd i Mrs. Will Ward and Mrs. An- AND SATUBDAY BVBNINO roST were about equally divided ia Mo nabtom tlBdHi Inull «hm choice between the two sites. v»rtlM Tb* IU|UUr Ad es at a bridge party in the home if Mrs. Ward at Rumson. Others! wesent were Mrs. John Dim, Mrs. Ralph Longstreet. Mrs. Ralph Johnson, Mrs. Kenneth Bruce, Mrs. Albert Ken, Mra. NOW AT ARwrt Nlederer aad Mrs. Lewki T. KPaon. The Jereey Shore Kaaaei dak FOOTCRAFT SHOES VICTORY was to hold ha first match show lor saenabers ki the Esphwade NOT ASSOCIATED WITH ANY OTHIt MAtKIT tha Asbary Part haardwafc. The chairman of the committee in charge waa Mra. Jelme Carret of 21 W. HONT ST., MED BANK • DEUViRY • SH 7-0508 Hobadel aad her assistants were Michael Kaaaedy, Red Bank; A. SAVAUNor J. Schiller, LKtle SUver, and OiOBVTCM Henry stoecker. Keaasburg. The Woman In Whlta COFFEE 69»|SS£.Xrib Roast 79k publicity ffHnmWtt wmtittwl of Mrs. Virginia Deb. Red Bank, braoze through aad Robert Shaw. HobndeL Mrs Florence B. Itch waa chairman of buay, buay daya GoYt Inspected Oven Ready 7-11 Ib. Hen M J% the trophy committee. The club's Dr. Harry Ttoehurat, Shrewsbury; Dr. G. Thatcher Parker, Red Bank, aad Dr. Joseph A. S. Millar aad Dr. HanyC. Miner, Deal. Officera elected at the annul TURKEY 43 meetlag of the Red Bank Yacht Club ware Joseph T. Laird, M. MOTTO ; Beajemln Finch, RAT HAMS 59>|S£i FRYERS 3$ vice commodore; Arthur Lam Drew, eecretary; Alfred Lipp. William SwHt's Premium Leon SmaH Rib HaK psj g± Bruaa, Jacob Hegel aad Charles asfcr _ _ _ tw tweo yMfti c NeO B. Wotoott, Joha War- They kntw that CUatci are aoparbly rea aad Harry laaacs, Jr., trus- Bj tees for one year. etyled, lit wonderfully aad are long-wearing. The atan birthday of Russell Convince youraeU... try a Marcethia, son of Mr. and Mrs. pair of Clinics today! Alfred Marcelhia, waa celebrated Loin PORK 53 Sizes 3}j, to 12, AUA to E, S.W to 11M. with a party at hia home on WWow St, Fair Havea. Games ere played aad) prises awarded BACON 79MST SAUSAGE 7% > CaaWaw aad Joseph Matoaey, Ntabata RasssU. Harriet Mar cedes aad Margaret aad Normal SwHt's Premhim Boneless CHUCK •• g± i preasat Arietta Mary I Harvey MarcelhH aaiaba. a» llsaajilii. T. VNaU. Batwrd, wai Laag Breach hospital Witt era aajartae M the resulrest « Pot ROAST 59 at West Aataag those from thle viclaltj wfca awaaaad tha flower show ai STEW BEEF STEAKS 59V Taasda Fare, N, Y., were Fraal T. laaaseta af the A. P. Uektaa


•Dr. itaV1»aa1>AraVai r Pord"

•VI Jamas Kaaaed...y «f Mra. J London AauMy NaaaaU'i eetate, Chape Jeyoatya Aaa Mount, daughtei of Mr. aad Mr*. Praak Mount 89 Myrtle Am. Easaatewa WM ten dared, a Mfihday party la oele 23* CHOP BEEF '- braUoa at her Md 'VBBBBBBBI eaaaaBB wVwa^Bey wv^aV Barhara Meeb^Barber BACdN '- 89* ««« mwmm mmm^t. •4MVB Ward ORTHOPEDIC PauHCRIMMM PUUO -SAUSAGE 5ft BMa, Cktrjaa awi CanoU Rey

PMM MM gfl RaVg w m atrthaay party wai MelNTOSH ^^^^••^v ^^^v w^^ai aawBBB^B/ aaaw %j vrw isodsrM iMrathathy FraalaFrt r by B Bar PDMH RaRfff I^HflClwl W9mj am laWII BATING lUaBBBBl aaafwkaat BBBwawata^aaBRaal IatU IL^awaawlaiBtfIL^BwaBBtaiBtlil LEnilCE TOMATOES 47 Haaatfw•••awwJi '•'Va Vaaa BBBWIBaVa^anBI er*>w*nt Blal^Bjw»warwiB*a"""Ji»»i#wili Those who atteaded were Thomsi JUMBA filf il Case, Dorothy aad Janet Chasey V^PWwW^F • P^'^^a'a^sw Footcraft Shoes Arthur ind Jack l''i«il«r, Hi APPLES hare aad Patricia aecley, Mi Hn* ShiH>» far Mm, H omen nnd i'.MMrrn Sinn 1894 Wallace Chatty, Mr. Vmi CELERY 41M. GRAPES 19 trailer aad Mra. I.. I) hrr\v TtL SH 7.2173 the meeting o( th* MonmiHi ifltiaiy fhllalilK soci«ty hrld II" P.*d Bank borough hill * 14 BROAD ST. RIO BANK, N. J. irviKfd principally in ih« < OffH WIDNIfOAY AND PRIDAV NK>HTi CUKES 3 17 ORANGES 1 HiMtl'in and ledur* on puny 29* Iprris uivrn try Atfrra r. Llrh .•j f>~~ *.** UD IANK to In 50th Game at Princeton

NEW BRUNSWICK (AP) - Ttort'i a pair ef empty Joe Crordon down it Rutgers. Bot there are By Hy Cunningham tU tott willing to Ml them

'; COACHES 00 TO PRINQPALS—Football season graduate who todth e Scarlet toIn will bloom brisker than the violets of spring Saturday, a triumphant W football record CLBVELANB (AP)4*tr, and will stay in bloom right up until Turkey Day, bar- doa, tbt eMaod new QtU maa. ager of me Cleveland ladtoatf ring rain on this noliday. The tttt art euactod to B«M( s boat, Frank Laae. aadfra* Each yasr new Iaces on opposing benches are Wolff, Highland Park; Sam Ma- tfceBy an tht aa bright aa the violets sad sometimes new ones Eddtogton, Fa, and ^ * — nMonXWaynt. beooa on the hone bench. Meet of the new flowers , was oae of the under pretsure to a terimmagt succeed Joe Gordon wu Jot Qer> which begins around the county Saturday. don." •WNTLEMAN TYPE" coaches and thisra was never against Peon last week that bt Plenty of other peapto aB ew does during practice, tht Major Leogn ttuttoi any wild outbursts from Gene DotmyaskL He was Mullert-A converted wingbaek 'anaktkH llWitwl 'tBanMMkt* dMhtUeltnW SMIjt AfHjl*lsa4dl * as Batch as tht Owiilindeis.' who played lS0*md football two i at a sophomore. Like Why tto tuddtf retentl? • In his long years of coaching at South Amboy be Matawan H. S. Not to Be Counted Out The closest Hung to an ea> produced some mighty fine basketball and baseball grew and now It aa players. Despite being a small school, hit. clubs were al- covers IN yards, in It seconds when they were ia ways in there fighting no matter what the odds. Jimmy, In Shore Conference Division Race Wolff - The probable starter. "Does totter than tto other two," cities, while'tto itoots «aa«t' a small man, wu pitted against the tallest coaches on said Stiegman. "And tot a sen-tto road. the circuits, but his squads had the knowledge and, MATAWAN - Will Matawan tips the scales at 220 pounds at Bill a sophomore, will be a re- Wlldmaa and Bobby Jackson areior. More experienced. "The thing stawtoBi eater When putting it to work, many a big dub and a big High School repeat Its last year's the tackle position. On the other placement la tho backfleld. excelleot tubs in end positions. "But I plan to use all three. FOpOftlOB* J0wT§ * VBV side of the lino in the tackle spot type of manager and fm fpsr- chafflpleaahip performance in Bob Rankl, who also plays to Material backing ap tat regu- Mullen's fastest. Moote a coach was bowled over by little man Gene DobrtynskL is Ken Wicklund, at 190 pounds. trr kicker" And osbers 'miaht att •ettagt maa, sad a>MraQy-we the tailback position, and D laraia auto be saeoed at either Baollltft m Then Is quite it list of coaches who moved ap •tore Conference Class B divi* Anoter taportont cog in_the line Gregl>ry vet, I. being Tho Huakte. aav two good tack- in the act * ™« «" didn't think alto." StM>tbt St» era! manager. the ladder into the a*tmtaistration end of schooling. ton? is Mitchell Hamilton, one of the groomed to take over at quarter- les In John Hinds and Arthur Uit year Stlegmlm had but Witbout backs Purvis Peeler top centers on the shore last year. back when needed. Hamilton, brother to Mitch. three tailbacks, Austin. Brace "Then I hoarf t)tt'Joe *WX IJoyd Betton, who coached Red Bank High School's and Dave Joqes around to cany Flanklag the pivot man are two Ronald Skkles. t center prob- **«htter and Woffl. "After that drew himself from eoatletiMilM the mail and tads Carl Stephens of latt year's guards in John Met Earning a starting berth on baslcetbaUiaan«acoaptoofyeanbaek,ianow|xrln« this squad la Bill Mabbitt. a sta- ably wont get toomuc h action, there wasn't t man on campus for next season, tnf I 'wit atoefc. and Neil Scully to tug the aer- u. ISO, tad Gary Roelke. 1(5. i do the job," tto coach sayt. ed." conttooed tan*. *t 'had daal of a graaaatar school out in the country about liU. that could bean unfalrquae- Not big guards as far a* line- but he"U be around if Hamilton out for the football team tad to seeds a rest tt center. Replace- This year there's Dick Webb, <*** <««misied Mm tt a p0t> J7 miles from here. tion. After all, the back oombia- men go In these days, but still froth star latt year, who was la- tibUuy for 1MV. ation alone totaled S3 points bo- they have the grit aad stamlaa. made Uw vanity without too mentt are atroag in the guards, Ruts Coleman, Neptune, was basketball coach at much difficultydiffil . with Dennis Krueger and Larry urtd to training thi_ s "I thought perhaps Jot Dsi tweta them. Mentor Rino alto hat four GaritGlt o readdy to to t takke over. An injured knee hat also hob- made a commitment tftewbm, the Scarlet Fliers' school for a number of years. He, too, Coach Barry Rino, who is inbacks who earned letters on the Mabbitt bas the speed, tad Rta0 Riao had one of the biggest tried fullback Jim Rogers, two-" I talked with-other' produced some classy teams down that way and WU Jus fourth yoar u head motor championship team. They might **y* t*» Urn a couple of yttr Mtormaa. BU- Tuny ofinchidbif Leo I Jtst had leftt af Frank •' *• Hulkiw' fcho°1' «• itffl not be PeetersTones material, but f«* •»* •»«• «*•«••* •*»• grid tntneutt over at Matawan, slweys getting into the F Bloonfleld Is expected to 'start ewhltt tit Z» "i. *" better off th« a tot of other me.-at leut they go Into batttt with ***J tnOmm MtbUtt dotdots, Even will retain W bet-" J. Pingitore, who was then coaching the Buccos. tors. WHO has nine lettermen needed experience. completely and Dktk Over Matawan way is another little man. He is back from last season's chtm- In the quarterback spot will bbee Mentor RJuo hat a eoupl^ t of ,*_^. ,_^«_ .__«^_ Uwrttot. Hilllliabnig the only bowler Let Tony Nucci. Tony coached the Huskies in football piouhip team. Ted WathingtonWhi g . BuB t ddon't geg t goog d ends, ahhoash thtyy art aat ttistrsMd, tneMag frtssnen. sophomore to iMak wffl be ajar.'«Htrdof DeMt«ndluaont> What veterans "W* might set •> as wtU aiterbadT and basketball, and we think he even had a go at art coming hhiim mixeidd up witith tthhe rest of excellenlltt receivtni . StartinStrti g shoe pttehiag far dewdoptof hhi back are pretty well balanced, tht Wathingtons. There are twoflankmen will be Dot Delia H> last year, but with • tow breaks Stttgmaa to by «,taUag and eo-ordtoaUot, /• < baseball. Tony was another fsrey coach and he was five linemen and four backs. more, one a letterman and one etro and Harry Cantbars. He al- we eedd have a aocettsful sea- list. Its big. Ift tatt. And Ifs stwaysaulrlsvsimjittplsjmwmt^ngwh* Stephen Joyce tops the linemen a topbomoro. Charles Wathington to hu pretty good . , . trouad, AU art to both talent aad weight. He win bt It the tailback slot aad was due thaaWlfowcIsJeja) wet* reached on the and for those two atarten. VktyttotodCoactRnao, k|atjyttjt1btyaveragt fleU tht* be oWtlfe,lwwe»U art* sure they wan esptainad and that he tadarstood the rulings. Deal Ladies captain and end. 1 \ ' Administrator Tony now listens to all of the par. Dodgers Crash Through Again ents, and not Just the fathers. A coach always has Hold Picnic Day Simmt could wtD brtog Rttgtrs explain to some dad Jus*, why his son isn't playing on DEAL-Oolf was mixed up with Its second AltAmtrtca to the first team. Now he gets, "why did you send my son years. He ctught a passes To Tie Hot National League "pure fua" Tuesday when theyttr, nine for totdhcowat.Aut - home?" ladies of Deal Oolf and Country tto. haa played to Club held their annual Picnic All-Star games, said "I didn't Than than Is Frank Weinheimer, who coached •YEDWUXS and Sunday. The Dodgers finish nothing more than a painful Day. play with or agsJatt aa tad was a state chantpionsMp basketball team at Rumson at Chicago agtinst the clubbing bruise. could compart wwn Simmt." Cubs while the Giants, mort dead Golfers cama oat en tto course t high school. Frank left the coaching ranks and was The Los Angeles Dodgers have Tto Braves, handed only their IWpaundtr from than alive, finish at St. Louis. fourth defeat a 17 games, wereIn crazy attire, but ged principal at the aMMog school. He later moved out crashed through again for a first They tit get a day oft today. to hold a nine-hole totrnament W. Va.. Skaaal tumbled after Ed Mattows' 44th am4ktt a to Freehold Regional when be waa assistant super* place tie in the National League Tto Dodgers, winning five of home run, wtth a maa en, tadMrt. Charles Lewlt, M. posted^" pHys "Lt>s JB, Intendent Now he la superintendent of Monmouth pennant scramble, and their ace their hurt six, have put away II boomed them into a tali tto in groti of M for top honors tV, go." the afternoon. Mrs. Edward Raglonal, a new school to pap out of the fields In in the race is Roger Craig, t once of their but 25 itmes, and Craig. the eighth. The Pirates then» leading the NL with a 2.12 earned boat rtfltver Joey Jay (Ml) ea White carded « to cop tow net forgotten, ruddy-faced right-hand. Now Shrewsbury. run average. Is 4-0 in that spurt eoatSHiUvo singlet by BIB Virdoa. pitch-hitter Rocky Nelson MM Marie Scanlaa dropped X Granny Magee wu basketball coach and football .. Jt ... Craig, JS, nailed his fourth abut- putts to win the putting division, coach at Manasquan high, but he, too, moved up toth e It was Craig, pulled back from Mt and Us 10th victory to IS do-and Bob Skinner to their eighth th. e __minor. s In mid-June. .., who. r** ' ' sinc' e "hi s recal"l *three ROB KHat (11-11) was the win-while Mrs. Whits had a Mrs. superintendent category. William P. Pazicky, an official, the Dodgennurted on their )ump moothup, He allowed tht Car-etr-for a Ml carter record Carl Willlngham won mt prtst for both basketball and football, is principal at River to the top by beating San Francis- dtoab jmt out extra base hit a tht Brav«,Ht s»md|J» most putts Jl, Csntidtrtag Street School in Red Bank. Al Loux .assistant grid co 4-1 in the opener of that day. third-toning double by Don Bias- tJs Wtt, bat walked Jest oat andtht tact that brooms wart night doubleheader sweep over ingame, and struck out five. He struck oat sis to hattlgat ton- and puttort and coach at Rumson, is an assistant superintendent g, Ht the Giants last Saturday. fanned Ken Boyer, the Cards' lags Elrty Face pat away tht|» Then an stOJ saon fat Shan (Conference And last nijtht he pushed them power guy, threthre times, twice with save toto tt (too ntott ltuk iltlon.. tinglrits ddid a- righ•" t-* hi" CHAMPIONS thih s ensy day ef schools and most of then an down Laktwood, back Into a tie with Milwaukee, man oHn base. Tto Otaato were totton by Cal blanking St. Louis on five hits for Netman't htmt ran, his third, Totas River way. They leave coaching somstimes Tto Dodgers scored in tto tint 34 victory after tto Bob with two Mt taHw t tMttt* StJo. .m quick as the sports seasons, tut they're still had Ed Ptotor (M), Oitat Victory Surety I Pittsburgh. 5 graving up the ladder. blanked 'em on two singlet until pitcher, wtt tht tour. Ota s> Fr«*J>hnlrl WttittA>> That Milwaukee losi, ending the Iht eighth. won it to rtatf. ff ' Boards of Education must realize these men are , g Ih ihtg h •tm (iM) MB it to mief rt3enora w inner Braves'' itreatkk at loul r games, all- CharliChlie Neal opeaed the eighth The Cute wattoptd tear of fat FREEHOLD, N. J. (AP) - S fine handlers of students. That's why most of them so fanned a (park of life Into Iht with a einglt. And after two Walks seven hotter! to tto Victory Surety paM llT.a), »U.. an In coaching. They know how to handle boys. Tht third place Giants, who trail by loaded tto butt, Don DetMtor Irate H. sari UJ». winalaf tht New anon they coach, the more experience they receive. two games after s M toes In IS craettd a two-rut double •rwtwNH uatttntr m com- Innlngi to the Chicago Cuba- tor had tost entered tto stene TMsay pees atFrtthcId They know education, too. They have to teach u well their fifth straight setback. linMtp isstoi hi| GO. 1 as coach. So when promotions an In order and coache Each of tto contenders has who was tat on tto left forearm an moved up. the move is a wise one. three games remaining. Tto by a MMtr pitch to ON first to> Braves, however, play theirs at ing. totstaye d In tto game aatt to win No, SHORT SNORTS - Hank Majeskl, baseball ne, mtetiat: last place Phlla- Uw seventh. two homers far scout fo r the Los Angetes Dodogevs. stopped by the oUnhta tomorrow nlcht. Saturday X-rays thowed Hodges ounwrtd Mad aad Mr* day and had nothing bat high praise for Bahr, Middletown, and Carl Stevens, Golden Fly Heijv.ly Favored Matawan. Ha said both boys could go all the way aad ha ssajar league players. To Win Jemy Hunt Cup Honey Taylor of Hazlet, who played three years of organiied baseball, two in D and one In the C Lea- rARKtUJ- gues bafon the war. Is a "lookout" man for the Dodgers hai a ass mm.'*** *£+£ m the are*. Ha ia a big help to Majeskl when it comes Ms* to signing baseball athletes. TOOArt favored ^fUL? t*55! s3«si8xpi By Tto Mi atfte Ns w NATIONAL LCAGUB HMtM me favtrlto bt rttornei 415 Nominations Yttttrdty's RttaNs Carrying a |l,eMs«Ms«m sa« esaesa- tht winner Saturdayy.. It wM mark tnr uptoktg festur*. Till* Us Angtlea S. St. Utls S (night) t thresitthitoo tuahtth r dd* > firsfitt rtetoryrtto fof r s NtN w JJer mill- and a Ult lor Pttlthergh S, MNwankee 4 (night) Kaottt CM* T, DttreU « the net MsaNghto tin *ty owner stoat Ueler wet, tht For 2 Big Races three yi up as po- CWcatiit.Sat Praattoet a New Vert S, Wi ' 4Te9M Pnw AIIMMI MVrR Of NNwjr CAMOEN - Nominations forinitiall ,y i^ better handi- the Rttn Po* . vlllt to MM. OeMcn Fly Is tto IMS Pali most tt Otrdta capi**.* 0o*r .«tt*o star. Many of the Meeting AttoelttMa inmei by^P, M, "*Ww' Smiut- State Park closed with a total starters la tto Baftjtmln Prank W L Pet OB. W L FwtO* Operating tortt o ttntflt ef tto g* t'"'''""''''' sf 411 ellglWet for Its mat ttokn. tin Handicap wM »t pttaltog to S4 IT JM u m •^s^amjrajtmj rfajB^BBBJi( ffJEJ SJBjpdJBW "•••wt ••• ^^ S^*™ wwwyean Racing Secretary M. C. "Ty•h"e richer Trtntoa Handicap later M t; JBJ u « ™?«!««»»*"«*» UIMftOthsfsstaMdteritoNl ftMBM (W Itw iiavi W afw* this that for The (iardeo Stav, tht world« Pranelaet S) « J« t n n Vtrrtn, total tnrounknnd tnia. •«• tiumt ru» •»,B nun. H. Bennett. s every major stable la vsptcltd It the mwt. In Iht years past thr Pilttbtrfh 71 74 n * 17 Haatords fat to show Ht eeai' n duirlarli a th« Trenton ha* been very Instru- CMcage 71 71 .« IIHi Mr* n » Atl m Mrt, R. H. F. P. R18T1NE & CO. ceawMpelaIgg iSHI5 mental In deciding hortMflnr 71 M .471 »H n M » s,m. Mrs. AltNd I. stalthwlcat Cra» year femora. Two seasons hark Mrs. AltNd I. staltlca C» day, Oct. N*. Si I null M H ,4IT II CHy M • !« Own*d bv Ml«i Awdrvyy Rlkekerr A vtrttuiuti Btrftrmerf . (bbe l latter Ttutn tM-htrtJ Himnil INIIII ri Atay Y*k mi Pkilt.-Httio. Stota tathm§H Of ih# 411 nominations PMIadelpkto U U .417 21 U M .4IT N of llolmdelllldl , OoldtOldn PlPl y arrived hah a won racrs over timberb , hhur Nt (itmes Schitwlid Teainy Mai t\mmmm nnnAtittaaaUal Tmdmtt hlwr » fresfhh froIm triumphs In Iht diet tad brash, emerging In IM7 Amitif* Stotk /.'trAwigt Ttmerrtw'a ikheeult nvf uann sstxpya^anjaataj i ajajajy Trouhltmtkr, and (ml r'minty and 'fa as hunt rirlni's Iftdint (TNr f aXrrn Dayllghl) '" "" " h*ld rwtRily st hmth performer. MKMKS . BONDM . Ml Tl Al FUNDS *• Aiujvln al CMtagu, I |t, m Kair Hill, Md In lait ynrs re i __._— Hi* remaining *v«n sUkr* I mi vlamttru n( Hi, | t'Mftgt al Dttreli, liM p, m. UIIII SJSj tvaWlt BJVttt/S/A V Letter II Rota, M«r. dew a total nt m MimiaalkiM Nashun art. «mnn^ n,,. im,, Kaaeas City al Cleveland (!>, • ntwtl of tto ktrsl iimker cine' l.rnw Orsvttf of Tampt, Pit m. sir. the tlte-yetrold mare wuilurmn Wathmgitit ouilMdtr, i< »lll> rvtry lr>p rtofM In the muii namlnmrd lur ihr -MMMJII M,,J I p. m. try •llilhlf tn iiMnprtf for IJ95,|MI»»(I K>iinnly si Mnnmiiull. mi r'rtneltft tl SI. InttU, serimd tn Or and thai, reignlaa hack wltk CtolUminta of th> Balllmare at New York, t p. m. MS *Wrtj miuitgr, I'srk nrtl tiaann. m. rhamntiM of hunt rarlag't limber ilouth*ra Aawi. He hit )W lh»f lUtptont. SJMrtldt f-MU-WI-dN Otly Utmet Sctoduled i Watnlaaten al aeetoa, liU p. m. B, N.' Laddie" Murray. I ia IMS. wn Hit Hard LM ANOilil (AW it Home or Heir Fmtl atari Stint UBMAVUM (AP) - M* Cktwjai Leotard tab at was today to flfr aoathajB called him a "and alaaaa." ukmduu.ru tat piece wUa at LM Leonard It oae of mo prtadatl i asalaat Carbt. Freak a 'l*lem«,Clfc8» attar- * Mr. aid Mf». ' Truman Oibaa aad Um At> 1 <• rapartst Ceaaty Ban Reoaay af Praaaaa, Id, TbeCapt Ed Una Uoaard aald the aaa wha at- day «( root ta alt epta tacked Um It a Mead af He* Cm.lMM.wm Uaad Dram. Ha did aot idaam> IIHMU »,«••) MT. Iwll. Ma Jaahwa «l IWI H Am thouAUoatfdlatlatahawat ___ JMM by nw MM to Ikt award Mi mHalai ay Dr> to yard. In • w AND AUMD WCTIl«-».yl Jakii>rVmkla Caraa. lt», af adf taafal. Ntw Yarfc, currantly undtr fndictmant far tmttoaavar mtnafdmant af aattn, was am not aaa af Hva man «rr«»td by tha Fll an ehtrf M af tryinf to maMia to «a fha Mm.aid, but be ayt be it touch wtth them. ba* wMiartt to aft af warM waHarwaight champion Dan Jar**, tartar, IMI ha MMfw, DWMM at at "no meet they (tht _ It tat awveo aad Oadaart Paid Nawath, rifV. of Co»ina. Calif. IAF Wlfapliafa) world) eta do It km you." ha aank la dridt than wtt be said. "Nobody waata to tat UkV fatorup; ed. but I don't think they'd «o la MMMtktl. If MO* that far. They're all oa trail now. . WOULD TODAY They have t lot tt ttako. They er lute. Selacttt far adr flfurt I'm one c( tht mala wb> MiOaajin MM ia da flaal caatrOwttoM alt year m, tht •y JAMU MAMJOV , li what tht world aoode aad that achievomtata will "bury" *t •mtt wal epta the WAIHtNGTON (AP) - NikiU naVi Caaafcey Pa* If Waakt driapan a tat •mm far M. •MformaBctt la gii aa tad of Ht tayi lloiaU dooa't axpMi I! y etuaby aad matataltt tba Amtrtcaa tawdttioa AavWaW*.!-*. defeat a a* Kai aajt at Mata* paea «a AIM aad Hairy Ho't maty aiap - tomt ot between conunualtm aad naau, Jr., aterMto attppan,uch may ptwepood, torn*wtt[&*, fcrm <* fovemmtat flava may met viaat Tbtaat'a PnadM dark** at al at net today atfn. Tlay al ht't • mm of Ha hu wtt, but dotaa't apart- ofayaioe. VI«ai ia dhah at ^^ « «*aai wit Is turaad atalatt tar at laa Fraa- ^SaVaM aar HIM tta« a Lttn Setae vfcH aaa *• «,!*„»„«,himht

Hfltd by nrkw ajayOT f eater at PMBtot toaSta* aahnaj* ho woat at iatpaeton aM t^aajaV Oaai Fries *J» •JJjtah. Ht ttyt «I aa aot atftid thrtt nllUoo of'totm havt Had "—? •" of tht dtrtl." bit thtrt't aa ttea to te WMt, bit aatwer which ht om dartd oppoat mu+aat- "You sick wtth capital-

•al•aatlyy of a Dottyy,, ofttnto iwt a Ho ttyyt he waata pttee but oa tht Biblt. cttoi thh t eommaad-ktopt bnadltUag hit ndtotd t mtat tftlaot kUBo* tayi tht lOw 1 hlackiach. It wtt ht who in TIM IMI|M kakm

2" *°2i 5*2? •I'JJi arawi U: "Oad it aa ow ^m at aaw Haaw ^1 sw| j^§ brmwi bat ht •et far aaamar day « aa, bat ht It alts West Btrila Utiwidiaiwttpmaiori Mat» Can MMMM a IM* aad Ma aara Uaa Ht pntdtap i frtadom M whaa •mairMdeyabjfetll taytUayi i tat ia Ma dafaettr-^aaktd why RutHa erubad me aap^^ybaMp^a^batkttyaaasaatbk- 't rtvohttiehi a tfatatttt head that me world can be naddt tbttr Conmualit matttn. ho re- ktat aat tat beat a admit tt wat a rttott- Caaa. Baaa with Ma Uoa. Me caBt it a boaUsaa plot AH acrott Xmorlea ha dwelt Rack iridl mto anaa d aMy trt,«Mil9M He'tMuapredktabttatacher-ai the pngreta, woadtn aad dMrdpaeaaRae aotar aat af DotMettky aad Ma beaitlet of eommunltm but, whto Sm m1 tft itnw Qioata Praawr wta the opaaHaaaHe daplay of aaarsy it alHaally chtUtntod ta ahow a Ha py ff t y flk dhrWoa MM Jay boaan a What (k)Mf Ma da> Maatiflay thbaal a dtUbtratf u oat teffor of tbtot tot «gide int IMUBCo t CeaimaaitI where tpeop eooatryk floc. hk t VfeMal DM) MWBJ MaSMHC „ .^^^ Ma da> y BM •imiiTr tr atrlttMt ST H f i*" h t Mk id "Dlk b" wha adad aaST WMi aM of ait*." tht Brtat Mk nid, "Drlak your btor." WM) aWawl SPMPM aw wtt tkM wkk M HHek- btrott (a Ruata'a early epic n hat beta Ma atvtr . . . . coattatt Comraunltt lint Ht't lattUlROit, ht't thrtwd. *aatkt«MM'a*b«t he'i Mttlar M attUoctaa •WlMtMMr aMJipn. kt ti UH mmtu a MMandaa aaariat Ho la oa all Aaerlea aad am rackrlbhad Comaualit but he laho aot BO dirferoace botwtta ae 3 atao a pnaaalM. TMaparttf ha lauto the aay hold bopt ataiaat bttaf pro- mpaeodlitr tat Mhirt. vented from teriai DUatylaad b.y ,Valeri e Jaw llaee ht It fof r a practicap l way tort notice, oven thooaji Mt wha atlled Mr Ma Jaoaa thMlrf daa> tkata-oad trylw to doown ttwrlty itutrdt were t aad to foand aaanlMtiM at oawa mey cheeked hit little more to the rlaht aad make Freehold Pkkt He talks of freodom la Ruala but ttyt at head of tht Kovtn- meat bt woa't let hit otopte hear ntMkr |M MMtof tr •«•) MMini>, in- « M «• klMMM • IM tUM fenver trylu tayty.. ha waatt ta protect them tvmr ki nek t*» ld f it H d it iki Battilaf !•• a rtaad the world of it He boa propaganda. •NMf MtH itttmlM, will deom't aaed pubUdty. but be He Wot hard to ttund tuptrlor IM BtCMta IM «ktf f bat a daiaj at *vot » Impnt- Hr tM in ugwui u H bat he la alto aba af daa>raatai taftrlorlty u at • etreua. Ho ****** bat ha alna •eoehwood Am.. Tuttdty rt- aerted caicblai a 41-pound while flohtof from the d boat CrteBe ait of Ktyport. AtpeMaftaadyltoek.

iki MM tkt kiMkitli *tMt« Mil •»»•*, It t»»»wi |SS It- tuirtii* IMuVSML |N4NBVBI Ctttt


CNAMJITOWN,W.Va.(AP) 1? lumnx 111 rakHUl -The Ottrttt Twa ran tner until um nil ill fici'illmi i» IM MW"t •'•" •• *• *•••<*•< Itaatod aaar aa acoaaaf atv HuH) - lay at atany iftrper t *trry IW jlWTWW* RaUffi IRajnWtJPIIll WfJ| IM wior MMrimn) f^a^FV^P^Vl V^V^^aHpvV t W vW^P^wPMMl »d nJ HiraMa Oetot, htn of ni trtjt and thtrt wat a aajdk) CtavoUnti d#etil«| raam tlrtt tttm tllnthtd fhe Amtr- »mi»i « t«|wtlMi«iiiM * AaVMb. aT%iamml aattt^MawPatV a, lettaaf leretoaa, atot here will >ait for maty al me flrtt tot Uin LOO|NO pannant. Tht 4-1 wla aver *ha IndUni e>ti ttvahMtOMn War II M 4S •MhidNta M4 •taaraai to Chlaofa their fin? lte|uo title In 4« yetn. IA* Wlrt- STYUtT MML JONTTI aad«ajab«aa dlicaia Otano VaVmMmaBYBVt ntty ptoyad a at Mralajy tar eaakj battlet. toad trapa. phatal .^dEi^jf. •vl^aV^AiM^adF ML J^ fBAlla •a»iPOWww O'».»MWJMB( MWOO> Charity A flMBYjEja Mjate^MMMto^F flK CflHa^ww avODHa aitajfl W^SM nTlttwJeiv.a\ ¥ JflawMMflal ^•d.**;!** */»• c^.>:T«yh»Ava..agadT,hadMga«M»Ava,.aiadT, had atlas*i •*• FP**SJiL?* «•>•M» SL^!tocMsd! Addiijt, •_,Bfuw., PMPsslI HuiaaKuw, Jacjack !*^*"" ***••« K«ta Craat, Jtrry atota, = Wilde Given *LJ!* "K1 '•fflPotrlda Sadd Asthoay Torlhyy; Rob* tumor, M- SN P h 5N dhdChitu Ms J , sad Mn. Raadttob Jaoth- tl!«Sffi?'n»M tad Brte •MJMtl—»«SM< M « Mr. ud Mn. _. Brisk. MgMsadi, formorty toy Has sai Or. Rahtrt ft Ntr* ,. Harbor Wsy. Alt ptocs. win iwawif. a«eat«ds CMM S «f »a • rltllt, JUtcroft Meastswtt Jetlsbnlsd st t double etltbnttoa •taeh aad,«saOrl Thsy wtt act tslo part la ths llspt W. David wu flvt.sod Erie Iwss sta. I Richard Osmsch*. who falahtd Ibtot tnlalai In Grtat Uktt No- Ivsl Bsss to spending Wo watkt [ BMoaMi iraa aw •••• btn of lbs ootacn't stosrjas Tbt Utitod Itttos Waathor awl 1M Ckarlhr Ml at MM> sl siMrt at^gho^AM f^a^ft RaawBaft A^AWfe4^kl^a^aMM^l awV •with hit ptrwU, Mr. snd. Mr*. srt: AVA1LAIU •Clifford Csffltcht. Ht will Ittw •MA Faik. TkVtadi w» a ta tbt Paywtaa* M * Ifor CallfoniU Tooidty. Had AT Tbt Bsyshon Coramualty ICkoreKirckh Pair win bo bold Nov. to S. Tbt cbarcb wOl bsU SHIRUY aoffauybstsOctll. ,—,—i at a csrd psrty |» SHOPS Ittrday wan Mn. Mstbart Kotgal LAUNDERETTE Q. |sad Mn. Ctoeasid Hsrms. I7MOA»1T. MtKtaya to Africa rl«oil7.m Ifott obovt tbt tropksl arts aad Mrs. Uwto I. SERVICE , It to oaty II •r. Uamft.«I Ifrem fht sajtstor. :*L* L. Ktsktl at Park's pnaV NOWOffN Re^onal Science Mr.lstll>,llstraasanr. •ho Mivt with tlw imtMt* Why throw money away Program Outlined Future Farmer 24 HOURS Mcktrdl #r MAOON - Dr. At Exposition Coytt rf *f Days A Wttk at *a state of Week on "throw-away" filters? To «• Ftted af fts stattMsaday Ml . eto»] •sari at Aaw* Ml wOHl HI Bl Haw NCwM w»* CMdwkk. fks. wba k) ia tbt Tht sebsoTs tctoace Dspsrt- •sat tstt tarlhr Cats wo* aoi at «w Watt" ttoprotnafernsyssr, CkadM af tht UNCROPT - Cab taat Pack IM wm bold its first sMsttoj Plaas Itr tbt amttei with tbt ia Uacroft Ichtal. PoVewkf the KMa dsis la ths sears MO Now Jonsy torn. dto d - - - - - a sps- at 7:« BJB. Partatt an Berts, aatthar tossl Nsw Cub ietat appUctato IkAldl a^ MM int ptoia tar a SPEED WASH sea wJtb tadDstrtal aad pnbUc w* to) MaaBoatb CouMrs- . CWsttos Poaet to la byCMrpsnato. tjr; partMBtttoa hi a esaatjMrhh cbut*. Thto it leltaatAtfattrlai _Carssr tadta cblaf of tht JCT. ^ Ueturtr ta praMtsIha Jaaier Seldkr Ad- ths FMrnTatsMn at mrofto. of a school vaac* profnak Iflai MwW Asa-(1st attaadsaV Tha bean) af Fsator IsMton af tha tool cans to tbt siata for a sctoaco fair for ilwaiatiry psnM are tovttad. school stodsato, aad ths htrodte- i of two sow csanss sad s laaMB. libot fiool $55 Port Bhfistnrte CrowtJI HI laW MB wf MP> laarNlfM Efnia Rlbtt, 127 Osklsad at.•M Mfw* • JOawl Cwlw* Oct. Mat TowasUp WsjildNeL IUY SkvHktta* SesMMiawklistoiascitatUkdrtvsreafttr^eksdUstts'aM NiMANINT AIR NiTIRf CrowtB «M Slbst that aV „-, • j a driver aa tbs nvtkod TE-" Aftsrt Cask. i Tht tctoaet staff toptoaeia g toast la optnto Ms car tostotfla r • ^ at ^ swgaaoriag « Ma1*h« a cMM a Isadei am" I I No laaajar k k •inwn a> pay ood pay agak for AIM fhwd wan Jobs B. J^rlayto_ . ••#• oTIwlMi wtW Mr* M i i af M COBMBMO Dr. Oeaaa> I J*"* aid Mrs. tMatoy Cook aad i • • • aaa wasgt aof SBonsstt asaair/ I port, aad Jobs P>. Row*. Jr*fc», IT- ta. d Mrs. WBMM a%aaj» W RJvd, I thty ctaat oo^awasat twahlt. SwitU sirs ihan «aa at Thqr wlU bae taert, til tsch far cantoas 10 DAY |. to sssHy wsshsd aoi ropltcil h yomt asktd ts tog, aad EHish Portias, 21. sf ._ 11 Nrthdsy at ' avatar, or air Joels aad *' Asbory Ptik. HI for drlvtasu--. ret Mr. sad I SrlCIAL Hew Mm adi a tar wtA sa anired Hcsass. ^^ I war aiyi alia Ossrga Lswto. Meto at was < hi ItesMt Msbjbts PlvpOMaw Wwfw Ml Rftt M waV •aMbinafharfsMHy. roll tht Ugh tehoel to the No- «tfer...t»MMitj tavSwl aMdow LMflM KIANaURO-Mn. Msstottta. A setosce fair far ^ -.- .. Dstaaa, ssa of Mr. sad Mn. I March H, M tsru*. Maa^ir lswto IA.F Ths fair has I , N. *, bM GENERAL mftvT piitlclytllM lajs. Ha to a ait u VEPJaVJBIG VaWJPBvim to tht WUtosjsMtopartftM A awMt —^—aawMwl ^aw tat la the ftoM: to offtrOotia»T af • ••• owslwwawPl Wf irsaoBMat tad ftcogaiti im. sad to trauit public litontt to Mtiflc tdyftttot st tht 4 OMatory school tovtl. school sf> PuUc Auction Sdt IP iO AM two atw sdtaes ctanss at ra> — wf — RUIKTATI n DIE aa a coflsat bml sad wlB < __M _^ faTsMMMMl AaMBMMMk S^LB11jMkH aMHU ^h^MMMBV 7t- >' "YON end NYGEN IVHIIK Aaapstttdebsmhtfyosarstftf I wt • 0 • t iahwbsta huHftratsl et dab KM bsaa or- •saksd almtd it pmtdhw sdaV IVaWwl IMI Mfttwfc wt OWOMMMwB OMML wftf I ftwJwXMl dhSBMfldjtftaBjlMAai MkBl SB9jaa^La^adM OBNBPIAL EASY to coadset craaUvt coastractlw SATURDAY, PAY bo nartstattd at lbs _ NYLON Cowry Mates Fair st Moa- RMrib GOOIM WHMI MM itsti ift- aaes rah- at Rattan Uafwrttty. MMS sash af ao OBSthasl " b)*Wt SAF-T-MILIR AITIRIM AT t TER MS


"H«r« It yt#r a*M kt • Matina boy." This It wool MdbMSl MMtA MW> MWJMM arNaww Wwfw owl owfw» ENSVCUME tafMTMsj ar ifs, vsjry vast • • • Mjsarwat, raMpBMBtaf s stnaf $ KI ^^^h^hl JLh^J^A L*AA J^AAk a,a^aa^^ KAdf 16® ssettoa ia *s asw aw LwJ ^MMMF O#V t M Ml tM sit wawi TWIST vrwaawvivi wavaa wi aUrtry, lacbjdlai ths tBtaat pro- sdiilva irattwlit yam awd1 Antkarlas wosvt. Cfcolco fartBtotthMNitart llwlf IMMwwff af I farfOMt waaaratar salart—tSHtsraa, si«Mq«o whHs, dotsrt bslfs, hlva mitt, asaWa fray, sryttal p/aoa. tan* fcoJfa, tafat, ssrsmol, lauwslwtaw. BOAT TRAILERS & INDUSTRIAL TRES ASK ABOUT nUi Tflllf hritr 95 Hsratn A* Pilvay.

M1W M0MM0UTN — Mn. MeMANUS & FISK, he. •rsabJbv Wlefci. Charry Trot Ptrm Rd. oatartalatd at a htass- I dtmtastrtUta WWlsia TIIKTK MUMMY •ram, Hs«M, »*• Iht SIWIS earn w "Ml P. flSft arfMMI W9f9 Mria ... Amph for fttarytM RUwS • CARPETS . SLEEPSHOP tWah Van Tsafta, Mn. Wsyas HysM. Mn. Prsah Psttaas, Mn. •t Hii/i«MO.H^ Nkh F«|tro, Mn. Oosrtt Coatl. wW VoWwwoWWw^wvw^wwp wVw MT# Uww9w# wnK awWwM BMMVMMMlaMttaM^MMMWiftABMM M^H MMTMTai MMMMr aMM^MMMUMAf aT!AaU^Jia> IwVwiaM^Mn^iMMMMTBPM^BjMMTMW Mn. Jobs HanM, Mn. Jsha w v wo/ gv v av^av aWJB^BBnwavsBj WOMMJF WWWW^WJWBJW^B1 aj WM/ ^paj gjgj Mvlrala. Mn. MaMbtw Klsg. No*.. • kM. 10 • r\M. Mki Kftotff 14444 iN 14447 fKH PARKItwt OS 1-1100 tateb Patotfaf *» for Maapro-i Octl. Otbln,' * Wtet! itoMuticAppr B^kataklldM ftia* lb|| BiKHf atojm WK to toldTtort - natlnt day alatoj wil to taM dtytfroajltoMp. n. atojbti wilb MtoM A. Martt Topiet, a a«w afftt b>ftai Hi Mmt vrtcttr potoMd oati HOW- tot^y. MM. TUi oaane. to tatd, VflMt iB fODM wUltUI bo It IWM tad w**d ptr A atw eount ia tto MM of ilirntU1 iit itjtoltrttbttri n do oMot nttcblatt win to pimalil SSaffi SB pOMBMS^HOBtgltt BUS JUT 07 Mill ASBHNS VPN |«r Maaiajr light tto hi|h«d>ool oft. Bar MMv aJtjat la tto bleb A count la teak. M tato pUet Mtadty DIV1WNDS NOW.

jaaAat>M.I jato*r"a£ord-l I ta attor Far Etattra tptcfaVfl i a» tto Mpm faeaHy. H forll PR ANNUM **to"to* otaaptrlaaoo toa > t.fcy pwty Ji Now it thf money*M«lM| P0BSB*WB VJalaaBHPBB OJM9HK SI ^— iau • Count nMM SaS fl^aMMMHMHMMMMMfi ' laMtHgatfaP BdbtJLi tftert la of tent«(Iht Far But timt/o tto parto1 Ma* Ifctlr Mfc But Dr. KMa dtlat |o ta*t Or. Xtala. aVnVM QM grMKIam •IHHTT jaatty It tad btatfi^ (nnUt nkM lattlng^bl - of Mpn tatt ttfrfV to lMdi AND MAN AMH Jtnatfarwittt Tto eomnJttM't loal. to MM, FRED D. WIKOFF CO. It to Mcara Mpport for aa at- klb* Mt tM (to tabtMBMBt of ta ' ,•.«. pj attte I f W«rt Front », ted to* fMM< M iM «t* tfW Mtt. tet •Vt alt btHt**" to Mid, •*•» •. «. itIW 3 ID|B> MM BMN «• snow stoat Ctav PRICES DOWN-SAVINGS UP ON ^1*3*? " ' ' oraaltt CMaa tto totttr win wt Dr. Bato, a Ml tradoatt of bt abtt to dMl wttb tor." UCU «to tobfi a doetor't da- bit AHaa _ tbtltirifan tMrfty tavytan ato. •fflNat Ma bora durta( •at IrtaaWttatl pndaeod ia Vbr II «kaa. Dr. KMa waa of Urn. nnat fc tto facSttt botb ta Hit tcaotd tmcdy «MfMn(M|daa|,AnDyiaUlli. Or. KMi audo ia Mi «Mtoa captdty. MtMttdt. At Maw1 o( tat book tod mtay ortkht oa tto topic Dr. KMa wrott to tbt llguti won to la aow •orUag oa t ooooad Tavern Owners Welcome Anti-Half-Pint Ruling MA Wff - A Halt aiiln llliiliat||l fcr Wag "en* at tto •MkMt *t aria af toltfM tot> arjr atatai «ton aayaat cat ftt tdrtoJu jr y l»Mt Mtttom*. Bag of 20 MtnaftMBayatoroAroa. toirfOA.jto Onto, (to Mt OaMfjafMNae af CM* lie 6 inch POTS of ttottttt DtTtotot of wood woo bad toM votod at Altotolfc fitvara|t Coatrol* todtto "Bayitorft OuMaa4fa« Tav- ttaa tttad by tto ttvna omtn «m Omtr at list" tofora hi* at dnrca raoMt death. HM niaojut wu r» Jr. TUUP ctrmd by ait Ma, Caorat Poo- HOUSE PLANTS 23 to 30 Inchtt tall

ctt- MM." DM KtwUnalpt an paM HB HW WttMtrar Fall Mw IMpttattiatttattjayajaav Uatod by tto owatn. • Y#J«J a-vt 2.00 Mn. Hair/ Hill, 1 VJ«lt ««r HorHc«rh»ra DafMrfmtnt far yaur hoait altar attaV. chalnua waa MatoMa by a •MOT AMD OOMtMBi at larat comaMM to pnptnMcat y a) MtMrnti najar twr t wh US la to»atat tot tto procram. Dtadag wu to I AMata Vbkt M _ .4*. b«f H» (to Marie el lad Ftok aad bH Yw«*S0 I CflJki tlMkV. tatM f^ tot to JMopk M» Doaavat, attttr of •tvaraft WM SftASS SUV - PKSTAR LAWN CONDHIONtl JamaL af Sat Brlgat foT IRf VvSv •rfJwP j H, Aatonta, Ha> A»ar>J.

9w99wW *9m W9WW afVS9IW potted plants

1M •ka^afJa^aV a^aatl SJSMI Old World Quality Product! WiE Or QUALITY CMNMlVWfNM 4N MtATB AND MEAT HWDVCT3 SWMS rl^WWIPiw wvw mntWMxn

faBB^HalB^Har Ma^BBfSrtftfc 4ft hyadnni OM #1 llr# SNMl M#olSY Hi #it

•BjajBOfltrM •••••Pfl WWW i«t •ng. MM 4fi tUfMMtw rfSjBjii avaaovviwrv «T» •WMto tVaJtw 4bfjH»s35*

IMUJHI m 'SPECIAL' rt.i MM* All kWa^BT ^IM* I^Wvy SIBI W Utftt LMf Ml UYRRWURST . oft •aj^a .Mi BvilwuR$T . •MaWdfeSO fatBffldMliam. " " *"" Lav«t liMkr Phwt ff« SELECTION Of SWISS AND GERMAN IMPORTED DKUCACm PUI PARKINS AT RIAR OP STOM Wlfl DELIVERY ON FREEZE* ORDERS OUR REAMS E&V ctataattobeaudeby ART CLASSES hedJai, tnie, but the tunayer NNIKM paw the total MIL UAiN 10 MAW AND FAINT BEAUTY... deter ta-oeeratioa It KGtonwood Dr. that a N. J. be ^^ ^ & & ADULTS ||To the Editor p| cu be consisted btfort v*BA t ea^^g^aam (^^^w#w e^eweaBBS IV J^riB On other U etarttd and the ux •. LCT coaownlag the couadl-board ro- load Ii mere evealy dMribttitd. Thit to what I man b "l IHtrfpMt 7-4IM ily to daitfy my postttta on this tenet," aet what my would Uke you to beknl If J Them hu beta a ms ta (tad a eamtfoa to eur H mUaformatioa ud g tai me to "raaauMj under diculetod by my poHtlcel pp falM preteattt." (or what eauee Intati, tad others who, aka OMd.o th«y (uajnt 1 daht? ia (Mi cue. know only what they 1 have alto taid that couadl nad la tbt ptptr. ahouM take a ttaad en achool Into what wai originally a tim- budccti. I Mt thtt tali wu fair ply worded atace our dttoem teem * "^" aad meanings hare the couadl. or the Let me rattte my tatt coaten- political party, rapoatlble (or the tion. In my platform, at point entire tai rate. However, on this one, I have said. Tht council I mutt admit I mty not LAnX-ALKYD PAINT must take aa active iatenat ia |bt oa tend grata*. I am told the tffsirs at the achool r atty be to for since they take 0 *tr t here. I do aot advocate boroagVatoxi the tow. Nm feel that thto staad eta he taken CONCRITE • MUCK • STUCCO jfaaadj* you Sept 1,1 farther ia joint BMtttaaa of said. "Then ahoaid be the botrdUbudgtt time. kretaen, Jehn. 4, eeattr m both the atwklea tad ether psnjMraim Ma Itchoal budget to my unffMi n •atfoufn eai» daamw at ta Atr Feree aW* al Tht report "He also fain It tob e called advocated tat taking a I hops that the term to that kindly. My iatenat AM dm*mm»tmA milk the people caa be at to Shrewsbury It also tiaeen. Points Stop Yours truly, BtaE. Dt«H,« of laajtoa- GMtMe Iwajna*. Mode with Dew lotei tthha governini g bbody'd s feelings on towa, thne tptedtag. oat failed the subject." to signal aad eaa failed to keep MfiOi HjhHy to ih# To the best of my knowledgi these tn the only quotttioni PUNMY0KND4GS . which tn tttributtble to me f tad aBtedbMi Now t (tod thtt from this it 4 Malta Ct. dei, todayy announced IN Hecate 1 art ScjuiOaM, M, of late —m/nn up tt 400 mijurt f—*. Apply wHfc deduced thtt I claim "Influence Middwtowa, N. revocations under thh e poinitt eye- with the board, that I tm a can ro the Editor: speeding twice, cantata drhrlag "false pretenses,' Along with many people, I «V Eight of the driven are fromand improper pftariag, tat Hany that I taggott the council "In ect to scorea neing opaa aavaa i fluence the hoard," and now mi lays a week. I particularly object Kelly, a, of»» Loekwook d cuataaa drhrtag Met, •MIOT MfiffM yf phrase "aggressive Interest" I o Sunday ston bourt bocautt I, Freehold, lost hit llcaMe|«n|dd '' *|^^_tjBaaAamUlgaVEartflJ gtaaallvamaf m a Christita tad feel Sunday months for t reckless NI conviction. The ^^ fj_iS_ ^ Hen It my position ts cletri) vis meant u t dty of not tram i l Ml Mr ftet BKaaj) Cator Out he toils of tht week tad abo a to far Edward » Wlfn m p iaa I caa atatt It. toy to worship our Lord. |4 High St., Matawaa. Since, la my platform state 1 Raltbl TfceeeiylHUatjeeker meat, I am talking tbout tt) Then an r" "- HM (a a soft cowl aaiHtat ty, the work '•affairs" couH lo not observe ear Soaday bat I St. Keyport, lost his liceese (orlittt driving ttherbeUevttheSabbatato tat. tana months for speeding twice a oae«oath lavocetioa for CHa* (• make the eerfeaf aaaeaf rUMINAU, be coattiusd to mean cur ricula, tupervtoloa, or policy. •rdty. I feel thatt pt Dtaa. U, of Croaai far the aJoatad tkM PAINT CO. It meant what It says, aa in )bserve their boHday on the day I twice, . Jlr In the finances of thi irigintliy set aUdt for wan' II WMYfl HMff »f their God. In order to autatata Iaa It dot* aot meaa that I am at week optatag oil ANNIVI1SARY _ to hrfhwace the dad tht gnviranisat of i Td. SH 7.1 lit of the boaid* 1 am not tarn or town should past portag with, at Mr. Scotat pati » give each tat owa. at"" PM1 DBJVMT it. "Oar hatle freedom of edaca Butlnattes caa bt opet ebi SPECIAL! My younpter ii to ft. OPEN FUMY NKMTIOHLT week—five waahdaya aad [tame data at hit in our achool m* weekend day, either I caa cite an inttaneo where mil >r nday. The owner of the boat* liatoon, or interat, can be of im MJ to deride which weekend " MEN'S ia our iteii M pnfers-tKber Saturday Sunday. It Pays to Use Classified Display Once he etttbUtbes the SUITS |we oaght to ao tato aa ait*athr« ir a ste-raoath trial period. rood and ttraet fopalr piogram in chaagt the day to the OTHW STYUf rmite but frc •ttatata the day of hit CLUNKS, INC. Fram JWO fe MM This should make til MttoWtd. Tht Hitman which de- Ntw MMfil EMCtric FHlir»rW W*MNf (ivit you nes a Sunday blue law at pretax to gnety, trytag to (rom Mtna.*nahiiag the isaaBy home on Suadty aad caa ifford time to shop. They an testily tat large tctle wttaets which has been doing wthtag bat ntalag hometowa rt- t> aastattttt which an tht back* MM of ear communities. Ston owners Interest themtel- m ia community life and tftairs, atprewmenu to better our com* HATS for Pall BuaWta tnd oftea serviag ta eapadttot which in wtthont pay but tedious and time consuming. •ffffVfWtadttaaaUaiamdn l •Aacamaahlsl •• ntjajajakj VeJrVartkAtMasmtl| ^t^B*Tawaa

Smcereh/i Gnml EUetrie Bltaeh Ditptnm mmtum, dilultt, and Araette R. Arateth Catholic Scouts Owml BMMA AHtopjMte Blotch Mp«Mr tofawvthe hatd-hxlo MoMhlac Job, HM blench y« Mod for any wteh Hold Retreat load k Moontaly mtaund by •bBfly dwaraahhi OM III lever. TWi aJl you do! At the mmnt (ha btaaoh wfll amide btat NEwTON-More than 2N Cath- olic re«iHa,ltitdBut«la»dMrtoa>.tic«llyaddedtothowaahwaUr. Moamouth Council of Boy Scouts Thwa quarto of liquid Mtach en ho toM* Hond. partlclpeitod la the Id Annual Re- treat it Camp St. Benedict hen latt week-end. • Btf JOfeMtWMaaetly Among members of tht coun- a) aantTaaakm dAaaaiaa^ttatakmatttia a^aJ^kfldks^^^B cil committee wen Charles H. • JfllMf mmptrmmfw MMM Vrtotoad, Cllffwood; Joseph J •Wtltr Hermit tad Jeai J. Byk. Fret- held; Jtmte Kellttt, Ktaaiburg I Ktyport; M-ktr mm m mot A. McCae. Long Branch; Metric! Scout Executive Joseph DoCtato, Otkhunt, tad Rev. Joke R. Met- DtoaM, chaptola, aad Joseph C. Lint ia caught in the non-ctofffaw. Smith, both of Spring lake. movini liter, aot on *odothte. Sport Herts lion* Club lo Hear •re Uffer thti PeN than Dlertietion of #lllt AulooMtieally you aet tha right com- ModtlOAlOMIT hefere. Many ••rtttleni In FeHt, A. Runt Applttite, vice presi- bination waah and apin ipeedi. waah ptrwmk dent tad trust officer of tht First Shepn. DetertHeai. We and rinee Umperatuna and time for Nttloail Bank tf Freehold, will Ye« wM elte. any type el waehable fahrir. WfoVf VMBH MVW Pf dtscuee wUto tt t meeting Tao» dty tight of tht Red Btak Urn Club la tht MoHv Pitcher HotH Mr. ApahajaW1! ttft «u ai\ wild by Wlllam A. near, TRADUN ALLOWANCI ohtlnatt at the dyVii atajfaaj CIIAMI ACCOUNTt INVdlD

NO DOWN FAYMINT tht wiikirf buna* tf the Me* ataan CaCtaalw y Ciatriag Heate AttetiattM. STtEL W AUTOS BETTER HOUSEXEEPMt SHOP NEW YORK (A*)-Taol« will be made of » • SHadyrfde 1-4310 • per tenl tts«l, Id* seme as IMI accordiag to Stttlwayt the nfllclal puMlctllM of Amert eta Iran tad Steel InttHute MONMOUTH SIREET RED llttiat IM attlaW«maja HWel IE*» SJinam/waaaaj ^ I* NOAD ITMIT 110 IANK y y ^ and greets nf tttel tn uted hi la Illl aui Ot>«f* Wadaetday I PtMty NlfMt TIN f P. M. »>«• Parking In Hmr of Starr Enlnmr* nn Whlli itnly II different types wen Ht yvyy- T^ *>

I •*••• ••••# . aaBtr* rJHIH .•TOpBT eajeraaaqr aM readaie* at Business Mirror local aad aattaal ckaptm 1 tar baa aeat out appeal! by mail •UrtOM AMD BUTTON MU> ON to SMN reatdaBti far donatloaa hatpaow. to bo aaat hi by Sapt H, wbaa BySAMDAWSON Moat of the m HdbM h> ttMafaaWdrtvaeada. LEATHER COATS LYST AF polio before the TO GAJUHDV ibeSalkvaccine. Tbay"aCBlaaad x - Memben of NEW YORK (APMha Tnaa- higher return by baytas atocks VINCENTS COAT SHOPPE Aaclaet Ordanot Hlberalani •ry to laaUas for help today other Uada at boada or real care, Mr. Hbrn aakt, addtot: AasOiary wm apoaaor a bua ride UMET UATMBSt AND O0IN OOiOl Iran the « miUoa Iavaaton who jitata? "They are ia need at tone atat-to Patricia Murph/a Botanical AND «nBti BMDk 10 OBDBB are-*My labalod veophie* For one tttng, a • _ ly, aad aoaotlmaa - - -• prim. Yonkart, N. Y.. Sunday. jood la Jut about tba eafaet riak naaaSHaa>aWaMIII rahabilltotiea aMa. j Tba aeawt maatiaf wiU be held ia IN. AMu. air. w. Praat St It liopaa that it to making their ibere to. If the U. S. aovwamaat outnatkat boapital fbaWtha Xalfhta of. Cotambui haO. iaaaaSaJ Ullioa doUara worth of U.S. ja uader — Ota moat aa- baphyclcacal therapy, laadlcaaoaZlMoaday, Oct B. Bead* attractive enough thiag hi the world at tba for them to haU aa to, «o they'll mama* - what alae would ba atop tttnias than k at an aav worth a pfcgaed aktotf? barraaalag rate.- . Aad for aaJUaae tba payrot It avaa bapae - but with such plan to about the oaly more wietfutaeee - that they will way they caa ba wre ei atvfcg y;BMn> % , atytaaaj. Maaaaa aaw leea apw th tkb thei ml EAST ORANGE MILL END SHOPS The Treacury aeeda the their tak+bone pay aa their real

•--,»-•••-•-ia» • tan pay. They are caadUioaod to ao Win. It alao wants to atopignore what la dedactad Sx fed- the drain oa the caah it baaera, ! - aad often atata-tooomo cauiM by tba atoeu of redempt-tana, lor hoapUal taawaace, tortor loa, ion «t Sawaaa Boade am aalae.MkMwM dtM Mi the) HW M That h) whatto behin d the hike t Sll-ft bappaaa at yielde oa Serb* B aad H baada to W per cant which Praaidaat llaaabowar baa Juat approved. Mr •» m sanaa tfa to a

. O^ieo. Jr, IT Maay have been turalas at WaU St. West Loaf Branch, aa- their Savage Boada becauee they could aat DM for their noaay at ftayjpat it late other fora* Bat maay have aoae riabt mute have baaa _ PORX CORDON, Oa. — Amqr iaf.a» payroll trttbaU *Mlaa)ai tor four — •••• - j| niemptlonj Uncroft Tba Treaaary wm aaw fiad out Mr. aad Mra. Rkfaard McAtter It a W per ceat return U enough and Mra. Norma Rmaer of Baat to revaraa tba treM. Oraaia have moved Into the Frank McCarraa Phalanx Rd. NEW MONMOUTH-Mn. Roe» Mr. aad MnuWiUam Maator. aid Abbea, Ceaterrllle Rd. Bel- ate. Jf.a of Wtctewtdi Av9*» ford* vti pvcQ t stock Newark, vWted Mr. aad Mra. wtv Saturday at the homo Of Mn.lUmMuter!on,Sr.,ofSwlmmlna Alex Cralf. TlndaU M. IlBitajaai River ltd, M route home from where they epaat a Hanloa aad Mn. Jaha Garratt There wer* « faaita fraa,I«S IVBNIIBS DANCE U_J ATLAHTIC nOHLAMOS-The 20 new excitmg patterns by MIRA] BaMord Yacht Qa> artt bald a S3-,NMrl if' ' group of drapory murtls, border KEANSBURO - Mr. aad Mra. awarded to the moot orltina] < ^MATADOR.. • pictured above... cap- neeph Braaaar aad nan, Robert, i. Co-ehalrmea are I ponols, and seulpturtd ombroldorioi in 20 now, K«au Mate St, have returned from a k. Avaaao D. and 0 tures the staccato brilliance of the Plaza del Toros three waaka' tear of the Went Want. Coaler Ave.. dramatically styUd intorprttations of today's in mid-afternoon. All the color ood vibrant spirit modorn or traditional dteor for your homo. Tho of Spain is displayed in this beautiful print. "Omnibus Colloetion" by Mara| is a distillation of tho bost of today's crtativo offort in drapory ^DAUPHIN, ••asetofponelsthotcap- dosign. Thoy will eomplomsnt and snrieh your lures the essence of French elegance, This superb homo and bring out tho truo boauty of your ovor- set of panels can bo used in Mmrtless combina- fll daoorating thomo ... tions to complement any homo decor. "T IMF ALA • . • o modem panel with just a Ovr Wtrbttii Will GKta-Mib Yotr hint of the medieval, this timeless motif costs a G~E TV Value, strong yet simple mood into the room it beautifies. + ARABESQUE • • • Ms embroidery da- DRAPERIES sign was inspired by cities from Cosoblonco to Port Said in North Africa. It contains oil their warmth, charm ond boauty.

TV There are many other Miraj drapery designs 00 oo created to cover tht decorating needs of any room from the simple soft and restful type to the high- 1 2 styled dramatically striking one. We invite you DHAW DtAPBUiS IMCUJMD to come in and see them! •FROM OUR READY-MADE MPT. =BEDSPREADS These ledsproads aro custom-tailorod to your bod regardless of ilio In tho latoit decorator fabrics In all colors and stylos ... 98


SO HIGHWAY 35 U 2-0400 UTONTOWN i Ne aOvltriaa) wMi asy ajajav aten aa) Ifca Jarny awra wm) iMSer N MM •« «« h IAIT MANM MIU WD IMOr OPIN DAILY TO 10 P. M.—Mil PAKKPNVJ Jfe•f* KisK s the College Lad irOodfty uiacny Remember He Still Needs Guidance When your college-bound youngster leaves home, try to keep the farewells as relaxed and cheerful aa possible. Homesickness probably hu ruined more college careers than any other csuse. Letters aad phone calls from the family are usually a great help. A subscription to a hometown newspaper hu been effective in many cases. Moat colleges ask freshmea to be on campuV a few days or a sters succeed. Every few weeks week early to receive "orienta- a new problem looms. What about The idea tion" information and to get ac< sororities and fraternities or quainted with the grounds. Then clubs? Some youngsters suffer comes HgUtratioa. terribly if they sre not "pledged" Unless carefully briefed, the to s leading organization. Fra- Napoleon's dragoons freshman msy feel bewildered by ternities and sororities have un- all the courses offered. If he hu doubtedly helped many students already decided on a profession, gain self-confidence and leader- he Is seldom allowed more than ship experience. They have also gave one or two elective*. Unless, be left lasting scars on the person- feds quite certain that he wants alities of those they rejected. to enter a particular profession, What can be done for the boy Walk-Over he is probably better off taking or girl who, after a year or two, a liberal arts course. A broad, is definitely unhappy and aot general background of informs' getting much out of college? tkm win always be useful. First, the parents and the GMMM Cordovan! Discovered by Ntpolmn'i After the easy pace of high youngster himself should try to dragoons in Cordova, Spain, this remarkable school, many students find it find out why he Is unhappy. Is It .kithenii great for rugged hard to adjust to college. Col- the college or the individual? nays ntsj aasy BBS fan. eat ttay shoes. Especially, the way lege textbooks u a rule are Some people are unhappy wher- ever they find themselves. If this sJBl Ivva to Rear trass Isieso. WslbOver interpreti it: tinned to much harder than high school books. Students are often shocked seems to be the case, your super-soft flexibility with full youngster msy need expert coun- down If they have a clear pic- at the length of their reading as- to arrange a ture of their family's flnaaclal leather linings. And, signments. It they coast for a seling. Parents can sometimes p Before a youngster they thine... and shinel few days, they msy suddenly find In a good many cases, how- a collate to give their son or goes to college there should be themselves a hundred pages or ever, the fault is not with the a full and free iBtrnatrwi of die more behind! youngster. He may be competing ts almost never hope- iemlr/s obUgatian to Urn. He Most colleges issue warnings al with highly intelligent students less. It to up to the parents to should know hew much Is avail- mid-semester to students who and be out of his depth. Or he keep eiwragMt and keep able for Us expenses aad bow seem likely to fall the course. may be bored because of the low sesrcMag far the right oppor- much has to go to pay the rent Parents should be alert to that intellectual capacity of his fellow tunity. or the mortgage, the foot bin. possibility. A student who re- students. And let us admit it, It is importaat In member aad other expenses. After that, ceives a warning should make an OTHER there are some colleges where that the freahmaa in college is money should not he a major appointment to discuss it with the general atmosphere seems to vulnerable. In a way. he Is back topic of discussion and repri- STYLES the instructor. be cold. in first grade again. Everything Some boys and girls are so There are many conditions un- is strange Bad rafter frighton- Some parents constantly criti- I*.f5 to eager to be popular and have fun der which s student is quite jus- tafcbuttWstimeheisnotBble cize the courses and subject mat 21.fl that they try to take part in al- tified in seeking a transfer. With to run to his mocker's arms for ter their children study in col- «t every extracurricular ac a good scholastic record a stu- lege. "What good Is that going Uvity. Parents should advise dent can usually make a trans- to do yon?" they ask. Such crlU- against such excess: it is almost fer in his freshman or sophomore dun cannot do any possftts good. certain to have a bad effect on For anyone it • Kite of even If you really have a sensible rea- yesr. It msy be expensive how- mild anxiety, fiaaadal worries scholastic work. ever. son for your disapproval, you What shout automobiles? A car and feelings el financial guilt are should advise your youngster to can, of course, add greatly to the What about the boy or girl a reel torture. Yet many parents go to another institution. who for scholastic reasons is constantly talk about what it Is convenience and enjoyment of Even on graduation day the college life. In most cases, how- asked not to return? This is a costing to send their children to severe blow both to the young- college. parents' work is not done. They ever, the college student is prob- still need to urge their young ably better off without one. ster and hii family, but there is No matter how carefully you LICHT MARK-Om S.Nt HiMa Hassiaala no use scolding. Instead, make hopefuls to keep on studying and the rasMaslen brMte ipaanlnc the River Avosi at BMSM. budget, it is probably going to reading. him feel you are standing by cost you more than you expected EMUMI. dariac Uw eealenarir •bservaaee el the iseta JOHN B. ALLEN CO. All through college, but espe- him. to send your children to college. TasMiriw: What yea saeald at the krMi*'* stoliatr. lumbwel Elafteea awaasl. WMOAD SH 74M7 cially in the first year, parental Students who have failed in one This is not their fault Most encouragement and advice can college are not exactly welcomed colfcge-age people will be sensi- RED IANK do a great deal to help young- with open arms by other col- bto and will try to keep expenses FREE PARKING IN REAR VIA HUDSON AVE. AND UNDEN PL. OPEN WED. AND FRI. EVENINGS One Mistake For your new fall suit..., After Another Eugene Salvatore's life since Sept 2 hu been a series of lit- pattern WOlnPIIIUINMI y*ttnto»l|w»at M Old sMijr Up*!, *MMaut (OJWBV $ Oa Sept 2 he parked over aight in Red Bank. Police Sgt. Saves You 10.00 R. Williams gave ami you can really see! ft MfBntOltfi •taasmHa. ^ a»_.j WWHmj VfHsl Mti Mr. Salvatore sent la a check far 12 to pay the flae. VUstiea Clerk Robert W. Edmontons seat the check back with a re- TVttFIUfLDa 17.10 minder that the fine for all Bight 4 Be* •' parking is 8. He Instructed Mr. Satvatore to make out the check for U. be- scons M cause the original check »u late 24 la arriving. SPIIA0W Back came the check for I* from Mr. Sslvstore-hut this wu the biggest mistake of aH The TOTAL 67*" check was nude out to "The Crooks at Bore Hall VtoUUdas Bunas." i EitalOMlMM MB! Egaasft .80 check back with a reminder that Now Only! itkC I SI ATI NC-g«,til It was "improperly drawn," sad «M«k ml, I. cabi. ataalater. » aa order to appear la court yes- Watt, After disssterotis eapeilnienU Mod Bank Magistrate John V. by inventors in many other na- Ciawdl took a dim>view of Mr. SAVE 10 tions. Sweden produced the Salvatore's sentiments. He Im- world's first safe safety match kt posed a US fine. 1M5. Into every life a little raia must fall. Arcoatook Couaty in Maine is bigger than Connecticut ' LIME at Island combined. 50 Un. The Latest h PkktdUp 33 F/Ul HAR STYLES

PEATMOSS fhars'i M tyaful sj| SJIMSHN «T*VM Iat» new worsteds. '•Harm are livelier, esnbcleJaaaw

La*ae> af A le an arfrasflve sJaajraa. YeVII like tHli peilflve •BeansT ^•^Qy .99 SB* lY» • lapfeech plus the cere levlshod en •vary ittp Pitied Up AIRIAL RUIN _ namw*. .1^ cM »r the tatUrlnf. 2 lower aears rrsdMeas oatald* SVNM*. Italr. N»w «*M. art far INI as*, Is Mat rasa* for Otisssk isaae* IrasV.

Open Fflsjey Nlte Till t MARGARIT CROSS

SCHOOL OF DANCING Heir styled by Mr. Joseph end NOAt IT INUWMWRY HMM IN Mill H IAUIT - TOI - TAP Mr. AMheny FKflM .1 YKAHS M M0NM0VTH ITBIKT RU BANK Men's and loyi' UTAWIHIKD14VKAM IN 74471 CLAIMS ON SATUIDAY mm UNCROtt COMMUNITY CNURCN NALL HMOWMOUfM IMIHAMK rW W 7-m» ©ft* WtO. * Ml. 'TIL « P. M. UNCROn, N. J. SH 14112 It Pays to Use Classified Display By IAMBS MABLOW rough, the West tbt citadel of capi- mat aad WAttONGTON (Alt) Ha apparently let out to o> laMam rtaaot help but ba faavwShhim. an thna Nksta UMthcaeva. iisttrieopoosKt.HebrageofaVrv-pnaaiva to the (wnnwalat, aea- Two ara acton aad tha third la lat progress, hat very Wtla flat- tnl aad badnnri ptoptet of •wet at Ml a pubtldty man with such food taring to aay about Amtricaa world. ' act. tt cant at m aH of « ot pactt be achievement, aad eve«vana gets par- Iit wai a Uka hearing Ma HO ir fame af II stay bt real i makes tht Madison Avawa 1boys aoaall"r intuiting, although at far than: "I art those big shots tokj —m ja—»aa*4|ajag«l gav look M Brtly u Spealth-Amerimeri- ha hu picked targets who cant off. ddkjatil r eta War veterans. hurt him: Be* Ok i performance hat That gNa aim aa advantage Than'a Khnuhchtv, tha Rus- Ha told labor leaden they wen had fdWanat tOaet hi the West- tUa premier, with hU eye oa the raaaattntot stooges; he qatt- en world which hat watched w*h ON net af the West- main chance. There's Khrush- tiOBad whether tbt mayor of Lee anhwdan. Haw they may lean chev, tha top oeonomltt, pitying Angela could read; and when a hit mercurial temper, bis fcapata-over backward!i to trynig ta avoid on the Amtricaa stage to bat au- frankfurter happily Wd himottty. Mi heWgtrtacy. hit too iigeimg bbn uaMottsarily. dionca to the Wok and to another hot dogs 'good meat," obvious attempts to appear cot> Ifl bard ta beHsve be to.emo- b the rest of the world. ' far tha strap* And there's Karanchev the CROSSWORD PUZZLE be had ta show tumor publicity man, workmg to adver DOWN cmwmg MICKEY MOUSE By WALT DISNEY Use die other two. Even though BH way up at the Comamatat his every movement nod word party. It'i oaUMy bat fellow would get headHatt anyway, he * mat Kremlin would has mannged to ita at hast one thing every day tlnce his arrival i at leader a man to get added atteottao. who might brmt them all down m rum m an laamMvi At leader of Ruttia.wUch rep- ant after avypubttdly man resents itteU aa the Mead ot an m bat batty taja ate- he place aad trade, trade, trade, ai- • _• .-_ tt doesn't mutter WBI^^r^aamajk Hat* m*•* - amWateaaamatt IITIWl at W 1^au0 >|fl whether no 8-Hlndu ta trade with Russia. SLDry Bat H ht caa rnaka any yard- M-Wlduvak* The flrst day « waan't age hen If aecaa gat aay M-coapait Be rataaed ta eaaatrm ta West- camkW'he wiU consider hli era costam, aad want to a for- Cw saccate. The irony of mal White House darner la a btTSlt of peace is this: tuit; tht am day he fttt of a clouttTeae sky moans caepkyed tha volatile Khrush- all he created crisis by threat- chev by eager at a National •lag ta that off West Berlin un- Prata dub luncheon. By MEL GRAFT lehi the West geu its troops out The third day he broke out of SECRET AGENT X9 at there. He hunt budged the routine and prosaic round of rath. Because he hasn't, L and dinners by getting bafa fcvtttd ban to talk things ever, fourth day be made headUaei And, aa be moves around, talk- around tha world with hit propos- ing paece, be boldt over the West al far camelete duwrmamaat tbt threat af • abut-off rtat war party of at Bayal Xnigbu killed M-yetr-oM John (uzman Monday on the steps of,, MorrU High School in Bronx. Ed-11 tvard Peres, M, is accused of fir- MARK TRAIL By ED DODO >Ag the fital shot and lix other teentgen of accompanying him. All an charged with homicide.

AIRUNE PltOT MIAMI, Fin. - William John Waterbuiy of LitUe Silver has Joined Eastern Air Lines at a pilot He ia based ia New York TEMPTING IMPORT: leandtnavUn style ep have i , then artful garakav City. Inf en dark brtad. By nr IWtnaVMIamTH r iW mmBWt ITS TOO BAD that attraebVe- Jewelry Comes in Bunches arraaaed fat laotaflMdla lauraata aad And yet the art at food can oftaa give f ed family meala a Hft. Don't bather with all mat fan- POGO By WALT KELLY cy stuff!" my father aaad to aay when be thought my eietere aad n the'kitchan. But I wns always mMraand to note that he wet the first to aa a ceesrfal platter at •ay chops surrounded with baud or creamed spinach. Aad he'd get a big bang oat af fnttlag mat beaatad " " " m Oae af the meet aMfymg at coal hackee aa a warm day It a arnt- Mat N aKaanMtaMtfarnVMlyls} C^M

garni thai that add aa aweb It flavor at *ey do w bHka, I, Cram from corner to corner By ALLEN SAVNUERS md KEN ERNST 4W 9VMWppH| MM «W HHVM MARY WORTH BffBJVvJ a^SBbiWt ^^Bt ^vPaml "Jawajmmvl cbataa bean. 1 Lay aa two datkwg nuad 1 BJBJBdbflmVE BBBJaMBJnmmwmml , ammaammdBjpfamnnHi| njan**•- | fWBMnnaamV anantWIOk gjwmr aad add a tlaab at I. Mala

|MB MOM THE MMRffit . . . Tha's tht aiMwkjMta lajr aattaata kwetty Nat ftl parttot- er ef tweet ajMVkmabcetta cea- krly necktoeet and biactlttt, which coma m miBlpit ttraada ter matted effect Hen an two f. gf the newest matched teti, designed by Marvalla, At left, ftve-emad aecawot la tana Maat at I. Arrange half-slice at toma- •earU-btlge to taupe or sliver to guomeUi-wlih mttchiag bracawt, bvtiaa etrringt aad hair to and eMcee of cucumber; dot 4lip. At right. many«trand necklace of WUa Ihrttd wHea thapsd beads aad Hay crystal raa- with a paretey peey. 1 Arraaat three aaaan af dellea fat etton to match any costume-ember, keUybtrry red, pise green or grape, with match* awrtaawi aeparagut; add a twirl big bracelet and earring clipped to the hit THE RYAnS


urn. port Ave.. Waat Lang Branca. CA ELCTRONIC ASSISTANCE MISSILES RBCONDmoHBD food oaad can. UN Karnirr atdu. HBO. IHO PonM- M OR.LEU—Handllng only Fordi llac. two door. $Ok UH Marcury Chevrolet* Levlnee, Hwy. Si, i— Uontaray auuon waaan. Asplciata'a alte Orand Union. KB 1-5411. CORPORATION 0NB OP AMBKKAV CUSSIRDMTU Oarafa, earner Ava. D A LaooardvUla lDay MelJM Rd., HLMliardo. AT 14M* M. HOUSE TaUILEU THOMPION. BAItBOUIt, Wood-rMaair Na«V Haa Emplayman* OpperfunitlM For n FOUR-DOOR Wadeeakar Cora: HJLLMAN — UM. HMltonl runnlni n»la« DutcUau aalftw*!!. ttln- hat tentathre nUa* to toeatai s 4 Dm CMMQvttw Me U dar, Mttai, eefnettf, orar-drrta, < condition, naw tlraa. Inlcrlor vary WBSTWOOD 1S661, « I »'. Wn> — mera Brluudvlorudae matomotann . PekOockaau a anld4 rcctloaBl nihu, oitra let ol wheela. iMa, paint tilr. lisa. Mutt Mil by rooma, 10 a 30 aluminum awning •lorart. H. t. Wliaon Boat Wnb, (Till t Day* C«m«.lti He Ua* iw krakea, gaoaratar, motor nee •alurday. IH 1232Z. many enrae. KE «-M3t or Ulelmltl#»illl Atlantic Ave.. Loo* Branch. CA I-BHZ.P ONIC TESTERS . Prcdyctian Una Enparlanea Ibe Atbury Park. Xad UA work on. I1W orbaat Oder, la I Tlcl Trailer Court. Palmer Av#7. MDays CMNMUWMC UW UM IIERCURV lourdoor hardtop. Tiila W«l SAJLF1IH AND SUNFIBH—AlltherUod area. UN OldamobUe-New pun, wu-eovr Monteray la a «n«-ownar car. Lnw aalei. Ttia Boat Center, comer of INSPECTORS • Mechanical and Electrical M Din Cianrafre. »« U» hmraroMlc. rum. heater Baat prt. ntlMata. It U ill..-, toy with an ti 1DH SKYIJNER - Ml". Two bee White and UapM A a.. Red Buk. IH over (Xi. KB ariao. rooma, rompretfl" ftirn!ah»<1 El HIM. TECHNICIANS • Laboratory Yearly Ceatraet Ratal callcrn tlraa. It'a raiy irlvlnf aqulp- lent condition. 13 IM. CO 1-7114. THE WEST COAST firm plant UM HBRCL'RT MONTCLAIR tour-doo: ment Indudea power ataarlnf, power tVANTED-l'aad boata and molora. WIU OaReqaeit hardtop, white and Ian. powar tteer brakai. Maurice Ichwaiti * lona. In pick up. H. I. Wliaon Boal Worka.1 DRAFTSMEN • Electro Mechanical Blind ata tulni Tbe IteglaUfe UK, power brakea, tnir way powi ran factory daalara. Chryaler, Ply •7* Atlantic An.. Lao, Btanci CA tv to erect large plant aad will F. 0. Box ttc eitr*. •eat, fully padded d«ih. all leatni moutfe, Intamatlanal truck*. 141 Weil •OATS • ACCKSOtlB 2031 , ^^ Right to elaaalry. edit or releel Interior, broadloom throujW. meteo- Front at. Had Bank. TTi« hulWCnf wilt UID-IEASOrt CLBARANCB oa koata require 1,M» eraptoyfm IIT Kjr»nmmtM la reterred by matK puah batun drive. Call U J-JPM. ha rad froot. IH I-»m. WINTER aTORAOB - Boata i NEERS. SENIOR AND JUNIOR . E.E. with experience TIM Reltater. _ and outboard motora. gavlnga up to Thla alaak beauty cu a* iroura lor IM JULLMAlf Hl'lItT nation waaon, "motori. Complete wlntfruling hi tie. Tbe Boat Oanler. II Mepla Ave. Wt win not to rwpoulM* *j only U.1H Her A * II Boat Balee. Hwy. ted Bank. In Radar, Urtraienici, Communlcationi urori, unleia Of* an detected MM BUaa, aoallaat condition, ft* Bellord. KE «-3«3S. Flberglaa and w PERSONNEL Beaded will be in Before UK Meond inaerUaa. UM HUDSON Super t O Jet, Call IH T-JM4. boat headquarter!. no eaneellaUou wiu bt uwM door oeden, hydrnmatk. PONTIAC—INI twodour, Uitht gri VAOATiotrmo aAiuonat Btra-a the leatVeUaad aad skilled or changee made la MnitlMBiaMi M T-tOI hydramatle, power ataarlns, diree- LOOKING FOR tlie t«il buy In boati, rour chaBea t« ehartar Ma aaw ALSO OPENINGS FOR EXPERIENCED eae bow »tu» rt>~i« « m tlonal llahte. radio, hrurr, fnam rub- motori. trallen or niirltie equlpmanl; field. There win bt opening* U>D0B TRUCK nail us Pickup, var ber aeata, new aeat covera. fully pad. Me A * K Hoat Miei. H»>. 36. CaD Hwu. IT Mialllam afas*. NADUNI food condition. Inquire at Hi Branca dad daah. One owner, btautllul condl- Belford. KB (-SUK. FlWrflal and arood ArallatMa is mmpMaitt aktfrart ASSEMILERS Ave.. Llttl* Illver. hoat hetdquamra. f«r tte foUowingi •km. MM. IH 11371 durln| tlw wiak an4 uaia waak- 1B52 TORD Cl'STOMUN*, murOi 1:00 r. M. Day Mm THUNDERB1RD ISM lour paaaen(er. TWO-MAN DICK BOAT-Bullt to andB. ABeoanMdatlona ttt alaca CAILEMAKERS Milan, radio, nilir. good condltli fully powered. In autlon wapin. One year old tlOO. ELECTRONIC J2K) KB Mill Tall IH 1-M71 SH 1-7734 _ four or larpr, dar fafea. Call ^ WIRERS AND SOLDERERS Aar or arenlni. AtlanllO lallln|, OORVm-UST. Hawaiian brown an Mt (TtlBVROLBT panel truck. Nc-«lv TECHNICIANS cream, radio, healer, wbltewa. painted. »1«1 M York Ave., Port u. p. Irae lhan 100 hnur«. N«vy tup Yachli. IH 13100. MM proof twe daye tlrei, white convertible top. two foui 1 lionmouth. KE IM4T» anil an cover. Automatic, Mlge pump. barrel earburctora, ntek thttt. Day H coropais. anchor, line*, *pal cuahlon' 3-11M. Night IH 1-MM. ltU CHBVROUET — Two^tonr 210 ne-anil vf»l life preserver*. c*:l CA 1-042: WOOD-Pt'»SY 20 BRIDGE AVE. RED BANK, N. J,SHEET METAL dan. Radio, heater. No cam needed. after 7 evcnlnga or »epk-enili. Plaatle hull. Olaan rl«. CaU Clarified 1U1 OLDCMOBIUB Bl'PCR IS-F Baa. La»lne Motora, M Oeeanport Ave., SH lmi FABRICATORS door aedan. Vary food condition, I Waat Loaf Branck. CK S-MM. OCEAN OOINO fntiln« akllf. til yeai U' JKRSBY SPIED IKIfT. with Mer- SH 14)010 or •H HI* . M\ 101 h.p. Mual aell. 11.300 Of offe cury marine convaralon. Oomplatcly SH«dyiidt 7-5100 EXCEPTIONAL YAUIB IM* BXBCUTIVB CARS BH 1-S18T ovarMulad laat afirlli|. IH T-SHT. Plnaooth Fury — rournkwr aadan, CANOB • 11' • lft\ MACHINISTS OS 14)525 radios aaitar, powar ataarlnf, power 14' RUNABOUT, wtodaaleld, full re- Cilia on private tu-. mote control, II b.p. Icot'AtwaUr. HEUWAffWn MUI tall-frea U Of 1-0M Iron the BUM ItHMralaiiiM ud air eondltloo. bl u Inf. Faaaa rad. A 1 oondltlon. raaaooable, SH TMW. foliowmi Marlone: LOw.ll t. COlfu Dl'CK BOAT-lf, wrtWa bllnda, year WELDER PABRKATORI 4, KCUaMn a, WHItMJ I. PlyaMB BalwdU* oonvartlble. Kadis. old. tea lira. Voorbeia. IM Ocean IT Ulrtskm opta akn. ckmuc with tm aJMm. man ta « out, telepkonee Wt ' power alMMnf. Powar fllfM A»e. Saa Bright Crewnmotoy. wtajdaitid for ftatet. rattrnsM raajaJraa. CaU malM. *:B> FRANK VAN flOO*. WC Moo. HUM wiu bkuk top. Bll M9O>. c/n ba aaaa at Ulricam i W. Front at. Red I Ckndtr Itratoft tniHinr hardtop. II HP BV1NRUDE — Faatwta Hal BOM Worka, Xarpert. ENGINEERS like new. Oaa tan* Included. lecrl< UH MOROAJ1 mil 4, |n« Powar auartot. power brakaa, nmr 7T CABIN CBlrBBIl I awaanalNy. I ELECTRONICS awlral aeau. ctuun Interior. Blaclackl Ice SH 1-1B0. Imela, hau. W net mtuaary. EeBrlgM i. and IrUdyeide I and white two4«K. CaU CO 4-Mn. J2' RICHARMON Iportl Crtllaer, Iwln •ton. K» Are you Intsretted la the UH PONTUC HARDTOP ^-Am UAUIUCB SCHWARTZ * ION! enitlnei. four tuna chalre, flah boi. r RAILBOAT — Bsan But and eUBTUTTSR alao 40 ll(bt hniaawork *" ELECTRICAL DESIGN dlllon and irinaponauon. Has. AT 1 Direct factory dealer!. Chryilrr, Ply. outrinsen. alrepa rour. ShlpHo-lhora boom. UN. altaraooni. mint hare own tnnapor-portunity to pfontote your pro* «3»W. U Ban Avt.. Atlantic Hl«t- mouth. International Trurkn. HI Wrnl raillo. Many, ejtraa. W.fmo. REaalde •H latlon. Locuat aria. AT 1-3CM. DRAFTSMEN ANN0UNCIM1NTS Front It., Reil Bank. The Dull'imr. I'ark l »t Inquire at 3! T«ellth Ave.. BeiiiMite Park. N. J. MA IK1FFI 191V O1RL WAMTCD lor dry cleaning count feulonil career in the field of CARDS OF THAWM ISI5 RAMBLBR. four door, radio, hei wltn the red front. «H 7O7«?. m IM all n«w IV Ubn aim now! •a. *art or fulMlaae. Vacation with r. Qotxl coodition. H« r.u Also previewing 'He new SH' Lujira pajr. laaallalliatlon aartlaltatkm. It- rUoaerd a Mootanye - In deep ap- MIS. skiff with Improver) ilp«t|n. Preaapt- advanced misiile lyitemi d*> MECHANICAL DESIGN preciation ol all Ui* eourtealta and BOATS * ACCESSORIES BOATS ft ACCESSORIES ly dtmonatratlnt the naw, (amoua a Undneeeaa extemied lo ua by eo Ml IIERCIIRY UONTBREY hardto rooter. Order now lor aprina; dcllverr. DRAFTSMEN 4arla| our r«ent bereavement. Powar atHtlns. air comtltlonln 5° Mlddlelown. lira. Rltbard MMun Only Jl.WD ml»a. BiaO and whit CHAPHAira BOAT IALBI «ml children A (MilIU buy u only «.1N. Ham Routa 10 Riviera leach. M. J. Irotkara, M Monmoutt It, Bad Banl YOUR OUTBOARD MOTOR TW Mtoo (Poist Plaaaant) WB van IN A ana ROMI n A kadlng aviatta and aWla HERE IS AN opportaaUy el get •H l-mk. BU1U0N THAT MUDM CARS. LOST AND FOUND WINTERIZED, INSURED AND STORED ir TOU AM nmnmrj w tentative ptaa to la OB the giOBad floor ot oat of tOST-Udlw wallet our aatta'ai la front of Acme Bran .. •usiNns NOHCB HOVIBBOLD DVTT WORK FOR locate a aew pbat to OBI Aibaqr bar II. Nn, B. Matthew* HI fNN. IN OUR LOCKED VAULTS AM nrraaiAi, uv»o CBR» vital I TIAM fAaPLT FOUK OK FIV1 Park, Rad Baak area. TWiwHI LOwT — In Keyport. Pack • Z>ATB m WUK NO WW* BUM tataing lorn Reward. VERY LOW RATE INCLUDES IH •HIM. MJUI CAU. W At Tonic Tatting Chock Wttar Pump M MtO. flaU et reeaarcfa, dealeji. aad do- ATTENTION FORMER TRAVEL • nAMMMTAIMN Ruin Motor Chack Clutch SERVICEMEN fMTID UAH la travel I* Flertta Vnm eatlmalea. IH UtO. TUra't with na Itrt of October or November. Ctiack Ignition Chack Forward I Rtvorto DOES YOUR MILITARY TRAIN- :ARFET CUEANINO ud RBPAIRIMa WARRCSt — Braaktut ant Imek. Check Carburator Chtck Linkago BAYNTONI rUX>H COVSIUNM" fulMlme. Apau Hi peraori. Molly Career ojBOrtiialtiei art avail- WO equip you for oae ol the* AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TKUCKS W. Front It. Red But BH T-BJU. fltcoar Hotel. lUd Bank. IH f-BKH. >o Motor Chack Propallar CARPENTER . PAINT OBNBRAL HOVBBWORKBR — la «M« tor pararjM nnaiiiailin » *»• hifh paying potitioni? All light repalra on wlndoi family, raach kome, alaap <•• (ti- Complato Extarnal "Corrosion Proofing" porchee Phone LI S-lPti nt* room and bath. Recent mat- graa or graduate degree In atec- MASON AND CARPENTER rncea. XE Maw. Cemplata Intomal "Rust Proofing" VVeekenda. All type Joba. COOK - Adult fami- Weil esglMeriiig. medMakaltn- Write to F. Jamim FINAL CLOSEOUT 0 SH 14331 ly, live In. Own room and lath. RE CENr.T REFERENCES. OS l-ltM. (ineerlog, BjqrUca or math. All UT MOYAN PAINT that'old aim or | CBIT truck folor littlnule monemoneyy . Art workk. EXPERIENCED Bauaakeeper. Monday. GIVINO Met peraonad hletoiy, THE BOATMAN'S SHOP Ovtr to yeara In Red Bank. U Norlti Wedneeday. Friday, Uncreft. Own proteatlOBtl VrreU wiU be «»• ON '59 MODELS! EVERY BOATING NEED UNDER ONE ROOF Brlilga Ave.. Red Bank. tranaportatlon. Relerwncea. IH 1U14 rred Salariea will be com qualifications, «rperi«ace aad URVICB WHIIJE YOU WATT—Reduce SAUHOIRL — Four dayt a weak m LARGEST STOCK IN NEW JERSEY eerviee rhargea bv brlnflng your ra- medium to better womaa'i caaual BKoaurate with cxperieace. EVINRUDE SALES, SERVICE AND PARTS il or talevlalon eat Is tor regain. clothe), (mployeo dMcounb Apply In A. C. Radio and TeUnlakta Oomaany, parent I t« 11 a-n. dally. I. Krldal. HURRY! HURRY! REPAIRS ON ALL MAKE MOTORS Armand A. Cniipl. owner. IU ttatwt- Broad and Front He., or phone ' ' bury Ava. IH 147M. 1-5300 for appointment Several of the general engiaeer- 24 WHARF AVENUE RED BA^K, N. J,APPLIANCE RCPAIRS-And auppllae. ITCNOOJUPHIR-BiperUDced. Write AxUrcetRapUef to ONLY 43 Realdantlal and cenunerclal outleti, alato aalary eipectad and in. Wrtta ing flcldaarr . fliturea and appliance "EaparleiKed ltenofra»bar," Bos f AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TKUCKS •n' Cleetrlc IH 7«W Red Bank. NEW CARS LEFT UVINO ROOM Furnitura reupnoinar- OFFICE OIRL Ful lima, permanent MiMtle Guktac* Syatema "MISSILES" eil. lofa and chair bottome r>wabbed. pcatuon In aptclllty clothing Mora. Hip covera an ereaaea. liberal raeatlon aad a)ck al- imMlalely. Age aUK I«M HNIRUC1ION UH PEUGEOT 403, 4-dr. Mdan, new cir warranty $1893 i-m. Typlag necaaaary. fettl aharlng lowance. 11 paid rtnltfiaye, room, board '16 VICTORIA Hardtop, Fordomotit tin. il.n. ether benallu. II Wo* aL. Kedand laundry at nominal ratea. Apply. FIANO inaniucnoN - popular, INI RENAULT Diuphlne, +dr. Mdao, conl $1250 lank. IH 1-eoo. Personnel Dent.. N. J. Kate Hoapltal. '«• FAIRUNE "100" Fordor, Craltoomatlc I ISO. Marlbarc, N, J. Rout* Collaeters 'AITRBM — Married, aleady worK. ABerlcaa CMIaM 19M VOLKSWAGEN Sedan $795 bowling aller. Apply la paraon, lyca. LADIES INIURB TOUR merry Chrlat- tlonal OulH ef T _ tore Lanee. M» glrawaburv Ave.. New maa! Earn ChrHtmai nvanair oalltril Part Tim* rtaaaSladaa. KB MM. HEADQUARTERS FOR STATION WAGONSis ircwabury. Avona natlonallr livertlaad atA " UU AUST1N-HEALEY, modified, many specials (1393 or mfarmatlon call SH 1 Tt wrricice* are•«a• iw«near youfaxr horn*nome. aB*e > IALE8OIRL WANTBO — Blperlenced Cllnbath An.. HalN •fUlidt fca" r* ita»^ft^MMniliaaaryf . «alcall traePI>T lateIniair 'SS FORD 6-P.ti. Country Soda*. FOM, PS ••5. preferred, part-llma daya. aylreltea view. IIMrke. t MTf* PUY POPUUR PIANO rruuircn'a IMpartment. Illddlatown 'SI FIAT "600" Station Wagon, Sporty Ihopplng Center. WATIKBIIBI 101 and DICK MATTHEWS XPatRICNCID WAITRBMCa - Over •y. M. I 'SB FORD Country Sqviro, Fordomatle II9S. Jl. Apply BUM Jay Wner, M Mam 'So FORD •Pan. Country Sodan, FOM, PS 12*1. It.. Eauntom, Red Bank Auto Imports •ARTY PLAIf DBMOHSTtUTOM In- war WMttn-tutM '14 FORD Country Soptro, Fordomatk I3U. vmigtt thee beat. Ho momoney to get arterl. No dldeliveri y «r cojledlngjldlg . ProdPd- •Mred. Hue* la«a nata. rwkMM 1 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK itrt not m}r\ m atavea open ternoty EXPERIENCED iaamotMK Oattnty. far Bttrvlaw aal; 17 FORD •Pin. Country Sodan. FOM lift. la araa barely touched. SH T-<81a. n Hie). AUTO MECHANIC •XPaRllNCED Dylrj Warkar. year PIANO UMBONB 'S7 FORD Country Squirt, Fordomatie IMS. SH I.SM7 ARYIITTEIt Two nouta a day. Call mnd amplaymaal. Jjva ouL vaaeed k> my kanta or I on 1-1IW alter I p. m. twlmmtae, Apply rtooutn of Red Bank. ram Kutawamp Rd.. IH I4HS Mltner HlermalJaa aall M Iver BH. SI FORD "Dtl Rio" Ranch Wagon, FOM IMS. Municipal ButMin. AVTOMOtaa SALaVUIAM - 1 •PCRATORS-Bapartanced en dreaaea. Dodge can, truck* aad weed 'SI FORD Country Sadan, Fordomatie IMS. RENAULT - VOLVO • PEUGEOT lection, pioca work. Oood pay.-eteady 33 Moaatouth St Red Bank Per MfMoalte aaan. Wall aalnl work, J. 1. lehwarta. it Uwla M.. dealeraeilp orfefa eacellent potential. '57 MERCURY Colony Paik, Full Powar 2IS0. Katontown. VM lyekla tat.. let WHt taM POR1ALE MERCURYS Aimit AND nuau AUTM AND TtUCXS AUTM AM> imiXXS 'SS MONTCLAIR Hardtop, MOM, P. Stior. IO«S. So MONTEREY Hardtop. Morcomatic I ISO. HAMM0ND 'Si HARDTOP Coupo, Air Coiiditionad im. ORGAN STUDIO •57 MONTEREY 4-Dr., MOM, PS, PI IMS. 'SI MONTCLAIR 2-Dr. Hardtop, MOM, PS, PI 2191. H, SagraaMMw utvtWmm ea mrti avaialnai Ham *-M pv m pVat a taw uader M, MIR work hmrred. Oei i * A M OTHER MAKES FINAL CLEARANCE Itatn iurlrif *M day. A aar M twoeo pay. Call U I ItBa, liM s.m ta I I) PONTIAC 4-Dr. Sodan, only Its. II CHEVROLET "210" 2-Dr., Powar ftldi 711. II OLDS "II" Hardtap Coupo MS. '59 CADILLACS OPNelTUNffY 'SS IUICK Caatury Hardtop. DyM., largatn ••!. AND '14 JAOUAR XKI10 Roaditar SptH Car fts. 'II IUICK ConvaHIMo. DyM««, Sptfty I Ml. OOalHlNA' •4 IUICK Spaclal, 4-Dr. Hardtap, Oyna. lltl. '59 OLDS mi randlllmta. {IMl I 14M "betwJelT'fi nil irlnyela SI PLYMOUTH Savoy, 4-Dr., P. Fllto I (SO. All rnodrli • ill cntriri in i, a. If m. la arraaea Par tnaj» •tm-k. live Interview. '17 PONTIAC Citallna 4Dr., Full Powar, a Um t_>» fcale«lew«, A.TKa*BlAr»». wMa. ndotpT IS LINCOLN Capri 4. Dr., Full Powar )I5O. lo aavr huntlrnli ind Rel Ml, nan mnk. ftalerenrei ei • »nn, donMadnor, rnmMnaiiMt hundrrdu nf rlollirl on TY'rHtfAiilSAN "p*iill nr'partllme ta>k. Flanly of mlerMr apaea. Reaan*. Vacallana, holMayl •Jlnjay. Apply VxiMAN Hakyiniins fkle Call IH 1-mM and »ak lor Mr. » peraon. •atonlaen TV. N Hwy M WflkIM dUMeM, r- ••" NEW I9S9 FORD TRUCK lh« brand new rar n* , M Walnut ei,, Y> TON Plak-Up. Haatar Lilt 2117. S*l« Ufa. your cholca • ind arl Top Dollar tradMn on USIODtdga tk TM Pltk-U. tio. your prtMirt carl flit ENGLISH AG.ENCIES aHAnf "*Irrlli"«i6T( "tt JSirajf WrlM •IHatt OPdel", Baa • tllljln, m. SILLINft FORD PRODUCTS FOR II YIARS Tiil Aim INvmiIN~vmir •>• Nntlttm'w&ra! •liml n ravmant IMMI neew HrkHrkw nr inningg rimin eet at ealealaa prlfea.. WIJWIJ'' Mam l'l»'l l PPuMiitiirt e tnftH. Hwy. MM, Ford • Editl • Mffrcury • Lincoln Ui.l,,,,,, ,H | I;II , in il*Mf DMIIVII liMAN M'lH hi lili a i> l7i a}«n;<' Mm »«.TAI rliiMAt kit. OPEN WEEKDAYS 'TIL NINE •I*,,, t«|»ee. write llvln tfitrn «>t l^lti atn^ MnMittm Vary r..a..,,.l.l. I.I limi 1,1 11*4, He.) Itaaa WANTRD-MAU MONMOUTH ST. fOppailti Ctrlien Th«tt«r) AfnMTMIIht tirl I'urfAnl'M e«.l» MijTanliiilli iiMia' AMh«ri AffltBNTIfB FllN tm par! lima ear*tree «r wiirk •nil PMi, pa"*, iiian Ii larnpm ri, AI>a>HaMI .MMiM.nl MgH have lit'taea, Will, letvtree' SM III Kul l<«iii Brafirii I'A aa ar Mujrt ailiiRnl tfaditala tita'atait TW«H CtMHI All«f- llr. »" Balllan "iii SH L6000 RED BANK SH 7-4545 l'tilr In |«ia..i, b»l«.«a t M and I » r i!tnee" Baaatlaril funitl. I ill. ,11.ih ue In * m,. atef t|* 'ill i **--***- -*• vunrnnwatt AGENCY REALTOR tEALTOt «t USED FURNITURE PMCESi OOMPLBTELT PURMIAHBD Iwcroom 100 Stale Hwf. 35 Red Bank m O » Ridge Rd. RUmton 1-0444 4 1 0 mm mli tmumSf Ma REALTOR.INSUROR CANCELLATIONS L^wnaiir '" ^ *"*'- MIcMeMUe. MaaM t iM ALLKrYERI THRU BEDROMS - HMIM porch. than aeoor ~ -THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE SH«dyi|cJ» 1-6262 77 Broad Street Red Bank Anjf Age, Any lacsnsi FLOOR SAMPLES Prlvui antraace, atluUM • TO Patera FOR OVER .14 YEARS' Yearly. HT - — 4*% MORTGAGES FUKNUHED MOM! SHadyside 1-0X04 EXPERIENCE" Three I FROM I1.1N DOWN TO «,M DAMAGES THREB-KOOM rURMIUD -Apart- Plaster walla. mr.nl. privatee entranceentrnce,, private Itan. RED BANK - Charming colonial UMSON - An outstanding buy! merit. Steam heat HcladadiladaoVraa iteat LARCH rvRNiiuBUHOUfluUMPna Garage. Quiet residential area. Two. three aaf enr-kevenm ranehere. CLOSE-OUTS rooma. relrlgerelort Hwlr aattiaHa, In excellent condition, very handy Brick and frame. Moderated split Oasaicadg. eellt krveli. and coienlala teJrUnL aH l-tuo. It oteclerd PI. level New Orleans style. The Asking lOSOt. - Any bayer can aeeume the 4'->* unnp OR uwroRKuWBD — location. Entrance foyer, three Ol aMrtgaaa na any one el thaae tiaa • Reg. $1*9.00 3-pc. Sofa led Suit. $oa /ourUrge rooma and balh. Utai- bedrooms, tile bath, dining room. front terrace, side raised porch COLONIAL SPLIT LEVEL-New Ht. lama m Immediately. tlea auppUed. Inquire evenmga tad ROOM ra ale* redden- and center hall are flagstone weekend! only a MoralnstMt Art., Modern kitchen, screened porch, Moniaouth area. Three, bed- NO RED TAPE!! I • Retj. $99.00 Sol* lad $19 •H 1-1431 full basement, attached garage— floored. Raised living room< fin- Keanaburg. roosni. Family worn. I Tnde-vM Considered . • Raej. $30.00 ••eh. Rockers 2 f«r $29 THREE-ROOMS jleONE $21,900. place) and dining room, den, or fourth bcMtroons* -#*.. bath, entrance. AdulU. TS An D. At- chea privilege! TV and garage arse recreation room, full bath, Red Bank. SH T-SMS. Friendly community. Well Monmouth Count* Office' • Rag. $110.00 3-pe. ledroom Suit* $99 Itntle Hllhlanda. AT 1-OSJI. FAIR HAVEN — New listing — laundry, utility room, stunning LOVELr LARGE ikrH-roon «nfurnleh- P1JBAIANT PURNISHBD ItOOM-Prt- three-bedroom colonial home in • Ra,. $299.00 3-pe. Foam Set.Ional $117 ed apartment, niMIr redecorated. vaU ham*. Centrally loeaUd. U Me O.E. kitchen. Upper level, four could be BERG AGENCY Una St. Mi T-HS1 a top residential location. Living bedrooms, two tiled baths. Beau- "Ptntaannrl Service" • limit Isdt, rail and Udder $19 UtlMlea IncludedIncluded.. At JTJT MnMnllU An., value. Asking $U.«M. AtltAtlantii c HlhlHlghlaaded e. AATT MMIMM.I HAVC SPAR.B BBDROOM-er VIM room with wood-burning fire- tiful river view from spacious OSborne 11000 board one lady la my hoaw. Write place, formal dining room, heat' MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE AREA TWO-ROOM rumnntsp Inn Bedroom' In til. RM Bank. iron-trimmed balcony. Attached sa. » MiadMowa. M. 1. CANCELLATION OUTFIT #34111 ed porch, electric kitchen, full two-car garage. Boat mooring. — Most attractive foree-bedroom Oaily M SIM. UVT rnuCTIVB - tmgle-deiible mama. basement, complete with play' ranch situate on about V, acre originally $149.00 FURNISHED APARTUBNT-Very Die* Kitchen prlviiegta. Rtt and eatd run- Expensive wall-to-wall carpeting and claw. krtehon and bath — ' lajMMCaDinf. Asking and electrical equipment included plot. Fireplace. Huge baaement. tmBaaaa^patajaajaatauapt • laHPaiaajlJ UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY take over balanca «f only $211 privatell . !*•-•Herber-t Bt.," R«' d Bank. Ave7 iH l-lttt sale. Asking 199,000. Garage. Residence In veryflne RUaUOrt-Pumlahed four room, hath BBDROOM-Twrj doMU. ntlt to bath. condition. Asking *1I.NO. Offers Old colonial houae tastefully re- NEW COLONIAL - Set upon a pay $3 weekly apartment lor adult eauple only. SSI ahower. Private home. Car apace. RED BANK - Older home, spot- Invited. stored is convenient, desirable monthly. John Mlnuah, Realtor. Hum- slot Three eon Rd. Plane RUfttle. Oood loeatUHi. Baaaonable. 1H 1-utl. less condition. Accessible every- M. One portion of the LOTS MORE TO SELECT FROM AT LAROt LJOHT hoMakipliw ro Bving room thing, fine neighborhood. Living FAIR HAVEN - Pretty with separate entrance and hat and cold watK In room, ono den, mod- and dining rooms, kitchen, pan-C lid tet IARCAIN PRICES CQMMnctAL RENTALS btoak «f Broad m. AMIy n PMtra PL rrr I unit can be rented and ARM, ROOM, a*ar Mm ana —, raom, try, four •bedrooms " , ' Baa My tor taxes and up- ikanr. wHlgtlal MKhl»e. twa-ear detached low taxes. Sutv FIELD FURNITURE WAREHOUSE RBOBANK *, James Part* t»,. Jaet offer IUMSON - Ideal for Hory Croat RUN S. 22 E. FRONT STRUT. KIYPORT, N. J. MAI BfATI FM SAU -'• faaady. AecaaUMe 4rvanrlbis«. CO 4.M22 HOUpM P0» IALB HARRY A. KEARNEY L^X^eS'SrirftS HAZELTON OPEN) Thirsts* ft Friday tU • F. M. « CO. bedrooms aad bam. Third floor , IEALTOR Monday thru Saturday 'ttl • PTM. dand Suadayi. WEARTwNEMETH two fine bedrooms and bath. l&W.tUrarlU. . Rumaoa REALTOR - INSURANCE Muement, garage. Many extras. walls. Hsr , BABT rURWTURB - CtmiKta I MM4003 atcalUM aandltlali. Can bo ' AGENCY NEW HOMES - $U.M. Madam garage. Waif oven, range aad HUt « eolj. CaU IH T-KI3. wadlt. aiaaUM aaadWaa pi vhree tn,m. 102 WEST FRONT STREET kitchen. Tiled laths. V oasament lishwasher. Terrific value at LIAVINO—»llllBf maoliablc. Badraom Moo ratua tank aat «tt Mack plu FAIR HAVEN - Excellent value act. u«to| room coucn. Plot WdclM. Three bedrooms. icre. Stone and frame. Center chain. IH 1-M31. SHadyside 1 2240 mm. Extra bedroom unfinished. I1.M0 hall, living and dining rooms, SOtLPl WtSSTCJSM HOV1B CAUKRA imm K.yilon. Capri HOUEI FOR KENT 24 - Hour Service down, 2S-year mortgage, $7I.U Hotpoint electric kitchen, four ABSOLUTELY AMAZING - Thts Aaa thai we •••_• KM. taathjr caaa, both la parleel new center hall colonial reddeace eondltlon. (M 11IK. "RESULTS COUNT" monthly, phis taxes. Only three bedrooms, two tiled baths, screened flagstone porch, full Is currently under eotatruction HALLOWBBN PUMPKINI (or Hh in one of the prettiest countryside «heU»ak. Norman Morian. WH t- OUTSTANDING VALUE - Four- baaement (workshop and rec- wen bedroom, two-bath rancher, near RT. 35 MIDDLETOWN, N. J reation room), two-car attache* communities la this area. Three S Cl). PT. OOLDSPOT refrigerator«. (aai schools. Living room, dining bedroomi Two tile baths. ,1V Wl HATS CUaPna asatoua uto locate LMHAIIOO - Thrw-btdnom bouat. OSborne 1-0600 garage, nice plot, flowers aad der room. FaaoJIy room U'*W la *Ma vtalaay. Itaaaa aali a_a If yeur with fraeaer aatapartmanl. In perfect MAHOOAirr ptaatta drop MnWodMnWd. ssa kauk , uanadlau o«- room, modern kitchen, basement. taadRUn. 3H Itan old. KE 4-J3I0 ,11 net. Wonderful family house. (paneled). Wall oven, range aadttasaftr i> Sw rea* at aaia. TkTtax Bnak Ban. garage, extras. *H% Cl mot* Evenings: OSborne 1-1443 AT l-ini aa eaewar can after S p. ra. dan 5R Ttaeha»«°oa»«°ot coapla aroltrnd. Asking $31,500. gage may be aaavmea at tltJ per RUMSON-Charming, economical WEBBER t' SELF SERVICE dairy ATUrtlKS HLANIia — Oteao BELPORD — Pour-year-old three-bed Baaement. DecoraUng _ op Momom aad dellcalaatan aaea. Price W WalllU SJ» raasa, A-l aaadMloa. Blvd."remilL~Ocloe*Otb r 11 occupancy, monthTFBB price »,«0. rancher, looks like it should be for quick tale. O8 l-am. Bll room ranch. Corner lot. New wteti in accordance with purchasers low-htdraoai tamadaled older home. NEW — Thiae bedroom, Included In tale. pictured in House and Garden. may be auumed. I choice. $H,M0. HAIMBINa IlIPPUEB awl nttlnfa. k month pevmenta. Entrance hall, large living room- call altor t p. m. ua dining area, two bedrooms, tiled 01 lira Buy ol tht weal LITTLE SILVER - Six-room old- fis PH1LCO UPR1OHT FREBZBR and JS^sr&jtssrA^nr '' en rJae-peneled kitchen and din- bath, kitchen, very large screen- 1 Brid Ho. VM. kVAILAILB OCTOBIR l-Vlva room In the area. Three • bedroom raacl er house, newly iwnon«. th and Upper rrlfMtln ntrtftrater. Both >ru- ing area, full basement, gs lovely large lot. full baaaraent, only ed porch (would make room), full Ucauy ntw. KB t-tBI. .hauaj. Haw caodrUon In Itlvor Plaaa. five yean old. Near new high tcbowf. Uvtal read la paMIe al uo HHall l of Recordaand. Call SH 1-aHS .or yaul broker. H-acre plot. Offered below abopplng caster. transportation. Ol basement, garage. IU,Mt. „.,». "—---• . .."r?y hum St.. freehold: M. J. on Wtdaea- fimcE PIECE aoiid mapia uvimg room altar S avt, food condition. tM. LAROB MODERN-Tnna room bunia- appraisal for quick sale. Full mortgage may be atiumed. Full piici FAIR HAVEN - Colonial. Finest room, dining room, Uttaea, iv oct nn. ikis at rss o'clock AT 1-Mlt CRAPTSMAX % h-p. ttaMt, m: port. law attached strata. Recently n- River Oaks area. Access to hi/iwar oaraat mBBT «*- P. M. Baatera Daylight Saving Time. dMtrated. Located on« mile from Rad price tll.M. tWO-car garas«i.TSf ~^ The receipt and apetlng of bide tre able typewriter. Kami DeLuie. SU: MIDDLCTOWN - Owner Iramlcrred. Shrewsbury River. Fine econom- ENCLOiB A IVRCH eleetrlt hadft akttra. SU: two braid. Bank, Mattabla Oct. 1. SH I-C3L SHREWSBURY - New four-bed- trai, large Wt, *l»,waw. takjact ta the proper wlltlcattone of WlUt aerwn and Morm laia tombuv will ecll hii beautiful four • bedroom ical house. Permits family with tkt bidder In aceofricwee with Ihe pro- atioa doora. Me. IH 14174. •J, «ftrlwt. BM4. bath for RID BAHK-au mama. ', double room, twc-bsih colonial in top apllt level home below coat. Haa bate- vlattcw af the pnquallflcttlon law and houae. nret badrmma. (araic oil neighborhood. Center hall, living mem. den. I'4 batha. large patio, ei good tastes to live with fine netgh- MAIM vaiu.ii ivh Buna- uv- tbt rtsulatlona tdoated bv the Board l~ H P. HOILKR trt; 3H « heat. Walklnc dlataMa to achool and tra dry well. Dealrabto realdenltaJ wrs. Living room-diniag area, room raitcn, 'A— jl-i— af ChoaVn rreeholden of the County ot bailor. Park Avt. Clcaura, « aheaa. lmmfdlate occupancy. 1100. IHroom with fireplace, formal dur- aectkin. near everything. Pull price ing room, UtAaa, ^1 ,- mouth Rd.. Oakhurn. WANTED ing room, den, science kitchen, kitchen, two bedrooms, tiled bath. Drtwmga apeclflcatlona and form ol Second floor, bedroom and bath area. Basement, exceUeat ' cccontract t and bond ffo r tth ep pro- i Cl'. FT. rRIOlDAIRJE rtrniiralor. MIDOLBTOWN V1LLAOE' — Sevan garage. Priced at W.M0 ....J workk, prepared by LaL o K. MeM - Prr(«t mnilltlon. •*• III MOM afu-. a. coma - BTAHPa - top raoau, thre* bedrooaa. balh. moilern JOS. SCHENKEL, INC. and large storage area. Full location for commutors ter 1 p. m. paid far eat*, tad tarnacy. kitchen. Coannlmt to acboola, aurca. POUR-BEDROOM Fair Haven Shore Office Open I to S — 7 Daya [at. County Engineer, have been (lied tkna. add but: aid aauaapiindonco. basement, attached garage. Cor- $21,000. • tthhe office of eald Basjueer at the JMB and railroad, (la) month. Of 1Cape Cod near schools and Rl. 9a. Between Keypoet - MlddlMowi OA1 RANGE, ollhl burtun, ovrn and Eiuta a»prtiaela. MttaaMtt Btampt- MS3. CO 41MJ CO 4-1*93 ner plot, lovely trees and shrubs. •alll al Recardl. Mala Street, Pree- burnrr. OoM tofKlltlon. tld. Ray HCnrae. . « Vlooaaaata at SH l-am churches. Living room has de- htta. N. I. tat aaaw ta maaictad bf M1UULETOWN —Modem threebed. $23,900. ullman. Realtor. Broad It. Ihtcwa- KKItOaSOflS SPACB MUTER - T lightful fireplace, large kitchen iroapeetlve bidden durlns b:>aln'---a rury. buraar andaL CaU HMm after room ranch, full hawmenl. carport, inTrcVmVhStedW P«* ttara. Bidden win be luralahed with wall oven kitchen. 1130 month, on with dining area, garage, extras. a copy of the drawlnga and ineririrn- 14 cu. It. Frlftdalra refriferalor. IIM. S pro. year leaar. OS 1-lfaX nr SH l-u» THE KIRWAN twocar garage, man; 1 Immediate occupancy for only HOME and INCOME IIOM by the Engineer upon proper no- combination frecser, clement cthll 4 BCVBRAOB OOOUtn-Two or tour NEW THREE-REDROOM apllt. l'v beautiful shade trees ana tkM andI payment of a deooaldepoattl of Ten tliHi. O« M47J. door commaretal relrtserator. Two batha. large fanteroom. built-in oven $15,000. COMPANY shrubs, ftalabad ftcwaUon DHIan (tlS,H> which will her •INOLE HARRCL 12 (uaio hammer m-loa air coMltlooera. SH 71300 attached garage. Cloae to echoole. ahop- RUMSON — Six-room home plui •rortded the plane art reraroed prior •hot gun. I17.&0. Itma rtne'ilVwek..k electri.c WOMAN WARDROBB MM H. mutt hr plnf. rnmmutlni. Eicellent nelghbor- Sunday by Appointment four-room bungalow. Zoned to room, $1I,MO. ' brooder, ttwrmoetat. tlDrt. ni «M '" »««»"" eoadlllon. Write "12" noml. »1U. CO 4 7t87 For The Best In Bldl muat ha made on atanduM n'n- trie brooilrr. thermoitailt IJQ. M Boa ail .Reg Bank. neaal forma In the manner Urcignated preiaure conker |A. Rl' 1-. ing room and game room, all Mortgage* — Insurance on the hoar aaave nam*ri. Tr>* atamf. POAMART, Kta. M, EATOBTOWN Immediate occupancy. Oct. 1. Naar main floor rooms wood paneled, HOLMDEL ard proaeaal ferma will be fumlahd gPIMBT FIAHOS-rar rwt Taauaa'a buatneet dlatrlcl and acMooli. BW 1-4JM UJ.CBOPT AHBA - Wide aeHctUwj uurmn n am>lleatlonn tit» the EngE p Plan la made rar j two-car garage. V/t acres, large lituura to oiler. Houaea, large lot The right it reeervedd to retect an* tWr S4 a weak ftm TOO aa new PITS AND UWTOCK BX ROOMS PURBISHBlr three bed- SAU er an bide If deoeMd ea the lalereit S4 a rooma Oil heat. Vwinlty of Ren swimming pool with spring wa- aiana ta your homeh , private weeklkly lei- PITPS Uh aad rl CLOVER HILL al tka Oaaaty ta M at. •IM. tMesa muetcal nalerlal. no eiCOLU- E PITPS - "Uhle aad Irl eolona Bank. Buaeea. achoola cloae nearly. RANCH HOl'SB In Haalet. three bed- ter. In Holmdel, near Bell Lab., farau. -- - By order of the B<«rd or ChihChajni>i<"jah"jahll l p atockk. MIS moalhly. SM I-S41I after « p.m room, two bath!, living room, dining In the Country thlt area llrat. Drop In or phone The Tuatini SH 1TT1T 0 Bendix, Parkway and Matawan Preehetden af the County af PARMmaiUIX - ftaaan ta Individually etyled homea oa sHaa at living aaane. wu aaara her brik SSttSTiSSSS!- *""" •"*railroad station. Taxes only 040 JOSEPH C. IRWtlt Plrector. latered. Male or female, very rea country home with woman teacher or • PUT LEVEL one year comer | per year. A $60,000 value priced from one to five acrei. |2t.MS to US, IRVINO a BSMNBTr. CI--» ATTENTION HOME OWNEIU! — Attractive three-tec houae enable. Call PR 4-ttt after I p.tv anna lor aorolnal real. Write "Parra lot lOHIM. three bedraami 000. Sept. M «lt.M money bv motiernlairtg your hujdale." Bei HI. Red Bank. living room and dining room, heel, full are equipped to fupply 0EU1INO BAY-Oood ._ . family room. I1I.SM icali peu wiwititth all ththe enaterlaina e neceaaaryy. hack horec. age It yeara. flood home BI-HOALOW - rurnlaheil. Winter Quality, Charm and Location S5 OS poatuc Mm •mal•ll l aaHMklMky l paymaymentmnt a t arrangeg dd on caaentlal. SH 1-MM , appointment CampbeH's Junction Belfor or aiontha. Two bedrooma. living room, tPLIT LEVEL, four sew houaea wlthi Direction! — Take Route 14. am mile for ealldrea, Aa ordmaace errtkled "An ordinance •rch•urchuua af any materuimateruiaa. Here an and price. kitchen, bath, on heat, garage. SH 7three bedroomi. l'i bathl. living amandtat eeanont II and 111 of Ihe anmB of the Jobe you can do. Attle In- Leonardville Road KE touth of Pleaaanl Valley light, tura building aeae ordinance ef the hor-"-h glUa. upUealloa of Uleboard In BEAQLB Pl'PPIES-nnaat pedigreed room, dining room family room, ga- rage. VA and FHA available No aharp right toward Weet on Clover ar Bad Balk, adapted lima 9. ISM. iitdieB ar kata. Umim yeur baaemam Mock, beautifully marked, healthy. RIVtR ntOWT-rurnlabed. bualneai at amended and aunpeemonlxt ra m atua toto a ptayroaa*. bedroom or menilated. m Rlveredga Rd., Newcouple. Bedroom-living room, kltch down ptynentt for veterana. nleM VILLAGE TYPE HOME - Walk HIU Rd., proceed \ mile to Clover HUI. den. Complete line of luAibar, mlllwork. surewebury. family room. preaenled tor latroduMlon and flrel en. batk. Near ttatloo. no aeu. |7I ing distance to schools and oma. two lUed reading an September I. IN* br M<"nr Hardware, paint, wall beard, raoRnar. " . WEIMARANER AKC regwered. manta. SH T4S8S. Smtsa laat and Couacll ar Borough of Red Baal aiding, plywood, aenn. windawwa maul- one year old SH. WILLIAM M. FR1EDLAENDER stoics, on bus s line. 22T»tories!CAL% stories, L IUILDER, WH 4IIII lenRd. Paaae RU and on September 51 IBM waa finally ate Pree eallmatea aa your OS I-3S31. seven rooms, l'/i baths, fireplace, adapted and approved. American Lumber A Bolldrnf CO 4-13CM RUMSON - Cape Cod •ejonlal. LMJS OBOROE A. OW«T. - -iway M at Headdan't Cor- HAVB PONIES - Will travel. PTAApar- RIVER FRONT COLONIAL pine-paneled den. breakfast nook NEW SHREWSBURY - Two-year eat room dining !»»•"• Jf'iLJ*S2 irnrn. SH M4lt. M BETHANT RD. apllt. Pour twin alie bedroaau, latea Mayor. net and birthday partiea. Davy'a sta- Four bedrooms, one small. 35' area overlooking attractive gar bathe. 31' pine paneleil playroom, ilUh- Atteat: tIREa - Retreading, vuicaniaing aur blea. Call AT l-lie)'after t p.p m. .i living room with fireplace, oil waaher. wall oven, oil hot water heal. John Bryan. dens. Asking $24,M0. «. water baeeboard heat. Oarage. Clerk. apeclalty. Tour car tied up only It liaaement, two-car garage. Aproilmate- 5?ca PM StMtO. John Mlmajk,_Rjal palnutea io pul loanera on while we re-COLUB — Sable ami white, cerllfle'l heat. Unfurnished. $150 per ly one acre corner lot. Large 4'v par r IPI. J4 THE PRICE IS RIGHT - For loi"IUUM Rd.. Prw»'_'»L15 i!l- tap your tlrea. No charge for loaned pedigree, male, five yeara old, month. Ellen S. Hazelton, Real- HALL BROS. rrnt (II. loan available. Priced at lit- COONTT AP ! Service. Mount Tire Bervlce. 11 klaple AT I-2U3. this five-room cottage in Sunny- ooo. U 3-3104. RUaltoN parochial achool aMt, Urgi Ave. Red Bank. SM I-U4M tor, 13 W. River Rd., Runtson. tlACHSHl'NDS - AKC. «ka7mplon Realtors crest on quiet tree-lined atreet on MATAWAN — Colonial home, eatecuhre Notice la hereby givea the! eealid t( BIT AND SELL ANYTrilNfT"^ APPI.E«R7>6K^ANCH~i,~M7r ThlVe lot which is 9&"xl9S". Living rooin, pine paneling In Will living raom. j2 hide win be reaelved by the Bean! af ('entente of homea, etorra. eatatei. nr i.iin j. maeter bedrooma, fireplace. Uiim nr.nrCKl) Kon QI'ICK SALE Tired dining room, anil kitchen, upturn or living on a deaert? Thia eputlrmi dining area, modern kitchen with eun room, raooem batti oa s Choern rreehollera of th« " 1 tellara. attlca. China, glaaaware. an- -v;iroom, dining room, effteioaey kllehen. rnnch IR aet on ^ acre ot ataleatlc two large bedrooma. tile bathroom. 10* enItoord ; floeathre*e threbedrnone bedroomean and batn ,on eec-Manmouienmovthh tofor ththee ereaatta aad pale*, mmea. art object! and all bric-a-brac good home. tree. •"jsarag* USD OS 1-ISK oaka Huge rear yard for entertaining dishwasher, two finished bed- flagaton- ' e terrace" . •—• gueueasl houtt. end floeaHat* threere oibedroomearl he , laud « ol Hie Relmrd r>- HaHt t watet r oil heal Twavctr at- SH l-am. an 1 chlldren'a play. Three bedroomi. rooms and bath, two partially riTe Aaklns »••» Tt Mdll T N J JaQt'A CHINCHILLA coa"llke new. _ [TWO YtARLV RENTALB-Unlurnlahed • plenty of clocetai. Larse living room and bathbth. CaC nb be rented. Large one* RealtorriTe ,Aakln Rumaos »••n R»d >*• ••-'«*• I available October l. Rumann, three finished bedroomi upstairs. En- car garage with workahaa. All aa eat SU: navy alia raincoat SI: black Ihedroom contemporary. SIN per month with (replace. Dining..... room. . .Modem Oaracul fur coat t» Sue lilt. Re kilchpi. Pull baaemeat. Rear patio. closed breezeway and attached acre. Pive rmnuiee to tram atallon, ten 1 Eatontown ihrae bedroom ranch, 1190 to parkway. |1S.B~ glna Electrikbroom. Rt' 1-0434. UAL UTAH PM MNT monthly. garage. Split rail fence. Walk garage. Only $15,750. Don't miss SOFA »4I>. deeir~if5~iie~~mahogany IS and buaea. Now this bargain. KATOXTOWN tablee ISM, WeetlnghouM automatic mediate occupancy POUR-ROOU APARTMBNT POR BALI Itachine 131, two kitchen chalra H. FURNISHBO APARTMENTS—1. 1 anil Call LI 3-43SS. full -ba£m?ni "iruT riireatlon roam , i^ auwtfaaaat tyttk Sho are> II' 14331. I kedreoraa Water, heat eupplled. Tbla Rolston Wattrbury MAKIB COX AOBNCT —..Jeenlraiice. low Uiea. SM.I ._j of Ike prea,aaltfltapaa law tn4 OPPORTUNITY »HOP ANTIQUES 171 to UPS monthly. CA Healtora A Ineurora OrSSlnseV • Halle.Haahort, regulatiena adimted by tkt toara V S. and foreign atampa. roaa carved RED BANK-Three raaata aad hath rooma. bath, kitchen. l l) h REALTOR - INSUROR Ettabllthed Since IKS aad Meckaaie Ma. SM 1-J14*. f Ckaata PretaoMera. pona gtrue 'Av'alla'ble'*or'l""| i "*" "'aplaeV'la Uvlng room: Dli aaatlrkatlona and ftna ti BMs, ton- loveeeit. ael ••• four «alnul aide fumlahed. IHlUlcee taemded. SM poraa. garage Available Oct. 1. iln, ,mm Kitchen ollere a bretkfarl •KCtUaHVBi-Appiekrnok Baneh U»- ekalra. cane aeat anrl othera. PtaM meath, aH 1-Wt Salwday. Sunday. SB 1-lti Mortgage — Appraisals tnet and bend for tht •rweeeed wee*. wath atanda. corner cabinet rommotl^i. . ,«rr» unit illahwaaher. Two tiled bttrii. arepared ky Leo K. MtXee. Oeaaty aeceratad youth chair. tnarbMtop la- FOIR ROOM APARTMENT - Leroy IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY— Two-bed- """ h»»»"'ent. Urge porch. Two car PAUL R. STKIKBR. ~ gmter have been mod m AM Office alea. cut. colored, and pntt^rnfl ll>» Apartmenta. It Lrroy PI., Bed Bank. 16 WEST FRONT STREET eel* Engineer at the Ran e» Rec- I1W Call SH I-I4M3 or Rl' 12110 rooea ranch, lovely kitchen. dl'ilnai^*&5m Han BTM'^RCI. raraat ta4 Carta aat ttoxia. allver. lewelry. hrlca-brac. Call Weimar. K MMaaaat Paaaa )l. Freehold. H- ' and rna» he In. j e wwhehn eelllnlll g TThhe MattneMattnw Ilia hath Near achool. trana-;yjAnLY AMERRTAN ANTUJl'ITT - A RED BANK. X. J. »• when telling .TheL Metthrwa, 11> THREE ROOM APARTMENT 175. heat I™""' r r epaetad by eroceeelive kllttrt dartns •roadway. Keyport. CO e-ieat racalahed. II Monmouth at, Haponallend . sus. Yeara teaer Murr*v: » » hum* for Ihe ileicrlrrjlnallng buy- I rMura. Blddert win ** "ir- Century old. plui Effualng Sll 7-3500 wllh a copy tl fROpIJCY BLICTRir STOVE Buk. Call SH Mat! ar I>U I Ilia Asenty. as Harding R,I , nn Bank. lonlal charm. Oranil living room with double SH Mill. Ikwit ky the Enilneer at ' double bed, . mmattreaa.. hoi i taringg TRREB ROOMS beautifully fvrnlahed. marble fireplace. Largo dining rtoin AMIMK 1 , per cent Ol three S2& Boiler, pot atove. complete plumb- All utlitlea eupplled. SH BMl mull he m«rta Kg U. ATI taat R after T p m SH 1-IQtl. and breakfaal area. bedroom ranch, llvlns raom Witt lehed in reonu, two batha. _...... dining urea. Inrge kltrhen. dlahwaaktr. .'ropneal Pnrrni In Ihe1 1 TAPPAN HAS RANor l^ntir hur- TWO ROOM PlTRNISHEn. eh.re eiuie. Park and Norwood Avee.. El- . . Covered front full haaemenl. partially fur"-'-- — nated therein a^d r^'-rl - ' -' ner. center grill. U porcrc rentet kill. Pour bedroomi anil IflMllana. mutt be enrlottrl 2-otu after balk. All utllrllee autplled. SH 1-4NTberon: AakWg SIM monthly. CA 2-22H creation room, tarage. SH S p.m. or BH 14ISI. tiled balh apetalrens. sMatter bedroom envelop*! benrlne tn» -••»• •"" Cod, 44* 14 >W, auk euadeak Pull baeemenl. dreae of the hMiler and name af warft WBSTINOHOUBB oaaitter tyaa vacuum TWO Pf RNaBrlBD A>ARTMBNT«ieTr .-K |a»g- V" Two-cv san«a. Lavely groundr Riv HOUSE FOR DAUB lacated iipilete ta the outeMr. adrlreee-'i •'i **•• P.T--.I cleaner; amall reglater. rmea from Part MoaaMath. uUWIee MclaSed. - view tadaeaeia. AaVlng in tat Meutrlrh Aiency on Nawmaa Sprkaa PreeheMera ef tkt Caaair of g cealt • M.M: Nettle a hot fudge Call afler 4 p.m. U J-4S30. I Brta., Retitare Rd, toned for liuelneia, Scod Mr f— •» J BBHtiait) BhA ej aTMTl ai* Saa* ah jaa iB machine. lUaaonaalc. BH lit, ___ lit office. Oall SH I-tlSS. •F««1 in" w» v*^ wpiivjiaBnirii MODBRN THRBBROOM KiraUMd aTr CaU OrVB A THOIOHT TO TMB PITl'RE Ctmrirale anf t car- 1 lirawn m ih« wet n> the 0LBNTT OP AVlNOa One drawer aaanmeat. air-eeMIIMMa. ateetrlc after I p. m — Ton may not weed all Idle room fllea H.M. three-piece rock maple raaae. tile bath. Immediate occupancy MIDDLETOWN Treaeneer fhr not teat that) Bvlrig tet SM. Plear la eellmg umpt SHRBWSBVRT ttvaa- aviart TTw»»e»roiilw e»ol . el|ht room apllt, Ml* ten per rent HO*,, of Ih- fllPa. Couch t» Enalleh hke Ml rooma.rm t threh e kedroome, tettTaaraae, IH batheiTpwrV. Payerr, living room dtelag alalraandiiioner ndiiionedd . owner tranalairaeT. and be deiivpreri ei _ _ itudla couch MSa Open their book. TtfRBB-ROOM unfurnlahed apartment large plet. Immediate masewrr^ roam. Brand new kitchen with alah- aeu. ol morkgagt avallakla the baar above named. Itm oaaa SI.I0. Commoile Ig.lo etc. Rue-All MllHlea. Available October tat. waehet. Screened rear peeeh Pali Praaaeal Petma mWf ' atl'e. IS • Pronl SI. IIT Meehanle at. SH 1414a. umi SILVBR. haaement. Atlaahed garage. Cleat to i"»iieali«" 11 !••• P.*»-— -. rive year-old ranch, ihret nt riiM It raoarvH It ntatt ta* ROOMB -Puralaaed. lltmtlea. Imatedlale occupancy river, in one ol Rumeon'e nlceat loMlaiaeraH Irom crhoel. IAVB PLENTY! Bar and f.".u7 areat. Aeklng tll.SM -- Hall Brat ' all hmt if •• it rat Mart* Ul. Space healer IIS. ,Klm parktaf awNMed. Ciena. Plen- PORTAUPaK'ltAPaKlt - aann reaau, Otraa aaaaaa. Rea lion al IH.MS. ltd typewriter S» !<•* rremn ty heal and hat water. IMMrakle neigh- roomroomaa, balkbalk. occupHcTT)aea»ar lit A barstia the Ceawir it ta at, kantod. at Prainat Ave.. aar. JrXn lit THIY SAIfl IT CorUlK T SB MNBi! BEACH AGENCY Bv oriler »> l»e a.-«ri — .. chain Hie Night labieo list. Ave. all Bhraowa -A. Am freehoMere af the <"—•*• af --il ilieal uf raweie at.au. Heua e» ,'o h»re Pwnahed apanment NBW IJSTIMa Sign a leaea ail prl-H0lBniL~^"epa.wut riata, llvMa rewn, dlaelle. ATLANTIC HKlHLANlia SHimnmlc- vvar v kidl eatonlai in Ihe ketn aana. view. MR niomt. Iwe ' Ih. ileepa mur till view. HI Seemc lir a*ml fumlahed nf Pair Ha»eei Urat, htaviir wotdtd fUtt tHAIR.oll'iman, allp rnvera; aunpenh and bath. -.., Three bedroom kmae with fueiU'.. Ml talltrwlltr.. tweeir iiroa* Ptll BMW afNew Jarttt. mai ihe auee. SMah tiuaflea; rhlld'a maple fleak. Itlea net Included 170 par month unlll lid Thle ton Iv bum home ercara tree, awlmmms penl "oVdeti«O 44SST. reee»i, lUbiUl IHa el eke tliaetil ef the pm- Na_ pela tnaurn IIJS lll l l AvallaNe three I and w helh tMUrt Phone mornlnga CA J4W .^.—.... l^awrale diad^B •leaai eX Baiaiafc I Tula I n>i| Prnnt |L .., . Pormil BttTiaa. ti tlM RwviaM eiiMos as BTfia PIWB mehaganv dining room Eisht raomt. t_g1- y^k wall afaB a1ltala>_ e^^B^BCi I BBAA biaAaaAaa BtjIaBk aaattl ttliacM eandHiefi dtetl faf petftO M-I« lejaiiltt - iw nwmnlad at ll,« awoTnenertl Hot- eel, l>uriM> Pkyfe, BaMHanl nmli i •iiriinai rapfjflal. lea raw unajnavn wnn pain- Mahal. MISS aaaall; Mat btki held lei the month af Ma> NOT+Vpiria Iw»mm aiudVaaan. Two try (levered rear lerrare Pull bate. Jiiataiiaali. OA eu*» ------Sttlt lamay rwi •MM. pull kachen aad talk, Pffvale vimSer ItM ta Ike leatl vateet ef WlrfTBR ~eiadi, eetrarwe, all MUMM. Saa frlaM BM Baeellem neli - t Twwnehlp at MMdlatawa and II tar Iw*. aVMaa a Sa.ua»h RaeaaM Olab Rl) 1Cr let nreuaanrr nil v mMilh aaM CeMnTy af Mai aVomk •—ralVrSH, " rearlr leate Mill Blue, Reerlan ah "ale nf Now itettf, kt at. •r. River Rd . Pair Haten SH i.eaag ,. vNk Ua |ii»lllitt af tko NEW WHIT* HATH «INK THRCa*>niiats HALL IROS. rvtata atMtaM la i— — Menial. IHIInlea, jartae. AdaNt. Nt HI pelt. Afler I. U fluT Realtor. tttarao aad Inwte- 1Kb - -*M tavlar- HI River Road, Pair Havaa Mln|'«, i THUS* BBliRlMlM new nnah home, adllli preferred. III! pef rrMMh In. IMI-TMI HI\ mi uira raiiereime Ire I'retm Stand, PlJMI • nWpiaiw "alrMime phui iMnn •tMrlmMiM T tmma mi arval I•, tmtr rivimi * I *n N#«t r»mn a i BBAKTIPtiL Capa I'M MI *t lerel al ;;;f!ekly?. vxviCall """^- !«--.•<»•> » >(«ft* M Hf 'Mil IIAVKN ri,,i.i.n».l UWiig rimrn. iliiiliia riNiict hchhen time kaif landataaed around Perfect aUl tut rwtmir men of m oajkif , ... ' ANH"*I"»I rJatllciMi f" • laime. iwe l«lti Tmirar gerai llvlns men wllH atnne nreplaae, all lad* Ihe ftiMg af and Petl- • nine drvpletl lalile. Cong pint Itkle, aler ml h>«i 11)11 i IH ins rtnm •llehtii three hedraana and Ihe tiMailMi af tkt Msojlaa II RIVP* W.APa ' aiirteilva Tliiee rltl attlii ^_ Mt an Nwy B). *r Mr data. Aettve •"•iviainii! MI aiihtiiie 1 T'lie M'fi're *if*, fnarliliM ' luiile i"ii > II Wii'.i. «r.i., helht alen eunriwim otileh «ln mill neal i.lMai aacaae Pa/allae SMltall •me aatlatai .Hiepailr, h> II Bervlre. thail kt M 1*411,1, rn*nv hlnee jiiei.ee n|,f ellver, tie murlh •til Mill raoah. LataieH in fma real l^rwBaBaaa j aaAaiaaBVuBaV*ajfBB^P|Bal atalBBBBBBlSBaASla^aBBla| B^BpavTBasjnasPiai ^ mid i ii.,n| la'tie • Netr trh'H aii'l Ihnp gH,a*l fin alipnlnlmerll etN Biwaarf a il the ne*t llenerat I - . -, . .^»- -.~- -- TPvipirTfTPTnriiici inrn inenl. iwe rar a* tanttMi MNnt. HI I v w • •tee ilvma riimii iiiiiiiia area. A Ariii'lnini ReaHiu Mn fniaiieel Ave in the Tnwnehia nf ' INV in the harn al dtT Prram'tre Ava , ,HI,,II AT I W14 I HI. ail>er Oil I I'atl M p.M. ..,,v»mhei 1 |hM in leec^'anee wNh Ihe rmnMii tf Revited Maliaea fuva I H Ai' I II'AI.I .V NHW h.H |..i. - itilAMK «I'»IIIM»NI mr amall ftmili ' Una 1 Tht Dowitra Agtncy real n| miKli,,, » tan I IIHal NKW II,.I hihk llaiuli elitd R Ne. mm ktKId etirii fflia nii.il an.f prn%Med II>4 V'.rlrl' *•-' •••" ''*" ii'ii<'"l ,'l""., I aMrlment wllh > •• • !••••' Ill 11UI i,l le£ « • fnlMBM menu wh ^iiaallim will apfjee* I,|MM lha liliv ael Mvalrll MlH,r ell' I Hit i* I I. I, »,r!ii< -nk- ••••Li' i«.l l«-i lltj" HIM. I I).!!! ai'iavi'ia fawna and tlirilha tla li, lining alt Baelaaivi dwe KtatMHel need Hi teid ele*i|lii!i ,-iiiiiil\ na ihnr ittn, line i»,lii,iiiii>i die WITtaaa hv hand ami aeti al IM fltoh'l l!i|>l ill II-.1 in l i>.iii,« i .,1 run >-• a;t •»•! AT I 1114,1 • |,,|i,ii«la |M,,,|| l,r>| «at«l lieal nwnerill, rt Ml-i.tl«4«w,i iMe IBIPJ 4ty ilir.l a< -a- ,1'MlKli'vaMe al lit al atptemher A 11 leal lilaplek KIVpl lltHfMM |..» Mil riw.M,| a AimTht Dowitra Ag«ncy MOWA.MII » i nnai't" M I ir »••• 1*4 I bu i a t.nlli' *,M l'i,,«|>»i I Ate I.line II B Pteal SI lad Bank Teweahli I'ltm. • i ail i <»< SN ItfeS II Hit I I II Hast .. ..-'iv..

Magnificent? Mink Tail Beret

Juit a Sampli from Our Fab'uloui Mink Hat Collaction priead from $25 to $49.50 In Tune With Fall! Interchangeable by '•MAJESTIC Mink hr Haft art Mw MMM'I biggnl fuMeii ntwi

Fall's luitln' Out All Ovar In a llan af Color Such At Yau'H Rna* in Thoia

•VMIR at sfhat wlrtln avary WWMR'I r«a«h. Mix and MiteS Favoritti ... Ultra Ilua-Wintarbarry ui Caatwt Sraon and

Cant ahacM yaars In atir MilKnary Mian. Camol.

A. PlatM WjwUtdud SUrt of Doeskin flannel I.Anylt PUM SUm Skirt, Itathar bdt Ml C.SUm Skirt. French wtl* band. Back kfck ptaL with «U anuad M» pleats and leather belt. In Kemp Tweed, a 1(0% flae wooL NJI Mink Tail Barat $25 UM Shown with SUJK» SUrt-Swaater ia fur bind |towa ^j,. •towa with: -70% Lamba Wool. M% Fur Fiber, 10% Nyloo. ftct pp ft, tlm Haad-tooned Chanel Jacket with Multi-colored HUM Tweed. 1M 17J0 atrip*. KouadMooth check Cotton Shirt with poiatad Wool Janay KoU Sleeve, UtUe girl collar. 7J0 Haaa 10 h> II cellar. roQ sleeves, } button cuff. Ml

STEiNBACITS MILLINERY SALON, Second Aor ana* Aduy STE1NBAC/TS SPORTSWEAR, Strut Floor end Atbury Pmk

A Real Fall Classic! Orion - and * Wool Wash 9n Wear Jersey 8.98

TlhMfJi Tbay Mrita bi ftUI YatjlWaar WMfafi

aryslal ataataei.

Inf. Sim lOta III UVk ta I0W.

lit "taiiilaiiaraiJ CAAABk'* _ MdMM % wt eFWivrvf^^i a^iwv ^^^ niw with "•ftafMM" alalalli. Sliai II ta IP aaej MM ta 1414.

(Cl "r1aatar.Nara"-MaHaflnf Italian liaabllna, fan aleatee! skirt. Slave IS te 20; 14V, ta 22'/i. All TKrea Stylei aama In Mlsf llua, ImaraM •raan, lacvar aVewn, Sharry kti, Ekany.